Thursday, May 13, 2010

Interview with Robin Lee Hatcher

Today is a special day as we welcome Robin Lee Hatcher to Seekerville. Glynna and I ran into Robin at Desert Dreams Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona last month and we begged her to come play with us today.

Its a real pleasure to have Robin. She has been instrumental in promoting and expanding the inspirational genre in not only today's market, but in the professional status of RWA and ACFW.

And she is the expert on contests. She has won over thirty-two awards which include RWA's prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award, Two Rita awards (she was nominated 8 times) and CBA's Christy award. She has finaled and received recognitions in sixty six other events. You can see the complete list here.

Robin has published over sixty books and has the latest in her Sisters of Bethlehem Springs series, A MATTER OF CHARACTER coming out later this month.

Robin has published in historicals and contemporaries. She has published in the ABA as well as CBA market.

Please join me in welcoming Robin Lee Hatcher.

1. Robin, I met you in the eighties when we both were writing for the ABA market. Can you tell us about what you experienced transitioning from ABA to CBA?

Once I realized that God was calling me to write fiction for the Christian market, the transition itself was both easy and difficult. Easy because the door opened quickly with a CBA publisher. Difficult because I was starting over. While I had many Christian readers who enjoyed my general market historical romances because they were "sweet" rather than "sexy," for the most part, I was unknown in the CBA market, both to booksellers and to readers. It takes time to build a readership.

2. The CBA market has grown tremendously. As an award winning author, you were definitely a positive impact on this market with your powerful writing. (Robin was presented with the 2001 Lifetime Achievement Award from RWA) Can you give us some insight into how and why this market is growing? How it has changed?

I remember well what it was like to go into a Christian bookstore in the 1970's and 1980's, and the fiction section was just three or four feet wide with the books face out. A dozen or fewer titles (many of them reprints of older releases) by a handful of authors. When I began writing my first novel in 1981, Christian fiction wasn't a viable market in my mind because I wasn't reading the books that were offered. There were a number of authors who began opening the doors for Christian fiction in the late 1980's and early 1990's. One of those authors was Francine Rivers. During the 1990's, the CBA fiction market changed dramatically, from being almost all "prairie fiction" to offering a wide variety of genres -- suspense, historical, biblical, romance, literary, women's fiction, speculative, etc. Whatever your reading preference, you can probably find a book for you in the CBA today.

Another reason the market has grown and changed is that readers today recognize the power of story. There is a reason Jesus taught with parables. Because story has the ability to teach us and touch our hearts in ways that non-fiction can't.

3. When you talked to our ACFW group while in Scottsdale, you explained how the journey has not always been easy. Just because you are published doesn't guarantee you'll always have creative ideas flowing out of your head nor does it guarantee contracts. I particularly felt encouraged by your story of your experience writing THE SHEPHERD'S VOICE which won the RITA award from RWA. Would you mind sharing with all of us?

During the writing of THE SHEPHERD'S VOICE, I suffered a terrible case of burn out. Every word of that book was torn out of me by sheer force of will. I never felt connected to the characters, and when I turned the book in (several months late, as I recall), I truly believed it was the worst book ever written. The manuscript had only minor revisions which frightened me. I was so sure the editor had failed to see just how bad the book was. Much to my surprise, the book went on to win the 2001 RITA Award, the Inspirational Readers Choice Award, the Booksellers Best Award, and the Excellence in Media Award.

The lesson I learned from this experience is that we cannot always trust our feelings about our writing. As long as I was faithful to show up and do the work, God was faithful to see to the end results.

4. You have a new book coming out next month. A MATTER OF CHARACTER is the last book in the Sisters Bethlehem Springs series. Can you tell us about what inspired you to write this series and why you went from contemporary to historical?

The Sisters of Bethlehem Springs series was born out of the question, Who says a woman can't do a man's job? Each of the heroines in the series has a job that wasn't thought to be "woman's work" at the time. In the first book (A VOTE OF CONFIDENCE), Gwen runs for mayor. In the second book (FIT TO BE TIED), Cleo is a horse wrangler on her dad's cattle ranch. And now in A MATTER OF CHARACTER, Daphne writes dime adventure novels under a male pseudonym. I've had a lot of fun with each of these women and the men who come to love them.

