Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there.
~Clarence W. Hall
~Clarence W. Hall

Happy Easter from Seekerville.
We Have Winners!
We hope you didn't miss Secrets of the Slushpile with Harlequin first reader Patty Smith Hall. Winner of Revision Heaven, a May online class with Laurie Schnebly Campbell, is Casey.
Francine Rivers was in Seekerville for an awesome interview. Winner of Her Mother's Hope is Rose McCauley.
April Contest Update winner of a Seekerville surprise package is Diane Marie Shaw.
Confessions of a Reformed SOTP Writer by Audra Harders. Winners from her Thursday post are Regina Merrick (comment winner) and Gracie Bea (prank winner).

Next Week In Seekerville
Monday: Christy finalist, Mary Connealy is your hostess today.
Tuesday: 2010 RITA finalist, DiAnn Mills is our guest today. She'll be doing a book giveaway too!
Wednesday:Desert Breeze Publishing author K. Dawn Byrd joins us today!
Thursday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author Ruth Logan Herne posts today. Her topic: Holy Hot Heroes, Batman!!!!And some lucky commenter will win a copy of Waiting Out the Storm as soon as it hits the shelves.
Friday: Tina Radcliffe brings you a special inside report: What I Wish I Knew Before I Sold a Book, by the Former Inhabitants of Unpubbed Island.

Save The Date
April 16: Revell author, Janice Hanna Thompson , returns.
April 23: From Books & Such Literary Agency, Janet Grant.
April 28: Waterbrook Press author Mona Hodgson.
April 29: Zondervan upcoming author, Melanie Dickerson.
May 5: Executive Editor, Steeple Hill Books, Joan Marlow Golan.

Random News
- Thank you to Word Sharpeners Blog for mentioning Seekerville
- Nathan Bransford, Literary Agent: All About Co-op
- The Five Stages of Misfortune by Jason Black
- Are You A Lurker? A great article on internet/blog lurkers. Are you a lurker? If you have never posted before in Seekerville, post this weekend for your choice of any Seeker author book. Winner posted in the 3/10 Weekend Edition.
Have a great weekend, and remember only a week and a half until Glee returns. Until then, go ahead and try Defying Gravity.
So many fun things are coming up. I'm eager to read your post Tina. Sounds interesting. And all those great guests? Wow!
ReplyDeleteWishing everyone a blessed Easter.
Coffee's on. Timer set at 4 am.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a great lineup.
Ohh... looks like some great posts coming up. Haven't commented in awhile, but I've been enjoying the posts I got a chance to read this week :)
ReplyDeleteGood mornin'
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter.
I've brought cinnamon rolls fresh from the oven - the yummy kind sprinkled with pecans.
Country and Sweet Ham
and a yummy egg souffle
Wow, I can practically feel my arteries clogging at the thought.
The lineup looks GREAT, Tina. I'm so tickled that my friend K. Dawn Byrd is going to be on Seekerville.
Many blessings this Easter and always, Seekerville. We are truly blessed.
Congratulations to all the winners.
ReplyDeleteAlways enjoy the 'coming attractions'.
Happy Easter Seekerville.
Good Morning!!! The week looks great I can't wait to read the post's that are coming up:)
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter I hope everyone has a great one:)
Happy Easter and thanks for making Seekerville a stop on your weekend journey. I know many folks, including Seekers are out of town and it will be a quiet weekend.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone needs to chat about anything in particular, please holler.
I slept in. Woohooo and the coffee is made (Thanks Helen).
Hiya Mia, Keli, Pep, Rose and Lindsey!!
Good morning, Tina. I'm up early here in California editing some chapters for my CP. I have a question for you. How are things going for you these days now that you're a novelist with a contract? Any surprises? Are you able to juggle everything with ease, or is life on "the other side" overwhelming at times? I know you have a plate heaped as full.
ReplyDeleteAnother fun edition, Tina, especially the article on why women don't want macho men. That may be the trend, but this caffeinated and sometimes controlling drama queen needs a macho guy that won't let me ride roughshod over him, so I defer to the macho types like Rhett Butler and ALL of the heroes in my books. Mmmm ... I never really thought of my writing as therapy, but I guess it is ...
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter, everyone!
Well actually Keli I am posting that in the Friday blog so I can be anonymous, lol.
