Saturday, May 22, 2010

Weekend (Just Chillin') Edition

Just chillin' this weekend.
How about you?

Special Announcements:

A special shout out to Dianna Shuford who finaled in the ACFW 2010 Genesis Contest in the Romantic Suspense category. Dianna won her entrance fee to the contest here in Seekerville.

Congratulations to the RWA Faith, Hope & Love Chapter, Touched By Love contest finalists. A special WOO! HOO! to our friends of Seekerville. Hope to get to congratulate you at RWA Nationals.

The finalists are...


Christine Lindsay
Sherrinda Ketchersid
Lynn Dean

Long Contemporary

Krista Phillips
Stacy Monson
JoAnn Durgin

Short Contemporary Romance

Susan Mason
Louise Foster
Lisa Diaz

Winners will be announced at RWA's National Conference in July.

We Have Winners!

Oops! We missed last Friday's winner! Our special guest was author Leigh Dunch on How To Avoid a Booksigning Disaster, and the winner of her Harlequin American release, The Officer's Girl, is Terri Dawn Smith.

Saturday's Weekend Edition-Underdogs winner of a little something from Unpubbed Island is Patty Smith Hall.

Monday we hosted Revell and Steeple Hill Love Inspired author (and RITA finalist) Irene Hannon in Seekerville. Winner of their choice of Irene's releases is Holly (Oceandreamer).

Cheryl Wyatt posted, Getting into (TOO MUCH) Character, on Tuesday. Winner of Getting Into Character, by Brandilyn Collins' is Barbara Early.

Winner of Debby Giusti's, Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense release, Killer Headline, from her Wednesday post Healing Character Wounds, is KC Frantzen.

We welcomed back Revell author Maggie Brendon on Friday with her post, Hair-Tearing 101. Winner of Maggie’s brand-new release, A Love of Her Own is Renee (ReneeLynnScott).

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: 2010 Genesis Finalist and Seeker Pam Hillman is posting today.

Tuesday:Steeple Hill Love Inspired author Ruth Logan Herne is your hostess today. Her post is called, "Love With the Perfect Stranger... For Research Purposes ONLY, of course..." Ruth will be giving away a copy of Waiting Out the Storm and Courage-building Chocolate for approaching unknown writing industry professionals. Two winners.

Wednesday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author Glynna Kaye will be here. Her post is "A Word From Your Inner Critic. " And she'll be giving away a copy of Dreaming of Home.

Thomas Nelson debut author Cara Lynn James shares today. Cara is giving away a copy of the first book in The Ladies of Summerhill series: Love On a Dime!

Steeple Hill Love Inspired debut author Tina Radcliffe will be taking you for a stroll down Memory Lane with her post, "The First Time." Stop by for a little reminiscing and a special give away.

Save The Date:

June 1: Baker and Candle Books, children's fiction and non-fiction author Anne Adams.

June 2: Berkley author Kaki Warner.

June 8:Faith Words debut author Carla Stewart.

June 9: New York Times best-selling author Cindy Woodsmall.

June 11: Love Inspired author Winnie Griggs for an encore visit.

June 18: Desert Breeze debut author Tina Pinson.

June 25:Barbour author Erica Vetsch returns.

Seeker Sightings:

Congratulations to Debby Giusti (Protecting Her Child) and Glynna Kaye (Dreaming of Home) for their placement in The Write Touch Readers Choice Award Contest.

Cara Lynn Slaughter
will be blogging on Monday, May 24th at Writing by Faith Blogspot. There will be a drawing for Love on a Dime, the first book in the Ladies of Summerhill series.

You can find Mary Connealy at:

Operation Encourage an Author TODAY, with a book giveaway
Margaret Daley's blog on Sunday, May 23rd with a drawing.
Lena Nelson Dooley's blog on Sunday, May 23rd, with a book giveaway
Petticoats & Pistols on Wednesday, May 26th posting on A Snapshot of History ~ Solomon D. Butcher.
Trish Perry's blog on Thursday, May 27th.

Cheryl Wyatt's Steadfast Soldier (Wings of Refuge Series) releases on Monday May 24th. You can order it on Amazon.

