Wednesday, May 26, 2010


- What a stupid story idea..- You can’t plot your way out of a paper bag.
- You write too slow to write to a publisher’s deadline..
- Great idea, but you’ll never do it justice.
.- Your heroine is too stupid to live and your hero is a wimp.
.- Finish this book? Ha! In your dreams, honey.
.- I can’t believe your pacing stinks almost as much as your dialogue.
.- This book will disappoint your agent. Your editor. Your readers.
.- You didn’t meet your word count today and you won’t meet it tomorrow.
.- You’ll never be good enough. You’re gonna mess up.
.- You actually think God’s called you to write? Get real.
..Sound familiar? Recognize that voice? You know, the one that whispers in your ear: “If you can’t do it perfectly, why even try?”
That’s ME, I’m proud to say, creeping around in the dark corners of your mind. Your Inner Critic..Yeah, I know criticism from a contest judge, editor, agent, reader or even a friend or family member wounds deep. But it’s ME, your friendly neighborhood Inner Critic, who most often succeeds at shutting down your creativity, causes you to sit staring at a blank screen, even makes you give up your high-flyin’ hopes and dreams altogether.
.But I’m doing it for your own good! Honest! I want to protect you. To keep you from failing. From getting hurt. From being humiliated. You creative types are sitting ducks for disappointment and discouragement because you risk so much of yourself when you share your writing with the world. I hate to see you cry, lose sleep, be embarrassed, get dejected. So I’M here to look after you, to guard you and make sure you’re not victimized by taking your own hopes and dreams too far into the danger zone. See? I’m a good guy!
Don’t believe me? Well, what if you garner enough courage to enter that contest--only to get feedback that makes you cringe? You may feel gut-kicked for days. That doesn’t sound like fun to me, so why risk it? Then when you crawl out of that pit, hope reviving, you’ll spend hours, days, and weeks revising the silly thing. Ugh. Besides, if you WIN that contest what a potential chamber of horrors that holds--you could trip in front of hundreds of staring people as you go onstage to collect your Genesis or Golden Heart or RITA. See the mental and emotional anguish I’m saving you from?
.You think you want to start a new book? Hey, don’t you remember how bad it was out in the muddled middle of your last one? How you hated the plot? Hated the characters? How deeply you despaired? Didn’t think you’d ever write “the end,” did you? And you want to go through that AGAIN? Can you not see how passionate I am about your well-being? How much I CARE about you?
.Not convinced? What if you finish the book and you can’t sell it? Hmm? That will break your heart, won’t it? Then you’ll have to start from scratch and write another one. I hate to see that happen. And what if you DO sell it? You’ll be expected to write another one then, too! I’m exhausted even thinking about it and will do my utmost to spare you from such a fate.
.I’m told the Bible says something like “as a man thinks, so shall he be.” I’m the champion of self-talk. Ever notice how so-called “negative” thoughts flash more often through your brain than “positive” ones? There’s method to my madness--I’m trying to help you! Most of the time I’m subtle. After all, I’m a pretty clever guy. Gradually feed little thoughts and impressions into your brain. Let them play softly tune-like in the background. Over and over. You subconsciously latch onto them, start to hum along. And the next thing you know, the lyrics are coming out your mouth and funneling back into your brain through your very own ears. All I have to do is sit back, listen to the melody, and let you do all the work!
Yes, I admit my job can be a rewarding one. Guardian. Defender. Dragon slayer. Your very own hero, saving you from unspeakable harm and anguish with just a few timely, well-chosen words. I hope you’re beginning to realize I only want what’s best for you. To protect you from what you think you want. From what you think God wants you to do.
.WHEW! I can't tell you how good it feels to finally get all this off my chest. You have no idea what a bad rap an Inner Critic gets. Misunderstood. Totally. So I want to thank Seeker Glynna Kaye for inviting me here today to publically defend myself and set the record straight. To tell my side of the story.
