Tuesday, August 10, 2010

More Highlights from RWA

Myra here! Back from RWA and still in catch-up mode, I’m afraid. Hubby and I stayed over a few extra days to do the Disney stuff--Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Epcot. This was our first time in Orlando, so we wanted to make the most of it!

Me at the signing with my book Autumn Rains

First of all, Ruthy isn’t the only one who was super-excited to be a first-time participant in the RWA "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing event. Imagine being in a huge (make that ginormous!!!) room filled with row after row of famous (and almost famous) authors and their books! Overwhelming! Being one of the new kids on the block, I was elated to have so many visitors stop by to have one of my books autographed!

Literacy Autographing Event

Since I’m still trying to get my brain back in gear after the conference, I thought I’d page through my workshop notes and share a few interesting tidbits.

Janet & Myra
The market in general:
  • The publishing industry is more dependent than ever on blockbuster novels. Sales of non-blockbuster novels are down, even though the market remains steady overall.
  • Online bookstores are outselling brick-and-mortar stores, but the big difference is that online shoppers usually go in search of a specific title or author, whereas brick-and-mortar shoppers are the ones who like to browse. This is one reason e-books are more costly to market right now--there’s no easy way to browse the titles.
  • Not sure where this statistic came from, but one source claims that 42% of romance readers were born before 1945.
All dressed up for the Awards Banquet!
Lindy, Debby, Missy, Darlene, Janet, Myra, Sandra, Ruthy, & Anita Mae


  • The blogosphere is just about maxed out on new blogs, even group blogs. It can be hard to start a new one now and have it take off. (Yay for Seekerville!!!)
  • Facebook is where readers hang out. Twitter is where writers hang out. Target your promotion accordingly, and cross-post selectively.
  • Consider referring Facebook friend requests to “like” your author page instead. Limit your "friends" page to family, close friends, and others you know personally. Don’t post anything on your fan page that would put your personal or family security at risk!
  • Enter as many published book contests as you can. This is one effective way to gain new readers.
  • Free reads in booklet form or on your Web site can be a good way to generate interest.
  • There’s no better promotion for your writing than your writing!
Nora Roberts speaks at one of the luncheons

  • Tap into the five senses to intensify the reader’s emotional involvement. However, the layering in of sensory detail should be organic to the scene, not forced.
  • In addition to the five senses we’re most familiar with, you can add pain, balance, sense of body position, sense of time, temperature, direction, respiration rate, vasodilation, and intuition. How many ways can you incorporate these additional senses into your description?
  • Hold back backstory until the last possible moment. Anything you reveal should have direct relevance to the plot.
  • If your story requires a prologue, keep in mind that now the book has two openings, not just one, so craft them with equal strength.
Lindy & Missy

Also I went to a great plotting workshop given by our own Missy Tippens and her good friend Belinda Peterson. “The Cinder-Bella Theory” is based on the hero’s journey as taught by Michael Hauge and Chris Vogler. Missy and Lindy showed how the twelve steps of the journey play out in both fairy-tale and modern romances like Cinderella and Twilight.

Fancy Feet!

Oh, and one of the highlights of the conference for me was the slideshow recap of the history of RWA, shown during the awards ceremony dinner. What fun to see my own Autumn Rains among the Golden Heart winners that eventually made it to publication! Also on the big screen was a photo of me with Leigh Bale after I presented her with the Golden Heart at RWA 2006!

All this conference talk reminds me that ACFW is barely 5 1/2 weeks away!!! Who’s planning to be there? What are you most looking forward to learning and doing? Share your thoughts to be entered in a drawing for my latest release, Where the Dogwoods Bloom.

Jilly Gardner left Blossom Hills ten years ago with a broken heart, determined never to return. But the ahce in her heart has never healed, and when Cam Lane calls to ask for her help . . . she finds she can’t say no.

Cameron doesn’t know what came between Jilly and her foster family, but whatever it was, he feels it’s time she set things straight. Her foster parents never recovered from her abrupt and permanent departure, and now she refuses to even see them? But how can Cam address the unforgiveness in his friends’ lives when his own is paralyzed with self-inflicted guilt and shame?