Random News

  • This is making the rounds and if you haven't seen it, well, let me just say that it's truth, not fiction. Parnell Hall, Signing in the Waldenbooks.

Have a great weekend and thank you to for the great effects!


  1. Great W.E., Tina! Love the cool pictures. What a clever idea.

    Congrats to the TBL finalists. It's exciting to see several wonderful writers I know on the list as well as some I've yet to meet. I wish all the finalists the best and look forward to whooping and hollering when their names are read at the FHL meeting at Nationals.

  2. Hahaha Tina I love all the photoshopped pics! So cool!

    XOXO~ Renee

  3. Oh I love the pics the cats look so cool.

  4. My favorite way to start the weekend--checking out what Tina did with Weekend Edition!

    congrats to the Touched By Love coordinators and finalists!

  5. Jenny noticed THE CATS?????

    Oh mylanta.

    (head in hands, eyes closed, breathing deep....)

    Okay, I've sufficiently recovered to bring COFFEE!!!!



    Coffee will be made fresh all day, courtesy of 'moi', sweet tea is around the corner and have you noticed the very cool REAL GLASS glasses for tea?

    No plastic or paper in Seekerville. Uh, uh. Tea and lemonade (and milk) taste better in glass. That's all I'm sayin'...

    TEENSTER!!!!! Oh man, this was a rip-snortin' wonderful WE! Thank you so much. I died laughing (not really or I would not be writing this) at Parnell's lament about the Waldenbooks book signings and I scoped out the interesting new covers on the Harlequin special releases....They've got a trade paperback feel to them, don't they?

    Hey, I brought full country breakfast because I'm hungry. Chicken and asparagus stuffed croissants, scrambled eggs, home fries, grits with gravy (nodding south of the Mason/Dixon) grilled ham, pineapple, Texas toast and a fresh basket of scones from The Muffin Man over in Wendy Lawton's neck of the woods.

    Dig in. Enjoy. Relax. Write. (Do not waste an entire weekend. Really. No one needs that much sleep. And the chores will still be there in two hourse. Sheesh)

    Raisin' a mug to youse from upstate!


  6. Oh, man the Dennis Cass Youtube video...

    The book launch....

    The King of Apathy?????

    I'm dying, here, really... Gut-clenching side, laughing....

    If only it were as easy as just writing the book... which isn't easy, I know... but it's pleasurable.

    And when I tell my family and friends that marketing is fun, because I LIKE PEOPLE, they fall down on the floor laughing, saying things like...

    "You don't like anybody, Mom!"

    (No, I don't like that you leave stinky clothes and wet towels everywhere you go... I DO like people. Normal people who don't make extra work for me)

    "Mom, no one likes people. You just pretend to like people..."

    (No, Einstein, I don't pretend. I just pick and choose. That's like the TOTAL OPPOSITE OF PRETEND... So there. Now go home.)

    "Mom, marketing is a strategy, a well-planned battlefield dynamic with integrated systemics designed to gain maximum exposure at minimal cost. Street-side economics."

    (Whatever. My biggest battlefield is finding the laptop after a day at work... That's my version of integrated systemics.)

    Oh, Teeeeeeeena, this was a hoot.

    Loving it!!!

  7. Tina! Totally cool WE - just like every weekend! Still amazed at your unending talent : )

    Gotta tune in on Saturdays to experience Tina's talent and Ruthy's mind paths, LOL!

    Ruthy, you're the only one I know who burns calories by just thinging, LOL!!!!

  8. Fun Weekend Edition, Tina!! You're so clever. Now if I only knew how to do that photo stuff. How about a lesson? :-) Thanks for the great links. Loved the hilarious videos!

    Congratulations to our Seekerville daily winners!

    Congratulations to the Genesis and FHL contest winners! Love seeing our regulars on the lists!

    Happy weekend all!! I'll spend it writing. Six days until my wip wings its way to New York!



    How can I not be creative? It is my favorite time period. The weekend.

    Hope you all have a very productive one and get lots of writing done or in the case of our readers, lots of reading!!!

