Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Contest Update for the Month of ...

Welcome to another Seekerville monthly Contest Update. We take contests very seriously here. Today the prize vault is open and today we're sending someone a copy of Ruth Logan Herne's, Waiting Out The Storm.

Just let us know what's going on in your writing world.

Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.

Unpublished Contests

Heart of the West. Electronic Contest . Deadline July 1st. (Hurry you have only one more day!) Contest is open to published and unpublished authors. Unpublished authors are ranked separately from published authors. Published authors may submit only unpublished, uncontracted manuscripts.

Contemporary-ELIZABETH POMADA, Michael Larson, Elizabeth Pomada Literary Agents;
Historical, BARBARA POELLE, The Irene Goodman Literary Agency;
Paranormal, GAIL FORTUNE, The Talbot Fortune Agency LLC;
Mystery/Suspense, DANIELLE ROSE POIESZ, Gallery/Pocket Books;
Young Adult, ANN BURKHARDT, Kimberly Cameron and Associates
Published, CHRIS KEESLAR, Dorchester Publishing.

Golden Gateway. All electronic contest with a deadline of July 12. Entry consists of the the beginning of your manuscript and 10-page maximum synopsis (55 pages total maximum). The synopsis will be judged. Besides the usual prize stuff...note: A Grand Prize of $100 will be given to the highest overall scorer based on first round judging.

Long/Short Contemporary Series Romance – Shana Smith, Silhouette
Single Title Romance – Katherine Pelz, Berkley
Mainstream Fiction with Romantic Elements – Meredith Giordan, Berkley
Historical Romance – Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks
Romantic Suspense – TBA
Paranormal/Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Time Travel Romance – Latoya Smith, Grand Central

Dixie Kane Memorial Contest.
Deadline July 15. NO ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS. Entry consists of the first five (5) pages double spaced and a synopsis (one page, single-spaced, not judged). Categories: Short/long series contemporary, Single title contemporary, Historical romance, Paranormal, Inspirational, Novel w/ strong romantic elements, Romantic suspense, Erotic romance. Prizes: $50 cash prize with tie breaker and special certificate for the overall highest score of all categories. Also, first place winning entries will be sent to final judges for reading and potential requests for full or partial ms. First, second, third place, and honorable mention certificates. Winners announcements in RWR, posted to SOLA’s website, New Orleans Times Picayune and other publications.

Alicia Condon, Editorial Director, Brava (Kensington Publishing)
Alicia Rasley, Editor, Red Sage Publishing
Lill Farrell, Editor, The Wild Rose Press
Debra Dixon Editor, Bell Bridge Books
Others TBA

Heart to Heart. Electronic only contest. Deadline July 15. Categories, Paranormal, Historical, Contemporary, Erotic and YA. Final judges acquiring editors and agents (which ones?)

The entry is not required to be the opening scene of the book, but pages should be numbered as they appear in the manuscript to a maximum of 15 pages, in which the hero and heroine meet for the first time or for the first time in the book if they are previously acquainted. You may submit more than one scene if you wish, as long as the total is not over 15 pages. The scenes (and all pages) must be consecutive; (for example: submitting pages 9-18 of your book, along with an optional set-up page.) If your entry isn’t the first scene in the book, and if you feel that more information is needed so the judges will understand the situation, you may submit a one-page, double-spaced set-up. This is optional, and will not be scored. The optional set-up page will not count toward the 15-page maximum. ( Okay I'm a little confused )

The Golden Rose. Deadline August 7th. Electronic. Entry consists of the first fifty pages and you may submit and optional one page (unjudged) synopsis.
Contemporary Series – Susan Litman, Editor, Harlequin
Single Title Contemporary – Megan Records, Editor, Kensington
Historical – Emmanuelle Alspaugh, Agent, Judith Ehrlich Literary Management
Paranormal, Fantasy, and Futuristic – Alexandra Machinist, Agent, Linda Chester Literary Agency
Romantic Suspense – Kristin Sevick, Editor, Tor
Young Adult – Andrea Somberg, Agent, Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Novel w/Strong Romantic Elements - Amberly Finarelli, Agent, Andrea Hurst & Associates

