Saturday, July 3, 2010

Weekend Edition Happy Fourth of July

Here's hoping all our friends have a
HAPPY and TASTY Fourth of July!

Right now get yourself over to Writer's Alley for a chance to win Doctor In Petticoats by Mary Connealy. Go. Go! NOW!!

We Have Winners:

CONGRATULATIONS!! Wowza, this week we had EIGHT WINNERS!!!

Last Week's Weekend Edition Summer Fun winner of a summertime package is Holly, but you have to tell us what a hoodsie cup is!?

Slacker Tuesday our Friends of Seekerville responded to a writing prompt. Madame Zelda and Marlena Fortune determined that the winner is Kirsten Arnold. Winner of Anne Adams' Bible Facts is MissKallie2000.

From all of us in Seekerville and our esteemed judges. Thank you for having fun with us. Friends of Seekerville rock!

July Contest Update
winner of Ruth Logan's Herne's, Waiting Out the Storm is Linnette.

Thursday, Audra Harders posted on the Psychology of Production. Winner of Self Editing For Fiction Writers is Mary Bailey.

Friday, Ruth Logan Herne gave us The Top Ten Patriotic Reasons for Buying Ruthy's New Book, Waiting Out the Storm. The winner of her choice of delightful, NYC vendor really pretty and probably not stolen (we hope) scarves is Gina Welborn. The winner of a delightful copy of Ruthy's just released Waiting Out the Storm is Regina Merrick, and the winner of the not yet reviewed and hot-off-the-press Made to Order Family is Karen K!

Thank you all for playing Ruthy's version of Patriot Games!!!

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Mary Connealy is posting stage FIVE of a five part series on how to revise a finished book. Today's post is on COMEDY. She's also giving away a copy of Doctor in Petticoats.

Tuesday: Revell author Dan Walsh is back with us today. Dan is sharing on What I wish I’d been told before getting published. Join us for this inside scoop. Plus, Dan is giving two Seekerville friends the opportunity to win a copy of his latest release The Homecoming.

Wednesday : Harvest House author Mary Ellis. Mary will be posting on Research for My Writing and Mary is giving away one each of her summer releases, The Way to a Man’s Heart (3rd in the Miller Family Series) in July, and a Christmas novella, Sarah’s Christmas Miracle coming in mid-August.

Thursday: Faith, Flip-flops, and Waves of Grace! Today Seekerville welcomes B & H Publishing Group author Julie Carobini. Julie will be giving away a copy of her brand new release, A Shore Thing and her post is called Divine Detours!

Friday: Seeker Sandra Leesmith is getting Seekerville ready for RWA Nationals in Orlando. Stop by for her post, Ins and Outs of Nationals. She'll touch on
art of networking, editor/agent appointments, how to get the most out of workshops, what to wear, time management, and of course, how to unscramble your scrambled brain. She's also giving away a Seeker book of the winner's choice.

Save The Date:

July 16 : Golden Heart Finalist Jacqui Jacoby returns.

July 23: Seekerville brings you an anonymous industry insider, known to us as 'S', who will be posting on What Authors Need to Know About Book Distributors.

Seeker Sightings:

Check out this week's Woman's World (July 5), page 40, for the season's recommended beach reads. You'll find Ruth Logan Herne's, Winter's End as recommended by 2010 double RITA finalist Carla Capshaw! Thanks to Philosophy of Romance for sharing the photo!

Join Myra Johnson, Thursday, July 8th at A Cup of Faith blog. Myra will be giving away a copy of her latest release, Where The Dogwoods Bloom.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 9-23, 2010: Win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at "A Hot Summer Day with Julie Lessman" on the Seasons of Humility blog.

A Hope Undaunted interview with Julie is now available on the website. And she's featured on the Writer's Corner.

Random News:

  • Thank you, Nathan Bransford for sharing this post on branding (Does Branding Make Sense?) by Shrinking Violet Promotions. Most excellent!

  • Krista Stroever has started as senior editor for Mira Books, one of the single title imprints of Harlequin. She was previously senior editor for Silhouette Desire.(Publisher's Lunch)

  • ACFW, with more than 2,100 members, announced at ICRS it has renamed its Book of the Year Award the Carol Award to honor pioneering editor Carol Johnson, a longtime champion of Christian fiction, who acquired author Janette Oke in 1979 for what is now Bethany House Publishers. (Publishers Weekly)


  1. Wow! what a great blog. This is my first visit and I am thrilled to have found it. Thanks to Debbie Guisti and Callie James mentioning it on the Southern Magic Loop. Going to put it right next to the Pink Fuzzy Slipper Writers as a fav place to hang.

