Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Seekerville Welcomes Jeff Gerke

Hello Seekervillains! Cheryl Wyatt here.

I'm pleased to welcome Jeff Gerke to Seekerville. Please join me in giving Jeff and Marcher Lord Press (MLP) a round of applause for Eternity Falls by Kirk Outerbridge winning the 2010 Carol Award for Speculative Fiction. Wahoo! In addition, Jeff's author Jill Williamson won a Christy Award in 2010. That's not all! Jeff has some great books lined out for 2011 as they, like Seekerville, also kick off their third year. Congrats to MLP! Check the previous and upcoming releases out at Marcher Lord Press.

How exciting that MLP and Seekerville share the same age! Happy Birthday to us...we are three! Today we will have Knights of Dragonia tea with alien soup for lunch on little UFO saucers served by elfen mimes...with or without anomalies. AND for dessert we have frozen Milky Way candy bar shakes sprinkled with toasted stardust. Yum!

As a tribute to Jeff's love for speculative fiction and to celebrate the success of MLP, I will be interviewing Jeff from outer space. Yes! You heard that right. Actual outer space. If we get cut off communication-wise, it's probably because Laundry Basket Unit #4 (my personal planetary travel pod) was struck by a small meteor or worse...a dreaded starphish...have you heard of them?

NO ONE in the world but Jeff and (now) Seekerville know this yet but starphish are the heinous reason that socks come up missing in the dryer. I'm part of a clandestine group called Desperate Housewives of the Fourth Dimension (DHs of the FD) and I've been deployed on a dangerous mission: to retrieve ALL of humanity's missing dryer socks. I'm also going to give those klepto-crazed, cotton-thirsty starphish a piece of my pairless-sock mind...

Any other DHs of the FD out there or husbands and relatives of?

Enjoy your speculative-fiction-esque interview...sci-fi style!

Homebase: Earth calling Cheryl, come in Cheryl...

Cheryl: *Static* Yes, I'm here. *Squeeeak-static*

Homebase: Cheryl, we have Jeff Gerke on the line. You know the amazing Jeff Gerke who not only writes out-of-this-world books under the name of Jefferson Scott, but editor-extraordinaire and founding publisher of the amazing Marcher Lord Press whose critically acclaimed books are receiving lots of industry attention, rave reviews and notable awards?

Cheryl: *Static-buzz*: Yes, I know all about Sir Jeff-a-lot. Do you know his newest non-fiction craft book, Plot Versus Character: A Balanced Approach to Writing Great Fiction releases soon from Writers Digest Books?

It can be pre-ordered now though at the link above.

In addition, Jeff authored another craft book titled The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction. That title is available through Marcher Lord Press. It also has a workbook co written with Mary Agius that you can order here.

As a published author I've had critiques with Jeff and can vouch for the fact that he can teach writers at any level. He is incredibly gifted at teaching craft in a way that will bump your writing to the next level. So I hope everyone here will go pre-order his WD book today. Did you know he even does freelance editing? And that his craft books make great homeschool curriculum for high school level students?

Homebase: Yes, we do know because you briefed us before you entered the Fourth Dimension through that invisible hole in the dryer in your laundry room. You know, the unseen black hole where all of America's socks go MIA.

Cheryl: Yes, well, work with me here. I'm in a dangerous spot and Laundry Basket #4 is no match for some of these meteors screaming by.

Homebase: You just be careful out there. Finding America's missing socks is no reason to endanger your life.

Cheryl: I appreciate your concern but my mission is two-fold. I'm going on behalf of every Desperate Housewife in America and Abroad who has suffered from the one-sock-wonder. You know, when you put six pairs of socks in the dryer and only three or four socks total come back out. There are a LOT of pairless socks running around out there. And I'm going to prove our theory that the starphish are at the helm of this massive sock-snitching operation.

Homebase: *mumble* Yeah, good luck with that. *murmur-snicker*

Cheryl: Excuse me? *static*

Homebase: I said "Excellent!" So anyway, Jeff is here in our studio and guess what? He has a surprise for Friends of Seekerville! In addition to Cheryl's other giveaways, Jeff has graciously offered to give away to one lucky Seekervillain today a copy of his previous non-fiction title: The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction! Winner will be announced in our Weekend Edition. Contest rules apply. Everyone who leaves a comment will be entered for a chance to win.

Cheryl: Fabulous! Tell him thanks. Is he ready to get started with his interview? Jeff, do you copy? Can you hear me? Lots of turbulence up here. I just passed a planet I didn't recognize and it looks kind of inhabited. I see no sign of socks though, so I'll keep looking for those. So, Jeff, tell us about your new craft book! What is the one thing you'd most want us to know about it?

Jeff: Thanks for beaming me aboard, you guys. Happily, I did not arrive inside-out--or explode. All good signs.

The new book is a path to the Holy Grail of fiction writing: the novel that is perfectly balanced between being character-driven and plot-driven. I believe all novelists are naturally strong at either plots or characters, but are usually very weak at the other thing. This book helps both types--and results in a novel that will appeal to both types of readers.

Cheryl: Sounds great, Jeff! *roar-swoosh!*

Homebase: Cheryl, do you copy? That roaring sounded kind of vicious.

Cheryl: I'm fine. Just a meteor cutting it a bit close. Singed my eyebrows but I'm okay. Laundry Basket #4 is a tad melted but that's what we expect from using recycled alien plastic. I've told you guys a hundred times to only use Earth-made stuff. Anyway, Jeff, my next question is: What inspired you to write this book?

Jeff: It started out as a way to address a weakness in my own fiction. I'm a card-carrying plot-first novelist. I'm awesome at story ideas and massive plots. But my characters tend to be flat, undifferentiated, and stereotypical. You could switch the character names all around and no one would know the difference--because the characters were all the same, distinguishable only by their attitude or role or silly accent.

I was able to realize that this was not an ideal situation. I mean, people liked my novels anyway, but I knew deep down that I should be working on getting better at character development. I set myself a challenge: could I create a new series of novels that were character-driven and peopled by an ensemble cast? It was like asking a dog to learn how to meow, but I wanted to try. So I developed this system to help me create realistic, memorable, differentiated characters.

After I published that series of novels--and got much better reader responses about my characters--I knew I'd at least made good progress toward my goal. I also realized that there were a lot of other plot-first novelists out there who could benefit from my system. So I created an interactive e-book called Character Creation for the Plot-First Novelist.

