Friday, July 15, 2011

Faith and the Medical Profession By Guest Blogger Wendy S. Marcus

Thank you, Seekerville, for hosting me on the 21st stop of my blog tour to promote my debut Harlequin Medical Romance, When One Night Isn't Enough. Today I’ve chosen to chat about faith and the medical profession. defines faith as:

1. Confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.
2. Belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.
3. Belief in god or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: the firm faith of the Pilgrims.

Wow! This post turned out to be a lot harder to write than I’d anticipated. At this point I’ve written enough words to be finished. Unfortunately, I’ve deleted most of them. The problem is I’d had in mind what I wanted to write about. But after doing some research on the topic of ‘faith and the medical profession’ I realize there’s so much more going on that I hadn’t originally considered.

I’d planned to focus on the faith of medical professionals.

But when I did a Google search for ‘faith and the medical profession’ I came up with links to people who have lost faith in the medical profession, and links for faith healing and claims that people who profess faith in a higher power are generally in better health.

When I did a Google search for ‘do doctors and nurses have faith’ I came up with links addressing the questions of whether doctors and nurses should share their faith with patients and whether they should pray with/offer to pray for their patients or stick to scientific facts?

And when I did a Google search for ‘medical professionals faith in God’ I came up with links touting faith trumps supposed medical norms and God works through the medical profession.

I was about to give up. After scanning dozens of articles I couldn’t find anything to substantiate my theory that regardless of belief or religious affiliation, the majority of medical professionals have faith.

Then I stumbled upon this quote:

Faith and knowledge lean largely upon each other in the practice of medicine. ~Peter Mere Latham

Can I get a Halleluiah?!

Because this is what I’d intended to write about. You see, health care practitioners are taught scientific facts and proven techniques and procedures to use in caring for their patients. I’m not aware of any credible medical/nursing school that would encourage a doctor/nurse to stand around and have faith that a higher power would intervene to clear the airway of a choking patient. No. We’re taught to act. ABC. Evaluate the patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation. Alert the emergency responders. Administer CPR.

And yet, under the broad definition of faith above, we still have faith. In our skills and the skills of our colleagues. In the knowledge we performed to the best of our abilities and did all we could do, regardless of the outcome. In the possibility there is a higher power at work.

Why else would patients expected to fully recover die unexpectedly and patients who shouldn’t have survived the night, live and heal and return to their normal level of function?

I believe I can state, with some certainty, that every medical professional has had patients who have tested their faith and patients who have reaffirmed it.

So…what does all this have to do with my debut Harlequin Medical Romance, When One Night Isn't Enough? Absolutely nothing. But at each stop on my blog tour I try to do something a little different. And while tossing around some ideas about what I, a Jewish nurse, might write for a blog hosted by Christian writers and frequented by fans of inspirational romance, this is what I came up with. And since my hostess, Tina, liked the idea, here we are.

Here’s a blurb about When One Night Isn't Enough:

Nurse Ali Forshay has found the perfect man for her. Dependable. Routine. Boring. Exactly what she wants to ensure a quiet, stable and anonymous life. Then his friend, Dr. Jared Padget, shows up and goodbye fairytale ending. The man’s a schmoozer. A womanizer. A woo-a-woman-into-bed-using-any-means-necessary kind of man just like her father. And Ali wants nothing to do with him. But he’s so tempting. Thank goodness his temporary assignment at Madrin Memorial is over, and he’s heading out of town.

If only he hadn’t shown up at girls’ night out on the eve of his departure. If only he hadn’t come back when he’d promised to stay away…

If you’d like to learn more about me or read an excerpt (appropriate for everyone), please visit my website:

If you liked the excerpt, When One Night Isn't Enough, is available for purchase here:

Amazon U.S.

Amazon UK
Mills and Boon Aus
Visit me on Facebook
Or Twitter
Or Goodreads

So, what do you think about the balancing act between faith and medicine? Or if you’d rather discuss Harlequin Medical Romance, I’m up for that, too. Have you ever read one? If so, what’d you think? Are you a fan of medical drama on television? Medical romances are similar, but they are not all set in hospitals. Please let me know if you’d like to be entered into the drawing to win a copy of the 2in1 UK edition of my book which includes a complete novel by Janice Lynn!

Wendy S. Marcus lives in the beautiful Hudson Valley region of New York with her husband, two of her three children, and a much loved Bichon Frise named Buddy. A nurse by trade, Wendy has her master’s degree in health care administration. After years of working in the medical profession, Wendy has taken a radical turn to writing hot contemporary romance with strong heroes, feisty heroines, and lots of laughs. When she’s not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and blogging/e-mailing/tweeting with her online friends. To learn more about Wendy visit her website,


Please note, you must let us know if you want to be entered in the drawing for Wendy's debut Harlequin Medical Romance, When One Night Isn't Enough (adult content) or let us know if you'd like to be entered in the drawing for a $10.00 Amazon gift card that Seekerville is giving away to support Wendy's book launch. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.


  1. Hi Tina!
    Thank you so much for having me at Seekerville! Between you and my friend Vince, I'm feeling right at home!

    If I may share here: Today I learned that When One Night Isn't Enough received a 4 star, web exclusive review from RT Book Reviews. 4 stars means the reviewer found it to be a compelling, page-turning read! I'm thrilled.

    And if I may also share the link to purchase the paperback edition, which was not available at the time I wrote this post:

    Just in case anyone is interested.

