Wednesday, May 25, 2011

BOOK CLUB BLOWOUT ... Happy Birthday TBCN!!! (and books giveaway)

WHOO-HOO, a birthday celebration!!! And no, it's not my own because trust me, that is no cause for celebration in the Lessman household!! But it IS cause for celebration come Monday, June 13th when THE BOOK CLUB NETWORK pulls out the stops for its party-hardy ONE-YEAR BIRTHDAY BASH to celebrate books, books and more books with prizes and fun galore!!

Julie, here, and it is my extreme honor to welcome one of the sweetest, kindest and most passionate (about book clubs, books and other things!!) ladies I have ever had the privilege to call my friend -- Nora St. Laurent. Nora is the brainchild of the fabulous The Book Club Network blog that connects readers with books in a remarkable way that y'all (a bit of Southern flavor for Nora who is a Southern gal from Atlanta) are gonna love. Nora also works for Life Way Bookstore in Atlanta as their resident book club lady AND is the coordinator for the famous ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) book club loop, which anybody can join to discuss some of the best Christian fiction out there. So, without further ado, I give you Nora St. Laurent and an opportunity to win a TON of fabulous books!!


Want to start a book club that reads Christian Fiction and don’t know how or where to begin looking for books your club can read? Are you a Christian Fiction or non-fiction author and want to speak to book clubs but don’t know where to begin finding them?

The Book Club Network is there to connect authors with book clubs and leaders with their books. I work at a Christian book store and when my boss asked me to start a book club at the store I was overwhelmed at the task of selecting books to read for our group. I wanted a meaty book that had more for us to say than,” Wow, that was fun.” What would we do with the rest of the time allotted for book club?

I would look at the rows of books and didn’t know where to begin my search. I only had so much time and the library only had so many books in its shelf where to begin? Hence the birth of The Book Club Network, it grew out of my desire to learn more from other book clubs as to what books worked really well for their book club meetings. It also grew out of my desire to connect authors with book clubs. I saw how books didn’t have a very long shelf life. How were the book clubs going to find out about great, moving novels if they weren’t on the shelf very long? Where do you begin finding Christian authors on Amazon, the thought was overwhelming!

My husband and I started The Book Club Network one year ago in hopes that authors would connect with book clubs and book club leaders would not feel intimidated to interact with authors or other book clubs. Maybe we could help facilitate authors speaking to book clubs on the phone or with the computer via Skype!

The Book Club Network took off and now is close to 1,000 members. I’ve enjoyed watching the authors and book clubs interact. For example authors have asked book clubs what discussion questions work in a book club setting, and which ones don’t. Answers to these questions were interesting and both parties are learning from the other. Exciting to watch!

Book Clubs have set up their book club pages and many of their members have joined their page. A few book clubs are actually having their meetings on-line at TBCN. The leader has put the questions up for the author and the book club members to answer and interact. It’s been great fun to see and learn from their book club discussions.

I've enjoyed watching Book Clubs interact with one another. I've seen leaders ask about certain books they hadn't read to see if any group had read it. I've also seen book clubs share the list of books they are reading this year and have read in previous years? Book Clubs are also sharing ideas about the fun things they’ve done at their meetings and what they hope to do in the future! I’ve learned so much.

I’ve also had people email me asking about where to find book clubs. They’ve always wanted to be apart of a book club but didn’t know where to begin the search. At TBCN we have a member map. It shows where book clubs are located across the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia, helping you connect with a group near you. Other members were moving and had belonged to a book club and wanted to join another in their new location. The member map has been a helpful tool for book clubs and book club members seeking out a book club meeting face-to-face or on-line anywhere you they go!

We have monthly contests at the Book Club Network where members have a chance to win big! The last contest we had was called, “Just Desserts”. The winner of this contest won fifty books; twenty five of two different books. The winning club went on to help judge the winning dessert!

We are celebrating in a big way at TBCN. Our first birthday party is on Monday, June 13th at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. TBCN will be having the biggest giveaway party we’ve ever put on. We asked authors that are at TBCN and have been our biggest cheerleaders to participate in this event. Many of these authors will be at the party that night. Thanks to these authors for helping this event be fun and successful. We also thank them for helping get the word out about TBCN to the book clubs they speak to. Vicki Hinze, Kathi Macias, Creston Mapes, Ginny Yttrup, Sandra Bricker, Brandilyn Collins, Julie Carobini, Anita Mellott, Mary Connealy, Julie Lessman, Meg Moseley, Melanie Dickerson, C.J. Darlington, Missy Tippens, Janet Dean, Tina Radcliffe, Glynna Kaye, Cheryl Wyatt, Ronnie Kendig, Tricia Goyer, Gina Holmes and Novo Inc. ALL of these authors will be contributing some really great prizes. We have over $200.00 in gift cards to be given out, lots of books and a super secret grand prize worth over $100.00.

So, check out the fun we’ve been having at The Book Club Network – sign up today and be up on all the latest news about the party TBCN Check out TBCN on facebook where authors and bloggers post giveaways, author book signings, interviews and exciting book fun news. Join our Facebook page at:
TBCN Facebook. If you’d like your book club featured on the CFOM contact me at TBCN or on Facebook.

We’ll be keeping our website and Facebook page current about exact items being given away and when. The event will last about an hour and I hope many of you can be there. In celebration of our party I’d like to help book clubs and readers find great books and give them away at your meetings. I have a box of books I’d love to give one person for them to enjoy and share at their book club meetings. Leave a comment about this article for your chance to win these fun books. Join the Book Club Network for extra entries or Join our Facebook page for another entry. Twitter about this or do a blog post for extra entries for your chance to win this exciting box of books.