Shortly after that, I realized I could probably help the other kind of novelist--the character-first novelist--too. I created another e-book, which I tentatively titled Plot Creation for the Character-First Novelist, but finally retitled as How To Find Your Story.

When I taught at Christian writers conferences, I would (and still do) lead attendees through both systems. First, we'd create a protagonist in class. We'd give him or her a full inner journey. Then we'd create a plot that wrapped beautifully around that character that provided the outward manifestation of the character's inner journey.

The system worked so well together that I thought it could be a book. The story of how I landed with WD is interesting in and of itself, but suffice it to say that they agreed it could be a good book for novelists, and now it's out! It's the first book I've ever written that has the potential to be in every major bookstore in America. And that is way cool, even for a veteran spacefarer like me.

Cheryl: Awesome! Both your answer and the fact that I'm seeing starphish droppings! Ugh, one just landed on my podshield. Gross. Anyway, I'm getting closer to my goal of locating the starphish base. Jeff, what is your goal for 2011 and 2012? What's on the horizon for MLP? Any fiction writing on the radar for you?

Jeff: My goal for...always...is to see Marcher Lord Press begin to do so well that I can cease doing as much freelance work and concentrate on growing MLP and get back to writing my own fiction. As far as MLP goes, 2011 is looking fantastic. The Spring 2011 list will almost certainly be our biggest blockbuster season yet. The rest of the year and 2012 look fantastic.

As far as my own fiction...there are always possible developments in the works, things that would subtly or radically change the game for MLP. If one or more of the most exciting possibilities comes to pass, then I'd love to get back to my own fiction. Both of my published trilogies could definitely have more books added to the series. And my epic fantasy is just languishing right now, pining for my attention. I've got lots of other ideas for novels still to come.

[sighs] God willing, it will all happen. There are seasons in a writer's life, and right now I'm in a no-fiction-writing season. But seasons change.

Cheryl: Indeed they do. Whoa! *bling-bling-bling*

Homebase: Cheryl, that doesn't sound good. Your alarms are screaming for you to get the heck out of Galaxy Dodge...

Cheryl: I'm okay. Just a drop in atmospheric pressure in my pod cabin. Too many starphish droppings hitting the windshield. Maybe one landed in my right engine. Can you pull me up on extraterrestrial satellite to see? Jeff, bear with us. I'm trying to conduct your interview and this mission and we all know I'm just a housewife desperate to find her family's missing socks and not a pro-multitasker.

Homebase: Cheryl, we may have to abort the mission. Your right engine is in fact gone. Do you have a few more questions for Jeff just in case?

Cheryl: Just in case what?

Homebase. *awkward silence* Well, just in case you, well, get abducted by the starphish cavalry stalking up behind you. They've been tracking you since Mars and appear to be hiding their starcraft under a clever Tide box disguise.

Cheryl: Great. And I wanted to be home in time for dinner too. Oh well, Jeff, tell me what you hope authors and aspiring authors will take away from your craft book?

Jeff: I know there are many novelists out there who are strong at either character development or plot ideas, but know they're weak in the other. I know the despair they feel: "I know I need to get better at that thing I'm weak at, but I don't know how!" Through the examples, clear teaching, and humor I use in this book, I hope to help those novelists find the guide they're reaching out for.

Of course, it will be more than just Christian novelists who buy this book. Sometimes I wonder how I feel about helping plot-first erotica novelists write better erotica. LOL. But I'll let God sort that one out.

Cheryl: LOL! Sweet! So, hey guys, mind sending some backup? I got two more Tide boxes and a batch of Bounty-hunters on my tail. Permission to engage?

Homebase: Permission granted. Backup deployed. Laundry Basket Units # 2, 7 & 9 are en route to your location. Stand down until they come within orbit of your craft. Starphish aren't aggressive until you try to take back the cotton they've acquired by five-phalanges-discount.

Cheryl: Roger that. Jeff, any last words? What is your favorite speculative fiction genre to read?

Jeff: I don't pick genres so much as ideas that appeal to me. But I'm finding lately that the futuristic story is appealing to me a lot. It takes a special Christian fantasy novelist--such as all the ones I publish at MLP--to create Christian fantasy that isn't didactic or overly allegorical. So I'm not always a big fan of Christian fantasy (except what I publish). But the Christian SF ideas I've encountered lately have been fresh and intriguing. And my own mind has been coming up with SF story ideas lately too.

Cheryl: Jeff, we look forward to reading more of your great stuff! Listen, my back-up is here so I need to join them in agitating some Tide boxes, but I'll leave you in the good hands of my fellow Seeker Sisters plus Friends of Seekerville. Today we have homemade moonpies for breakfast and coffee that is out of this world. Literally. Let's hope Helen hooks us up! I had to take the coffeemaker to house apprehended starphish in after capture. So I'm off! I'll see you and all of Seekerville in the comment section soon! Chat away all! Help me welcome Jeff to Seekerville and let him know what questions you have about MLP etc.

Amazon link to purchase Jeff's upcoming Writer's Digest book, Plot Versus Character-A Balanced Approach.

I love the cover of this book! It's very retro-coolio. :-) Ya gotta check it out!

About the Author
Jeff Gerke (www.marcherlordpress.com and www.wherethemapends.com) is an author of fiction and nonfiction including such books as the Operation: Firebrand novels. He has worked as an editor for numerous publications and is the founder of Marcher Lord Press, an indie publishing company dedicated to producing the finest in Christian science fiction, fantasy, and other wonderfully weird genres.

Cheryl aka DH of the Fourth Dimension.

Jeff: Thanks, Cheryl!

Friends of Seekerville, comment away!


  1. You're hooked up with the coffee pot, Cheryl!!

    Would love to have the craft book.


  2. Oh Helen, BLESS YOU for bringing the cyber coffee. I knew I could count on you.


  3. Also everyone, in addition to Jeff's craft book, we're giving away a critique by me and a set of my Wings of Refuge series as well as Story by Robert McKee.

    That's FOUR winners today in all.

    Specify which prize you prefer in the comment section if you want.

    See ya later! Grab some Spaceshuttle Biscuits! They just arrived from Cape C.


  4. Wow, this is a lot of fun! I never thought of myself like anything remotely close to Star Trek (blame it on my Trekky grandmother), but I so got the missing sock thing. I always thought it was the washing machine, guess I was wrong.

