Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weekend Edition: Peeps

There are two kinds of writers in this world.

Those who love Peeps and those who, well, don't...

Which are you?

A few facts about Peeps:

1. They live in Peepsville. Similar to Seekerville but without romance novels.

2. Everything you ever wanted to know about Peeps but were afraid to ask can be found in Wikipedia.

3. The average Peeps consumed by a Peeps connoisseur in one sitting is five. Of course I am not average. Are you?

4. Peeps can be found in great romance novels. Check out this excerpt from Susan's Elizabeth Philips, Match Me If You Can.

Seven boxes. Six chicks to a box.

Hands trembling, she started peeling off the cellophane and tearing open the flaps. Bits of purple cardboard dropped to the floor. Chicks tumbled out along with a gritty snow of yellow sugar.

Finally all the boxes were opened. She pushed the last remnants of cardboard and cellophane to the carpet. Only the chicks were left. As she gazed at them she knew Bodie had been right about her. All her life, she'd been driven by fear, so frightened of falling short that she'd forgotten how to live.

She began to eat the chicks, one by one.

We Have Winners!

Monday's guest blogger was Ruth Axtell Morren. The winner of her Love Inspired Historical release, To Be a Mother, is Cindy W!

Wednesday: Hope you didn't miss Debby Giusti's terrific post Luck of the Irish. Winner of her Steeple Hill Suspense release, Killer Headline is Edwina C.

Friday: Tina Radcliffe's post was Writing Romantic Fiction for Woman's World Magazine-2010 Update. The names drawn for a review of their submission are Susan and Pat Jeanne, and Sherri, Walt, Tina P and Vince. Okay so I can't count. Remember. You snooze you lose. See directions for submissions in yesterdays post.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday:Three-time Golden Heart finalist, Pam Hillman blogs today.

Tuesday: Sandra Leesmith is your hostess today with her post, Avoid Cliches. She'll be giving away the Seeker book of your choice.

Love Inspired Steeple Hill author Glynna Kaye posts today. Her topic is Your 1st Quarter Checkup, and she's giving away a copy of Blythe Cameron & Marshall J. Cook's "Give 'Em What They Want: The Right Way to Pitch Your Novel to Editors and Agents."

Thomas Nelson debut author Cara Lynn James is your hostess today.

Friday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author Ruth Logan Herne says being nice takes practice, of course so does being a jerk--her post is called: Ruthy's Guide to Practice Makes Perfect. And she'll be giving away another copy of Winter's End, her 4 1/2 STAR (she's gotta squeeze all the mojo out of those stars that she possibly can!!!) debut novel!

Save The Date:

March 29: Publishing professional, writer, and friend of Seekerville Patty Hall.

March 30: RITA and Christy Award winner Francine Rivers.

April 2: Multi-published historical author, and three-time RITA nominee, Cheryl St. John.

April 7:
Desert Breeze Publishing author K. Dawn Byrd.

April 9: Revell author, Janice Hanna Thompson , returns.

April 23: From Books & Such Literary Agency, Janet Grant.

April 28: Waterbrook Press author Mona Hodgson.

April 29: Zondervan upcoming author, Melanie Dickerson.

Seeker Sightings:

Glynna Kaye announces the good news of the recent sale of her second Canyon Springs story set in the mountain country of north central Arizona. Second Chance Courtship is a Steeple Hill Love Inspired February 2011. (Dreaming of Home is the first Canyon Springs story)

Mary Connealy is on Petticoats and Pistols on Wednesday, March 24th, writing about Bone Wars.

She's doing a whirlwind book tour in Ohio all week. Track her down and talk to her. The schedule is available here, and is updated daily with that day’s events.

Camy Tang is teaching online classes on Characterization (April) and Synopsis writing (May). For more information and to register, go to her Story Sensei site.

Friends of the Parma Public Library are hosting an author event for Saturday, March 20 from 1-4 P.M. Author Ruth Logan Herne will be on hand to sign books and chat about writing, life, raising kids and cookies. Ruthy is a hometown girl whose 4 1/2 Star debut novel, Winter's End, is a March release from Steeple Hill Books.

