Saturday, May 15, 2010

Weekend Edition-Underdogs

This week we salute underdogs. Why?
Because they inspire us with their bravery.
They remind us that we CAN do it,
no matter what the obstacles.

Take Janey Cutler for example...

Share your favorite underdogs in literature or film for a
chance to win a little souvenir from Unpubbed Island.
One winner announced in the next weekend edition.

We Have Winners!

First, congratulations to the 2010 Genesis finalists!!
Lots of familiar names there.

Saturday's Weekend Edition (suck up etc.) winners of Mary Connealy's Wildflower Bride area Julia M. Reffner and Debra Marvin.

Monday's excellent post by Ruth Kaufman was Persistence: Profits, Perils and Plans. Ruth's pitch tips session winner is Melanie Dickerson, and the winner of DeMets turtles is Regina Merrick. We hope you didn't miss Ruth's great post on Monday,

Say What??? Hope you caught Myra Johnson's dialogue post! Winner's choice winner is Lynn Rush!

Wednesday Patty Hall shared, Mining Through History to Find a Gem of a Story. Winner of a ten page critique by Patty, who is a Harlequin first reader is Lisa (of Lisa & Lisa Write a Book fame). Please email Julie at gsus at charter dot net for more info on your win.

Robin Lee Hatcher joined us Thursday for an interview. Winners of her new release, A Matter of Character, are Jessica Nelson and Dawn Ford.

Gonna Fly Now

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday:Revell and Steeple Hill Love Inspired author (and RITA finalist) Irene Hannon is our special guest. She'll be giving away one of her books too!

Tuesday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author, Cheryl Wyatt will post on, Getting into (TOO MUCH) Character. She'll give away a copy of Brandilyn Collins' Getting Into Character, a craft book that Joan Marlow Golan recommended. She'll be talking about characterization pitfalls and how ancillary characters differ from secondaries and the significance of each.

Wednesday: Steeple Hill Suspense author Debby Giusti shares today and she's giving away a winner's choice book prize.

Thursday: Zondervan and Steeple Hill Suspense author Camy Tang will be giving everyone a chance to practice their one-sentence hook! And she'll provide feedback if you dare to post yours.

Friday: We're excited to welcome back Revell author Maggie Brendan today.


Save The Date

June 1: Baker and Candle Books, children's fiction and non-fiction author Anne Adams.

June 2: Berkley author Kaki Warner.

June 8:Faith Words debut author Carla Stewart.

June 9: New York Times best-selling author Cindy Woodsmall.

June 11: Love Inspired author Winnie Griggs for an encore visit.

June 18: Desert Breeze debut author Tina Pinson.

June 25:Barbour author Erica Vetsch returns.

Seeker Sightings

Congratulations to Pam Hillman who finaled in the 2010 Genesis.

Congratulations to Debby Giusti on her two-book Love Inspired Suspense sale.
The series title will be Military Investigations and the first book--still unnamed--will be out in May 2011. The series will feature agents working in the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division.

May 6-20, Julie Lessman will be at My Friend Amy, blogspot, where you can win a Special Advanced Copy of A Hope Undaunted, RIGHT NOW! Just leave a comment and fill out the entry form.

Camy Tang will be posting on the Love Inspired Authors blog, Tuesday May 19th about Books We Read Again and Again.

Random News

Monday's season finale of Castle brings back the poker playing writers: Steven J. Cannell, Michael Connelly, James Patterson and of course, Richard Castle. Oh, and you can buy the shirt at the ABC Castle store site (here).

  • And finally, from Cindi Myers Market News Blog: According to feedback from the Romantic Times Convention, two Harlequin lines eager for submissions these days are Harlequin Presents and Love Inspired Romantic Suspense. Presents releases 12 titles each month. The books are 50,000 words, with contemporary settings, highly emotional stories with intense conflict and sizzling sexual attraction. For more information, see their guidelines. Love Inspired Romantic Suspense stories are 55,000 to 60,000 words, featuring contemporary Christian characters facing challenges to their faith, in contemporary romantic suspense stories. Four titles per month. See their guidelines.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Congratulations to all the winners! And what a great week coming up. I love Weekend Editions!!!

