Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Publicity and Promotion

I’m really happy to have Katie Bond of Thomas Nelson Publishing visiting at Seekerville today. She’s been tremendously helpful to me as a new and very inexperienced author.

As Publicity Manager, Katie Bond is privileged to represent all the creative, talented writers who’ve found themselves at home in Thomas Nelson’s growing Fiction division. Before coming to Thomas Nelson, Katie served as a publicist at WaterBrook Press, handling corporate communications, events, and book campaigns. She began her career at Peachtree Publishers as a publicity and marketing assistant. She holds a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing from Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, with emphasis on literary essay, Southern literature, and children’s books. She also completed the Publishing Institute, a graduate program at the University of Denver, in 2004. A feisty cat named Chapter keeps Katie and her husband Bryce company at home in Nashville.

Cara: Katie, would you tell us the difference between the Publicity and Marketing departments at Thomas Nelson?

Katie: The distinctions in promotions are different for every publishing house, and the lines blur all the time as new approaches are introduced. Marketing is comprised of Publicity (generally any unpaid buzz for a book) and Advertising (paid placement). My publicity work includes media outreach (seeking interviews, reviews, and features on an author or book), events (conferences or in-store signings), blog tours, and other unpaid promotions. Our team produces advance copies of books for media and the Sales team’s use. As well, I coach authors and our internal team on talking points and other needs, to make sure they’re prepared to represent themselves and the company in the best light. I push news out (press releases on new titles, awards, etc.) and monitor breaking news and trends, always looking for ways to position our novels and our company well.

Cara: How much of your advance should you budget for publicity? Should a debut author spend a different amount than a multi-published writer?

Katie: I’d recommend speaking with your marketing team to get a feel for what kinds of promotional projects they’re planning for your book, and most importantly, to ask how you can best supplement their efforts. The most important investment you can make as an author isn’t your money—it’s your time. Your team will be able to give you an idea of how best you can spend your limited hours, and how to interact with your readers to build your brand. If you desire to set aside finances to supplement what your publishing house is planning, ask specifically about how best to use it. Do account for the little expenses that add up: your mileage, if you’re planning to visit stores, and shipping supplies and postage if you’re doing any promotional mailings of your own.

Cara: What are the biggest bangs for an author’s marketing/publicity bucks nowadays? Is it ads in newspapers? Website contests? Blog tour giveaways? Are book signings the most effective use of our time?

Katie: The best investment is necessarily different for every author and project—and that’s half the fun. Every campaign is a learning experience for our team and authors. As for book signings, I have a pretty strong opinion. If an author has a major platform and pent-up demand from fans for live appearances, we do all we can to set up and promote successful book signings. But for the vast majority of authors, the investment of all involved—from publisher to store to author—isn’t returned with enough sales or exposure to make it worthwhile. Signings used to be the only way readers could connect with authors; with developed online networks, that’s no longer the case. Even some bestselling authors have trouble drawing a crowd in a bookstore, a fact that has a lot to do with that desire being met with online connections instead. That said, I do support drop-in visits for authors. When my authors are traveling for business or pleasure, I encourage them to notify me in advance so we can call ahead to bookstores in the area and give them the notice that an author is to drop by. The goal in these visits is gratitude: thanking the retailers for their support of your work.

Cara: What are the positive and negatives of blog tours?

Katie: We love bloggers and their contribution to the buzz about books online, and we’ve been scheduling blog tours for several years. I think the concept of the tours will continue to evolve, and rings of bloggers develop as online promotions continue to become more sophisticated. It’s best though to think like a reader when you’re spending energy and investing copies of your book in setting up tours. Readers stay interested when they find unique content (original reviews, interviews with the author, etc.) and will quickly disengage when they find only reposts of back cover copy readily available elsewhere. We’re pretty free with giveaway copies used on blog tours, too, when those are used to drive traffic and involvement.

Cara: What promotional items are the most effective? What are least effective?

