Saturday, May 8, 2010

Weekend Edition

Happy Mother's Day From Seekerville!

"Mommy, is it true you were once the 16th Seeker?"

We Have Winners!

(As always, be sure to read the fine print in the lower right hand column for guidelines on all Seekerville drawings. If you haven't been contacted, you will this weekend. Thanks!)

Monday & Tuesday, we were fortunate to have Love Inspired Historical author Renee Ryan here for two days of The Art of Layering. The Loving Bella winners are Rose and Karen K, and the Grand Prize three book Charity House Series winner is Courtney.

Wednesday Seekerville welcomed Steeple Hill Love Inspired Executive Editor, Joan Marlowe Golan with a 9-5 giveaway. The winners are:

Winter’s End by Ruth Logan Herne - Pam Thibodeaux
Chocolate, Audra Harders giveaway- Debby Mayne
Wildflower Bride by Mary Connealy- Lisa Jordan
Love Inspired Suspense novel by Debby Giusti(winner’s choice)-Jennifer Hilton Steele
Dreaming of Home by Glynna Kaye-Trinity Rose
Romance By the Book by Myra Johnson- Wendy
The Substitute Bride by Janet Dean-Janna
Waiting Out the Storm by Ruth Logan Herne-Vince
Daughters of Boston (winner’s choice) by Julie Lessman-Charity
Love Inspired Suspense novel by Debby Giusti (winner’s choice)-Holly
A Forever Christmas or His Forever Family, both by Missy Tippens-Miss Kallie
Sushi Series (winner's choice) by Camy Tang- Jenna
The Art of War for Writers, Tina Radcliffe giveaway- Denice Stewart
Love on a Dime by Cara Lynn James-Helen Gray
The Entire 7 Book Wings of Refuge Series by Cheryl Wyatt-Carly Kendall

Friday: Thank you to Shannon Taylor Vannatter for being with us and sharing in her post, Where My School of Hard Knocks Collided with Contests. Winner of her release, White Roses is Cindy (from Littleton).

"Lookie, what I got for Mother's Day!"

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday:Ruth Kaufman, is our guest today with her post entitled Persistence: Profits and Perils. Ruth has a diverse background as an attorney, a freelance writer, editor, and actor. She also has a background in communications and will be giving away a 20 minute "discuss your writing with confidence" session at a mutually agreed upon time during the RWA conference in Orlando or via phone. This includes pitching tips and suggestions for authors at all stages of their careers on how to best present projects to readers/friends/contacts.

Tuesday: Seekerville's own Myra Johnson, a Heartsong Presents and Abingdon Press author, will present a post on dialogue. Join her for, Say WHAT??? Myra will also be giving away a winner's choice of one of her current releases!

Seekerville is delighted to welcome back Harlequin First Reader Patty Hall.

Thursday:We're thrilled to share an interview with RITA and Christy Award winner, Robin Lee Hatcher.

Don't miss our guest Harlequin American author Leigh Duncan.

"I'm just saying, Mother knows best. Don't miss a day in Seekerville."

Save The Date

May 17 : Revell and Steeple Hill Love Inspired author (and RITA finalist) Irene Hannon.

May 21: Revell author Maggie Brendan.

June 1: Baker and Candle Books, children's fiction and non-fiction author Anne Adams.

June 2: Berkley author Kaki Warner.

June 8:Faith Words debut author Carla Stewart.

June 9: New York Times best-selling author Cindy Woodsmall.

June 11: Love Inspired author Winnie Griggs for an encore visit.

June 18: Desert Breeze debut author Tina Pinson.

June 25:Barbour author Erica Vetsch returns.

"A mother's work is never done. Even if she's a famous author."

Seeker Sightings

May 6-20
, Julie Lessman will be at My Friend Amy, blogspot, where you can win a Special Advanced Copy of A Hope Undaunted, RIGHT NOW! Just leave a comment and fill out the entry form.

We've had sightings of Cara Lynn James debut release from Thomas Nelson, Love On A Dime. And Cara is celebrating the launch of her new web page. Stop by and see it here.

I totally messed up last week and forgot to mention two fabulous appearances by Mary Connealy that celebrated the debut of Wildflower Bride. So you, dear friend of Seekerville, get to benefit as I attempt a suck up apology. I will be drawing one name for a free copy of Wildflower Bride. All you have to do is post in the comments. But there is a catch, you must post this: Tina is a suck up and I want Mary's book. That's it. Winner announced next Saturday.

