Wednesday, June 29, 2011

July Contest Update

Welcome to the July Contest Update. Yes, we are early. But there's a holiday coming up and we plan to be grilling hot dogs and wading in the kiddie pool next week!

The prize vault is open. We're giving away a copy of Julie Lessman's A Hope Undaunted. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.

Just say hi and tell us what you're up to in your contest world.

Unpublished Contests

Dixie Kane Memorial Contest
. Deadline July 15. You do not need to be a member of RWA. First five pages and unjudged single page synopsis. NO ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS.

Short/long series contemporary, Rhonda Penders, Editor-in-Chief, The Wild Rose Press
Single title contemporary, Debra Dixon, Editor, Bell Bridge Books
Paranormal, Lill Farrell, Editor, The Wild Rose Press
Inspirational, Nicke Martinez, Editor, White Rose Publishing
Novel w/ strong romantic elements, Rhonda Penders, Editor-in-Chief, The Wild Rose Press
Romantic suspense, Lori Graham, Editor, The Wild Rose Press
Historical romance, Nicole D’Arienzo, Editor, The Wild Rose Press
Erotic Romance, Alicia Rasley, Editor, Red Sage Publishing

Indiana Golden Opportunity Contest. Electronic only. Deadline July 15. Entries are limited to the first 40 entries in each category. Each entry shall be no longer than 35 pages. The entry should include a copy of the opening of your manuscript, including prologue if there is one, and a copy of your synopsis (no more than 10 pages).

Historical Jesse Feldman, NAL
Mainstream w/ Strong Romantic Elements Paige Wheeler, Folio Literary
Paranormal Suzie Townsend, FinePrint Literary
Romantic Suspense Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks
Single Title Latoya Smith, Grand Central Publishing
Young Adult* Anna Webman, Curtis Brown, Ltd. (YA doesn't have to be romance)
Best-of-the-Best Meredith Giordan, Berkley Publishing

Heart of the West. Electronic Contest . Deadline July 15. Contest is open to published and unpublished authors. Unpublished authors are ranked separately from published authors. Published authors may submit only unpublished, uncontracted manuscripts.

Contemporary: Single title; category; mainstream, inspirational in a contemporary setting.
Historical: Single title; category; Regencies; suspense, mainstream, inspirational in an historical setting.
Paranormal: Time travel, ghost, futuristic, paranormals of all other kinds.
Erotic Romance: Single title; category; mainstream.
Mystery/Suspense: Single title; category; suspense, mainstream, or inspirational.
Young Adult: Single title; category; historical, inspirational, paranormal or contemporary. Published: Single title; category; historical, inspirational, paranormal, erotic, YA, suspense or contemporary.

The Golden Rose.
Deadline August 1. Electronic contest. First 50 pages!!! Optional synopsis. One of the few high page submission contests left!

Contemporary Series -
Scott Eagan, Agent, Greyhaus Literary Agency
Single Title Contemporary -
Jessica Alvarez, Bookends LLC
Historical -
Rebecca Strauss, McIntosh & Otis Literary Agency
Novel w/Strong Romantic Elements -
Katherine Pelz, Editor, The Berkley Publishing Group
Paranormal -
Vickie Motter. Andrea Hurst Literary Management
Romantic Suspense -
Kristin Sevick, TOR
Young Adult -
Holly Blanck, Assistant Editor, St. Martin’s Press
Erotic Romance -
Linda Ingmanson, Editor, Samhain

Where the Magic Begins. Deadline August 1. All electronic. First 25 pages and an unjudged, single spaced synopsis.

Historical Romance: Alicia Condon, Brava Kensington Books
Single Title: Amy Pierpont,Grand Central Publishing
Romantic Suspense: Holly Blanck, St Martin’s Press
Light Paranormal Romance: R. Leis Pederson, The Berkley Publishing Group
Dark Paranormal Romance: Erika Tsang, Avon Books, Harper Collins
Erotic Romance: Raelene Gorlinsky, Ellora’s Cave Publishing Inc
Sensual Contemporary Romance: Gail Chasan, Harlequin Special Edition
Sweet Contemporary Romance: Emily Rodmell, Love Inspired

Just For Fun

The Fourth Annual, Real Simple, Life Lessons Essay Contest.

When did you first understand the meaning of love? Maybe you were a child, witnessing a generous act by your father or mother. Maybe the lesson came later, as you grappled with the challenges of being a friend, a spouse, or a parent yourself. Whatever made you understand love—and yourself—better, tell us about it.

Enter Real Simple’s fourth annual Life Lessons Essay Contest and you could:

  • Have your essay published in Real Simple
  • Win round-trip tickets for two to New York City, hotel accommodations for two nights, tickets to a Broadway play, and a lunch with Real Simple editors
  • Receive a prize of $3,000

To enter, send your typed, double-spaced submission (1,500 words maximum, preferably in a Microsoft Word document) to Contest begins at 12:01 A.M. EST on May 3, 2011, and runs through 11:50 P.M. EST on September 15, 2011. Open to legal residents of the United States age 19 or older at time of entry. Void where prohibited by law. (Entries will not be returned.)

