Saturday, June 26, 2010

Weekend Edition Summer Fun

Seekerville is having a fun time this weekend!
And we're giving away a surprise summertime package to one
commenter who shares a favorite summertime memory.

Winner drawn fourth of July Weekend.

Friend of Seekerville, Rose, sold to Barbour Publishing.

We Have Winners:

Wow! Lots of winners!

Monday, Missy Tippens posted on Reversal of Destiny. Winner of a choice of one of Missy's books or another Love Inspired release available at is Linda Henderson. (Please email Missy)

Tuesday, Sandra Leesmith's post got us excited for the upcoming RWA National Conference with Fun Things To Do In Orlando. Mary Bailey is the winner of Cara Lynn James' debut release, Love On A Dime. She will also receive a copy of Sandra's children's book God's Spirit Within Me. Please note! Seeker friends gave some other great ideas of sites to see in Orlando. Look for the blue links on Sandra's comments.

Wednesday, Glynna Kaye was your hostess with Road Trip Research. Winner of a $10 gift card from Barnes & Noble is Julie Hilton Steele. (Contact Glynna if you have not already).

Thursday, Debby Giusti's post was Courage. Winner's choice of Debby's titles goes to Kathy5476.

Friday's guest Erica Vetsch gave us a Manuscript Triage and gave away a copy of Clara and the Cowboy. The winner is Sally Kilpatrick.

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: The ACFW Blog Tour comes to Seekerville with our very own Pam Hillman hosting.

Tuesday: Steeple Hill debut author Tina Radcliffe is here and she promises to be witty and intriguing (whatEVER). Currently she has no clue what she is posting on. However she is sure she will be giving away a copy of her sister, Anne Adams' latest release, Bible Facts from Candle Books.

Wednesday: July Contest Update! The prize vault is open!

Thursday: Resident cowgirl and Steeple Hill Love Inspired debut author, Audra Harders is your hostess.

Friday: In honor of the upcoming national Independence Day celebration, Ruth Logan Herne will ring in the weekend by posting, The Top Ten Patriotic Reasons for Buying her just released 4 1/2 Star novel, Waiting Out the Storm. One lucky winner will be given a choice of a genuine, bought-from-a-Manhattan-street vendor-therefore-possibly-stolen floral scarf (winner's choice unless Ruthy decides which one she LIKES first, then the winner gets leftovers) and some unsuspecting patriot will win a copy of Waiting Out the Storm.

Save The Date:

July 6: Revell author Dan Walsh encore.

July 7 : Harvest House author Mary Ellis.

July 8: B & H Publishing Group author Julie Carobini.

July 16 : Golden Heart Finalist Jacqui Jacoby returns.

July 23: Seekerville brings you an an anonymous industry insider, known to us as 'S', who will be posting on What Authors Need to Know About Book Distributors.

Seeker Sightings:

Look what we found on

Camy Tang's September release from Love Inspired Suspense, Formula for Danger.

Missy Tippens
will be a guest on Word's Seasoned With Salt, Pepper Basham's blog, as part of the Sizzling First Encounters this Tuesday the 29th.

Mary Connealy visits those wonderful ladies at Writer's Alley on Saturday, July 3.

Doctor in Petticoats, which officially releases July 1st.

Book #1 of the Sophie's Daughters series

Sophie McClellen from Petticoat Ranch as her tough Texas cowgirl daughters raised. You didn't think they'd grow up to be quiet little things, did you?

Beth and Alex survive a stage coach accident. Beth realizes the derelict in the stagecoach with her is a doctor and she forces him to help tend the injured. Alex finds he can care for the patients as long as Beth is right beside him. . .yelling at him.

Alex saves Beth’s sister’s life, but he only has the courage to treat patients as long as Beth is there. The one way to keep her close it to marry her. Beth thinks he’s a lunatic, but there’s no denying his skill, and she’s so empathic she can see the terrible price Alex pays to help hurting people. Besides, she owes the loco doctor for saving Sally.

She agrees to marry him. Her parents, Clay and Sophie protest the sudden marriage, but when Beth agrees to the marriage they grant their blessing.

And that’s when the real trouble begins. A bounty hunter is on Alex’s trail for desertion from the army. Alex has to live long enough to turn himself in, and then he may face a firing squad. And this all happens right when Alex is getting to be semi-sane and Beth is just starting to like him.

Doctor in Petticoats is available now on Amazon HERE.