Also signing at the library today is Marilyn Lowden Koss Wright, a delightful local author who will be signing her book of memoirs "Patchwork Pieces", a collection of vignettes about her life.

The following Spring release Seeker books are available for pre-order:

May release of Mary Connealy's Wildflower Bride.

June release of Cheryl Wyatt's Steadfast Soldier.

June release of Cara Lynn James', Love on a Dime, which is also a Crossings Bookclub selection.

Random (can it get any more random than Peeps?) News:

  • Only five days (or approximately 127 hours) until the 2010 RITA and Golden Heart finalists are announced. We've crossed all our toes and fingers for a great turnout of Seekers and Friends of Seekerville.

  • From Publisher's Lunch: Sally van Haitsma has formed her own agency, van Haitsma Literary, after six years at the Castiglia Literary Agency and, before that, the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency. She represents commercial and literary fiction, narrative non-fiction, current affairs, pop culture and business.

Have a great writing weekend and eat lots of Peeps.


  1. Seriously, the best thing about Peeps is nuking them in the microwave. And there are lots of fun ways to do it.

    Put rows of them together on a paper plate arranged by color and nuke them. When they all meld together, it looks like a clown wig. :)

    Put two peeps face to face a little apart and stick a toothpick in the front of each. Nuke them and see which one pops the other one first. Peep Jousting.

    Peep S'mores...though I don't like s'mores.

    :) Anybody else nuke peeps? :D

  2. Wow never heard of nuking Peeps! But does anyone else buy Peeps anytime other than Easter? I know they make them for pretty much every holiday now but it doesn't seem right to mess with a spring time tradition like Peeps!

    XOXO~ Renee

  3. No, don't nuke'em. Put'em in the freezer and eat'em crunchy.


    BTW: The Emma Adaptation page says I'm Elizabeth Bennet.

  4. Microwaving! Freezing! It never occurred to me to do this to a squishy little Peep...but I think I'll have to try both ;).

    And, yes, I'm definitely in the "I love them" camp! Thanks, Tina, for the great update. Hope you have a marvelous weekend!!

  5. Miss Russo,

    Thanks for never learning how to count... I have sent my story for your distinguished eyes to critique.

    As for the Peeps, I am most happy when I give them away. My youngest son loves them, he'll down gobs of them critters. I have hard time swallowing one. But then, I'm not overly fond of marshmellows unless they are mixed with something else.
    Like s'mores or rice krispies.

    I will eat the Peeps or marshmellows if they're burned over an open flame.

  6. ok i had to go check what a peep was we dont have them in australia. we do have marshmellow bunnies etc at easter and christmas ones. not sure we have ones covered in sugar. they look a little sweet. I have to day I love chocolate covered mashmellows.

  7. I love Peeps. Especially the pink ones.

    Sorry Erica, nuking them would destroy the satisfaction of biting their heads off. :)


  8. YOU NUKE THEM?? I find biting off heads to be very satisfying.


  10. See this is why I love Marilyn.

    A Peeps lover too.

    Camy, I didn't even read that you were a head biter when I wrote that I was. Another soul sister.

    I only eat them in the Spring Renee. It's a ritual. Coming of age. (many times over)

    A big smile going out to Tina P!!


    okay, I'm fine. Deep breath.

    Personally I don't like the aftertaste of peeps but I agree biting the heads off is the most humane way to go.

    Just realized I'm blogging on Mar 30 too, and I can already imagine the shift in cyberspace as everyone makes a pilgrimage to Seekerville to see Francine Rivers. I might as well just post a science lesson on pollination because I'll be speaking to an empty room...

    Now, I could be working on my chap 10 edits but I think I'll go find out what Jane Austen character I am. Waving at Helen (Elizabeth B).

  12. I am Elinor Dashwood....

    I like Peeps. I am a head-biter. Oddly, they didn't query me about that on the Austen site...

    Tina can't count.

    We have one more day of loveliness here in upstate before the fantasy of spring disappears for a while, but what a lovely, gracious respite from snow/sleet/wind and cold we had this week!