.BUT...(I should have known there was a catch) now she’s insisting that in all fairness I tell you how to proceed should you not be convinced of my sincere, good intentions and prefer to show me the door. I thought this blog was going to be all about me, but I can see I’ve been duped. And while I’m not much into playing fair, in the cooperative spirit of Seekerville, here goes.
.Evaluate what I’m saying. You might actually find a speck of truth in there. Or a lot. Maybe your hero is a wimp. Your dialogue does stink. But I suppose (SIGH) that it just means you fix it.
.Change the channel. Okay, so you’ve heard my whisperings. Forced yourself to take whatever helpful tidbit you could glean from my words and turned it into positive action--brushing up on the writing craft and applying it to your work in progress. So when the whisperings persist, move on. Change the channel. Don’t continue to dwell on what I say, allowing it to nag at you when you’re tired and vulnerable.
.Challenge me. Keep a notebook filled with “Good Things” that people have said about your writing and review it frequently. Read those glowing judge’s or editor’s or agent’s comments--or a happy reader letter--aloud. Throw it in my face.
.Don’t get hung up on one book. I love it when you work on the same book for years--decades even--trying to perfect it. But in all honesty, I can’t actually say I’ve ever read a perfect book, not even on the New York Times bestseller list. Or one of Oprah’s picks. Move on to something else and apply what you’ve learned so far to something fresh. With each new book under your belt, the more you’ll improve in the craft and as a storyteller. Then should it ever suit you, you can always go back and revise that earlier work with the expertise you’ve gained from the others.
.Forgive yourself for being imperfect. I hate this one, ‘cause the more I can get you to beat yourself up the more likely you are to turn to me to protect you. But while I personally don’t want you moving forth into the big bad literary world until your writing is flawless (I want to keep you from getting hurt, remember?), one of the beauties of writing (or so I’ve been told) is that you can keep getting better and better. Don’t like your hero’s GMC? You can change it. Dialogue sounds wooden? Ditto. So you didn’t meet your word count goal today? You’ll do better tomorrow. But only if you cut yourself some slack--and don’t give up. Strive for improvement, not perfection.
.Stop living in fear. Fear is one of my favorite tactics. What if? What if? What if? Man, that's a blast watching you turn yourself inside out over everything I’ve whispered to you. But Bible teacher Joyce Meyer says much of what you’re afraid of is all in your head (that’s ME!) and never comes to pass. She says you can psyche yourself out with what she calls False Evidence Appearing Real. Which leads to the next point Glynna wants me to, is she ever bossy. (SIGH)
.Pray about it--then just say NO. Pray that you’ll recognize my first seductive whispers. You know, before you subconsciously start to roll them around in your head and then off your tongue and back into your ears. Tell me to back off. Out loud. Shake your fist and stomp your foot if that’s what it takes. Drag me kicking and screaming out of the shadows. Even though I have an ego bigger than Texas, I hate being recognized. Caught red-handed.
.Well, I’m feeling a little grumpy now that you know all my secrets. I’m hanging on to the hope that at least a few of you will recognize my good intentions. I mean, you know I’m on YOUR side, right?
.I’ve also been advised that I now need to ask what YOU do to shut out my “incessant chatter.” Incessant, indeed! Where’d Glynna get such a big, fancy word? Wouldn’t nonstop do? Or maybe never-ending? Unremitting? Relentless? Anyway, if you leave a comment today and your e-mail addy (remember to use “at” and “dot”) you’re eligible to be entered in a drawing for Glynna’s “Dreaming of Home” AND a 4-inch by 6-inch color copy of her “Inner Critic” collage (suitable for framing). She created it several years ago to mock me and keeps it at her writing desk. Thinks it’s funny. Ha ha.
An ACFW "Genesis" and RWA Faith, Hope & Love "Touched by Love" award winner, GLYNNA KAYE'S 2009 Steeple Hill Love Inspired DREAMING OF HOME will be followed by another story set in the same Arizona mountain community of Canyon Springs. SECOND CHANCE COURTSHIP releases February 2011.