Published Contests

Heart of Excellence Reader's Choice Award.
Deadline (postmarked) July 5th. Open to RWA members with books having an original copyright date of 2009 or "First US Printing" date from January 2009 to December 2009. JUDGES: Judges will be chosen from RWA members, non-RWA members, romance readers, booksellers, and librarians. 1st Place winners in each category will receive a trophy and a winner’s graphic to include on their website. 2nd and 3rd Place winners will receive a certificate and a graphic for their website. Announcement will be sent to RWR.


Short & Long Series Contemporary Romance
Contemporary Single Title Romance
Romantic Suspense
Historical (includes Regency) Romance
Inspirational/Traditional Romance
Paranormal Romance (includes fantasy, time-travel, futuristic)
Strong Romantic Elements
Erotic Romance

And finally....Just For Fun

Don't forget you have through Friday, July 2nd to enter the Slacker Tuesday Contest, right here in Seekerville.

The Third Annual, Real Simple, Life Lessons Essay Contest. Opens June 1 and ends on September 24.

Finish this sentence: “I never thought I’d. . .”

Have you ever taken a huge, surprising risk? Did you climb a mountain? Go back to school? Get married (again)? Tell us about it: Enter Real Simple’s Third-Annual Life Lessons Essay Contest and you could have your essay published in Real Simple; win round-trip tickets for two to New York City, hotel accommodations for two nights, tickets to a Broadway play, and a lunch with Real Simple editors; and receive a prize of $3,000.

To enter, send your typed, double-spaced submission (1,500 words maximum, preferably in a Microsoft Word document) to

And finally,

I like Lisa Gardner. Why?

1. Despite the fact that she was a baby when she first sold, she told an inspiring story at one of the Desert Dreams Conferences about how she lived off her advance for like three years while she totally revised her first book 4 times. A starving artist. What's not to love?

2. She writes great and very scary books.

3. I sat across the table from her at an RWA Librarian's Day conference luncheon. She is genuinely nice.

Now comes the best part. Reason Numero #4. She has a contest going at her web site that speaks to my heart. Kill a Friend, Maime a Buddy Sweepstakes.

Oh, Maaary....


  1. What's going on in my writing world? I just typed up an email, does that count as writing? :-P

    I won't be entering any of those contests but too all of you who are, good luck!

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Thanks for the update! My writing world officially kicks off tomorrow when I start vacation. I plan to write copious amounts every day interspersed with taming my garden. :-)

  3. Renee, you're a faithful reader. That's why we love you.

    Kav, wow, a writing and gardening vacation. MY kind of vacation.

    Coffee is officially on. Lamars donuts are served. Helpee Selfee.

  4. Hmm...what's happening in my writing world....I sent my signed contracts back to Barbour yesterday!!!!

    Good luck to all who enter the contests.

    Since I already have Ruthy's book, please don't enter me in the contest.

    And again, thank you Seekerville for making me feel so special when I announced my sale to Barbour.

  5. Copious amounts while interspersed with gardening....

    My kind of heaven on earth.

    No back talk. No whining. Little food prep.

    Kav, I'm comin' over.

  6. Rose already WON Waiting Out the Storm, but is she READING IT????

    OH NO....

    She's all high-an'-mighty now, with the big head goin' on and signin' contrac's all over the place, too busy to read a Ruthy-book.

    Which is kinda sad.

    But on FRIDAY there is a SURPRISE giveaway hitherto unavailable to mankind in general....

    TEE HEE.....

    And we're not going to mention that Cliff Lee made the Yankees look just a bit goofy last night and we're sendin' prayers upward that their next pitcher isn't another Cliff Lee or Jamie Moyer.

    Oh my stars....