It's time for another Mary Connealy newsletter. (can't you just FEEL the excitement building?) Mary will draw the name of one subscriber to win a free copy of Doctor in Petticoats and announce it in the newsletter. So sign up now...before it comes out. If you're already a subscriber no need to subscribe again, you're in.

Audra Harders will be guest blogger on Words Seasoned with Salt blog, sharing Sizzling First Encounters!

Random News:

That's it..gotta run. The sprinkler calls...


  1. Coffee is on! The real stuff this time, Mary.

    I love these weekends. I feel energized and ready to conquer the publishing world everytime I read them.

  2. Hi, it's not morning, it's still night.

    Great weekend edition as always, Tina.

    It's summer time. I never thought the winter would end. In fact, I expect a blizzard to break out on the 4th of July.

    Mary 'Pessimist' Connealy

  3. Thanks Renee. I'll be back. Right now I am sleep walking. I thought I heard Mary singing.

    Hush, Connealy. I live in Denver. It could happen

    One of my favorite childhood memories from summer is sleeping in the backyard in tents.

    The smell of the grass and the scary night sounds and the neighborhood little boys who were also sleeping out and who waited until all the parents fell asleep and then terrorized your tent, shined their flashlight into your eyes and stole your Fig Newtons.

  4. My favorite childhood memory of summer was the year I went with my cousin and his parents to Daytona Beach for two weeks. We had a blast! To this day, I enjoy remembering that time!


  5. I'm having a hard time picking one summer favorite, so I'm going with the memory of days that stretched out so long and weeks that were so long and lazy that I would look forward to school in Sept. Now tell me, why do the days fly by without a drop of time to relax?

    Responsibility is no fun, that's why.

    (Oh l loved my pup tent memories, despite the insects. Back then the tents were canvas and had that lovely musty smell!)

    Made a new memory yesterday when I took my granddaughter on her first carousel ride at Charlotte Beach, and we all had a picnic along the windy shore of Lake Ontario.

  6. I'm like Debra.

    The glorious summer stretched FOREVER when I was a kid, and now I think about how fast 365 days fly by.

    Vacations all over the US.

    Sleepovers with my cousin.

    Working in the hay field.

    The garden - Yuk! Give me a tractor and a hay rake any day!

    Going to Bible Quiz competition.

  7. Loved all the links in this weekend's editon! However do you find them all?

    Okay -- one of my favourite summer memories.

    The year a group of us found the box of Nancy Drew books in my friend's garage. They had belonged to her grown up sister. Our imaginations fired up as we devoured them.

    It was after we read "The Ghost of Backwood Hall" that we decided the old house at the end of the street was haunted. It was a big old house on a huge property complete with a garden gone wild (think Secret Garden) and several out buildings.

    We created our own detective agency and spent the summer belly creeping across the grounds in search of clues while trying to avoid detection by the caretaker. We spent rainy days creating tragic stories about the family who used to live there and sunny days brazenly exploring the property.

    The most outrageous thing we did: broke into one of the out buildings (by climbing up onto the roof and crawling down a kind of chimney flue!) Imagine the panic when we discovered that it was much harder to climb back up that way. Talk about hysterical panic!!! We thought we were trapped until we realized we could just walk out the door! LOL

  8. My favorite summer memory as a child is having my cousins spend the day with us and we play Password or 10,000 Pyramid, ate a lot of snacks, took a lot of walks and laughed about dumb stuff.

    My favorite summer memory as an adult happened just this week when I got the "email call" from an editor.

    Looks like Madame Zelda's 2010 predictions were right on!

  9. I am so enjoying your summer memories!!! Thanks for sharing.

  10. ROSE, DAHLING!!!!

    I love it when I am right, and I am always right.

    Spill de beans, kiddo!

    We want to know ALL!!!

    Pardon me as I scream!!! (Oooh and all those exclamation points, Marlena Fortune will have a fit!)

  11. My email call came from JoAnne Simmons of Barbour Publishing. She accepted my manuscript, Lily of the Field to be published by Heartsong Presents. If all goes well on revisions, it's set to release in December 2010!


    I should have the contracts next week to make it official!!!!

  12. One of my favorite childhood memories is camping down by the creek (pronounced crick) that ran through my grandparents' dairy farm. About 10 of us--cousins and neighbors--carried down sleeping bags, munchies, stuff for s'mores, shoes for wading in the "crick", and white powder doughnuts for breakfast. We searched the field and "crick" bank for firewood.