Mission Out of Control by Susan May Warren,

Point of No Return by Susan May Warren

Anything but Normal by Melody Carlson,

Flight of Shadows by Sigmund Brouwer,

My Foolish Heart by Susan May Warren,

Vicious Cycle by Terri Blackstock,

Maid to Match by Deeanne Gist,

It Had to be You by Janice Thompson,

Lady in the Mist by Laurie Alice Eakes,

Darkness Follows by Mike Dellosso,

Crossing the Lines by Richard Doster,

A Place of Peace by Amy Clipston,

Driftwood Lane by Denise Hunter.

All of these books make good book club selections or giveaways at your meetings.

Can’t wait for you to join us in celebrating our first birthday and thanks to everyone here for letting me tell you all about this exciting event.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Nora St.Laurent
The Book Club Network


  1. Hi Nora:

    Don't know if you a coffee addict, so I've set up tea, juice and milk along with the coffee pot.

    Interesting post. Thanks


  2. Welcome, Nora!! We're so glad to have you with us!

    Thanks for the great info! And congrats on the one-year anniversary!

  3. Hi Nora:

    I’ve wondered about book clubs – especially Christian book clubs. I have a few questions that perhaps you’ll be able to answer:

    1. How often does the club use the questions in the back of the book? I've often wondered if these questions were ever used.

    2. Which gets greater interest (in terms of time spent in discussion): the story itself or the Christian aspects of the story? In some Christian books, the inspirational element is almost not there at all. This is fine with me as the story still expresses Christian values.

    3. Are there any Christian books or authors that you consider too edgy for a club session?

    4. How long are club meetings on average?

    5. How often does the usual club meet?

    6. What percentage of the books discussed are read in the form of eBooks?

    7. How long in advance are the book selections announced? (How much time does a member have to read a book?)

    8. Who picks the books to discuss?

    9. Do you start meetings with a prayer?

    10. What percentage of members are men?

    You can tell I don’t know anything about these book clubs but I would like to.


  4. Wow, Nora, the TBCN sounds like a fascinating concept. I'll have to check it out. I've never joined a book club- mainly because I read all the time anyway.

    Keep up the good work. Your service to authors, I'm sure, is beyond appreciated.

  5. Happy Birthday to Nora and Hubby's grand idea!

    Talk about seeing a need and filling it... Loved reading about your story. What a blessing.

    I'm wondering what criteria determine your selections? (Did Vince ask that too?!)

    Fun week in Seekerville!! More celebrating!

    I brought one of the most delightful fabulous theme cakes! Looks like a bookcase with the authors' books.

    Good thing they're just virtual calories on the island! Gives a new meaning to scrumptious cover. Ha!

    And YAY, Helen's been here already. Coffee and cake for breakfast. :)

  6. THANKS Julie for the Great introduction and your very kind words. They mean more to me than I can explain.

    I'm so glad that you are ready for book club. Yes, Coffee, tea, Juice are great for book club along with donut holes from Dunkin Donuts. That's what my gang hand this week at book club Grin!! I'm a Fan of Tea but I'll drink Coffee if you have the right - sweet Creamer!

    Thanks Missy for the Welcome. I'm so glad to be here. I can't believe that It's been one year that we started TBCN!! I appreciate your birthday wishes!

  7. Nora, happy birthday to YOOOOUUU!

    What a great idea you had and then acted on it. Go you! I love the way you've put this together. Awesome.

    Thank you for being a guest here in Seekerville with our beloved JULIE!!!!

    Love you, Jules!

    Teenster is still asleep so I'm typing softly. ;)

    Hey, loving the cake, KC! A-stinkin'-dorable!


    Helen. Coffee. YES!!! Unlike Disney, NYC HAS COFFEE EVERYWHERE!

    I'm so happy. ;)

  8. Hi Nora:

    I’ve wondered about book clubs – especially Christian book clubs. I have a few questions that perhaps you’ll be able to answer:

    1. How often does the club use the questions in the back of the book? I've often wondered if these questions were ever used.
    Book Clubs usually mean once a month. This allows your members to read the book and be prepared to talk about the book at the meeting.

    2. Which gets greater interest (in terms of time spent in discussion): the story itself or the Christian aspects of the story? In some Christian books, the inspirational element is almost not there at all. This is fine with me as the story still expresses Christian values.
    Vince I think it depends on the story. Christian Fiction books are so well written and the spiritual thread is woven so intricately into the storey you can’t help but talk about the story and the spiritual aspect of it.

    3. Are there any Christian books or authors that you consider too edgy for a club session?
    I work at a Christian book store and I have to read books that the book store sells because I promote their books in the store. If we don’t sell it I don’t read it. The book store I work at does their own filtering so I feel pretty safe in reading books that they sell.

    4. How long are club meetings on average?
    My book club meetings are from 7-9p.m. When we have an author speaking at the meeting that night we talk about the book from 7-7:30p.m. and then the author speaks to the group from 7:30p.m. until the store closes at 9p.m. Since our meetings are held inside the Christian book store I work at we promptly end the meeting at 9p.m. (a little before so I have time to clean up before I leave.

    5. How often does the usual club meet?
    Our official meetings are once a month. I have two book clubs that meet at the store. Monday night and Tuesday night, I combine the meetings for author visits and for fun book club events. For instance, this weekend we are having a Movie Brunch. I’ve combined the clubs and we’ll be watching Karen Kingsbury’s movie Dandelion Dust, and talk about how the movie was different from the book. We’re all excited about watching this movie.