With all their striving focused on themselves and their pasts, will Cam and Jilly ever realize that unconditional, forgiving love comes only from God the Father, whose mercies are new each morning?


  1. If 42% of romance readers were born before 1945, then 58% were born afterward. The one question I would ask is how this was counted. If you judge each book bought as having been bought by a different customer then you could have a result like this. Then retired people, who have time to read and may buy more books, are being double counted.

    However, if you allow for books purchased by age group, which would get rid of th double counting, then your distribution curve might be different.

    Does that make sense?

    It's late. Coffee maker comes on at 5:00 a.m. EST.


  2. Hi Myra:

    Was there any talk about Amazon giving away current books for free in the Kindle format? I’ve obtained many of these books including Julie’s APMP. I already had the print book but it was a joy to read it again in very large print. I just wonder how this marketing idea is working out. Did you hear anything?


    P.S. I already have a copy of Where the Dogwoods Bloom but I sure wish your publisher would offer eBooks as well. I can always hope. : )

  3. Thanks for the great blog. I wish that I'd been able to have gone to the National conference or the upcoming conference. Work kind of interferes with the ACFW conference dates each year. :)
    I'd love to read your book--it sounds interesting. Please enter me in the book drawing.
    cynthiakchow (at) earthlink (dot) net

  4. Thanks for sharing your notes, Myra! Lots of great information to think about there. :) And I'm so glad you had a great time! Maybe someday I'll get to go to all these fun conferences with you guys!

    I really enjoyed reading Where the Dogwoods Bloom--it's a great book! :D So no need to enter me in the drawing.

    Leftover cake, anyone? There's still plenty left, so it's either that or Lucky Charms... ;)


    P.S. Vince, I'm curious to hear the answer to that question, too! I wonder if the limited time free offers for Kindle have improved sales of other Christian fiction books overall?

  5. YAY for Walt and Vince! Love having the guys around - they make me think!

    Myra - great post today. As USUAL, I learn so much in Seekerville. Glad to know the pressure is off to begin a blog. Wshew.

    Excellent info - for example - on prologue and taking as much care to have 2 strong openings.

    And AND AND... so many other things you mentioned. Good reporting!!

    (Ok - and so... call me cretin... I just watched Twilight on the plane... What am I not getting, other than the book MUST be better?)

    And thank you for posting about safety on FB. I'm absolutely astonished at some of the things that are posted. Recently our 20-something niece posted the exact address where they would be playing a pick up game of soccer. One of our 20-something nephews used to post (and may still - I can't look any longer) photos of him and his drinkin' buddies.

    What don't these folks realize about life on the Internet? It's almost everlasting... And there are ways for many to see your posts, including potential employers, nefarious sorts, etc.

    Privacy is almost gone and I don't like it. :(

    Diatribe over. * ahem *

    Would be thrilled to read your latest - sign me up please! may at maythek9spy dot com

    It IS early (or late depending) - when the coffee is ready, it'll be time for some eggs, any way you like them and fresh fruit (the blueberries are especially marvelous) and really good, creamy yoghurt. Some granola if you like.

    Have a blessed day in Seekerville!

    PS: Adored the fancy feet - fut whun.

  6. Great pictures Myra!!!

    And a great recap.


  7. Your Promotion section was interesting, especially the Facebook vs. Twitter note.

    I'll be at the ACFW conference, and I'm super excited to meet all my blogging friends there! Oh, and maybe learn a few things while I'm at it. :-)

  8. Myra,

    Love the pics but especially the one with fancy feet! I'm a shoe gal so that was a fun picture for me.

    Thanks for sharing some highlights of the conference for those of us who couldn't be there.

    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

  9. Coffee. Thank you Walt. And pass the Belgian Chocolate creamer, please.

    Myra, LOVE the pics, reliving conference moments. So fun.

    And Where the Dogwoods Bloom... Just finished it, a lovely read, just lovely.

    I especially LOVED IVAN and RUTH HARTFORD, LOL!!!! Stick that in your craw, Mary Connealy!!!