    Well, that evening, a thunderstorm moved in fast and furious. My grandma and uncle yelled for us from their front porches--we were in the valley where voices could really travel.

    We threw our sleeping bags around our necks and ran through the pasture in the pouring down rain. We ducked through the barbed wire fence and made it safely back to Grandma's house, leaving a trail of belongings through the pasture.

    I can remember the fear, the feel of the pelting rain, but oh what a night! The next morning dawned with a brilliant blue sky and singing birds.


    Please do tell us more. Don't leave us hanging...or we'll have to without the cinnamon buns from you til you spill the beans.

  14. ROSE!!!!!!

    This is truly awesomely wonderful news. Congratulations young lady!!


  15. Lisa and Virginia, what visuals. I was there!!

    Have to remember that..crick, not creek.

    I just finished The Help so right now I am speaking southernease. I can't help it ya'all.

  16. My family unit, which was my mother's parents, Mom, and me, didn't go on many planned vacations. There was a reason for that--they usually didn't end well. The one that stands out the most was when we visited my mom's sister and her family in South Carolina. There is a family camping resort/theme park called Pirate Land located in Myrtle Beach, SC. Our two family groups decided to stay together at Pirate Land. Well, I have to say my little unit drew the short straw on this trip. It was so hot, as soon as you stepped outdoors your eyeballs started to boil in their sockets and your face began to melt. My mother, grandmother and I found a beauty shop and immediately had our hair cut shorter than it had ever been. My grandfather fell asleep in a lounge chair in the sun, and he ended up with lobster legs from the knees down. Our family car died, and I do mean "died". My grandfather had to buy another car just to get us home. To add to the ongoing drama, a family feud erupted between my mother and her sister. Mercifully, though, the feud cut the trip short. The highlight of Pirate Land for me was the show that I accidentally made during the actual Pirate show. I was really involved in the scene, and when one of the pirates forcefully whacked a sword against a table top, I just about jumped out of my seat. The problem was, I had a large full cup of soda in my hand. The cup had no lid. When I jumped, so did the soda...out of the cup. Up and out and all over everyone sitting around me. I was the only one who laughed! Finally, we made it home. Scalped, sunburned, limping and driving a different car. Our elderly neighbor didn't recognize us when we entered our house and she called the police! My grandfather was well-known in our community, except to the young officer who came to investigate, and the officer insisted on seeing identification. We had to prove that we belonged there! That was the last great vacation adventure for my family unit. After that, we pretty much stuck together and stuck close to home. There's no place like home!

  17. ROSE!!!!











  18. ROSE!!!! YAAAAAAAAAY! Another Friend of Seekerville departs from The Island!! Tell us more! What's the story about??


  19. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for celebrating with me!!!!

  20. Ahhh, summer memories . . . hanging with my cousins at Grandma's house. Riding ponies & bicycles. Fishing. Catching crawdads. The smell of a freshly mown lawn. Apples and peaches on our trees. A million trips to the library and time to read every book I hauled home. Lemonade. Popscicles bought from the street vendor who rode around the neighorhood on a bicycle with a freezer attached. Hamburgers on the grill. Penny walks. Climbing trees. Playing outside until well after dark. Catching lightning bug and butterflies. Would LOVE to have 3 months of unstructurd free time NOW! :)

  21. ROSE!


    What an exciting week you've had. I'm {{{{{{{THIS}}}}}}}} happy for you!!!

    Enjoy every minute.

  22. Pardon me while I scream from excitement for Rose!!!!!!!!!! Oh, how exciting!!! Wooo hooo!!!!

    Okay, now I'll try to calm myself enough to go read the summer stories. :)

    Rose, congrats! I'm so thrilled for you!!!!

  23. Virginia C, that is just too funny!

    You should submit that to Chicken Soup if you haven't already.

  24. What fun stories!

    Debra, I remember that tent smell!

    Kav, I envy how adventurous you and your friends were! What a cute story! :)

    Virginia, what trip that was!! LOL

    My favorite memories are of sitting outside at night with all the neighborhood kids about my age, hanging out in the street under a street light. I don't even remember what we did there. Talked, I guess. (Although I do remember on occasion running around the neighborhood ringing a few doorbells and running!) Yikes, I hope no former neighbors are reading this! :)

  25. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Hey, Tina!!! I am picturing you and me cavorting in the sprinkler with my kids. For some reason, it isn't appealing. LOL!!!

    I had to sleep late this morning. This past week was stressful, and last night about 7:30, I lost it. I needed a BREAK! And the only way to get privacy around here is to go to bed and lock the door! LOL!

