Sunday, July 11, 2010

Weekend Edition To the Beach

We hope you had a great time at
Sandra Leesmith's Call Party yesterday.
It's not too late to stop by and congratulate her SALE TO AVALON!
But would the person who borrowed Captain Jack's earring please return it?
No questions asked.

We Have Winners:

Monday, Mary Connealy almost talked about Comedy. But she did share a sneak peak at her latest release, Doctor in Petticoats from Barbour Publishing. The winner of a signed copy of Doctor in Petticoats is Linnette Mullin. Mary is giving away a second copy to
Kirsten Arnold for attending a rodeo in North Dakota. (That's the way to celebrate Independence Day, girl.) Mary is also giving away a bonus copy of Doctor in Petticoats is going to Amanda Stanley for surviving her pyromaniac uncle

Tuesday Revell author Dan Walsh persevered and hung with us despite Blogger eating posts and spitting them back out. Thank you Dan for sharing about What I Wish I'd Been Told Before Getting Published. Winners of Dan's release, The Homecoming, are Christi Corbett, Susanne Dietz, and the anonymous winner is Sarah (who likes clothes).

Wednesday Harvest House author Mary Ellis was our special guest, sharing on Research for My Writing. Winner of The Way to a Man’s Heart (3rd in the Miller Family Series) releasing in July is Jason and Emily and winner of the Christmas novella, Sarah’s Christmas Miracle coming in mid-August is Jo.

Thursday our beach soul mate blog guest, Julie Carobini joined us with, Divine Detours. Winner of her latest release from B & H Publishing, A Shore Thing is Kathy Taylor.

Friday, Avalon debut author, Sandra Leesmith prepared us for RWA Nationals in Orlando with her post Making the Most of Nationals. The winners with the funniest experiences at conferences are Lisa Jordan, and her encounter with Ruthy, and Helen Gray, can you picture walking around in a hall full of dummies? Lisa chose Ruthy's upcoming release Made To Order Family. Helen needs to contact sandraleesmith at cox dot net with her email address to order her prize

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Steeple Hill and Zondervan author Camy Tang is your hostess.

Tuesday: Abingdon Press and Heartsong Presents author Myra Johnson's post is "Writers as speakers: The dreaded speaking engagement . . . an introverted writer’s worst nightmare!" She's also doing a drawing for a copy of Connect! A Simple Guide to Public Speaking for Writers, by Linda C. Apple

Wednesday: Revell author Julie Lessman is giving you TWO chances to win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books OR a 5-page critique at with her post, "Perfect Pickup Lines ... a Fine Line in Hooking Your Reader!"

Thursday: Steeple Hill Historicals author Janet Dean shares in Seekerville today.

Friday: Today is a surprise. But you won't be disappointed. We promise.

Save The Date:

July 19th: Abingdon Press debut author Jennifer Hudson Taylor.

July 23: Seekerville brings you an anonymous industry insider, known to us as 'S', who will be posting on What Authors Need to Know About Book Distributors.

Seeker Sightings:

July 9-23, 2010
: Win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at "A Hot Summer Day with Julie Lessman" on the Seasons of Humility blog.

A Hope Undaunted interview with Julie is now available on the website. And she's featured on the Writer's Corner.

Monday, July 12, Myra will be at Operation Encourage an Author, Casey Herringshaw's blog, giving away a copy of Where the Dogwoods Bloom.

And coming up on Sunday, July 18, she'll be on Margaret Daley's blog, where Margaret will interview Jilly Gardner, the heroine of Where the Dogwoods Bloom.

Glynna Kaye is on Meet Aus Jenny blogspot for an interview and a chance to win a copy of Dreaming of Home. You have until Thursday, July 15th, Down Under time to post a comment.

Random News:

  • Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman with Good Hair : Tangled

So which of these news blips gave you pause? Made you think? Laugh? We'd like to know.

Oh, and have a great weekend.

Pssst...I heard Ruthy has hidden the leftover party desserts in the fridge in her old hut on Unpubbed Island.


  1. Coffee timer's set.

    The LLC blog on rejection was good reading.

    A surprise for Friday? Fantastic!! Can't wait.


  2. Let me just say....

    He roasts the best pig ever.


    Um, hello???? You guys totally trashed the place. You think the oil spill in the Gulf caused bird problems, what is that tern doing with....


    No, wait....

    It can't be....

    Oh. My. Stars.

    Sandra's bathing suit!!!!!

    But, wasn't she???????

    In the hammock????????

    Wearing the dagblasted thing??????

    Oh mylanta, I can't believe this, and on a Sunday.

    All right, I've put coffee on, and I'm doing early clean-up, but sleep tight, friends. There will be continuous party coverage coming from Unpubbed Island throughout the day.

    And Sandra, I thank God for you, for this writing gig, for all our friends in Seekerville all the time. Such a blessing to have a group of cohorts who get it and just have fun puttin' it all together.

    Love you guys. And I messed up my live link in yesterday's post. Again.

    I better stick to writing.

