Sunday, June 5, 2011

Weekend Edition

This weekend we're catching up on pretty much
everything here in Seekerville:
news, reading, television, life in general.
What are you doing?

We Have Winners!

Contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner and if needed, provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville. All prizes are mailed within 6-8 weeks of winner announcements. But if we goof up, holler.

Please be advised that if the Canada Post does go on strike Seekerville will temporarily suspend prize delivery to Canada-does not include internet delivered prizes.

We're having a hard time tracking down winner of Deep Trouble on May 24th. Kathy. Email is bouncing Kauppatgridcomdotnet

Deb Ullrick has lived through a Blogger Crash, a potential apocalypse and now SEEKERVILLE! Winners of Debra's first Love Inspired Historical, The Unexpected Bride are Shakespeare and Winter. (Interesting combo!)

Hope you followed Tina & Ruthy's Excellent Adventure in NYC on Tuesday! Winners of surprise book packs are Helen Gray and Pat Jeanne Davis.

Multi published author Cheryl St. John was your blogging hostess Thursday. Winner of Marrying the Preacher's Daughter is Patricia W.

Friday we were delighted to welcome 2011 Golden Heart finalist Clarissa Southwick, who shared How To Win Writing Contests. Winner of a five page critique is Emily Hendrickson.

Saturday Seekerville welcomed the author of Time to Write, Kelly L. Stone. Hope you didn't miss her post Time Management for Writers . Winners of Time to Write or Thinking Write lecture packet are Bri Clark and Vince. Additionally, Seekerville is throwing in another copy of the AMAZING, Time to Write book. The winner is Christine Long.

Saturday's we announce our First Five Pages Critique winner and this week it's Walt Mussell.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Avalon debut author Sandra Leesmith is leading the fun today in Seekerville.

Tuesday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome back Revell author Dan Walsh. You'll want to chat with Dan, and see what he's been up to. And you might win his latest release, The Deepest Waters.

Wednesday: Love Inspired Historical debut author Patty Hall is our guest today.

Thursday: Stop in for a special treat when Love Inspired author Ruth Logan Herne bosses you around in her own inimitable way in "Do Not Take the Summer Off", a bossy narrative of work hard vs. whine at leisure. Ruthy now has copies of Small-Town Hearts, her delightfully funny candy store novel, and will give one or two away with possible appearances by Jamison, NY star-crossed lovers Trent Michaels and Alyssa Langley.

Friday: Amanda Huginkiss is with us today. Stop by for what promises to be an interesting day.

Saturday: June Contest Update. The prize vault is open! We pick a First Five Pages Critique winner at the end of the day so step up and let us know you want to be entered at any time.

Seeker Sightings

This is your last chance to register for an online class taught by Missy Tippens and her critique partner! Missy Tippens and Lindi Peterson broke down the basic story of Cinderella, then discovered how many of these same stages they found in one of their favorite books, Twilight, the bestselling novel by Stephenie Meyer. They will discuss each of these 12 basic stages, tying them in with the stages of the hero’s journey, as well as give examples from both stories to help beginning writers find an easy way to plot a romance novel. The link:

Don't miss, Clean Heart, Dirty Diapers ... Julie Lessman's story with infertility and how God wrote the ending at
HELD blog, a Hannah Prayer Ministry blog.

May 27 - June 10: Win a signed copy of any of Julie's books including her next release, A Heart Revealed at "Giveaway Lady" blog.

Random News

  • The Unpublished Maggies deadline is approaching. Enter the first 35 pages (including synopsis) of your manuscript by June 10th. Electronic entries only.Each entry judged and critiqued by two published authors. Final judging editor in the Inspirational category – Charlene Patterson, Editor, Bethany House-BTW the inspirational category is low on entries.

That's it. Have a most excellent week!


  1. Okay, here's the final pot of coffee for the weekend.

    Hey, I won a book package. Wonderful!!!

    What am I doing? Trying to get myself back into writing mode.


  2. Well that beat cleaning the litter box, right?

  3. You bet!!

    Of course, since DOC (Dumb Ole Cat) died, there's no litter box here.

  4. Wow Tina,

    Your photoshop skills are PAWmazing...

    Oh gosh Helen, sorry about DOC. Sighhhh

    Congrats to you and all the winners. Have a great rest of the weekend!