    Jeff, I love to plot and brainstorm, and I'm pretty sure my characters fall short. I look forward to reading your book.

    reneelynnscott [at] gmail.com

  5. Great posting today Cheryl. I would love to be entered for a chance to win any of the giveaways today, except the critique since I'm not nearly ready for that yet, thus the reason I would love to win the craft book. :)

    Cindy W.


  6. Cheryl, you do lead such an adventurous life! I do believe you could write humorous speculative fiction. Heehee.

    Tang, no one has brought Tang yet? Consider it done.

    Have the Wings of Refuge so no need to enter me...they are wonderful.

    Would love either the book by Jeff or Robert.

    Peace, Julie

  7. What a fun post! The sound effects drew me right in...I was ducking and looking for incoming objects!

    I've been interested in Jeff's publishing house and have been researching the speculative fiction genre. It's still confusing to me, as there seems to be such a wide range of work in that genre. You have your fantasy, your science fiction, your futuristic, paranormal, then stuff like contemporary with a little magic thrown in (Think the movie: When In Rome). It's a fascinating genre!

    I'd love to be entered in the giveaway....especially for the Jeff's book and the critique!

  8. Fun post, Cheryl! And I will be getting Jeff's book, for sure (if I don't win it). My characters are strong, but sometimes I think I could surround them with a better plot.

    Jeff, I LOVE the Operation: Firebrand series it's one of my favorites!

    I'd like to be entered in the drawing for Jeff's book or the critique.


  9. Just when you think you've seen it all in Seekerville...

    Congrats Jeff. Who'd a thunk it? This is way, way fun.

    And now I'll have a sip of the Tang, Julie (what a hoot!!!)

    Put me down for the book. Sounds great! May at may thek9spy dot com (definitely character-driven). :)

  10. Jeff, congrats on those MLP award winning books.

    Cheryl, good luck on finding those socks!

    I'm up for any of the prizes.

    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

  11. That was hilarious.

    Welcome to Seekerville, Jeff.

  12. Cheryl, now I know where hubby's socks have gone! Snag a few for me, would you? Thanks!

    Jeff, congrats on all your success. Loved your comment about the seasons of a writer's life. So true.

    I started out focusing primarily on plot and had to learn to develop the characters. Editors used to say my heroes and heroines weren't compelling, which I finally realized meant they were flat and uninteresting. Once I went more deeply into their inner journey, I was able to create more "compelling" characters.

    I'll be stopping back often today to read what you have to say about making each character unique.

    Thanks for joining us in Seekerville.

  13. Loves 2 Read Romance - LauraOctober 19, 2010 at 8:08 AM

    Thank you Jeff for stopping by and talking to all of us. I loved the way you guys set up the interview it was a lot of fun to read. I am up for any of the books I haven't started writing yet so I really can't use a critique. Good Luck everyone!!

    fantum2004 AT sbcglobal DOT net

  14. What a team you two make!!! LOL! That was SO fun, thanks for waking me up this morning *grin*

    Jeff, you sound like a very interesting character, thanks so much for being here today!

    And Cheryl...it has been SO long, girl!! I've missed chatting with you, but alas you've been busy tackling that dreaded Laundry Basket #4. Thank you for that! *wink* Hey, I was wondering if this set of yours were....dare I ask....signed by any chance! That would be SO cool!! I would love to be entered for them because 1) almost none of mine were bought new, so it'd be nice to have fresh, pretty copies and 2) I let a couple friends borrow a couple and they never returned them!! They must've LOVED them too...but they could've returned them *sniffle, sniffle* Sooooo it would be really nice to have a complete set again. They're just those types of books, Cheryl. You want to have the complete set to put right on your "keeper" shelf

    : )

    Talk to you later!! I should be in and out all day, hopefully,

    P.S. Where's Renee at this morning?! Interesting...hope she didn't get gobbled up *GASP*

  15. What a fun interview. I am definitely stronger in the character development than plot. My characters just come more naturally, I guess whereas I have to work much harder at plot and I still don't feel like I get the pace right many times.

    I would love to win a critique or Jeff's book. Especially a critique, because I can find Jeff's book...critiques are a bit harder to come by :)

  16. How fun!

    Can you bring some of those socks back?

    carol at carolmoncado dot com

  17. I have some breakfast tacos from Tornado Taco(excellent little place that's too close to work for my waistline)!

    hmm I'm still collecting Wings of Refuge so enter me for that please!


  18. Morning Jeff and welcome to Seekerville. I'm so a plot person like you so must check out your book to deepen my characters. Love the concept of Christian Sci Fi.

    Question for Jeff, Do you have imprints for all the types of speculative fiction you publish? I'm seeing sci fi, but you mentioned other futuristic interests so what are those exactly?

    Cheryl, I've been suspicious for years about those starphish. In fact I was sure I saw one. They also like to snatch mittens just for fun. I'm sure of it. So I'm sending reinforcements to Homebase for you.

    Loved the Wing OF Refuge series. Some lucky winner will be blessed.

    I went straight to dessert. The milky way shakes sprinkled with toasted stardust. Yum.

  19. Welcome to Seekerville, Jeff -- it's heavenly to have someone of your experience, range and expertise with us today!

    And, Cheryl, crazy-clever post, girl!! Only thing is, my ears started to itch and little points popped up. Obviously a bad case of trekinosis.

    Kudos, Jeff, on the 3rd birthday of LMP and the awards -- stellar achievements, both!


  20. Ooops ... I meant "MLP," not "LMP"! Sorry ... :)


  21. Great interview with Jeff Cheryl. And yes, I have the same problem here. Missing Socks! I don't know why I keep the ones that I have so long, but it's hard to throw away just one sock. Hoping its mate will show up I guess. I have no idea where they go. They must get together before the wash and make a plan of escape! (Mmmm that sounds like a nice story...to follow the socks adventure.)haha

  22. I just ordered Jeff's new book. It sounds just what I need. I tend to think up a plot, then the characters, then the romance. Hmm--not the right order for a romance writer! So this book should help a lot.

  23. Thanks for all the kind words, you guys. To clarify, Marcher Lord Press just turned 2. We're in our third year, but we launched in October 2008.

    Tang? Ew.

    Can anyone identify what movie I was referencing when I said I arrived without being turned inside-out or exploding? (No prize, except geek pride, if you can.)

    About the genres we publish: the term "speculative fiction" is an umbrella term that includes fantasy, SF, horror, superhero, vampire, paranormal, technothriller, cyberpunk, steampunk, time travel, and more. Or, as I like to say, "anything weird."