  3. I have a headache. I will blame it on too much steel drum music.

    Just reading about Myra's upcoming post about SPEAKING engagements just put my blood pressure up. Headache has increased.

    Congratulations again Sandra and thanks to all the Seekers for putting on a great party and inviting us. You're the best!

  4. Debra, two aspirin and a hammock will fix you right up.

    It's amazing how we can throw a great party by just saying the words Captain Jack. Everyone shows up and they bring food. Amazing.

    Helen, thanks for the coffee. Okay I will admit I am a huge fan out Scout from TKAMB. So I loved that article.

    Have a wonderful writing day, Seekerville.

  5. Okay, the puzzle is solved. We now know what Mary, Ruthy and Captain Jack were up to all day yesterday.

    Hiding a stash of WATER BALLOONS

    In the mango grove

    In the coconut grove

    Behind the rocks on the shore

    And they snuck up on us in the middle of the night and bombarded us.


    Which is why I had to take off the bathing suit and put on another pair of shorts.

    Nasty bird. I left it on the hammock to dry.

    Did you see my bedtime prayer? (obviously said before being bombarded)

    At any rate, wanted to thank all of you for celebrating with me this weekend. I had us all join hands and say a prayer of thanks for this blessing and gift of writing we all have. We are blessed.

    And we are blessed to have friends like you. (well most of you) LOL Those who don't bombard us in the middle of the night.

    Love and hugs

  6. WHOA, BABY, I'm worn out after yesterday and found out (via the limbo), just how low I can go without any sleep!! GREAT PARTY, SANDRA and SUPER CONGRATS ON THE SALE!!

    And, oh man, Tina, I laughed out loud at the Old Spice cliche guy -- what a hoot!!

    Also was hooked in by "focus on writing" blog and the "does it get any better?" one, so thanks for all of these -- fun reading, indeed, but NOT as fun as YOUR posts!!


  7. What a party! They just keep getting better and better.

    When Pam sells, we'll be celebrating the whole weekend, so start packing now!

    Love the line up ahead for the week. Always exciting things happening!!!

    Thanks for another great weekend edition, Tina!

  8. BTW, I only got the tail and ONE ear last night...

    Okay, fess up. Who is the closet pig ear gourmet??

  9. Only 8 comments? Everyone must be tired from yesterday. Quite the party. :)

    You guys just keep getting bigger and bigger and BIGGER! And better too. :) Thanks for great posts, this blog is one of my favorites. :)

    Oh P.S. I did NOT take Jack's earring. Wouldn't dream of it.... ;)

  10. Sorry I missed the party yesterday. I was flying cross-country. It sounds like it was quite the blast. I hate to miss Captain Jack and the limbo! CONGRATULATIONS SANDRA!!! All the best to you!

  11. LOL, Casey, I was thinking the same thing. Everyone is still sleeping.

    I am a little me a chance to clean up. There are strange things hanging from the trees and I found a trail of empty Mallo-Cup wrappers.

  12. Hi Tina, Guess we know who left all the mallow cup wrappers. Probably while she was filling those balloons.

    Great weekend edition. And Helen did get back to me. She wants Debby Guisti's latest.

    And I guess we do need to clean up, but we might want to wait until um hmmmm certain folk leave since they are responsible.

    And who did take that pig ear? Audra dear, sorry you missed out. At least you got the tail.

    Thanks Kirsten for the congrats

    And Casey, Are you sure about that earring?????

  13. Un...about that pig ear...that was me. See, I was trying to save the poor creature from an untimely death only guess he was already a tad too crisp and that poor little piggy ear just broke off in my hand. I did give the body part in question a decent burial though, if that's any consolation. :-)

    Didn't realize that we'd get two weekend editions this time 'round so I'm late for clean up....sorry about that. Y'all did a great job though. I've got your back for the next party clean-up - honest.

    Congrats once again, Sandra. And Tina I love all the snippets you find to post in your weekend edition. My favourite was the article about Scout. Talk about a memorable character!!!!

    And hooray, I'm ahead in my seekerville guest reading. That's never happened before.

  14. Well, since no one else has owned up to it....

    QUITE! :D

  15. Anna Quindlen's Scout article hit home.

    I barely noticed Atticus the first 10 times I read To Kill a Mockingbird.

    I think writers recognize themselves in Scout.

    Another fave: A Member of the Wedding

    And the one I gave my children to explain why I am the kind of mother I am:

    Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher.

    I channel Cousin Ann. ;)

    And the Old Spice dude.

    LOVE him.

    Nice shirt.

  16. I went shopping today AND I FOUND RUTHY'S BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    WAITING OUT THE STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Mary:

    My copy of Waiting Out the Storm arrived in the mail yesterday!


  18. I had to order one. Walmart was SOLD OUT OF her book.

  19. Hello everyone! Sorry I'm late, but I have to say that that the Old Spice guy video was too funny! ;) And I'm quite curious about this new Disney movie ("Tangled")...hope it's good!

    It was so fun interviewing Julie for my blog!!! :D If you haven't stopped by yet, you should check it out! ;)

    Thanks for such fun posts!

