Saturday, June 19, 2010

Weekend Edition

Lessons from Stephen R. Covey

If you haven't read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,
put it on your summer reading list.
The book is as powerful today as it was when it first released.


This has been a working week in Seekerville. We shared and critiqued. Congratulations if you were brave enough to put your work out there.

Monday was an extra special day in Seekerville as we welcomed Sourcebooks Casablanca author, Amanda Forester for Faith, Half-Naked Men and a Contest! Winner of her release, The Highlander's Sword, is Kathy Hurst. Winner of the three chapter critique by Amanda's agent, Barbara Poelle, of the Irene Goodman Literary Agency is Callie James. Thank you to Amanda and Barbara for their generosity.

Tuesday, Cheryl Wyatt shared on the first five pages and discussed her poll of agents and editors. Winner of Noah Lukeman's, The First Five Pages is Casey. Don't forget to pick up Cheryl's latest release, Steadfast Soldier, available NOW!

Thursday, Ruth Logan Herne's post That's What Are Friends For, provided the opportunity for you to share your WIP issues. The winner of a Ruthy critique is Kirsten Arnold, and the winner of her upcoming release, an RT 4 1/2 star review, Waiting Out The Storm is Kelly Freestone.

Friday we were tickled to welcome Desert Breeze debut author Tina Pinson who shared, Minding my P's & Q's, Lessons from the Writing Delivery Room. Winner of her ebook, In the Manor of the Ghost is-- WHOA--we have two winners!! Debra Marvin and Pat Jeanne. Congratulations. And don't forget to stop by Tina Pinson's blog during June for her contest, Win a Kindle...Catch a Ghost.


Monday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author Missy Tippens is your hostess.

Tuesday: Sandra Leesmith is taking you to Orlando, Florida and the 2010 RWA National Conference. Join her for some fun Orlando travel ideas outside of the House of Mouse.

Wednesday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author Glynna Kaye will be posting on how to get the most out of your research trip.

Thursday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti (2011 Military Investigations Series) will be posting and will give away a book of the winner's choice.

Friday: Barbour author Erica Vetsch returns. Erica will be sharing her very own editing/revision process and giving away a copy of her release, Clara and the Cowboy.


July 6: Revell author Dan Walsh encore.

July 7 : Harvest House author Mary Ellis.

July 16 : Golden Heart Finalist Jacqui Jacoby returns.

July 23: Seekerville brings you an an anonymous industry insider, known to us as 'S', who will be posting on What Authors Need to Know About Book Distributors.


Janet Dean will be guest author on Wednesday June 23rd, at Words Seasoned With Salt blog. The topic is Sizzling First Encounters.

Look for Cheryl Wyatt, Thursday June 24th, at Words Seasoned with Salt blog talking about Sizzling First Encounters.

Julie Lessman can be found
Monday through Sunday, June 14-20, 2010 at A Break From the Norm blog. Leave a comment for a chance to win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted.
A Hope Undaunted interview with Julie is now available on the website. And she's featured on the Writer's Corner.


  • And this one-->is for us gals who spent high school with our heads in a book, You Again.

And finally....


  1. Tina:

    I'll put the coffee pot on now becaue I have to go out of town in the morning--family reunion.

    Have fun.


  2. I'm thrilled to have won Tina Pinson's E-book IN THE MANOR OF THE GHOST! Thank you so much!

    Have a great day everyone! I'm making a bit batch of corn fritter batter for you. Butter is out softening. Don't worry. You'll work off those calories today!

  3. Deb Marvin, I love soft butter. I am the butt of jokes (please, let that choice of words slide) because I always leave butter out to stay soft, at least a pound because I hate hard butter.

    So you've made me happy. And I haven't killed anyone YET with my soft butter, so deadly organisms obviously don't breed well on butter. (Today's Science, Ruthy-style)

    ALSO: Helen, HAVE FUN!!! I love reunions. Just love 'em to death.

    ALSO: Loving the coffee. Bless you. I brought fresh lemon cream topped sponge cake, a treat I'm trying for Father's Day weekend. And strawberry shortcake. YUM!!!


    TINA!!!! I LOVE THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE. I truly do. Tina knows I don't spend time reading what smart people say nearly as often as I should, but this book... and Writing the Breakout Novel.... make sense to me. And I handed around my copy of Seven Habits to so many people that it disappeared years ago, but that's okay because if it helped, then that's good.