Katie: Attend any industry conference and you’ll find yourself leaving your hotel room or checking in at the airport with more trinkets than your local McDonalds. Again, think like a reader when you’re brainstorming about tchotchkes. Can you remember a pencil or keychain that made an impression on you, and encouraged you to purchase a new book or engage with an author? Or did these end up forgotten in a box or in the trash? I moonlight in the wedding planning industry and always tell my brides the same thing about favors given to guests: something guests can eat, or something they’d be pleased to actually use. Anything else is simply contributing to the junk drawer.

Printed items are little different: bookmarks, bookplates, or postcards. Used purposefully and sparingly, we think of these as more impressions for you as an author. Smartly designed, and providing good information—like how to connect with you online or enter a contest—they can be worth the investment for use as leave-behinds for bookstore visits or as business cards in other social settings.

Cara: Do you have any unusual or ‘out-of-the-box’ ideas that have worked for authors?

Katie: I’ll never ceased to be amazed at the creativity of the authors I’m privileged to represent, and I think I’ll have a new anecdote every year. Top of mind right now, I remember one of our authors calling to ask me if it’d be okay for her to accept an invitation to host a signing at an unusual venue… the local liquor store in her town. The owner had planned a holiday party and really wanted to showcase the author and her Christian fiction titles. We all scratched our heads for a bit, but agreed that we couldn’t see a problem with her bringing salt and light to a place not used to selling novels. The event turned out great, and provided one of my favorite photos of all time: a customer holding a case of beer in one hand and clutching a novel in the other! The key here though? The author’s desire to invest her time and energy in her community. She appeared gracious, and because she was so eager to greet her neighbors, she made some new fans. That same author is also very involved in online communities, and her fans have come to know her for authentic engagement. She asks for and listens to their opinions, and is rewarded with loyal readers.

Cara: How can a new author make the best use of his or her time promoting their book when so many are working full-time jobs?

Katie: Plan, plan, plan. We’re all guilty of getting lost in online surfing, wasting time and energy on efforts that aren’t fruitful. Set aside a certain amount of time each day for answering email from readers, media, and your publishing house, plus time for watching what’s happening online. Then stick to it. If you have the luxury of a less rigid schedule and you’re able to devote a few minutes several times throughout the day to social media engagement, you’ll likely find a rhythm that works easily for you before long. Remember that the first step to success is active listening. Spend time observing how other successful authors engage online with peers and their readers, then model that approach. Think of the online friends you most respect: they probably aren’t the ones with the most to say, but with the most interesting things to say.

Cara: When or how early should an author begin actively promoting their book? How early is too early?

Katie: The key here is what’s encompassed by “active book promotion.” Everything you do in engaging online or with traditional media is part of promotion—you’re developing a persona of interest to readers, and creating a network of support of other authors who can lift you up to their readers. That can and should happen as soon as possible after signing a first contract, and in the “downtime” between releases. Join conversations about reading, lift up what other writers are publishing, thank readers for their feedback. Become a student of industry publications. Then, when you’ve reached the point when a release is imminent (and there’s an actual action item: book will very soon be available in stores for purchase), it’s time to start talking about that. Readers are more inclined to purchase from authors they trust—those who’ve done more than shout about their new releases for a month before dropping off the grid until the next book’s out.

Cara: Should the authors of category/series books promote their books any differently than authors of trade paperbacks? Does the length of time a book will remain on the bookstore shelf make any different to the ways an author should go about promoting his/her book?

Katie: This will vary case by case, but the difference will probably be in what the publishing house may do: primarily promoting the line of books as a whole (series) rather than promoting individual authors’ releases (trade). But from what I’ve seen and know from friends who write series titles, this difference doesn’t have to affect the way an author promotes herself. The same guidelines apply for authentic engagement with readers and media.

Cara: Are there any things a publisher can do to promote a book that an author can’t do? If so, what are they?

Katie: Publishing houses have respected relationships and sway with retailers—and often have the first opportunities for inclusion in retail promotions. The gatekeepers are inundated with more books than they could ever place or promote, so they rely in part on opinions of esteemed salespeople who help to make recommendations.