    *Christian* speculative fiction is anything weird from the Christian worldview. We also add some uniquely Christian subgenres to the category: end times and spiritual warfare.

    MLP is looking to publish in any of those bizarre categories.

    Debby said she's interested in making every character unique. I won't just say, "Go buy the book." LOL. (Though I'm tempted to.) I'll say that we begin a character's creation process by selecting one of a handful of well-defined cores and then layering on all the elements that make the person unique and realistic.

    Thanks, you guys!


  24. Beam me up for the drawing, Cheryl. Gotta love you Seekervillians. Very creative. I'm glad I'm not the only desperate housewife in search of missing socks around here.


    lr. mullin at live. com

  25. Renee, LOL! I suspected the washing machine for years too...until I found a starphish dropping in my dryer once.


    Thanks for stopping by. Did you grab some cyber breakfast and Helen's awesome coffee?


  26. I have to say Jeff offers great advice, not only on the craft of writing, but also on the stuff we all hate: synopses, proposals, etc.

    If I don't win the book, I'll just have to buy it! I'm sure it is excellent.

  27. What a lot of work must've gone into just getting this post together!

    I think I'm a plot driven novelist and need to work more on my characters.

    ericavetsch at gmail dot com

  28. Cindy, you're officially entered. Thanks for stopping by. I love your teachable spirit! Keep that always and you'll do so well. You'll be an editor's dream.


  29. Congrats jeff on the award winning books.

  30. Julie, thanks for your kind words on WOR.

    Have you read Jeff's Firebrand series? It's one of my alltime favorites. Check it out.

    LOL on Tang. For a minute I thought you meant our Camy. ROFLOLOL!

    I don't wake that girl up in the morning for nothing! LOLOL!

    Great to hear from you!

  31. Very cool! I'm adding the books to my wish list, and if I don't get them for Christmas, I'll buy them myself.

  32. Sherrinda, thanks for coming by! I love the wide variety of books in the speculative fiction genre, but I especially love fantasy, especially dragon stories. Love those.


  33. What a fun post! I'm always glad to stop in at Seekerville and be entertained as well as informed. I'd love a chance at winning The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction or Cheryl's books. Have a great day! reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  34. OH sweet. Loved this!! Thanks.

  35. First I gotta say I LOVE YOUR NAME! Very cool. Very heroine-ish. :-)

    Out of curiosity, do you pronounce it Keersten or Kersten?

    Isn't the Firebrand series awesome? I hope Jeff will write more in that series.

    Hint, hint, Jeff! LOL.

    Kirsten thanks for joining us today,


  36. KC, never a dull moment in Seekerville, huh? LOL.

    And ROFL on Tang...EVERY time you all mention it I picture Camy instead of the drink. LOLOL!

    Go back and read the comments in that context...too funny.

    Glad you're here today!

  37. Rose, thanks! If you have a laundry basket ready to roll, I just might need more back up. We're being overrun with Tide boxes up here.


    Glad you stopped by,


  38. Tina, my pleasure. I LOVE your profile pic...that coffee cup. Love it.


  39. Whew! I'm glad we made it through that post and the starphish attacks without too many damages. And managed to learn some things along the way! What a deal.

    My plots usually come together pretty well, so my main challenge is making my characters stand out. But - is it possible to be so mixed up that for some WIPs I need more plot help to occupy strong characters, and for others I need better characters to be worthy of the plot? I know -- just another weirdness of mine.

    Guess that shows I can learn from either of Jeff's books or that my wish list just got longer. Of course, crits are always a big help too. :-)

    Are those milkshakes ready yet? They sound too yummy to pass up.


  40. LOL Cheryl!!!! When I first saw Tang I thought of Camy too!!! I could not, for the life of me, figure out what they were talking about


  41. Debby, I think your characters are pretty amazing! I'll be sure to recover some of your dh's socks. LOL!

  42. Whoops! My mistake...MLP is two, not three. See? Didn't I tell you guys that Jeff is an outstanding editor/fact-checker? LOLOL!


  43. Laura, hang around Seekerville a LOT. You'll learn a TON. We're glad you're here today! Glad you enjoyed the interview. It was fun for me too.


  44. Beam me up, Cheryl.
    this is a great interview and the view is lovely. Certainly a Gods-eye view of the world :-)

    I'm reading your Art & Craft book right now - and it's fabulous. The first two chapters are poignant and give Christian writers a good kick in the pants to gain perspective.

    AND your Show vs Tell class at ACFW was one of my favs. Thanks for being such a great teacher.

    I've always loved writing fantasy for kids, but have recently started to step over into the adult end of speculative fiction. Love it- what fun. I know the heart of the novel is still to tell a good story with great characters, but the door is really opened for 'out of the box' creativity :-)

    Thanks for the interview, Cheryl.
    And thanks for the info, Jeff.

    oooh, was that Ruthy floating by with coffee??? She's headed toward the Milky Way.

  45. Hannah!!! My sweet, sweet Hannah! How I've missed you, girl. And YES, the WOR set will be autographed. Got you down as entered. :-) Your readership is a blessing and so is your encouragement.

    Yes, where IS Renee? I'm thinking we may need to send out a search-and-rescue team. She may have been abducted by starphish on her way here...

    Anyone want to join the search and rescue efforts for our Renee? We take care of Friends of Seekerville and will use every available resource (read: laundry basket) to help bring our friend back.



  46. Julia, I'm just like you with being stronger at characterization. At least I think so. LOL! Exactly why Jeff's craft book is part of my writers' resource library. His teaching on show versus tell revolutionized my writing...even after I had several books out.

    Got you down. Thanks for hanging out with us today! Grab some grub,


  47. Carol, you got it! Socks are...


    Check your dryer. But don't get sucked into the black hole next to the Fourth Dimension Portal...be very careful.

    Socks are being returned to dryers as we speak. Go look.

    But, um, sometimes to retaliate, the starphish make them invisible.

  48. Great post, Cheryl, and of course, Jeff

    barely made it in today... I've been tracking lost socks. Now I know what creature has them.

    Can I just say that I'm somewhat bummed, ( well not completely). I had a session set with you, Jeff, clear back in Denver and had to cancel. I followed the contest last year and worked on my own story to upload at the MLP site. Only to stop in and find you've been swamped and my story might end up lost in cyberspace for the next year or so. Oh well. Should have gotten it in sooner.