    I'm looking forward to chatting with all the Seekerville fans! Although I'm off to bed now, I'll check back in first thing in the morning.

  2. Wendy, you are first in Seekerville. You beat Helen our coffee maven.

    Way to go.

    I spent many years following behind Janice Lynn on the contest circuit so I consider it a DOUBLE treat to be able to read a book with both of you as authors.

    Love Medical Romance big time

    And I have to say that faith and medicine is a huge thing for me.

    They go hand in hand.

    The opportunity to pray for a patient as a nurse if the door is open for that, is an honor.

    And holistic medicine teaches that healing is three fold, body, mind and spirit. I agree with this and that is foundation of osteopathic medicine.

    Okay, off to bed myself.

    The fruit bowl and quiche are in the fridge for breakfast. Help your self all you night owls.

  3. And congratulations on your RT review!!!!!!

  4. Congratulations on your novel Wendy and the 4 star review from RT!

    You are on quite a book tour! How far in advance did you book all the stops on your tour? Are you taking a vacation after you're done? lol

    The post today brought to mind the movie City of Angels when Meg Ryan's character wonders whether sometimes doctors are fighting with God.

    Eva Maria Hamilton at gmail dot com

  5. Honestly, the first time through I had to just leave the theater when I saw that movie. Deep breaths and then go back in as I had recently lost a loved one.

    It is so powerful. Now I own it, as it is really very much an amazing and interesting perspective.

  6. Coffee's ready. Have at it.

    Congratulations, Wendy, on your debut book.

    During many years in the ministry I have witnessed or known of a lot of instances where faith played into medical/health situations, some of them pretty incredible stories.

    Hubby and I have always made it a practice to pray for medical personnel, asking God to give them the guidance and skills needed.


  7. Hi Wendy:

    Good to see you here at last! Congrats on your 4 star RT review on your debut book. That’s great.

    Do you know if there is an RT or RT type publication in France? And do you know what your French translation received?

    I never thought of this until just now but how would you feel if a translation of your book got a higher review than your English original? (Maybe I’d be laughing through my tears – yesterday’s topic.)

    I think faith and belief are different. I think you can’t tell if you really have faith until it is tested. When tested you may find out that you really did not have faith – you had only belief.

    Since it is a fact that the mind can influence the body, (The mind tells the body to do things all the time – even things the body does not want to do), I believe that faith can make a vital difference. So really having faith would seem to help the body in those cases where the mind/body connection can be made.

    Faith may be a marginal thing wherein in close cases faith may make the difference between life and death. In other cases the situation may be such that faith either way will make no difference.

    We know that the ‘will to live’ is very important and can make a difference but if it always worked, no one need die unless they wanted to.

    I know many of my doctors here in Tulsa will pray before operations. Several go on missions each year. I encourage them to pray for guidance when they operate on me.

    So tell us about book two! Is it a sequel or something with a different setting and cast of characters?

    I’m a big fan of the Medical Romances. I think they are the best short fast reads in romance.


  8. Hi Wendy,

    I don't really know if Faith and Medicine go hand in hand for Medical Professionals, but I always pray when I'm on a surgeon's operating table! Well, so far four times only.

    And I beleive in the power of prayer, be it to God of any denomination. Praying releases positive vibes, so yes prayers do heal together with medicine.

    And Vince mentioned something really interesting, will have to check that out.

    Congratulations on the fabulous RT review! Your book, WHEN ONE NIGHT ISN'T ENOUGH deserved it!

    And Vince, the second Wendy S Marcus title is ONCE A GOOD GIRL!
    You can read an excerpt here:

    I read the excerpt and am now waiting for it with bated breath!

  9. Wendy, Seekerville is a great place to be--glad you are here! First off, I love your cover. It's very intriguing. That alone would get me to buy the book.
    Congrats on your RT review as well.
    I'm not a fan of medical shows on TV---can't watch all the 'stuff' if you know what I mean.
    But medical romances--we'll that's a whole different story.

    belindapeterson at tds dot net

    Lindi P.

  10. Welcome to Seekerville, Wendy! Wow, I'm impressed this is your 21st stop on your blog tour and you've done something different each time. Lifting my coffee cup to you!

    Congratulations on the RT 4 Star Review!!

    I hope a surgeon or doctor seeks God's help when taking care of my loved ones or me.


  11. You can run, but you cannot hide, Wendy! Welcome to Seekerville!

    As you already know, I would love love love to win your book. Thanks for being so generous every step of your blog tour!

    I used to love watching Medical Center on TV, starring Chad Everett. Truth be told, he was the reason I went to sleep with "sweet dreams", which I continued once I started reading romances way back in the mid seventies. Back in those days, most romance heroines were either nurses, patients, nannies, volunteers, or students, so careers have definitely evolved for women since those days!

  12. I think faith has a strong place in the medical field. I think medical miracles happen every day.
    I would love a chance at a gift card.

  13. I liked Vince's comment. I've actually read a lot of books that talked about doctors and faith. One thing that is important though is that the English version of faith is not the same as the Greek Biblical version of faith. Faith is trust in God... not because we can't see Him, but in a way because we can. And I can see where doctors and nurses would need faith. I've heard some amazing medical stories.
    I would love a chance to win the giftcard.

  14. Hi Tina!
    I believe that faith and medicine go hand in hand, too. And I agree with the mind, body, and spirit connection. While I can't recall every praying with a patient, I have prayed for many.

  15. Hi Eva!
    I planned the blog tour months ago - which is why it didn't seem like such a big deal to visit six blogs this week while I'm under deadline for August 1st. Now, however, it's a bit stressful. But I've met so many wonderful people, I don't regret one minute of it!

