Saturday, August 7, 2010

Writers on Deadline Weekend Edition

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
~Douglas Adams

We Have Winners and No Whiners!

From the I Didn't Go To RWA Nationals Conference Weekend Edition, we have two winners with a game plan. Each will receive a Seekerville prize package. Congrats to winners Joy Tamsin David and Laurie Faelen.

Monday Ruth Logan Herne shared RWA First Timer Eye-Witness Report. Winner of a 15 page Ruthy critique is Valerie Comer and winner of her September release, Made To Order Family is Renee Lynn Scott.

Just Another Slacker Tuesday in Seekerville winner of a $15 Amazon gift card is Amber S. Winner of Ruth Logan Herne's Waiting Out the Storm is April.

Wednesday Seekerville welcomed back Desert Breeze author K. Dawn Byrd with Finding The Joy In the Race Toward Publication. The winners of their choice of K. Dawn's books, Killing Time and Queen of Hearts : Barbjan10 and Tina Pinson.

Thursday we got a peek at a Golden Heart finalist's fun ride. Keli Gwyn post was Nine Nuggets from My Golden Heart® Experiences. The winner of a little taste of conference is Runner 10. She'll get a package containing a water bottle, notebook, and pen that commemorate the 30th anniversary of RWA, all courtesy of Keli.

Friday historical writer Carolyn Fyffe joined us with Birthing Your Characters, and the winner of her latest release, Montana Dawn is Vince. Do not forget to stop by her web page and sign up for her newsletter for a chance to receive a great Montana gift basket.

A perfect method for adding drama to life
is to wait until the deadline looms large.

Alyce P. Cornyn-Selby, Procrastinator's Success Kit

THIS JUST IN...Check out this poster from Booksellers Best Awards!
Go Glynna!

Next Week In Seekerville:

Monday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historicals author Janet Dean joins us with Romance Matters. Janet will be giving one copy of Courting Miss Adelaide, Courting the Doctor's Daughter and The Substitute Bride to one winner.

Tuesday: Abingdon Press and Heartsong Presents author Myra Johnson is your hostess today. She's giving away a copy of her latest release, Where the Dogwoods Bloom too!

Wednesday: Revell author Julie Lessman posts today. Don't miss an opportunity to win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books.

Thursday: Beat the summer heat with Ruth Logan Herne who invites you to don your Sunday "Go-to-Meetin'" clothes and join her for an ice cream social. She'll be giving away another copy of Brooks and Rita's delightful story Made to Order Family, and one lucky person will be the winner of the second "NYC Might-be-stolen-bought-from-a-street-vendor" scarf.

Friday: Top Ten Seekerville Posts. Stop by for a HUGE Seekerville book giveaway. Your chance to win one of EIGHT books!

Murphy's Law for Deadlines

Save The Date:

August 16: Bell Bridge author Maureen Hardegree.

August 20: Harlequin Historicals author Pam Crooks.

August 26: Valentine Series author Curtiss Ann Matlock.

August 27: Barbour Publishing author Mary Lu Tyndall.

August 31: Revell author Lorna Seilstad.

Seeker Sightings:

Congratulations to Debby Giusti for her placements in the THE BEACON - 2010 Published Division- An Award for Excellence in Romance

Yule Die (which appeared in Christmas Peril) won the Novella category

Protecting her Child
placed second in the Inspirational category.

Congratulations to Glynna Kaye her for placements in THE BEACON - 2010 Published Division-An Award for Excellence in Romance.

Dreaming of Home took home Best First Book and won the Inspirational category.

Ruth Logan Herne is thrilled to announce that Steeple Hill Books has just offered her a three-book contract to go along with her April, 2011 release! The Men of Allegany County series hits the stands in April with Reunited Hearts, then June with Small-town Hearts, followed by two as yet unnamed releases. Ruthy is delighted to have this rugged and beautiful Appalachian area highlighted in delightful inspirational fiction.

On Monday, August 9th, Cara Lynn James will be be a guest of the Southern Sizzlers. Stop by!

She'll be a guest at Writer's Alley on Saturday, August 14th. Stop by for a chance to win a copy of Love on A Dime.

And look what we found on Amazon!~
Love on Assignment.

And look what else, Love on A Dime will be part of a special historical romance box set with books by Colleen Coble and Margaret Browning available in this fall.

Join Camy Tang's Street Team for her September, Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense release, Formula For Danger, here.

Stop by Camy's Story Sensei Blog to sign up for her Synopsis writing class that runs from October 4th to October 31st, 2010. For four weeks, she'll be working with you to write a synopsis for your manuscript.

Wednesday, August 11-15, 2010
, you can win a signed copy of Julie Lessman's upcoming release, A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at Edgy Inspirational Romance blog for their new feature, Outside the Author's Studio.

Check out "JOURNAL JOTS" on Julie's website, an ongoing diary of fun things about her books and her writing life.

