Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Seekerville Welcomes Guestblogger Barbara Vey!!!

Barbara Vey and Debbie Macomber holding RITA!
 Debby Giusti here. 

Anyone who loves books will love Publishers Weekly's romance guru Barbara Vey and her fun and informative Beyond Her Book blog. Meet Barbara once and she’s a friend for life. Whether on her blog or in person, she exudes warmth and a real concern for others.

Never one to rest on her laurels, Barbara keeps finding new and innovative ways to promote romance. A friend to readers and writers alike, this woman with the big heart has taken time from her jet-setting, conference-attending lifestyle to spend the day in Seekerville. Please join me in welcoming our special guest, Barbara Vey!

Barbara, I had the pleasure of meeting you shortly after the launch of your BEYOND HER BOOK blog. Could you tell us how Publishers Weekly found you and how your blog started?

My beginning is truly a Cinderella story. I was on an Authors at Sea cruise when I met Karen Holt, deputy editor of Publishers Weekly. I thought she was from a publishing house and told her to sit down so I could tell her everything I thought was wrong with publishing from a reader’s point of view. She ended up putting it in an article in the magazine with my picture. A few months later Karen contacted me about writing a blog about Women’s Fiction. I said no, that I’m a reader, not a writer...send books.

After a few phone calls and my son explaining what a blog is to me. Well, I offered to try it for 3 months and here I am 4 years later.

Barbara gives her first speech at the Emerald City Writers Conference.
 What do you hope to accomplish with your blog, your main goal, what you want people to takeaway from reading your blog?

I’m so grateful to authors for all they’ve given to me over the years. How they got me through tough times. Now I feel like it’s my turn to give back. I look at my blog as a way to bridge the reader/writer gap. The closer I can bring these groups together, the better I’ll feel.

You’re always on the go and attend numerous author and reader events each year. How do you keep up the pace?

They actually energize me. I feel younger and it’s like I can accomplish anything. Nothing’s impossible.

Because you meet authors and readers from all over the country, can you share any insights you’ve picked up during your travels, perhaps concerning the future of publishing? eBook Readers? New genre trends? What readers want and can’t currently find enough of in bookstores?

This is a tough one. I get the feeling that there is a lot of fear in publishing right now. Publishers closing, authors not being paid or being picked up again. I hear talk of the fear of ebook in one ear and the joy of authors publishing their own ebooks in the other ear. While readers enjoy the eReaders, they tell me they still read paper books. Their feeling is that the two can coexist. As for new genres, I read my first steampunk, The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook, and was blown away. Some readers complain that certain book stores have a bias against romance, but are more concerned that there are fewer bookstores to go to in their communities.

Barbara rubs elbows with celeb Bruce Campbell of Burn Notice!
Are you interested in writing your own story someday?

I would love to write my own personal story someday. I think it would be very interesting and a lot of people could identify with it. I’m just too scared to do it. Maybe someday I’ll listen to what I tell my children, "You always fail if you never try."

What frustrates you when you’re reviewing books?

I have never written a full book review. I call them book blurbs because I just like to let the readers get a general idea of what the book is like and then share with them what I enjoyed about it. Since I’m not a negative person, if I don’t like a book, I just don't write about it.

Compare a typical Barbara Vey day in 2011 to your life prior to launching your blog.

I was an Underwriting Specialist for a life insurance company. How many ways can you say boring?

Always a fan of Catherine Coulter, Barbara and Catherine meet for the first time.
 Thanks for reviewing inspirational titles. Are the books well received by your blog readers? May we send you books to review, and if so, could you provide a mailing address?

I’ve been seeing an increase in the demand for inspirationals. While I can never guarantee which books make it into the blog, all books are made available to the readers. The address: PO Box 438, South Milwaukee, WI 53172.

You just celebrated the fourth anniversary of BEYOND HER BOOK. How has your blog changed during the past four years? What have you learned about yourself? Has your taste in books changed?

When I first started, I went to the library to get the books I would write about. Now I get so many from publishers and authors it’s almost overwhelming. I wish I had more readers so I could get more books written about. Over the years I’ve discovered that I’m capable of so much more than I ever thought possible. I’m looking forward to trying new things in the future. I used to love mysteries, but now I find myself gravitating toward historicals although I still love my paranormals, hot chef, firemen and black ops guys. I guess if the books good, I’ll read it...not too fussy that way.

Congrats on Beyond Her Books' 4th Anniversary!
You’re a true friend to all authors, and we greatly appreciate everything you do. Our hope is that BEYOND HER BOOK has continued success for years and years to come. For that reason, please let us know how we can help you?

The more you support the Beyond Her Book blog, the more you all help yourself. Each time you click on the link (you don’t even have to comment, just click the link), you show PW and the publishing world the power of romance. After my anniversary blog chocked up over 22,400 comments, the owner of PW emailed me about the possibility of a new romance project for PW. It would mean even more exposure for all of you. There are a lot of readers who comment and read the blog and if you feel you have something to contribute, please feel free to let the readers know. To show you the power of the Anniversary Party, readers got so involved they formed a Facebook page to keep in touch and talk books and authors. They wanted me to tell you all to come over and join in the fun. Here’s the link:!/home.php?sk=group_184095748300314¬if_t=group_activity.

