Saturday, September 4, 2010

Weekend Edition Celebrating BOOKS

Seekerville honors reading and books this weekend and we have a special scratch and sniff feature too. Simply bury your nose in any one of the jpgs on the screen for an exciting whiff of our new fragrance 'Seekerville'. Like it? Smells like a new book doesn't it?

We Have Winners!

Please contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner. Provide your snail mail address. If we don't hear from you we'll hunt you down! Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville.

On Monday, Glynna Kaye shared, Seasons of a Writer's Journey. Winner of the $10 Barnes & Noble gift card is Amber.

Friend of Seekerville Lorna Seilstad sold and on Tuesday she shared Excuses! Excuses! with us. Winner of her debut Revell release Making Waves is Mary Bailey.

Wednesday we welcomed another first sale writer to Seekerville, our good friend Rose Ross Zediker who sold to Heartsong Presents. Her post was Answering the Call. Winner of Palmer Twin Bing is Regina and the winner of a Seekerville currently available book of choice is Casey.

Thursday's post with Audra Harders was Find Your Stride as she prepared us for the ACFW Conference. Winner of a $10 Starbucks giftcard is Pepper.

Friday Seekerville got you started on the upcoming contests with the September Contest Update. Winner of Ruth Logan Herne's September release, Ready Made Family, are Patsy and Renee.

Next Week in Seekerville~

Monday: What's Going On in Her Head?
with Barbour Publishing author Mary Connealy, who writes romantic comedy with cowboys.

Kensington author Marilyn Brant returns. We're excited about her post, In Honor of Blake Snyder: Master of the Beat Sheet. Don't miss this great post and an opportunity to win one of two giveways: ARCs of her woman's fiction release, Friday Morning's at Nine.

Revell author Julie Lessman is your hostess with Do-Overs and Clown Noses. Stop by for a chance to win your choice of a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books.

Join Ruth Logan Herne as she celebrates the launch of Made to Order Family in bookstores by examining "Character Arcs: How to Take a Hot Guy From Here to ... sigh...There" Ruthy wants to help you examine your characters (no medical license necessary for this in New York) and to entice you in she's giving away a $20 Starbucks card and a copy of Made to Order Family to one lucky commenter.

Zondervan author Melanie Dickerson is back in Seekerville, just in time for the release of her debut YA, The Healer's Apprentice.

Save the Date~

September 14: The Grammar Queen.

September 16: Multiple Golden Heart finalist Anne Barton.

September 18: Today we announce the details (prizes, fun and an exciting guest line-up) of our October Birthday Party!

September 24: Heartsong Presents author Vickie McDonough.

September 28: Avalon Books Editor Lia Brown.

Seeker Sightings~

Julie Lessman alert!

Monday, August 23 through Saturday, September 4, you can win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at Lena Nelson Dooley's blog.

Thursday, September 2 through Saturday, September 11, stop by to win signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at Writing for Christ blog.

Monday, September 6, you can win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at Kay Dacus's blog.

Monday, September 6 - Friday, September 10: Three Giveaways -- win your choice of a CRITIQUE or a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at Window to my World blog.

Random News~

  • For those of you who have asked, here is the link to all four of Cheryl Wyatt's posts in her plotstorming series.

  • From Publishers Lunch: Denise Little will join the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency this month. She was formerly executive editor at Tekno Books, head of Kensington''s Denise Little Presents imprint, and a buyer for Barnes & Noble. She will represent romance, paranormal, mystery, thriller, science-fiction/fantasy, non-fiction, Christian books, and horror.

  • From Cindi Myers Market News: Former Dorchester Editorial Director Leah Hultenschmidt has moved over to Sourcebooks, where she’ll be Senior Editor for their Casablance line of romance and women’s fiction. She will also be acquiring YA.

Good News!!!

Seekerville would like to congratulate friend of Seekerville, Cat Shield on her sale to Silhouette Desire. Rock on!!