  2. The coffee pot's ready and timer set.

    Grilled lunch at the park today. Hiked. Having holiday fun with kids visiting for the holiday.

    Also enjoyed seeing the Cardinals playing for the overseas troops--and winning!


  3. Can it get any better than PINK FUZZY SLIPPERS??? DO NOT ANSWER THAT...I will find out first.

    Welcome Scarlet.

  4. Helen. I was going to whine that you haven't been here to make coffee..but now I see it was for a good cause so I won't.

  5. Thanks to Madame Zelda and Marlena Fortune for the GC! All the entries were awesome!

    Have a great Fourth!

  6. Scarlet, welcome aboard.

    Great nails, btw. Suhhhhwwweeettt!!!

    And we like Deb and Callie over here, so you're among friends! YAY!

    Helen, you hiking animal, you. And grilling. I'm proud to be your friend. And I'm loving the coffee, oh, sooooo much. Bless you!

    And TEEEEEEEEENA was going to whine, but then DIDN'T!!!!

    Oh my gosh, Helen, THANK YOU for interrupting that by having the coffee ready. Really. You have no idea what you just spared the country as a whole and the entire Denver region specific.

    God bless you, Helen.

    And Scarlet, Pumpernickel is my favorite, totally most awesome rye bread. I'm just sayin'.

    Congrats, Kirsten!!!! (aka: Karen)

  7. Congrats Kirsten!!!! and all the other winners at seekerville this week. As usual the weekend edition is full of all kinds of great information and links. Found the blog on Branding particularly interesting...and the trailer for Voyage fo the Dawntreader!!!! How did I miss they were making the movie? I love Reepicheep!

  8. Another "bang up" weekend edition.

    Congrats to all the contest winners!

  9. Good morning, Seekerville! Saturday's on a 3-day weekend. Love 'em! Here's to a productive writing day for all of you!

    Welcome "Scarlet"! I think you'll find this a fun and informative place to hang out. The more the merrier!

    Sandra! Where are you this morning? Yesterday you had a request for the recipe for your Mom's traditional potato salad. (shrimp and green olives instead of celery and pickles). So let's see it while there's still time to get out to the grocery store today.

  10. Hi everyone!
    I feel like I've fallen off the face of the Earth because I haven't been here in so long!

    Great WE, Tina. It was wonderfully familiar to come "home" to : ) They never disappoint!

    How has everyone's summers been going so far? My goodness....I feel so behind. Ah well, in time I'll get caught up with you all!

    If you want to see some things on my trip to Portland, Oregon and find out what one of my favorite books of 2010 is (right up there with oh.....Ruthy and Cheryl's books *wink*), head on over to my blog (

    Happy Fourth!!!
    Girl who can't wait for the fireworks tonight!!!

  11. Thanks for the reminder Glynna. Yes, Sandra, still hoping you'll share your mother's recipe. But I understand if it's a family-state secret.
    Great WE-- ya'll are a smart bunch!
    Yes Scarlet, this is a Great blog-- & I certainly was--ahem, spend alot of my time on blogs!This one deserves publication.
    Congrats Kirsten! Loved your entry!
    Going to do my part to help the economy now -- bug spray & hot dogs & one new car tire. *Sigh*
    And shrimp and green olives!
    Happy Fourth everybody!
    Go Braves!

  12. Welcome back, Hannah! I've never been to Portland, but your photos are gorgeous! Love the roses!

  13. Happy 4th everyone! I'm having a really hard time believing it's half way through the year. Christmas is right around the corner!

    Welcome, Scarlet! Come back to Seekerville often. You'll never know what you'll find, Ha ha.

    Thanks for remembering the coffee, Helen. With all the important picnics and parties going on this weekend, we CAN'T forget the important stuff.

    I'll be back. Gotta go check out Hannah's blog...

  14. Hannah, the pictures are gorgeous. I've never been to Portland, but I'd love the opportunity to go sometime!

    Gorgeous, gorgeous flowers.

  15. I'm glad ACFW changed the name of their award.

    I was always afraid of the Book of the Year contest. BOTY.

    I couldn't help letting that dreadful disco song, "Shake Your Booty" run through my head. Everytime I heard the name.

    Carol is MUCH better.
    Although I petitioned hard for them to name it the TINA. I just though you'd earned that, girlfriend.

  16. And when you said that 84 year old woman landed a 3 book deal, at first, as I read along, I prepared myself to read that an 84 year old landed a 747. Seriously, WAAAAY easier than landing a writing contract, and don't we all just know that to be the truth.

    Then I figured maybe the 84 year old had twins or something. We live in a strange world, don't we?