    Deb Marvin is EASILY skeeved. Which only makes it that much more fun to skeeve her out. Hahahahahaha.....

    I love the idea of jousting Peeps Erica and my little daycare boys will be doing this come Monday. Peeps at War....

    The War of the Peeps.

    Clash of the Peeps.

    Oh mylanta, there is just too much scope for the imagination going on here. Loving it!!!

    Grabbing coffee. Brought tons. A huge Dunkin set up for the weekend which they promised to replenish as needed.


    Their hot breakfast sandwiches. Give 'em a try, let me know what you think.

    (I brought donuts for the other sugar lovers among us... We should do a poll: Which kind of breakfasts do pantsers prefer? Grab a donut and run? Or hot, filling food that's actually construed as a meal?

    And what about plotters?

    Where's Pam? She's good at this stuff. We could decide the course of a nation with a good on-site pollster.

  13. It's Saturday morning and I'm also glad that Tina can't count.

    I'm not into peeps. Never have been. Don't understand the fascination. Oh well.

  14. Great post, Tina.
    I'm sorry to say - I am NOT a Peeps fan.

    The new Emma movie is VERY good. Knightly took a little while to grow on me, but he was lovely by the end. I know, I'm a Jane Austen Junkie - and proud of it.
    BTW, I'm Catherine Morland. AHHH! LOL. BUt I do love a good adventure

    Ruthy, Elinor Dashwood? Wow, she's definitely a strong heroine. Love her!

  15. I won a review of a Woman's World submissions! I am so excited! I'm also a Peeps lover and eat the heads off first. :)


  16. Just thought I'd "peep" in and see what's up.

    Truthfully, I'm with you Walt.

    Too much sugar. I think I ate too many as a kid one time.

    And Erica dear, you have too much time on your hands. btw your books arrived yesterday and I'm excited to read one.

  17. Okay all you short story writers, get writing, get editing.

    Eat your Peeps or no dessert.


    I am snowed in. At least 8 inches but tomorrow..heat wave of almost 60. Mother Nature is having hormone issues.

  18. Like Walt and Pepper, I am not a Peeps fan, although I do think they're cute and I love the colors.

    Erica ... I never heard of Peep Wars until I met my son's inlaws ... the whole family (five brainy, musical kids, a pastor wife and doctor husband) poked toothpicks in them and nuked them just like you said. It was really a lot of fun to watch, from a somewhat sick perspective ...

    Tina!!! Snow??? How "cool" is that???


  19. Snow in Denver...

    60 degrees in Upstate New York...

    Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?

  20. Congratulations to all the winners, especially those who won Friday from Tina's inability to count!

    I don't care for Peeps but my husband loves them so I buy them for him. I do buy the snowmen or trees at Christmas time and the ghosts/jackolanterns at Halloween.

    My agenda today is to work on a proposal and take a picture of me holding my husbands replicia Winchester 73 to email to Mary.

    Have a great weekend everyone.


  21. Yeah, you'd think cool if you lived here. NOT. It has been snowing since October.

    Rose, you are going to give Mary a gun. Awe that is so nice. Especially since we won't let her touch a real one..she so likes to kill secondary characters.

    Mary is in Ohio today. Wave to her.

  22. Thanks for the peek at the week ahead, Peepster!

    Congrats to all our winners!

    I'd like peeps IF they were wrapped in chocolate. But they're stinking cute and tradition so I'll choke down a few. Heads last. LOL

    Sick-o Janet

  23. Hi Tina:

    They say you can’t count but you count where it really counts and that’s being a truly generous friend of writers everywhere.

    Come back to Tulsa! We’re supposed to have 8” of snow by Sunday morning! Poor Oklahoma! We have nothing to stop any kind of weather that wants to enter the state except barbwire fences!

    More coincidences! My WW romance heroine is a librarian who does a Jane Austen one woman show. I still have to cut 49 words and I’ll send it off.


  24. Hi Cara:

    Marketing alert.

    The cover of your Love on a Dime is absolutely fascinating. I can’t resist the marketing potential!!!