    And I can't even HATE Lee 'cause his family looks adorable, and who knows... He might be wearin' Yankee blue and pinstripes by next year.

    One can only hope.


    I miss contests. I do not miss losing.

    I miss entering.

    Gadzooks, I'm pathetically addicted, compulsive and competitive. Where do they put people like me in heaven?

  7. Good morning, Tina!

    Lots going on in my writing world! Besides finaling in the TARA, I spent the month of June researching an idea that I pitched at the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference in May. Monday, I started on the first draft. I'm hoping to get most of it done in July while doing Novel Track.

    Throw in church softball games, canning and looking for a house and July is going to be one BUSY month!

  8. I still haven't gotten around to writing my 150-word romance. But I have a couple more days. I was deep in edits all day and into the night yesterday, what time I wasn't saying, Oh, is it time to eat? What do you kids want? Okay, can you make that yourselves? Good. And the TV's too loud.

    Ha. Well, it didn't go EXACTLY like that, but sort of.

    I want to win Ruthy's book! melaniedickerson at knology dot net

  9. Oh, and don't enter me in the contest--I bought my copy of Ruthy's book last week.

  10. Mel, I want you to win my book, too.

    And if you don't, come back Friday.


    There is more than a fake silk possibly stolen scarf being given away. :)


    That makes two people!!!! ;)

    Oh, wait, my kids bought copies.

    Eight people!!!


    Sorry, couldn't resist.

  11. ROSE!!! SUPER CONGRATS, girl, on the contract from Barbour. That is HUGE!!!

    And thanks for the great update, Teenster. Like Ruthy, I SO missed contests for three years after I received the call because you can't enter unpubbed contests anymore, but then you need an actual book in hand with the correct copyright year in order to enter a pubbed contest, so withdrawal was awful!!!

    But ... I guess I forgot that entering and NOT finaling is even MORE awful ... :/

    What's going on in my writing world?? Finishing up a few minor revisions on book 2 of my new series, then ... NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I dive in to the LAST O'CONNOR BOOK!!! Gotta feeling it's gonna feel like saying good-bye to family. Oh, well, guess it's high time I move in with a new one ...


  12. Great to hear from the contest QUEEN! Thanks Tina. Always fun to see what's shakin' in the romantic world of contests (as opposed to middle grade/YA non-romance)... :) That's another blog for another day.

    ROSE!!!! Congratulations!!! Can we have a contract signing party? I'll bring the special celebrate plate for Rose!!!

    Kav, please come tame mine. I was just out there. It's pitiful. Did have killer lettuce earlier, about gone now. Will have to replant. It was fabulous. And lots of purple onions.

    Funny (?) how the weeds take over if you're not out there almost every day.

    YAY to Ruthy. I don't know why exactly. Did you need it?!

    Good going Patty. First draft - exciting, and a little daunting.

    Melanie - that will be fun coming from you! I'll be traveling so dang it, will have to check back and read through everyone's. Should be fun. Maybe I need to add some romance to May's books. (NOT for her, she's spayed. HA!)

    Julie - wow! That's something isn't it? 3 years in between. Hadn't thought of it. From this side of the equation, sounds like a nice problem to have though... Keep smiling!!!

    For me on the writing front - been doing some short pieces, one for our writing group and one for a local Tea Party group, as well as the usual letters to the editors (does anyone else see the direction we are headed??? Sheeegads...) If you watched the GMC channel on DirecTV last night the Doc episode was on with the interviews with the WWII, Korea and VietNam veterans, as well as the NYFD men who survived 9/11. I cried all the way through. Those Johnson boys can weave a story.

    And I'm helping edit a book for a Christian ministry.

    And I'm writing way too much now...

    OH - you mean my BOOK! Well - the ms. is with Sandra Byrd. I've hired her as my awesome writing coach. I'm super-excited to see what she comes back with mid-July. When we're finished, then I'll see what's next.