  2. That's so nice. I'm going to whip you a nice batch of Italian Spice Cookies for that comment, Renee.

  3. Ooh Baby! So many wonderful posts to look forward to. But, hey, it's Seekerville, so that's to be expected.

    One of my favorite underdogs is Susan Boyle. I still smile when I think of how she shocked the judges when she began singing.

    It's late here in California as I post this, so I'm too tired to think up some scrumptious cyber fare. (My culinary creativity yesterday was a rare occurrence.) At this time of day, Taco Bell addict that I am, I think of how yummy a Fourth Meal would taste. If anyone's still up--and up for a seven layer burrito or some other TB fare--feel free to join me. Camy, perhaps, who is also here in the Pacific Time Zone and who is even more of a night owl than I am? :)

  4. Night owl? Dude it's only 10 in California. We can still party all night!

    I had lobster nachos the other night. YUUUM. Let's make a batch for all the late night party peeps.

  5. Tina, I'm too wiped to party all night, so I'll leave it to you to carry on, which I know you'll do in style.

    It's been an emotional day. Gwynly and I took delivery on our daughter's first car, a cute pre-owned model. Exciting but a bit scary too. Also learned this week that our gal's first interview for a summer job paid off. She's gonna stay in her college town when her freshman year ends. I thought I'd be cool with that until reality hit. These milestones can be emotional speedbumps.

    OK. I'll cut my pity party short. Don't want to put a damper on the fun you've got planned. G'night.

  6. Ah -- what would a Saturday morning be without oatmeal and seekerville's weekend edition?

    I loved Janey!!!! Britian's Got Talent seems to uncover a heartstopping underdog each season, doesn't it?

    So -- my literary underdog fav at the moment is Wade Sawyer. He rose from a no-account, unredeemable bad guy to being featured in his own book!

  7. Oh man, yes, that is so tough, dropping off chicklets. I salute you!!!

  8. Congrats to the winners and what a great lineup to look forward to next week! The links look really helpful and thanks again Tina for the book. :-)

    Have a great weekend!


  9. Congratulations again to Pam and all the amazing Genesis finalists. By now all the non-finalists have pulled up their big girl pants (or tighty-whities) and moved on and "they" are back to the keyboard. I did hear an amazing array of self-medicating procedures... most had to do with chocolate.

    HEY I WON MARY'S BOOK! I can't wait for that package in the mail.
    What a great week. Sun. No rain. No wind. Oh oh. that means YARDWORK.

  10. Keli nailed my choice for Underdog: Susan Boyle.

    Thanks Tina!

  11. Wow, lots of great things are happening in Seekerville next week and in the weeks to come!

    Congrats to last week's winners!!

    A huge shout out for the Genesis finalists and our Pam!!!

    Celebrating Debby's two-book contract!

    Keli, I love Taco Bell! My favorite meal is three crispy supreme tacos with mild sauce. Yummy!! Maybe a Taco Bell fix will help take your mind off your daughter's summer away. Meet you at the Bell!

    Tina, love the Italian Spice cookies!


  12. You Seekers always give us a great line up to look forward too!

    Susan Boyle's my first choice for underdog.

    But more importantly, how many plan to order that Richard Castle "Writer" shirt????? I just finished reading HEAT WAVE.

    Kudos to all the winners.

  13. I love this weekend edition, Tina--esp. the Underdog cartoon. Brings back memories of cereal in front of the TV on Sat. mornings. Waaay before the Cartoon Network existed.

    You can't help but cheer for Melanie Griffith in Working Girl! That reminds me of another great underdog: Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada. Oh, and this is out of left field, but the 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team.

    Huge congrats to all the Genesis finalists!!!

    Sipping coffee while reading the WE is a great way to start the weekend. Thanks!

  14. One of the great Underdogs.

    Susan Boyle of Britain's God Talent.

  15. First off, YEAH to Pammy and all of the Genesis finalists, many of which are Seeker regulars -- we are SOOO pumped for you!!!

    And for the Genesis "underdogs" who didn't get the call, your time is coming, trust me! I couldn't final to save my soul in the first seven contests I ever entered, but it does turn around with the three "P"s -- persistence, practice, and prayer. ALL of us have been there.