  1. Yay! Thank you so much! I already spent like that last hour or so looking on the Barnes and Noble website and browsing books on blogs and other websites to see what I wanted to order. ;) I hope I'm the Amber referred to above, because I didn't see any other "Amber"s!

    Congratulations to the other winners, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  2. Oh, I just tried clicking on your web e-mail link and it said "Error," and it didn't show me any e-mail. :(


  3. Congratulations to all this week's winners!

    And a HUGE CONGRATS to Cat on her book sale!!!!!

    Loved catching up on the news. Seekerville is better than the Saturday morning paper! I'm up early and getting things done because I'm heading out to the bookstore first thing to pick up my copy of MAKING WAVES!!!!!Yahooo!!!

  4. Melanie Dickerson's book is out! If she stops by give her a big hurrah and a hug.

    Good morning everyone!

  5. Excellent edition, Tina!! Thanks so much for fun links! I'll save them for my reward after I work today. :)

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  6. Congrats, Cat!! So excited for you!!

  7. Looks like another great line up next.

    Congratulations to all this weeks winners.

    And again CAT-YIPPEE on your sale!

    Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend everyone.

  8. Yay Cat! Congratulations!
    And to all the Seekerville winners last week too.

    You know, that fragrance is simply mahvelous! I feel smarter already.

    To go along with the weekend, I brought some blueberry muffins (with real blueberries) and hot coffee or tea, flavors of choice.

    Y'all enjoy!

    It's a lovely day in middle Tennessee. Going to go get out in it for awhile.

    Be safe - have a wonderful weekend.

    Looking forward to reading about what is in Mary's head. Buckle up!

    FYI: Rachelle Gardner's b'day is Monday! :) Happy Happy!

  9. Thanks, Tina, for all the great links.

    Congrats to all the winners! And Super Congrats to Cat on your book sale!

    Have a great weekend!!


  10. Fixed Amber yes you are the Amber.

    Thanks for catching that.

    May you all have a most excellent writing weekend!!!

  11. Thanks everyone! I'm sorry I posted and disappeared.without more details yesterday, but I was heading out of town for the long weekend and my iPad ran out of juice.

    I got the call on Monday as I was heading out of work (thank goodness, I dint know how I would have functioned the rest of the day). It was my agent. In her oh so professional tone she told me we had a offer. Since the revised book has been sitting at Silhouette since January, I'd gotten used to her updates that it was still under consideration. The word offer didn't sink in. She was very patient with me as I fought to grasp that the editor wanted to BUY my book. Whoohoo! The pub date is probably going to be early 2012.

    The story is about an oil heiress who's determined to foil her meddling father's attempt to marry her off to his business associate who doesn't believe in happily ever after, and who also happens to be the man of her dreams.

    The story won the 2007 Fab five and received a request, but the editor left before I got her the story. Then took 2nd in the 2008 PASIC and got another request, but that editor left too. It really was a case of letting go and letting God. The book was ready to go for a long time. It just needed the right agent and the right editor.

    I brought my favorite chocolate volcano to share. It's hot and ready to serve with ice cream. Yum!!

  12. Congrats Cat!

    Okay, I'm officially at college. It's tough, not gonna lie. More than anything I feel a little lonely right now. They leave us for periods of time with nothing we're supposed to be doing, but we don't have homework or anything yet, so we're stuck. Can't say I'm having fun yet, I don't think.

    Not too much to say I guess...I'm looking forward to starting classes on Tuesday and trying the establish a routine. AND I'm excited to go home on Friday! LOL! Isn't that terrible? My class gets over at 12:45pm and I can leave anytime after that and spend the weekend at home with my family....boy, does that sound wonderful right now...

    Ah well, great job on the WE again, Tina. I don't think I really even need to tell you that anymore because we all know it always will be, BUT I'm sure it doesn't ever get tiring to hear it *wink*

    Sorry if I sound complainey, but I think it goes with the territory....sorry!

    Talk to you soon, hopefully, at least I can have some sense of normalcy!