ReplyDeleteBut I will say I have always been a regimented person. Do not confuse that with organized. Totally different. But since January I have had to toss my regimented life in the trash can. I put on blinders and forge ahead to do what I need to do because I am finally where I want to be and I am not going to let that go without a fight.
I am here in my office that has not been cleaned since I sent off revisions in January and I almost cannot bear to look around me it is such a disaster.
It really looks like I have been burglarized.
My Christmas decorations are STILL sitting on a table in the basement. Not put away in the storage room.
I have unsent birthday cards and congratulations cards pinned to calendar.
There are toppling piles of books everywhere.
Oh, the best is that I took scissors to my hair last week. (Canceled appointments.)
because I wouldn't have it any other way and I really believe that some day soon I will have time to get it together.
Tina, I look forward to that post and more of the story behind your story.
ReplyDeleteI hear you on the piles. I like to think of myself as organized, but there are stacks on all the surfaces in my office. I literally turn my back on them when I write. I keep telling myself I'll get to them, but there are so many more important things clamoring for my time and attention. Ah, the life of a busy writer. But I wouldn't trade it for another. :D
And we'll have fun, fun, fun til our novels make the Times list today.
ReplyDeleteSung to Beach Boys song!!!
Tina! Another awesome WE!
ReplyDeleteSo when exactly do you schedule time to sleep? Would that be between 1:42am and 3:09am????
Go out and catch some vitamin S during this beautiful, sunshiny weekend in Colorado. There haven't been too many of those lately!!!
Happy Easter everyone!
Happy Easter, Seekerville!!!!
ReplyDeleteHelen, God bless and keep you for the timed coffee. You are one of my saving graces lately and I know God put you here to remind me that my friends have my back....
And they're okay with making the coffee. Love you.
Keli Gwyn, I would need to see DATED pictures to believe that anything around you is messy and NEATLY STACKED PILES OF STUFF/BOOKS don't pass the test.
We're talking disorder. Chaos. Show me the money, honey. ;)
Teeeeeenster, I love what this has pushed you to. Talk about a life's challenge.
Oh, is that me laughing out loud?????? But if anyone can handle it, the craziness, the zaniness, you can. I have absolute faith in that 'cause when God sends you the dream, he also sends the wherewithal to capture the dream and I know few people outside of colonial and pioneer times with your work ethic and focus.
And why do people put Christmas decorations away only to pull them back out a month later???? So bizarre. This is what makes Christmas in July just that much more fun. Although I did dismantle the outdoor nativity scene (I'm lying, Dave did it...) yesterday, unwrapped the BIG boxes that were in the wagon on the front porch (the paper was SO FADED on top, it looked like I wrapped in pastels, just wrong, wrong, wrong...), tossed the twinkle lights that haven't worked in over a month...
And all because it was Easter and for heaven's sake, how can I have Christmas stuff still decorating the porch at Easter????
This is why Seekerville exists. So we can own up and share these important truths of chasing the dream. And as far as I know, no one goes to hell over Christmas decorations. Unless it's like one of those flying sparkle pig things. That might tip the scales to total disfavor.
Anonymous (I'm doing this so God can't find me when I'm being naughty. Let's see if it works!!!)
Yeah she's anonymous all right.
ReplyDeleteLike Elmer Fudd...I'm hunting WABBITS.
No one would recognize her..or her succinct style.
Love your Weekend Editions, Tina!
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter to all the Seekers!!! Wishing every one of you a wonderful and blessed holiday.
And many there by many chocolate Cadbury eggs in your basket tomorrow morning ;).
Anonymous, you'd have to pay a BIG price to see those pictures. I've got my pride. Let me just say that the stacks aren't neat. They're high and highly unstable, which is why I freak out when one of our cats comes to visit and hops up on one of my desks. One whip of a fluffy orange tail, and we're talking disaster of major proportions. LOL.
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter, everyone! I've been off for a couple of days so I forgot it was Sat., and when I remembered I was like, YES, there's a new Weekend Edition. :)
ReplyDeleteTina, thanks for all the great info. So much to look forward to here, esp. your post on Friday. Don't feel bad, my dining room table still has the Christmas tablecloth--complete with syrup stains--on it. It's sunny and 80 here today so that somehow makes the red and green plaid look even more out of season.
