Sunday, June 19, 2011

Weekend Edition

Welcome to another Weekend Edition Special Delivery!

We Have Winners!

Contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner and if needed, provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville. All prizes are mailed within 6-8 weeks of winner announcements. But if we goof up, holler.

Please be advised that due to the Canada Postal Strike, Seekerville is temporarily suspending snail mail prize delivery to Canada-does not include internet delivered prizes.

Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean was your hostess Monday with Tips for Writing Novellas. The winner of her latest Love Inspired Historical, Wanted: A Family is Suzie Johnson.

On Tuesday
Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe presented-Super Secret Insiders Notes on Writing When You're Stuck and winner of a Seekerville author giveaway package is Jamie.

Hope you didn't miss Conference Dos and Don't with Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti, author of the Military Investigation series. Winner of The Officer's Secret is Cindy W.

Our special guest on Thursday was Love Inspired author Kim Watters. Kim shared Setting is Important, and the winner of one of Kim's backlist books is Faye.

Saturday The Best of Seekerville from the Archives and First Five Pages Critique featured Walking The Dark Side of the Moon by Ruth Logan Herne. Winner of a five page critique is Christine.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Love Inspired author Missy Tippens is your hostess today.

Tuesday: Abingdon Press author Sherry Kyle will be sharing "Creative Spaces" in Seekerville today. Stop by to chat about the importance of having a space to write. And she's doing a giveaway of her new release: Delivered with Love.

Wednesday: We are delighted that Jacqui Jacoby will be back in Seekerville. Join her for her post "Forward Motion." And there's a fun giveaway as well!

Thursday: Seekerville is thrilled to have Books & Such agent, Mary Keeley with us today.

Friday: Join us for a visit with Thomas Nelson author Catherine Richmond.

Seeker Sightings

If a little candy store action with a really pretty girl is your cup of tea on this Father's Day, go to The Craftie Ladies of Romance Blog and check out Megan Russo's (Megan is the heroine of Small-Town Hearts) interview about life, time, being dumped at the altar and men in general! The interview will up today, Father's Day!

Why is this woman smiling? She's very, very excited that the cover of her October release from Harlequin Love Inspired, Oklahoma Reunion is up on Follow the magic link!

Random News

  • Lil Copan has joined Abingdon Press as senior acquisitions editor for the Christian Living Line. Previously she was an editor with Paraclete Press. In addition, Ramona Richards has been promoted to senior acquisitions editor. (Publishers Lunch 6/17/11)

And...more news!

Seekerville is thrilled to share another Friend-of-Seekerville first sale. Writing as Mia Ross, Andrea Chermak has sold the first book of the Sawyer series to Melissa Endlich of Love Inspired books. Andrea's book is scheduled for a May, 2012 release and we couldn't be happier for her! PARTY!!!!

celebrate, we've got a couple of friends of Seekers books to giveaway. Just comment today! Winners announced in the Weekend Edition. (The above is the real balloon Andrea's family presented her with.)


  1. Congratulations, Andrea!!!

    The first cup of coffee from this big pot is reserved for you.


  2. WAHOO ANDREA! Way to go!!! Helen and I have started the party already it seems. (Waving to Helen)

    And I SEE why that pretty woman is smiling! "Liked" and shared on FB! :)

    Have a great rest of the weekend everyone...

  3. Congratulations, Andrea! We will look forward to reading your books, especially the first one! Valri

  4. Congrats, Mrs.Chermak! Would you be able to briefly tell us what the Sawyer series is about?

  5. Congrats, Andrea. Consider your book already preordered. I plan ahead!

  6. First, thanks for coffee, Helen! And yes, huge congrats to ANDREA!!!


    So excited for you, kiddo! Happy dancing, Snoopy dancing for you in upstate New York! And since Andrea lives in this neck of the woods, she gets to be annoyed by me personally!!! ;)

    And TEEEEEENSTER!!!!! I love that book cover! Oh my stars, just totally love it. It rocks the big Kahuna, sistah!

    And (I'm sure Andrea will tell you this herself and we're figuring out a date to grab her off the streets of fame and fortune and have her on...)

    She was published years ago with Dorchester. Her book "Fearless" is a delightful historical romance with ...



    But I'll let her tell her own story on persistence and non-branding and finding a niche, etc., etc., etc.!

    Hey, Sunday morning buffet. Waffles, strawberry topping, whipped cream. Ham, bacon, sausage. Eggs, your choice. Home fries or hash browns. Pancakes, light and fluffy. Real NY maple syrup... oh, yum!!!

    Back to Grandmas to work on her yard today, but will try to pop in and have a snack wi' youse later. Love you all.

  7. And of course I was signed in to the kennel account.

    But what a cute puppy!!!

