Saturday, July 24, 2010

Seekerville Conference MashUp Weekend

There are two great conferences coming up in the next few days
and weeks and this weekend in Seekerville we're going to salute them.

ACFW Carol Award (formerly Book of the Year) finalist's,
which include Seekers and friends of Seekerville!

It isn't too late to register for the ACFW Conference in Indianapolis,
scheduled for September 17-20.

See the Carol Award and Genesis Award presentations.
Our own Pam Hillman is a Genesis finalist.

You can monitor the excitement on the ACFW Blog!

(ACFW 2008) Missy, Janet, Assistant Editor Emily Rodmell, Debby

We Have Winners:

Tuesday Tina Radcliffe shared her mental ramblings with Liminal Space. Winner of Cheryl Wyatt's, Steadfast Soldier is Mark Young.

The winner of Debby Giusti’s Wednesday blog, “You Know You’re a Writer If….” (Jeff Foxworthy style) is Niki Turner. Niki, who will forevermore be dubbed, Ms. Roadkill, will receive one of Debby’s books—title of Niki’s choosing—and a $10 gift card to Starbucks.

The Redneck Honorable Mention Award goes to Sherrinda and her Aunt Monkey and Uncle Welcome. The Redneck Writer Award goes to Vince. Both awards come with a free cup of cyber coffee from the Seekerville breakfast bar and a huge helping of grits!

Thanks to all the creative Seekers and Seeker friends for providing fantastic one-liners and lots of laughs.Y’all come back to see us now, ya hear!

Friday we welcomed 'S' with Our Friend the Book Distributor. Winner of a Seeker book of their choice is Kav.

(ACFW 2007) Myra, Julie, Mary, Carolyn, Janet, Debbie and Seeker Bud, Darlene

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Barbour author and double Carol Award finalist Mary Connealy is your hostess.

Tuesday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe shares with her post, "I Am Not." And she'll be giving away a copy of Ruth Logan Herne's, Waiting Out The Storm!

Wednesday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author and Carol Award finalist, Glynna Kaye's post is "Pauline In Peril: Creating a Sympathetic Heroine." Stop by for fun, and a chance to win a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card.

Thursday: August Contest Update. The prize vault is OPEN!

Friday : Today we'll bring you updates from the RWA National Conference in Orlando with our Seekerville entourage on location at the House of Mouse.

Steeple Hill authors and Linda Goodnight and her RITA

Seeker Sightings:

Congratulations to Mary Connealy who is a double Carol Award finalist in the Long Historical category with Montana Rose, and Cowboy Christmas.

Mary is the featured author on Goodreads all next week--stop in and get your name in the drawing for a signed copy of Doctor in Petticoats.

She also has a book signing Friday, August 6th from 12 noon to 2 pm at The Rainbow Shop. 4761 13th Ave S, Fargo, North Dakota 58103, (701) 356-0700 If you'd like to buy a signed book and can't get there, phone ahead and they'll sell you one and have Mary sign it any way you want, then ship it to you.

Debby Giusti
can be in cyberspace Wednesday at the Crafty Ladies of Suspense blog. You can also find her signing at the RWA National Conference Literacy Autographing in Orlando.

And here's some fun...I found Debby live on

Janet Dean
can be found Wednesday at the Dolphin Resort in Orlando Florida for the RWA National Conference Literacy Autographing.

Missy Tippens
will also be signing her Steeple Hill Love Inspired books at the RWA Literacy Autographing.

Missy is also an RWA National workshop speaker this year with Belle Books author Belinda Peterson.

Congratulations to Glynna Kaye who is a Carol Award finalist in the Short Contemporary category of the Carol Awards with Dreaming of Home. Dreaming of Home is also a finalist in the prestigious Maggie Awards Published Division.

Congratulations to Myra Johnson. Autumn Rains is a Carol Award finalist in the Short Contemporary Category. You can find Myra this Wednesday at the RWA Literacy Autographing in Orlando.

Congratulations to Julie Lessman who is a Carol Award finalist in the Long Historical category with A Passion Denied.

RWA's 30th National Conference in Orlando, Florida
is this coming week!

A special shout out to GH finalist,
and friend of Seekerville Keli Gwyn.

And best wishes to the the 2010 RITA Award finalists,
especially the Inspirational finalists most of whom have visited us in Seekerville

Carla Capshaw
Margaret Brownley
Tamera Alexander
Judy Duarte
Irene Hannon
Julie Klassen
Kathleen Y'Barbo
DiAnn Mills

Follow the conference on the web:

  • If you'd never been to the RWA National Conference Literacy Autographing here's a sneak peak from YouTube. Check it out here and here.