    I LOVE underdogs!!! One of my favorites is Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed. Of course, anything with romance in it, I'm there, but that movie was particularly satisfying to me for some reason. Maybe because I remember high school ALL too well ... :)

    Great WE, Teenster! Happy Weekend, everybody!


  16. Congratulations, Pam!

    And congratulations to all those who entered the Genesis--it's hard throwing your baby out there in the world, but you did it!

    Once again, thanks for having me as a guest on Seekerville. Its an honor to be among such a wonderfully talented group.

    As far as underdogs go, I have a really life 'underdog' who has beat the odds and continues to amaze me. My baby sister, Rose, was diagnosised with Cerebral Palsy when she was two--our parents were told she would never graduate high school or hold a job. Not only did she graduate, she took classes at the local college and has now worked for the same school system that delivered that news to my parents for the last fourteen years!

    Always a blessing to have an underdog in your life!

  17. Tina, thanks for the heads-up on the new Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. Although I must say it's not like those two have been ignored for long. I think there are pretty recent versions. I loved Ruth Wilson as Jane Eyre.

    I'm really tempted by the Italian Spice cookies.

    Now.. Yardwork or Writing?

    Someone is very clever to offer a WRITER T shirt on the Castle website. Do they have one of those orange vests too?

  18. First:

    I want Italian Spice Cookies. I want ALL cookies. Please send them, like.... now.



    Oh my stars, Susan Boyle watch out. What wonderful ladies of the U.K.!!!!

    Just marvelous. Sweet. Inspirational. Loved it, Teenster.

    And what a great line-up! I'm totally psyched that Irene is with us Monday because I've been reading/studying her LI style...

    She's one talented drink of water. Seriously lovely work. And I'm totally unafraid to learn from the best!

    Excellent info, Tina! Thank you, I'm loving the cookies and I'm dropping off another of the pumpkin pies with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream because we had one left from Leigh's visit last night. Too good to let go to waste, you know! ;)

    Gotta head to Buffalo's airport and pick up Beth, Jon and 'Lijah.

    The nerve of them, taking that baby with them to Minnesota!!!! What were they thinking?????


    Back later.

  19. Oops, had to stop back and give Keli a cyber hug, Mom-to-Mom....

    I remember when the first one stayed for a summer job in Philly...

    And then his brother did the same thing several years later....

    And how I cried because six weeks of seeing them turned into one quick weekend.


    And how Dave laughed at me.

    Stupid men.

    But we all survived. And it was good. Good for me and good for them.

    But Keli, I got your back. I'm feelin' it with you, girlfriend.

    Even if you did beat me in the GH.


    Brat. ;)

  20. Aw, Ruthy, thanks for the hug. I did shed a few tears when I learned that the DD would rather stay in her college town than come home for the summer. I'm thrilled for her and love the show of independence, but I'll miss her.

    On the upside, I'll get a lot more writing done this summer than I would have if she'd planned to be here. And my laundry load will continue to be lighter. (Doing my best to see the positives here, can you tell?)

    For those of you whose flock has flown the nest, please tell me it gets easier.

  21. Congrats winners!

    Have a good weekend everyone.


  22. Forgot to say that my favorite underdog lately has also been Susan Boyle from Idol.

  23. Congrats Pam Hillman~~!~~AND all other friends of Seekerville for your Genesis finals. WOOT!


  24. Italian Spice Cookies...




  25. Tina, you boggle my mind with your WE editions.

    I'm going to nickname you...TEENA, the Energizer Bunny!!!

    Contrags to the Genesis finalists. I see familiar names and some unfamiliar. Isn't it awesome to see new "faces" sprouting up in contests?

    And some day, we'll see those names on covers!!!


  26. Speaking of Taco Bell....

    Since it's Saturday, and only noon on the West coast, I have turkey tacos prepared... made with fajita mix and chili powder b/c I didn't have any Taco mix.

    It's good, btw. The fam didn't know the difference!

    I have flour and whole wheat soft taco shells. My first time to try the whole wheat. They're very good...I like them as well if not better than the flour.