The thing to remember is that we’re all in this together. Authors write what’s in their hearts and readers open their hearts to the story. Just another part of the circle of life.

In honor of Barbara’s visit to Seekerville, we’re giving away TWENTY-FOUR BOOKS. Leave a comment and your email to be entered in the drawing. Winners will be announced at random intervals so stop by often.

With Easter right around the corner, we’re serving the Food Network’s No-Fuss Easter Brunch: Almond-Orange-Apricot Crescent Rolls, Soft Scrambled Eggs with Avocado, Herb-Roasted Potatoes, Mini Frittatas, Orange and Tomato Juice, Coffee and Tea. Grab a plate and help yourself!

Now, let’s spend the day with Barbara...


  1. I love Barbara already even though I just "met" her during her anniversary bash in March! That was an awesome party let me tell you...but then again some of you already know that since you were there too!

    Now I have one question for ya Barbara, do you need an assistant to help you manage reading all of those books? *wink wink*

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  2. Very very cool!

    I'll check out the blog sometime on Wednesday. Right now I'm not coherent enough to make sense of it ;).

    I do think it's very very cool that you no longer have to rely on libraries for the books :). And wow at the numbers! I'm quite impressed!

    I'd love to win a book!

    carol at carolmoncado dot com

  3. WELCOME, BARBARA!!! What a story!! I love it. You were discovered like the Hollywood starlets!!

    So my first question of the day:


  4. Barbara, thank you for all you do for us authors! You are kind and funny, and we are so lucky to have you on our side helping to share our work. Thanks Seekerville for the fun interview, too.

    Ann Charles

  5. The fb group that formed is great and all the authors who comment on Barbara's site should give it a look! I know that I love to read an am always on wait lists at my local library to get to read the new books.

  6. I like your attitude, Barbara! I think you would be a fun person to go to lunch with! If you're ever in Oregon....... ha ha

  7. YAY, Barbara! I love reading about your success.

  8. Barbara is one of those people that once you meet her, she stays in your memory and is such a warm and caring person. I feel her blog is different. Not to mention she is kind and generous to everybody she meets.

  9. Thanks for linking us Barbara! I think the interview is great and I always love to learn more about Barbara and of course all my favorite authors. I think its fascinating how you got into blogging and how far you've come today. I'm also really interested in what your publisher is going to do with this new Romance project? Please please blog us as soon as you know! Curiosity killed the cat and all and I was a cat in a past life ;) Like I told Barbara on the bash I'd be happy to read any books even if its not in a genre I normally read. My philosophy is I'll never know until I try right? ;) Thanks for hosting Barbara today Seekerville because she is fab! ;)

    Email is swtlilangel4jc@ yahoo dot com :)

  10. I attended Barbs blog party, and it changed me as a reader..I learned about so many "new to me" writers and made some wonderful friends.

    I enjoy reading inspirationals,as many other genres.

    Going to Barbs Blog party, and having Authors take the time to spend with the readers, made soo many of us readers, bigger fans ! We have ALL added to our TBR piles faster then ever, and we all have been sharing our love of books on the FB group.

    I hope you ALL, reader and writers, will join us is a wonderful group :)

  11. Hi Barbara:

    With all your reading what do you see for historical romances set in the time of the Roman Empire? These are my favorites but the publishers are not very big on the time period.

    Michelle Styles does a great job with the Roman times and she would love to write more of them but her publisher prefers Viking romances.

    What do you think?


  12. Great post ! Welcome Barbara :)

    uniquas at ymail dot com

  13. What a great story, Barbara. It's so fun seeing you here at Seekerville. I love your blog. Thank for all that you do for us authors and to promote the Romance genre.

  14. Barbara you are one busy girl!! I loved reading about your background. Thank you for sharing. I have had so much fun since March. I've met some wonderful people and read new and exciting authors, all because of your party.

    Thanks again for all you do. We all appreciate you.



  15. I went to her site during the anniversary and thought, "why have I never visited before?" It was awesome! Great post! And twenty four books?? That rocks! Count me in!

  16. I was lucky enough to discover Barbara's blog during her annivesary bash. I had so much fun. Now I visit the blog daily. Barbara rocks!

  17. Agree with Virginia ..went to Barbara 's blog first time during anniversary bash an got hooked an now am.a member of the fb group as well. Great reviews and author participation. And wow 24 books that's great! !

  18. Love reading Barbara's Blog:) Thanks for helping me to find new authors:) I have found more new authors in the past few weeks(since the anniversary bash) than I had in the past few years! I would love to help you read your overflow:) Have a wonderful day!

    xiaguan at att dot net

  19. This is just exciting isn't it? Congrats Barbara. And for sharing the photos too!

    I'm not a romance writer, so glad to hear you do other things as well. I've been wondering about steampunk myself... ;D

    Yes - please enter me - who knows what will end up in the basket. may at maythek9spy dot com

    Hope everyone has a GREAT day. We're expecting awful weather so I may not be on again!

    Thx for the good grub Debby. YUM!

  20. Renee, I am always looking for readers to do book blurbs for my blog's WW Ladies Book Club Blurbs. Send me an email if you're interested.