    Will MLP run another contest for new authors this year? Or are you just to swamped from the last round?
    Keeping my fingers crossed for Marcher Lord Select II

    I down loaded the Snowfl... Nah that's not right... Merely kidding of course. I have character creation and how to find your story worksheets.

    Working on balance... Not always easy though

    thanks for beaming in. Glad the particle transfer went well.


    Tina Pinson

  49. Susanna, got you down. LOVE TACOS! Yum, yum, yum!

    Come by often, okay?


  50. Sandra, YES! They steal mittens too! I'm convinced. Or maybe the culprits are their cousins...the moonfrogs. If you see one, they're shaped like a neon tadpole and have the consistency of swiss cheese...only slimy.

    Not fun to get one stuck and then squished in your mitten...

    Sandra, I could SO see you writing a sci-fi. Seriously. A YA one.


  51. Sandra, forgot to say thanks for those reinforcements. We're holding our ground up here, thanks to you!


  52. Julie, LOL on trekinosis. LOLOL! Oh, wait...ugh...I feel little knubbies popping up on my ears too.

    Great. Must be contagious...LOL!

    Just like a Julie Lessman book. GGG! Can't stop reading 'em!


  53. Patsy, you go write that sock adventure story! Seriously. LOL!

    Someone has to dispell the mystery of all the missing socks. And mittens. Don't forget about those.

    Glad you're here!

    I can't throw widowed socks away either...sigh. I guess we could surrender them to a children's class for puppet-making or something. LOL!


  54. I learned so much from Jeff's 'Show Don't Tell' workshop at the conference last month.

    Jodie Wolfe

  55. No need to call out the search and rescue dogs I AM HERE! I was up till after 1am last night but I had to go to bed...even people as good looking as me need their beauty rest! ;-) Anywho thanks for the insight and I'm glad to finally know where all my missing socks go.

    Please don't enter me for today's giveaways, I already won and otehrs deserve the chance. Just enter me for the grand prize ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  56. Cheryl & Jeff,

    Thanks for this fun post today!

    How clever to come up with that concept, Jeff (character vs plot). And how true! I find it very difficult to create interesting plots. I'm definitely a character-first writer, but even so, my characters could use a bit of spice!! Your book sounds great.

    Cheryl, you must have found a lot of my family's socks out there, cause I'm missing tons every laundry day!

    Cheers & have a safe trip back to earth!

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  57. Hi Cheryl,

    Thanks! My name is pronounced Keersten. It's funny that you said about it being very heroine-ish. My dad was reading a mystery about a Swedish spy named Kirsten right before I was born, he liked it and the rest is history. But I'll answer to Kersten (had to learn to be flexible).

    The Firebrand series is awesome! I hope Jeff takes the hint and writes a few more in this series. I hated when I finished the third book.


  58. Hi, Jeff. You might remember me. I came up and introduced myself at the conference.

    You really helped me out with a book you ultimately (and justifiably) rejected a few years ago when you were with Strang. But you gave me such great advice and I'd done a lot of revisions and the book has since sold.

    Do the words 'spidey sense' ring any bells?

    I've wanted to thank you and meet you ever since and I FINALLY managed it.

    I recommend Marcher Lord Press when ever I meet someone writing Christian speculative fiction.
    You're doing great work there.

  59. I'd love to be entered in the giveaway....especially for the Jeff's book and the critique!

  60. LOL, Cheryl you know how to conduct an interview! And I tell you, I am right there with you on those missing socks. It just isn't right how the dryer thinks it needs to eat. I mean come on!

    Anyway, I have to say if Jeff visits today, I have your great craft book. And the one line of WRITING FOR THE AUDIENCE OF ONE has been my biggest inspiration and the most freeing command. Because I am tied to NO ONE, but Him!

    AND, I got to meet the infamous Jill Williamson! She lives just a short distance from me and I was so thrilled to meet the Christy Award Winning MLP Author! She is pretty proud of her editor and press. :)

    So I can pass on the craft book, I am sure whoever wins it will be blessed, it was one of the first I bought.

    Glad you beamed down back to earth Cheryl! :)

  61. Yeah, Renee I was getting a little worried. You're losing your touch, girl. :)

  62. First, I love Jeff Gerke because he saw the North Country Series (now pubbed by Steeple Hill) and wanted it.

    What a smart guy, right????

    Except they didn't buy it.

    And the other editor that wanted it didn't buy it.

    And both men lost their jobs, for which I feel personally responsible... Still.


    I warned Melissa Endlich of this when she bought the series, but she was NOT A BIT SCARED...

    And they haven't dumped her yet, so we're doing okay.

    JEFF!!!! I'm so glad Cheryl nabbed you to be here. The last time we 'spoke' you were on your way to pick up your beautiful baby!


    It's an honor, dude, just an absolute honor to have you here and I can't wait to see you in person at some time and shake your hand for that early vote of confidence you gave me.

    And if I dabble in speculative fiction at some point, we might have fun again. Only this time you own the company so I CAN'T BE THE KISS OF DEATH.

    I don't think.


    Glad you're here, Dude. Delighted.


  63. Cara, me too! I can't wait for the book to arrive.

    Can't wait for your next Thomas Nelson book too! WAHOO!


  64. Jeff, you landed safely! Yay!

    Did the movie start out to be a series on black and white tv? I *may* know which one it is...

    Anyone else wanna take a guess? If you get it right I'll add an entry into the "hat" for ya for today's drawings...

    Guess away guys! What movie is Jeff referring to?

    Jeff, thanks for being with us today.


  65. Linnette, has anyone ever told you that you resemble a young Loretta Lynn? Gorgeous. Love the spelling of your name, too!

    Thanks for coming by...visit often and sit a spell.

    Yes, we love to be creative around here. You all are part of our fun!


  66. Lance, I will have to check Jeff's synopsis stuff out. Mine definitely need help. LOL! Thanks for coming by today!


  67. The movie I referred to did not start out as a B&W TV show, no. There is a TV series angle to the movie, but that's not it.

    Thank you for the kind words about continuing the Firebrand series. As I think I mentioned in the interview, both my trilogies could and should be expanded. Maybe that season will come again.

    Thank you all for the comments about the show vs. tell class and/or my fiction craft books. You're a very sweet bunch.

    And I'm so glad I've been able to encourage some of you. Occasionally when I'm at these Christian writers conferences, I'll have people come up (like Mary C. did) and thank me for that sort of thing. I love it. I actually think that's part of what heaven will be like.