    Anyway, all in all it was actually a very good week. I'm now doing revisions, Tina, on a SECOND BOOK so my editor can take it to the PUB BOARD. But shhh, that's just between you and me, Tina. No one else is supposed to know. Heehee.

  27. Oh, I forgot to say CONGRATULATIONS to ROSE!!! That's awesome, girl! YOU GO!!!

  28. Oh, forgot to add a favorite summer memory. Here's one, building a tree fort with my distant cousins who came from Mississippi to visit their grandmother, who lived about a hundred yards down the road from us. It was a chinaberry tree and had this huge area in the middle where the trunk branched off into about five large branches. We built a platform and sides and it was a really great little clubhouse. Life in rural Lower Alabama was so boring, it was always great to have Mark and Beth as playmates. I haven't seen them in over 20 YEARS.

  29. Melanie, THANKS FOR SHARING YOUR SECRET WITH ONLY ME!! Woohoo to you too. I love good news and we seem to be overflowing with it today.

  30. Congratulations, Rose!!! That is super awesome.

    I don't know if I have a favorite summer memory. When I was a kid we took several cool vactions. We went to the Ozark when I was little, and the to the Grand Canyon when I was in high school. Since hubs and I have been together we haven't had a family vaction. Last year I got to go to D.C. for RWA, which was a lot of fun.

    Okay, my dad would probably kill me, and I can't actually remember if it was spring or summer, but my family went to the lake for a picnic. I must have been in grade school. I remember being excited. My dad parked the station wagon parallel on a decent incline, so that the belly of the station wagon straddled the incline. Dad had armor-alled the seats right before we had left. Mom pulled the boys out and for some reason left the passanger door open. Dad had been standing outside the car on the driver's side and reached in to lift up the arm rest to grab something. The seats were so slick from his armor all he slipped. And he slid. He slid like a child on a slipper slide. Right out the passenger door head first. We laughed and laughed. I still smile everytime that image crosses my mind.

    Outside of that I loved going out with my mom when she was a Girl scout leader to hunt for arrow heads. I looked forward to the summers when I got to go to Church camp. And I always spent a great deal of time at grandma's during the summer. Now that both grandparnets are gone I cherish those memories.

  31. ROSE!!

    Way to go!

    Congratulations and Blessings.


  32. Renee, now I feel guilty for cracking up at that visual. (Sorry Renee's Dad!)

  33. I'm late for the party.

    Rose, I'm so thrilled. I'm still dancing for you!!

    My favorite summer memories are when I was a teenager and before my next oldest brother left the nest. He and his friends would let me tag along to Willow Lake to swim. We lived in a small town and the nearest pool was over a half hour away. We would grab some pop, pringles, boom box with several cassette tapes, and the fudge striped graham crackers and off we'd go for an afternoon of frolic in the lake. I loved to lick the chocolate off of my fingers and wash it down with pepsi.

    That was back when I could tan. And I didn't mind the lake water. Good times, good times.

  34. What total fun, Dawn. Lakes are the best in my opinion.

  35. Another great week on Seekerville! As always, you guys have stretched me to new limits.

    Blessing for a great weekend!


  36. Old fave: Slow-roasting with my mom and sisters on a sugar-sand beach of Maui.

    New fave: stretching my arms to hold as many kids as possible while the Cambodian sun cooks us from the inside out.

  37. Hey Patty and Kimberly...

    Okay, now Kimberly, tell us about this trip to Cambodia.

  38. Rose! Rose! Rose!

    Congratulations on your sale!! Madame Z knows her stuff when she makes predictions! The year is only half way over and we've had LOTS of Friends of Seekerville first sales!!!

    Celebrating with you from Colorado!!

    Oooo, do I smell party in the air?

    Could be party, or could be summertime barbecues, roasting marshmallows around the bonfire, or freshly mown grass.

    And reading...out on the deck...all day long. Stupid kid, what I wouldn't give to be that *BORED* again!!

  39. Oh my, I've come loaded with food!


    LET'S BOOGIE!!!!!

    I am dancin' up a storm here and I've got lemon trifle, strawberry trifle, cream puffs, turkey and ham wraps, chicken salad, shrimp salad and meatballs with a twist.

    And champagne punch.



    To You, To both of you for not quitting. Not giving up. Not giving in....

    And may I be one of the first to invite you to help teach at upcoming and as yet unplanned Island Getaway Writing Retreats hosted by really cute guys?