  8. Wow--you folks are up early! Thanks so much for the good wishes and enthusiasm. As Ruthy said, I'll be a guest at Seekerville sometime soon, and I'll be posting my sale story and answering questions then.

    Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to wrestle my husband's Father's Day gift into the box I thought it would fit in!

  9. Congratulations, Andrea!!!! And Tina for your book cover! Love Inspired is a happening place, isn't it? And thanks for all the newsy links. Where would I be on Sunday morning without my seekerville links to peruse?

  10. WooHoo, Way to go Andrea. I know you are so excited. (Love that balloon)

  11. HURRAH FOR ANDREA!!!! Big congrats to you!

    Congratulations to all the winners. Looks like another exciting week next week in Seekerville.

    Tina, love you new cover.

    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

  12. Congrats, Andrea. I look forward to reading your book and seeing your Seekerville post soon.
    Have a great Father's Day.

  13. Congrats Andrea!!
    How exciting to have your book coming out.

  14. Congrats, Andrea!!!! VEry excited for you. (I'm always very excited by first sale news.)

    Tina, wonderful cover. Can't wait to read the book.

    Everybody have a good day. I will be spending most of the day with my Dad.

  15. Congratulations, Andrea! Beautiful cover, Tina! I'm looking foward to reading both books. Since many of you spent countless hours pounding away on a keyboard, I thought I was ask for some advice here. Does anyone have any home remedies for tendinitis or tennis elbow? It has certainly slowed me down with the editing process. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. :)

  16. Congratulations, Andrea!!!!

    Happy Sunday to you all.

    Jillian, first go as ergonomic as possible. Split keyboard, ball mouse, gel pad. As much as you can. Try switching from PC to laptop.

    Ibuprofen. Alternate ice and cold.

    Try a brace you can buy at a drugstore as well.

  17. Back home and what a fun bunch!

    Jillian, I second what Teeeeenster said. Shift positions. Change angles. Prop elbows on table. Or unprop.

    Eat chocolate.

    It won't help but it will sure make you feel better, LOL!

    Gorgeous day in upstate.



  18. Congrats, Andrea! Looking forward to reading this book and the entire series!


  19. Congratulations Andrea! How exciting for you!


  20. Thanks for the tips, Tina! I did purchase a brace yesterday, but it seemed like it increase the pain. Perhaps I had it on to tight. I have Crohns Disease, so my stomach is unable to handle Ibuprofen. I think I'll have to try Ruth's advice.....chocolate..thanks, Ruth! :)

  21. Congrats Andrea! Love that balloon. And please enter me.


  22. Thanks for the Weekend Edition, Tina! Love your new cover! No wonder you're smiling. Can't wait to read Oaklahoma Reunion!

    Wahoo!!! Congrats, Andrea Chermak, on your sale to Love Inspired Books!!!


  23. Congrats! I can't wait to hear the first sale story- and I read the excerts on your site- super good! (As for the historical with fairies, I have to go find that. really. I'm sure it's out of print but there are ways! :) I'm a sucker for anything with the fey...
    Hapy Father's Day to all those of the XY persuasion. My hubby si watching La Copa De Oro (soccer finals) and the yelling and whooping is pretty funny. He didn't yell like that when our kids were born...

  24. Now that we're home and relaxing, I thought I'd check back in. Thanks to everyone who posted regarding my news. It really is fabulous, especially because I enjoyed working with Melissa Endlich SO MUCH. We're going to make a great team.

    Virginia, my first book was called Fearless, written as Andrea Wilder. Dorchester Lovespell released it in '07, and as far as I know my mother has the last 2 copies besides mine. Of course, you might find it in a dusty bargain bin somewhere :)

  25. Congrats Andrea! What exciting news!

    And happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!

    Now back to our regularly scheduled Sunday afternoon program: feet up, good book in hand :)

  26. Congratulations, Andrea!! Exciting news!!

    I'm excited for the critique as well. I've been editing based on the comments from the Frasier judges but I need to know if I'm headed in the right direction. I'm also eager to start querying agents again. I haven't had time to work on this in the last couple of months. But now that school is out for the summer......wahooo!

  27. Andrea, woo hoo!!! so thrilled for you!! Congrats!

  28. Beautiful book cover, too, Tina! I love it!

  29. You must be so thrilled that your book is finally being published!!

  30. I just got back in town and excited to catch up on Seekerville! I would love to be entered into the drawing~Stacey

  31. Have I NOT stopped in Seekerville today?

    Well, I'm here now!


    Congratulations!!! This is so exciting. Can't wait until your PARTY so we can find out all the juicy details!

  32. Congratulations to the winners this week.

    Thanks Seekerville for the ministry and encouragement you provide.

    Jodie Wolfe

  33. Congratulations to Andrea on her LI contract!

    And congrats to all the winners.
