Saturday, June 12, 2010

Weekend Edition Cloud Watching

Ever dream you were floating on a cloud?

How about finding shapes and pictures in the clouds and then creating stories about those cloud shapes?

Besides chasing Captain Jack and eating Mallow Cups, a favorite pastime on the island is to lay on a hammock and cloud watch.

Hope your weekend is filled with plenty of cloud gazing time.

This just in!

Do NOT miss these Julie Lessman opportunities!

Monday through Sunday, June 14-21, 2010:
Leave a comment for a chance to win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted at A Break From the Norm blog.
5:00 PM, Wednesday, June 16, 2010:

Win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books during a Blogtalk radio interview with Don Parker. It's easy and it's free -- first, you have to register to gain access to Blogtalk radio, then just click on the link below at the appropriate time, and the audio interview will automatically stream from your computer. If you register ahead of time, you can click on a "reminder" button to remind you when the interview is on.

To win a book, simply leave a comment with your name and e-mail address in the comment box at the bottom, and if your name is drawn, you will be contacted to answer a simple question from the interview. Audio should begin immediately at 5:00 PM on Wednesday, June 16, but there is also a start/stop box to the right of the header. Here's the link and good luck!

We Have Winners:

Barbour author Mary Connealy presented part four of her five part series on revising a completed manuscript with her post Tag You're It. Winner of her upcoming release, Doctor in Petticoats is "runner10".

FaithWords author, Carla Stewart was our guest Tuesday. Carla talked about how she chose her characters and the setting for her debut book, Chasing Lilacs. Winner of her RT 4 1/2 star review release is "Patches of Life".

New York Times best-selling author, Cindy Woodsmall was our special guest Wednesday with her post, Why Amish is Hot-An Inside Look. Winners have been contacted and are: Dianna Shuford, Charity, Golden Keys Parsons, Amber S, and Patricia W. Stop by Cindy's website and blog, for even more contest opportunities.

Friday we were delighted to have Winnie Griggs back in Seekerville. If you haven't, stop by and read her excellent post on Crafting Effective Scenes. Winner of her RT Top Pick release, The Heart's Song, is Rose.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Sourcebooks Casablanca author Amanda Forester is our special guest today. Amanda is giving away a copy of her debut release, The Highlander's Sword and her agent Barbara Poelle of Irene Goodman Literary Agency is doing a "first line contest" with the grand prize being a three chapter critique.

Tuesday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author Cheryl Wyatt is blogging today. Her June release is Steadfast Soldier.

Wednesday: Thomas Nelson debut author, Cara Lynn James hosts and she's giving away a copy of her first release in the Ladies of Summerhill Series, Love on a Dime.

Thursday: This space intentionally left blank. Stay tuned for more. In the meantime, watch the clouds.

Friday: We are thrilled that Madame Zelda was spot on! Yes, another friend of Seekerville sold. Today we welcome our friend and Desert Breeze debut author Tina Pinson . She's sharing with Minding Your P's and Q's, Lessons from the Writer's Delivery Room, and giving away a copy of her e-release, In The Manor of The Ghost. She'll also give details on how you can enter her contest to win a Kindle.

Save The Date:

June 25:Barbour author Erica Vetsch returns.

July 6: Revell author Dan Walsh encore.

July 7 : Harvest House author Mary Ellis.

July 16 : Golden Heart Finalist Jacqui Jacoby returns.

Seeker Sightings:

Monday, June 14th
join Mary Connealy at Words Seasoned With Salt blog, sharing on Sizzling First Encounters.

Check out Cara Lynn James' interview at The Urban Muse.

Myra Johnson
was guest blogger at Words Seasoned With Salt blog this week sharing on Sizzling First Encounters.

Tuesday, June 15, Myra is speaking on "Myra's Novel Planning Workbook: Plotting and Tracking Your Work-in-Progress" at the Tulsa Night Writers meeting.
Thursday, June 17, she's participating in the ACFW Conference Blog Tour at her own blog, Writer at Random.

Julie Lessman will be guest author on Friday June 18th, at Words Seasoned With Salt blog. The topic is Sizzling First Encounters.

A Hope Undaunted interview with Julie is now available on the website. And she's featured on the Writer's Corner.

Random Cloud News:

  • Check out Ninth Moon, writer gifts, tools and book promotions.


