Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Creative Spaces by Sherry Kyle

Cheryl here! Today's guest is friend and Abingdon author Sherry Kyle who has some great thoughts on the importance of having a writing space. Sherry has graciously agreed to give away a copy of her new release, Delivered with Love, to one lucky commenter. Contest rules apply. Enjoy!



Creative Spaces

Hi, everyone! A special thanks to Cheryl for inviting me to the Seekers!

When I sat down at the kitchen table with my laptop and thought about what to
share, I was immediately distracted by the loud noises coming from the video game
my husband and son were playing. Yikes. Get me out of here!

So I grabbed the key to my office and went out to my backyard.


That’s right. But I’ll get to that in a minute. Allow me to start from the beginning . . .

For years I wrote at a desktop computer in my bedroom. It was a good arrangement
until my back and neck started hurting and I couldn’t stop thinking about my
characters when it was time for bed. My desk was not conducive to good posture,
nor was working in my bedroom the best idea for a full night’s sleep. I ended up
going to the chiropractor on a weekly basis for months. I had to think of a better
arrangement if I was to keep writing.

Then my husband bought me a laptop. Now I could write anywhere—the local
coffeehouse, the kitchen table, or sitting in my favorite chair in the family room.

But I still longed for a space of my own.

Of course the ideal situation would be to have an office in a spare bedroom, but our
four children filled every room in our house. I thought about transforming a large
closet into an office and even went so far as considering remodeling our house.
Drastic, I know, but I was desperate for a quiet space.

One day, I went to Home Depot and spoke to a worker about my dream of having an
office. She responded, “What you need is a shed.”

A writing shed? Brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that?

I was excited about the idea and went home and researched sheds on my computer.
I stumbled across California Custom Sheds. They build every type of wood storage
shed imaginable. Check them out here: www.calcustomsheds.com.

I gave them a call and a worker came to my home and looked at the area in our
backyard where we planned on putting the shed. He asked me specific questions
about door and window placement as well as roof color. The best part is that they build the shed on site in a day!

My writing shed is 8 ½ x 9 feet. I like a lot of light, so I chose a French door, big
windows, and a skylight. The rest of the project my husband and I either worked on
together or hired out, including: electricity, insulation, drywall, flooring, trim, and
paint inside and out. (Most areas do not require permits for accessory structures
under 120 square feet, but check with your local building department to see
whether or not you’d need a permit.)

We hung valances, shelves, pictures, and a clock as well as purchased a rug and
new lighting. Check out Home Reserve for small, comfortable furniture you build
yourself: www.HomeReserve.com and Office Max for affordable desks to fit your
space: www.OfficeMax.com. I purchased a loveseat and desk from these companies
and couldn’t be happier with my choices. What do you think?

What does having a writing space have to do with writing?

Everything! When you have a specific place to write, you’ll take your work more
seriously. Do you have a writing space? With a little creativity and determination,
you can find a way to have the space you’ve always dreamed about.

If you don’t have a spare bedroom to use as an office or the budget to build a shed,
consider these ideas:

Set up a desk or table in a quiet corner.

Convert a closet into an office space.

Purchase a computer armoire.

Go to your local library or your favorite coffeehouse.

Or consider these ideas to get you in the writing zone . . .

Write when everyone is asleep.

Wear earplugs to block out sound or headsets and listen to your favorite music.

Carry a notebook and write whenever you have a spare moment.

Light a scented candle to signal it’s time to write.

Tell us about your writing space. Or if you have one. Or what gets you in the writing




Sherry Kyle is a graduate of Biola University with a degree in Communications, and
a minor in Bible. She is the author of The Christian Girl’s Guide to Style (Legacy Press,
2010) and Delivered with Love (Abingdon Press, 2011). Sherry and her husband
have four children, three biological and one by adoption. When she isn't writing,
she enjoys Zumba, watching movies, reading and spending time with her family and
friends. She lives in California. You can find her on the web at: www.sherrykyle.com

Back cover copy of Delivered with Love:

An old love letter found in the glove compartment of a young woman's inherited
1972 Volkswagen propels her to leave her life in Los Angeles and go to the small
town of Capitola, California. There her dream of finding the writer of the letter leads
her on an unexpected journey that changes her life forever.