    6. What percentage of the books discussed are read in the form of eBooks?
    Ebooks are new and not many people have E readers. So all the books we read are in paperback or hardback books.


  9. Sorry I had to break this up. Too many characters for one post!

    6. What percentage of the books discussed are read in the form of eBooks?
    Ebooks are new and not many people have E readers. So all the books we read are in paperback or hardback books.

    7. How long in advance are the book selections announced? (How much time does a member have to read a book?)
    My groups vote once a year on books. I get the list together and the ladies vote on books in November. For our Christmas meeting I have tallied their votes and announce the next years line up of books.
    With the ACFW On-Line Book club we vote on books every month. We also started reading two books a month. The discussions are at the same time. You can read both books or just one for that months selection. Authors submit their books to me all year long through ACFW’s website We just finished our Historical vote and Surrender the Wind by Rita Gerlach and Out of Control by Mary Connealy won the vote. Those books will be read in September.

    8. Who picks the books to discuss?
    My ladies vote on them. They suggest books to be on the voting list and so do I. Most of the books someone has read before it went on the list. A few get on there without anyone reading it before hand.

    9. Do you start meetings with a prayer?
    I usually end the meetings with prayer. This week we talked on the phone with Terri Blackstock. Terri Blackstock had done a book signing at our store a few years ago. It was fun to meet her even more fun to talk to her via speaker phone. Her books was intense and brought up lots of stories from my ladies that were surprising and horrific! I usually pray at the end of the meetings but this week I felt that I should pray against the spirit of fear that we should walk away from the meeting not feeling hopeless but know that Christ has overcome the world. So, I prayed that we would hold on to the verse that says God has not Given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind! It was a very special meeting this week,

    10. What percentage of members are men?
    None – Men are funny about book club. If you know of any men involved in book club I’d love to interview them. Every other month I interview a book club for the Christian On-Line Magazine. I’ve been looking for male book clubs- I haven’t found any! If you are a man involved in a book club and you read this I’d love to interview you club. Please contact me!! It would be great and I know many people would love to read about what men read at book club! Grin!

    THANKS Vince for your great questions. I hope these answers help you! If you have any others please feel free to ask!

    Nora :D

  10. KC Coffee, tea and Cake We are good to go. I'd love to see the look of that Cake. We are having our big birthday bash on June 13th at 9p.m. Eastern Standard time on facebook on The Book Club Network page. So the prizes continue.

    We mainly read Christian Fiction although one year we did read The Same Kind of Different as me. We had the twin sister from that store speak to our group live. It is a powerful book they are making into a movie and everyone wanted to read it.

    There are certain books my ladies as a group don't want to read so I don't bother putting books they won't read on the list. The book also has to be sold by the Christian Book Store I work at. Those are the two things I go by!

    Good Question and sounds like a great cake. I love that it has virutal calories. Makes it more yummy!

    Nora :D

  11. I'm posting as Anonymous because when I've posted under my google account it has wiped my writing out. I'll work on getting this to post with my name on it.

    In Celebration of today ALL of you are seeing TBCN's LOGO for the FIRST TIME!! We've been working on the logo for months. And if you look close you'll see some of my all time favorate books. Julie Lessman's book a Hope Undaunted and Mary Connealy's book Petticoat Ranch.

    Go to my blog Finding Hope Through Ficton and grab a button for an entra entry for the box of books!

    My daughter is the one holding the books and did all the words, made it black and white and the books and her shoes in color!! THANKS HILARY!! She is my computer wiz kid!

    Thanks again for having me here. I'm off to work today but I'll catch up with you all again when I get home. Julie said she'd cover for me while I'm gone. Thanks for the great questions so far! It feels like a party already!

    Talk to you soon.
    Nora :D
    The Book Club Network

  12. Hooray! It worked! Ok, I'll post like this from now one! Thanks for your patience with me! My computer daughter is sleeping but God worked it out! Hooray!!

    nora :D

  13. Wow, great idea, Nora. We need to get all those 15 Seeker books on your book club list. We have several Carol Finists, Winners and Mary Connealy is a RITA finalist!

    Tina Radcliffe

  14. Hi, Dianna.

    I'd never was involved in book clubs either and never was an avid reader until I started working at a book store with the only thing to talk about was books!! Grin!

    I've enjoyed the "live" book club experience so much, I'm always amazed at what my ladies uncover in a book I've just read. The book club experience brings about a richness to the book I can't really explain.

    It's like watching a movie with someone and then discussing it afterwards. That's what book club is. We discuss how the book affected us or what we rejoiced about in the book! When we do that we get to relive the experience all over again.

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes!

    Nora :D

  15. Hi Nora,

    Thank you for all the great information on TBCN! I got on Facebook and put in a request to join. This sounds like a fantastic source for authors and readers alike.


  16. Welcome to Seekerville, Nora! A book club network is such a fabulous idea! Looking forward to your celebration!

  17. Hi, Kristen;

    I accepted your facebook connection but the MAIN SITE is at WWW.BOOKFUN.ORG

    TBCN Facebook page helps you to learn about not only our giveaways but others as well. The authors post their book signing events, interviews and other BOOK FUN EVENTS!! Thanks for your encouragement and support!

    But all the book discussion and book clubs are ALL AT THE BOOK CLUB NETWORK the website!! Check that out too!! LOVED to have you there!!

    Nora St.Laurent

  18. THANKS Glynna for your encouragement and support. Loved to see you at TBCN and also at our BIG celebration on JUNE 13th 9p.m. Eastern Standard Time!!