    Cheese, lettuce, light sour cream, and salsa to the side, as well as all the fixings for a taco salad if that's your preference.

    Dig in!!

  27. Pam, forgive me for typing wif my mouf full, but these tacos are sooo yummy I had to dig right in. Thanks from the bottom of my Taco Bell-loving heart.

    I'm surprised you were able to prepare such a tasty treat today. I'd have thought you'd still be floating after your awesome Genesis news. :)

  28. I refuse to believe I typed Contrags instead of Congrats!

    Squirl, you been messing with my 'puter???

  29. Ahhhhhhh! Busy week ahead, ladies : )

    I'm very excited about Irene's post on Monday, I love her writing!!

    I have 2, yes 2!!, season finales to watch this week! Castle and Grey's!!!! WOOHOO! Private Practice was last week and I was stunned by one thing only and left shaking my head, saying "no, No, NO you bad people!" at two of the lead characters.....anyone know what I mean???

    I hate this time of year : / All my shows are stopping and things are coming to a close....*tear* I got my "Big Book of Everything You Need to Know" from my college today. Found out first day of school (September 3, soooooo late!) and last day of school (April 23, May 2 with exams....sooooo early!!) and all the breaks/recess' in between (1/2 week for Thanksgiving, 1 month for Xmas, and 1 week in March)......seems crazy that it's really coming!

    Aaaaaaaannnnnyyyyway.....GREAT WE, Tine, once again. I don't really think that I have to say it anymore except for the fact that it must be nice to hear *wink*

    Oh! Cheryl, I'm reading a Soldier's Reunion right now!!!! Woohoo!! Awesome!

    Anyone read Mae Nunn's newest novel?? (Hint, hint: read *cough, cough* chapter 20 *wink*)

    Okay, gotta get back to writing my research paper!

    (Can ANYONE figure out what that (Ttaywwll) stands for *wink* LOL!)

  30. The only Italian spice I can think of is Oregano...that doesn't sound all that good, ladies.

  31. Hannah, step away from the caffeinated beverage.

    I am looking at chapter 20 of Mae's release and I am not seeing the cryptic things you are seeing.


    Talk to you when ....

  32. Lanovara's makes an Italian spice cookie.... I LOVE IT AND I DID NOT KNOW WHAT IT WAS!!!!

    Oh, Teeeeeeena, I shall always look upon you as a benefactress.

    You have solved my problem.

    Stella Doro makes one, too, the chocolate cinnamon mix and I see a hint of nutmeg.

    Everything except garlic bread is better with a smidge of nutmeg. I'm just sayin....

    Oh happy day!

    Pam, tacos are delish. Total flavor satisfaction. I'm so happy right now.

    I'll be happier when we have a flotilla or regatta accompanying you and Sandra off the Island, but I have great affection for certain parts of the island.

    How's the rum holdin' out, darlin'???? ;)

  33. Our spice cookie--as in passed down from Sicily--has orange rind, cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa and black pepper.

  34. All this amazing food. Yum.

    Thanks Seekers!

    A fave underdog - Charlie Brown. :)

  35. Okay, I brought fresh coffee in to welcome Sunday!!!

    I love Sundays. I love my writing time, my worship time, my beloved choir that overlooks my narrow range and sees instead the joy in my heart.

    God love them, every one.

    I've got brunch coming in a little later, but I thought fresh blueberry muffins would start the day nicely. Help yourself, Paneras will be by later with those yummy stuffed croissant thingamabobbies and other good stuff including that cherry/apple/cheese danish ring I LOVE....

    I am a slave to my stomach. It's sad, really.

  36. Congrats to all the 2010 Genesis finalists...what an honor!

    Thanks so much! I'm excited to read Mary Connealy's book!


  37. Susan Boyle and Charlie Brown.

    Both bring a tear to my eye!!

  38. A slave to your stomach, Ruthy???

    Ha! Ha!

    But I'm afraid I'll have to pass on the croissants from Pannera's.

    We had a Baccalaureate service and Sunday dinner to honor our high school graduate.

    The tables groaned under all the food prepared by a bunch of Southern church ladies.

    And I'm stuffed!