Claire James, age twenty-three, is ready to make it on her own. When she's fired
from her job as a waitress and subsequently kicked out of her sister's home, she
sees it as an opportunity to start over. But even before moving, a thirty-five-year-old
love letter written to her mother keeps Claire stuck in the past. Michael Thompson, a
middle-aged real estate agent, wants to keep the past where it belongs--at least until
his grown daughter is married. But, then a young woman comes to town...

Cheryl here! Don't forget to leave a comment for a chance to win Sherry's book! s

Cheryl & Sherry


  1. I tried to create a writing space in my house and I had trouble doing so. I much prefer a coffee shop.

  2. Hi Sherry.

    Two paws up for your writing space. What a SUPER idea! Never woulda thunk it.

    Mine is in a modified closet with double doors. Great space because I have the entire room to myself really, and I can shut the doors when company comes.

    Thanks for sharing. may at maythek9spy dot com

    Hi Walt! I've tried at a coffee shop. Still don't have the hang of it yet. Too much noise for me and I get distracted...

  3. Love your writing shed!

    I was blessed to have an office of my own for 2 whole years, but that was before I really started writing. A month after I began this journey, Dear Boy moved home from college for the summer.


    But I miss my office.

    Will miss the boy when he goes back to school as I happy dance back in my own space!

  4. I'm blessed. I've converted a small bedroom into an office that houses my desktop computer, book shelves, resources, and supplies. Then I have my "nest" in the living room, which is my recliner next to the hearth. Hubby gave me a laptop for Christmas, so I use it here.

    Okay, belly up to the coffee bar. The pot's ready.


  5. I love your little office. It's so cute and cuddly.

    I have a 12x24 room that was built on the back of the garage when the first owner designed the house. It was his gun room. Nine foot ceilings and high, frosted, barred windows! A couple of years ago I finally had a nice big window put in. I can watch the sunset and the trees in the backyard.

    It's not only my writing room, but also my art studio, scrapbooking room, exercise room, music room and reading room. And it's starting to look like an episode out of "Hoarders"! Oh my. I keep thinking I need to organize this space so it's comfortable and inductive to creativity instead of chaos. But then I think I could use that time to write. So the piles grow.

    After seeing your little office so neat and spanking new, I'm motivated to clear up my room and make it the office I deserve. Thank you for sharing.

  6. hi everyone! that books sounds good! work's a doozy tonight - came in and hit the floor running with one problem after another for the first couple of hours - blech!

    cute writing shed!


  7. ARGH. Huff! I am not sure why the formatting is funky on this. Tried to fix it but Blogger's being a bugar.

    Anyway, a huge welcome to Sherry!

    LOVE the office! Come decorate mine? LOLOL!

  8. Sherry,

    I enjoyed your story and your shed is darling.

    You've made me think of some ways to create a space for myself in my home. I have done that in the past but haven't done it lately.

    Would love to win the book.

  9. The idea of space used only for writing, is a sweet dream. Our two bedroom house has one small hall closet and no quiet corners.

    My laptop sits on the kitchen table when it's out.

    Writing time consists of a few hours in the afternoon on the rare day when my daughter actually naps.

    I'd love to win the book

    andeemarie95 at gmail dot com

  10. Oh my stars, Sherry, I'm beyond impressed! (says she as she types at the scarred kitchen table with the newest kitten sleeping alongside and DO NOT LOOK AT THE CLUTTER!!!)

    How adorable is that???? I'm totally over-the-top in love with the idea! And with four kids at home, can certainly see the need, LOL!

    Good for you!

    Grabbing coffee and leaving high protein breakfast, eggs and ham, no toast, no bagels, no donuts, no nothin'!!! Gotta get you guys in shape for RWA next week! ;)

    Thanks for being here, Sherry!

  11. Sherry,
    I love your writing space. How creative! I have an office in my house, a guest bedroom, but I do share it with my hubby, TV, dog, 2 cats...I can see how your idea might work for me.

    I love your book cover! Beautiful!
    belindapeterson at tds dot net

  12. I love your writing space I wish I had one like that!!! I prefer writing in my living room where there is a breathtaking landscape and spacious windows that can look over the land.

  13. Good morning, Sherry!

    I love your writing shed! What a cute home away from home. Of course, if it were mine, it would be a cluttered mess in no time flat. I only fantasize about my office staying that neat, LOL!

    Walt, I'd love to learn how to write at a coffee shop. Unfortunately, I get way too distracted for that to be beneficial in any way other than caffeinating me endlessly.

  14. I love my writing space. I recently moved from the 'hood to a nicer neighborhood. While I had a home office in the previous place, it was dark and grungy and not inviting.