    And I plan to get away with my two girls for a long weekend toward the end of August. Then it's on to book #4. There are so many people who would love to be where I am so I cannot complain.

    I haven't thought about City of Angels for years. I enjoyed that movie.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Six blogs this week? Egads!!! You are amazing!

    And see, Nas Dean has the inside scoop on your second book. Thanks for stopping by Nas.

    Wendy if you have time today tell us a little about how you sold to Medicals as well.

  17. I'd also like to hear a little about how distribution works for Medicals. Do they have a bookclub as well?

  18. Thanks for the coffee, Helen!
    I think many medical professionals have also witnessed incredible recoveries that aren't easily explained by science.

    And I firmly believe that patients who are surrounded by the love and support of family and friends often times recover quicker than patients who go it alone.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  19. Hi Vince!
    I'm not aware of an RT Book Review for France. I know my book was reviewed as part of an interview I did with Love Letter Magazine, a German publication. There were no stars so I have no idea how I did. (Although the publisher told me the reviewer liked my book.)I did try to translate portions of it on the Internet but it took too long and I got frustrated.

    I agree that the mind can influence the body, both toward health and toward sickness.

    Thank you for being such a wonderful fan of medical romance. My second book is connected to my first. It's the head nurse, Victoria's, story. (There's an excerpt on my website under Coming Soon.) And the book I'm working on now is another nurse, Roxie's story.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  20. First, congrats on the 4 STARS!!!!

    Wonderful! And thank you so much for being here because I love, love, love medical drama. Shoot, I remember Dr. Kildare, but admitting that ages me.

    Does it help if I say it was re-runs??? ;)

    Loved St. Elsewhere, and your hero reminds me of Mark Harmon's role in that. So tell us more about writing medicals. My first book, Winter's End, had a hospice nurse as a heroine, but I had a great visiting nurse coaching me and had gone through my mother's hospice experience. Can an outsider do justice, real justice to hospital medicals? Without sounding phony?

  21. Welcome to Seekerville, Wendy! And congrats on the 4-star RT review! I've never read a medical romance except when judging contests, so looks like I'll have to check this one out!

    Please tell us a bit more about how you got interested in writing for publication and how your first sale came about. What do your medical colleagues think about this "side line" career?

  22. Hi Nas!
    I, too, believe in the power of prayer. I remember an instance when my dad was very ill in a hospital far from his home. A rabbi we didn't know came to visit him, simply because the admission list noted my father's religion as Jewish. He stayed for almost half an hour and said many prayers - some in English, some in Hebrew. And I'm actually getting choked up as I write this because that visit meant so much to my father, my aunt, and me. After the rabbi left it felt like the bad energy had been removed from the room. It was a wonderful gesture that truly made me understand the power of prayer.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  23. Hi Lindi!
    Thank you for the warm welcome. I have to admit, while working as a nurse, medical shows on TV didn't interest me. But I did, and still do, enjoy Scrubs which balances the humor and serious nature of practicing medicine.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  24. Hi Janet!
    I must admit, I've come across many a physician who believes his/her skill in paramount. But I firmly believe there will be at least one person, between the surgical nurses and the anesthesiologist who will be praying.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  25. Hi Wendy,

    Congratulations on the 4-Star RT review!

    I've always liked medical dramas on TV, but never read a medical romance. After reading the excerpt for yours I'll have to try one.

    It makes such a difference, for me personally, to have a doctor and/or nurse with faith and leans on God along with the skills He's given them.

    Please put my name in for a chance to win WHEN ONE NIGHT ISN'T ENOUGH.


  26. Hi Laney4!
    Great to "see" you, again! Then name Chad Everett sounds familiar but I can't place him. I'll have to do a Google search! (So I can have some sweet dreams, too!)

    And, yes, women's roles in medical romance have progressed through the years. I think it's wonderful!

    Thank you for stopping by and for visiting me at so many stops on my blog tour!

  27. Hi Runner10!
    I agree!

    Thank you for stopping by!

  28. Wow, Wendy, a tie in book for number two. I love that. It makes it all in the family.

  29. Hi Adge!
    I liked Vince's comment, and yours as well.

    Thank you for stopping by to share!

  30. Hi Tina!
    I originally targeted another line of Harlequin. But one day, while perusing the Internet, I stumbled upon an online pitch contest for medical romance. Since my hero and heroine were doctor and nurse (write what you know), I figured I'd give it a try. And I was 1 of 5 winners. I worked with an editor for six long months of revisions and sold in October 2010.

    Medical romance is not sold in bookstores in the U.S. Which is why it is not widely known about. In the U.S., Harlequin Medical Romances are avaialable in e-book format on Amazon and Barne's and Noble. A paperback edition is available at Internationally, however, medical romances are wildly popular in England, France, and Aus/NZ.

    And, yes, medical romances are available in the U.S. via Harlequin subscription services.

  31. Hi Ruth!
    I loved St. Elsewhere, too!

    Yes, I think anyone can do justice to writing a medical romance. While I happen to be a nurse, not all medical romance writers work or have worked in the medical profession. Like completing the research for any book you're writing, you need attention to detail in creating a realistic setting and scenes. I think most people have experiences they can draw on relating to the medical profession.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  32. I've not read a medical romance, which amazes me. LoL. I think that needs to change!! =]

    I know if given the choice, I'd take a doctor or nurse who not only have faith, but have a personal relationship with Christ.