The same is true for many media opportunities: a reporter looking for insight into a story and suggestions for an interviewee. That reporter is likely to ask a representative at a publishing house. But once a publicist suggests a best possible candidate, the reporter will do more research to learn about an author—how does she engages online, how professional she is, how likely she is to give an interesting quote—before he agrees to an interview.

Cara: Do you have suggestions for authors concerning publicity and promotion?

Katie: Every author’s plan is different. But here’s what never changes: gratitude and poise go a long way. Know that while you will always know your book better than anyone else could, PR and Marketing professionals who’ve been involved in the industry for even a few years have probably assisted in launching or managing the careers of dozens of authors—with front row seats for some of the most successful campaigns.

Publicity’s biggest challenge? We’re only limited by our budgets and time—there’ll always be more that could have been done. That’s a hard pill for an over-achiever to swallow! Approach your publicist to ask what you can do to best support her efforts, and don’t forget to thank her for all that surely goes on behind the scenes. I love my work, and count the talented and gracious authors I’ve represented as the greatest of blessings on the job.

Katie, thank you so much for joining us today! You’ve been so helpful.


  1. Welcome to Seekerville.

    I am now enamored with this word you used..


    I am going to practice it. I really love it.

    And great post too!!!

  2. Coffee's ready.

    How is "tchotchkes" pronounced?

  3. Wow! Whoda thunk it? I never knew that sooo much went in to promoting a book. That's crazy! I love the little anecdote about an author signing books at a liquor store. I keep picturing Larry the Cable guy holding a case of beer and a romance novel in the other hand. Hehehe. Can you tell the heat is getting to my brain? Our A/C is on the fritz and it's 85 degrees in the house right now. :-(

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  4. Great post! Thank you!

    Time and again I hear book signings are not that good, hmm...

    helen, I think it is pronounced cho tch keys, does that make any sense lol

    Eva Maria Hamilton at gmail dot com

  5. Thanks so much for being in Seekerville today, Katie! And thanks for the great advice!

  6. My most successful "tchotchkes" were chopsticks that had my name and website and tag line (Romance with a kick of wasabi) printed on them, which I gave to my Zondervan sales team and I passed them out at ICRS. People seemed to like them a lot. :)


  7. This has been a fantastic interview. Great questions, Cara, with things I want to know, and Katie provided thoughtful and interesting answers.
    I got so much out of this and thank you both for the time you took to share this with others.

  8. Thanks for the great advice, Katie. Chapter, what a great name! Renee, I feel your pain. Our A/C went out yesterday. Last night the master bedroom was 88 degree....ughhh!

  9. Thanks for coming today, Katie! Your answers are so complete and I really appreciate learning how publicity works.

    Do publishers differ much from each other in their approach to publicity and their expectations about what an author should do?

  10. Cara and Kate--thanks for all the advice. I appreciate your insights.

  11. Cara & Katie,
    Thanks for this very informative interview!

    I'm unpublished and have a blog, host blog tours, and am on a blog tour group, but most of the time I haven't read the book so the post is really useless. I'm still trying to find the purpose for the blog and stay faithful to my writing. It's almost like putting the cart before the horse, though, because you try to participate in online communities, but don't allow enough time for writing... and that's where most of the concentration for an unpubbed should be...

    And, I know who the author is that had the book signing at the liquor store. This author is very gracious and lovely to know. I doubt that venue would work for most, but it definitely worked for the author and was an interesting/unforgettable concept.

  12. Cara and Kate,

    This was a wonderful peek into book promotion. I didn't realize someone should only begin talking about the book when they have a release date (at least I thought that's what you said.) Previous to that, we are to interact in various ways and promote our name, so to speak.

    Two questions:

    I'm interested that you didn't say anything about Websites. Maybe you've assumed everyone has one. When does an author seeking publication (pre-contract) need a Website and how elaborate should it be? Is a weak one worse than none at all?