  68. It's great to hear about other genres in Christian fiction! Thanks for the reminder about creating a plot-character balance. I'm definitely one of those who struggles to give characters distinct and compelling personalities, so I'd love to win the craft book (or buy it if I don't win). :)

    Thanks again!

  69. Erica, it was so fun putting this together it didn't feel like work at all...or take that much time. LOL! I'm glad it seems so though.

    How's your writing stuff going? Exciting stuff! Thanks for coming by girl! Always good to see ya.


  70. I'm summarizing Jeff's comment here. I believe he said, "Meeting Mary Connealy was like heaven."

    Did I get that right, Jeff.

    I've certainly heard that before.


    And if Ruthy writes any spec fiction, well, just everyone RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!

    Nah, it'll be great. I'm all tingly just thinking about it.

    I mean, the food at Seekerville is a kind of 'fantasy' right? And she does that brilliantly.

    Her and Helen of course.

  71. Rebekah, thanks for coming by! We appreciate you. Hope you visit often,


  72. EJ, you won't be sorry if you buy them. You'll use them over and over. LOVE the kitty cat in your profile pic! Looks playful. What's his/her name?

    Glad you dropped by!

  73. Renee, thanks for your kind words about Seekerville. It's friends of Seekerville such as yourself who have helped fashion this into a tight-knit community of fun and learning. And there's always room for more friends!

    Thanks for coming by. Got ya down.


  74. Lynn, thanks! It was fun. Glad to see you here. Come back soon!

    And BTW, you have the perfect name for an action-adventure heroine. Lynn Rush...LOVE IT!


  75. Enjoyed this interview! I'm up for any of the prizes except Cheryl's novels because I already own them all!! (Unless the prize really is a lifetime supply, then I'm up for that.)

    valerie at valeriecomer dot com

  76. Sure Mare,

    I believe that's what Jeff meant. Meeting you was just like heaven. That would explain why my life is so dismal still...

    I haven't stood in your presence for quite some time. If ever.

    I'm trying to remember, if you ever had the pleasure of my company... I mean if I ever had the pleasure of your company at one of the conferences.

  77. Jeff - congrats on the awards to MLP.
    I really appreciate the type of books you publish.

    Cheryl - this post was wonderful on many fronts.

    I would like to be entered in the drawings for Jeff's or Robert's books. I am the pleased owner of the Wings books already, and I don't have anything ready for a critique.

    Bless you both for sharing with us.

  78. Cheryl - forgot to leave my email addy.


  79. I have to say this interview was hilarious in Sci-Fi style! I also love the Operation Firebrand series and was so disappointed when the series was discontinued after book 3. Hopefully it will continue sometime in the future! *grin*

    I haven't had the chance to read the Wings of Refuge series, but from the comments on here, it sounds great, so please enter me for that drawing.


  80. Wow, I clicked on Seekerville this morning and discovered I'd been beamed to an alternate universe!!!

    Somebody point me to the Stargate!

    What a fun ride, Cheryl & Jeff! And if either of you can figure out which space alien always rolls my sheets and pillowcases into burritos in the dryer, I'll be eternally grateful.

  81. Cheryl, proud of you for taking on this important mission. I hope you make it back from outer space in time for dinner!

    Welcome to Seekerville, Jeff, a lovely spot--safe, quiet... Scratch that. :-) Congratulations on all your successes! Plot Versus Character sounds fantastic and exactly what I need. For me, characters come easier than plot. Is there anyone aboard who does both with equal ease?


  82. Cheryl,

    Just checking back in. My writing has been on fire the last four weeks. It took me nearly three years to write 28,000 words due to life interference. In the past four weeks I've upped the WC to over 65,000 words and still going strong. I'm nearing the end and I'm so excited. So, I'm in and out of here between writing spurts.

    No, I've never had anyone tell me I look like a young Loretta Lynn. Thank you for the sweet complement. Maybe we have some similar blood way back. I'll have to ask my mom. :D


  83. Cheryl, I haven't found droppings of the cyber kind, yet. But I do have a picture, well a mouse in my washer . . . it was a surprise actually. My fourteen year old went to start a load of his laundry and I heard this shrilling scream. Seriously, he sounded like a girl. I wondered if he was about to be abducted (actually, I probably at that very moment was wishful thinking ;)). Anyway, there was a visitor in the base of our washing machine along with his droppings. Every year when the farmers cut their fields we go to war with the mice.

    It was entertaining to watch my children capture the creature without hurting him.

  84. Hi Cheryl:

    Have you seen the movie, “Heartburn,” or read the book by Nora Ephron? The missing socks were not in the dryer. They were at the husband’s mistress’s place! The ‘missing socks’ motif will never be the same for me! Those socks were the most memorable thing in that movie! Does anyone else remember this?


    Vmres (at) swbell (dot) net

    P.S. I have all the “Wings of Refuse” books and Story. If I win I’d like one of Jeff’s books.

  85. Hi Jeff:

    I’m very interested in your books. However, I don’t quite see ‘Plot’ verses ‘Character’ as necessarily in conflict. I think the story will dictate the emphasis needed between plot and character. Some very good stories have very little in plot while others are highly plot dependent.

    Obviously a writer should endeavor to create the best of both plot and character – all within the requirements of the story. Do you think an author should strive for a 50%/50% mix between plot and character?


  86. Thanks for a fun post. I'd love to be entered for any of the prizes, except the critique. I think someone else could make better use of that than me.

    Thanks Jeff and Cheryl.

  87. Jeff, welcome back. I won your book the last time you were here. It has been immensely helpful.


  88. Vince,

    I don't think you have to go for a perfect 50/50 balance of plot and character. But I do think that every novelist needs to do a lot of work to get to the place where such a thing is even feasible.

    When we're as good at the one as we are at the other, then we're in a position to decide which to emphasize in any given story.

    Like a tennis pro who has a devastating forehand and a killer backhand, we can use strategy and situation to decide which to emphasize.

    But most of us need to concentrate first on developing whichever "hand" we're not naturally good at. Then we can worry about those other issues later.

    Good question. To be able to emphasize one or the other and to do either one equally well, that's where we all want to be.


  89. Anyone who didn't jump on the North Country series should have their heads examined! Winter's End was one of my favorites even though I bawled through part of it and was kinda ticked they published them out of order! btw, is there still a book 'missing' between Ready Made Family and Winter's End? In Winter's End it sounds like Sarah from her book knows Kayla from Winter's End but I don't recall seeing them together in either of the books til Winter's End. just wondering 'cause they make sense like they are I just wanted more stories set there.. :-)

    I drank Tang as a kid so it's sentimental for me..didn't know they still sold the stuff! I know crystal light and the generics have one that tastes pretty similar to Tang.