  13. BOOKS -- what a GREAT thing to celebrate!!! Where would we be without books, one of life's greatest pleasures!! For me, books (especially a reallllly good romance) add another dimension to my life ... you know, another secret life going on in tandem with mine -- SOOOO fun!!

    Thanks, Teenster, for another great WE and making the Labor Day Weekend even more celebratory. I especially found the "How Christians Spoil Sex" link interesting ... mmm,wonder why? :)

    WAY TO GO, CAT!!!!!!!!!! Nothing like a book sale to put a bounce in your step, eh? Sounds like a book I would LOVE to read!

    And three cheers for the rest of the winners -- you guys rock!!


  14. Books, books, books!! I love 'em, Tina! Ahhh, and scratch and sniff...nothing truly compares, LOL!

    Congrats, Cat! What a kick off to a great Labor Day weekend! Bask in the glow!

    Melanie, did I hear something about your book...on store we speak??? LOL, only kidding! So proud of you, girlfriend. I want mine autographed!!

    Have a spectacular weekend all!!

  15. Thanks, Tina, and congrats to Cat and Melanie!!! :D

    And Cat, thank you so much for the chocolate volcano--much appreciated! ;)

    And Hannah, I'm so sorry that you're feeling lonely. :( Sometimes the orientation can be hard, but it will definitely help when you get into a routine. It's nice that you can visit your parents on the weekends, too! I know how hard it can be to not see them all the time, especially when you're a close-knit family. Praying that God will give you comfort and joy!


  16. Whoo-hoo! Congrats Cat!!!

    I'm scrambling to get things lined up for the ACFW conference. So much to do.

    Glad Monday's a holiday!

  17. Cat said: I brought my favorite chocolate volcano to share. It's hot and ready to serve with ice cream. Yum!!

    Oh my word, Cat, that sounds SO good.

    I'm drooling!

  18. Wind knocked out our Internet this afternoon....


    Hannah, every one of my kids went through that, sweet thing. It passes. You haven't had to break loose and be on your own a lot. It's a big step, but you'll be fine, I promise, double dog with chocolate promise.

    And I don't double dog nothin' lightly, my friend!

    Cat, yay!!!! Thanks for coming over and chattin' it up with us. Oh my stars, this is good stuff!!!

    Okay, so it wasn't your GH winner: Fake Fiance, Real Love....

    And isn't that with someone now or am I lying through my teeth?

    No matter, girl, I'm so proud of you!!! Snoopy dancing and embarrassing my neighbors YET AGAIN!!!


  19. Congrats, Cat.

    Great post, Tina (as usual)

    Love books. Reading them, writing them, smelling them. :-)

    Have a fabulous Labor Day weekend everyone.

  20. Congrats CAT on your sale. Whoo hooo and to celebrate with volcano cake. You're our kind of gal. smile

    Melanie, how exciting to see your books on the shelf.

    Saw Julie's too. HOPE UNDAUNTED. hooray.

    Great WE Tina. I LOVE books. I love being surrounded by them. Good thing we have a diesel engine on the motorhome or hubby would have a fit carrying all these necessary books.

  21. I love the smell of bookstores, both brand new books and used. Spent a lot of time in the past in search of reference books. Heaven.

    Ruthy, the GH book was requested anonymously. Not sure I'll ever hear.

    Lots of great things happening here! How great to see your book on the shelf for the first time.

  22. I love the anonymous GH spin!

    That happens often, my friend. The GH judges love their cloak of anonymity and it's the only contest that gives them that free rein so it's kind of cool.

    And a little spooky. :)

    Still dancing here in upstate with pumpkin spiced coffee from my Keurig.

    Here... I'll share. And cider donuts from Zarpentine's Farms, a great little farm store, so fun. And their corn maze this year is the game "CLUE".. For real. How fun is that?

    I brought lots of donuts because it's the best way to welcome fall. Coffee and cider fried cakes, lightly glazed. Oh, yum!

  23. Congrats, winners!

    Looking forward to next week!

    Happy Holiday weekend!

    All of you be safe :D