  33. I definitely think medical fiction has a place in the market. However, it seems like the authors cycle out or maybe just move on to another genre. A more recent author in the genre I've found is Candace Calvert. Wonderful books!

    Please put me in the drawing for the gift card.


  34. Hi Glynna!
    My writing for publication came out of a love of reading. After reading so many books, I'd come across a few that made me think: I can do better. So I set out to try. I took a course on writing popular fiction at my local college. I overdosed on reading books on the craft of writing. I joined RWA - Romance Writers of America. And then I wrote and wrote and wrote.

    At the time I sold my first book I'd been in transition. I was an independent nurse consultant who needed a break. I worked from a home office so not many of my colleagues know I made the switch to writing romance. At present I write full time - which is why I can visit six blogs this week - while I work to build up my fan base and my # of published works.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  35. Hi Kirsten!
    I'm so glad you liked my excerpt!

    All I can say is when you choose a physician, choose wisely. Chat with friends, your general practitioner, or clergy to find one with excellent skills who will also provide you with the spiritual support you want. They're out there!

    Thank you for stopping by!

  36. Hi Patty!
    I agree! The fact you've never read a medical romance does need to be changed. Good luck in the drawing! And thanks for stopping by!

  37. Hi Holly!
    Sometimes authors do 'cycle out' of writing medical romance because they feel it's bit limiting. In contrast, there is such a wide variety of medical stories to be told. An upcoming medical romance title from a new author is: A Doctor's Guide to Dating in the Jungle. How cool is that?

    And I'm a member of Heartbeat RWA with Candace Calvert. She's lovely!

    Thanks for stoping by!

  38. Welcome to Seekerville Wendy,

    Congrats on your debut novel and the 4 stars. Whew I'm impressed with all your publicity efforts.

    Loved the topic. I've seen so many miracles that there is no doubt in my mind about the power of prayer. Whenever anyone asks me to pray for their surgery or medical issues, I'm always first pray for the doctors, anesthesiologist, nurses, etc. smile

    Have a fun day and happy writing.

  39. Terrific first sale story. Once again, persistence and being a pretzel gets the prize.

    Pretzel = flexible.

  40. Wendy -- Looks like we all start with that core seed of a love for reading!

    Your nurse-consultant work sounds like a perfect blend for a medical romance writer! You can keep your hand in the realities and changes in the medical world yet have time to write!

  41. Hi Sandra!
    I agree. Prayer is powerful! I've experienced the benefits in my own life and I've seen them in the lives of others!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  42. Hi Tina!
    Writing for publication can be so frustrating. Persistence and flexibility - being open to the possibility of achieving your goal of publication in a way you'd initially not considered - is key!

    Hi Glynna!
    Honestly, I don't know any authors who are not also avid readers. The difficulty is finding time for both!

  43. Ruthy, I just left a comment on yesterday's blog. Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday.

  44. Hi everyone! I didn't know Harlequin had a medical line - I mean I've seen a few here and there but don't recall reading any other than the occasional silhouette or one of the lines where there's a doctor - Marie Ferarella I think writes a dr romance sometimes.

    Honestly I've had too much medical drama lately that I just want to escape with a cowboy or commando or vampire!

    I believe medicine and faith go hand in hand - I tend to lean more towards the medicine side since I've seen it work more often though who knows if it was just the medicine or if the prayer along with it was what really worked? I believe God works through people/medicine but in the end it's gonna be His will and thank goodness we're covered if the medicine doesn't work and God says no.

    this sounds like a spicy title..will have to check it out! ;-)

    I'm game to win anything (well other than a critique - I don't write so nothing to have critiqued!)


  45. My doctor back home is a Christian and it effects every aspect of his practice. It does not drive him into a lax approach. Rather it gives him boldness to go where most doctors refuse. He uses latest technology, he uses pharmaceuticals, but he also uses vitamins and supplements like doctors used to. He sees our bodies as wonderfully made just like it says in Genesis and uses that knowledge to take a whole body approach to healing. He uses meds and supplements to help the body help itself. And he doesn't stop researching until he has answers to help his patients. Pretty amazing. I wish I had a doctor in SC like him!

    Great post, Wendy. Enjoyed the Excerpt. It is compelling and made me want to read more.

    Sign me up for the drawings.

  46. Hi, Wendy. I've got a daughter named Wendy, I've always loved that name.

    I've got a question about medical romance. Didn't there used to be a whole genre of 'nurse' romances? I vaguely remember that. I read a LOT of them but I don't think I quite clicked onto it being an actual genre of it's own.

    The book sounds terrific. Ah, those bad boys.

  47. Hi Tina:

    I’d love for you to write a medical romance. With all your nursing and medical experience you’d be perfect. The genre has all the conflict and emotional situations you could ever want built right into the story from the start. There is life and death in the background every day. A crisis is always credibly available when needed. I think if the Harlequin Medicals were sold in just Wal-Marts, they would give Presents a run for their money!


  48. Wendy - thanks for being here!

    I have to admit, my perception of medical romances are all based on those early Harlequins from the '60s and '70s (yes, I'm dating myself, but it's allowed here). After reading your excerpt, I'll have to give the genre a try again!

    Your road to publication is inspiring - I like the way Tina put it: persistent and flexible.

    Put me in for the drawing!