Why did I go from contemporary to historical? Well, in the ABA, historical romance was all I wrote for 15 years (27 of them). When I moved to the CBA, the story God gave me (THE FORGIVING HOUR) was contemporary women's fiction. I found a whole new voice and style in that genre. But I never entirely gave up writing historical romance. I released a number of historical romances while continuing to write contemporary women's fiction as well. But the day came when I felt it would be good for me to choose one or the other, at least for a time. My publisher left the choice up to me, and I chose historical romance. It's my "first love."

Thanks so much Robin for joining us.

My neighbor just brought a huge bag of lemons off his tree so I've whipped up my favorite---lemon meringue pies. Now if you're like me, you love a piece of pie in the morning with that first cup of coffee. But there are enough pies to last until this evening if you like your dessert later in the day.

Lots of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, iced tea (we make sun tea here in the desert) and sparkling water.

Help yourselves and please join Robin and I today. If you have questions for Robin, be sure and post them as she'll be here to answer.

You'll also be eligible for a drawing of her new release A MATTER OF CHARACTER. Robin is giving away a copy and I will be doing so also. Two chances to win.

The drawing will be at noon Arizona time (which is the same as Pacific Daylight time in the summer because we don't go on daylight savings.)

Thanks again Robin.


  1. I just love Robin Lee Hatcher books. I only have a few at this time, but have them on my list to get. Your style is great. And historical Christian is my favorite! Thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Robin, I think it is awesome that you followed God's leading. I love this As long as I was faithful to show up and do the work, God was faithful to see to the end results. There are times when the I feel like I'm forcing words. I have to keep reminding myself that God has a plan.

    reneelynnscott at gmail dot com

  3. Thanks for sharing this interview! :) I've read Fit to be Tied and I am now reading the first in the series (A Vote of Confidence). I would love a chance to win the third book in the series!!! Thanks so much!



  4. Oops! Forgot to leave my e-mail.

    kidzaplenty (at) bellsouth (dot) net

    Can't wait to check out this book!

  5. What a wonderful interview - thanks Robin!

    The Forgiving Hour is one of my favorite RLH books.

    God Bless!

  6. Ah, Sandra, thanks for the coffee, kiddo! It's perfect and I LOVE lemon meringue pie. And yours is to die for. I'm not even kidding.


    Robin, good morning and thanks for coming back to Seekerville!!!! What a wonderful bunch of first ladies of Christian fiction we've enjoyed this spring. Your buddy Frani stopped by the end of March with quince jam and my fresh bread. We did some bird watchin' together, the bunch of us.

    Then Janet Grant shared her wisdom and scones with us a few weeks back, followed by Joan Marlow Golan, the executive editor of Steeple Hill books.

    And what better way to continue this trend than to have you with us today! Robin, your wealth of wisdom and experience is something we can all learn from. Thank you so much for sharing your time and expertise with us.

    And a wonderful morning like this is just wrong without chocolate so I grabbed a couple of ginormous bags of M&Ms at Sam's Club to celebrate Robin's visit. There's plain and peanut... I wish they'd stock almond in the huge bags.

    Hey, anybody know the CEO of Sam's??? Mary, you? Send them word, would you dear?

    Thanks so much. ;)

  7. Welcome to Seekerville, Robin! Thanks to you and Sandra for the interesting interview. I've read and enjoyed your books, especially your historical romances. My favorite genre and what I write.

    Your struggle writing The Shepherd's Voice and certainty it was the worst book you'd written, when in fact it went on to garner numerous awards, encouraged me. I’ll remember when doubt rears its ugly head not to trust my feelings and just keep plugging away.

    Thanks for the delicious slice of lemon meringue pie, Sandra! What a delightful way to start the day.


  8. Good Morning all of you early birds. Thanks for joining us. Robin will be here later as she is on Mountain daylight time so a couple hours behind you all.

    Ruthy, Love the chocolate. Goes well with lemons. Okay, I know. chocolate goes with ANYTHING.

    I agree with you, Janet. Robin's sharing of her doubts with THE SHEPHERD'S VOICE, will help me when I have my doubts.

  9. I met Robin Lee at a Desert Dreams conference many years ago in Tempe'. Of all the workshops I attended, it was Robin's story of being a single mom and making time to write in those few hours she had, that inspired me most. I think I read Liberty Blue after that. I was even more inspired when I learned she would be writing for the Christian fiction market.