Mary will be at Petticoats & Pistols, Wednesday, May 12 with Genetic Bottleneck...One Simple Theory.

"Someday,my darlings, if you're very good, you'll have a chance
to be cool writers like the Seekers!"

Random News

  • RWA changes its conference location from Nashville to Orlando, Florida. " We at RWA are deeply saddened by the events in Nashville and the mid-Tennessee region, and we wish a speedy recovery to friends and businesses in the area. It is our hope that RWA will have an opportunity to return to the Gaylord Opryland for a future conference. RWA has made arrangements to contribute a portion of our charitable donations from the 2010 Literacy Autographing event to Nashville Adult Literacy Council. "For more information on the 2010 conference, check the RWA site here.

  • Bill Shapiro (editor of and former editor of Life Magazine) released a book we writers can relate to, Other People's Rejection Letters : Relationship Enders, Career Killers, and 150 Other Letters You'll be Glad You Didn't Receive, this month. But that's not can go to his website and utilize The Reject-o-Matic for an easy way to reject ...well, ANYONE!!!

Undated Photo of Marlena Fortune Celebrating Mother's Day at the Beach.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Seekerville is the place to hang out. There are so many fun things to look forward to.

    Thanks for my drawing prize, which arrived last week. I am the proud owner of sand and shells from Unpubbed Island. The Describer's Dictionary was a great surprise too. :D

  2. Tina (just doesn't seem right using my name like that) Is a suckup and I want Mary's book.

    Alot coming up. Another kewl weekend edition. Always interesting in Seekerville.

  3. Tina is the hardest working woman in the business and instead of apologizing she should drive to Nebraska and conk me on the head for all the times I've messed up.

    Although this plan actually works better for me. :)

  4. Okay, note the time. I can't sleep. I kept thinking Tina told you all to say, Tina Sucks.

    I just couldn't stand it.

    So, yes, suck-up isn't as bad. Sorta cute really.

    But instead of winning a book from her of mine by teasing the woman who is the Einstein of Seekerville, and maybe the Edison, too, let's instead say something nice about Tina.

    So I'll send out one book from among any comments that say something like:


    Tina is our Fearless Leader--no need to include that Mary is probably Boris Badinov. (I refuse to look that spelling up at this hour.) but who will be moose and squirrel? Perhaps a topic for another weekend edition....

    Tina is the difference between Unpubbed Island being a tropic resort and a charity hospital for old wanna be authors.

    When we asked for volunteers to be the Mayor of Seekerville fourteen of us took a quick step backward and that's how Tina got put in charge.

    You know, I might need sleep.
    But the words, "You're the top, you're the Tower of Pisa, you're the top, you're the Mona Lisa...

    Keep running through my head and it's driving my insomniatic self nuts so I thought I'd get up, turn my computer back on, put a stop to a bunch of people telling Tina she sucks (okay, again, I read that wrong)
    And offer an book for sweet talk instead.

  5. Okay, here goes.


    Tina is our Fearless Leader.

    Tina is the difference between Unpubbed Island being a tropic resort and a charity hospital for old wanna be authors.

    When we asked for volunteers to be the Mayor of Seekerville fourteen of us took a quick step backward and that's how Tina got put in charge.

    P.S. Coffee's on!!

  6. I'd love to try to win Wildflower Bride, so...

    YAY, TINA!

    Thanks for a chance to win!

    And YAY, MARY! (For writing such terrific books!)


  7. OH, PULEESE. Mary go to bed. I am a suck up and proud of it.

    Just another crazy day in Seekerville.

    Keli, glad you got your touch of the island. Enjoy it as you won't be seeing the island much longer.

  8. Helen you are too cute.

    But now you all get a chance at two books.

    A suck up Tina one and a Mary is the leader of the Boris Badenov gang copy.

  9. Tina's the top, She's the Tower of Pisa, She's the top, She's the Mona Lisa...

    She's the reason Seekerville Weekend edition is where I want to be on Saturday morning.

    I'd love any of Mary's latest books but I'd also love one of Tina's. Can you put me on a list? It can't be much longer, can it?

    This was a knock out week in Seekerville, ladies. How do you do it?