  90. Cheryl, you are a master entertainer! Wonderful backdrop for an interview with Jeff Gerke!

    Thanks for sharing with us, Jeff! I'm glad speculative fiction writers have finally found a home base.

    Much like Cheryl, LOL!

  91. Leigh, no doubt. LOL! I've had that experience where I feel starting out that I know my plot better than my characters but for the most part, in almost every instance, my books are character-driven. I think! Maybe I should ask my readers to find out. LOLOL! You know us character-strong writers should just pair up with the plot-strong writers and collaborate no a project. LOL! Nah, that would be cheating. LOLOL! Thanks for coming by. I don't know which is longer, my TBR pile of books or my To Be Bought. LOL!

    Hannah,LOL on Tang. Great minds think alike!


  92. Pepper, hey girl! Thanks for your insight. Sorry we didn't get to hang more at ACFW. I'm normally swamped because I go to serve/work. Enjoyed chatting with you the few moments we had though! Great insights.

    Yes, I believe that WAS Ruthy. Quick! Let's hijack her coffee before the moonbeans do. Little coffee-loving vermints. LOL!

  93. Tina P, LOL on the particle transfer. Love your sense of humor. Hey, keep submitting! Don't give up. Glad you stopped by!

  94. Jodie, glad you attended the workshop and that you stopped by today. Thanks!

    Folks, if you didn't get to go to ACFW you can still order the teaching CDs. It's well worth the money although nothing beats being there in person.

    Hope to meet more of you next year!


  95. Uh, Cheryl, this is a side of you I'm not used to...

    Starphish. Definitely a problem in our universe.

    Jeff, I haven't read your books but I see them highly recommended around the writing community. I think I wasn't sure whether I was plot-first or character-first. It takes some writing to know. Now, I'm leaning toward plot-first but still working it out.

  96. Renee, sweet! It's good to know that the starphish aren't conducting strange experiments on you and your socks as we speak.


  97. ---

    Susan, LOL! Thanks. I'm beamed back down now but alas I think the brave Pepper passed me in transit. She's probably going to rescue more socks. Shew! What a day. Love hearing which ones of you are plot-strong writers and which are character-strong. very cool and just furthermore supports Jeff's data, probably collected over years of being an acquisitions editor at publishing houses. We're blessed to have him here today, eh?

  98. Kirsten, wow! That is a very cool birth-name story. Wow, wow, wow. You're named after a fictional Swedish spy! That is totally awesome! And I love the pronunciation you have best. It sounds very exotic.

  99. Mary,I HAVE to know what spidey sense means! LOLOL. DO TELL! Or maybe Jeff will remember and tell us...hahahaha.

  100. Nicole,got ya down. Thanks! That's a mighty fine book cover in your profile pic! Great colors. Jade-ish, with a little emerald. Me like!

  101. Casey,thank you! I agree about the book. That's my favorite line too. Love the song as well...audience of one. Thanks for coming by and hangin' with us.

  102. Ruth, ROFL on the Kiss of Death...no-no-no-no! LOL. Too funny that it happened TWICE! LOLOL! Only you. What a fun story-story.

  103. Jeff, I am stumped on the movie. LOL! Man and no one else is guessing. Come on you guys! Google it if ya have to. LOL! Jeff, have you ever been approached at a conference by someone NOT happy you rejected them? LOL! That might be what the "other" place is like. LOL!

    Although I'm equally stumped as to what Mary C's spidey sense is. If you remember...do spill! LOL.

  104. Mary, ROFL! You should have posted a Spew Alert on your summary! You kill me. Your humor is sublime.

    Still laughing. All day.


  105. Widsith, got you down. :-) VERY cool screen name by the way. Love it!

  106. Valerie, LOL! Thanks for the vote of confidence. You might be glad to hear that on my way out of the atmosphere I wrote three chaps on a new series today. Semi-connected to Refuge.

  107. Tina P, ROFL! I'm STILL laughing about Mary's comment and then your comment to her comment. Too funny! LOL. What a hoot.

  108. Beemama, thank you kindly. We got you down! And the blessing is ours! Bless you back. Hugs!

  109. Holly, LOL! Glad we could oblige. Laughter is good. There's a lot of it in Wings so...you're entered! GGG. Hey lets start a Firebrand fan club. Did you hear Jeff say there's room in both of his series for expansion? WAHOO!

  110. Myra, LOLOL! That is SOOO true! Those dratted sheets. And no matter how well I check, I always find SOCKS static-clinged to the inside corners of my fitted sheets! LOL! Usually days later AFTER they're on the bed. LOL.

  111. Janet, thanks! LOL. Laughter is fun. I think it's interesting that many here know they're stronger in one vs the other. Very cool! I would have never suspected some of you in your weakness though so you must work really, really hard on it.

  112. Linnette, you're smokin! Bravo on that word count, woman. Keep it up! Excellent.


    Renee, that is hilarious about the mouse and I could "hear" the shrilling scream as you described it. You're a great writer!


    Vince, howdy. You always come up with though-provoking questions. I haven't seen the movie but now I want to. LOL!

  113. Cindy, gotcha down girl! Thanks for spending time with us today.

    Walt, that's right. You did! Hope your writing's going well. What's been the most helpful part of Jeff's book to you?


    Jeff, that tennis hand analogy is great! Thanks for teaching us even here in the comments. You are truly gifted at it. So now I know...my synopsis writing has tennis elbow. LOLOL.

  114. Anonymous, I think you might be getting Ruth's book (Winter's End from Northcountry Series) confused with mine (Ready Made Family from Wings of Refuge.) Perhaps you meant a different title? Those titles you mentioned are from two completely unrelated books from two completely unrelated series by two completely unrelated authors. And I can bet Ruthy is plenty glad for that too. LOLOL!

  115. Audra, ROFL! I have found my home base in Seekerville. Thank you for beaming me back. LOLOL! It was fun while it lasted though. LOLOL.

  116. Patricia W, LOL! Not used to seeing me out of the realm of romance huh? Good to see you girl! I was thinking about you just today. Glad you made it by. Keep writing!

  117. OHMYWORD.

    I have had entirely too much atmosphere cafeeeeeen today.

