Saturday, September 11, 2010

Weekend Traveling Edition

Greetings to all of you heading out to Indy for the 2010 ACFW Conference!
Have a great time and bring us back lots of memories!

And don't forget the Live Conference Blog action.

Monday, September 20th Seekerville will bring you all the
photos, and
serious scoop you could ask for.

We Have Winners!

Please contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner. Provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville.

On Tuesday Seekerville was delighted to welcome back Kensington author Marilyn Brant who shared Blake Snyder's Beat Sheet with us. Winners of Advanced Reading copies of Friday Mornings at Nine are Brittany Roshelle and Barb Shelton.

Wednesday Seeker Julie Lessman brought you Do-Overs and Clown Noses … with Critique/Book Giveaway!!! Winner of either her choice of a 5-page critique by Julie OR a signed copy of either her new release A Hope Undaunted or “The Daughters of Boston” book of their choice is Steena Holmes.

Thursday Ruth Logan Herne shared her hunky tale-Character Arcs: How to Take a Hot Guy from Here to... sigh...There. Winner of a $20 Starbucks card and a copy of Made to Order Family is...drumroll please...Jodie Wolfe.

Friday Seekerville welcomed back Zondervan YA author Melanie Dickerson, Fairy Tales Do Come True-They Can Happen to You. Winner of her debut release The Healer's Apprentice is Anne Lee Miller.

Save The Date

September 18: Today we bring you a sneak peak at the details of our October Birthday Party!

September 21: Abingdon Press and Barbour Publishing author Cynthia Ruchti.

September 24: Heartsong Presents author Vickie McDonough.

September 28: Avalon Books Editor Lia Brown.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean is your blog leader today!

Tuesday: Seekerville Welcomes The Grammar Queen. And she's bringing a grammatically correct giveaway with her too!

Wednesday: Today take a peek inside Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti's suitcase.

Thursday: Join us for a visit with multiple Golden Heart finalist, regency historical writer Anne Barton.

Friday: If you didn't go to the ACFW Conference this year stop by Seekerville today for chance to win a few consolation prizes with your hostess, Steeple Hill author Tina Radcliffe.

Seeker Sightings

Check out the ACFW Conference Booksigning Schedule to find your favorite Seekerville authors!

Julie Lessman was on Tricia Goyer's Living Inspired Show. You can listen to the podcast here or at iTunes here.

Saturday, September 11 till ?: Interview/Book Giveaway on Suzanne Woods Fishers Blog.

Thursday, September 2 - Saturday, September 11, 2010: Win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at Writing for Christ blog. NOTE!!! EXTRA CONTEST ON CASEY'S BLOG REGARDING A HOPE UNDAUNTED -- SEE DETAILS HERE.

Monday, September 13: Win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at Sandra Robbin's blog :

September 15, Camy Tang's Formula for Danger, hits the shelves! This is a sequel to Deadly Intent, although you don't need to read Deadly Intent before you read Formula for Danger. It stars Rachel Grant, the sister of the Deadly Intent heroine. Today and tomorrow in Seekerville we're giving away a copy of Formula for Danger to one commenter. Just let us know you want your name in the drawing. Winner announced in the WE ed. YES. COMMENT THIS WEEKEND FOR A CHANCE TO WIN. TWO COPIES PEEPS!!!

Random News

  • Information on the 2011 Bean Pot Contest for published authors is now on their website. New categories: Inspirational and also Mainstream with Romantic Elements (50,000-100,000 words). The other categories remain: Long Contemporary (over 70,000 words); Short Contemporary (50,000 to 70,000 words); Historical; Romantic Suspense; Erotic Romance; and Future/Paranormal/Time Travel.

  • This is just scary. Google Scribe will help you write. Go to the link and start typing...

  • St. Martin's has announced a new short-story writing contest, to be judged by Jeffrey Archer. The winner will be offered a publishing contract, with the story of 5,000 words or less issued as an ebook. The Jeffrey Archer Presents Short Story Competition. (Publisher's Lunch)

Have a wonderful week and for those you who will be in Indy.........Bon Voyage!


  1. Congrats Camy!!

    Everyone have a safe and fun and productive trip!

    Thanks Tina! As usual, great info.

  2. Went to bed.
    Couldn't sleep.
    Got up.
    Came to Seekerville.

    Got an all day meeting tomorrow, the second of a two day event. Need to sleep. Ugh!!

    Anyhow, coffee's on. And I'm sitting here drinking a Coke. How dumb.


  3. Helen, LOL, Oh, you're not dumb. I hate those sleepless nights.

    And your mind is probably spinning between this event and the conference.

    Who needs sleep, darling?

    Ditch the event mid-afternoon and catch a few "Z's".

    You have my permission to do so.

    Is it a church event? Then if you leave you might SCANDALIZE the congregation.

    Oh, what fun!