  1. AWESOME post, Glynna! I especially take to heart the part about not being hung up on one book. The best way for me to silence the inner critic is for me to just work on a new book. Suddenly the critic is gone because I'm so excited about new characters and storylines!

  2. Wowzers, Glynna!!! That's an amazing post. Clever and yet filled with lotsa truth. Loved it.

    I duke it out with my Inner Critic on a daily basis. Some days I don't seem to have a baseball bat big enough to beat it back. The blasted bugger screams in my ears and does its best to be a royal pest. Nice to get the scoop from its POV. Now I've got some weapons so I can fight back. Thanks!

  3. Sheesh! I thought I was going to be the first to post a comment, but the blasted IC was at work, and I hit preview too many times, allowing Camy to beat me. When will I learn? :)

    Hi, Camy! Nice to bump into another California gal who is at the keyboard into the night.

  4. Wow, what a marvelous post. And applicable to all aspects of life, including writing!

    Thanks for starting my day right.

  5. WOW, Glyna! It was like you were inside my head!

    I fight the inner critic daily but find that when I just DO IT, just put the words to paper, I fall in love with my story so much, I can't stop.

    This was just what I needed today! Thanks!

  6. Woah!!! That was such a creative and descriptive post! LOVED it! That inner voice is a constant drumming in my head at times. This is helpful in drowning him out.

  7. Ouch. That's a little too close to home! And interesting to note that published authors engage in some of that inner conflict too. I thought the road was paved with gold once you got that first contract.

    I think what keeps me plugging away is regularly connecting with my writing buddies (combination of published and unpublished)and visiting sites like this one.

    Seekerville is a great way to start my day. No matter how discouraged I may be, you always manage to direct me towards something positive that I can do towards achieving my goals. Thanks Glynna and the rest of the seekers!

  8. Hi Glynna

    I love this post! It speaks right to my heart. You're so right about the Inner Critic - yes, it does have it's place, but when it disrupts the flow of your work or undermines your confidence, it's definitely time to examine the validity of it's thoughts.

    I particularly like your suggestion about the notebook filled with 'good things' - this sounds like an awesome item to have on hand for a positive boost.

    Love Nicola x


  9. Glynna, love, love, love your post!!! A dose of truth sweetened with fun helps the medicine go down. Hey, that's a song. :-)

    Thanks for this post! Sometimes I think the Inner Critic is louder with publication. No author wants to disappoint readers.

    Prayer helps me fight back. Before I write, I open my head and my heart and ask God what He wants on the page. We have a partner Inner Critic respects.

    I brought scrambled eggs, bacon, raisin toast--crisp but not burned.


  10. Glynna, forgot to say. Your post would be a great article for the RWR.


  11. I love this post, Glynna! It came just at the right time. My inner critic was on fire yesterday, and I needed a post like this to get me back on track.

  12. Hi Glynna,

    Your inner critic sounds just like mine. :-) Great post. It's a relief to know other people have these kind of critical thoughts about their writing.


  13. Good morning Seekerville! Almost 5:30 here in the West -- look at all you early birds (or should I say night owls??)!

    Camy - There IS something exciting about switching gears, isn't there!? I have a story that I started years ago, one of those that was pre-understanding anything about anything. :) But when I'm hung up in a current WIP, I'll sometimes set a timer and just go play in that other world for about 15 minutes. You're right, it often helps shake that Inner Critic loose.

    Hi Keli! Oooh, it's bad enough when that Inner Critic whispers, but when he screams that's even worse--although he IS easier to spot when he gets LOUD.

    (All,Keli is one of the then-anonymous judges who critiqued my 2008 Golden Pen entry and whose scores helped it get in front of a Steeple Hill editor/finals judge who is now my editor! Wonderful things can happen when you throw off that inner critic and enter a contest -- Keli and I were total strangers back then and now we're friends!

    Welcome, Julie! You're right, that Inner Critic rags on us in all areas of our life, not just our writing.

    Patty -- Don't you just love it when you can push that Inner Critic out of the way in spite of his INCESSANT mumblings and put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) anyway? I think that's what having a regular writing routine can do to help keep him at bay.

    Good morning, Sherrinda! Glad dragging that Inner Critic out into the open this morning helped!

  14. Gosh, Glynna, what a timely post!! My Inner Critic had me up at 3:00 in the morning, beating me up, so THANK YOU for this blog because now I know how to beat him up instead.

    VERY clever, my friend!!


  15. Hi, Kav! So glad you've found a helpful "home" in Seekerville! And OH YES, published writers can have the Inner Critic hot on their heels,too. All of a sudden when the stakes are raised and you're writing to a contracted deadline. That's a great idea to check in regularly with a support group--I know the past 5 years the Seekers have kept me going. Very much doubt I'd be newly published if it weren't for them!

    Nicola - SOMEWHERE buried in the Seekerville archives is a post I wrote about my GOOD THINGS notebook. But that was before I knew about adding "tags" to posts, so this morning I can't find it. But in a nutshell, when I first started entering contests and learning quickly that I had a LONG way to go, for each contest I typed out ONLY the good comments from judges. Then when the Inner Critic would start in on me, I'd pull out that little notebook and read all the GOOD THINGS judges said about my writing. That helped keep me going.