    Now my bedroom and office are one and the same, and the room is spacious enough to hold desk, bed AND my two bookcases, with lots of inviting light when I want it (and an electric bill I can afford!).

    I have creative things around me to encourage me on (the one and only painting I ever did, the trophy I got in high school for directing the winning one act play, and my plaque from winning the historical category in Genesis last year). Plus simply looking at shelves of books is inspiration to me.

    It is very inspiring and I feel blessed.

    I do occasionally go out and write at B&N or Chick-Fil-A, but most of the time in my writer's lair.

    BK Jackson

  15. Every time we buy a new house (way too often), I tell my dear husband how a four bedroom house is a much better investment than a three bedroom...besides, I say, isn't it great when we can have a room to put all the school stuff?

    The school room is in the process of being transformed into my office. During the school year it's writing space from 6:00 am to 9:00 am, then magically transforms (with the addition of a couple boys) into the school room. After school it's mine again!

    But when I saw your writing shed I fell in love. I have a wee corner of the yard where something like that would fit...

    I'd love to win your book -


  16. Sherry, welcome!! What an amazing office!! I'm battling some serious envy!

    I'm wondering where you are in CA. Do you have a/c in your office?? Here in GA, I'd die if I didn't.

    So very cool. Thanks for sharing!!

  17. SHERRY!!! LOVE the shed, girl -- you are a true original!!

    I used to work back-to-back with my hubby in a VERY small office where we were exactly two feet apart. Although that is MOST conducive to leaning back for an occasional kiss (a true fringe benefit for a romance writer), he needs music to work and I need total silence. Although his headset and my ear plugs helped, his conference calls and finger drumming to the music would drive me up the wall. UNTIL ... he bought me a laptop and suddenly the world became my oyster!! Feet up in the hearth room in front of a crackling fire in winter, feet up on my lower deck facing the woods in the spring/summer/fall.

    Now my problem is organization. Things slip through the cracks because I don't have a stationery workplace (other than his office, which is such a mess, I can't go in there anymore) where I keep paperwork, and do general business stuff, which is wreaking havoc on my mindset. I was thinking of getting one of those portable-desk folders that open up with pockets and calendar, etc., but ... a shed on the lower deck sounds pretty good to me ... or, I guess I could bite the bullet and clean my old (and his) office ... :/


  18. Welcome to the posting side of Seekerville, Sherry! Congratulations on Delivered with Love!

    I adore your writing shed! Just being away from the phone and chores calling my name sounds awesome! I write at a desktop overlooking our great room. The view is lovely and I have oodles of file drawers and bookshelves but I want to get used to laptop keys so I'll have more flexibility to write elsewhere. I feel so tethered. LOL

    Thanks for breakfast, Ruthy. I'm taking small portions. I need to eat less not more before RWA.


  19. Hi, all!

    It's 7 am here in CA. What a surprise to see so many comments already!

    Walt, I like going to a coffee shop every once in a while, but I find I talk too much! Of course, I went to the library in college to socialize too! LOL!

    KC, a closet is a great idea. And the best part is being able to shut the doors—when you need a break and don't want to look at your work!

    Hi Marji! It's amazing how much we realize we love something when it's gone. So happy for you that you get your office back, but I'm sure you're going to miss your boy!

    Helen, I must confess I do use my laptop too while I'm sitting on the comfy chair in my family room. Of course, the kids need to be sleeping. Oh, I so need my morning cup of coffee so I'm glad the coffee is ready! :)

    Thanks, Christy! How wonderful to have such a big space for all your interests. Organization . . . that's a different topic. I like things neat and tidy, but that doesn't mean I'm super organized! Like you, I need a nice view!

    Hi, Susanna. Hope the problems subsided with work.

    Sherry Kyle

  20. Hi Cheryl! I'd LOVE to decorate your office! LOL! My next girl's book is The Christian Girl's Guide to Your New Room.

    HI Cathy! Where do you write now? Carving a space for myself was not only important, but loads of fun! You should definitely try it! :)

    Andrea, I remember those days well! Hang in there! Being near those little ones and grabbing writing time when you can is sometimes a way of life. Keep dreaming!

    Hey, Ruth! My office was definitely built out of desperation! And it was WAY cheaper than adding on to our house. I haven't had breakfast and the stomach is grumbling! How's the kitty?