    Nora :D
    The Book club Network

  19. Congratulations, Nora! Your baby is now a year old. What a testimony of love and faith.

  20. Happy birthday to TBCN, and thanks to Nora and Fred for all their hard work that makes it happen. I'm looking forward to the cyber-party on the 13th.

  21. THANKS for stopping by Julie and Meg. You both have been such a encouragement to me.

    Julie you have helped me so much in our writing group and Meg I've enjoyed your at our book club meetings and I LOVE your new book When Sparrows Fall. Wow!! I'll definately have to get you to speak to our book club about that book! Not kidding!

    I'm excited about the One Year Birthday Bash too!! June 13th 9p.m Eastern Standard time.

    I hope all of you can be there!!

    Blessings to you both. You have been such a blessing in my life!

    Nora :D
    the Book Club Network

  22. Happy Birthday!

    What a blessing TBCN has been to readers, book clubs, authors and books!

    Wishing you every success--and many, many more birthdays.


  23. Happy birthday, TCBN! And thank you for including People of the Book in your new and excellent logo. Anyone who isn't already a member of this great group, you don't know what you're missing. Join today!!!

  24. THANKS so much Vicki-- You've been our BIGGEST CHEERLEADER!! You have been such an inspiration and a BLESSING!!

    THANKS for all you did in helping us get started and having one of the biggest contests we started early on! We couldn't have done it without the support of authors and readers!!


    You are a BLESSING! Love your books too!

    Nora :D

  25. Happy birthday! =D

    What fun!

    Never been in a book club. The school I teach at just started one, but I knew the book they chose for the first book was one that /eyes boggle/ so I didn't even consider it.

    Have read the same book at nearly the same time as others and discussed... Not quite the same though.

    Rough day here. Weather is calm and storms this afternoon are supposed to form east of here, but sis had her purse stolen last night and I'm going to help her fix that. Plus some other stuff going on.

    Will definitely check out the page etc. later when I have more time.

    carol at carolmoncado dot com

  26. Hey, Nora! You are awesome! Love you guys and all you do to promote Christian fiction!

  27. G'MORNIN', ALL ... and THANK YOU, Helen, for brewing the joe!! In honor of Nora's Southern roots today, we have warm peach cobbler, pecan pancakes, ham with red-eye gravy, biscuits with sausage and gravy, grits,Southern-style French toast casserole and a buffet of pastries, so dig in!!

    Hey, MISSY ... good to see you here in the morning, girl -- Southern hospitality to a fellow Georgia girl, no doubt!!

    VINCE!! WHOA, BABY ... I'm not even gonna touch that one, but let Nora handle it when she gets in. Nora has to work today, but she will swing by several times to answer questions ... or in Vince's case ... take a test!! :)


  28. DIANNA ... I've never joined a book club either, but I LOVE TBCN because you don't have to be in a particular book club to enjoy everything they offer. I hope you do join -- it's great!!

    KC ... THANKS for the cake!! Sounds yummy, and you reminded me that I forgot one of my ALL-TIME favs, red velvet cake -- YUM!!

    NORA!!! Didn't recognize you, girl, with that ANONYMOUS tag!! And the intro? ALL TRUE, my friend -- it's SUCH a pleasure to have you in Seekerville!


  29. THANKS Kathi for your encouragement and allowing me to use your book in the Logo. It's powerful. All the books in the logo touched my heart deeply and have been such a hit at our book club meetings.

    Thanks Melanie for your encouragment. We LOVED you speaking to our group and discussing The Healers Apprentice!!

    Hi, Carol thanks for your comments. At The Book Club Network we have book club pages set up for those book clubs that chose to do so. A couple of them are on-line book clubs including the ACFW on-Line book club. It's a good way to get started in the comforts of your own home. Check out the book club experience. I have a list of authors that have already spoken to our group there and their interviews. To join the ACFW on-line book club go to the ACFW site and look for the book club section. It's free!

    Hope to see you there!!

    THANKS JULIE for taking over while I head off to the Book Store and check out somemore great New Releases. Oh, and of course talk about Christian Fiction!! My FAVORITE!!

    Catch up with you later!

    Nora :D
    The Book Club Network

  30. ANONYMOUS RUTHY ... SOOOOO great to have you drop in, girl, with as busy as you and Teenster are hobnobbing in New York!! If I didn't love you both so much, I'd be GREEN!! Love you too, Ruthy-kins, and give our love to Teenster!!


    CAROL M ... stay safe, my friend, with all these storms. We're expecting another tornado warning today after 3:00 PM, so prayers all around would be appreciated for Carol and me and all our Midwesterners.

    MELANIE ... Another Georgia girl!! That state is BRIMMING with beautiful and talented women!!



  31. Wow, exciting!! What fun, I didn't realize that TBCN was in it's first year. It's grown a lot in that time! :-))

  32. Hi Nora.
    I'm looking forward to the anniversary.
    Being at your book clubs (on the phone) was so fun.
    I was supposed to be on two days though and the phone connection managed to trip us up. I still feel bad about that. :(

    I think the book club network is really exciting. Keep up the good work.

  33. This is so fantastic! Happy Birthday to TBCN. What an amazing box of books to win! I'm so excited for you, Nora!

  34. Welcome Nora! Thanks for sharing this great info. today--I wasn't familiar with TBCN and it sounds wonderful. ~ I didn't realize you're an Atlanta girl! *grin* I am too, so in honor of your visit today I've brought Georgia Peach muffins to share!
    Blessings, Patti Jo :)

  35. Hi Nora:

    Thanks for answering all those questions. No wonder your TBCN is such a big success. What a surprise: it never occurred to me that Christian book clubs would be only all women or all men.