    Hugs to you.

  4. TINA!!!!!

    I'm So Bad.

    And I thought of it while rocking Meggie yesterday, and said:

    "Oh, I'll hop on the computer and e-mail Teeeeena my winner and she'll love me FOREVER."

    I did not do that.

    I put that baby to bed, and rocked another baby.

    Mothers came.

    I promised Dave supper (the ONLY night this week...) So I made supper.

    And it was good.

    And Beth and Jon were delivering firewood to a far and distant land.

    So I had 'Lijah.

    And it was good.

    And I forgot my precious TEEEEENA.

    And it was NOT GOOD!!!!


    Anyway, Jodie Wolfe won the Starbucks Card and the signed copy of Made to Order Family! I e-mailed her...

    So THAT was good.

    And I told her to come here and pester Teeeeena. To keep me out of trouble. Or get me in MORE trouble.


    Donuts this morning, welcoming the weekend!


    Your choice, fried cakes from the apple farm or Tops Markets who actually have very good donuts.


  5. Thanks for the post, Tina.
    I'm super-excited about Indy.
    And Ruthy, I am definitely going for the fried apple pie. YUM.

    Helen!!! See you in the choir on Friday!!! Woohooo!

  6. This is me.
    In the corner.

    Just go to your silly conference. See if I care.

    Helen, don't worry, you'll be able to sleep very soon. Unfortunately it will be in the middle of the afternoon meeting.

    love the vintage suitcases, though. Thanks Tina!

  7. Walt, Deb, Teeeeeena, Sandra....

    Let's make fun of them while they're gone.

    Eat all the good food.

    Wear the best socks, the ones that MATCH!!!

    (can you tell I raised a big family? First up, best dressed)

    We'll show 'em!!!

  8. Ruthy:

    It's a church event--yearly thing. And I'm the music director. So have duties until the very end and can't sneak out.


    Yaaay. See you Friday. Working registration 11:30-1:30. Choir practice 1:30-2:00. First timer orientation 2:00-2:45. That's not overlapping, but it sure it TIGHT.

    Gotta be out of here in about ten minutes. Ta Ta


  9. SUPER CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS and WHOO-HOO to the Camster (and Ruthy) for the release of a another new book!!! :)

    Fun edition, Teenster ... how DO you do it???

    And, Helen, Coke at 2:39???? Well, I'm not calling you "dumb," but it sure would be for me!! I didn't drink Coke, and I was up till 3:00 AM. Sigh ... when did this insomnia start???!!!! I'm no Tina Radcliffe and Mary Connealy, so I can't handle it!!

    Gonna miss all the Seeker buds not going to ACFW -- KC, Walt, Deb -- hopefully next year in MY hometown of St. Louis!!

    Yawn ... Happy Saturday, all!


  10. I'm not going to conference either, so we homies will have fun on Friday.

    And there is a live blog of the awards so we get to see all the Genesis and Carol finalists.

  11. Congrats to all this week's winners, and to Camy on the release of her new book!

    Hope everyone going to Indy has a blessed and awesome time!


  12. Whoo Hoo! I won the the Starbucks gift card and a signed copy of Made to Order Family. I'm so excited.

    Ruthy instructed me to leave a comment so she doesn't get in trouble. Hope this helps Ruthie! :)

    Thank you so much for the gift card, the book and also the encouragement! I stumbled upon this site a couple days ago and already have been blessed by it in so many ways.

    I can't believe that I'll soon be seeing a lot of you that I only know by name. I'll try to come out of my shy shell and say 'hi' and not be starstruck! :)

    Jodie Wolfe

  13. Congratulations, Jodie.

    And you are wise to do as Ruth says.

    She is to be feared.

  14. Congrats, Mrs. Tang on the release of your new book! :)

    Please put my name in the drawing.


  15. I'm getting excited for conference and I'm not even going!!!! Loved the roving editor's blog about critques since hopefully I'll be facing some this writing year.

  16. Congratulations to all of the winners! And I hope ya'll have a lovely time at the ACFW conference! Someday, I really, really hope that I can join you--as one author friend among many. ;) Until then, have fun!

    Also, congratulations to Camy on her new release! I'm not sure if that part of the post meant there was a drawing for her book today or on September 15, but if it IS today, please enter me! :D



  17. Love the photos of the luggage, Tina! May I copy them for my WED Seekerville blog?

  18. Please put we in the race for the winnings..I'd love a chance at reading that book.

    Thanks and blessings!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!


  19. I'd love to win Formula for Danger!

  20. I'M to be feared????


    The "Ruthinator"?????



    I told Jodie she MUST come hang in the bar/lounge area at night to get to know everyone. I told her you guys AREN'T scary.

    So I'm off to confession later this afternoon, because you are a scary bunch en masse.

    Jodie, you'll have a ball, and while we'll be missing you guys, there will be some good housework time here in Seekerville.