    Lindi, thanks for commenting about my book cover. Abingdon Press does WONDERFUL covers. It's exactly as I'd hoped it would be. Hey, if you have a shed built, let me know! I'd love to see pictures.

    Hi, Rose. I love the way you describe your view. Makes me want to see it! (Okay, I have to admit I'm not quite totally awake. I thought it said 'breathing' landscape. LOL!)

    Time for coffee. Helen, where is that coffee bar? :)

    Sherry Kyle

  21. Sherry! Your shed is brilliant, although I must ask... is it always so neat? I'm even more impressed if it is =)

    One of the perks of living alone in a three bedroom house. You set foot in my writing room and right away know what it is. A wall of bookshelves, a wall covered almost floor to ceiling in white poster board that's got character notes, timelines, inspirations, photos, etc. It gets so much more use than the exercise room *cough* :p

    When the desktop finally buys the farm I'm getting a laptop, just so I can try the coffee shop, the park, Houston traffic (KIDDING!)

    And I thought I was the only one who lit a scented candle when in "full on writer" mode. Nice to know I'm in good company =)

  22. Audra, I admit I do have a closet to hold books, file cabinet, etc and it doesn't always stay super neat. When I go to a coffee house, I have to face the wall to write. Otherwise, I'll talk to anyone that walks by! :)

    BK Jackson, your office sounds perfect for you! I wrote at a desk in my bedroom for years. I found I had a hard time sleeping at night. Glad it works for you!

    Jan, moving is hard work! I'd love to have a 4 BR house too! I have a feeling my girls would each claim a room of their own. Let me know if you do have a shed built.

    Missy, thanks for the welcome. I live in Central CA. No, no a/c. I do have a little floor heater I use in the winter.

    Hi, Julie! Okay, I had to chuckle. You sound like me. I need total silence and my husband likes to listen to music. And having him around is a distraction to me! :) Yes, a laptop is awesome! Organization. Sigh. I'm a little scattered myself.

    Janet, thanks. Your office sounds organized! I'd love to have oodles of file drawers and bookshelves! That's awesome! I get distracted by my dogs scratching at the door to come inside the shed. Oh, and I put in a phone line. Maybe that wasn't such a smart idea! A laptop does give a lot of freedom.

    Ruthie, breakfast sounds good! Need that protein. I'm still in my pajamas. Time to get dressed and wake up the kiddos!

  23. I was excited about reading ideas today for a writing space, since I'm in the midst of refining my work space. My space (for now) is on one end of my dining room (which isn't used real often). I have my computer desk with a book case on either side. One filled with writing and resource books, and the other one loaded with fiction books. I even have shelves on the desk for resource books I utilize the most. Today I'm working on cleaning up the desk area and drawers. I also have photos of the lighthouse that I'm writing about with my historical fiction novel. I'm excited to get it all set up today.

    Thanks for sharing ideas.

    Jodie Wolfe

  24. Groan. Sigh.
    This is a problem for me right now. I USED to have a writing space. The study was my very own, the desktop was my very own, and I could sit down and write with no problem. With the door closed, I could still hear my kids, but it was background noise that reassured me all was right in the world and I wasn't distracted. But NOW ...

    Now my older children frequently come into my study to read or get on one of our two computers. And my husband, who lost his job nine months ago, has permanently moved into my study and claimed the desktop as his very own as he endlessly searches for a job and fills out applications online.

    I probably shouldn't complain, as I have the laptop, and I sit on the couch to write and check my emails, but I'm usually too distracted to get any real writing done. I went to the library nearest my house to write recently, but it was kind of noisy and distracting, since so many people were coming in that I know. Then I tried going to a library a little farther away, but it was so quiet, it kind of bothered me. LOL! Today I'm thinking about trying a new place. I just wish you could buy motivation in a bottle, like a vitamin pill. Ha! Too bad it doesn't work that way. If I could also buy some discipline maybe I wouldn't let myself be so distracted by emails!!!

    But your office looks beautiful, Sherry! Congrats on the perfect writing space!

  25. Sherry, I love this. What a cute idea. I don't know if I could convince my husband of the need for a writing shed, but I'm sure going to try. I can picture it now, and it really makes me long for one.

    My favorite writing place is the beach. It's the perfect environment for me, and most conducive to my creativity.

    I love the cover of your book!

  26. I've never thought of the shed idea--that's awesome!

    I'm finding that I get a lot done when I go to the library--and our library isn't known for being quiet. But there's no bills or children of mine or video games going on in the background to distract me. I'm glad we live so close to it.