  1. THE END!!!!!

    Aren't those the most beautiful words?

    Wonderful words.

    Sweet words.

    Gratifying words.

    To an author.

    I wrote them just a few minutes ago. And now I feel like I'm WALKING ON A CLOUD!!!

    It's only a first draft, with a lot of work yet to do, but IT'S COMPLETE!

    How did you know, Tina??


    Coffee's on. There's also milk and juice.

  2. Thank you so much! I am so thrilled to have won one of Cindy Woodsmall's books!!! :) Congrats to the other winners, and thank you to all those on Seekerville who write such great posts!

    Helen: Congratulations! I can imagine that must be just like soaring through the air (or as you say--walking on a cloud!) when you write those words! :D

    And thanks for the milk! It will go well with the cookies I brought from Mrs. Fields! (I don't know if you have Mrs. Fields on the East Coast, but they have some yummy cookies.) ;) Help yourself!


    P.S. If you haven't already been able to tell, the food I bring is probably not the healthiest choice--at least not for your body! Maybe for your soul, though... ;)

  3. Congrats, Helen.
    LOVE that feeling!!

    And thanks, Tina, for a great weekend edition. I love watching clouds. Very calming :-)

  4. Thanks, ladies, it's alway nice to be listed as a winner. Can't wait to read Winnie's book.

    Hmmm....I'm very intrigued about Thursday...more later? Is that later today? Later this weekend? Gives me something to ponder as I watch the clouds. Unfortunately, they're storm clouds in my area!

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  5. Some people look forward to leisurely perusing the Saturday paper whil savoring the decadence of not having to rush right out to work. I, however, have come to appreciate these weekend editions as the perfect way to begin my two day sabbatical from the work week. And since it's rather chilly and very rainy here, I'm adding a variety of hot chocolates and steaming hot banana bread (with a healhty dollop of chocolate chips) to the buffet table.

  6. WHOO-HOO, way to go, Helen!!! You're at the top of the mountain, and it's an easy trek downhill from here, girl!

    LOVE cloud watching, Tina!!! It's where my head is MOST of the time, it seems, when it's not in Boston ... :)

    Happy Saturday, all!


  7. Good morning, Tina & Seekerville! Unfortunately, there will be NO sitting outside to watch clouds today for me. It's currently 34 degrees. Highs to be in the 50's. Brrrr. Where's my winter coat?

    Congrats on "the end" Helen!! Such a wonderful feeling!

  8. Helen, wow, congratulations.

    Now the fun begins.. editing and sending out queries. Good for you.

    Glad to start the weekend with such great news!!

  9. Amber we have Mrs. Fields in kiosks in malls here in the Colorado area.

  10. Glynna,
    I know how you feel. Same around here in Vermont's pouring! Lol....we don't care about the rain as long as it doesn't rain next Friday for graduation. Wow, less than a week 'till graduation. Can you believe it? I've started a countdown at my blog, lol!

    Helen: CONGRATS!!!! That is exciting. How thrilled you must be : )

    I'm curious about the Thursday post too, Rose. Hmmmm....storm clouds here too so I guess that can't help me pass the time....

    Talk to you all later,

  11. Helen, those ARE two beautiful words! Enjoy that cloud! And Kav, thanks for the banana bread - my favorite!

    I love weekend editions--even when I don't win! It gives me something to look forward to for the coming week!

    Thanks, Seekerville!


  12. Hey, Tina! You rock, girl.
    Just wanted to let you know.

  13. Congrats Helen on those precious words, I wrote them myself yesterday!!!

    Congrats to a winners, it was a great week on Seekerville. :)

  14. Hooray for Helen! Congratulations!

    Beautiful clouds overhead here in West Texas. We are enjoying vacation in the Davis Mountains on a real ranch.

    Interesting history! Lawyer granddaughter of local mega-huge ranch owner inherits a bazillion acres and marries handsome UT graduate. They start a hotel business in town and at the ranch - jeep tours, swimming, hunting etc. They run cattle and have about 20 head of horses. All the while she commutes to the big city and a job as an attorney. Doesn't it sound like the perfect setting for a romance?

    Too bad I am writing kids lit. LOL.

    Thank you Tina, for the Weekend edition. I enjoy it, too.

  15. Congrats to Casey!!!

    Wow, Kathy, that does sound like a great story! I call dibs.