    Just askin'.

    So Happy for both of you!!!!

    Oh happy, happy, joy, joy!!!


  40. Thanks for all the well wishes and celebrating with me AND adding it to the blog post!!!!!!


  41. Hey Tina!

    I went with 6 other teammates to build a school building at an orphanage. I promptly fell madly in love with the kids and was humbled to see how big God can be in a life. Children with stories that hurt just to hear were free and whole by God's grace and the crazy power of His love.
    I have never before sweated so much as when we were hand-digging trenches to lay the foundation.
    My arms were at their best though when I was holding a 12 year old boy. He wrapped his skinny arms around me and I got to be his mother for a few days. I left behind my visor on his head and a large piece of my heart. It was a life altering two weeks. I can't wait to go back!

    If anyone wants to read more, we blogged during the trip at

  42. WOHOOO!!! Congrats to Rose. Sorry I'm late, but just wanted to add my applause to the celebration.
    That's awesome.

    and great edition, Tina. As usual.
    Someday, maybe I'll create mine as colorfully as you do yours :-)

    Favorite summer memory. Oh. So. Easy.
    My mom's side of the family rented a house at the beach. All 35 of us. And we took my great granny to see the ocean for the first time.
    Besides the chaos which ensued at EVERY turn, one of the funniest memories was granny going to beach - in her rolled up knee-highs, tightly coiled bun, gingham moo moo, and black patton shoes. She held up her little white umbrella, squinted toward the horizon, and said (in deep Appalachian dialet). "Well, I don't know 'bout ya'll, but I think I see a tree on the otherside o' that water."
    Impressed? I think not. LOL.
    She never did take off those knee-highs.


    I'm so excited...can you tell?

    Fantastic news!!! What a great weekend for you. Celebrate!!! For like the next two or three months. And it comes out in DEC 2010--that's not a long time to wait.

    YAY, ROSE!!!

    MEL--Oh, my gosh! Book Two!!! Whoo-hoo. But shhh,hhh! No one knows, right? Congrats, dear one!

  44. I got to see Kimberly just glowing with excitement telling us about her Cambodia trip! I'm sure they love her just as much as she loves them. :)

    Renee, I've nearly slid off my seat after using Amor All on it for the first time! Your poor dad! LOL

  45. Missy,
    Her knee highs rolled down like in the movies. It took me a while to figure out why that was so funny to some people :-)

  46. Oh, I LOVE that you put Rose's pic on the front page!!!


    You just totally rock the big Kahuna.

    And ROSE!!! The celebration continues:

    I fixed us up with coffee for this morning, but then I have Panera coming in with mid-morning, post-services/Mass brunch, LOADED with wonderful foods from their stuffed meat pastries (that always kind of remind me of a Scottish pasty which I love) and Danish and bagels with our own private server to toast or build them to order.

    And the ladies guild of St. Francis Xavier has sweetly donated a "High Tea" for later today, very sweet, prim and proper except for the accompanying champagne punch.

    Enjoy, sweet Seekervillians! Today is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice therein!!!!

    Zippity Doo Dah!!!!!

  47. Rose, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So excited for you!

    (Can you tell I finally got to sit down for a moment and actually read the comments?)

    My favorite summer memory was all the reading I got to do then. Daddy or Momma would take me to the library once or twice a week and I would get as many books as the librarian would let me. Then I'd pick a few granny apples off the neighbor's tree(without him knowing it, of course) and snuggle into my favorite spot on the front porch. I'd read for hours on end!

    Years later after I had married Dan, he told me that he travel that road in front of our house with his mother, see me sitting there and wonder about that girl reading on her front porch. Little did he know he would marry her!

  48. Oh, my Kimberly, what a sweet story.

    Peppah, I love your granny.

    Patty what a wonderful summer story and love story!! :)

  49. My favorite summer time memories all typically revolve around the 4th of July. My parents grew up in the same neighborhood (the Willows), as did my grandmothers who still live in the houses they were raised in. Every year their neighborhood does a 4th of July "Horribles" Parade, which turns into an afternoon of a neighborhood wide block party. My family always marched in the parade with another family in the neighborhood.

    I think I was about 8 or 9 this particular year our theme was "The Dinosaurs are back and this time we'll do anything to make it!" I remember being asked which color green fabric I wanted my tail to be a week before the parade, a dark green or a light limey green. I chose the dark green."