  27. Your writing shed is awesome. I love how homey it is. I've seen lots of pictures for crafting sheds. We don't have enough room in our backyard. Usually I'll write on my desktop in our office or with my laptop in our room when my husband games.

  28. Hi Nancy! Wow, a writer's dream! I had to laugh about the exercise room. Yes, we all need one of those! I try to be neat because it's a small space and I tend to feel claustrophobic. But you should see my side closet in my house! YIKES.

    Hey Jodie! You sound like you're in organization mode. It will feel so good when everything is set up. Can't wait to hear how it all turns out.

    Melanie, I feel for you. It's hard when your space is being taken over. I do share my office! My husband works on his classroom website every Monday night, the kids hang out and do homework every once in a while and it's also a great place to chat with a friend. But during the day when everyone is at school/work, it's all mine. But now it's summer . . . Sigh.

    Suzie, how do you write at the beach? Don't you get sand all over your laptop? Hey, if it works, than that's the best writing space for you. God's creation is amazing!

    Hi Sally. I'm glad to hear your library is quiet. :) Isn't it fun to read about the different places people write! What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. The key is finding the best place for YOU!


  29. What a great little space you have! As a stay at home mom with little ones, it's very hard to get away or have time during the day to write. Thankfully, at least one of mine still has nap time every day and my older child has "room time", so that gives me a good hour plus to relax and have some writing time. Other than that, I usually wait until they're asleep. I love having a laptop, so I'm able to move around the house (but I usually end up on the couch!). Thanks for the fun post!
    Blessings, Stacey

  30. I have a close-up desk in three different rooms. I'm OCD enough that each desk is designated for a different writing task. One is research...because my research books are right next to it plus that's the desk top I use for Internet research.

    The other desk I'm trying to get cleaned out for an area to organize book mailouts and other promo stuff. I need to be more organized with that.

    I write on my laptop by the fireplace in a recliner but occasionally (when I get sleepy!) I will set the laptop up at one of the folding desks so I can be more disciplined and "feel" like I'm more at work. LOL!

    The other desk is for the kids to use as a homework desk so they're not tempted to invade my writing or research space. LOL!

    If anyone has ideas on how to organize mail out materials, I'd game to hear it. LOLOL!

  31. Another idea is getting a small vintage travel trailer. I bought and restored one to camp in with my vintage trailer travel club, but it also makes a great get-away if you can park it in your back or side yard. I like to take my laptop out there on a nice day. They can be fixed up really cute. If you move it's easy to take with you. Google vintage travel trailers, it's a popular hobby.

  32. Hi Cynthia. It's nice to be able to move around, isn't it? Can you write with all the gaming noise? Or does your husband use headphones? I can't write with noise in the background.

    Thanks, Stacey. My kids are teens and one tween now but I remember when they were small and I had to orchestrate a time to write when they were napping.

    Cheryl, I like your style! 3 different work stations? How cool. Hey, if it works, why change?

    Christy, LOVE the vintage travel trailer idea. I can just picture you inside to get away and write. Love it! And when you go camping, you can take your work with you. Oh, wait! I guess that's not the point of a vacation!

    Sherry Kyle

  33. Hi Sherry! Love your shed. Would never have thought of that. In fact, it's got me thinking...

    I'm still in the laptop propped up on knees sitting in bed with back against wall or in a chair at kitchen counter.

  34. I love your shed!! If I had one, I'd turn it into a writing/crafting cottage. What a cute idea.

    My writing space is a doorless closet in my playroom. I found a desk that is the perfect size, a great chair, and that's my writing nook. Since my day job is spent mainly in the playroom, I can easily jot down notes in the middle of playing games or during nap time.

  35. Love the idea of a writing shed! Very cute.

  36. Wow, it's been so long since I've enjoyed the luxury of stopping in at Seekerville--and I "live" here!!!

    At least that's ONE permanent residence I can claim! From April until just last week, I actually had three physical addresses as we transitioned from house to apartment while waiting for our old house to sell and our new house to become available.

    As of June 14 we're down to two (old house sold--yay!!!).

    By July 2 we'll officially have ONE home again--and I can't wait!!

    All this to say, Sherry, that my office space is in turmoil these days as we complete the last phase of this cross-country move. But once again, it'll be a spare bedroom converted to writing space, with all the filing cabinets and bookshelves that entails!