  10. I think the highlight of the weekend edition is Myra as graffiti.


    Tina, have I mentioned you're a genius. God bless you, girl.

  11. Although a cat sitting on Julie's face is right up there. :)

  12. I was partial to the upside down Julie and Camy myself.

    Fitting, somehow. The cute cat was just added bonus.

  13. How do y'all outdo yourselves each and every time. Tina - LOVE the photos. Do you teach? I'm just starting to learn Photoshop Elements and have a long way to go. Great ideas you have. Good going!

    Congratulations to the finalists. And wow, won the entry fee here? How great is that?! And me me me! How exciting to win Debbie's book! Can't wait!

    Thank you Seekers!

    And yum for the fresh asparagus Ruthy. YAY!

    Mary, are you feeling better??

    Alrighty ladies - off to the races! Thank you AGAIN!

  14. The weekend edition is my favorite. You are amazing Tina. I'm with Debra. Its a great start to the best time of the week. smile

    And Audra, you nailed it with Ruthy's mind traveling. She does burn calories. I'm sure of it. And speaking of calories. thanks for all the goodies Ruthy dahling.

    And congrats to all the finalists. Contests are so fun. Haven't entered any myself lately, but love to hear all the shouts and news.

    special congrats to Pamster. Hooray.

  15. Loved this, Tina! Thanks for the great info and links.

    Congrats, TBL finalists!

  16. Great post. I loved all the super cool photos!

  17. I LOOOVE the Weekend Edition! It's always full of fun and news! And I am soooo impressed with Tina's expertise in Photoshop. You've got skills, girl!

  18. TINA!!! HOW in the holy name of weekends do you manage to top yourself every single week????

    Absolutely mind-boggling ... of course, it doesn't take a whole lot to boggle this mind ...

    But, honestly, cats on the face??? Have you NO compassion for my dear husband who is allergic to cats??? I can see it now, cat hair in the lip gloss, a quick and hairy kiss and then BAM! We're off to Walgreens for Benadryl.

    Great edition, Tina!

    Happy Weekend, all!


  19. I'm feeling AWFUL. I normal human being wouldn't be able to rise from her bed.

    But I am here instead, at my computer, spewing cold germs through cyber space.

    Seriously, my throat is so sore I'm tempted to go to the doctor.

    I'll decide Monday. By then I should be on the mend if it's just a cold.

    I'm having a few slow days writing too. All I can do is want to let my heroine sit, wrapped in a blanket, sipping hot lemonade. It makes for minimal drama.

  20. Oh, and I have actually had my face almost that big in the newspaper before.

    It wasn't the New York Times, of course. :)

  21. IF I was a lesser person I would take credit for being a Photoshop genius. Alas I am not. I don't even have Photoshop. I have PaintShop Pro.

    See the bottom of the blog

    You too can be a Now go forth and genius.

    Mary, GO BACK TO BED!!

  22. Great weekend edition, Tina. Loved the photos. Congratulations to finalist in TBL contest. I recognize names there. Great weekend to everyone.

  23. Thanks for the weekend edition---I always enjoy seeing what's coming up!

    Laughed my head off at the Signing in Waldenbooks clip! I can't believe he was seated next to Mary Higgins CLark!

  24. Tina:

    Thank you for your consistent, entertaining, and useful WE's. Trust me, they are appreciated.

    Congratulations to all the FHL and Genesis finalists!!

    I didn't final in either, so I took my revenge. I sent out two more entries to other contests


  25. Success IS the best revenge.

    Way to go, Helen!!!

  26. MARY, you poor thing...go back to bed and stay there and insist on being waited on hand and foot (isn't that an odd expression?). Snuggle up with a dog (if you have one) and a good book...which has me wondering -- what does a best-selling author read in her leisure time?

    TINA -- you are a genius in my book just for being able to navigate that website. And for coming up with all the lovely info on your WE. Loved the video jaunts -- especially the book signing one...ugh...why do authors put themselves through all that? They obviously aren't a profitable marketing strategy. Is it just to keep you humble?