    Ivan went upstairs with ME.

    Laughing in upstate, because you'd never, ever think that sweet, quiet, demure Myra was even the littlest bit naughty. ;)



    I put the leftover cake on a plate and brought fresh chocolate chip banana bread that I made for a family with a new baby...

    New baby just happens to be named Mary Ruth....

    Oh, yay!

    So I'm sharing the banana bread but not the baby. Not yet.

    And loving the coffee, it was sooooo time.

  10. Interesting tidbits from the conference, Myra. Does ACFW have a book signing event like that as well? And how did they figure out where to place everyone? Were you grouped by publisher? Genre within romance? As someone who organzies conferences on a much smaller level that whole event has me gobsmacked!

    I am totally not into facebook or twitter so I guess I'm out of the loop. It won't be long before there are too many of them as well anyway and we'll be on to something else. LOL.

  11. Hi Myra, great tidbits from Nationals--I'm always interested in how they come up with numbers. Like that $800 million in sales in inspirational romance from Janet's blog post yesterday. That is a HUGE jump from where Christian fiction was just a couple of years ago.

    I'm really getting excited about the ACFW conference. Lots of friends coming in from all over the country, including a critique partner from Australia. And life around here has been extreme, what with the Maggie final and some other great things happening.

    Myra, your book looks fantastic! Please enter me for a chance to win.


  12. HI Myra, Loved all the reminders of our great time at RWA. I was so fortunate to find Myra in the crowds for lunch time. What a blessing to share time together.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your book WHERE THE DOGWOODS BLOOM. Am reading it now. Great characters and conflict.

    Love the photo of the feet. Wondered where that went. LOL Can anyone guess whose feet are whose?

    Thanks Walt for the early morning coffee. Have you made a run to Einsteins lately? I think I'll bring back a tray of bagles, flavored cream cheeses and my fav, the spinach and egg panini.

  13. Great post, Myra! Thanks for sharing photos and some of the tidbits and insights you gleaned at RWA. I had a blast spending time with fellow writers, Seekers and Seeker buds! Donald Maass presented my favorite workshop but I benefited from every one I attended. Can't wait for ACFW!!!

    Where the Dogwoods Bloom is next on my TBR pile. Can't wait!


  14. Oh, Myra, what a WONDERFUL recap!!! But "vasodilation"??? Come again?? It's not often I have to look something up anymore, but you definitely got me on that one. And for anyone else who didn't know that word (or was it just me??), the definition is: vasodilation -- dilation of blood vessels.

    How fun to see your pic on the screen, Myra, at RWA -- goose-bump time, for sure! Now we just have to get it up there for a Rita win, right??

    Cannot WAIT for ACFW this year!! I have to be honest and say that I go primarily to see so many good friends I've made online, the Seekers right at the top of the list, of course, followed by Seeker friends, naturally. Priceless memories, for sure!


  15. Myra, thanks for the great recap! And for the photos. I'm going to have to steal a couple of them. :)

    I'm glad you got to stay around Disney! I wish I could have had a few more days. Of course, I was so worn out, I don't know how you did it.

  16. Good morning, crew! Amber, thanks for sharing your leftover cake--goes great with a steaming mug of java!

    KC! Thanks for the eggs and fresh blueberries--yum!

    Must get organized for the day. Back shortly to address some of your questions!

  17. Okay, I'm back.

    Walt, I just wrote down the statistic--no clue how to interpret it. You're making my head spin!!!

    Vince, I don't remember anything specific being said about free Kindle downloads. However, from other sources I've heard upsides and downsides. One "downer" is that some people download free books just because they're free and then if they don't like the book, they post scathing reviews. At least if someone pays for the book, it's because they already think they'll like it.

  18. KC, we recently rented Twilight ad New Moon. I have to say I'm with you--the movies were okay, but I don't get all the hype. (Apologies to Seekerville's resident Twilight fan--you know who you are!!!) I mean, seriously, how could Bella be the ONLY TEENAGER in that entire high school who didn't suspect something weird about the Cullens?????