2010 "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing

The "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing has become one of the most popular events at RWA's annual conference. More than 500 romance authors participate in this two-hour autographing event, and each year we raise thousands of dollars, which are donated to ProLiteracy Worldwide. Since 1990, RWA has donated more than $600,000 to literacy charities.

The 2010 "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing takes place on Wednesday, July 28, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Walt Disney World® Dolphin Resort, Pacific Exhibit Hall, in Orlando, Florida. This event is open to the public; there is no admittance charge. -RWA Website


  1. Ah, this post makes me sad. I had SO looked forward to being at the RWA conference.

    You guys have enough fun for all of us who can't make it!!

    I'm still reeling from all the book distributorship information provided by S. Thanks so much, S.


    P.S. Coffee timer's set.

  2. I'm propping my face up too, and beating back the jealousy monster. boo hoo. At least you've given us a way to cyber-visit the RWA this week.

    I'm waiting for news on the Daphne award, myself.

    Good stuff. Coffee has started.

    There are so many who deserve our congratulations and hurrahs, including last week's Seekerville winners. Hey, it was an awesome week, ladies! thanks

    I can't wait to hear all the news and see the photos from Orlando. Ya'll give my buddy Anita Mae Draper a hug when you see her.

  3. Congrats to all the finalist! What a WONDERFUL way to welcome in the weekend.
    Helen, I'm with you on the disappointment about RWA - it's a bit longer drive to Florida than Nashville :-)
    BUT ACFW is right around the corner ;-) WOOOHOOOO!!

  4. TEENNNA!!! I soooo love seeing all the old conference pics -- brings back so may memories, so thank you!

    I brought hot banana chocolate chip muffins and hazelnut coffee, so help yourself.

    HELEN, you are soooo good at arriving early and keeping us in coffee -- thank you!!

    DEB ... keeping my fingers crossed for you, girl, on the Daphne!! Good luck!

    PEP ... yep, ACFW is just around the corner, and I cannot wait to meet YOU there!! I can't afford both RWA and ACFW, so I am a little jealous of those who can ... but, I'll get over it!! I pray that all RWAers have a blast!


  5. Helen, I'm with yoU! I'm so sad that I can never go to these events *tears* I still say, move them to New England! LOL!

    Anyway, though I'm sad that I can't go, it doesn't change my excitement for all the finalists! That is marvelous, fantastic, super-duper that so many wonderful authors that we know, love, and cherish have made it this far. I wish you all the best of luck!

    Debby, that's a great video of you! LOL! Now I know what you sound like...heehee. I think whenever all the Seekers get together again, you should make a video, just for Seekerville. I would love to be able to see how you guys interact and even sound. It would complete you guys so much more! But that's just an idea...

    The next weed looke really great! Can't wait for it!

    To add to Helen's coffee, I made pancakes (plain, blueberry, and chocolate chip for those with a sweet tooth!), bacon, sausage, eggs cooked up however you like them, grits (yes, I threw those in here too...hope they're ok. Remember I'm not a Southern girl!), a fruit tray (including pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, and red and green grapes), and finally juices (cranberry, orange, and apple) and hot chocolate for the non-coffee people! Hope that's a good hearty breakfast to keep everyone going today. Please eat up because it's waaaaaaaay too much food for me!! LOL!

    Have a great day everyone, I'll be back in later probably!

  6. I am so thrilled for all the Seekers who made the Carol nominations! Woo-hoo, way to go ladies!

  7. I may work up the nerve to go to RWA one of these years. For now, I need to go take a sedative just to read the RWA Website list of activities.

    It just all sounds so big and scary!

  8. Hi Tina:

    I must be a redneck writer because I am absolutely thrilled to win “The Redneck Writer Award”. Which Seeker do I mail the prize to?

    I’m sure I’m the only philosopher in history to win this award. I’m calling my mother as soon as it’s 11:00 in California.

    This honor has inspired me! I’m going to come up with a series of “You know you’re a redneck philosopher when…” The only problem is: the rednecks won’t understand the jokes and the philosophers won’t read them. I’ll have to work on this.

    I have to go and see Carla Stewart. (I know, Tina, pulease..Name dropper. :))


  9. Thanks, Tina! Lots of great info! I hope any of you near Orlando or who are attending the conference will stop by the signing and say hello. It's open to the public.