    Thanks Sandra Lee!
    Thanks Robin Lee!
    Sort of makes me want to be Debra Lee, y'know?

    debraemarvin(at) yahoosey doo

  10. I think the first book I'd ever read of Robin's was The Forgiving Hour.
    What a premise!!
    Thanks so much for the interview. When I first joined FHL of RWA I was amazed that an author was REAL! LOL Yes, before I started writing I never paid attention to authors (but I was a teen so maybe you all will forgive me?)
    Anyway, Robin, thanks so much for sharing! Esp. about Shepherd's Voice. That's so encouraging. :-)

  11. Welcome to Seekerville, Robin -- what an honor it is to have you here!

    I cannot express just how much you encouraged me with your story about "The Shepherd's Voice." I am going through that same thing right now with a book I just finished, and hearing your similar situation is a real blessing to me. Thank you for sharing that.

    I pray God's continued abundant blessings on your writing and your influence for Him.


  12. i always enjoy reading books by robin...thanks for the chance to read this novel.

    a fabulous posting, as always :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  13. Robin, thanks for joining us in Seekerville.

    A fun, quirky question for you:

    We get to hear how an author feels when her first books arrive on her doorstep. (Mary slept with hers, if I recall.)

    How did you feel when your last release was delivered?

    Did you celebrate? the celebration more when you turn the manuscript in?

  14. Welcome to Seekerville, Robin!

    Like Sandra, I had the privilege of sitting on on several of Robin's Desert Dreams workshops as well as enjoying a pizza party/ small-group chat with her and some fellow ACFW members one evening. An insightful and inspiring visit that encouraged us to stick close to God and keep on keeping on through the ups and downs of our own writing careers.

  15. Ever since joining ACFW, I have admired Robin and her work, and especially that she listens to God and follows his lead. I have several of her books and would love to read her latest!

    Sandra, thanks for the pie - it is my favorite!!


  16. Robin is a her books...please enter me. Thanks!!!

  17. Hi Again,

    Debra Lee. I love it. Everyone calls me Sandra or Sandy but when I'm called Sandra Lee I know I'm in trouble. smile

    Edwina, Glad you appreciate the pie. Its my favorite to eat but my least favorite to bake. So much work.

    So now you all know how much I love you to bake so many for the whole day.

    Waving at Glynna and hoping the winds aren't blowing you away.

  18. Hi Robin:

    I’ve read a lot of accounts of authors who thought their best work was awful. A. J. Cronin thought his first novel was so bad he threw it in the garbage and gave up the idea of becoming a writer. A farmer retrieved it and talked Cronin into sending it in to the publisher. It was published.

    J. D. Salinger is said to have left a whole house full of manuscripts he thought were not good enough to send to the publisher.

    Did you have a ‘farmer’, as in a critique partner, who saw the merit in THE SHEPHERD'S VOICE and who encouraged you or did you walk alone on this?


    vmres (at) swbell (dot) net

  19. Robin, thank you for sharing your writing journey and all the twists and turns and success!

    Sandy, a lady after my own heart, lemon meringue pie for breakfast! It's my favorite too so I may sneak another piece after dinner. ; )

    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

  20. So delighted to have you in Seekerville again, Robin! You've been one of my most significant role models for the writing business ever since I first heard you speak at the Houston ACRW conference.

    When was that, anyway? 2003, I think. For a while I was listening to some of your workshop recordings so regularly that I could almost recite them along with you!

    What an encouraging post! It's exciting to see the impressive changes in Christian fiction over the years. And it's also heartening to realize that even when the writing comes hard and the inspiration doesn't flow, God may have plans for the story that we can't even imagine.

    Congratulations on your many successes, Robin!

  21. Thanks Vince for sharing the "author journey" trivia. Its always encouraging to hear how others struggle with this crazy business and then go on to succeed.

    Rose, two pieces of pie???? I'm with you.

    Myra, I think it was 2005 but I could be wrong. Seems like they meet in Houston a lot.

  22. Gracious! See what happens when you take a long shower. You fall behind in posting replies.

    Kidzaplenty: Thanks so much for your kind words. It's great to know you enjoy my books and writing style.

    Renee: God, indeed, has a plan. And sometimes I wish He also had email so I would know without question what I'm supposed to do.

