Saturday, September 18, 2010

Weekend Edition

With most of the Seekers gone to ACFW,
Sandra, Ruth and Tina are, yes,


We Have Winners

Please contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner. Provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville.

The Weekend Edition winners of Camy Tang's debut release Formula for Danger, are Steph (Lotus82) and Anne Payne.

Monday Janet Dean hosted with a post called Fall Favorites. Winner of Janet's Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historical release, The Substitute Bride, is Debra E. Marvin.

Tuesday the Grammar Queen lied, laid, lay into Seekerville. Winner of Grammatically Correct by Anne Stilman is Anne Baxter.

Wednesday Debby Giusti opened her suitcase for a peek inside with Packing Tips--Seeker Style. Winner of Debby's Love Inspired Suspense release Protecting Her Child, winner of the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence for 2010, is Jodie Wolfe.

Thursday the lovely Lady Anne Barton was our guest with An Unscientific Quiz-How Well Do You Pamper Your Inner Writer? Winner of a $15 Starbuck's gift card is Kirsten Arnold.

Friday, Don't Be Stupid, Pilgrim was the theme of the day. Winner of Ruth Logan Herne's, Made To Order Family is Cindy (the sb girls) and winner of Julie Lessman's A Hope Undaunted is Julie Hilton Steele.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Missy Tippens brings you an insider report and photos live from the Seekerville Posse at the ACFW Conference in Indy.

Tuesday Seekerville welcomes Abingdon Press and Barbour Publishing author Cynthia Ruchti. Cynthia's post is called Before and After and she is giving away a copy of each of her new releases, They Almost Always Come Home (Abingdon Press) and The Heart's Harbor in A Door County Christmas (Barbour Publishing).

Wednesday Steeple Hill Love Inspired author and Seeker Glynna Kaye is your hostess.

Thursday Seeker and Thomas Nelson Books author Cara Lynn James leads the blog!

Friday we are delighted to welcome back Heartsong Presents author Vickie McDonough.

Save the Date

September 28: Avalon Books Editor Lia Brown.

This weekend at ACFW Seekerville debuts their ad in the conference brochure which features information on what's coming up in Seekerville for the rest of 2010, a peek at 2011 and information on our October birthday bash. Click on the below ad to see it full sized.

Seeker Sightings

Here's your first photo of Seekers in Indy, during an off conference site visit.

Check out the ACFW Conference Booksigning Schedule to find your favorite Seekerville authors!

Friends of the Parma Public Library are hosting a book signing for Ruth Logan Herne and three other local authors today, Saturday, September 18th from 1:00 - 3:00 at the Parma Library, West Ave, Hilton, New York. Come on over and get a big Ruthy-hug... And maybe a few M&M's, to boot!

Random News

  • Phoenix Desert Rose Golden Quill Contest, opens for entries October 1st. New this year is the inspirational and romantic suspense category. They are now accepting eBook submissions in PDF format. Check it out here.

  • The 16th Edition of the Chicago Manual of Style is available ONLINE!

Have a great weekend!


  1. After having been last to so many posts this week, I finally get to one first.

    Still wish I was at ACFW.

    Will put the coffee on.

  2. Happy almost birthday, Seekerville!!! :D

    And hey, if you're home alone, you can be a little bit crazier than normal, right? ;)

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and congrats to the winners!


  3. Yeah, I am so excited! Realized I didn't send my email address. Do I send it to Julie?

    Put your feet up and enjoy the weekend!

    Thanks, Julie

  4. Mornin' Seekers,
    LOVE the WE. LOL.
    After hearing Cynthia Rutchi prayer last night - I can't WAIT to read her post next week. Wow. It was a beautiful prayer.

    I wish you ladies were here. I've LOVED getting to meet the Seekers - as fabulous in person as online.

  5. Thanks for another great week, seekervillites! And for the WE! You always find such interesting things to explore on the internet.

  6. Hey, winning Janet's book is such a treat! Thank you so much. I can't wait to read it. Love the sassy heroine on the cover.

    I've decided the down side to a kindle book is you can't loan it to anyone, or at least I don't know how it's done. (I don't have a kindle but I have the app on my ITouch) Am I right or is there a way to share a Kindle download with a friend?

  7. Congrats to all the winners, and thanks for the Starbucks GC! The gift that keeps on giving.

    Great weekend edition! Have a super weekend everyone!


  8. Hey Walt, Thanks for the coffee. Did you get to Einsteins for some bagels?

    I brought some fresh cantelop. Melons are in season out west. So there's other varieties as well.

    And I brought some breakfast burros for those who want protein.

    For those of us who need comfort food because we are HOME ALONE I brought some cinnabons, Sees chocolates, blueberry crepes, and Dove candies for those who have been hungry for them since Debby mentioned packing them for ACFW

    I can't believe its ben three years!!!

    How fun is that?

    Have a great weekend.

    Pepper, I so wanted to meet you. Next year. smile

  9. Hey, Julie,

    We don't need your email address. We need your snail mail address to the Seekerville mailbox. There is a link in the post or click on the contact tab.

    (Please contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner. Provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville.)

  10. Thanks for the java, Walt!!

    There's always next year for ACFW..St. Louis I think.

    Debra, I don't think you can share it. I have an iTouch also.

  11. Thanks, Tina.

    Glad to have the new web address to contact about "stuff".

    I know we were putting our emails on our posts before for contact but I was starting to get a lot of "Dearly Beloved Fellow Christian" emails so hesitated. Hadn't clued into the new info.

    Peace and thanks again, Julie

  12. Coffee... Ah, it's late to be drinkin' it, but I'm toastin' ye', Walt, laddie!

    Tina, love the Ruthy-pic.

    Oh my stars, it's a good thing you PAID ME PLENTY to do that.


    IT LOOKS LIKE: US!!!! ;)

    Grinning in upstate.

    My signing today was lovely. Sweet. Fun. Great people. We used baby 'Lijah as a lure and M&M's, two guaranteed crowd pleasers!

    And the Yankees and my husband and son-in-law are all in beautiful Baltimore tonight.


  13. Lovely photos everyone!

    What a beautiful ad too! WTG ladies!

    Hope all are having a splendid weekend!!! It's beautiful here in TN...

    Congrats to all winners!

  14. I love the picture!!! Yay! No cavities! You are adorable!!!!

    I'm home too and hoping to follow the blog this evening. Not sure I will be able to, but here's hoping.

    I will say that Pepper has been emailing me and the rest of The Writer's Alley with updates on all she is experiencing. Seriously, the Seekers could hire her as their roving reporter. ;) LOVE YOU PEPPER!!!!!!

  15. @ Ruth, I was planning to come to your signing. Been on jury duty all week and both my kids are sick this weekend :(. Hopefully I'll be able to make one of your other signings in the Rochester area.

    Happy upcoming birthday to Seekerville! So many of us have been so blessed by this site and its so exciting to see all the publications this year, especially the first time ones!

  16. We should have hired Pepper!! What were we thinking????

    Hope all the kidlets feel better, Julia.

  17. This live ACFW blog should be a lot of fun!
    I've already got my seat reserved and the guacamole is made.

  18. Julia, how far away are you?

    You could actually just come....

    Hold onto your hat....

    see me.


    I don't even hardly BITE.




  19. LOL...I don't hardly ever bite either :)

    I'm in Fairport, so just the other side of the city.