    I have to say, though--your "writing shed" is really, really cute! What a clever idea! You've already got me thinking where in our backyard one of those would fit!

  37. I love your writing shed! What a great idea. I'm fortunate enough to have a large house and have an office. The only challenge is there no door - just an extra wide opening (larger than 2 french doors.) So the family wanders in and out all the time. :(

  38. Wow! I never thought a shed could look so nice! The possibilities...
    Thanks for sharing that Sherry!

    Eva Maria Hamilton at gmail dot com

  39. Sherry, I LOVE this! I've been eying our old shed for about a year after seeing something similar in a magazine. Good job, you!

  40. That shed looks nicer than my bedroom! Ha! The book sounds interesting also:)

  41. Oh, Sherry what a wonderful hide-a-way. Missy said she was battling envy, well I'm not fighting it...I'm giving in!

    I'm so jealous, I think I'll just print out the pictures and lay them in my husband's favorite chair, then I'll give him sideways looks until he builds me a shed for my back yard. No, wait...I live in a mobile home park. I don't have a back yard.

    Ah, well...so much for my own writing shed.

  42. I love, love, love the cover! It sounds like such an interesting story too. Congrats.

    I have a lot of trouble with my hands and have found that writing on a netbook leaves me pain free. I carry the little gizmo all over the house. I have multiple desks and a room upstairs my husband turned into a small library for me, but I prefer to write on the couch in the den.

  43. I LOVE your writing shed!!

    I want one, but dh is a carpenter.

    It's a well-known fact that carpenters' homes cannot be remodeled, added on to, or revised in any way, shape, form or fashion.


  44. Hi Patricia. Yes, I prop my laptop on my legs too, but never in bed unless it's in the morning. Do you work at night? This is a funny question, but do your elbows ever hurt from writing at the kitchen table? I've experienced this when I work at the kitchen table too long after I eat breakfast.

    Hey, Lisa! So fun to see you here. :) Don't you just love it when you find the perfect desk for your writing space. Sounds like you have! Yipee!

    Hi, Myra. Moving is hard, but exciting too! I give you props for being so flexible. I bet you can't wait to settle in, to your home AND office!

    Edwina, how nice to have a large home with an office. Here's a thought. Why not put up some screens when you're working so no one wanders in?

    Thanks, Eva! So glad you stopped by. :)

    Sherry Kyle

  45. Hi Faye! I didn't forget you! Thanks so much. :)

    Hey, Julie! After talking with the Home Depot worker, I saw a writing shed in a Better Homes & Gardens magazine and discovered the owner lived in my town. I phoned the person and we had a nice chat. She was a writer and totally convinced me to go for it! I'm happy I did.

    Courtney, my husband and I joke that the trim and floor are nicer than our house. LOL! We wanted to do it right! :) If you like a fun, light beach read, than I think you'd enjoy Delivered with Love!

    Jan, you had me laughing. I've never gone so far as print out pictures and lay them out for my husband to see, but you had me going. LOL! I'll have to keep that in mind the next time I want something. hehe

    K. Dawn, thanks for the compliment on the cover. (It feels like butter to the touch, too! :) I'm happy for you that you found a way to help your hands. And it's so portable too!

    Hi Pam! It's SO true! LOL! I have a degree in Communications (Speech Pathology) and it's a well known fact our kids have a hard time speaking! My oldest son would say, "Mom, look a pider!" (He'd drop the s!)

  46. I write when everyone's asleep (or in bed reading, for the older kids). If I ever think I can finish a thought, even with the door closed, I can't when I hear the chatter or noise outside. Love the cover of this book- how FUN! Can't wait for it!

  47. Ruth, one of my favorite authors (Elizabeth Gaskell, wrote North and South around 1886, I think) wrote at her kitchen table with her five kids running around! I always think, if she can do it, we can do it!

  48. Lovely writing area! Too bad it wouldn't work up here in the cold North country!!

    Right now I have a small desk in the corner of our dining room. One day when the kids have moved away, I hope to have my own space!

    Love reading about things like this!


  49. Sue - I just showed the pictures of the writing shed to my dear husband. His first comment? "You know, they make those little wood burning stoves that would fit right in the corner..."

    Now that would take care of the northern winters! But my next thought was - what about the journey between the house and the shed?

  50. WOW, Sherry! That's my dream office for sure!!

  51. Hi Virginia! I love the tidbit of information about Elizabeth Gaskell. We can become spoiled, can't we? I wrote for years in my bedroom with an "open door" policy, but timed my writing for when the kids were doing their homework. How late do you stay up writing?