    Good Morning, Janet!! Yeah, that not wanting to disappoint readers is huge, isn't it? You feel it's almost like letting down a friend if your next one disappoints those who wrote and raved about your first.

    Karnold -- Now you have an arsenal of weapons to shut up that sneaky Inner Critic!

    Hi Gina! I think that Inner Critic is fairly universal to writers and other "artistic" types. I've known one or two writers who don't seem to be bothered by him, but I think they learned early on how to slap him down and put him in his place before he gets too annoying. Now he just cowers in a corner. :)

  16. Hey, Julie! Ugh! A 3 a.m. visit from the Inner Critic? Not fun. Praying you'll knock him off his feet and have a FABULOUSLY PRODUCTIVE writing day today!!

  17. FOUND IT! My post on "The Good Things Method" - March 26, 2008. I don't know how to do a fancy link, but you can find it in the 2008 March Seekerville archives (scroll down on the home Seekerville page and you'll find the archives links in the right column). This is the path if you want to cut and paste it:

  18. Great post, Glynna!
    I can so relate! My inner critic has really been keeping me from writing the past, oh, nine months or so! But I'm making progress now and feeling more hopeful. :-)

  19. Melanie -- So glad you're backing down that Inner Critic and are moving ahead again. Sometimes he can get so LOUD and so OBNOXIOUS and he can build high, thick walls to keep us from getting our hands around his throat. :)

  20. You're speaking to me Glynna--and probably to every other writer! My inner critic kept me from writing for years. What was the point when publication only happened for a few unbelievably talented authors. So glad I didn't continue to listen!

  21. I wonder if the roller coaster ride of emotions is PART of what it takes to be a writer.

    Because man, I have sky-high days and terrible days, up and down, hang on for the next dip, don't take the ups to seriously, cuz they won't last.

    I suspect part of it is having a very vivid imagination. So we IMAGINE triumphs and tragedies for ourselves right along with our heroines.

  22. Wow, PREVIEW your comments?

    I probably oughta do that.

    Typo Queen

  23. Glynna, this is so apt.

    I've got nothing to add but food.

    Coffee. Fresh. Hot. Strong. Mmmm...

    Iced tea. Diet Cherry Coke. With a straw.

    Fruit. Crepes. Cream cheese filling. Oh mylanta...

    Whipped cream. Danish tray.

    Dig in. Enjoy. Glynna, this was just plain wonderful.


  24. Cara -- Your readers will be SO GLAD you finally threw off that Inner Critic and kept writing. I just finished your first published novel-- "Love on a Dime" --and can't wait to read the next two in the series! Love that turn-of-the-century era and the seaside mansions. :)

    Mary -- Artistic types DO have vivid imaginations! Goes with the territory, I guess, which can give our Inner Critic a foothold. Sure am glad you keep subduing yours every time he rears his ugly head and are continuing to produce those rolicking cowboy comedies! Can't wait to read your latest, "Wildflower Bride!"

  25. I think my inner critic has been jumping up and down on me here lately, so this came at a good time. I needed some ammunition!

    Starting a new book. That's what's been niggling in the back of my mind for a few weeks now. I think I've done all I can with the first one, now I need to move on to something completely new and see what happens. My writer's group (waving furiously at Kav!!!) is an amazing group of ladies that will do what it takes to keep us encouraged. They'll send cyber group-hugs, head slaps (thanks, Gibbs), and just about anything it takes to get our focus off that inner critic and onto the task at hand - WRITING.

    Thanks so much!

  26. Thanks you for pitching in with some breakfast goodies, Ruthy! I think everyone was starving. Never had diet cherry coke for breakfast though. Hmmm. May have to check it out! :)

  27. Regina -- so fabulous that you have a good writers group. Sometimes that makes all the difference in the world -- friends to cheer you on and give you swift kick when needed. Best wishes on this new book that's niggling!

  28. Well, I have to be out-of-pocket most of the day, but I hope you'll help yourself to the breakfast brunch Ruthy's provided and continue to share your ideas with each other for warding off your Inner Critic! Have a great day!

  29. Mary,

    Not only do I have an overactive Internal Critic, I have an Internal Editor that is a bit OC and tends to be a perfectionist. Caem in handy in my BK (before kiddo) days when I was a copy editor. Now, not so much. That's why I devoured Glynna's wonderfully witty and right-on post last night. I can use all the advice I can get on how to duke it out with this pesky duo.