  49. Oh! I do know an orthopedist here at my church who doesn't hesitate to pray with his patients. He's very open about his faith. There's also a gynecologist in my church who seems open about his faith, too, but I've never seen him in action in the work place... only at church. There's also a dentist. I think we have nearly every kind of doctor in my church and all that I've met seem sincere. I just haven't found one close to where I live. We're about a twenty-thirty minute drive from downtown - interstate minutes.

  50. Are we supposed to leave our emails for the drawings?

    lr dot mullin at live dot com

  51. Hi Wendy:

    When I was newly married my wife needed a major operation. She went to the then new City of Faith hospital. Not only did the doctors and staff pray with her, (they even held hands as they prayed) Oral Roberts and his wife came by to pray with her as well. Of course, it didn’t hurt that they also had world class surgeons. Everything went perfect. I’m kind of a philosopher, Unity-type person, but I must say I was very moved by all this prayer.


  52. Hi Holly:

    I’m with you. I think that Candace Calvert is one of the best medical romance writers ever. However, she gets to write books that are at least twice as long as the Harlequin Medicals and she uses that extra length to really flesh out her stories. But then you have to wait a lot longer for her next book.

    While some medical writers write in more than one genre, I’ve read the same Medical authors for years. The Medical Author’s Blog on eHarlequin is one of the most lively blogs, with the most activity, on eHarlequin. If you haven’t yet, you might check it out:

    The medical authors will talk about anything! I mean anything and they will make it interesting.


  53. WENDY!!! WOW, what an excerpt, girl -- WHEW, wish I had a love scene to write right about now, but alas I am in the middle of family scene with all that heat and nowhere to go!!!

    WELCOME TO SEEKERVILLE, and I LOVE your style of writing -- the humor, the crisp, clean flow, the almost hypnotic "rhythm" ... the feeling like the scene is actually happening to me!!! Wish I could win, but alas, this is one of the few times I regret being a Seeker ... :/

    I think medicine and faith SO go together because both are about healing, one the body, the other the soul and boy oh boy, when you put the two together with romance -- LOOK OUT!!!

    Congrats on the RT review and your new book, and I wish you the very best.


  54. Hi Susanna!
    Medical romances aren't sold in stores in the U.S. so not many people know about them. But I'm setting out to change that! For now they're available from the Harlequin website with e-books available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

    Sorry for your recent medical drama. I love to escape with a good cowboy, too, now and again. I haven't gotten into the vampire craze, though.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  55. Hi Linnette!
    Your doctor back home sounds pretty wonderful. Good luck finding another like him where you're living now!

    And re: your second comment - it sounds like church may be a good place to start in finding a physician who combines prayer with medical practice. But by all means, research his skills and abilities, too!

    I'm glad you enjoyed my excerpt! Thanks for stopping by!

  56. Hi Mary!
    I'm a fan of the name Wendy, too! I never met another one until I entered college - when I briefly spelled it Wendie just to be different!

    From doing my blog tour I've learned of a line of nurse romances from, I think, back in the 1970s. I'm not familiar with them but am pretty certain the medical romances of today are very different!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  57. Hi Vince!
    I agree! And my hope is that one day soon Harlequin Medical Romance will be sold at Wal-Mart right along with the other lines of Harlequin. But we have to get out U.S. sales numbers up first!

    Let's get to work!!!

  58. Hi Jan!
    Medical romance has evolved over the years and continues to evolve. We use current plot lines and interesting characters who lead full, active lives outside of their work.

    I hope you'll give medical romance another look. (I highly recommend When One Life Isn't Enough! )

    Thanks for stopping by!

  59. Hi Vince!
    I also believe in the power of prayer. In my comment to Nas, up above, I shared a personal story of how prayer impacted my father's stay in the hospital.

    Thank you for stopping back, for your support of medical romance, and for your promo of our medical authors group blog on eharlequin. It is a fun place. I blog there on the first Thursday of each month!

  60. Hi Julie!
    Your comment made me smile. I'm a big fan of !!!!!!! , too! I'm glad you liked my excerpt.

    Good luck with your family scene. You can always re-visit my excerpt, either here or on my website, when you're ready to start that love scene!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  61. It's nice to meet you here, Wendy. Is this your debut novel? Congratulations! I'm always thrilled to "meet" new authors. :)

    (I would like to be entered for the gift card please. Many thanks! :)

  62. Hi Wendy:

    I see that you live in the Hudson Valley. Are you actually American? I don’t seem to read many American Medical authors. I’m used to Sisters, Consultants, registrars and doctors who are called Mr. out of respect.

    You were also using American medical terminology. So refreshing. Do you even get to meet the other Medical authors?


  63. Hi Nas:

    Thanks for the heads-up on Wendy’s book two! I don’t think I’ve seen a hero and heroine more deeply developed in just one chapter! I feel like I totally know the hero and heroine.

    Wow! And two crisis in just one chapter. This is how to write a short romance and still get everything in. Wonderful.


  64. Hi Wendy:

    I’m going to use Chapter One of your “Once a Good Girl” as a model for my next contest entry. It’s ideal! It has everything they test for on the judges' scoring sheets.

    Have you entered many contests or was it just that one you mentioned?


  65. Vince and I always agree on things, Teeeena.

    Have you noticed that, chica?

    Wendy, this is great stuff. I brought some chicken salad and ciabatta bread for lunches. Fresh lettuce too.

    And salad to your left, next to the cold drink and coffee bar.

    Loving this!

  66. Vince, how did you already get a copy of her second book? When does it release--or is the first chapter teaser up on eHarlequin.

    I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  67. I started out my medical nurse reading with Sue Barton Visiting Nurse. Loved the series.