A deadline is, simply put, optimism in its most kick-ass form. It's a potent force that, when wielded with respect, will level any obstacle in its path. This is especially true when it comes to creative pursuits. — Chris Baty, No Plot? No Problem!: A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days

Random News:

  • Check out PubRants for editor insights and tidbits from RWA Orlando


  1. Always a lot of good reading in your posts, Tina. Thanks.

    Coffee's on.

    Not on deadline right now, because I just finished a project. Planning stages for a new one.


  2. wOOOOOOOttt!!! Bring it ON, Ruthy. Congrats to the other winners, too!

  3. Thank you so much!!! I'm so excited! Do I get a top slacker award certificate, too, or something like that? ;) I'm so glad ya'll liked the story!

    Oh, and will I be getting an e-mail or should I e-mail Tina?

    Congrats to all the other winners, and to celebrate I'll share some of my grandma's wonderful homemade chocolate chip cookies! :D



  4. Helen, bless you, bless you, bless you.

    Drinking (read: inhaling and gulping) as we speak.

    Er.... type.


    You rock, woman.



    So send me your pages, sweet thang, and we'll see who survives. And if you ask Helen and K.C., no one has DIED yet.

    But the day ain't over.

    I'm totally in on the cookies, Amber, and very grateful it's not whole grain ANYTHING.

    Seriously, woman, I've got a deadline comin' up, and I'm mowwing coffee. M&M's. Sweet tea.

    (Now Kav's gonna' send me a tofu coupon to help me see the error of my ways... Tofu M&M's??? Oh dear heavens, I hope not!!!)


    Hey, I brought lemon bars to go along with the cookies. It finally cooled off here to the point of LOVELY and I turned the oven on.

    And I'm picking up my tart cherry order today, so you can envision flaky turnovers in your future.


  5. WOW, look at all the great news!!
    Congrats to you ladies - this is great. Awards, contracts...FANTASTIC!!
    Ruthy, you just won my heart all over again with a book series on Appalachia/Alleghany. Fabulous! Now yer tawkin!

  6. No tofu m&ms but it's cooled down here too so I baked...tofu brownies (LOL -- like cream cheese only with tofu...and they're good!)

    Another wonderful weekend edition. I don't know what i'm going to do when I have to start working Saturdays again. I think I spent a leisurely hour here clicking on links and following more links learning lots of new stuff and meeting new authors.

    I've ordered Maureen Hardegree's 'Haint Misbehavin' since I'm always on the lookout for new YA books, went to her website and found her word search puzzle and am stuck on three words.Grrrr.

    Congratulations to Debby and Glynna and Ruthy. Exciting news!!!

  7. Congrats to all! Especially to Ruthy on her three-book contract and Glynna and Debby on the contest wins!!

    See you all Monday!!


  8. Good morning Seekerville!!

    Good news all the way around. Congratulations !!!

    Winners will be contacted before the weekend is out.

    Way to go Ruthy, Glynna and Debby!

    Now for java and Charlie the Slacker vet has a vet appointment today followed by a manicure.

  9. Congrats to a week's worth of winners!

    Looks like another great line up for next week.

    RUTH!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!! ON!!!!! THE!!!!! NEW!!!!! CONTRACTS!!!!!!!! You're dreams are coming true!

    Cara, another awesome book cover....and way to go on the three book packaging...will that be out by Christmas time???

    I'm glad the weather's cooled down somewhere...I'm still waiting here in South Dakota.

    Have a great weekend.

  10. WOW, Tina! You outdid yourself-- this is a JAM-PACKED Weekend Edition! I'll have to come back several times today on break to check out all the links!

  11. Thanks for the updates and info, Tina! You are the woman!!!

    Congratulations to Debby and Glynna for their contest honors!!! Woohoo! You girls are flaming hot!

    And to Ruthy for her 3-book contract! You rock!

    I am on a high after last night, when I saw my first ever review of The Healer's Apprentice! Apparently a few advance copies are actually out there, though it seems that most of them have not gone out yet. I DON'T EVEN HAVE A COPY YET!!! But that's okay. She LOVED my book!

  12. Congrats to the winners of the drawings and to the Seekers who rocked in contests. And mega congrats to Ruthy on that new contract! =)

  13. Oh my, I mean Charlie the slacker cat. Apologies to my vet.

  14. TEENSTER, another great WE, my friend, chock full!

    RUTHY!!! We are SO stinkin' proud of you, girl!!!

    And DEB and GLYNNA, you girls too, with your mega wins!! WHOO-HOO!!

    Congrats to all the SEEKER FRIENDS who won stuff too -- you guys ROCK!!

    CARA, LOVE the second cover and WHOA, BABY, part of a gift-pack trilogy??? Thomas Nelson is in love with you, girl -- WOW!!

    Happy weekend, all!