    I think the idea of the movie is outstanding. I also like the idea of two books where you can discuss either one of them or both.

    I do think that picking books a year in advance is very restrictive. The industry is driven by the ‘next new thing’. We almost always want to read the newest book that everyone is talking about. I think this is a potential weakness.

    An all eBook book club could pick the newest books and download them at the same time for review at the next meeting. These would be ‘leading edge’ book clubs.

    Somehow physical bookstores need to adapt to face this challenge. When I think of “84 Charing Cross Road” and “Shakespeare & Co.” it hurts every time I read about a physical bookstore closing.

    Yet, I need the large type eBook readers provide – at no extra cost.

    Happy Birthday – May There Be Many More!


    P.S. I was in my first Life Way bookstore last week, in Tulsa, for a book signing and loved it. Great people, great displays, I really felt at home.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Sounds exciting! Hopefully, I can make it. How do you prefer I blog about this? Write up my own post or copy and paste this post into my blog? Let me know! Many of those books you listed are on my wish list. :D So, please count me in.

    I'm tweeting and Facebooking this post, too. Do those count?

    Happy Birthday! :D

    Mary C, LOVE your "Out of Control" book cover!!! Just saw it. :D

  38. I tried to run a book club at my work, but never got more than 1 or 2 other people to come. The network does sound like an amazing idea. I will definitely have to check it out later on.

  39. CASE ... I can't believe TBCN is a year old, either!! It seems like Nora was just talking about starting it and BOOM!! Here we are a year down the road. :)

    MARE ... You lucky dawg!! I haven't had the chance to do a book club on TBCN, but I look forward to the day I do -- LOVE BOOK-CLUB DISCUSSIONS!!!

    RONIE ... I totally agree -- what a stash of books!!!! Wish I could win ... :/

    PATTI JO!!! THANK YOU, darlin', for the scrumptious Georgia Peach muffins. PEACH is one of my FAVORITE things, so I may need the recipe ... :)


  40. I LOVE TBCN! Happy Birthday! Glad to be a part of it.

  41. VINCE ... Lifeway is a WONDERFUL company ... I LOVE those stores and the head marketing gal, Rachel?? One of the nicest people on God's green earth!! Thanks, as always, for your thought-provoking questions and commentary, my friend.

    LINNETTE ... cut and paste is fine, girlfriend, or whatever's easiest for you. And, YES, FB and Twitter count!!

    Hey, HOLLY, thanks for dropping by, and DO give TBCN a peek -- you will LOVE it!!

    SAVAGE GIRL!! LOVE that addy, girl, and thanks for dropping by.


  42. Welcome to Seekerville, Nora. Congratulations on the first anniversary of The Book Club Network. Fun logo! A huge thanks for promoting Christian fiction!

    I love speaking to book clubs in my area. Meeting readers face to face is not only great fun, it can lead to finding longtime fans. Fans are the best because they spread the word.


  43. Hi Nora, and welcome!

    What an exciting event, and it just boggles my mind to read about all that you've done in the last year. I went to TBCN and joined - I'll be posting the information to my blog and facebook, too, as soon as I post this comment. I have a lot of friends who are bibliophiles, so I know they'll appreciate hearing about it.


  44. Hey Nora...greetings from south GA! I'm so excited about this post because we've been talking about starting a book club through our church! I am definitely going to look up TBCN to get some ideas. I'd love to be put into the drawing! Thanks~Stacey

  45. It's great to learn more about Nora. I had no idea that's how TBCN came about. Congrats and Happy Birthday, Nora! :)

  46. Congrats, Nora. I remember when you first started promoting this on Facebook. You've worked hard to fill a gap and you've done an awesome job for the industry.

    Thank you for the time and effort you've put in and I wish and the TBCN well in the future.

    Anita Mae.

  47. I can't tell you how much I want these books. 13 books? Wow, that could keep me busy all summer.

  48. JANET ... I LOVE speaking at book clubs too, either face-to-face or on Skype or speakerphone -- SOOO FUN!!!

    Thanks, JAN, for joining and GOOD LUCK in the contest, girlfriend!!

    STACEY ... Yet ANOTHER Georgia girl!! Thanks for checking TBCN out and be sure to join too, for extra points!!


  49. KAREN ... honestly, Nora is one of the COOLEST people I know. I got to meet her at a book signing in Georgia a few years ago and I absolutely LOVE her. Sooo glad you got to learn more about her.

    ANITA MAE ... YES, she has!!! I honestly don't know how she does everything she does, because she works, runs book clubs, TBCN, ACFW book club coordinator, mom, wife, GREAT friend!! She's amazing.

    LOL, DANYELLE ... yes it could, sweetie, so get cracking and join TBCN and FB it too, for extra points, okay?


  50. Nora, congrats on the 1 year mark.
    I'm really excited to learn about TBCN and see about joining.
    This will either pop in as anonymous or as nancykimball at hotmail dot com
    In case I win ;-)

  51. Nora,
    So glad to see you here in Seekerville! Hugs from another ATL gal!

    So glad Julie included grits in the breakfast! :)

    Congrats on your success and upcoming anniversary! I'm headed to your site.

    Keep up the great work! We appreciate all you do for authors and readers alike.

  52. I would love this. I would like to start a book club at church.

  53. Congrats. I think book clubs are great. I've always wanted to join one, but I can't imagine where I'd find the time. And now that I'm reducing my reading, or I should say, targeting it more specifically to help in my writing, probably not a great idea.