And a little off the beaten path...

Rosetta Books announces the Galaxy Project writing contest for science fiction novellas or novelettes.

“The winning writer will be guaranteed e-book publication as part of The Galaxy Project collection, a set of the top novellas that appeared originally in Galaxy, and will also receive a $1,000 advance against royalties of 50% of net receipts to 2,500 copies and 60% of net receipts thereafter for world English digital rights. The contest is open now and the submission deadline is Friday, September 2, 2011.”

That's it! Have a great contest month!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing these with us. I'm checking them out.
    Hope you have a fantastic week!
    kristengjohnson (at) gmail (.) com

  2. I only have one entry out right now. Considering Where the Magic Begins.

    That's probably it until after conference.

    Okay, coffee consuption may begin at 3 a.m. There's plenty for everyone.


  3. Mornin' Kristen! Mornin' Helen!
    Mornin' Tina!

    At this juncture, I'm trying to get orders for books and Mini-Mays and Joshua's Pet Treats, etc. filled. (Which is a good thing! YES! We have ORDERS!!! And boy do we have books. They arrived today. Still glowing.)

    So no contests for me right now.
    Not sure what we are doing for the 4th, though surely a grill and kiddie pool will be involved. :)

    may at maythek9spy dot com

  4. I have one entry submitted of the WIP right now (that to my delighted squeals did not require a synopsis, since I haven't mastered that part yet) and plans for my last entry of the year in October.

    Oddly, I'm more excited right now about the fan fiction contest that guest blogger Karen Witemeyer is having right now. My entry to that didn't have the sleepless nights, agonizing laboring and learning curve that my novel has been, which is probably why it was more fun.

    Downing plenty of Helen's coffee at 4:48 a.m. to celebrate the 1,300 words closer I am already today to "The End" =)

  5. Hi all--on the contest front I'm judging 2 contests right now. I really enjoy judging. Not only do I learned a lot, I get to read some really great entries. I would say judging contests helped move my writing forward.

    belindapeterson at tds dot net

    Julie's book is up for grabs!
    Julie's book is up for grabs! ;)
    Lindi P.

  6. Thanks for the contest update.

    I've only entered three short stories in a contest this year. Like, Helen, I have to get busy preparing pitches, one-sheet, etc for conference.

    Don't enter me in the drawing, I have Julie's book.


  7. Good morning from NYC Seekerville.

    I have had some MORE friends of Seekerville sightings!!

    Anita Mae Draper
    Keli Gwyn
    Anne Barton
    Danica aka Dream
    Donna Alward too

    OMG the Literacy Signing...the line was all the way down Broadway into the hotel. No kidding.

    And Transformers did a movie red carpet thing on Times Square so it was endlessly packed.

    Let's see..what else...ooooh, Cherry Adair told me I have good hair!! EEEEK!!

    Ran into the lovely executive ed. Joan Marlow Golan already!

  8. Congrats to all you contest divas!!! Keep rocking those contests!

    Helen, I hate to be a piggy but I am taking coffee in a large to go cup with a straw! Bless you for keeping the home fires buring!

    Today is the Love Inspired Meet and Greet. Luncheon with guest speaker Madeline Hunter.

    Tonight Cara, Mary, Debby and I will go to the Pasic reception at the Algonquin Hotel.

    That's it for now..have to go catch the Metro for Times Square.

    Have a great day. GOD IS GOOD!!!

  9. A Hope Undaunted? Oh! Count me in! Had my cup of raspberry black tea with cream and sugar and ready for another. Blueberry waffles anyone?

    Praying I get into a conference next month on scholarship since it's not looking like I'll make it to ACFW this year. :( All in God's timing, right?

  10. TINA!!!!! It SO sounds like you're having a blast, girl, and I am SOOO glad ... and SOOO jealous!! But I'll get over it, I always do! :)

    LINDI!!! I'm hoping you turn up as "Lucky Lindi" today 'cause I know you've been trying for this book for a long time now, so good luck!!

    HELEN ... you are SO good with that coffee! But where's the hazelnut???


  11. Boy, all these great unpubbed contests sure bring back not-too-distant memories! I still have all the scoring sheets & judge's comments in a box in the garage. I learned SO MUCH about the writing craft from helpful contest judges.

    Don't know about the rest of you, but I can't wait for the "live report" & photos from the Seekers at RWA in New York!

  12. I entered my first contests this spring and just became a member of ACFW this week. I plan on attending the conference in September. That will also be a first for me. I have been working on editing and polishing the first half of my book using all the feedback from the contests and the resources from the ACFW email loops.