    Please have a photo of yourself holding your book in the same pose as the woman on the cover of your book is holding the dime novel.

    Talk about self-reflexive: you’ll probably never have a chance like this again! Do you have similar outfit? Can you match the do? What a bookmark this photo would make. Think of the great posters you’d have for book signings. PR photos!

    O! Get thee to a studio. : )


  25. Vince, I hope to make a trip to Tulsa someday soon. I miss Goldie's hamburgers and pickles. I miss Florence Park Library and the water fountain across the street where kids play in the water in the summer.

    I miss Utica Square and the Tulsa Ballet and Philbrook Museum and Swan Lake.

    I am truly sad that Zingo is gone.

  26. I sold a librarian story to WW once. Go Vince!!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Tina...LOL! You never cease to awe me with our WEs.

    Erica, ROFL about nuking Peeps. Being a romance writer, I thought you were putting them face to face and sticking a toothpick between them so they could smooch.

    But're blowing them up. LOL!

    Too funny,


  29. Well Peep. It posted my comment twice so I deleted one but left pieces of evidence so now I feel compelled to explain that I didn't write something offensive to all you MEAN people who decapitate poor innocent peeps with bone-like weapons that protrude from your gums.


    Jenny, I must send you Peeps!

    I don't like them but my family does.

    Vince, I agree about Cara's cover. It's lovely.

    Tina, this Peep post was a hoot. Thanks for keeping us entertained. LOL.


  30. Are we allowed to send Peeps overseas?

    Cheryl, great to see the queen of inspirational military romance.

    Vince, the other thing I miss is Steve's Sundries. Nothing like it here.

  31. Great WE, Tina! Thanks for the links.

    Ruthy, I'm Elinor Dashwood too. :)

    There's a Peeps store near me. I've never been there though cause I don't do Peeps. OR Cadbury eggs.

  32. I'm in the minority here, and hope my Friend of Seekerville card doesn't get revoked, but I HATE Peeps. They made me shudder as I pass by the candy aisle with their beady black eyes staring at me...

    Thanks for posting about the Frasier! Susie will be thrilled. :-)

  33. I'm Elinor Dashwood, too. Thank goodness, some of us are all about doing things the right way, eh?

    ha ha.

    You know, I was wondering if that was the first time Cara's cover was on here? I didn't remember seeing it before but It's just beauty-full.

    Easily skeeved, huh? I'll show you Ruthy.

  34. LOL! I love peeps, Tina, and when I read that excerpt I laughed out loud! I don't know why. Just the thought of her eating chicks. Oh my.

    Thanks for the laugh, Teenster! I shouldn't even be here! I should be working! Nose to the grindstone and all that.

    Hey, has anyone wished Mary Connealy a happy birthday on here yet? Happy Birthday, Mary!!!!!!!! You're the awesome queen of exclamation points! You and Julie! LOL!

  35. You guys are hilarious with your comments! I could stay here all day. Except no! I must go work! And yes, I'm an exclamation point queen too!!! Julie and I are identical twins separated at birth so it makes sense that we both love them.

    My word veri is almost Freud. I wonder if there's some hidden meaning in that?

  36. Hi Tina:

    Steve’s holds many book signings. I’ve met over a dozen famous name authors and many soon to be famous authors over the years at Steve’s. This is strange because they really don’t have the room for a signing but it still works. I’ll expect to see you next year.


    P.S. I left a "Happy Birthday" post on Mary's website. Maybe you should Tweet her. She is doing more book stops than Sarah Palin. I think she may be thinking of running for President.

  37. Anne and Lisa, I still like you even and I am sort of relieved I won't be competing against you for the Peeps Hall of Fame Head Biting Contest.


  38. Ugh, peeps! I like those Cadberry eggs! I just returned from my shopping adventure and the kids each came out with peeps 2 yellow and 1 pink. They were cute with sugar mouths. Now they are just hyped up from the sugar because they only have two left. Good thing it's nice and I can send them outside :)

  39. hello everyone....i have to admit, i am not a 'peeps person.'