    But I imagine the fun and fellowship in addition to reading great books is probably a blast.

  54. Hey! That list of books sounds really awesome!!

    I never heard of TBCN before! I've already gone and signed up for the club as well as asked to join the group on facebook.

    What a find! :-D From what you've said, Julie, y'all have a TON of fun on TBCN!

    ~ Katy

  55. Hey, NANCE, you popped in as Nancy, which is WAY better than anonymous!! Good luck in the contest, sweetie.

    DEB ... ANOTHER Georgia peach!! And OF COURSE I would include grits! You Southern gals would have my hide if I didn't ... :)

    WENDY ... a book club at church sounds like a WONDERFUL idea, sweetie -- go for it!!

    PATRICIA ... oh, me too, sweetie -- always wanted to join a book club, but never have. Maybe someday ... And good for you, girl, that you're increasing your focus on writing -- always a good thing for we writers!!


  56. Thanks, Julie! I did FB and Twitter. Getting ready to cut and paste for my writer's network's blog. :D

    Stay safe, girl! Let me know when the storm passes that you're ok. I have lot's of family and friend in the path of this storm going through Missouri today. Kansas City friends are ok. Now I'm waiting to hear if my brother weathered the storm in Jeff city. My folks and SIL are ok there. Then I have tons of family and friend in St. Louis metro. This has been a very long week! Let me know you're ok once the storm blows through.

  57. Happy Birthday, Nora and TBCN! I was so happy to discover you this year around the time of my debut novel release! As a result of getting involved on TBCN I already had one group in California contact me saying they had heard about Yesterday's Tomorrow on the website and were going to read it! Very cool!! Thanks for all the hard work you do for authors and readers!!

  58. Ok! I posted on ColaChristianWritersNetwork(dot)blogsopt(dot)com and posted that to FB and Twitter also. :D

  59. I'll be on a cruise with my daughter on the 13th so I hope the ship has wi-fi. :) Would love to win the box of books to share with my writers group!

    Congrats on your one-year anniversary!

  60. Sirens went off in town awhile ago. A tornado was on the ground in the area, about 20 miles from us. It was dark, and the wind was high. Now it has lightened, but storm warning are still on TV.

  61. THANKS JULIE and everyone that stopped by today while I was at work. I'm making a pit stop home, eating and heading to church. Tonight is the last night of Me, Myself and Lies by Jennifer Rothchild. Can't miss that.

    I'll catch up with everyone tonight. I appreciate you all so much.

    THANKS AGAIN JULIE for all your comments today!! You are the BEST!!


    Nora :D
    The Book Club NEtwork

  62. hi there Ms. Nora and welcome! :)

    Def. praying for those in the tornadoes path... we've got some friends in that area and have been getting updates from them on fb.

    TBCN sounds interesting, will def. check them out on fb. = )


  63. I belong to a Christian fiction book club, though we do read nonfiction to discuss about once a year.
    We've met with several authors who live in or near Kansas, which always is a highlight for us. I'd love to win a box of books to share with my book club friends.
    Happy Birthday TBCN!

  64. Im late posting. happy birthday to TBCN cant believe its a year.
    I like the online book clubs as I tried here to get one but got no where.
    I like the club too dont think I can make the party cos I will have to work my time tuesday morning.
    Good to see you here Nora

  65. Thanks for introducing me to TBCN, Nora. For someone who has never joined a book club, this sounds perfect for me. Yowza! What a generous prize. I'm heading to TBCN now. Have a wonderful Memorial weekend!

  66. Happy Birthday, TBCN! And thank you for coming to Seekerville, Nora.

  67. Helen, things ok your way, now?

    Julie? How about you?

  68. THANKS Casey for your encouragement and Birthday wishes. I APPRECIATE your help so much at the ACFW On-Line Book Club. I love your excitement!

    Oh, Mary!! We ENJOYED you so much at our book club meeting. It wasn't your fault that all circuits were busy and we couldn't get through to each other!! We'll have to do it again!

    Ronie THANKS for the BD Wishes. I appreciate your encouragement and support. I'm looking forward to you participating in our Birthday Bash!

    Patti PEACH MUFFINS!! YUMMY!! Sure sounds good about now! It's been fun to see what everyone is reading at their Book Club Meetings at TBCN.

    Vince - THANKS for your encouragement, support and Birthday Wishes. Times are hard for many people and giving my book club members time to read the books anyway they can! Many check out books from the library, and popular books can have up to 50 people waiting in line to read them. If our book club pick goes on sale at work. I email everyone so they can take advantage of a good buy! I'm sure Ebooks will become all the rage but right now we are reading paperback books.
    All the best to you with your new book!

    Linette - THANKS for blogging about TBCN's Birthday Bash!! The more the Merrier at TBCN the better for everyone. I appreciate you spreading the world.

    I hope you do check out TBCN HOLLY - There are a few on-line book clubs there!! One of them is the ACFW On-Line Book Club page. You can read who we've had to book club and there are author interviews and lots of other fun Book related information.

    Savage Girl - THANKS for your Birthday Wishes!! Glad you are at TBCN!!

    Janet Dean!! THANKS for your Birthday wishes. I look forward to you participating in our Birthday Bash on June 13th. I'm looking forward to it.........

  69. Jan Drexler - THANKS for joining TBCN and letting others know about TBCN. I APPRECIATE your Encouragement and support! It helps to make TBCN a win win for everyone!