  16. Love the clouds Tina. But I need to stop watching them and get busy to write. smile

    Although I will miss this fun pastime when I leave unpubbed island. Hopefully soon.

    I have some delicious melons that ripened in our island garden if anyone wants a sweet treat while cloud watching.

  17. Thanks for the great WE, Tina!!

    And HELEN!!! Woo hooo!!!!! Congrats on that feat! Did you cry? I almost always cry when I type The End. :)

    Yay! Go celebrate!

  18. Congrats to you, too, Casey!! Woo hoo!!!

  19. Wow, graduation! Congrats, Hannah! Then only a few more months and you'll be a college co-ed!! Have you picked a major yet?

  20. Oh my gosh, Glynna!! I can't begin to imagine that in June!! Come on, just hop on a plane and come visit. It's 90 degrees outside and I'll be grilling chicken tonight. Come join us! :)

  21. Tina, I finally clicked to see your picture up closer. I thought you were dressed as Darth Vader!! :)

    Nice huge mug! Perfect.

  22. Missy:

    No, I didn't cry. But i feel light and airy, almost euphoric, one minute, then lethargic and near tears the next.

    I'm taking the weekend off. Gotta let me headache clear up before tackling revisions.


  23. Helen, it is an emotional thing to struggle through and then finally reach that goal.

  24. Yes. Thank you, I am dressed as the bride of Darth Vader. I often play dress up on Saturdays.

  25. YAY Winners!! (Especially my awesome local writing friend Bev aka Patches of Life!!)

    YAY Helen! Wow. Love it. What is it about??

    YAY Tina - beautiful clouds you snapped photos of. Just AMAAAAZING some of them. ha!

    Thanks for all the food everyone. Right now I need very icy lemonade. It is HOT in middle TN today. Wshew.

    Or could it be my May Schnauzer in the lap? Yeah, that might be it. She supervises while I write her story. She's giving me small kisses as I type this... :)

    Everyone have a great weekend!

  26. Amber, Pepper, Julie, Glynna, Tina, hannah, Regina, Casey, Kathy, Missy, and KC:

    Thanks for the congrats. It means a lot from a bunch who understand all that goes into the journey.

    I've told my husband and son that I finished. They say "good" but their faces show no excitement. Know what I mean?

    KC: It's romantic suspense, with teenage jealousy as a driving force behind the skullduggery.


  27. Helen, it's Sunday, and I've refreshed the coffee but I'M SO STINKIN' PROUD OF YOU!!!!!




  28. Kav, I'm blending the Hot Chocolate with my coffee to make a decadent mocha and lovin' the banana bread!


  29. Glynna, we're grilling too.

    Come north. Leave your mountain retreat.

    Talk about global warming. Sheesh.

    Hannah, I'm humming Pomp and Circumstance right now in your honor.

    So proud of you, and if you need hugs in college, you just say the word. We're here for you. I've even got some of my kids old papers I'd be willing to 'barter'...

    For a price. :) (insert evil laugh)

  30. Helen, men know nothing.

    I love 'em, but they're born limited. They can't help it. But since God gave them definitive roles to play, we'll never let sperm banks put them completely out of business.

    Right, Walt? Vince? :)

    Does anyone else remember that Amazon-type fantasy book from years back. All I remember is the guy was really cool and the amazons eventually realized that men were tolerable.

    I'll let you guess what convinced them, LOL!

    No, sillies.... romance. Oh, man, you girls!!!!

  31. T-E-E-E-E-E-E-N-A......

  32. Yoda and I are quite close, thank you very much. He is my CP. Which explains a lot.

  33. Hi Ruth:

    The beginning of wisdom
    is knowing
    that you don’t know.

    All knowledge
    must be knowledge
    of something.

    ‘Men know nothing’
    Is self-contradictory.

    What else is new? : )


  34. Love cloud watching, Tina. Though lately we've had cloud cover and lots of rain.

    Congrats to all the winners in Seekerville!

    Huge kudos, Helen, on typing The End of your draft!!!!

    Hannah, we're celebrating your graduation with you!! Have fun!

    Hope our unpubs are getting your first lines ready for the chance to win a three chapter critique by Barbara Poelle of Irene Goodman Literary Agency! What a great opportunity Amanda Forester is bringing to Seekerville on Monday!