    Amber: I'm delighted that you're reading the other books in the series, too.

    Pamela: The Forgiving Hour will always have a very special place in my heart. And I'm so excited that it is going to be reissued. It's been out of print for quite some time.


  23. How fun to see you in Seekerville, Robin. I enjoyed the interview and was encouraged by the story about your struggles with The Shepherd's Voice and the lessons God taught you through that experience.

    I have two questions for you:

    1) You have sixty books out. Does the thrill of seeing the first copy diminish, or is it just as exciting for book sixty as it was its predecessors?

    2) I'm working on a major rewrite under my awesome agent's guidance. When she sent my Revision Notes, she encouraged me by saying that all authors, even those who are multi-published, are asked to make revisions by their editors. How extensive are yours at this stage of your career, or do you have things down so well that your editors find very little that needs tweaking?

  24. Robin,
    I'm so grateful for those who were before me that paved the way for different genres in CBA. And it's encouraging to read about your own struggles and how it turned out for the best. Some days are much more work than others in my own writing.

  25. Ruth, thanks for the welcome. Not to mention the M&Ms. How did you know that peanut M&Ms are among my favorite candies? And what could be better than candy (& lemon pie) with my morning coffee?

    Hi, Janet. So glad my words about The Shepherd's Voice encouraged you.

    Good morning, Debra. It gives me such a nice feeling to know you remember that visit to Desert Dreams (oh, so very long ago!!).


  26. Jessica, as I sit here at my computer with hair still drying & spiky, and no make-up on, I can assure you that authors are real people.

    Thanks for the lovely blessing, Julie. Hang in there on the book.

    karenk: Thanks for letting me know you enjoy my books. Words like those help when I'm trying to get a new book kicked into high gear.


  27. Hi, Pam. Your question is appropriate as my latest novel just arrived on my doorstep yesterday. I always have to open the box right away and look at my copies. I don't really do anything to celebrate. That happens when I finish a book. But I do sit and look at the new arrival for a while and take pleasure in it.

    Hi, Glynna. Nice to see you here. I so enjoyed my time with all of you gals while I was at the Desert Dreams conference this spring.


  28. Thanks, Edwina, for your kind words.

    Jackie, it is a treat, being someone's "fave."

    Vince, thanks for sharing about JD Salinger and AJ Cronin. No, I don't have a critique partner. I went through it alone.

    Rose, I always tell others that being a novelist isn't for sissies.


  29. LOL, Myra. Maybe next time I have to turn down a speaking engagement, I can have you go in my place and just say what I would have said. Seriously though, that's a very sweet compliment. Thank you.

    Hi, Keli. Glad to answer your questions. (1) No, the thrill of seeing the first copy doesn't diminish. It's still exciting, because every novel has its own journey. Some come hard or were written during hard times. Some were written for a reason that resonates in my own life. Some were attached to a fond memory. (2) Every novel is different when it comes to revisions. Often, my revisions are very light, but then a certain book will come along where I'm ripping it to shreds during revisions. Fit To Be Tied had very light revisions as I recall. A Matter of Character went through more changes than its predecessor. One just never knows.

    Dawn, like you, I'm grateful to the authors who went before me in the CBA. And to the editors who jumped on the fiction bandwagon and helped Christian fiction thrive.


  30. Morning Robin, So great to have you here. Spiky hair and no make-up. Good grief. Me too. Guess I'll grab more coffee and some of those M & M's Ruthy brought.

    It is a thrill to see those books all finished isn't it.

    I love the covers on the Sisters of Bethlehem Springs Sisters.

    After 60 books, do you have much say on the covers?

  31. Robin, Two things you said today impacted me: 1.) That the power of story is the reason Jesus taught with parables. (While I understand the value and power of story, some folks I know look down upon fiction as less spiritual.)

    2. That we can't always trust our feelings about our writing. Some days I'm excited about what I've written and other days I can't imagine anyone would want to read it.

    Thanks for blessing us today.

    terism at rgv dot rr dot com

  32. Sandra, I always have lots to say about the covers. Whether a publisher listens or not is another question. LOL! No, honestly, I'm very fortunate to write for publishers who do listen to my input and my agent's input. My Women of Faith novel, The Perfect Life, went through round after round before they hit on the right one. I kept getting pastel covers with Kansas prairie backgrounds, and that "marriage in crisis" story was definitely not a "pastel" kind of novel nor was it set on the prairies. But when they got it right, they knocked it out of the park. As for the Zondervan covers of the Sisters of Bethlehem Springs series, they are absolutely the best. No author could ask for anything more. I gave a few suggestions upfront and the first two covers were spot on from the start. A Matter of Character took a couple of attempts.