  10. First:

    They're both total suck-ups, Tina and Mary. Are ya' kiddin' me????

    But they're two of the greatest gals I've ever had a chance to work with so that makes me just as bad. Tina rocks. And she is the Mayor of Seekerville in word and deed.


    Don't we ALL aspire to be Mary Connealy?????


    And I get nuthin' for suckin' up. Figures!!!!

    Oooooo coffee, Helen, gimme.... SWEET!!!!! I LOVE YOU, HELEN GRAY!!!!

    And what a week, what a week, what a week!!!! Oh my stars, I cannot tell you how I waited with bated/baited breath for Shannon to say I wasn't a MEAN judge yesterday....


    And Joan Marlow Golan... truly one of the most spirit-filled and gracious women I've ever met.

    Okay, enough prattle, I'm working on hopefully dazzling Melissa with the second book of next year's series and I'm talking too much.

    Ya think???????

    I brought breakfast based on Paneras. You're gonna love these:

    Breakfast puffs filled with egg, ham, cheese, peppers and onions OR

    filled with egg, asparagus, chicken and cheese, OR

    filled with a cheesecake/raspberry/whitechocolate swirl.....

    And fresh fruit.

    And Ruthy-hugs.

  11. Tina, love the mommy photos! All the Seekers write their books decked out in heels, a dress, sporting make-up and coiffed hair. ;-)

    Congrats to all the winners!!!

    Have a great weekend all! Happy Mother's Day!!


  12. Yay Tina! is a suck up and a Fearless Leader as well as the volunteer Mayor of Seekerville and I want Mary's book.

    There did that cover everything? And does that make me a suck up as well?

    All you Seekers ROCK...what an exciting week you provided for your readers.

    And it's always neat to see my name among the winners...Have a great weekend everyone.

    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

  13. Good morning everyone! I love the 1950s pictures. I remember the ironing. Some people still iron, I hear, but I'm not among them.

  14. LOVE the mommy shots, too, Teenster -- boy, do they bring back memories!!
    Great edition!

    I'm a goof because I forgot to give the correct link for my giveaway of the A Hope Undaunted ARC, so interested parties will have to scroll down once they get to the link I gave above. Sorry!

    Happy Mother's Day, all!


  15. I'm back. I'm not after another prize, really. I buy Mary's books. That's a given.

    I buy other Seekers books, too. Last one I read was Ruthy's Winter's End, which was great. Made me laugh. Made me cry. Made me sigh. Loved the characters. Well done, Ruthy. And since I'm NOT here to win, you know I'm here cuz I wanna be, and I said those things cuz they're true.

    I'm here for two reasons. One is to collect a Ruthy hug. Or at least an I.O.U. for one at the RWA conference in July or the ACFW conference in September if you're going to either one.

    The second reason is to say this: TINA ROCKS!!! And that, too, is an unprompted, straight-from-my-heart absolute truth.

    For those of you who don't know, Tina is the reason I came out of hibernation two years ago. She took the time to scour the Internet and find lil' ol' me, whose day she made when she invited me to be a guest in Seekerville. I was totally clueless back then. I didn't know a single writer, had no idea what a blog was, and was missing out on so much fun. But, Tina, bless her heart--along with her tenacity and patience--talked me through the process involved, and my days in the cave were over.

    So, I say it again: TINA ROCKS!!!

  16. Julie, fixed the link.

    Janeto, I am putting on my pearls as we speak. They look great with a torn T-shirt and jeans.

    Well Keli, aren't you sweet. Stop that right now!!!

    No mush allowed.

  17. Ahhh! Slightly confused about what I'm actually supposed to say....

    ; ) goes nothing:
    Tina is a suck up and I want Mary's book.


    Tina is our Fearless Leader *bowing at her feet*

    Or something along the lines of that! LOL!

    I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE those pictures this week! They're awesome! The one with Winter's End....

    : O

    SO cute!

    Not a good morning here. Rain, rain go away, come again another day. Or I might be caught singing, "Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me! Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun, hiding behind the tree! These little kids are asking you, to please come out so we can play with you! Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please. Shine. Down. ON. MEEEEEEEEEE!" *big show stopper finish*

    Lol! My grandma would be impressed that I remember all of that song. We used to sing it with her when we were little and the weather was like this!

    Okay, I'll stop rambling.....
    Talk to you lovely ladies later!