    Do you think book signings in unusual places are better than in bookstores? Or would you have none at all? Around Christmas, I had a signing at Walgreen's, which carries my niche book. Did having my name up on their sign for a week make it worthwhile, although I only sold 4 books? They also ordered a higher number of books than usual and gradually sold nearly all of them in later weeks. If the book signing is well publicized, I thought the publicity alone might be good, even if actual book sales on signing day aren't. Any thoughts on that?


  13. Great advice! As I read the interview, thoughts were popping.

    I especially liked the idea of visiting bookstores with the intention of thanking them for carrying your books, rather than just to have an "event."

  14. Outstanding Cara and Katie! Thanks for these complete answers. Another one raising the Seekerville bar...

    Ah, that's the metaphorical bar. With all this talk about Cap'n Jack and today's entry. Ha!

    Seriously, this is another printer-offer to add to the file. God's timing again too.

    I'll have my debut in my hands, dare I say it?, barring (!) Tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes, by the end of the month. May is doing backflips.
    Katie, I'm near Thomas Nelson often and love the history of the company. As my new fave Celebrity Apprentice says, "Nashville rawks!"

    Chapter and May must have playgroup. :)

    Camy, what a fabulous, fabulous idea on branded chopsticks. Do you still do that? I love it!

    My Internet is still down so Katie, your point about surfing is well taken. I made a peach cobbler for snacking today.

    Thanks again!

  15. Welcome to Seekerville, Katie -- it's a pleasure to have you here.

    And THANK YOU for the great insight and advice into publicity and promotion, something I admit I'm not real crazy about as an author. Oh, I love to connect with readers in every way possible, but promoting the books??? Not so much. But it's obvious to any author today that P&P is a necessary evil that every author must face. Thanks for making it easier to understand and a little bit clearer to me.


  16. Oh, maybe it's a Southern thing but my family says "CHAHT shkey" and we spell it the way Katie does. :)

  17. I think publicity and promoting your own books is hard for a lot of--maybe most--authors. This is especially true since so many authors are introverts and this isn't natural for people who work by themselves. Unlike some jobs, a writer can't delegate her writing. Well, some do, but most of us don't.

  18. Katie, welcome!! And thank you for such an informative post! I'm always wondering what I should be doing to help promote my books. This is great info!

  19. Katie, Welcome to Seekerville! Thanks for the in-depth look at publicity and promotion.

    As an author I'm pulled between writing time and time to promote. I know the importance of social media, but I'm not savvy, which means I waste precious time online. Love Inspired/Harlequin offers authors online and conference workshops. Your post reminds me it's time to stop avoiding them.

    In honor of those of us scrambling to promote and connnect, I brought scrambed eggs and sausage links.
    ;-) Sorry couldn't resist.


  20. Enjoyed the blog, Katie. Lots of interesting info and tips. Having read Cara's books, a great fist book is a sure seller of subsequent books. Looking forward to reading Cara's entire series. Rita Bay

  21. Katie, it's a delight to welcome you to Seekerville, and thanks for such thorough and informative answers to Cara's interview questions!

    One of your comments really hit home--how an author can't just drop off the grid between books if she wants readers to stay interested. As Cara said, so many writers are introverts, so staying "public" over the long term just doesn't come naturally--or easily.

    Yet one more reason I'm thankful for Seekerville and the chance to stay connected with so many of our faithful Seekervillagers!

  22. Great interview and great information. Thanks so much for this, Cara and Katie!

    I am a conscientious person and want to do all I can to promote my books, but I get overwhelmed pretty quickly with all that can and probably should get done, like all the blog interviews. I spent days and days filling in interview questions last year for my first book, but I really think it helped get the word out. I'm preparing to do it again. Sigh. It's kind of hard when you're never sure how effective your various efforts actually are.

    Thanks for the input and information!

  23. @Camy Love the chopsticks--that one fits your brand and works! Bet a number of people have saved those for takeout night, and think of you each time they're used.

  24. @Cara Great question about differences from one publisher to another. Absolutely--different marketing teams will take on different tasks and have other expectations of their authors. The key is knowing the landscape: what have you seen working well, from watching and talking to successful authors? Then communicate well with your team to find out who'll handle each task.