    Stacy - WAVING to you in GA!! I hope you join TBCN. There are so many good book club discussions there on how to start a book club and also helpful book club selections to pick from. Hope to see you there soon!

    Karen - THANKS for your Birthday Wishes and encouragement!! You'd also be surprised that I'm Dyslexic and didn't get diagnosed until I was 26 years old. I didn't start reading for pleasure until I started working at a book store and the only thing to talk about were books. Then my boss asks me to start a book club at the store. Talk about feeling a little overwhelmed.

    But the Lord told me that what he wanted me to do was love the ladies he put in my life liked He has Loved me!! So that's what started it all. I'm still Dyslexic but the Lord has REDEEMED the bad feelings and memories of reading and Replaced them with AMAZING NEW MEMORIES about reading that I cherish! Thanks again for your support! FYI

    Anita - THANKS for your encouragement and support. It means so much!! Thanks also for letting your friends know about TBCN on facebook!!

    Danyelle - YES, This is a FUN list of books. I've enjoyed them very much. Tell your friends, Twitter and facebook about this and join TBCN for MORE Chances to win this box of books!!

    Nancy THANKS for your Birthday Wishes. I hope you join TBCN where Book Fun Begins!!!

    Debbie Giusti - WAVING to you in GA!! Debbie Grits are good with anything and are welcome at all occassions. We are having a Movie Brunch this Saturday and You guessed it I'm bringing Grits. Not kidding! Hope to see you at TBCN soon!!

    Wendy You'll definately learn from the other book clubs who have set up pages at TBCN. There are lots of discussions about setting up book clubs and what to look for!

    THANKS again to everyone for stopping by and helping to spread the word about TBCN.

    Nora St.Laurent

  70. Happy Birthday!!!! You and Fred do a fantastic job on TBCN. I love all the new pictures on your profile psge on FB, I have enjoyed looking at them. Betsy

  71. I do hope Helen and Julie are safe!! Praying for your safety!

    Krista4 - THANKS for stopping by TBCN and checking our site out!! I'm agreeing with you in prayer for the people in Kansas!

    Pam - Our group read a non-fiction book last year, Called The Same Kind of Different as me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore!! Everyone like it! I think we might do that again. The box of books would be great for your group. Thanks for helping spread the word of TBCN - I'd Love for you and your book club to join TBCN. Loved to get to know you and your group better.

    Ausjenny - Hey Jenny - THANKS for your Birthday Wishes. I apprecaite you and your involvement on the ACFW on-line book club loop. You are a blessing.

    Jillian - THANKS for your encouragement - I look forward to seeing you at TBCN. Tell your friends about us. Have a Great weekend too!!

    Patricia - We do have fun at TBCN that's for sure! What's made it more exciting has been talking to authors either on speaker phone or in person at our book club meetings. It really adds to the event!! Thanks for your Birthday wishes!!

    Katy - THANKS for joining TBCN Site and our facebook page. Tell your friends. Remember Book Fun Begins at TBCN. I'm so glad you found us!

    Cathy, THANKS for the Birthday wishes. I'm so glad you are at The Book Club Network and have made some connections. I've enjoyed getting to know you and reading your new book Yesterday's Tomorrow.

    Edwina - You are such an encourager!! I appreciate you. There are some really good books I know you would enjoy. Thanks for helping spread the world about TBCN! You are a blessing. Have a good trip!

    Cara - THANKS for the Birthday Wishes!! I do feel welcome here!! Thanks to everyone for that. I'm so glad to be here!! Hope to see you at TBCN!!

    THANKS JULIE for all you did for me today. THANKS Mary and the other Seekervill gang!! THANKS for your support and encouragement of TBCN and our BIRTHDAY BASH - MONDAY JUNE 13th AT TBCN on Facebook!

    Remember Book Fun Begins at TBCN!!

    Nora :D

  72. NORA, LINNETTE AND ALL ... all's well in St. Louis -- no damage AT ALL anywhere, which is a miracle considering the storm path coming at us. Thanks for praying, everyone!!

    NORA ... LOVED having you here today, girlfriend, and wish I was coming to see you this summer in Atlanta. :(


  73. Linnette:

    Right after I posted about the sirens, our TV and internet went out. Just got back on.

    Tornado touched down and did damage at Ellsinore. Another did damage in Silva. And Greenville had their power knocked out, so we had to cancel church services.The things were bouncing all around us.

    Everything now seems to be calmed down here in southeast Wayne County, Missouri.


  74. You're all over the place, Nora! Maybe a run for President is next ;)

  75. Loves 2 Read Romance - LauraMay 25, 2011 at 10:59 PM

    Hi Nora! I am defiantly going to have to check out your site. I live in a small town and it would interesting if I could join a book club. As much as I read I have never been part of one.


  76. Happy Birthday to TBCN! Wow! I didn't even know TBCN existed. I will definitely be checking your site out. I have never been part of a book club but have always wanted to join one. I will definitely check to see if there are any in the Auburn, IN area.

    I love reading Christian fiction and would love to get into discussions about many of the books I have read. So, thank you very much for your post today and opening up a 'new world' to me.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  77. Happy birthday. Thanks for the giveaway.

  78. I learned so much about book clubs....thanks....keep hoping one will pop up here in the "country"!!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  79. What a fantastic article, and so excited about your box of books!! Entere me in the drawing, and I joined on facebook as well.

  80. Okay - I posted on Twitter [well, retweeted Linnette], a link to the web page on Facebook, asked to join the Facebook group and joined TBCN.