  27. Fun addition, I want to know how you got everyone's pictures in those walls and books. :) LOL! Fun.

  28. Kav, humility is our name...

    Writing's our game...


    Mary, be quiet, no one cares, you big whiny pants.


    Take a pill.

    I will salute Tina's humble genius. Even I can't find fault with that, though I've tried.

    Oh, wait, now I'm having second thoughts about Mary.

    Okay, I'm sending hot lemonade (and yes, it's helpful and soothing, just try it, 'kay???) And some home-made chicken soup. And really good homemade bread with real butter.

    Tell Ivan you want snake soup. I hear that's good for what ails you.

    Didn't they use that in one of your 400 books, honey? Someone must have made snake soup or chowder, didn't they?

    And truth be told, cut up and skinned, I bet most folks wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


  29. I am already heavily drugged.
    I have no lemonade on hand.
    Hot tea though.

    I found a snake in my basement this morning. Thus Ruthy's snake soup joke. I get exhausted trying to explain Ruthy's jokes, honestly.

    I did have the heroine ofo Wildflower Bride kill a rattle snake and offer to prepare it for supper.

    They had beef stew instead.

    I wanted to take pictures of my snake for my blog. My husband insisted on dispatching it and throwing it far away.

    He sees having vermin in the house as an embarrassment rather than an opportunity.

  30. Super-far-out, Teeeeenster!!!!! Your WEs are always amazing! I liked the one of Audra in the art museum. And the cats watching Missy on TV.

    And look at Ruthy in that ANCIENT book!!!!!! I didn't know she was alive back then!

    Oh, my, they're all such fun pix!

    My congrats as well to the TBL finalists and to Dianna for her Genesis final! Way to go, ladies!

    Now I must go play with that photo Web site. Thanks for the link, Tina!

  31. Thanks for all the support, you guys. I can't believe I finalled in a contest again.

    I think this was my answer to the question of whether or not to stick to the inspirational genre. Two of the judges really liked my work (why am I always so surprise by that?!) LOL.

    And congrats to Dianna! That's a great accomplishment.

    Thanks for the weekend fun, Tina.

    Have a great weekend (a long one up here in Canada). Gotta get my flowers planted (hopefully).



  32. Oh, Susie-Qusie, I'm not surprised. Not a smidge!

    And I'm so stinkin' proud of all our finalists (yes, even you quiet ones...) that I could bust a button. Or that might be the extra 3 lb. bag of M&M's from Sam's club last week.

    Stupid Sam's Club.

    Mary, I knew there was snake killin' in one of them, thar books. And Ivan (silly man) just doesn't understand the process of tribe-building with snake oil.



    What are you thinkin', Dude????

  33. Great WE, Tina. Those pics are really cool. I think my fav is Myra as graffiti. Too cute.

    I went to a wedding today. Friend of the bride. Absolutely gorgeous girl and just as beautiful on the inside.

    The ceremony was 28 minutes, and it took a year (at least) to plan it.

    What's up with that?


  34. EXCELLENT WE, Tina! LOVE the art pics!


  35. Another great WE, Tina!!! Love the Seeker pics! You're so clever!

    Looks like a great lineup next week. Can't wait to read all the upcoming posts, enjoy a cup or two of virtual coffee and chat with all the blog friends.

    See you in Seekerville!

  36. Tina, how cool were those photos??!! Love reading your Weekend Edition and hearing about all the great upcoming Seekerville news ;). Hope everything is going well for you lovely ladies and that you have a fabulous week!

  37. Hey Sunday ladies...good to see you all. Looking forward to a great week. Lilacs are still blooming in Denver ...and it has been 11 days without snow. This could be Spring.

  38. Eleven days without snow.

    And lilacs.


    Mountain/Arid ranks right up there on the bizarre-o factor list.

    I am looking forward to a fresh new week. A fresh new book to work on. A cool blog about love with the proper stranger....


    And I have Facebook friends. A few. Mary was my first one, therefore she's achieved favored status.

    It doesn't last long.

    The status, that is.

  39. Oh how fun!! Thanks (belatedly) for the weekend ed., Tina!! :)