  19. Grammy-Ruthy-the-Baker, thanks for the banana bread! I know I can always count on you to add yummy treats to the buffet table.

  20. Kav, the authors were arranged alphabetically, although they may have strategically placed authors who anticipated long lines at the end of the rows. With--what?--300+ authors, how else would anyone find the ones they were looking for?

    ACFW's book signing this year will be a little different. They're doing them in hourly groups inside the bookstore, a few authors at a time. Pam can probably explain better. We're all wondering how this plan will turn out.

    Sandra, thanks for bringing the bagels & cream cheese--one of my favorite mid-morning snacks!

  21. Sorry, Myra. it was late and I got, what was for me, philosophic. :-)

  22. Hi Walt:

    About Marketing.

    For those interested I’d like to add a little marketing insight to your question about the methodology of determining the statistic that “42% of romance readers were born before 1945, and 58% were born afterward.”

    It is likely that a statistically significant sample of the US population was taken and polled about whether they read romances. Depending on the demographic information available about the sample, this would generate meaningful results. That is, you could get figures on income, education, age, occupation, geographic location, etc.

    From a marketing point of view, however, this information may not be particularly useful. This is because of the Pareto principle which essentially says that "80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients."

    In marketing it is important to know who the 20% are and how to reach them with the most persuasive message. You also want to know who buys the romances and not just who reads them.

    I’ve read that well over 80% of beer is bought by less than 20% of beer drinkers. This is why ads with messages like: “The one beer to have when you are going to have more than one” are popular.

    Also, while every diet beer introduced for years failed when positioned as ‘diet beer’ when these same beers were positioned as ‘light’ beers (the best beers to drink because ‘they won’t fill you up’), ‘light’ beers became a huge success. The idea of not being filled up and thus being able to drink even more beer, really appealed to the 20% who drank most of the beer!

    It’s all in the power of positioning and the magic of words.

    What romance authors might wish to consider is who are the 10% to 20% of romance readers who buy 80% and more of the romances? Targeting these prospects with a suitable message can make your advertising dollars and you marketing efforts up to 5 times more productive. (Also consider this: the key 20% will differ based on subgenre. Marketing is so much fun! : ) )


  23. Vince, good points all. Myra, thanks for the recap from RWA. I wish I could have gone. It really fires me up and being with other writers in person is invaluable!

  24. Marketing is fun???????

    Now I REALLY have a headache!!!!

    Returning now to my wip. I will leave the philosophical marketing discussion to you guys.

  25. Hi Myra:

    You are right now that I think about it. I’ve seen some bad reviews of the free books Kindle has made available. These may be readers who don’t like a genre but are willing to try it for free. I can see that as being a problem. (Imagine of the reviews you’d get if you made everyone in a shopping mall sample caviar!)

    Also, I see two other problems about free books on Kindle for authors:

    1) once customers ‘taste blood’ by getting new books for free, they will be looking for any book they want to buy to show up on Kindle before they actually buy a book they want to read. This could cause an author to lose a customer who is ‘hot to buy’ after visiting a website where the author made an appearance or after reading a favorable review of the book. It’s best to ‘close’ on these prospects ASAP. I don’t think authors want to ‘train’ people to check Kindle first before buying a book. (And that ‘hot to buy’ feeling may only last until the next ‘hot to buy’ moment.)

    2) There is only so much ‘time’ available for reading in anyone’s life. If good books are made available for free in quantities which exceed the time available to read them all, then that leaves less time to read purchased books. This means authors are going to have to work that much harder to get readers to read their books.

    Now, there is a huge benefit to free Kindle books. A little known author can almost instantly create thousands of new fans at no cost (except in possible lost sales). Nothing sells better than a ‘free’ sample if the product is good.

    So it seems, free Kindle books may work wonders for those authors doing it and perhaps work against those not doing it. One thing it does for sure: it sells Kindle readers! They are sold out and have a backlog of orders for their new $139 Kindle!

    It’s something to think about.


    P.S. ‘Marketing is fun’ but being ‘philosophical’ is even more fun! : )

  26. I have to say, I do like my Kindle and have also downloaded a few free reads. But free isn't a good enough reason for me to download just any book. I've limited myself to authors and titles I really expect to read and enjoy.