  81. I'm already a fan on facebook; but, I just asked to join. Don't know if it'll accept. Sounds like fun.

  82. Fred and I just RECEIVED OUR BIRTHDAY WISH - a little early!! We are Snoopy Dancing at our house!! We JUST REACHED our 1,000 member a few minutes ago!!

    THANKS to all of you for making this possible. I'm SO GLAD to hear that both Julie and Helen are ok and didn't get harmed from the storm.

    What a Blessing!! THANK the Lord from whom ALL blessings come!

    Thanks so much for having me here!

    Nora :D
    The Book Club Network

  83. Happy Birthday To You, Happy
    Birthday To You, Happy Birthday
    Dear TBCN, Happy Birthday to you...
    And Many More!
    Love the new Logo.
    Many thanks for this generous
    and fabulous book giveaway!

  84. Rick - I don't think being the President would be alot of BOOK FUN!! Too Stressful for me. But I have to say it's sure nice to have good friends!!

    Laura - Look forward to you joining TBCN - its definately a place for BOOK FUN!!

    Cindy - THANKS for the Birthday Wishes - I'm so glad you've found us!! I'm thankful you too have found a whole NEW world of BOOK FUN at TBCN!! WELCOME!

    Tore - THANKS for the Birthday Wishes!! I hope You'll stop by TBCN site and facebook Page!!

    Jacki - I hope you stop by TBCN and Check out the ON-LINE BOOK CLUBS that have set up a page there. You could join one until you wait for the face-to-face one!

    Melanie- THANKS for joining TBCN on facebook - Hope you'll Attend our Birthday Bash on JUNE 13th at 9p.m. EST The GRAND PRIZE is a Kindle!! Not to mention over $200 in gift cards and over 20 books to give away.

    THANKS CAROL for letting people know about TBCN!! Hope you can make our Birthday Party!!

    LeAnn THANKS for oing TBCN on Facebook. Hope you too can be a Part of our BIRTHDAY BASH!!

    It's a blessings to be here. Thanks for all your encouragement!! Remember if you have a give away, interview or book signing to post OR any BOOK FUN EVENT!! PLEASE post it to TBCN's Facebook Page!! This way EVERYONE can be part of your fun!

    Thanks again!!

    Nora :D
    The Book Club Network

  85. THANKS for your Birthday Song Cindy!! OOOOOOOOOOOH!!! That was SO SWEET!! Lord Willing we hope to have many more BOOK FUN YEARS!!

    That was so nice!!
    I appreciate your song!

    Nora :D

  86. I admit it - I'm a bookaholic! I've always loved books. Will have to check out the book club.


  87. Happy Birthday!
    That is really great, connecting authors with book clubs, that's awesome! Happy Bithday!

  88. I love the logo! And would love to win the books!


  89. What a great idea! Very interesting post.

  90. Totally awesome!


  91. Hi, PATSY!! Thanks for stopping by - hope you get a chance to check out the Book Club Network where book fun begins!!

    Faye - Thanks for the Birthday Wishes - It's been fun to watch authors connecting with book clubs and visa versa!

    Edwina Thanks for your encouragement about the Logo - a friend of ours took lots of pictures and my daughter and I spent hours looking through the many pictures taken to pick just the right one. Then when we had that picked she put the final touches on it with making it B & W and getting just the right font! It is catchy!

    IGM52 Thanks for stopping by - I hope that you are able to check out TBCN!! It's the best place for book fun!

    Hi Jim; THANKS for stopping by - I appreciate your encouragement about the logo - So glad that B & H gave us permission to use your book in the stack. This stack of books represent books that really touched my heart!! Yes, yours in the stack!

    Liehn - Thanks for stopping by - I hope you can make it to TBCN for our Birthday Bash JUNE 13th!!



  92. Congratulations on your 1st anniversary! The new logo is great. I know the party will be wonderful!

  93. Hi Nora, Congrats on your 1 Yr anniversary. I am not a club member but have been avid reader for over 55 yrs. I am not sure if I want to join a club as I am still getting use to retirement, have so much to do around my home along with my bad health. Having to be somewhere at a given time is hard for me at present.
    Love the concept of the club and am sure it will help a lot of clubs get new members.

    Would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  94. Meemama - THANKS for the birthday wishes. I appreciate them very much. Hope you get a chance to check out TBCN and go to our Birthday Bash!!

    Misskallie - THANKS for your wishes as well. I appreciate you and Congrats on retirement! I bet there is so much to catch up on! You can join an on-line book club when you feel like you are ready. This way you can be part of a book club and not have to leave your house. At TBCN we have a few of these types of clubs that have set up pages!!


    Nora :D

  95. Happy Birthday Nora and Fred!!!! I love all the interviews. Great job!!!! Betsy

  96. Hello Nora,

    This look like a lot of fun!


  97. THANKS Betsy for your birthday wishes and encouragement. I APPRECIATE YOU!!

    Janet - Yes, Remember Book Fun Begins at TBCN where you can learn about all kinds of books that would work well within a book club setting!

    Blessings to you both. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you check us out at our website and on facebook. We can learn so much from each other at The Book Club Network Also remember our Birthday Bash is JUNE 13th Monday night at 9p.m. Eastern Standard Time!! Hope to see you there. We have so many good prizes to give out!!

    THANKS again Seekerville gang for having me here. I APPPRECIATE your support and encouragement more than words can discribe!


    nora :D
    The Book Club Network

  98. Happy Birthday, Nora! I would love to win the books. I'm down to two stacks of books by my bed, so I'm getting worried about running out of reading material. Seriously, though, congratulations on a great year. Thanks for all you do to keep us reading! We love you! Tisha