    Great stuff. Timeless. Focused. Motivating. Thank you for the excellent reminder!!!!
    My word verification is "gastrian", I think in direct relationship to my recent eating habits.

    Which are not gastrian-friendly.

    Chocolate should be a food group.

  4. Yay, Congrats to the winnners!!!
    I love these links. I copied one you left a few days ago, the one with the writer day video, and put it on my blog. Thanks!
    Now I'm checking out the head in the book link, since that was totally me. :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. (Y-A-W-N) Good morning, Seekerville! Best wishes for GREAT writing days for you all!

  6. Oh, Tina, "Slush Pile Hell" made me laugh out loud!! What a great way to kick off the weekend ... your Weekend Edition and Slush Pile Hell ... :)

    Have a great weekend, all!


  7. I missed too much this week, but am catching up on the posts. Very helpdful, as always.

  8. Have a very productive weekend Seekerville. Don't forget that it's all about the journey. Take a moment to laugh.

  9. I'm so excited to have won the three-chapter critique! Thank you so much Amanda, Ms. Poelle, and everyone at Seekerville for the wonderful opportunity.

    Now, I'm off to read and polish this thing one more time before I send in the chapters. :)

  10. Rock on Callie!!! Keep us posted on your journey.

  11. Tina, thanks for the peek at 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I need to add this book to my teetering TBR pile.

    If anyone hasn't read Courting the Doctor's Daughter, my second book, drop by Wednesday's post for a chance to win and read the sizzling first encounter between Luke and Mary.

    Mega congratulations to all the winners in Seekerville this week!! Critiques, books--awesome prizes!! Waving to Callie James, the winner of Barbara Poelle's critique! Keep us posted, Callie.


  12. Thanks for the 7 Habits reminder, Tina. You are amazing at thinking of things to put on this blog!

  13. Mel, just FYI: Tina is actually THREE separate people. No one person could do this.

    And thank you, all three of you for another great WE!

  14. 'morning everyone!

    Steve was watching the Swedish Royal wedding and describing the bride's gown and tiara to me. (I couldn't get the live feed...) I definitely have a romantic. Ahhh.

    And talk about a story. She's Victoria, the Crown Princess of Sweden, he was her personal trainer.

    Slush Pile Hell is a HOOT. Tina, thanks for that, and congrats to all the winners! Speaking of winners, wonder how our graduate is faring?

    Food group, chocolate. Ruthy I'm SO there! I treated myself to a small Heath Blizzard yesterday. Yum! Was so pumped after meeting I just had to celebrate.

    Y'all have a good one. And enjoy the reunion Helen!

  15. Yes. This is true, Ruthy Jeter. And we all hide behind the one mug.

  16. Slush Pile Hell just made my day. Thanks.

  17. Ah, now we know why "The Tinas" hide behind the mug.

  18. Thanks, Tina! I hope you're all having a great weekend!

  19. Thanks Seekerville Leaders for the great input this week. I am excited to be the winner of The Higlander's sword! Watching for Mr. Postman...

    I really needed the coffe today. Have a great weekend everyone!!


  20. Congratulations to Kathy for winning a copy of my book, THE HIGHLANDER'S SWORD (shameless plug alert). I'll put it in the mail for you this week.

    And a huge congratulations to Callie for her winning first line! Barbara said it really stood out to her, so great going! Let me know how the critique goes. I hope it leads to wonderful things for you!

    And thanks to everyone for making me feel so welcome at Seekerville this week!

  21. Amanda's a nightowl...

    I am a lark.

    Not really, I'm being analogical. Or almost metaphorical. Definitely not ironical.

    And now that THAT is out of my system, I'm plugging in the coffee maker (I cannot believe that Mary unplugged it again, I keep TELLING her that nothing is about to burn down because of a plug, and if it does, SO WHAT?????


    But no, if she's here at night she feels the need to run around unplugging everything.

    Oh mylanta, the work I have to do!

    Coffee's on, we've got caramel delight and chocolate raspberry this AM, AND a big pot o' good ol' regular.


    Oh, wait. That would be a WIFE....

    You boys have it made. Just sayin'!


    Have a great, wonderful and blessed Father's Day. You totally deserve it and so much more. Manning up to be a dad is a great thing. God smiles every time a day changes a diaper or feeds a baby, or wipes a little face, sticky hands.

    Bless you!

  22. Leaders? We have leaders?

  23. Okay, just went and read... ummm ... Slush Pile Heck.

    Very funny.