    And you are so right, Vince, about there being a limited amount of reading time. I struggle to keep up with the books and authors I really want to read!

    My tummy's growling. On this hot, hot summer day, I'm whipping up a big batch of frosty fruit smoothies--yogurt, blueberries, mangoes, peaches, bananas, and strawberries. Enjoy!

  27. I'm headed to ACFW in just a bit over five weeks. :) I'm looking forward to seeing friends, great workshops, and soaking in the 'writerliness' of it all. :)

    How many writers go to RWA? It looks colossal.

  28. Thanks for the great info.

    I'll be attending the ACFW conference in September. This will be my first writing conference. I am very excited! I hope to meet some of the Seekers while in Indy. :)


  29. Erica & Angela! It'll be great to see you at ACFW!

    Erica, the number 2,000 sticks in my head about how many were in attendance at RWA. It's colossal. I waved at my friend Margaret Daley across a couple of aisles from me at the big book signing event and then never saw her again for the entire conference!

  30. Well, sooooorrrry, Ruthy! At least Myra liked the cake (and I think KC did, too?)!

    Go ahead and replace my kind offer of food. See if I care... *sniffle*

    Maybe someday I'll get over this, but I don't know if I could ever marry your son now. Sorry. ;)


    P.S. Congrats the family with the new baby! :D

  31. I have Where the Dogwoods Bloom in the Heartsong mailing.

    It came yesterday and I can't wait to read it.

    And next month, book #2 in Erica Vetsch's cowboy series.


  32. What--Seekerville is now a matchmaking service??? Who knew???

    Although . . . Mary and Ruthy have been paring up their grandkids for a few years now. I think they even wrote something into their wills that unless the Connealy/Logan Herne line is secured, the inheritance is forfeited.

  33. Myra,

    I didn't know that about the wills. ;) I guess you must have missed the comment on a post a while back when Ruthy asked me to marry her son... But she probably hates that I keep bringing it up again and again! It was flattering, though. ;)


  34. Such a wealth of info, Myra, both on your post and in the comments.

    I believe there were actually 500 authors at the Literacy book-signing and 2200 attendees registered for the sold-out conference. It was quite over-whelming to this little ol' prairie gal.

    Now that I'm home with only the birds and wind to disrupt my thoughts, I remember the constant noise in Orlando. The hum of a/c's in the rooms, the high pitch of all those women talking at once, even the 'elevator music' coming from pseudo-rocks strategically spaced out on the resort grounds.

    However, I thoroughly enjoyed the conference, especially as the Seekers let me hang out with them... again. :D

    Yes, I'll be going to ACFW Indy in 39 days. Yay!

    I'd love to win a copy of your book, Myra.

    anitamaedraper (at) hotmail (dot) com

  35. Oh Audra,
    You guys are SOOOOO cute. Daggone it - I used 'so' again.
    (flipping through thesaurus)
    You guys are extraordinarily cute. :-)
    And what a great recap.
    (oops, I just realized I'm repeating Tina R)
    You guys already know what I"m looking forward to most at my very first ACFW. YOU!!! Woohoo!!

  36. Amber, I confess to being AWOL from Seekerville for the past couple of weeks with the trip to Orlando and all. I'm sure if Ruthy promised you her son, she will stick by her word.

    Anita Mae, it was SUPER to see you in Orlando! A huge difference between RWA and ACFW is how many familiar faces you see. It's going to be so fun to see everyone at ACFW--and especially the chance to meet some of our regular Seekerville visitors who are attending for the first time, like Pepper and Angela!

  37. I can't wait to read the Ivan/Ruthy portion of the book.

    I suppose I deserve it for having Myra die in a nursing home in The Bossy Bridegroom.

    Did I bother to mention she was INCONTINENT in her last years??? Myra? Honey? Did I?????

  38. Remind me never to dedicate another book to you, Miss Mary Evel-Connealy. In a nursing home AND incontinent??? I hope my family sued for malpractice!