    But I am not a fan of medical shows. Scrubs as Wendy said is the lone standout and of course M*A*S*H.

  68. VINCE!!! I worked at City of Faith. On the 26th Floor until it closed. Of course I was night shift 11-7.

  69. Wendy, I LOVE Harlequin medicals.

    I'm a nurse myself and would love to try my hand at one of these.

    I have your book pre-ordered on Kindle and can't wait to get it Aug 1.

    I've thought about trying my hand at a medical romance and even had one of the oversears medical editors encourage me to do so at a conference many years ago. I can't remember her name! A couple authors were there and encouraged me as well.

    I was targeting Steeple Hill though and wasn't sure about the sensuality level in the books and whether they'd allow a light faith element.

    Thanks for visiting us today!


  70. Hi Casey!
    Yes, this is my debut!

    Thanks for the congratulations and for stopping by!

  71. When DS had his surgeries I knew at least a couple of med professionals involved were praying. We were too of course, but it was comforting to know that others were too.

    Book sounds interesting :). Love medical books usually. Which reminds me that I need to read the 3rd by Richard Mabry...

    carolmoncado at gmail dot com

  72. Hi Vince!
    I'm a New Yorker since birth! (But upstate. I am not a city girl at all!) I hear you about the terminology in some medical romances. The first time I read about a sister (the name for nurse in another country) and the theater (the operating room) it kind of pulled me out of the story.

    And re: your next comment. Thank you for the compliment about the excerpt for my next book. I have entered quite a few contests (but not with that excerpt) and have several second place finishes. I've never won a writing contest, but I still hold out hope.

    Thanks for stopping back!

  73. Hi Ruth!

    I realize that aside from Helen's coffee, I haven't eaten a thing. Salad is one of my faves! (Too bad I also have a love of chocolate which negates my salad eating lifestyle!)


  74. Congratulations on the success of your debut novel, Wendy! And what a delight to welcome you to Seekerville today!

    I've read more medical mysteries than medical romances. Robin Cook's Coma was probably my introduction. And now hubby and I have gotten hooked on Bones. Earlier this year we started with episode 1, season 1, on Netflix, and have watched about 60 episodes by now. Not exactly a medical drama but there's a lot of scientific anatomical verbiage thrown around!

  75. Hi Tina!
    I'm guessing Vince read the excerpt from my website on my Coming Soon page. Once a Good Girl won't be out in the U.S. until January 2012. But like my release for When One Night Isn't Enough, I'm sure it will be here much quicker than anticipated!

    And you sound perfect to write a medical romance. HQN Mill and Boon are still buying! Keep my e-mail address handy and send me over any questions!

  76. I've enjoyed all the Harlequin Medical romances that I've read. So far they've all been set in Britain or Australia, so it would be refreshing to read a US-set story. I'd love the chance to win Wendy's book.

  77. Hi Cheryl!
    Thank you so much for pre-ordering my book! I hope you enjoy it! One of the things I love about Harlequin Medical Romance is the wide range of storylines and writing styles they accommodate. I would suggest writing the first three chapters and submitting that, per the guidelines. Definitely mention the light faith element to see how the editors respond.

    And for you and Tina, Mills and Boon is holding their second New Voices competition this year. I believe it starts after the summer. Visit the Mills and Boon website for more info. The last one was wildly popular and several writers sold as a result of it!

    Good luck!

  78. Hi CarolM!
    I hope your experience with your DS's surgery is not recent. And I believe for every one medical professional you hear praying, there's another one praying silently.

    Thank you for stopping by!

  79. Hi Myra!
    Thank you for that warm welcome! I love Bones, too! I can't say I'm hooked on it, because I don't watch much TV, but if I see it on when I happen to be watching, I'll always stop. The way they solve murders/deaths is truely amazing!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  80. Hi Melanie!
    I'm guessing the reason the medical romances you've read are based in the UK/AUS/NZ is because that's where a lot of the authors live. But there are some wonderful established U.S. authors like Laura Iding and Janice Lynn and new U.S. authors like myself, Connie Cox and Susan Carlisle, who both just recently sold.

    Good luck in the drawing! Thanks for stopping by!

  81. I always thought about faith and medicine went hand in hand - especially from the patient's side.. Never did I think about from the doctor/nurse's side. Wow, great to know about that, Wendy !!

    Congrats on the RT review!!!! :)

  82. Hi Ju!
    Thank you for all your support on my blog tour! You have to be one of the front contenders for the grand prize for most blog stops visited!

  83. You're making me blush, Wendy ;) I hope I haven't come across as a stalker!!

  84. Wendy, when I saw your post the first thing I thought of was Marcus Welby, MD!

    I have always been a fan of medical shows and medical romances. Can't wait to read your book. Thanks, Cheryl, for reminding me I can pre-order on Kindle!

    My grandmother was a nurse and our family pediatrician was an important part of our lives growing up. She saved the lives of myself and my sister over the years.

    We spent so much time in and out of hospitals, I gravitated to candy stripe-r teen books and graduated on up.

    Congratulations and best wishes.

    Peace, Julie

  85. Congrats, Wendy! I love reading medical fiction. Glad you explained that medical romances are not yet in stores! I hope that changes soon. This post has been very informative! I like to know any doctor I use believes in prayer. You mentioned husband recently had triple bypass was so quick, we had no chance to choose (just moved here,too). However, I was pleasantly surprised when the doctor gave me his business card (AFTER surgery), and my favorite scripture was printed on it!!! Please enter me for the gift card!