  15. Whooo-hooo! I won something?! Thanks so much guys!


    Joy G Lee G @ aol. com (remove spaces)

  16. Congrats all around on the contest awards, the new contracts and the food!

    Ruthy, I got so frustrated yesterday with my lack of producing words that I made myself a hurricane of vanilla ice cream, oreos and that chocolate stuff that hardens when it gets cold.

    I did make it fairly small (okay, small is relative), but it was enough to satisfy.

    Hey, and DO NOT look at the calories on a pack of oreos.

    I'm just sayin'

  17. Wow, so much good news to celebrate this weekend!! Woo hoo and congrats, ladies!!

    Tina, thanks for all the great info and links. How fun to see photos from the Harlequin party!! Did you see us there dancing? :)

    Kav, Maureen is one of my critique partners. I'll see if she'll share the answers! :)

  18. By the way, Tina, I loved the theme this weekend! I just mailed off my revised book yesterday, and I told my family I now have a life least for the weekend. :)

  19. Kudos!

    From the headline of my Monday, October 19, 2009 Review:

    Debut Novel -- Dreaming of Home – A Five Star Delight!

    Highest Recommendation! Future Award Winner!


    Thank you Glynna!
    I just love being right!



  20. ***** Pantster Alert! *****

    “The Secret Life of Pantsers”

    This is a workshop presented by Kathleen Baldwin at the RWA Conference. The handouts are now posted on the RWA website. Fantastic handouts! (Page 5 is amazing!) I can’t wait to order the audio of this workshop. This is for real!


  21. LOL, Vince. I am saving my pennies for the entire DVD collection. But now I think I'll have to break my piggy bank and cash it NOW!

    BTW Congrats to Melly on her review!!!

  22. Here's the link to the conference handouts.

    Workshop Handouts

  23. Hi:

    I see I won “Montana Dawn”!

    Didn’t I mention there is something magical about ‘Montana’ just last week! : )



  24. Congrats to all!!!!! This is fantastic news on all the awards and contracts.

  25. Yay!! Thank you! I also want to thank you all for the wonderful post last weekend. The links were great and I loved feeling a part of all the excitement!

    Fabulous about all these great contest results -congratulations. And to Ruth for her 3 book contract.

    Looks like lots of fun events coming up!

    laurieire at gmail dot com

  26. Woo hoo Val!

    Congrats Glynna! Yay!

    Yeehaw Debby!!!

    Ruthy... a 3 book contract? Okay, I'm seriously doing a happy dance around the living room, grinning like a fool. :D

    This is such an exciting blog!

    God is blessing you wonderful ladies and we're all witness to it. Yay!

  27. Oh my stars, I've redone fresh coffee for today, I'm sending you guys all hugs for your congrats, and all of Seekerville is thrilled about Deb's and Glynna's contest wins.

    But we're not a bit surprised, LOL, because this is how we all met, by nudging each other out of first, into second and third CONSTANTLY six years ago.

    And where else do you find a group of women who join forces to HELP the competition, figuring fifteen heads are better than one? And now our goal is to help all of Seekerville reach their goal, grasp their dream.

    If two or more are gathered in my name.....

    Truer words were never spoken.

    Missy, YAY! on gettin' that book off, I can't wait to read it, and where's that slacker Lindi who gave me tacit permission in Orlando to smack her around????

    How's the writin' comin', Lindi-girl???? HMMM?????

    I am LOVING working on this series, the bits and pieces are just God-given, and I'm constantly amazed at how tiny things just slip into place. Was it chance or Providence that put a high school counselor from the very towns I'm setting these books in next to me on the plane from Orlando to Rochester last week?

    What were the odds of that? That I'd be sitting alongside a sweet 30-something with great knowledge and love for a hard-scrabble region that is probably (nodding to Pepper, here) one of the most beautiful areas in the country, but an area that has faced huge brain drain because of lack of jobs.

    God amazes me daily. Seriously.

    And Vince, I'm with you. The minute I read Glynna's debut book, I was captivated. She spins words with the grace of Charlotte, the writing spider, sweet, succinct, and delicate.

    Just lovely.

    Do not let this go to your head, Glynna. Sheesh. And now I have to go find my copy (yes, I'm guilty, I have Yule Die here and I did not get to read it at Christmas, although I read Deb's Killer Headline a few months back and loved it!) of Yule Die and read it...

    It's in the scary office.

    Pray for me!

    (I am not kidding... This is why I'm writing at the kitchen table now. The scary office is, well... you get it!)

    And was that something scratching behind the wall yesterday???




  28. Ruthy, needing an email address from you. Could you email me at valerierco at yahoo dot ca?


  29. Oh good, you're still here. I was up in the North Country (yes, THAT north country, and internet access as well as cell phone service is iffy, right, Ruthy?)

    Congratulations Debby and Glynna and Ruthy!
    Cara, love the new cover!

    Have a great week everyone!

  30. Ruthie--I'm here. And I'll have a writing report real soon.