  33. Teri, so glad you took away something meaningful from the interview.


  34. Nope, Sandra. ACRW Houston was 2003. I just dug through my files to check (I'm a hopeless pack rat). My, haven't we come a long way since then!

  35. Sandra, Myra is correct. I was the keynote speaker at ACFW in 2003. (Actually, it was still ACRW at the time.) I was so blessed by that conference and the opportunity to pray with so many writers.


  36. I hope no one minds that I'm still in my robe and slippers -- that's west coast time for you. I'll post a quick question and then get off to the shower to make myself presentable. Maybe I'll grab a cup of coffee and slip a few peanut M&Ms, too.

    Robin, when you first began writing for CBA, were you ever afraid that you were resigning yourself to obscurity (because there were so few Christian novels)? It's amazing how things have taken off, but I still have people ask me, "Why don't you write for the general market? There's so much more room for success." I'm not sure that's true and I am trying to follow God's leading. But how do you respond to friends/family and your own inner fears?

    Thanks for stopping by! I loved A Vote of Confidence and can't wait to read the others in the series.

  37. What a great interview! I don't know what God has to say to me today, but every time I turn around, there is an interview with a great Christian woman author for me to read and learn from.

    Thank you, Robin, for sharing your heart and your story today.

    And the lemon pie was fantabulous.


  38. Robin, I'm definitely a fan. I'm new to inspirational fiction so I have a lot of catching up to do but I'm a fast reader! I most recently finished reading 'Dear Lady'. LOVED IT! I've read the Sisters of Bethlehem Springs series as well so I'll look out for Daphne's story. I loved how you paved the way for her story in 'Fit to be Tied'.

    Now I'm going to ask a really dumb question that probably every seekerville reader knows the answer to...BUT remember, I'm new to the genre. I've heard CBA and ABA bandied about for awhile now and Sandra's used it here in her questions. What do they stand for? A quick google search leaves me suspicious over y'all talking about the Canadian Banker's Assoc. vs the American Basketball Assoc.

  39. Karen, I did have my share of fear. Not so much about "obscurity" but whether or not I would be able to support myself with my writing. But somehow (and I'm not really sure how) it all worked out. In today's economy and with the book market shrinking, those old fears can rise up again. But all I can do is keep keeping on.

    Was there more opportunity to succeed in the general market? Not really.

    But it ultimately came down to pursuing what God wanted me to do or pursuing what I thought would bring more success. Looking at it in that light, it really wasn't hard to make the choice.

    Early in my CBA career, I asked God what it meant to be successful in the CBA because so much was different from the ABA. He gave me Joshua 1:8. My success has nothing to do with selling another book or hitting the bestseller lists or even being able to support myself with my writing. It comes from keeping His word in my heart and following Him.


  40. Thanks, Regina. I know that God is always speaking to us, and if we lean into Him, we eventually know what He's saying.

  41. Kay, thanks for sharing about the books you've loved. I hope you'll enjoy the other books in the Coming to America series as much as you enjoyed Dear Lady. And I hope you find A Matter of Character the perfect wrap up to the Sisters of Bethlehem Springs series.

    And there are no stupid questions. I totally know why you're confused. ABA stands for the American Booksellers Association. ABA publishers publish general market books. CBA is the Christian Booksellers Association. CBA publishers publish books for the Christian market.

    Bankers vs. Baseball. Hmm.


  42. Oh my, Sorry Robin about the mix up. And thanks Myra for being such a pack rat. You're right. 2005 was in Denver. How could I forget? Well senior moments is a great excuse. LOL

    Robin, You are a terrific keynote speaker. Every time I hear you speak I learn more new things and am encouraged to keep on paddling here on unpubbed island. Thanks for sharing your expertise.

    Kav, I'm cracking up. The Canadian Bankers Assc.??? How funny and frustrating. And thanks for reminding us to be more specific. That's what we're all about is to learn about this profession of writing.