  18. I think Hannah just did a musical number through Seekerville. But maybe I dreamed it...although those costumes WERE amazing!

    Wow little Hannah is 18 and now eligible for prizes according the rules.

  19. I would love the chance to win Wildflower bride!
    YAY TINA you really are best you always come up with such great ideas for seekerville, and I always love the weekend additions keep up the good work!:)

  20. THANK YOU, TINA for another fantabulous weekend edition! You make it worth logging into Seekerville on a Saturday morning. :)

  21. Oh my gosh, Mary you trouble maker.

    Okay. That's it moratorium. Just say hi and you are in the drawing.

    I'm the suck up around here and that's all there is to it. No more saying mushy stuff.

    I mean it.

  22. L.O.L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tina!

    You betcha I just did a musical number ; )

    You never know what might happen in Seekerville, eh?


  23. Baiteed breath sounds like you're eating earthworms or something, Ruthy. It's too early for me to have that image in my head.

  24. Keli Gwyn, you are SUCH a good girl.

    Next election maybe I'll nominate you for mayor .... (everyone watches Keli run screaming, hurling herself into the ocean even though there's a warning sign up that stinging jelly fish have been spotted!)

  25. These weekend additions are fabulous. Congratulations to all the winners.

    May everyone have a very blessed Mother's Day Weekend.

  26. A good girl, huh, Mary? I have my moments, let me assure you. Better yet, ask my college-aged daughter. She'll set ya straight. She knows my, um, less than nice side better than most.

  27. LOL! TINA! YOU are brilliant at these WEs!

    I LOVED the Seekerville references in the sayings below the photos. Too funny!


  28. YES! Let's all re-elect Tina as Mayor of Seekerville!

    Mary...YOU ROCK! Your creativity is a constant geyser. Love it!



    DRUM ROLL....




    I am a pathetic excuse for a poor loser. And I got over it, AND the plus side I actually like the Gwynster and (yes, I liked her even before Melissa plucked me out of Unpubbed Island obscurity) I get to tease her now. You know you've made the 'cut' when I mock you online.


    Keli, you're a peach. And while I still mope over the '2' some know-nothing judge gave to my manuscript in the Mainstream with Romantic Elements category (I'm just gonna say my retaliation will be putting it out as a single title some day...) I no longer whine over Keli's RESOUNDING win....

    And I'll be dancing in the streets when she gets The Call.

    Have you shortened that manuscript, yet, Toots???

    If not, go back and re-read Shannon's post of YESTERDAY.....

    And say to yourself: baby steps. baby steps. baby steps.


    Back at ya',


  30. Connealy, you never know. I MIGHT eat earthworms. Sun-roasted, fried and dredged in chocolate. In fact I made 'piles o' worms' with the leastun's this week... Amazing what you can do with a chow mein noodle, ain't it????

  31. How about this? YAY TINA is a suckup and and I want Mary's book?
    But I'm only saying that because I wanted you to know I read the fine print...and yes I know you changed your rules mid-morning but I'm a stickler for following instructions. :-)

    HOWEVER, don't enter me in the draw because I'm heading out to the store right after work to purchase my very own copy of Wildflower Bride because it's finally in stock up here in the far north!!!! And I'm so excited that I want it NOW!!! I just finished The Husband Tree last week so I'm primed!

    Oh -- and my shipment of books came from Steeple Hill yesterday and I'm half way through A Soldier's Devotion by Cheryl Wyatt...WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Sorry to be gone for a while. I had to starch my house dress and polish my high heels before I could settle in for a day of writing.

  33. Ruthy, honey, bad news.

    No one remembers your GH scores except you.

    Of course they all remember the time I got a ONE in the GH. A ONE???
    I am completely over it of course. And that was Petticoat Ranch, so it wasn't THAT bad. A ONE? I mean seriously, a ONE? ONE???!!!!!

    Not that I think about it anymore or nuthin' but good grief, a person deserves a TWO for finishing the freakin' book. You deserve a TWO for using BLACK COLORED FONT and a white background.

    But noooooooooooooooooooooooo give her a ONE. An stinking, slimy one from some unknown, low-down, snake in the grasss......

    Anyway, forget it. I have. I am completely over it.

  34. And KAV, you are a good girl, too.

    Not that all of our Seeker friends aren't very, very good.

    But sometimes we just need to reward exceptional achievements in Goodness.