    And yes, I could really use an assistant. :)

  21. Hi Carol, thanks for stopping by. I hope you win too!

  22. How can I not post a comment with the "TWENTY FOUR BOOKS" staring me in the face. I should be staring my pillow in the face right now, but no, I'm here. :)

    Love that she's engaging readers, I'll have to check the blog out.

  23. Tina, yes, that was the joke that Debbie and I had on the same outfits. There was actually someone else there who also wore the same jacket. Too funny, but Debbie wouldn't share her award with me. I tried.

  24. Hi Ann, I love what I do. Everyone should be so lucky in their jobs.

  25. I <3 you Barbara! I've had the opportunity to meet you over the years & it's always a joy! Happy Blogiversary & I'm sure we see each other at an event. Remember, 1st martini's on me ;)

  26. Hi Brooke, thanks for stopping by and I'm a library person too! Love that smell.

  27. I found Barbara's blog through some of the authors that I read and am connected to through facebook. I have found new authors to try and even won during her anniversary bach. Which I already have on my calender for next year.

  28. Valri, I've never been to Oregon, but maybe someday. In the meantime, if you're ever in Milwaukee...

  29. Jessica, we go way back. One of the first books I wrote about was your historical. Loved the cover! (and so did Stephen Colbert)

  30. Grace, you're making me blush. Thanks for the kind words. :)

  31. Bama, you always manage to say so much with such few words. :)

  32. Chelsea, you are the reader every author wants/needs to know. Good luck on winning today, I know you love to win prizes.

  33. Kym, thanks for starting the Facebook page. I love the way it's bringing readers & writers it should be.

  34. Only Barbara Vey would be so dedicated to go down the list and respond to every person with something. But it is so nice to see a lot of people already from her anniversary bash. I read your facebooks post and check your blog all the time. Always new and intresting things

  35. Vince, I'm a huge historical fan from all time periods, but if the story is good, Roman times is fine with me. I have seen them in books that feature immortal characters who lived in those times and are now in the present (does that make sense?). Publishers are just people with their own particular likes and dislikes that cross over into their jobs, but they have the power.

    Now with so many jumping on the self pub ebook bandwagon, it might be a way to get the story you want to read out there and let the public decide. It's not easy, but neither is being an author.

    Thanks for the question.

  36. Hi Mariska, thanks for stopping by.

  37. Carla, you're very welcome and I love your adorable profile picture!

  38. Toni, it's so nice to see you here. Just wait til next year's anniversary. It will be the 5th and I'm already planning for it.

  39. Virginia, great odds on winning today. Seekerville gives great prizes!

  40. Danielle, that is music to my ears. I want my blog to be about community and that's what I hear you saying.

  41. Brooke, love the Facebook page and all it offers.

  42. Melissa S., I'm always looking for readers, so email at for more info.

  43. KC, it's snowing here...yuck!! I'm thrilled to have discovered steampunk and I try to mix up my reading to keep everything fresh.

  44. Hi MJ, I should be sleeping too, but I'm always afraid I'll miss something. So glad you plan on trying out my blog. It's very reader/author friendly, so I'll be watching for you.

  45. Kaz, as long as it's an Almond Joy martini, I'm there!

  46. Hilleary, I'm so glad you had fun, but I also have something planned for fall, but next year will be the bomb (do they say that anymore?).

  47. Hilleary said: Only Barbara Vey would be so dedicated to go down the list and respond to every person with something. But it is so nice to see a lot of people already from her anniversary bash. I read your facebooks post and check your blog all the time. Always new and intresting things

    I say: You've made my day.

  48. You made my day by making your day. I only call it like I see it. You do this on your blog and everywhere. Just a funny tidbit. This years was my first anniversary bash. My husband came home and I super excited told "An author talked tome!!!" Not a big deal to him but a big deal to me, That author was Diana Love. Still remember added her on facebook. And all because of you. So I am very gald I made your day. Because you have made my day many times.

  49. I always go by and check out Barbara's Beyond her Book blog! And I love reading it.

    And she does a fantastic thing by connecting readers with books and authors! Thank you, Barbara.

  50. Forgot to add....The anniversary bash was awesome!

  51. Awesome story, I enjoyed reading todays post. I remember the blog anniversary too.
    I like how you call the reviews blurbs a much better name as we dont want the story given away.
    welcome to seekerville.

  52. I found Barbara's blog too during her anniversary bash and loved it with all the new books to add to my reading list. Now I'm an avid follower and now this is another blog to read into!

  53. Welcome to Seekerville, Barbara! And thank you so much for what you do for authors and readers!

  54. Barb, love the reviews and the diversity of your readers at Beyond Her Book! You guys rock and the straightforwardness of the reviews gives me a good look at reader reaction...

    HUGE HELP!!!!

    Welcome to Seekerville and thank you so much! Panera is doing breakfast for us, and they brought a selection of sweet and savory.

    Coffee... Tons of it. Flavored. Regular. Creamer selection to your right and soft drink/iced tea bar is in the back left.


  55. I love reading about someone who ventured out into an new arena and made a success of it. I'm so glad your son explained blogs to you Barbara, and that you jumped in! How fun for all the romance lovers. I really enjoyed your anniversary bash. I had the same question as Renee about whether or not you need an assistant! . . . And now I'm tempted to return here all day long and read comments and see who's winning books . . . How am I supposed to get anything done with all this excitement going on? I love Seekerville :)

    reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  56. Good Morning Early Birds!