  25. @Christy Thanks. It's a challenge, I know, to think about covering a great quantity of books on your blog without having time to read them all. I think there's still a place for these "announcement" blogs in promotion--and we definitely appreciate the lift for our titles. But finding time to sprinkle in some authentic engagement with the book or author to present to your blog readers--even if not on every post--will help your blog to become a destination to bookmark and visit again. But you're right, too, that it can't be a substitute for time spent working on your own writing and other online engagement.

  26. @Cathy Great questions. RE websites, consulting on these, and help with web development, generally falls to the marketing coordinator on our team so it's not something I touch regularly. But I'll say this: if you're looking to be published, potential publishers are absolutely looking for your web presence as a factor in whether we'll sign. This doesn't have to be a highly designed website before you're published--and further, it's usually best to wait until your brand is a bit better defined before making the investment in a site that would only have to be soon redesigned with the direction of your publishing house. When I'm looking at a proposal from a would-be-debut author, I'll run Google searches to discover what the author's been up to online: is she engaging with other authors (on places like this blog!)? Showing that she reads and is genuinely what sells and where her writing fits into the marketplace? Is she blogging with hilarious posts that are drawing an audience who'd be the first buyers for her would-be novel? A polished web presence is about what I can find out about you as an interesting individual, long before you add "published author" to your resume. I consider myself an introvert, too, but online engagement gives an advantage to us written communicators!

    As for your Walgreen's signing, does sound like the store's promotion helping raise your profile. Did the store feel like it was a good investment, and perhaps draw in some extra customers? Did you build relationships with staff there who might recommend your book, or with customers who will remember you the next time they're looking for a great read? If all parties involved benefited, I think you can call it a success.

  27. Cara, thank you for sharing Katie with us! Such interesting and valuable information!

    New authors must apply promotion resources to the best benefit, and Katie's suggestion about contacting the publisher so efforts mesh was great.

    Great post!

  28. @Melanie I know completing those blog interviews is time-consuming. Most all of my authors have gritted their teeth when we've sent yet another to be completed. But here's something that works well: create a brief, completed Q&A that covers the basic questions you're asked most frequently. Use this where possible to introduce yourself, adding in a couple of original questions from individual interviewers to keep it fresh. Perhaps the blog interviewer posts just your brief bio and their couple of original questions, then links back to your webpage, etc where the full text interview is housed.

  29. So sorry to be slow checking in. What a great interview. I'm so interested in this, Katie, I read every word with real care.
    I even left to go fiddle with my own blog and a few other things, with marketing in mind.
    I just wish I could think outside the box a little more.
    I keep thinking I should push more for radio and tv type marketing but I just don't.
    I could start calling a local radio call in show. Those shows have some 'regulars' and I could be one of them.
    Except I feel like I'm volunteering to publicly humiliate myself.
    Tina, or Katie or Cara or anyone, how about the Librarian event at RWA. I'm taking some books to that. Thought I'd take the Rita book. But I don't know how many, not one for each of 100 librarians, I can't carry that many. But a bunch. I'm going to order them and have them shipped directly to the hotel. My current plan.
    I almost ordered some nifty pens with my name and website on them, but unless I order real cheap pens, they end up each costing close to the price of a book, with my author's discount. So I just stopped!!!

  30. Mary, I've always liked the idea of pens. The problem is the pens are usually cheap and don't last long at all.

    Bringing books to the RWA Library event is a great idea, but I think it depends on how many books you have left or if your publisher will donate some. It could be really expensive for an author. I don't mean to be negative, Mary dear!

  31. Katie, do you think giving away a lot of free books is a good idea? Does it add to future sales or just reduce present sales?

  32. Katie,

    Excellent information. I will definitely be passing on this post to my writer friends.

  33. Great stuff! I've been active in promoting Christian fiction on a couple of ends now. As an on-air personality at a Christian radio station for 29 years, I was able to actively promote it by doing author interviews and on-air reviews. It was a joy, as I'm an extremely avid reader, and I strongly believe in these authors!