  39. OMG, Myra! What fun!

    I love the recaps of the RWA conference, I hope more Seekers give their input on the event and provide pictures.

    Interesting stats on the market. I guess I never thought about marketing ebooks. What a dilemma. I think Amazon offers them as book recommendations when someone searches for a similar genre or topic. Otherwise, how do you get the words out?

    Can never get enough of layering and senses reminders, M!!!

    I'm with you, Jules! Vasodilation -- my desk dictionary at work didn't even have the definition, so I went to Wikipedia.

    Vasodilation refers to the widening of blood vessels[1] resulting from relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, particularly in the large arteries, smaller arterioles and large veins.

    Learn something new everyday.

    Great stuff, Myra!

  40. Thanks for the official definition, Audra! Now . . . who's game to use "vasodilation" in your next wip?

  41. Great post Myra!
    The FB vs. Twitter comparisons-- I find FB so much friendlier, because it's pace is slower. And...call me simple, but there are faces, or at least pics of pretty flowers or kids or something. Twitter goes superfast, I can't keep up. Plus, I simply cannot be pithy & keep it to what...130 characters? Last week Brenda Novak hosted a Twitter party for her new release, and I followed it all on a grid, with 3 divisions of Author, followers, and lil ol' me. It overwhelmed.
    Maybe my arteries experienced that vasodilation there.
    Vince, I really like the marketing info-- so 20% buy 80%?
    When you connect the dots, consider this: Twilight series was written for the YA market, and we all know how 99% of everything is marketed to teens/young adults-- they have 100% of their own disposable income, plus parents' disposable income.
    Yes, the books are better than the movies. And yes, Ms.Meyers is a genius. Note I didn't say she was the greatest writer or that the books were on my keeper shelf; they actually left about a year ago.
    Now, Autumn Rains is here....
    If you're up for dessert, I just took a fresh peach cobbler out of the oven. Plop on some homemade vanilla bean ice cream, & drizzle some caramel syrup on top of that.
    Mmmmmm - mmmmm!

  42. Okay, just so I don't forget to mention it....where's my boy promise?! Amber got one and I'm basically the same age : P PLUS Ruthy, I'm a lot closer!! LOL!

    Anyway, Myra excellent post! I love seeing all these updates in hopes of what I might one day be able to see

    : D

    I love the red toenails, ladies!

    Now about the Kindle thing....I didn't know you (Vince and Myra) had Kindles. I do too! I really enjoy mine. I know one of my biggest concerns would be that I wouldn't be able to budget my time between both the Kindle and paper books, but that's definitely NOT the case I'm fortunate to say. I really like the free Kindle books. I've found so many new authors, as Vince pointed out.

    However, I understand what you're saying Myra. I always feel for like Jillian Hart when I read the reviews on her novel up under the free books. And Margaret Daley's novella....people don't understand that it's a NOVELLA! Lol...I don't know...there's pros and cons, but I'd love to have the occasional freebie thrown in there.

    I was at Walmart today with a friend. We checked out the LI books because neither have gotten them for the month. Guess what we found!? They raised the price by about a dollar or a hair more!! I'm sorry, but I have a little problem with that. I mean, now they're almost $5/book and that's expensive for my budget. Not to mention just last month they were $3 something...You know me...I want you guys to make a profit and a living. $5 doesn't seem bad, but when you think, I can easily spend at least $20 (only 4 books) per month between all three genres. That doesn't give me much leg room. On my "student budget" it's just getting too expensive, which really makes me sad. Especially now that I have ties to all of you...I know you have a book coming out and just becuase of the author, it's on my "Must Buy" list.

    Sorry about that little rant, but I had to vent! I knew you guys would understand probably. My friend was upset by it too...she's going to college also and said that she feared it would become too expensive and add up quickly...

    Soooooo...on another note, today the letter sealing the fate of my dorm room and roommate was sent from Colby-Sawyer!! We're trying to figure out if it'll be here tomorrow or Thursday...I hope tomorrow! I don't want to wait anymore! LOL!