  35. Tina is a suck up and I want Mary's book!!! Thanks!!!

  36. YAY TINA!!!!

  37. Keli,

    I'm glad Tina rescued you out of the cave!

    Not only is she a mayor, she's a master at luring people from Lurkdom.



  38. Kav,


    Thanks for reading my book. Hope you enjoy it through and through. Your excitement made my day!

    Cheryl-grinning like a goof

  39. Oh my gosh, look at Marlena!!! LOL! I had no idea she was a mother. I learn something new every day. ;)

  40. Tina's a suck up. But I already have the book. I just wanted to say it.


  41. Oh, man. NOW I read the comments. And now Mary has made me feel bad for being mean to Tina.

    Gosh, I'm just no good at this being mean stuff! Tina, I'm so sorry I said you were a suckup. Please forgive me.


  42. Cheryl, thanks for your kind words. I'm glad Tina found me too. Hanging out in cyberspace and Seekerville beats living in Lurkdom hands down.

    Missy, don't you go maligning yourself. Maybe you're just a rule-conscious OC-type like me who was simply following directions. (I trust, if that's the case, that Ruthy considers you a wip as she does me, and is helping you live more lightly. ;) I happen to know that you are a kind, generous person who gave me an awesome idea for my story when you judged it in a contest. So there!

    And Ruthy, are you feeling all right today, cuz you said some mighty nice things about me? Even called me, and I quote, a PEACH, for heaven's sake. In public, no less. If saying nice things about your book in a comment at Seerkerville can work such wonders, I'll have to post a five-star review on Amazon and ChristianBooks and see what happens.

    And as for that OLD news about a contest, it's ancient history. If it makes you feel any better--which I'm happy to do thanks to your fruity comment earlier today--I, too, entered four stories in said contest. Two did OK, sure. The other two? Not so hot. They came in the bottom half. Not as painful as a one, I know, but humbling nonetheless. Besides, my fun-loving friend, you've sold multiple books whereas I'm still unpubbed.

    But, hey, I've got sand from the island now upon which many talented Seekers have trod, so I'm feeling inspired. I uncorked that attractive bottle this morning and inhaled deeply (not too deeply, mind, since sand in my nostrils isn't fun), and I'm feeling inspired.

    End of my novella and back to my wip I go.

  43. Tina may be a suck up (but I really enjoy Seekerville and have gained so much from this site...Great job, Tina) and I definitely want Mary's book.


  44. I really did fall out of my chair reading all the Tina is a suck up comments. You guys don't get too many opportunities to be snarky do you?

    Ruth and I are professional snarks.

    So enjoy yourselves..Missy calls me a suck up and immediately her Southern background makes her feel bad.


    Enjoy yourselves.

  45. Tina is the greatest. She rocks the Seekerville scene, she gives everyone reason to smile cause unlike other Seekers she's never mean.

    And Tina R is pretty cool too. LOL

  46. Good one Pinson.

  47. I thought *I* was the 16th Seeker!!!

  48. Mary is going to explain that, Melly.

    Oh, Maaareeeee.

  49. Good grief, you guys are really on a vocal roll! Do you ever sleep? After reading all the comments I'm rubbing my temples and muttering, "She doesn't suck, she's a suckup; no, she's not a suckup; she's the fearless leader, the mayor, the difference between Seekerville being a tropical resort and a charity hospital; yay for suckup Tina!!!!

    No, I don't think that ended up right. Oh, forget it! I'd love both books but now I'm twirling round the room on my tippy toes, singing and dancing and I can't stop long enough to figure out what Tina is or what Mary wants us to say she is. Oh, my head's spinning!

    "I'm going crazy why don't you come along? I'm going crazy just singing this song."

    "You're the top, you're the Tower of Pisa, you're the top, you're the Mona Lisa...

  50. Well Carol we have obviously done our job since you are now singing, twirling and losing your mind.

    A job well done comrades :)


    Y'all are just the very best.
    Looking forward to another fab week in Seekerville and Happy Mom's Day to all.

    Also - thanks for remembering Nashville. I'm SO sorry y'all won't be coming our way this year. I was looking forward to meeting you in person.

    Have a great rest of the weekend... and Tina - CUTE photos. How do y'all do it?!

    ksf895 at citlink dot net

  52. LOL!

    OK, clearly both Tina AND Mary rock, so thank you to both of you, and wishing you and everyone else in here a very happy Mother's Day!