  5. Congratulations to the winners. Christine Long, we want a report on how that book helps your productivity.

    I'll be dropping off scones in a bit. The coffee hits the spot Helen.

    Super graphics Tina.

    Is it Communion Sunday for most of you Protestnts/non-denominationals? I love it.

  6. Always love your weekend posts, Tina! This time you've outdone yourself.

    Debra, yes it's Communion Sunday here. Your church has a first-of-the-month schedule, too?

    What am I doing? A better question might be, What am I not doing?

    1) Working on a nonfiction project before I leave to take my daughter to her softball tournament (we will miss church :(

    2) On pins and needles wondering who will be announced as winner tomorrow of a contest I entered

    3 ) Looking forward to my kids' school finally finishing up Tuesday--ridiculously short summer this year

    Have a great weekend! Wish us luck in the tournament. :)

    I'm serving waffles today, spread with butter and then slathered in maple syrup. The breakfast of champions!

  7. Merciful heavens -- blogger recognizes me today!!!!! It's going to be the start of a miraculous week!

    What am I doing? Gardening! Or should I say weedening? All the weeks on end of rain has sprouted the most ginormous dandelions I have ever seen! So I spend part of each day in a wrestling match with the equally ginormous root systems. Bah! Of course, it rains so much that I don't have to go into battle mode every day. So then I'm working, reading, writing, sleeping. Don't I lead an interesting life?

  8. Kav, my sympathies with that rain. But I bet everything is GREEN!!

  9. Thanks for the waffles, Cathy and good luck in the tourney!!

  10. Okay, Debra, maple syrup scones are my favorite. With raisins..going to go see if I can convince SOMEONE to make them.

  11. Oh - and what am I doing?! Duhhh. Sorry.
    Let's try that again...
    After Bible Class, I'm answering questions at the Vicki Moss blog:

    Hope you'll stop by! :)

    Have a marvelous Communion Sunday everyone.

  12. Congrats to all the winners. : )
    Just wanted to say the images used in the post are a lot of fun! The graphic designer in me says “that took some work.” Haha. I’ve been working on clipping masks this week, among other things, and it seems like I have to re-learn techniques in every class.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  13. Pepper is almost blocked by that cat ear.

    We had fun at ACFW didn't we?

  14. Feelin' famous right now!
    I'm on T.V. with MARY CONNEALY!
    Love it!

    Congrats winners
    And Debra, I'm gonna take you up on some of those scones. Yum!

    That will tide me over until the bread finishes to go along with Sunday lunch.

  15. You guys look very calm and cool on the big screen. hehehe

  16. Oh, I LOVE the photo of the little kid reading the Seekerville news! I'm going to have to print that one and and frame it, Tina!!

  17. Tina,
    I was totally calm.
    Can't you just sense it through my emails?
    (Mary, please don't share the stalking info and the propensity toward multiple hugs, k? It will ruin my calm and cool image)

  18. Hi Tina:

    The Random News links are very useful! Thanks, I know I will be using information in the one on “How to Publish an E-Book”. Very good help on collecting your money for selling the ebooks!

    Is it just me or doesn’t the below seem a little odd;

    BTW the inspirational category is low on entries.

    Someone needs to inspire those people!

    I’m happy I won a prize. I’ve already mailed the Seeker email.



  19. Yes. The Maggies even and we are not inspired enough to enter.

    This is a fantastic opportunity.

  20. Great WE!

    Loved the pictures, all the Seekers "In the News" and the fat little kitten watching Mary and Pepper on tv.

    Too cute.

    Mary, Pepper, and the kitten.

  21. Thanks, thanks, thanks! Yay, I won something!

    Thanks for all the inspiration and tid-bits, too! I'll e-mail right away.

  22. It's a pleasure and rare privilege to give Shakespeare a prize.

  23. Love the Weekend Edition, Tina! Great links to check out.

    You're always clever with the photos. The baby and cats are adorable! Thanks for making the Seekers look important. :-)

    Congrats to all the winners!


  24. Tina, Thanks for all the info. If we want to do a First 5 critique for next week, what steps do we follow? Thank you. & thanks for tracking me down! I'm looking forward to getting my prize!
    Day late & dollar short,

  25. Larissa,

    I will put your name in the hat now for next Saturday's drawing.