    The morning of the parade dawned and we had to get up at 6 in the morning so we could get to the Willows and grab a good parking spot at my Nana's (it's a small neighborhood and everyone has 4th of July cookouts, so it's a fight to get the parking you need for everyone). We trooped down to Nana Liz's and ate some Dunkin Donuts (another 4th of July tradition, someone always makes an early morning run to Dunks for coffee and donuts) before getting ready for the parade.

    It ended up being about the hottest 4th of July I could remember to that point and I was melting in my costume, which also consisted of long pants and long sleeves. The parade route is about a mile and a half but at 8 years old and practically dying from the heat, I was a very unhappy camper and letting my mom know it! I managed to keep marching through most of the parade, but when we passed the spot my dad's side of the family claims every year, which was almost at the end of the route, I was given the opportunity to hop out of line and I took it!

    A few minutes later, we were back at Nana's and I was whipping off my hat and tail and ran up to change into shorts and my 4th of July t-shirt. When my parents came back after the awards for the parade, my mom gave me a silver dollar, which is something always given to the children who march in the parade. I still remember my dad saying, "Little girls who don't finish the parade shouldn't get silver dollars." And my mom told him to leave me alone, and I almost finished.

    At that point they took my brother and me to happily collect our boxed lunches which to this day still consist of a hot dog, chips, hoodsie cup, a drink, and bubbles.

    After lunch it was time for the games and races, and we spent the afternoon running and my favorite digging in a huge sand pile for the money pit! There is a pile of sand heaped up 3 feet or so on a tarp, and tons of quarters, dimes and nickels get burried in the sand, which turns in to a free for all by age to collect as much money as you can.

    Cap it off with a trip up the park for popcorn and ice cream and end the day with fireworks and 4th of July ended up a great day!


  50. What good memories those are, Holly.

    Thanks for sharing.

  51. Great post and lots of winners this week. Congrats to the winners!

    One of my favorite memories as a child is putting on our bathing suits and playing in the rain. There is nothing like splashing in the puddles and playing in the rain. My girlfriend and I use to do this and we would sneak and get in the ditches of water after a heavy rain until our parents caught us. It was such fun! I think it was more the idea of doing something you wasn't suppose to do!


  52. Virginia, you naughty child. I love it!!! There is nothing better than walking home from school in the rain and stomping (with both feet) in a mud puddle.

  53. We grew up on a farm and in the yard was what they call a yard light. There was a grassy area and we had a sandy area where we had a fire and weiner roasts. This one evening in summer our cousins from 2 miles away came down and we had a weiner roast and mega fun sitting out on the lawn and we roasted marshmallows also. Talking, laughing having a great time.

  54. maybe I should explain: this was in the 60's and I know some are thinking '2 miles'!! Back then one did not go from the farm unless it involved school, going to the field or the city/town for groceries, etc. You just didn't pick up and go when you felt like it.

  55. Fave summertime memory? My first ever trip to the beach last year! Yeah it was last year LOL! I don't get out much! Aside from the fact that I got terrible sunburn on my forehead it was the best time that I ever had and I was blessed enough to have the opportunity to go back this year again and it was just as beautiful! Want a fun beach trip, definitely go to the Outer Banks of NC!

    Congrats on the contract Rose! I'm excited to know there will be more great books by new authors to add to my wishlist in the near future!

    XOXO~ Renee

  56. My favorite summer memory are warm nights eating dinner on our patio eating a BBQ dinner while listening to 50's music well after the sunset.

    cynthiakchow (at) earthlink (dot) net

  57. Renee, I have always wanted to go to the outer banks. Dixie Browning, (one of my fav. authors) writes and paints from there.

    Robyn, long time no see. One of my favorite memories is catching fireflies in jars down on the farm.

    Cynthia that sounds wonderful :)

  58. enjoyed all of the favourite summertime memory, hands down, is catching fireflies in my backyard.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  59. Walking to the public pool for swimming lessons when I was in 4th grade. Up the main boulevard which curved so you could never really see what was ahead. But I knew that if I kept moving forward, I'd soon quench the heat in the coolness of those chlorinated waters. And one day, on my way home, a golden retriever followed me. Wouldn't shoo. No tags or collar. We tried to find an owner but no one stepped forward. So Dusty became my dog.

  60. Patricia, Karen, thanks for sharing.

    Patricia I almost forgot. Public pool lessons. Every single day. Hitting the pool when the chill was still in the NY air and those lifeguards telling us they had especially prepared the pool with ice cubes. I believed that.