  53. Hiya KC!!! are so discerning. Love the name btw.

  54. Hi, I've spent the day at a party for my BABY who just graduated from kollegg.

    A for yeer kollegg know les.

    I'm very proud.

    I'm sorry I haven't been around to stir up trouble.

    I don't feel Ruthy has been sufficiently teased today. She's probably planning trouble.

    Here, I'll make it all better.

    Winter's End

    And Missy. Tina may be mayor of Seekerville, but Missy is the Queen of Knee Jerk Guilt.

    And Tina does NOT suck up. Or rather she does NOT suck up well. She always has her teeth gritted when she's sucking up. It just doesn't come naturally.

    It's one of the things I like best about her.


    Any and all links to
    Winter's End just make me smile and start my day off right...

    And yes, I was NICE to Keli....

    Five star reviews???? Oh, honey, that's what family's for, right??? You don't have to go THAT FAR... Unless you really, really want to!


    And Mary's right, TEEEEEEENA CRINGES AND GRIMACES when she has to suck up.

    It's the Italian in her. They don't grovel easily.


    A means to an end, Baby!!! I can grovel with the best of 'em.


    Okay, it's SNOWING in upstate New York. But not as badly as it snowed in Montana, Minnesota (where Beth and Jon just took little 'Lijah, instead of leaving him with ME while they went cavorting into the wilds of Minnesota.... Sheesh....) and Michigan. AND!!!!!

    It's Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day, Seekerville!!!!


    First, coffee. Flavored coffee, chocolate velvet (thank you, Sandra!!!), French Vanilla, Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee.... oh, yum!!!

    And Straight Up Dunkin for us hard core... Assorted creamy delights for those wishing a spot o' cream in their coffee blends....

    Then, plates of danish and kuchen to your left, eggs, bacon, ham and homefries at the hot station front and center, sliced beef and chicken and biscuits just beyond, fresh rolls, fruit, and a dessert table that will be rolled out mid-day. Shrimp cocktail at the far right, Mimosas available for those wishing, and please feel free to stop back throughout the day as food will be replenished regularly.

    And may God Bless you, each and every one with a gentle, spirit-filled day whether you're a mother in fact or just in deed.

    God holds you in the palm of his hand.



  56. Love the pix! Well, and the story, too, but the photos were so over-the-top. :-D

  57. Happy Mother's Day!!!!

    Somebodies sent me flowers. You know who you are. xoxoxo

    It is not snowing here. Mother Nature was merciful, since we have had snow every month since October 2009. The sun is shining. There is light chill in the air and the trees are in gorgeous bloom. The lilacs are stupendous. Springtime in the Rockies.

  58. I had a quiet lunch with my mother.

    You was really nice. She's the mother of EIGHT and I'm the mother of FOUR.

    We could have both felt neglected if we'd wanted too, but instead, especially since we both saw a scad of our kids yesterday AND mom's birthday was last week adn she had a party with three of the kids...well, we found ourselves very content eating and talking over a fun week. Then I went and planted all the flowers that came flooding at her all week in her garden and we talked some more and now we're both alone in our respective homes and at least for me....loving it. :)


  59. Love the photos, Tina!!!

    That's so me...dressed in my finest as I work at my computer! Pearls too. :)


    Enjoy the day.

  60. Debby thinks we are fooled. We are NOT. You do wear pearls to type. And if you are working on deadline you even comb your hair and do personal hygiene. I do not.

  61. Everytime I read this I think of Pete Best, the Fifth Beatle.

    Being the sixteenth Seeker is EXACTLY LIKE THAT.

  62. Catching up today.

    I was on a whirlwind tour of the state including Silver Creek NY and a very windy Buffalo.

  63. YOU WERE IN SILVER CREEK? Did you say hi to all my relatives? Did you see the statue of me in the park?

    Did you stop at Hoggs Dairy?

  64. Congratulations to ALL the winners and THANK YOU!

    Looking forward to receiving Winter's End.


  65. They had an armed guard around the statue to keep the crowds away, Tina.

    It was so windy I sort of blew on through... (Actually I was only on Rt 90, so I just sailed on by but I cheered for you as I passed the sign!)

  66. Thanks for the great book I won.

    Congrats to all the other winners.,

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