    It's six A.M. and I feel like I'm arriving late! Fifty-six comments already, which just proves how many folks love Barbara!

  57. you're the ultimate reluctant blogger, Barbara and a testimony to where a chance meeting can take you. That's awesome.

    Do you take ebooks to read as well? Or does an author need to get books printed?

    Thanks so much for visiting.

    Tina Pinson

  58. Barbara Vey Rocks! Great lady :)I adore her blog and am part of the Anniversary group on FB. We have a great time on there and the ladies are the best.
    Looking forward to more of your blog Barbara :D

  59. Great blog interview, Debby.

    And Barbara - YOU are da bomb (even if they don't say that any more ). Thanks for all that you do for readers and authors. Not many bloggers get over 22,000 comments in 6 days, which shows the power of your Beyond Her Book blog.

    Hilleary - you're so sweet to mention us chatting and to come by to see Barbara today. :)

  60. I'm glad to see so many of the gals from Barbara's Anniversary Bash Facebook group in Seekerville today! Welcome everyone!

    Seekerville is an island community of writers and readers. Feel that ocean breeze? We talk books and writing and serve yummy food. Plus, the coffee's always pour a cup and enjoy the breakfast buffet!

    Thanks, Barbara, for being with us today! Did you mention snow? YIKES! Georgia's in the mid-70s! Sending sunshine and warm weather your way. Hugs, too! :)

  61. Thanks, Dianna, for stopping by today!

    Dianna was the conference chair for Georgia Romance Writers' Moonlight and Magnolias Conference a few years ago. She invited Barbara...

    I believe you had just started your new blog career, Barbara!

    Di told me I HAD to meet this wonderful woman who loved romance. As I recall, we met Sunday morning over breakfast! A special day for me!

    Barbara returned a couple years ago and is scheduled to do a workshop with Dianna in May! So if you're in the Southeast, check out GRW's website and make a reservation.

  62. It's a pajama party at Seekerville! Doesn't look like anyone slept last night.
    Barbara--what an awesome thing you do. This is my first time 'meeting' you. Sounds like I have a lot of catching up to do.
    Checking out the blog and FB straightaway!

    belindapeterson at tds dot net

  63. Oh my goodness. It's not even 6 a.m. and there are 61 comments already! :)

    I jumped over to your blog and promptly put it into my google reader. Fascinating stuff there! Thanks for sharing your story and sharing your love for romance!

  64. Barbara, welcome to Seekerville and thanks for all you do. I met you once at a GRW meeting, but don't know if you remember me. I've visited the blog before and will definitely check it out again.


  65. Hi Barbara! We met when you visited Georgia Romance Writer's M&M Conference a couple of years ago. It's good to hear from you here. A blog written by a reader makes what you write special because your posts just share those books that work for you and gives other readers a good idea of whether they may enjoy reading a new author or new book. Great blog. Keep up the good work.

    Well, I'm off to work now. As always, I'm always up for a good book so please include me in your drawing.

  66. Welcome to Seekerville, Barbara! It's wonderful to have you visit us.

    I can't believe it's only 6:25 central and already everyone is up and commenting. Or maybe most just went to bed late last night.

    Thanks for taking such an interest in romance and reading our books!

  67. What a great interview! Thanks for sharing with us. I think it's the success stories that drive us to continue fighting for our dreams.

    You mentioned both traditional publishing and ebooks. I've read quite a bit on both topics lately. Do you see the ebook as a phase that will flare, fizzle, and die or something that is here to stay?

  68. Hi Barbara, Your anniversary bash in March was a fantastic party! I couldn't believe the number of comments flooding in. And it introduced me to your fabulous blog.

    Thanks for all you do for writers and readers!

    And I'm so jealous you got to meet Bruce Campbell. I love him in Burn Notice.


  69. Christine, you're so right about Barbara's success story. She's an inspiration to all of us. Her enthusiasm for romance is amazing, and she loves promoting all genres.

  70. Wonderful giveaway.
    Loved the interview.
    Trinity Rose
    wandaelaine at gmail dot com

  71. Such a wonderful blog. I have already "liked" you this morning on Facebook, Barbara.

    Your comment about reviews was great. I may not review all the books I love but I don't tear down any books I don't. I have never understood those people who enjoy doing so on Amazon and other places.

    But is there a place for critical review? I am thinking of American Idol right now and how all the judges are getting hammered for not being Simon!

    I hope to check in later but it is off to the dentist for me. Thanks, Seekerville, for making the morning start off with fun instead of floss.

    Peace, Julie

  72. Thanks for the wonderful book parties it is where I find new authors to read. I just hope maybe I'll get lucky and win one

  73. Drumroll, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Our first winner today...

    THE RANCHER'S REUNION, by Tina Radcliffe, goes to...


  74. Welcome to Seekerville, Barbara! I love popping in on "Beyond Her Book" to see what's going on the publishing world. Had so much fun at your Anniversary Bash, and thank you for giving us the opportunity to do book giveaways that day!