  86. Hi Tina:

    My wife was on one of the top floors in the City of Faith. You may have been there at the same time. BTW: I also taught seminars in the City of Faith building for almost two years. Second floor. This was in the middle 1980’s.

    The chapter I mentioned is on Wendy’s website. That one chapter makes me feel as if I was at least five chapters into the story. Talk about working backstory into the action – this is a textbook example of how to do it.


  87. Hi Cheryl:

    About Medical Heat.

    I’ve read well over 100 Harlequin Medical romances and sensuality seems to be up to the author. I’ve just read four of the Medicals which I think would be classified as ‘sweet’ romances and then I read a ‘hot’ one where the hero and heroine wind up in bed in the first chapter on the first day they met. A reader who thinks all the Medicals are sweet may be in for a real shock the day she gets a hot one. I kind of wish there was a way to tell in advance if a given medical is very ‘hot’.

    BTW: I think it would be a great addition to the Medicals if you could do a military medical. What if you worked a medical story into your PJ series? Think of the cross-pollination between lines. I think it is a natural.


  88. Hi Wendy:

    I see that “Once a Good Girl” features a physical therapy dog. I hope they put a picture of the dog on the cover. Dogs increase sales!


  89. Hi Wendy: Fabulous post about faith and medicine. I believe the quote hit the mark. And the medical romances I've been reading have carried that lovely undercurrent of faith: faith in each other which gives so much to the reader.


  90. Ju - from the bottom of my heart I appreciate all the time you've spent following me around!

  91. Hi Julie!
    I used to love Marcus Welby, MD! I watched it with my grandpa - along with Lawrence Welk!!! I think I'm dating myself - but I enjoyed both shows (and especially cuddling on the couch with gramps.)

    Thank you for pre-ordering (or thinking about pre-ordering) my Kindle edition! I hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  92. Hi Jackie!
    I'm glad you've found my post informative! That's my goal.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  93. ooh a dog on the cover gets my attention!
    it's a pet peeve of a lot of readers to not know the heat level - some complain they wasted time reading a book that had nothing but a kiss and a closed door scene and others call it spicy if the couple kissed! with Harlequin I can't even go by the line - Blaze is supposedly their spicy line but gosh I got hold of a harlequin presents the other day that should've been a Blaze! romantictimes usually does a decent job of giving some kind of indication.

    so what goes on in the medical romances? are they just dealing with an illness/recovery as the main theme or are the doctor/nurse a couple? I'll go over the eharlequin and look them up!


  94. Hi Vince!
    Thanks for the compliment on my excerpt for Once a Good Girl. I'm glad you liked it!

    Yes, medical romances do run from sweet to sexy. At this point they don't label heat levels. I'm not sure if they plan to in the future, but I think it's important that readers get the type of read they're expecting!

    And re: the therapy dog on a book cover, unfortunately I have no control over the book covers. So far I've been lucky! 1 for 1 !

  95. Hi Christine!
    I'm glad you liked my post. And I agree that some medical romances have an undercurrent of faith.

    Thanks for stopping by to visit me!

  96. Hi Cheryl:

    It just occurred to me that your heroine in “Steadfast Soldier”, Chloe Callet, was a physical therapist who employed a dog in her therapy.

    Wasn’t she going to open a special clinic in Refuge?

    Let’s see:

    You’re a nurse.

    You already have a cast of characters, a location and a medical clinic set to open.

    Now if you could just find a wounded military doctor, who does not believe in therapy dogs, who is sent to the heroine’s clinic for treatment, who knows?

    At your speed, you could probably write the first draft in seven days.

    I think it would really help the Medical line if there were more American authors.

    BTW: the dog is on the cover of “Steadfast Soldier.”


  97. Hi Susanna!
    I, too, have, at times, been surprised/disappointed by the level of heat in a book. In my RT Book Review - because it was a web exclusive review - there was no mention of heat level. I will be honest and share that I write on the steamier spectrum of the line.

    Here's the link to the RT review in case anyone is interested:

  98. Please enter me in the drawing for the Amazon gift card.

    Congratulations Wendy on your debut novel. I didn't realize there was a medical line with Harlequin.

    Jodie Wolfe

  99. Thanks Vince, headed over to Wendy's website to check it out!

    Okay, so your wife was on a top floor, she was on 27 and I worked below (over the railing so to speak) on 26.

  100. I've decided Wendy is the perfect name. And not because it's my daughters name, I just lucked out with that.
    1) It is unusual, there aren't many Wendys.
    2) It is always spelled and pronounced correctly.
    3) It is cute and yet not childish.
    4) It is eternal, not dated like so many names that can almost be carbon dated to the time they were popular on some TV show.
    5) While it is unusual, you can still at least often, find it on those racks that sell bike license plates of pencils...with names on...spelled correctly.
    I have a Shelly, too.
    Only too late did i realize it should have been Shelley if I wanted cheap monogrammed pencils.

  101. Hi Jodie!
    Thanks for your congratulations, and thanks for stopping by!

  102. Hi Mary!
    You are too funny! I agree with all those reasons you identified for what makes the name Wendy special.

    My youngest daughter is named Rachel. People constantly misspell it: Rachael.

  103. thanks Wendy! as long as I know what to expect with a book I'm ok- OI pretty much read all over the romance genre's heat level.

    I loved Cheryl's books and remember one was about a therapy dog but couldn't remember the title - still waiting for Brock's story and hoping that clinic will show up in his LOL! big HINT!