    Okay, this was INCREDIBLY long and I'm sorry for that, but I had a lot to say! It's been a long day. Sleepover last night (never sleep much at those!), funeral started my day, swimming and catching a sunburn, reading more of my summer homework for school, shopping, and trying to do my hot air balloon ride (it was a grad gift that we still haven't been able to do, a storm brewed up and we couldn't do it tonight)....busy day!

    Dinner (homemade donut! YUM!), reading, and bed!
    Talk to you tomorrow Seekerville,

  43. Okay, just so I don't forget to mention it....where's my boy promise?! Amber got one and I'm basically the same age : P PLUS Ruthy, I'm a lot closer!! LOL!

    Anyway, Myra excellent post! I love seeing all these updates in hopes of what I might one day be able to see

    : D

    I love the red toenails, ladies!

    Now about the Kindle thing....I didn't know you (Vince and Myra) had Kindles. I do too! I really enjoy mine. I know one of my biggest concerns would be that I wouldn't be able to budget my time between both the Kindle and paper books, but that's definitely NOT the case I'm fortunate to say. I really like the free Kindle books. I've found so many new authors, as Vince pointed out.

    However, I understand what you're saying Myra. I always feel for like Jillian Hart when I read the reviews on her novel up under the free books. And Margaret Daley's novella....people don't understand that it's a NOVELLA! Lol...I don't know...there's pros and cons, but I'd love to have the occasional freebie thrown in there.

    I was at Walmart today with a friend. We checked out the LI books because neither have gotten them for the month. Guess what we found!? They raised the price by about a dollar or a hair more!! I'm sorry, but I have a little problem with that. I mean, now they're almost $5/book and that's expensive for my budget. Not to mention just last month they were $3 something...You know me...I want you guys to make a profit and a living. $5 doesn't seem bad, but when you think, I can easily spend at least $20 (only 4 books) per month between all three genres. That doesn't give me much leg room. On my "student budget" it's just getting too expensive, which really makes me sad. Especially now that I have ties to all of you...I know you have a book coming out and just becuase of the author, it's on my "Must Buy" list.

    Sorry about that little rant, but I had to vent! I knew you guys would understand probably. My friend was upset by it too...she's going to college also and said that she feared it would become too expensive and add up quickly...

    Soooooo...on another note, today the letter sealing the fate of my dorm room and roommate was sent from Colby-Sawyer!! We're trying to figure out if it'll be here tomorrow or Thursday...I hope tomorrow! I don't want to wait anymore! LOL!

    Okay, this was INCREDIBLY long and I'm sorry for that, but I had a lot to say! It's been a long day. Sleepover last night (never sleep much at those!), funeral started my day, swimming and catching a sunburn, reading more of my summer homework for school, shopping, and trying to do my hot air balloon ride (it was a grad gift that we still haven't been able to do, a storm brewed up and we couldn't do it tonight)....busy day!

    Dinner (homemade donut! YUM!), reading, and bed!
    Talk to you tomorrow Seekerville,

  44. Okay, just so I don't forget to mention it....where's my boy promise?! Amber got one and I'm basically the same age : P PLUS Ruthy, I'm a lot closer!! LOL!

    Anyway, Myra excellent post! I love seeing all these updates in hopes of what I might one day be able to see

    : D

    I love the red toenails, ladies!

    Now about the Kindle thing....I didn't know you (Vince and Myra) had Kindles. I do too! I really enjoy mine. I know one of my biggest concerns would be that I wouldn't be able to budget my time between both the Kindle and paper books, but that's definitely NOT the case I'm fortunate to say. I really like the free Kindle books. I've found so many new authors, as Vince pointed out.

    However, I understand what you're saying Myra. I always feel for like Jillian Hart when I read the reviews on her novel up under the free books. And Margaret Daley's novella....people don't understand that it's a NOVELLA! Lol...I don't know...there's pros and cons, but I'd love to have the occasional freebie thrown in there.