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  40. I'm a candy snob (chocolate with nuts is my thing) who can't stand the glowing alien blobs known as peeps. However, I have the greatest respect for peep lovers, especially Tina who chose my name to win a critique of my WW story. Yea! Thanks so much! It's on its way to you now. S

  41. LOL! Debra, I have a dark side when it comes to nuking peeps. I don't like marshmallow, so blowing them up is way more fun than eating them.

    Though I've heard if you like the marshmallows in Lucky Charms then you should buy a package of peeps, poke a hole in the cellophane, and let them go stale. Then they're crunchy. Meh.

    Sandra, I hope you enjoy the books. Thanks for ordering them. :)

    Ruthie, take pictures of the daycare kidlets blowing up Peeps.

    Happy birthday to my soul sister Mary. We really are twins, sharing a birthday! :)

  42. You Know I don't think I have ever had a peep.
    Hard to believe I know but, I don't think I have, or its been so long since I've had one I can't remember:)

  43. Erica, Lucky Charms are nothing like Peeps.

    Peeps melt in your mouth, with an added sugary after taste.

    You are hanging with the wrong PEEPS.

    You are my favorite kissup of the weekend.

    Karen, I still respect you since you (unlike others) have not badmouthed Peeps.

    Lindsey, get thee to a grocery store. Yellow is best, no dye after taste. Rabbits are even better. More head biting pleasure.

  44. HA! Tina, I accept that award with grins. I guess the sugary sweetness of the peeps got to me! S

  45. I am Elinor Dashwood. I don't know if that's good or bad, but it's true ; )

    I'll be back tomorrow (hopefully), gotta run!

  46. Peeps are disgusting.

    There, i said it.

  47. Happy birthday, Erica. And stop saying we're birthday twins. Erica is so much younger than me, and then she starts sobbing uncontrollably, and it's so uncomfortable for everyone.

    So, anyway, thanks fo rthe birthday wishes.

  48. You're old what do you know? Peeps are not disgusting. They are nectar of the, well nectar of the Peeps.

  49. Peeps are a tiny bit disgusting.

    But they're also a tiny bit good. I have to eat at least one at Easter. Maybe two. And when they're fresh, not stale. Stale peeps are... oh, yuck.

    But fresh are okay. They're no Mallo Cup, but they're okay.

    Now Mallo Cups....

    There's marshmallowy goodness for you. Fluff-like. Creamy milk chocolate with just a HINT of coconut.

    Oh my.

    I get excited over Mallo Cups. And Pam and Sandra HID my Island stash so now I have to buy them on the mainland, but if eating my Mallo Cups gets them off the island quicker, then I'll just keep sending them, replenishing the supply.

    Whatever it takes.

    Can we have a fire sale once the Island is clear???? Without the fire????

    Just askin'.

  50. I just realized that in all the PEEPS excitement I forgot to tell Glynna Kaye.....

    CONGRATULATIONS on her second sale to Steeple Hill Love Inspired.


  51. I'm a non-Peeper!!!

    Went to a GRW meeting yesterday and saw Walt, Dianna S. and Missy!!! Such fun! Great to have a mini-Seekerville gathering in Georgia!!!

    BTW, a GRW friend, Pam Mantovani, won the Linda Howard Award in the inspy category. I told Pam to visit Seekerville. Give her a warm welcome if she stops by!!!

    Thanks, Tina, for another wonderful weekend edition!!!

  52. Whoo-hoo! Congrats, Glynna!!!

    Happy Birthday, Mary and Erica!!!

    Let's party. Birthday cake and balloons!!!

  53. Mary, did you realize we share our birthday with Mr. Rogers and Big Bird? Now THAT'S what I call some amazing company!

    Cheryl, Peep Smooching? ROFL!

  54. Cheryl I remember someone was sending some once but they forgot (or ate them!)

    Happy belated birthday Mary

  55. I'm late for the weekend edition. But I still don't like Peeps! I used to, but somehow the grown-up me doen't care for marshmallow anymore.

    Thanks for a great udate, Teenster! But honestly, did you have to mention the Rita????? I mean come on, I hadn't even thought about when it'll be announced. I was blissfully happy until I read that.