  104. Congratulations Wendy! I Would love that Amazon gift card! (Love to shop!)


  105. Me, too, Susanna! A good story is a good story.

    Thanks, Patsy!

  106. Way to go!!! I would like to be entered for the gift card.

  107. I think it's good for any author to be a broad-spectrum reader. To me it opens up doors of what-ifs that can then be brought to the inspirational or light inspirational venue.

    A great story is a great story.

  108. Wow, this place is busy. Just bring us a little Medical Romance and you all are talking. Love it!

    Wendy, love you for being so available today. You are the perfect guest.

    Now let's bring out some nice lemon cake with ice tea for our evening visitors.

  109. Hi Rose!

    Hi Ruth!
    I agree, a great story is a great story!

    Hi Tina!
    I am exhausted! Wow you all have a hoppin' blog here. I had a terrific time! Unfortunately, I won't be around to visit after this comment. I am on deadline (Aug. 1st) and will be offline for the entire weekend. Thank you so much for having me, and I eagerly await notification of who won my book!

  110. Thanks again, Wendy and have a great writing weekend.

    On behalf of Seekerville....

    WRITE FASTER~!~~~~

  111. Hi, I came late today and by the time I read all the comments, Wendy was gone.

    So, I guess I can say something while she isn't here. :)
    Wendy is a nice person who is supportive of other writers. I am a member of the medical loop of RWA. I had toyed with the idea of writing medical, but mostly, they are a nice, supportive group. The comments are generally all writing-oriented and there are many success stories happening daily. It's great for motivation.

    I'd like to read Wendy's first book so please put me in the drawing. I promise to close my eyes during the steamy parts. lol

    Success like this couldn't happen to a nicer, harder working person, Wendy. You go, Girl!

    cathy underscore shouse at yahoo dot com

  112. Okay. You caught me. I couldn't help myself. I had to stop by one more time before I shut down for the night. And boy oh boy and I glad I did!

    Hi Cathy!
    Thank you for your kind words! I will go to sleep with a smile on my face!

  113. Whew! Late to the party, and there are a TON of comments. Par for the course here in Seekerville though!

    Congratulations on your debut release, Wendy. Sounds like you've got a winner there!

  114. Wendy,

    Thanks for being with us in Seekerville today! Wish the Medicals would be more readily available in the U.S. Of course, Kindle makes everything so much easier now.

    Congrats on your 4 Star!!!

  115. "Faith and the Medical Profession" is the same thing as "Faith and Reason" with a proper noun inserted for "faith." Judea-Christian faith is based on both supernaturally revealed information from the prophets, and also on the observable physical-psychological universe through our six senses. In fact, even what the prophets revealed to us about God is only known through our six senses, which require reason to perceive, discern and understand. If you want a philosophical explanation of how this works read Pope John Paul II famous letter to the Church titled (in English) Faith and Reason (in Latin) Fides Et Ratio (free at the Vatican website.) But the two disciplines are literally two sides of the same coin. You can't have one without the other. It is a mistaken concept that faith exists simply as some mental assent without facts to back it up. Such an idea is "blind faith" and has no place in Judea-Christian thinking. If blind faith were true, then we could believe anything... as many people do. Atheists have blind faith, because they close their eyes to the obvious evidence of creation and their own breathing and their own mental processes. In all your Christian romance novels you incorporate faith and reason, not just in the religious sense, but especially in the romantic sense. There is the faith of the heroine that she'll end up in the arms of the hero. But without some physical-sensual evidence in his words or actions, the "faith" would be lost, and the novel ended abruptly. BTW: Did you notice that I mentioned the six senses, not five? Do you know what the sixth is? You can be deaf and blind and fall in love, but the sixth sense that we strangely forget is always necessary for your lovers to end up in each others' arms. Come to my pre-conference workshop at ACFW in September and I’ll tell you.

  116. Hi Stan:

    Wittgenstein said that inner states stand in need of outward criteria. Also that a private language was impossible.

    You can’t look into your mind and determine if you have faith. You can only know you have faith when you have established outward criteria or evidence. That is, when you are tested. It’s the ‘by their fruits they will be known’ thing.

    I think reason and faith are like the two poles of a magnet: they attract each other and form a bond. Two different faiths tend to repel each other. Two reasonable scientific theories can also repel each other. When you have faith and reason, you have an invisible bond which gives you an inner strength you cannot get any other way.

    Actually, I think we have many senses:
    Taste, touch, smell, temperature, thirst, hearing, seeing, the ability to do facial recognitions, and the ability to read between the lines.

    I hope I can get to your workshop.


  117. Good morning, Stan! Sure wish I could go to ACFW and attend your workshop this year! I plan to get the ACFW CDs, but I don't believe they usually record the pre-workshops. :( Natasha Kern recommended your "The Moral Premise" a few years ago and I now highly recommend it to other writers.

  118. VINCE -- So you're going to ACFW this year??? Cool!

  119. Stan, I signed up for your class at ACFW! Can't wait. And I love your book.

    Thanks for a great explanation of faith and reason.

    See you in St. Louis!

  120. Hi Debby:

    I want to go to St. Louis and hear Ruth give her acceptance speech and meet all the Seekers who will be attending. It could be hard because my schedule depends on several other people and, of course, I still need to convince the wife. : )


  121. A girl at work told me today her doctor pronounced her cancer free from bladder cancer. It was a miracle. She's definitely a prayer, and it is miraculous what a difference a year has made.
    Please enter me in your contest. Thanks!