    I'll let Robin answer the question about ABA and CBA as she'll do a better job. smile It is important to know the difference. Editors and agents use these terms all of the time so you do want to be informed.

  43. Robin,
    So good to see you here!! I just received A Matter of Character in the mail and can't WAIT to start reading it. If it's anything close to as good as Fit to Be Tied, I'm going to LOOOOVE it.

    Fit To Be Tied is on my keeper shelf. Hilarious!!

    It seems that your switch from historical to contemporary to historical was a God-thing. Is that so? I mean, of course God was the inspiration, but do you feel that it was a deliberate switch in inspiration for you? A welcome switch?

    I haven't found my exact genre yet, so I was just asking. I kind of like writing all kinds.

  44. First time to visit the Seekerville blog :)

    How do you plot out your stories? Do you form an outline? Start with a circumstance that you have read about in the news?
    I am so grateful for this chance to ask. shalom236 at yahoo dot com and I would like to thank you all for this time.
    Miriam d

  45. Pepper, I hope you find A Matter of Character at least "close" to being as good as Fit To Be Tied.

    Funny story about Fit To Be Tied: I was so afraid when I turned in that book that I hadn't given Cleo the story she deserved. I don't have favorite books. They were each written for a reason. But I do have some favorite characters, and Cleo and Woody are among them. I just love Cleo, and I found Sherwood Statham to be the perfect hero for her. I so wanted readers to agree.

    Now to your question about my return to historical romance, yes, I think it was a God thing. When I made the choice, I had no idea that we would soon be entering an economic downturn, but God did. And readers seem to be reaching more and more for either historical stories or Amish stories. And I believe some of that is because we desire to read about "simpler times." Not that they really were simpler.

    Early in my career, I wrote all over the place: Civil War, sinking of the Titanic, gothic Victorian England, Regency England, pirate/swashbuckler, etc. It took me awhile to find my voice in Americana Romance. So keep writing, keep exploring. You'll find your genre.


  46. Miriam, I am a complete seat-of-the-pants writer. I know very little of my plot going in. Writing for me is a journey of discovery. I learn what the story is by writing it, just as the readers learns by reading it. I don't outline anything. My brain doesn't work that way. Every writer must discover, by trying everything, what is the way they best create. Then embrace it. As for ideas (your question about beginning with something in the news), they come from everywhere and everything. Something I read. Something I overhear in a restaurant or elevator. A line of dialogue in a movie or TV show. A teaching from my pastor on a Sunday morning. My own dreams. Everything is grist for the mill to a writer.


  47. Everybody, I'm typing and thinking fast. No telling for sure what my fingers might do on their own. So if you find terribly typos or if something just doesn't make sense, please forgive me. And for the latter, if it doesn't make sense, please ask me to clarify.


  48. There is nothing better than reading a Christian Romance with Robin Lee Hatcher's name on it. She even one the heart of my 11 year-old son when we met her at a book signing about a year ago.

  49. Thanks, Gee. And give my best to Cole!


  50. Ladies,
    Are email addresses removed after the drawing takes place? Little nervous about leaving it here.

  51. Dear Anonymous,
    The contents of the posts are here forever. But you did post your email correctly because spelling it out with the dot and the word at prevents the spammers from harvesting it off this site. And you used the name anonymous with no profile trace. So I think you'll be fine.

    If you are really nervous, you can delete your comment. But we haven't had any problems and have had lots of traffic. It is up to you.

  52. I've got to check out the book about the woman who wrote under a male pen name. I have a feeling I'll connect with that character.


  53. LOL, Walt. You just might get where she's coming from, only in reverse. Oh, and most of us didn't/don't have a small fortune of our own to support us while we write either. That's fiction for you!


  54. Well its noon here and we have two winners.

    Dawn Ford and Jessica Nelson. Please check your emails and get me your snail mail addies asap so we can send them this week.

    I'm off to a camping weekend and leaving later this afternoon which is why we're having the drawing early.

    Congrats and thanks to Robin for her generous offer to send one of her books. You are in for a great read.

  55. Robin said, "And sometimes I wish He also had email so I would know without question what I'm supposed to do.

    LOL! My emails would probably get lost in cyberspace. It seems to happen to me a lot.

  56. Robin, Can you tell us what we might have to look forward to after the Sisters of Bethlehem Springs series? Are you starting another series?

    Plenty of lemon meringue pie left folks.