    Now I work for a secular station as a news reporter, so I no longer have the on-air venue. However, I have a book blog and am active in blog tours, etc. I also frequently re-post some of my earlier interviews and reviews, because so many of the books are more than worthy of a second look.

    As a free-lance voice-over artist, I also voice book trailers.


    Cindy at Cindy at Cindy's Book Club

  34. Katie, welcome to Seekerville!

    Hey, we had a tchotchke party a couple of months back. So fun. Everyone brought 1/2 dozen tchotchkes to the party and we took turns selecting from each other's crazy useless stuff.

    I got some great stuff that I'll actually use from a couple of gals who never cook or bake. One man's trash...


    Katie, invaluable information. Wonderful! Thanks for taking the time to play with us in Seekerville, and I'm leaving chocolate brickle brownies with caramel icing for our afternoon snack.

    Soooo good!

  35. In keeping with Camy following her brand, maybe I could hand out.....

    sheriff's badges?

    At what point are my tchotchkes weapons that are gong to be confiscated at airports?

  36. And Ruthy, I've been at enough garage sales to know that one man's often just trash.

  37. I know, Cara. Books are expensive and HEAVY.
    I've toyed with the idea of printing up a simple label and sticking them on Candy bars.
    I was at an event that they stuck labels on water bottles, which can be purchased inexpensively, but either you have to carry the water bottles (on a plane? no way) or buy them at the site and do the labeling, and things are hectic at conferences, liquid isnt welcome at bookstores usually and that rules out 99% of all 'giveaway opportunities' still the time they did that everyone was carrying around those water bottles with the name clearly labeled. And people WANTED the water.

  38. Ruthy, you should give away baby ruth candy bars with your book's name stuck on the back with an address label

  39. Thanks for this interesting article, Katie! All that goes into selling books is pretty amazing. I'm a book junkie so I search out new titles and authors. But other readers I know don't bother with that. I love to give them suggestions of what's out there by Christian authors. I'm glad folks like you are helping promote these great inspirational stories!

  40. I spent my noon hour staring at candy bars to try and decide if i can print the word Connealy or or Cowboys or whatever in such a way as to look like one of the candy bars.

    No inspiration hit. But I am full of chocolate and incredibly CALM.

  41. I know not everyone agrees that bookmarks are a great idea, but personally, I really like them. I always pick up bunches at conferences and I use them. And it sometimes introduces me to authors I hadn't heard of before. If they look interesting I might google their website or look for their books on amazon.

  42. Thanks for this great interview, Katie and Cara! It was very interesting getting a behind-the-scenes look at Katie's job. ~ Also, I was curious if Katie is from Atlanta (since you went to Agnes Scott)? I grew up not too far from there (Decatur). And I LOVE that you have a cat named Chapter---so cute!! ~ I've brought some Georgia peach muffins to share today--Enjoy! ~ Blessings, Patti Jo :)

  43. Helpful information, thank you!


    I'm saving this post for someday - when my dream comes true.

    And LOVE the work tchotchkes.
    With my name, all sorts of creatively fun ideas come to mind..oh wait - I need to make it relate to a book.


    How 'bout a pepper shaker that says 'spice up your life fiction' ;-)

    As a reader and a writer, it makes such a difference when you have a connection (even a brief one) with an author. I immediately place more value on owning the next book.

  45. Mary,
    I'm all for the candy bar idea.
    It would certainly be appreciated by ME!
    And, for heaven sakes, if they make chocolate eyeballs for Halloween nowadays, maybe they can make a chocolate pistol!

  46. RE giving away books, we tend to be fairly generous, especially when it comes to recipients like librarians. If we've all (author, editor, marketing) done our jobs properly, giving away one of the author's books will only spark sales of others from the author. As Cara knows, our house sets aside budget for gratis books for this purpose. If you're providing free books to consumers directly to seed the market, it's a good idea to ask for the courtesy of a review in exchange: include a bookmark or note asking the reader to post a review on an online retail site or drop their thoughts to you via email. The reader feels honored, and you've made a fan.