    Not even 5 a.m. yet in the West and look at all the commentS--it's going to be a fun and busy day here in our Seekerville community!

  75. Interesting interview from someone who is a new author to me. I always enjoy "finding" new authors to read!

  76. Barbara,

    So glad to see you hear today. I really enjoy your blog and it's nice to know the story behind it.

    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

  77. Hey--I popped back in just in time to see a winner announced. (Congrats!) I can't imagine how many comments you'll rack up today, ladies. Fun!

  78. Loves 2 Read Romance - LauraApril 20, 2011 at 8:11 AM

    Hi Barbara!!! We met during your awesome birthday bash in March! What a great party and I didn't realize there was a facebook page that was created. I will have to check it out! I don't know how you will top it next year.

    If you need help with reading I would love to help! Thanks for stopping by and sharing with us!


  79. Great article. I love the story of how you started your blog.

    stacey.zink at gmail dot com


  80. Barbara, I visit your blog a lot and really enjoy it. I put it in my favorites so I can go right to it. Love your work.


  81. Barbara's anniversary blog brought me into the book blogging world and I am so to read all these new books I've been hearing about!

  82. Barbara, welcome to Seekerville and thank you so much for being a great friend of Inspirational romance!

    Authors At Sea cruise. Oooo, sounds like my kind of adventure.

    Do I sense a Seekerville Cruise Around the Island in the future?? Could be!

    Great story, Barbara. You can count on me remaining faithful to Beyond Her Book blog!

  83. Hi Nas, great to see you here and I'm glad you had fun at the bash. There's just something about free drinks, no calorie food, scantily clad men and giveaways that seems to bring out the best in people. Can't wait til next year!!

  84. Hi Ausjenny, my readers have started calling themselves "Blurbettes" and I love it. Being a reader myself, I just do things the way I like them as a reader. If I read a really long review, then I sometimes feel like I've already read the book so why bother with it. On my blog we like to just give a taste and it seems to be working. Nice seeing you here.

  85. Oooo Winners already!!!

    And this was a busy overnight! And I was sleeping!

    Was there birthday cake at this bash? I'm sad I missed it!

    Headed over to check out the blog once the kids are on the bus! What's the facebook page?

  86. Audra mentioned a Seeker cruise around the Island...

    Sounds like an idea for your 5th Anniversary Bash, Barbara.

    The Seekers had so much fun this year, and we're already thinking about 2012!

  87. Ann, Seekerville really got into the spirit of the bash and they have that same energy here at their site. I'm glad you stopped by to try them out. I know you'll be back often, there's always a party here.

  88. Carol,
    Barbara's Bash had everything! The Seekers sponsored Island Day so you know Captain Jack was there flirting with all the women.

    Wonder if Jack will visit Seekerville today?

  89. Hi Camy, you're very welcome, but let me just say that I can't thank authors enough for all the enjoyment they've given me throughout the years. I'm just trying to give a little back.

  90. Almost time to announce another winner...

  91. Hi Ruth, OMG, I love Paneras. I'll have a hazelnut coffee and a cinnamon crunch bagel please. :)

  92. Great blog!! I, too, "met" Barbara during her anniversary blog and things can get pretty crazy pretty fast!! Can't wait to see what happens here!

  93. @ Barbara - I JUST tried Panera last week. They were amazing!

  94. Renee Ann, this is a mini bash for sure (mine went for 6 straight days 24/7). Seriously, I know I need an assistant. I still have over 400 emails and they just keep coming. It's cutting into my reading time, but I'm glad to take a little break and party over here at Seekerville.

  95. Debby, I was up late, but did manage a few hours sleep. But really, who can sleep with a party going on? Good thing it's a pajama party to me.

  96. Those anniversary days were a hoot! I still get to chat with folks from that and how fun to see so many different faces of romance together!

    Cookies arriving. I see you guys did a GREAT job on first breakfast. Second breakfast for West Coasters on its way!

    Cookies are toffee chocolate chip. Ghirardelli, of course!

  97. Thanks for the interview. Your job is to review books every day?? That to me, sounds like a dream job! I always told my family I wanted to be an editor to read books all day. I guess in some ways I still do, I love editing so much.

    Thanks so much for what you do for the industry!! :)

  98. Tina, Since I now have a Kindle, I do take eBooks, but I'm still trying to figure out how to load anything that doesn't come from Amazon. And now 2 of my blurbers also have eReaders so we're able to blurb about more eBooks (as you'll see on tomorrow's blog).

  99. Drumroll, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's time to announce another winner.

    ONLY UNI, by Camy Tang, goes too...


    Congrats, Danielle! Happy reading!

  100. Hi Leanne, that FB group rocks! Here you all are so bright and early. It's really heartwarming that we all can come from different places and manage to make our own community. I'm predicting that the reader/writer FB page becomes a destination spot in the coming year. People are crazy who don't get onboard right away. Thanks for coming by.

  101. Dianna, thanks so much for stopping by. I know you're a very busy lady.

    BTW, let me mention to everyone that Dianna has an amazing offer for bookclubs. If you go to her website and sign up, there is a monthly drawing for free books for your entire book club from the various authors who participates. Just another way to expose readers to new authors and make that intimate reader/author connection.