    PS - I forced myself not to preview this comment. There's hope for me yet.

  30. Wow! Super smart and funny post! I totally relate. My Inner Critic has a huge mouth which he uses daily to blast me with fear.

    The one thing I've found that shuts him up is scripture. When his wicked voice starts cutting my writing to shreds I pull out my Bible and read scripture aloud. He hates it!

    Plus, now I have the voice mail informing me that I'm a finalist in the 2010 Genesis contest. Next time my Inner Critic comes around, I'm going to slam that victory in his face. Score!!! :)


  31. What a great post and very timely! I have had to push the inner critic away recently too. Why are you writing? You can't POSSIBLY put enough conflict in this story to make it last. How are you going to fill 90k??? Hmmm????

    So thanks, this was JUST what I needed. :)

  32. I had a little trouble with Glynna's post...I kept thinking it was coming from inside my own head.

    Here's a quote I'm fond of.

    Madness does not always howl. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "Hey, is there room in your head for one more?

  33. Y'all make me smile.

    Isn't this just like God to provide the exact right thing at the exact right time?

    My ICK (Inner Critic for Karen) has been hard at it this morning. I've got to turn in my WIP to the writing coach by first week of June so ICK was blasting me just a few hours ago.

    Will review Good Things and show it to her! HA! That and a good Bible verse. How about: Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:13. That should do it! ICK - BE GONE!

    I do love gargoyles - that would be great to enjoy along with a good book! may at mayontheway dot com

    Ruthy - may I have REAL Cherry Coke please, with the straw??

  34. Mary, we KNOW you don't preview your comments, darling.

    Or even much LOOK at them.

    Whereas with Keli....

    I mean, come on. Girlfriend. Are ya' kiddin' me????

    My puppies are crying. And I don't mean my feet. The real kind, like "Where's my mama Golden Retriever" kind.

    But I'm so down with this. It's a roller coaster business (get it??? "Down" with it? Huh????)

    Okay sorry, but it is an upsy daisy kind of ride that smacks you down right after it builds you up.

    Let's go back to: It's not for wimps.

  35. KC,

    I have an ICK too--Internal Critic for Keli. And you just gave me a great tool. When it rears it's ugly head I'm just gonna say, "ICK, go away!"

    A verse I cling to is Isaiah 41:13, "For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."

  36. Glynna!!! Imaginative, clever, and oh-so-spot-on!!!

    I'm about 11,000 words into a new project and hearing that Inner Critic screaming in my ear. Like Mary said, it's a roller-coaster ride. One minute I'm thinking this is the best stuff I ever wrote, and the next, it's like . . . WHO WROTE THIS DRIVEL????

    And believe me, getting published is NO CURE for stifling the self-doubt. It isn't just readers we fear disappointing, but our agents, our editors, our friends, our families . . . ourselves.

    Whew! I think I need some chocolate.

  37. Nothing like a fat paycheck to help quiet ol' Mr. I.C. Brattasaurus

    The Inner Critic Dinosaur.

    I love bringing scripture into this, because that kind of an inner critic is never of God. Sure, it's good to strive for our best, to push and focus and try our best, but when the voices start telling you a bunch of negative C-R-A-P, then you need to silence them with God.

    Super Dude HS can kick the crap out of Mr. I. C. Brattasaurus. I triple dog guarantee it.

    Don't ever let it get the best of you. Better yet, let it MAKE the best of you. Kick the Inner Critic to the curb with your success.

    Which comes back to work. Write. Work. Write.

    I know, I know. Where the heck are the short cuts?????

  38. Thanks, Glynna.
    A word in due season.

    I'm running out of printer ink from printing all these Seeker posts. LOL.

  39. Oh, btw,
    I never realized you were one of my imaginary friends, Glynna.
    Not until I read this post.
    I've been hearing YOU in my head all this time?
    Wow. ;-)

  40. Hi Glynna:

    Your post has stirred up a thousand sleeping devils!

    What you have described as the Inner Critic is actually the devil! Don’t give the devil power by resisting him. Ignore him. Laugh at him. But don’t fight him. That’s what he wants.