  118. Cheryl,
    it sounded like you had fun flexing your writer muscles today :)

    It was fun to read.

    Eva Maria Hamilton at gmail dot com

  119. Eva, it's ALLL God's fault. He put me in a writing Time Out for a YEAR! LOL.

    I'm just coming off of that...as of last week.

    Still getting it out of my system. LOL!

    Poor Jeff. I'm not letting him get a word in edgewise. Of course he's hopefully busy writing that fourth Firebrand novel...


    Thanks for stopping by Eva!


  120. Ooooh, would love to win Jeff's writing craft book. Thanks for the chance!


  121. Please enter me in the book giveaway.
    If I possibly would win, I would interested in :
    a set of Wings of Refuge series or Story by Robert McKee


  122. Stopping in late to let Jeff know I'm buying his book!

    Thanks Cheryl and Jeff for a great day in Seekerville!

  123. I'd like to win "The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction", and I'd like ask Jeff Gerke when Marcher Lord Press will be bringing out its first book of Christian Speculative Fiction in which

    the computers rattle and clack,
    the super advanced machines are rivetted out of iron,
    the characters are properly overdressed,
    and everything is powered by STEAM!

  124. LOL. This was an absolutely fun (and funny) post to read. One of the most original blog posts I've read in a while. Thanks for the entertainment and well as providing a great interview.

  125. what a fun interview!! Cheryl, I think you need to try writing some sort of space age fantasy novel. :)

    Jeff, thanks so much for being with us today! I look forward to checking out your new WD book!

  126. oops maybe it was ready made family? it was something with family in the title darn it and I've read about 3 titles similar LOL! I haven't read any of yours yet since I just 'discovered' your series and have just started backtracking the titles though that may be the one of yours I just got.. It had a bratty kid in it and I'm sure it was in Ruth's series 'cause I read Winter's End then had to find the other 2 books.I think it's the book that's out now..saw it at wally world this morning! :-)

    can you enter me again since I'm totally embarrassed now??! :-(
    I'll bring some of those fruit kolaches in the morning and lots of chocolate donuts if that'll help...

  127. When you engaged the starphish, you didn't happen to find an ankle sock of many different colored hearts on it did you? It came up missing and was my most favorite of socks. I can email you a photo of its mate for identification purposes. :o)

  128. yikes! it's Made to Order Family (knew it sounded like a happy meal to go!) Hand Me Down FAmily was the nice LI historical I read by Winnie Griggs seems like.

    boy I just read a good LOve Inspired historical very different from what I usually go for - Dangerous Allies by Renee somebody..geez..but it's set during Nazi Germany and the hero and heroine are spies. boy that was a good one with a lot to think about packed into one book!

    oh and I also just read an older LI - A family for christmas so ya'll puh-lease understand my total confusion :-(

  129. Your new book sounds great, Jeff! I tend to be plot heavy too, so your comments were received and understood here. I'll have to keep my eyes open for your book when it hits the shelves.

    Cheryl, loved the interview, even though I'm late coming to the out-of-this-world interview. You did a fan-tab-u-lous job. I love SciFi so I'm now you're biggest other worldly fan...hehe.


  130. lol! :)
    Please enter me in the drawing.

  131. Cheryl, I'm with Missy. YOU should be writing a sci fi for YA. You're toooooo funny.

  132. What a fun day you guys have had!!!

    Any socks left, Cheryl???

    I'm sorta short a few...

  133. LOL, Fred. Well, whenever I find a Christian steampunk novel I love, that's when.

    And the answer to the movie reference quiz is "GalaxyQuest." The crew is using the digitizer (think Star Trek's transporter) but the creature they tested it on arrived inside out, and then it exploded. Classic scene from a fantastic speculative movie.


  134. Anonymous, no worries! I can barely keep track of my own book titles. LOLOL!

    The titles are so similar too, I don't blame you for being confused. We just appreciate your readership and the fact that you dropped by today.

    I'm sorry if I didn't address everyone individually so I'll say a collective THANK YOU to everyone who dropped by this evening.

    I'm beat after a long day of hunting starphish.

    Now to sort the socks....

    Night all!


  135. Galaxy Quest!!!

    Okay, now I can sleep. LOLOL!

    Thanks, Jeff! We had a blast today.


  136. I have Jeff's workbooks on characterization and plot. Great tools!! Thanks for this very creative post! :D

  137. Good luck finding those socks ... I've been "phishing" for ours for years and come up dry every time.Pity.

    Would love the critique or the plot/character book, both of which sound like something I could use!


  138. This looks like a book I want on my bookshelf. Please enter me in the drawing.
    Linda Cacaci

  139. To those of you who stopped by after I turned in, gotcha down!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Be sure to check out Debby's post today! LOVE her research manuals.


  140. Well, I'm a day late and probably a dollar short too! Wonderful post. Interesting settings, definitely got my curiosity up. Hope I'm not too late to be entered for those signed Wings of Refuge books!

  141. Wow - I'm late getting here (141 comments!). I don't know which was more fun to read - the post or the comments!

  142. Daphne, LOL on the photo ID of the mate. Too funny. We should start an MIA sock database. LOLOL.

    Latecomers, gotcha down. Thanks all! Hope over to Deb's today post if you haven't already!

    Later taters,

  143. Interesting interview. Now please enter me in the drawing for the free book!

  144. Y'all are having too much fun over here... so I had to dive in. I've had the pleasure of meeting Jeff at ICRS and ACFW...he was a finalist in ACFW's Agent of the Year Award. Very cool!! :) He knows what he's talking about so it would be cool to win his book.
    And Cheryl, my friend, I miss ya lots! :)
    Oh, I show up as Rebecca Vincent here (my pen name)....but this is Becky Yauger.

  145. Becky, I love your pen name! It's going to look FAB on a book cover sometime SOON!

    Thanks for coming by! I always have more fun with you around!


  146. And newcomers, since I forgot to list an entry deadline for yesterday's four giveaways (MY BAD!) I will take entries until Midnight tonight CST.

    Thanks dudes and dudettes for coming by!

    And belated congrats to Jeff for finaling in ACFW's Editor of the Year Award. WOOHOO! Well deserved.

    Okay...off to slay the wozzard, the wonderful wozzard of Iz....

    He. He. He.


  147. Thanks for the great interview with Jeff. Sounds like he enjoyed "Galaxy Quest" movie as much as my family did.
    Would love to receive the craft book.
    Sue L