    Sue, it really doesn't matter where you write as long as it works for you! A small corner desk in the dining room sounds nice.

    Jan, I have a relatively small backyard and the distance between the house and shed is literally ten steps away. Of course, if it snowed where I lived it would be a different story.

    Thanks, Glynna!

  52. Sherry is a good friend and a talented writer. I LOVE her office and find it hard to believe it started its life as a shed! I was blessed when we built our house 4 yrs ago that it included an office/library in the plans. I need quiet when I write, and this is the perfect spot for me.

    Don't enter me in the giveaway, as I have a copy of her book. I just wanted to stop by and offer my support and give her a cyber hug!!

    Miralee Ferrell

  53. I love your writing shed. It's so pretty. What a neat idea. Can't wait to read your book.

  54. I love the part about the old VW. I write about classic cars and think they should be used in more stories. Can't wait to read this one!

    Love your writing space. Mine used to be in our laundry room. No one wanted to go in there so it worked well! LOL. Now I'm in a former dining room. Who eats formally anymore?

  55. I'm afraid my writing space is a small fold up table that I set up in the living room and use my laptop. I dream of my own 'little' place but it's not possible at this time.

    I love your writing shed! I also love the cover of your book, DELIVERED WITH LOVE. I've wanted to read it since the first time I saw it and read a review.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  56. Oh, I'm sorry I missed this post yesterday because I have a thing for well lit, comfortable spaces!! Someday....

    CindyW, my computer "desk" is a sturdy, fold-up table, which actually works great except for the lack of drawer space. lol. That's why everything is piled up in stacks all around me.


  57. I enjoyed your post. Speaking of earplugs .... Anyone got any ideas for great earplugs? I've not had any success finding any really good ones.

  58. What a great idea. Your office is beautiful, and I'm impressed with your supportive husband helping you accomplish this.
    My youngest starts college this fall, and I mentioned to my husband an area i'd like to turn into a writing space. It's in the basement, but there's a window. I just need a little desk and chair and my laptop and I are in business.
    Thanks for sharing!

  59. Hi Sherry! An open door policy would be just 'open door' with my six, all under 11. :D If I can get the littlies asleep by 9, I can write until midnight or so, then up at 7. Sometimes it's later, if I'm really getting a lot written down. And then, sometimes my age catches up with me and I start to fuzz out around 11. Oh, for the days in college when I could pull an all-nighter and feel all right the next day!

  60. Hi MIralee! Thanks for the support and cyber hug! :) I've seen a picture of your office/library. It's wonderful! Like you, I need a quiet space to write.

    Hi Patsy! Thanks for the compliment on my office. A pretty space helps get the creative juices flowing. Anyone can create a nice space. Sometimes all we need is a nice view. Or a good cup of coffee! :)

    I loved your idea of writing in the laundry room and now the corner of the dining room, Kayleen! I enjoyed writing about a classic car in Delivered with Love and glad you like the idea too!

    Cindy, the nice thing about a laptop is that they are so portable. You can write anywhere. On a sunny day, you can even go outside! Nice!

    Whitney, do you also like to write during the day? There's something about natural light that gives me energy! :)

    Hi Susan! Earplugs make me feel claustrophobic. I'd rather go somewhere else to write. Hence, the shed. LOL! It's REAL quiet in there.

    Hi Jackie. Oh, I wish I had a basement! I grew up in CO and we had so much fun down there. Rollerskating, ping pong, train set, etc. It will be a nice office for you! (Yay for the window!)

    Virginia, I could never pull an all nighter and feel okay the next day! I'm surprised you can write till midnight with your little ones. That's awesome!


  61. I often write poems while a passenger in the car. Don't know why it works, but I can write 40 lines in less than ten minutes usually (although I might tweak it a little more later). Perhaps it is because I'm not as distracted by "real life": no phones, no emails, nobody else talking on tv, etc.
    I write poems for our annual Christmas newsletter (all our news is in verse), as well as for friends' and family's special birthdays and anniversaries.
    Printing them and embellishing them with decorations takes longer than writing them....

  62. I've often thought about taking over the shed in our yard and making it mine. There isn't any heat or electricity though so that plan won't happen. I wonder if I'd do more if I actually left the house. I have an office (used to be formal living room) that I share with my husband. It gets messy. Diana
    dlbrandmeyer @gmail.com