Anonymous sounds sooo familiar. Just can't place the voice. ;)
I loved the Glee song. That's my favorite but a close second is Sweet Caroline, sung by Puck.
Have a great weekend. :)
YEAH!! I am doing the happy dance! I can ALWAYS use help with my writing and I just thrilled to have this chance!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't get an email, so I don't know if I forgot it on that post, but here it is in case you need it and THANK YOU AGAIN!!!! WOO-HOO!
LOL, my cats do the same thing Keli.
ReplyDeleteCadbury eggs and PEEPS, back at cha Marilyn.
Were slow on emails Casey..eventually we get everything done.
Anne, thank you for that support. Red and Green FOREVER.
I love the Glee CDs. I was just disappointed that some songs didn't make it to the CDs.
And okay I just figured out that Kristin Chenoweth is from Wicked. I saw Wicked and didn't realize she was Glinda. DUH!! I love her voice in the duet with Will.
Not a problem, Tina. :) I am just super excited!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous would have no---absolutely zilch---interest in knowing that I put Winter's End on my keeper shelf.
hehehe...Helen is so sneaky...outing Ms. Anonymous
ReplyDeleteTina said: No one would recognize her..or her succinct style.
ReplyDeleteAnd Missy says: Tina, please. I need a spew alert for your one-liners!! :)
Hey, a big celebration. I saw Tina and Mel listed in the First Sales column in the April RWR!!!!!!!
Happy Easter, everyone!
Just stopping by and rading the comments while my kids study for the annual "How are we Doing" exams in Georgia and I edit my current WIP.
ReplyDeleteI have actually accomplished a bit of home repair today (Actually, it was fence repair, as a falling branch from a dead tree crushed part of the fence in our backyard.)
Totally clueless on who Anonymous is, but she sounds like someone with a New York accent and a crush on Derek Jeter.
Keli, I can't imagine any part of your desk being a mess.
Have a great day everybody. I plan to celebrate at church, as well as continue reading this wonderful book I have called Killer Headline. A Passion Most Pure awaits.
ReplyDeleteAn ugly story is emerging about a woman who is evicted from her apartment over PEEPS.
ReplyDeleteI hate when this happens.
Daggone it, Mary.
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean I have to take my Russell Stover wreath off the door? I was trying to use it as a witnessing tool.
"you catch more pagans with chocolate than vinegar"
MARY!!! That was so powerfully emotional. I cried. And in my own backyard.
ReplyDeleteHey Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteNice WE Tina. You never disapoint (AHHHH! Spelling? *heehee*) : )
Congrats to all the winners on this extra special weekend!
The line-up looks fabulous, Tina! Especially Fridays *wink wink*
I have exciting news that I will definitely know more about tomorrow, so I'm going to wait until tomorrow's post to comment about it specifically. Also, I don't know that anyone will read this comment today (which basically means it will NEVER get read!).
Ah well, hope everyone's Easter is going nice and relaxing.....talk to you later,
LOL Anonymous! Hmmmmm....wonder who it is????
Happy, happy Easter all! He is risen, he is risen!
ReplyDeleteWe had a wonderful church service this morning. Almost all of my extended family was present, and then we migrated to my mil's for Sunday dinner.
Had a great time, then a NAP, and an Easter program tonight.
Great day!
Btw, where's Ruthy? I haven't heard from her in DAYS!!!
ReplyDeleteHelen: I'm complimented and humbled and you get the biggest hug ever in Nashville. HUGE. Can you bring me a picture of your keeper shelf???? Please??? ;) I promise not to tell what else is on it. Scout's honor.
Connealy: Those poor peeps, and in Colorado which is so stinkin' green that who'da thunk a few pastel peeps would create such a hubbub? I'm chagrined and embarrassed for Teeeenster and Audra, but obviously this landlord is the exception rather than the rule.
Keli: Ain't buyin' it, girlfriend. Just sayin'. I'm with Walt on this one.
Walt: Jeter.
'Nuf said.
Anne: I have one outdoor window swag still hanging. Talk about ridiculous. It's the hard to get to window, so this lonely, faded, sad window swag is gracing the second story, just waiting for me to get the moxy to either climb the ladder (sitting less than 20 feet from it, yes, I'm that bad...) or move the dresser in front of the window to retrieve the swag. The bright red velvet bow???
Sadly salmon now.