  47. @Cindy Thanks for all you've done over the years to support our authors--we sure appreciate you!

    @Patti Jo Yep, I'm a Georgia girl--grew up in Augusta, and remember fondly my Agnes Scott days in Decatur. I savor a load of peaches on every summer trip home!

  48. @Mary Yes, interviews with broadcast outlets can be a great benefit, but the outlets who regularly host novelists aren't plentiful. Some of my novelists are able to score interviews when we can pitch them as experts to cover topical issues in the news that (here's the kicker) may or may NOT be related to their novels. Your role in those interviews is the give the hosts the comments they're looking to share with their listeners. Most will then slip in your book title in the closing as a courtesy; some will ask you do so. Make sure you ask the producer for the host's willingness to lift up your title before you try to work it in unprompted. It's a dance, but your raising your own platform is part of building your recognition with would-be readers.

  49. Hey, I'm late to the party. Spent the day working on Acknowledgements page! Remember that little blog we had a few weeks ago about THANKING people? Well, I was finally able to use my own advice! lol

    Katie, I'm probably too late to ask questions, and haven't had time to read all the comments, but if you're still around, what are some tips for promoting ebooks. I'm a debut author with Tyndale's new Digital First Initiative, and I'm discovering that some ideas that generally work for print books just aren't feasible for ebooks.

    Thanks, and I loved all the tips, especially the one about letting the publisher who when you're travelling so they can alert bookstores that you'll be in the area. I'm a Purchasing Manager, and nothing sets my teeth on edge quite like a cold call with no advance warning.

    And you moonlight as a wedding planner? Too cool!

    Honestly, does anybody in the USA with a dream NOT moonlight at something? lol

  50. Renee, 85 degrees at noon? I can't imagine what it is now.

    You poor thing!

    I ran (okay, I drove) to the grocery store and thought I was going to have a stroke.

    This sounds like a good time to go sit in a lounge chair outside under the sprinkler!

  51. Camy, I loved, loved, loved the ribbon and charm bookmarks your (mother?) made.

    I still have it in YOUR book and wouldn't part with it for the world.

    It might not be something an author could mass produce, but it was lovely and could be used as a special promotion for your Street Team.

  52. Once again I'm late to the party, but I absolutely loved the interview. Thanks for dropping by Seekerville.

  53. I'm late, but have an excellent if there could be a valid excuse for being late to Seekerville! But there was no internet in the car. 'Nuff said. Mary and Rose - I waved at the approximate points on I-29. My sons can vouch for me.

    Katie - loved the inside look into your job and all the great ideas/advice. I can see that I'm going to have to budget my time carefully to fit everything in!

    Does anyone else wonder when Jessica Fletcher ever had time to write?

    Have a great evening, everyone!

  54. Excellent post today! Thank you for hosting, Cara, and for visiting, Katie!

    When I first learned how much writers do to promote their books, I about backed out of this calling. (just kidding!) But as I'm realizing it's all about genuine relationships, I can totally dig it. And knowing some day that I could have a team like Katie's to support me (okay, yes, I'm dreaming here), it makes it all the more do-able.

  55. Loves 2 Read Romance - LauraJune 1, 2011 at 11:06 PM

    Thanks for sharing with us Katie! I always enjoy learning about the different things that go into producing a book besides the story. I always like bookmarks cause I end up always needing them. The most unique keepsake I was given by an author was a little mirror. It fits perfectly in my purse. Another author gave me a little plastic case that hold a pen and blank paper which is also in my purse.

    I love the idea of chopsticks Camy!

    Renee thanks for the laugh with your imagining Larry the Cable Guy with a case of beer and romance novel!!

    Night all!


  56. Thank you for opening up the world of publicity & promotion. Wow! There is a lot to do once published! Also, thank you for loving us bloggers and allowing us to help publicize an author's work.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


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  58. Nice Blog!!Keep Posting...
    Bunker Creative provides highly skilled directors, producers, writers, editors, motion graphics animators and programmers.
    Brands Promotion Campaigns