    I was at Walmart today with a friend. We checked out the LI books because neither have gotten them for the month. Guess what we found!? They raised the price by about a dollar or a hair more!! I'm sorry, but I have a little problem with that. I mean, now they're almost $5/book and that's expensive for my budget. Not to mention just last month they were $3 something...You know me...I want you guys to make a profit and a living. $5 doesn't seem bad, but when you think, I can easily spend at least $20 (only 4 books) per month between all three genres. That doesn't give me much leg room. On my "student budget" it's just getting too expensive, which really makes me sad. Especially now that I have ties to all of you...I know you have a book coming out and just becuase of the author, it's on my "Must Buy" list.

    Sorry about that little rant, but I had to vent! I knew you guys would understand probably. My friend was upset by it too...she's going to college also and said that she feared it would become too expensive and add up quickly...

    Soooooo...on another note, today the letter sealing the fate of my dorm room and roommate was sent from Colby-Sawyer!! We're trying to figure out if it'll be here tomorrow or Thursday...I hope tomorrow! I don't want to wait anymore! LOL!

    Okay, this was INCREDIBLY long and I'm sorry for that, but I had a lot to say! It's been a long day. Sleepover last night (never sleep much at those!), funeral started my day, swimming and catching a sunburn, reading more of my summer homework for school, shopping, and trying to do my hot air balloon ride (it was a grad gift that we still haven't been able to do, a storm brewed up and we couldn't do it tonight)....busy day!

    Dinner (homemade donut! YUM!), reading, and bed!
    Talk to you tomorrow Seekerville,

  45. SORRY! It posted twice....Blogger being weird on me.....

    By the way, Myra, how'd you like Disney? Isn't it great!!

  46. Pamela, social networking in general just kind of overwhelms me. I mean, how an ANYBODY keep up with 500-1000 of their "very close friends"? A lot has been written and said lately about how authors can make the most of these venues without driving themselves crazy. I'm still working on it.

    Okay, what does this mean? My word verification is "palinism." Does that make me a Tea Party-er????

  47. Hannah, you are single-handedly responsible for not one but THREE long comments--LOL!!!! And I'd promise you my 15-year-old grandson but he's probably just a wee bit young for you yet.

    I do understand about the book prices. They just seem to go up every year. The cover price of a Heartsong is $4.95, although I've never seen them actually sell for that much. Obviously the publishing business is doing what it can to stay solvent and--of course--continue publishing great Seeker books!

    I did see something in the news recently, though, that you can now RENT college textbooks instead of forking over the hard cash for a book you may only use one semester and would never want to keep.

    Oh, boy, a hot air balloon ride?? Take lots of pix and share them with us!!! And all the best with the roommate situation!

  48. Oh, and Disney was great! Very, very hot and humid, but we tried to get an early start and then head back to the hotel for an afternoon nap before returning in the evening. We did one morning at Magic Kingdom, one morning at Animal Kingdom, and a day and a half at Epcot.

  49. Forgot to thank Pamela for the cobbler & ice cream--YUM YUM YUM!!! I'll put on a pot of decaf to go with that! Great bedtime snack!

  50. i'm going to have to disagree about the Facebook Vs Twitter argument. Or maybe it's different for Book Bloggers. I keep my facebook separate from my twitter. Facebook is more for friends and family...people i have actually made in person. Whereas on twitter, I am able to talk to authors, publishers, publicists and others in the book industry. And it's the same for almost the entire book blogging community. Not sure if it's because we are different from the average reader. But anyways, have been noticing that, at least, general market publishers/publicists/authors are very chatty on twitter.

  51. Sorry I missed this post yesterday, Myra!!! The pics are great.

    I will be at the ACFW conference (if I survive my book coming out in 3 weeks). Can't wait! The conference is always wonderful. Emotional, but wonderful.

  52. Love the first series! Please enter me for Julie's first book from her second series. Thank you.
    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  53. Deborah, I am feeling more and more inclined to limit my regular Facebook page to family and people I'm actually acquainted with. I'm trying to nudge everyone else over to my Facebook author page.

    Twitter . . . haven't quite figured that bugger out yet, but you could be right. Definitely a lot of book chatter going on there!

    Melanie!!!! So excited about your novel coming out! Mega-congrats, girl!