    I've made some lemonade with the rest of the lemons. Why do they all ripen at the same time? LOL

    Lemon popsicles are good too.

  57. Showing up late,
    Great interview. I figured since I read the first two in the series from Robin, and enjoyed them, I should put my name in for the next book.

  58. I LOOOOVE having my "plotting" method validated by an award-winning author like Robin Lee Hatcher!

    As I have been telling my Seeker sisters for some time now, I cannot do advance plotting to save my life. I may have some general ideas about the characters and situation, but I don't "see" the story unfolding until I'm immersed in the actual writing.

    Robin, I will NEVER forget one particular thing you said in one of your workshops--how when an editor asked for a proposal for your next book, you basically said, "Well, it's about these women who are friends, and some interesting things will happen to them, and believe me, it'll be a really GOOD story!"

  59. That is so amazing that the book that you thought was the worst won so many awards! I've never heard anything like that from a writer.


  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Oooh, thanks for the link, Keli! I don't even know who else finalled.
    ...I've been working the old day job.

  62. Robin,
    I'm with Myra.
    I'm not good at plotting until I'm up to my elbows in characters, story, conflict, and mayhem.
    Then I try to set up an outline.

  63. Pamster, Congratulations. What a thrill. I can hardly wait to see your great stories in print.

    Hey folks, I'm off to Woods Canyon Lake which is a lovely lake nestled in the pines up Glynna's way. Lots of fish, kayaking and hiking. Oh yes, researching for the current wip too.

    Thanks for joining us. Robin will be back to sign off.

    Thanks again Robin for a great interview.

  64. Sandra asked what's coming next. Well, I was working on something that didn't pan out, so I'm starting over again. That means readers will have to wait until the fall of 2011 before I have another book out. It feels too soon to talk about things yet, so it will suffice to say that you can expect more historical romances, and yes, I have a new series of them in the works. I'm still waiting to discover exactly the right name of the series to pop into my head or I would share that with you.

  65. Tina, since you missed the drawing, let me take a moment to tell everyone that I am doing a book launch party on my Facebook Page on Friday, May 21st, from 6 to 8 PM MDT. I'll be giving away a few copies of A MATTER OF CHARACTER that evening. Plus I'll be announcing a fabulous contest that will start on May 24th. The grand prize is something readers will love. To enter, visit my web site on Monday, May 24th. You won't want to miss this opportunity.


  66. Congrats, Pam, on being a Genesis finalist!

  67. Robin, I'm so happy you're with us today! I'm just sorry I'm arriving so late. Thanks for a great interview and for sharing about your journey.

    And thanks so much for sharing Joshua 1:8. That really spoke to me today.

  68. I love No. 3. I constantly have to remind myself that my trust cannot lie with me, but with Him!

  69. Robin, thanks for your post today. I always enjoy reading about your writing journey--You're always been so gracious even with your tremedous talent.

    I always love your historicals. I can't wait to read Fit to be Tied and A Vote of Confidence--they've been set aside for the cruise I'm taking in a couple of weeks!

  70. Closing out the day with a note that one of my favorite books of Robin's is Patterns of Love.

    I just loved that book.

    I think it was re-released with a different cover, and I bought that version too!

    I just thought it was cool to have the same book with a different cover.

  71. The Robin Lee Hatcher books are great reads. Thanks for the interview. God does have a plan for each and every one of us.


  72. I have been a longtime reader of Robin's and really enjoy her books. Thanks for offering it.

  73. Robin, I'm enjoying working on my first novel and I would like to know if you have any favorite books on the craft of writing that have helped you along the way?


  74. Mea culpa. I was supposed to check in one last time on Thursday night and I failed to do so. (Friend came over and we visited late.)

    So I will quickly answer the one last evening question.

    Julia, yes, I do have some favorite books on the craft of writing. Because I'm an intuitive writer rather than an analytical writer, I often don't apply craft books the way others do. But here are the ones I found were the best for me:

    Self-Editing for Fiction Writers (Browne & King)

    The Writer's Journey (Vogler)

    Plot & Structure (Bell)

    The Art of War for Writers (Bell)

    Revision & Self-Editing (Bell)

    Yes, James Scott Bell's books for writers are among my favorites.

    Thanks again, everyone, for the great visit to Seekerville.

    Signing off.