  102. The Beyond the Book anniversary party was so much fun! Fabulous job, Barbara! I'm so happy for what you're doing to help us promote romance.


  103. Debby, I appreciate the virtual sunshine and warm weather you're sending, but a plane ticket to anywhere it's 70 would be better. :)

    At least I'll be in Atlanta next month to give a workshop at GRW, so I'll be able to warm these old bones a little.

  104. Debby, guess I should have read a little further before posting. lol

    Dianna was the one who invited me to my first M&M Conference and when a speaker couldn't make it, she talked me into doing my first workshop. I was a virgin no longer. I had a ball & I have to say that Moonlight and Magnolias is one of my favorite conferences, so if you ever have a chance be sure to go.

    And now I'm a workshop veteran and Dianna is a New York Times Best selling author. Just goes to show you that the possibilities are endless out there.

  105. Oh, I wish a job like that would fall into my lap! ;)

    I clicked on your link, just to show my support, but I plan to look around more.

    Please enter me in the contest.



  106. Hi Lindi, so nice to meet you. Just when I think I've met everyone I realize that it's just a drop in the bucket. If you're ever at an event that I'm attending, be sure to stop me and say hi. :)

  107. Great interview, Debby - - and Barbara sounds like a wonderful lady! Such a fun post, and I'll definitely be visiting her blog. ~ Congratulations on your 4-year anniversary Barbara! :)
    Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo Moore

  108. Hi Sherrinda, thanks for putting me in your Google reader, I'm honored.

    I can't believe there's already over 100 comments & someone on the FB page posted that it's just like my bash over here, so expect more. I need to get more coffee and maybe add a little Bailey's to it. :)

  109. Loved this interview, Barbara! You're truly an inspiration!

  110. Hi Barbara,
    I met you just a few weeks ago at RT. I wore one of the pins you handed out. It was great to meet you.

  111. I love Barbara's blog. I am so glad I found it. Her anniversary week was a blast. Probably the most involved I have been on a blog.
    She does a fantastic job!!


  112. BARBARA!!! It's SOOO great to see you here --THANK YOU for coming to Seekerville!! And thank you, Debby, for bringing her.

    And I agree with you and Tina -- goodness, a Cinderella/starlet story for sure, with an equally happy ending. I love the line: "I’m a reader, not a writer...send books," like it's an S.O.S ... or S.O.B., I guess I should say!

    Your anniversary blog party was one of the most fun I've ever been to -- a truly unique experience. Here's to many, MANY more to come!


  113. Barbara, I really appreciate the effort and time you put into running your blog and reviews. They're wonderful!

  114. Wow, great interview.....loved it. And exciting day for winning books....count me in!! Thanks!!

  115. I just found this site, but will be back often!
    Julia B.

  116. Hi Barbara (waves madly from Georgia). It is warm here today, just a little overcast. Can't wait to see you in Alabama this month and next month at GRW! This year's anniversary bash was such a viral event. What a blast!

  117. Barbara, I love the "blurb" concept! I've been hesitating to call the reviews I do "reviews" because they really aren't - blurb is just the term I was looking for! I'll be emailing you!

    This is a great party! I brought homemade muffins to add to the breakfast buffet. And Ruthy, those cookies aren't leftover from yesterday, are they? I thought we had eaten them all!

    Put me in the drawing!


  118. Hi Walt, I absolutely remember meeting you but we're also FB buds. Looking forward to seeing you next month at GRW.

  119. Welcome to Seekerville, Barbara! I've had the pleasure of meeting you and even had my picture taken with you. Feel as famous as Debbie Macomber. ;-)

    I appreciate all you do to promote romance. It was fun to participate in the anniversary of Beyond Her Book!

    Historical romances are my favorites--I write inspirational historical romance--but not that many years ago, historicals were a hard sell.


  120. Hi Dianna Shuford, thanks for stopping by before work and good luck in the book drawings!

  121. Hi -
    I'm so glad I wandered into the 4th Anniversary Party for the "Beyond Her Book blog"! OMG, it was so much fun! And I joined the facebook group where I keep hearing about new books to read and I get to interact with wonderful authors! What a community I've found! Thank you Barbara Vey for setting it in motion for me.

  122. Hi Cara, thanks for inviting me. This group showed me it could party with the best of them at my bash, so it's really nice to visit your place.

  123. Happy Easter!
    What a great interview! Thanks for all that you do!
    I'd love to win! Thanks for the giveway!
    kari_linder at hotmaill dot com

  124. Barbara, it's a delight to welcome you to Seekerville! We so appreciate your enthusiasm for romantic fiction and are so glad for your help in promoting inspirational romance.

    About book reviews, I completely agree that I'm much more interested in a reader's short, specific blurb of WHY she enjoyed the book (or didn't) rather than a play-by-play synopsis. Tell me what the author did right, if the characters come alive, if the setting feels like you're there, if the plot sustains interest to the very end.

    DON'T tell me what happened because if I'm going to read the book, I'd much prefer to discover it for myself.

  125. Hi Christine, I think eBooks are here to stay. The next generation is all about the gadgets and for them it will be totally natural to just read a book on an eReader. I saw that some schools are having text books put on eReaders.