  13. Pssst... It's me Tina P.

    I'm incognito...

    running anonymous incase anyone sees me working or something

    Cause I'm going to share a bit about what is going on in my writing life, while still in slacker mode.

    I realize Slacker Tuesday has passed, but I enjoyed it so much.

    Right now...

    I'm laying on the couch day dreaming up new story lines.

    Thinking I just might have to Kill a Friend or Maim a Buddy.

    Anyone care to be my friend...

    just for a short time?

    I'm still trying to come up with something for the Slacker Tuesday.

    I could be a contender if I only write something.

    I'm still promoting my ebook In the Manor of the Ghost.

    There sure is more to that than I figured...

    Speaking of Promotions

    Today is the LAST DAY to enter my Win a Kindle... Catch a Ghost contest at

    I'm also doing an interview and giving away a copy of my book at: Casey Herringshaw's Writing for Christ site. .html

    Saturday I will be visiting Pepper Basham at her Words Seasoned With Salt site.

    where I will attempt to share about Sizzling First Encounters.

    Cause I've had so many don't you know.

    Okay, so my characters have had a few.

    But that is how things are going in my writer's world.

    thank you for the opportunity to share. And the grand grand grand opportunity to enter for a chance to win Ruth's book.

    Isn't life grand.


  14. Ruthy....

    Just to clarify...I was always high and mighty..just ask my family...didn't have a thing to do with selling to Barbour! : )

    And just so you know, I'm taking your book with me on a weekend get away this month. It's my vacation read!

    Thanks, Julie & KC, I am excited.

  15. What's going on in my writing world: I've just finished the Snowflake Method for my ms. Tomorrow is July 1 and I'm participating in Novel Track - committing to 1000 words a day. If you thought I was nuts before now - just wait till the end of July!


  16. oops...

    Anonymous Tina P. again.

    I just realized I put the @ sign instead of (at) in my email for my post. Am I going to lose my birthday or something.

  17. I've heard a number of people talking about this Novel Track. Anyone care to inform an ignorant writer wannabe?

  18. As I have already won a copy of Ruthy's next book (as well as re-arranged a display at my local Books-A-Million to give Ruthy a little more space), I don't need to be entered into this contest. I am also sort of contested out, having entered three in June.

    However, I am excited about the little break in my life that I will soon get. Next Monday-Tuesday, I will be able to spend entire days writing. This is new for me (and my lovely wife has a Honey-Do list that includes staining the front porch during those days, but I'm looking forward to it.

    I also finally have a copy of "Of Mice and Murder." I will begin devouring that this weekend.

  19. Congratulations, Rose, on your sale! Great news.

    In my writing world, I entered the Maggie contest for the first time. Am hoping to get good feedback from the judges.

    I've been writing short stories and submitting to Woman's World magazine. Don't expect to hear anything for a couple of months. I'm trying to submit one or two stories a month.
    I'm also editing my last manuscript and I'm in the process of getting some new critique partners. Plus brainstorming a new book.

    Wow, that sounds like a lot now that I list it all! LOL.

    Would love to win a copy of Ruthy's new book!

    Have a great day everyone.

    sbmason (at) sympatico (dot) ca

  20. Well I didn't know what Novel Track was either. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Well I didn't know what Novel Track was either. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Wow, next to December, summer tends to be the least productive time with kids and proud of all our Friends of Seekerville who are so productive.

    and those who are incognito too.

  23. Major congratulations to Rose. I've been spending more time in the garden when not writing, but still haven't accomplished very much. I entered the Heart of the Rockies contest this month, two published writers are reading my novel and offering suggestions for improvement and I'll be at two book festivals in July with true stories I've published in Chicken Soup and other anthologies. Thanks, Tina, for the update on contests for next month. I won't be entering these contests, but hope those who do have success with them. I have Ruthy's first novel, Winter's End, so don't enter me for this one. I'll be reading it soon, Ruthy.