    (By housework, read: PARTY!!!!)

    Walt, Deb, all you stay at homes? Bring food/drink/great CD's.

    We'll jam.

    Talk cool stuff.

    Who needs INDY????


  21. Just got in from the meeting. NOW I can focus on getting ready for conference. Plan to get out the suitcases tomorrow---even if they don't look anything like Tina's.


    This Coke-aholic was caffeine deprived after yesterday's meeting. Had to have the Coke more than the sleep. (So, yeah, the word is dumb.) Anyhow, I made it out of bed on time this morning and survived the day.

    By the way, I was BORN in St Louis. Grew up in the country, but that's where I started this life trek.


  22. Speaking of luggage, I had an Uncle who because somewhat obsessed with older luggage, not ANTIQUE luggage which might have some value, but just 'perfectly good luggage' that had been shoved aside by the new fangled suitcases with wheels.

    I tried to tell him, the day would NEVER COME when those top quality Samsonite Suitcases would be in demand as long as wheels exist. He persisted in buying it at every garage sale and auction he ever attended. And in fairness he did buy some top quality bags.

    He's no longer living but his wife now contends with a basement filled to the rafters with useless suitcases.


    I suppose that means I need to throw away my collection of Polaroid Instamatic Cameras, and Smith Corona electric typewriters, right?

  23. I am new to this.
    Laying tiles on the kitchen/diningroom floors this weekend.
    How do I enter the contests?
    Would like "Formula for Danger, Camy Tang"

  24. I would love to read Formula for Danger.


  25. Wendy, glad we are your respite after a hard day of tiling. You and everyone else who raised their hands are in the drawing. Winners announced Saturday the 18th in the WE ed.

  26. Add me to the hat for Formula for Danger. Thanks.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  27. Congrats Camy on your upcoming release of 'Forumula For Danger'! Yeah!!

    purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

  28. Google Scribe... man, can you imagine how much time it took to create that??!!

    Thanks for a great W.E., Tina!

  29. Speaking of luggage...

    When my uncles comes on Thanksgiving, he usually comes in with his stuff in grocery bags. :) Which reminds me of Debby's post from a few weeks back...

    We told my uncle, If when you're packing you have to ask "paper or plastic", you may be a redneck!!


  30. Hey ladies!!
    I've missed you all SO much, I just wanna give you all a big bear hug so...


    Anyone can join in and I'll be very happy : D

    So this WE was very kick-butt again this weekend, Tina! Just sayin'....

    Congrats to the winners of course! And Camy, the book sounds aweseom! I would've already bought it, but dun-dun-dun there's no Walmart or anything in New London *gasp* Yeah, nowhere to buy the books accept back a town over from home. That kinda sucks, so I'm sorry I don't have it yet! However, since you're offering it, I'll try my luck with this. If I don't win (likelyhood is slim) I will for sure add it to my budget and go next week to buy it hopefully!! Lol...

    I, like many others, am just sitting jealously in the corner. I cannot go to the conference...again. I feel like I've seen so many of these pass me by!! It's just not fair...I know, I know, life's not fair. But why does so much of it have to stink SO much!?

    Glad to be home yesterday!! I came home in the afternoon and it was gloriously exciting! Lol...was home today too : D So ummmm yeah!

    However, tonight (and all day) I've felt kind of...crappy. I had an appointment with my rheumatologist this morning. He ended up giving me a cortizone shot in my left wrist : ( It hurts SO bad!! my plan is to go watch an episode of Ugly Betty to make me happy! However right now I'm listening to Take Me or Leave Me from Rent and it's SUPER!! Definitely lifting my mood : ) Am I the only complete theater/musical freak in Seekerville?? Calling all ummmm fans we'll say to be nice, come and join me!! LOL! Rent, Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Mamma Mia, Billy Elliot, Beauty and the Beast....need I name MORE!? Because I will....

    Ugh tired! Prolly why I'm rambling! Anywho, I will talk to you all tomorrow prolly. Nice talking to you again ; )


  31. Hi, Hannah. Thanks for stopping in to see us. Love to get the updates.
    Sorry about the shot. Ouch!!!

  32. Hannah, good to see you, girl.
    We missed you!!

  33. Waaa Waaaa You all have a blast in Indy.

    And Walt, Debra, Ruthy, Tina and all the rest of you.


    And maybe talk behind their backs. smirk smirk

    And maybe get some writing done. yeah

    And pretend we aren't crying.

    Love ya. HAVE FUN.

  34. Camy, Congrats on the new book. Must find it.

    Hannah Waving at you.

    Anne (my friend from Arizona) waving at you too and congrats on being a winner this week.

  35. HELEN ... a fellow St. Louisan!!! I knew I liked you ... :)


  36. Thank you so much!! I can't wait to read Marilyn's new book!