    But I also think there's a place for paper books. Everywhere I go, I see more people reading books than with readers & when I ask them about it, most say they prefer traditional books. I guess time will tell.

  126. Kristen, my son posted that picture on his Facebook page and said, "I have the coolest mom ever...she met Bruce Campbell." Always nice when you can impress your kids. :)

  127. Hi Trinity, thanks for stopping by and hope you're lucky enough to win one of the great prizes offered today.

  128. Julie, thanks for "liking" me on FB. Just another way to spread the word.

    While there are places that offer critical reviews, I just choose not to read them because it's just such a subjective thing. Yes, I believe people have the right to their opinions and as long as they stick to reviewing the book and not personally attacking the author I'm ok with it.

    Some just like watching a train wreck which is why there are shows like Jerry Springer on tv. As long as people continue to read and react to negativity, there will be an audience for it.

  129. Wendy, thanks for stopping by and I hope this is your lucky day.

  130. Glynna, I've been responding to comments for over an hour and I can't catch up, but that's really a good thing. Always fun to see so much excitement and good will floating around. It makes me smile.

  131. It was lovely to finally get to 'know' Barbara Vey. Liek her, I'm gravitating toward Historical right now for some reason.

  132. Igm52, thanks for the compliment, but I'm not an author. I'm a reader who happens to write a blog about books, authors and publishing. I just love books!!

  133. Hi Rose, thanks for stopping by and I'm so happy to hear you enjoy the blog. Sometimes when I sit at home alone typing it in, I wonder how much it matters. Well, I'm finding out today.

  134. Hi Laura (Loves2Read Romance), as I've mentioned before, to be considered a reader for the blog, just send me an email and I let you know the details.

  135. Hi Stacey, glad you enjoyed the story.

  136. Patsy, thanks for your kind words and I have to say it always surprises me when someone says they enjoy the blog. I love writing it and always feel I'm writing it to friends. That's how everyone is making me feel today.

  137. Heather, there are so many great authors out there. You are going to have a blast discovery them all. Thanks for stopping by.

  138. Audra, if there is ever a Seekerville cruise, I'd better be invited!

    I appreciate your support for my blog.

  139. DRUMROLL, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Another winner in Seekerville!!!

    THE OFFICER'S SECRET, by Debby Giusti, goes to....


    Congrats, Chelsea!

  140. Hi Jan,
    Thanks for baking muffins for our fun day with Barbara! They're so good! :)

    More coffee, anyone?

  141. Barbara, welcome!! Thank you for all you do on your blog and in your promotion of romance!

    I look forward to seeing you in Alabama at the Heart of Dixie Reader's Luncheon!! :)

  142. Welcome to so many new faces today!! We're so glad you've joined us!

  143. I could really use some caffeine right now. Looks like it is going to be a busy day here.

  144. Julie B mentioned coming back to this site often!

    Here's the scoop...

    Visit Seekerville once and you're family!

    So don't be a stranger.

    The same holds for Barbara's BEYOND HER BOOK blog.

  145. Chelsea, congrats. I'm very jealous. I haven't picked up Officer's Secret yet but will soon.

  146. CarolM, here's the link to the Facebook reader/author page!/home.php?sk=group_184095748300314¬if_t=group_activity

    Also I had to start a fan page because I have hit the limit of 5,000 followers on my personal page. So feel free to go to there and "Like" me.

  147. Nicole, I feel like I've lost control of this group already. LOL

    I'm glad you stopped by and I can't say enough good things about Paneras.

  148. Hi Casey, actually I've never done an official "book review." We just do blurbs on the blog, but a big part of my job is reading books. I know it's a tough assignment, but someone has to do it. :)


    MY FAVE!!!!

    Suh-Weet!!!! ;)

    You got it, sweetie, with that hazelnut coffee comin' alongside.

    Creamer? To your left.

  150. Hi Lisa, glad you enjoyed the party. It's getting tougher to always outdo the previous year. Looking to Seekerville to help me out. ;)

  151. Whitney, thanks for coming by and I hope you enjoy the blog enough that you'll keep coming back.

  152. A Seeker cruise?? My goodness, isn't that an idea! I'll start saving right after ACFW. ;-)

  153. Hi CatMom, I look forward to seeing you at Beyond Her Book. Cute kitty in your profile pic.

  154. Runner10, I just perked another pot of coffee. Help yourself.

    Colas and iced tea in the fridge!

    What happened to my Southern hospitality? I forgot to include grits in this morning's buffet!

    In honor of Barbara's time on the island, we're now serving Shrimp and Grits!

  155. I met Barbara at a WisRWA conference. Fun gal!

  156. Colleen, I had to smile when you said I'm an "inspiration" especially coming from an inspirational blog. I'm honored. Thank you.

  157. I'm so glad to see you here, Barbara. Thank you for what you've been doing to support inspirational books.

  158. Hi Pamela, RT was a blast and that Readers Entertainment party was great fun. Glad to see you here.

  159. Just recently found Barbra's stuff and am lovin it cant wait to read more!!! Thanks!

  160. Runner10, thanks for the compliment. My head is going to swell today for sure. :)

  161. Hi Julie, thanks again for having me here. I like it that you think the anniversary bash was "unique." Mission accomplished!