  10. Hey, y'all also remember me on Wednesday night! They'll be announcing the Bookseller's Best awards (and one of my books is a nominee).

  11. Thanks Tina for another Weekend Editon loaded with info. Congrats to this week's winners!!

    Yay Seeker finalists!!! Proud of you gals!! Hope you win!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations Deb on the Daphne!!

    Like Missy, I hope anyone coming to the RWA Literary signing will stop to chat. Would love to see you!!!

    Time to start the frantic search of my closet. Packing is so not fun. LOL


  12. Hey everyone,

    Happy Saturday! A big huge congrats to all the Seeker finalists and the friends of Seekers finalists, too!
    What an impressive group of writers!

    Have a great time in Orlando and please send tidbits of info back to the island so we can enjoy it along with you!



  13. Hi Everyone,

    Those of us going to RWA promise to provide lots of info about what we learned at the stay tuned!!!

    Tina, my dear, you are a sly one, finding that U-Tube video of me in HOT Atlanta. I do believe the temp was 99 degrees! :)

    Vince!!! I'm so proud of you for your REDNECK WRITER AWARD!!! Bet Mama will be proud too! Enjoy the coffee and the grits!

    Deb M! Fingers crossed! Is this the submission I had the pleasure to read? If so, it's dynamite!!!

  14. Have a great writing weekend Seekerville!!!!

  15. I am new to Seekerville and wondering about the Redneck writing awards. I'm from the South, and it sounds great to me.

  16. Kathy, you know these are tongue in cheek, right? Check out Debby Giusti's Wed post. Link is available in the Weekend Ed.

  17. I'm with Mary. time for a nap. I tried to read the list of authors at the autograph session and I never made it to "M"s. How in the world do you find your favorite authors and, seriously, how many books can one person buy? (okay, don't answer that one). I'm exhausted just thinking of all the events and the writer chatter that will be going on.

    Thanks for the good wishes on the Daphne. I am so pleased just to have finaled. I have one of those black ribbons to wear (you'll see them in Orlando) so maybe I'll pin it to my jammmies for awards night. (Yes Debby, it's the same story)

    You will all have such an amazing time. Don't get too "Goofy".

  18. There's an ACFW Blog?
    How come I don't know about that?

  19. You didn't ask me. I know everything. I would have told you.

  20. Oh my stars, what fun, what fun, what fun....

    Pushing banana chocolate chip things into my mouth alongside the great stuff Hannah dropped off...

    Starving, here....


    Either way, I'm eating.

    And eating.

    And eating.....

    I'm so bummed that I will not see many of you with the change of venue. I'd so hoped to hug and giggle and make fun of people (in the nicest way possible, of course, but next year....

    Next year I'm hoping for RWA AND ACFW so that way I should be able to hug more people.

    Gotta remember to pack more deodorant... Whoops.

    I will be a fly on the wall in Orlando. Watching. Waiting. Studying.

    No one will even know I'm there.

    This is my learning year.

    Next year I'll be frightfully obnoxious.

  21. Congrats to the winners and finalists!!!

    I'm going to the booksigning!!! Yay, hope to see some of you there. :)

  22. "I will be a fly on the wall in Orlando. Watching. Waiting. Studying.

    No one will even know I'm there."

    This sounds more like a serial killer than a fly.

  23. Ruthy says:
    "No one will even know I'm there."


    Tina, love your new photo.

  24. Like minds, Debra.

    The concept of no one knowing Ruthy is there is a little suspect in itself.

    Thank you.

    I like hiding behind Starbucks.

  25. Ruthy,
    If I were there, girl, you definitely would not go unnoticed! Lol...I doubt it'll be true anyway!

    Maybe at college I can find some people who read your books and we can have a lil road trip to meet you all!! That would be FANTASTIC, eh!?


  26. Congratulations to all the finalists from Seekerville! You gals rocked it!

    And thank you ever so much for the Honorable Mention. My grits are delicious! I just got in from Turkey, Texas, Home of Bob Wills. There was a youth rally there that we took our kids to. A spiritual thing, not a country event...well, I suppose everything in Turkey is labeled as country. But you ladies would DEFINITELY think it is redneck! lol There were so many two-names, you wouldn't believe. Mary Kate, Billy Bob, Jo Beth...and on and on. :)

    Fun, fun.

    I'm not going to either RWA or AFCW this year, but I am so excited to learn about the Twitter feed!!! Thanks for the info!