    The twins would probably take less of a toll, honestly. You can't do daycare for a book, believe me I've tried.

  17. Another great edition, Tina! I hope everyone has a great 4th!!

    Hey, Scarlet!! So glad you stopped by. :)

  18. Great updates! Thanks, Tina! Have a wonderful 4th of July!!!

  19. Mary! I thought the same thing every time I read BOTY!!


    I like Carol better.
    Should have been Tina.

  20. KA-BOOM!!! Congrats to all the winners this week and kudos to Teenster for another big-bang WE!! Happy 4th to one and all!!

    And, TINA ... I LOVE the new pic!! What beautiful eyes you have, and so cute peeking over a cup of java.

    SCARLET!!!! Ruthy likes your nails, but I LOVE the lips and the name, girlfriend. All you need is another "t" on there, and I'll put you right up there with my other favorite character, Rhett. Welcome to the blog!

    HELEN, you are so darn reliable with that coffee, girl, and as a St. Louis girl, I'm just glad to see the Cardinals "winning, period! :)

    Oh, man, Glynna and Sandra, that potato salad sounds AWESOME!!! But then, I'm a potato salad freak. YUM!

    HANNAH, welcome back from vacation, girl -- the pics on your blog are gorgeous!!

    PAMELA ... Since the Braves are not in our division and we don't play them much, I'll go along with you ... go, Braves ... and Cardinals!

    MARY!!!! Now I have that song in my brain ... shake your booty, shake your booty ... AGHHHHH!!!


  21. Tina's got a new pictures???
    I've got no pictures. Just white squares.

    Which I've found to be slimming so I never try to fix it.

    I think my work computer has pictures. I'll check back when I get to work.

    If I remember

  22. Okay, I clicked on Tina's name and found her picture.

    You have BEAUTIFUL EYES, Tina.

    I am also now thirsty.

  23. Happy 4th, Seekers!!! Wishing you a funfilled and relaxing weekend ;).
    p.s. And if there are cupcakes with red, white & blue sprinkles...all the better!

  24. Another great weekend edition. Congrats to all the Christy winners. Love the new photo, Tina. A fun filled 4th of July to all.


    Its all in how you do the dressing.

    1. 4 large potatoes boiled and peeled and chopped into 1/2 inch chunks (more or less)
    2. 6 eggs hard boiled- separate yoke and put in different bowl. chop the whites and add with potatoes
    3. @20 sliced green olives or more to taste. I use the spanish or manzanilla with pimientos inside. You can buy these already sliced. I think they call them salad olives
    4. 3 or 4 green onions chopped (I make big chops because onions don't like me and I can take it out)
    5. 1 pound small salad shrimp cooked or thawed, drained (I usually find them in freezer section. Albertsons has the best)

    Dressing - Mix together
    1. Mash egg yokes
    2. 3/4 to 1 cup mayonaise (I use Best Foods) You can add or decrease depending on how moist you like it- also how dry potatoes are. If you use white rose they aren't as dry so less mayo. If you use russett-you need more mayo
    3. 1 tablespoon Worchestershire sauce
    4. 1 tablespoon yellow mustard (cheap plain mustard you put on hot dogs-not fancy stuff)
    5. salt and pepper to taste

    Toss salad with dressing

    Sprinkle finished salad with paprika for pretty look- not necessary for taste.

  26. Hi Everyone, Sorry I didn't get the recipe out sooner but its not too late.

    Have a great holiday weekend.

    Some good news coming up next weekend.

  27. Sandra,
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    It looks delish, and very different; can't wait to try it out.

  28. Okay, I had posted this once before, but here it goes again. A hoodsie cup is a little plastic ice cream cup that is usually vanilla and chocolate. It comes with the flat wooden ice cream spoon/spatula thing. If you've eaten a Healthy Choice frozen fudge bar, the stick on those is shaped just like a hoodsie spoon. I think they can still be found in the grocery stores in packs of 12 and sometimes are vanilla and strawberry swirl. We called them hoodsie cups because Hood is the main milk manufacture for the New England area and thereby made many of the dairy products.

    Happy 4th everyone!


  29. Everyone have a fantastic 4th of July. Hug a veteran!!!

  30. Sounds like a great line-up for next week, ladies. I can't wait!

  31. We at Lisa & Lisa Write a Book have an award for you over on our blog, if you’d like to stop by to collect it. :)

  32. OK, can I just say that I'm way excited to see my blog listed to host Julie Lessman?! Yay!!! I can't wait!

    (I think there was a bit of a typo, though, because July 9 is Friday--not that I'm complaining!) ;)

    Missed you guys while I was on vacation!