    A genuine literary ‘Inner Critic’ is only concerned with making your work better. A genuine Inner Critic doesn’t care if you like its criticism or not. It doesn’t even care if you are successful or not. It’s just a critic: it’s not your friend, it’s not your mother, it’s not a cheerleader. The real IC is a faculty in your brain. It’s right next to the ability to do math and logic. BTW: the IC does not like to be personified. :)

    That other ‘IC’, that pretender, that false friend -- that’s the devil. You don’t want to listen to him.


    P.S. I have your book and both myself and my IC loved it.

    P.P.S. My IC wants to add that it can’t actually love. (Such a stickler).

  41. I just had a lot of fun writing a scene.

    I'm on an upswing again.


  42. Glynna, great post! You really hit a nerve today. Did you see how the first several comments started? Awesome, wowzers, wow, WOW, whoa, ouch...


    I think we all must struggle with this. It's something I always have to work on. Of course if I even hint at whining about it, someone in Seekerville will slap me around a little and give me a pep talk. LOL

    So thanks for the advice! And I love that photo!! What a great way to laugh at the IC.

  43. A daily battle. I (a) listen to uplifting music that affirms the words of God; (b) talk to close friends who affirm the words of God and offer encouragement; and (c) re-read posts like this one that I've bookmarked along the way.

  44. My inner critic has a lousy sense of humor. I fight this individual, but have found that I make progress when the critic is on a diet of bagels and cream cheese.

    Oatmeal with brown sugar also works.

  45. Hehe - clever post. And so true. I think the biggest, best secret lies in the "forgive yourself" part.

  46. I locked IC in the closet this afternoon and wrote 1500 words! Yippeee!!!!

    We'll see how IC feels about those words tomorrow.

    Or maybe I won't let him out of the closet right away.

  47. Regina, that's so cool that you're starting a new project!

    Go for it, girl!

    And toss out questions if you have any. I'll make Mary answer 'em.

  48. Mary's cold meds have kicked in.

    We'll all have a better night for it.

    Thank you, God.

  49. Walt, your inner critic is happy with bagels and oatmeal???

    That explains so much.

    Just sayin'.

    Mine gets backhanded and my go-Ruthy-go CHEERLEADER gets M&M's.

    But I can't button my pants.


    But Walt, really? Bagels? Cream cheese? Oatmeal?????

    Oh mylanta.

  50. Exhausting day, but I'M BAAAACK!

    ANGELA! Congratulations on the Genesis final! THAT should make your Inner Critic back off fast!!

    CASEY -- glad the blog post hit the spot!

    KC -- that's a perfect scripture for those Inner Critic encounters.

    Hi, MYRA! Like Mary said, it IS a roller coaster ride, isn't it!? When I get the "idea" it's exciting. Then, as we all know, and "idea" does not a story make. So you have to go down into the trenches to dig up internal & external GMCs. Then it's back up again and pounding out the opening chapters. Then down you go again! LOL

    PEPPER -- You mean MY Inner Critic is moonlighting in YOUR head? The little two timer! But you're welcome to keep him all to yourself. I'll make the sacrifice. :)

    VINCE -- I totally agree, I think we all know the true source of energy from our Inner Critics! His agenda isn't to build up, but to tear down. A liar and the father of lies. Which is why it's so important to pray that we'll recognize him ASAP before we get caught up in his ploy. So glad you enjoyed "Dreaming of Home!" :)

  51. Hi, MISSY! Isn't it wonderful that with the Seekers we can at least whine a LITTLE before we get taken to task? :)

    PATRICIA - Music! Wonderful idea! Very powerful punch to praise songs.

    WALT - Feeding the Inner Critic? Now that's a method I hadn't thought of! Sounds pretty effective. :)

    ERIN - Yeah, forgiving ourselves is a biggie. We get it in our heads that we have to do everything perfectly to be accepted.

    MYRA -- Congrats on the great word count! Keep the closet door shut AND LOCKED and let us know what happens tomorrow!

  52. Keli, I've got to say--my inner editor is such a perfectionist, it wouldn't let me send in a completed manuscript for two years!

    That's where a great mentor comes in handy--at least, that's what I've found. When I was finished with my last manuscript, my critique partner/mentor, Laurie Alice Eakes pushed me to get it out the door, always ready to hold my hand or give me a pep talk. And she immediately had me brainstorming the next story in the series.

    God bless those wonderful mentors!

  53. Sounds like somebody has my number! My inner critic been talking to your inner critic? valerie at valeriecomer dot com

  54. Glynna, thank you for this. It's amazing how often we struggle with self-doubt.