  162. Shari Anton, my first blog interview. I'll always be grateful that you were willing to be a guinea pig for me. :)

    BTW, Shari is my Paneras buddy. I think they'll soon name a table for us there.

  163. es, thanks for stopping by and the sweet words. Always nice to hear good things.

  164. Thanks for visiting, Barbara. It was great to get to know more about you and how your blog started!

  165. Jackie S., they are already picking winners, so I'm sending good vibes your way to win a book.

  166. Julie B., thanks for stopping by and I think you'll enjoy the Seekers site.

  167. Debbie, glad you're on the FB group. The readers love you and your book hasn't even come out yet. 9 days till Alabama will be warming me up!

  168. Hi Jan, thanks for the muffins. I was getting hungry doing all this talking. Good luck winning a book.

  169. Need to take a little break. I'm off to the local high school to talk to the librarian about starting a YA book club. Wish me luck!

  170. Great post! :-)


  171. Good heavens, what numbers!! Barbara, you've not only caused a stir over here, but a hurricane. Gracious sakes!

    Great post. Your schedule this year is super-impressive. I'm with Debbie - how do you keep up?
    You prove that people with sincere passion stand out in a crowd. What a great story!

  172. Good luck, Barbara! A YA book club is a fantastic idea!

    How special for your local high school to have you involved with the kids!

  173. Thanks for that info on ebooks, Barbara. I've stopped in before, but I will for sure stop in tomorrow.

    I have a Kindle as well. Not always sure about the downloads from other sites either. I've heard several people talk about Calibre.


    Tina P

  174. What a party going on over here. Barbara thanks so much for being on. Great blog post.

  175. Boy, when I stopped in earlier, there was 65 comments. Looks the party is on.

    Conga line anyone?


  176. Hi Angela and Pepper!

    Isn't Barbara amazing? She emailed me about her busy schedule today...meeting with folks in the high school and other places to spread the word about the books she loves to read.

    Another winner to be announced soon...

  177. Barbara is great. I wish somebody would have started a YA book club when I was in high schoool.

  178. Fantastic Interview!
    Thank you Barbara for all you have done and do.
    Great Party with Great People!


  179. Barbara,

    We love your blog and love being part of the new Facebook page. We're looking forward to seeing you and Dianna Love at the May meeting of Georgia Romance Writers.

    Marilyn Baron


    Announcing TWO winners this hour.

    Where the Dogwoods Bloom, by Myra Johnson, or one of her other books of your choice goes to...


  181. And our second winner this hour...

    REUNITED HEARTS, by Ruth Logan Herne, goes to...



  182. This comment has been removed by the author.

  183. Hi Barbara,

    I first heard you speak at ECWC2010. Your words filled me with hope.

    As an aspiring author, I really value all you do to unite readers and writers and I hope one day you'll be blurbing one of my books!

    Your blog and facebook group are fabulous. And thank you for introducing me to Seekerville!

    --Kristine (kristinecayne AT gmail DOT com

  184. Seeker Cruise?

    I'm there. But think I need to start jogging. Or running. Or something soon.

    Like yesterday.

    My will-be-6-tomorrow daughter is having a swim party. Fortunately, DH has promised to be the one in a swim suit.

    I think I did pop over for the Seeker day. Cuz you know. Captain Jack.

    Found the FB page looking forward to it :).

  185. Loved the interview. I've only been following your blog for about the last month right before your anniversary party. I particularly like when you have the reviews of books. Your picture with Debbie Macomber looks great - she's been one of my favorites for some time now - in fact just finished her anthonlogy with Susan Mallery and Christina Skye - Knitting Stories. My two favorite things from PW is your blog and Children's weekly.

  186. Loved the story about how Barbara got started. And I'm with some of the other commenters - I'd love to be Barbara's assistant with all those books!

    ~ Jaymie

  187. Interesting interview of reader turned blogger. What a great resource to get info on books. Thanks!

  188. A very interesting interview for me as one green to blogging. I'm excited to learn of Barbara's book blog and so happy to read about such a passionate book lover.

  189. Love your blog Barbara! So great that you support romance in a big way:) As a reader and writer...I appreciate all you do! I've already bookmarked your blog page...awesome:)

    Also, I would love to be entered for a chance to win one of those books seekerville is giving away:)

    lornafaith at gmail dot com

  190. Barbara is the Susan B Anthony of Book Blogging.

  191. Barbara,

    I am seeing a memoir in your future. national 54 city book tour, followed by a movie. (Think Julie/Julia) and a syndicated talk show.

    I am willing to come out of retirement to be the agent of record. But only for you.

  192. More winners coming soon!

    Don't forget to leave your email to be entered in the drawing!

  193. Larissa, thanks for leaving a comment! You're now a blogger pro! And part of the extended Seekerville family!


  194. Great idea about the movie, Marlena!

    Maybe the Seekers and Seeker friends can get a part in the film!

  195. OH, ME. Barbara left. An' she left me all alone with ALL you women on an island.

    Do not panic.

    Captain Jack can handle the situation.

    Which way to the Tiki Hut?

  196. Lorna Faith, bookmark Seekerville along with Beyond Her Book! Pretty please! :)

  197. Be still my heart!

    Is that really you, Captain Jack?