  24. Kill a Friend, Maim a Buddy?

    Why did you say, "Oh Maaary..."

    Tina! What did you do???!!!!

  25. I have been HAUNTING the local store (a fifteen mile drive people!) that sells LI's waiting for Ruthy's book.

    I have almost purchased it on Amazon ten times now. But I like to get them in stores. It seems more....PERSONAL I guess.

    I'm honestly not sure what I'm thinking more of the time.

  26. What's going on in my writing world? Hmmm, shopping one manuscript, and working diligently on another one.

    I'm with you guys.

    I love to enter, get butterflies when the announcements are made. Love finalling, and getting work before editors and agents, but coming in dead last...not so much.

  27. Congrats Rose on your contract with Barbour. That's awesome!

    My writing world is busy and full of excitement. I finaled in the 2010 Genesis Contest, and now I'm preparing to attend the ACFW conference in September. I hope to meet some Seekers while I'm there. :)


  28. If anyone needs a friend to maim or kill, I'm available. :-)

  29. I'd decided to come out of hiding to announce that I wrote my Slacker Tuesday story and posted it.

    I'm so good.

    slinking back to anonymous

  30. And Walt,
    (me, Tina P. lurking again so I have an alibi)

    thanks offering your friendship.

    I just may have to kill you.


  31. Hmmm, my writing world-I'm waiting on contest results for two different manuscripts and revising remaining chapters, and I'm reading a really good book by Diane Noble.

  32. Walt, how generous of you.

    Your name did come up in the top ten on that contest. (Kill a Friend, Maime a Buddy)

  33. Way to go all you writers...and gardeners, lol.

  34. I'm also looking for a willing victim, too.

    In addition, if anyone would like to have me offed for this contest (to get me in the Top Ten), please use wmussell(at)hotmail(dot)com.

  35. Tina P a little're really BAD at this whole Anonymous thing.

  36. Mary,

    Hey,How could I be bad at anonymous, it's been me, Tina R. All along.

    I fooled everyone.

    Mwahh ha ha

  37. She is fibbing.

    Tina P = Anonymous

    The little stinker.

  38. What's going on in my writing world? Well I have these characters running amuck in my head trying to cross over into other plots...hey maybe that's a book in itself?

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. The weather here in Indiana today was a perfect 75 degrees with very very little kind of summer!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  39. Alright the anonymous stinker fesses up.

    It was me, Madame Zelda


    it was me Tina P. of course.

    But Tina R. Has so many alter egos it could have happened.


  40. Well, now that school is over, I can finally get back to my writing. I think I need a fire lit under me right now because I'm not in the mood yet. I just need to sit down and write. I've been busy catching up on reading and resting right now. :)

    cynthiakchow (at) earthlink (dot) net

  41. LOL, Love that last contest on Lisa's site!! :)

    Thanks for the great contest info, Tina! You listed one I'm not familiar with. I may barely have time to enter!

  42. I just bought a copy and began reading it this morning. Love that the heroine is so different from anyone I know, a sheep farmer.

    I'm focusing more of my energy on nonfiction freelancing at the moment, but the story ideas keep crying out to me. I think I'm going to look for freelance short story or creative nonfiction opportunities too for balance.

  43. Am I too late to enter into the drawing for the book?

    I'm in the midst of writing my first novel, "Finding Beth," which is a contemporary christian women's romance series, book 1. (I have an agent who is interested and waiting for me to finish.) I've also been writing and submitting stories to Women's World magazine. I write pro bono for Public Health Alert nationally distributed and on-line newspaper for the chronically ill in their faith factor section, and I'm editing a book for establised author Mark Littleton as a side project. I also have a compilation devotional book (written by HACWN writers like myself) at the printers right now - 101 Facets of Faith.

    Sound busy enough? LOL I think I have too many irons in the fire.


  44. Hey, Patricia!! I haven't read it yet, myself, but I will!!

    You are not too late, Linnette.