    Please enter me into the contest to win Julie Lessman's book, A Hope Undaunted. I LOVE her books!!!!

  13. Loving the coffee! Thank you, Helen, and TEEEEEENA! Great contest update, chica!

    New York, New York... Ah. Frank Sinatra. Love him!!!!

    Dancing with you VIRTUALLY today. And tonight. And especially tomorrow night!

    Helen, hang in there with contests. I'm so proud of you, woman!


    I love Times Square. Just love it!

  14. I placed third in the Fool for Love contest last week and entered another one last week even though I said that FFL was my last one. I'm trying not to become a contest junkie! Not sure these contest update posts are going to help me. :)

    rmjagears AT gmail DOT com

  15. I may be the first to announce that Seeker Debby Giusti won the National Readers Choice Award in the Traditional category! Isn't that awesome? YAY, DEBBY!!!

    Oh, and The Healer's Apprentice won Best First Book. *Big Huge Grin!*

  16. Congrats Melissa on the FFL results! Third place - WOW!

    And Debby and Melanie! whoot whoot!

    In the midst of all this excitement, I'm still sticking to by decision to FINISH my WIP before entering any more contests! The ones I did enter gave me some great feedback and ideas for re-writing and polishing, so I want to get that all done.

    But I'm getting close!

    Shot two of my characters yesterday. Yup. Felt good. Maybe the next book should be a western...

    Please enter me for a chance to win Julie's book!

  17. I feel like I should be breathing hard and running to catch up with everyone. I haven't been to Seekerville in feels like FOREVER! Life is more than crazy right now, it's ABSURD! I'll try to do better. ;-) Thanks for always keeping us up-to-date on these things. I have a couple contest saved in my favorites folder for when the deadline draws a bit closer. :)

  18. Congrats Debby & Melanie! Awesome news!

    Dawn, welcome to the ACFW family. Hope you make it to the conference!

    Melissa, congrats on your contest placement. I remember the first time I finalled in a contest. Such fun!

  19. Tina! All those name drops (not the Transformers- Times Square!)are killing me! How fun!
    I entered Duel on the Delta and got bad scores. Fool For Love gave good scores, but I didn't final. Great Beginnings gave good scroes, but no final. I finaled in the Fab Five but didn't win and the judge's comments were real short and not very nice. I finaled and just sent in the revised for the TARA (Tampa Area) that got me almost perfect scores, but on a completely different ms.

    I can tell by the comments between the contemporary ms for the first contests and the comments for the second (historical) that I have strengths and weaknesses, and not where I thought they were! Ha!
    I think I'm done with contests for now but it sure is addicting!

  20. Hi Julie,

    My plan is to enter Christian Writer's Guild, Operation First Novel Contest in September and also Genesis contest next year. So I need to get working on my edits.... :)

    Jodie Wolfe

  21. I scored better in FFL than Genesis but didn't final in either. BUT, the Genesis judge who gave me the lowest score made a comment and a suggestion that I gladly took. That plot change was the thing that got my story picked for the Editor's Pitch Contest.

    I'm a little weary of entering another contest but the temptation is always there.

    Jamie Adams

  22. hi from Mary and Tina at the Pan Retreat!

  23. Thanks for these contest updates, Tina (and I hope you all are having a BLAST in NYC!!). I'm still using the suggestions I received from the Genesis contest to hopefully make my current WIP stronger. Planning on entering another contest in the next year!
    Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo :)

  24. I always look forward to your contest posts! Thanks to your information about the TARA, I decided to enter and now I'm a finalist. Woohoo! :)

    Oh, and I would love-love-love a chance to win Julie's book.

    sarah at sarahforgrave dot com

  25. Sarah!!! Congratulations!!!

    Wonderful news!!!!


  27. CONGRATS on placing, MELISSA! And on finaling SARAH!

    And big CONGRATS to all of you who've entered contests and/or are finishing books! Do you have ANY idea how many people who "want to write" never EVER get that far?? Seekerville is just chockful of talented, determined writers!

    Welcome back, CASEY!

  28. I would like to win a copy of "Hope Undaunted" Thanks for the chance!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  29. I'm interested in the real simple contest to try and gain writing experience.
    Thanks for this post, and I'd love to be in the contest.
    Happy 4th of July.

  30. Thanks for the contest updates! Not sure if I'll submit one but I might. :)

    The Indiana RWA IGO is a good one and that's not just because I'm in that chapter ( and ineligible).

    Would love to win Julie's book.

    cathy underscore shouse at yahoo dot com

  31. I'm headed for that coffee right now! I need coffee! I would love to read Julie's book. I know it will be great!


  32. Congrats Melissa!!

    And Debby Giusti and Melanie Dickerson!!! Congratulations on the Oklahoma Chapter contest WINS!!!
