Monday, July 11, 2011

Finaling in the Golden Heart ® and Opening Doors

Janet here. I'm excited to have Ruth Kaufman posting in Seekerville today! I met Ruth in 1999 at my first Romance Writers of America conference in Chicago. We’ve stayed in touch, along with Becke Turner, another writer we met that year. We have an annual picture taken after the Rita’s ceremony as seen below. I appreciate much about these two lovely ladies, one of which--they make me feel tall. Ruth’s smile is always beautiful but this year it’s downright dazzling.

And no wonder.

Ruth's medieval AT HIS COMMAND won RWA’s 2011 Inspirational Golden Heart® Award. Her true, short story “The Scrinch,” will be in St. Martin’s anthology The Spirit of Christmas, foreword by Debbie Macomber. Ruth is a Chicago voiceover and on camera talent. If you heard her acceptance speech in New York, you know Ruth can talk fast!

Now here's Ruth.

In my May 2010 Seekerville post “Persistence: Profits, Perils and Plans,” I wrote, “Sometimes I feel like a gambler: Just one more bet (submission/contest entry), and my horse will come in (the call).”

After years of pursuing publication, rejections on numerous manuscripts (most personal and complimentary, but still “no, thanks”) and several nail-biting “almost theres,” I wondered when persistence turns into banging your head against a brick wall. How much money, time and energy can you put into a dream? I’d reached a low point, and was seriously considering closing many doors I’d worked so hard to open.

Thanks to encouragement from writer friends like Janet Dean and her repeated suggestions (and synopsis assistance from Janet and Love Inspired author Terri Reed), I didn’t give up. I turned one of my medievals into an inspirational, now titled AT HIS COMMAND.

The first place I sent it was Romance Writers of America®’s national contest for the as yet unpublished author, the Golden Heart®. I’d made it my goal to finish by the entry deadline, though in the past I’ve test new projects in a contest that offers feedback or at one of my local RWA chapter’s critique sessions.

I was thrilled to get the call that AHC was a finalist. I know happiness is supposed to come from within, but finaling in such a prestigious contest was a huge, validating shot in the arm, renewing my hope. I’d planned to go to RWA’s National Conference in New York just to catch up with friends and see shows. Now I had to make the most of this window of opportunity.

After doing some research, I found that most publishers don’t accept unsolicited queries, so I couldn’t even knock. I e-queried some of the agents who handle inspirationals, putting “2011 GH Finalist: Inspirational” in the subject line. I received requests with lightning speed, as if those words had the power of Ali Baba saying, “Open Sesame.” The GH final helped me open new, and reopen some old, doors.

It may seem like a small thing to some, but getting my pink Finalist name badge ribbon meant a lot...a physical representation of finaling. Given the competition, including Seekervillian Pam Hillman, who’d already sold to Tyndale House’s new e-book line, I didn’t think I’d win, and so was surprised when presenter Kit Wilkinson called my name. (Confession: I hadn’t prepared a speech, against advice on Yahoo! groups, from friends and even the awards ceremony director. My extensive improv and public speaking experience helped me come up with a speech on the spot.)

Being a GH finalist has been wonderful, providing months of fuel for a positive attitude. Winning is a bigger thrill and opportunity than I’d expected, opening more new doors and others wider. I’m so grateful for the outpouring of congratulations, support and interest in my writing. Examples: In the bar after the ceremony, an agent I hadn’t queried made a request. A couple of agents who had already requested emailed their congratulations; one who’d wanted a partial asked for the full instead. Having agents approach me is invigorating.

Even so, I can’t raise my hopes too high or count any chickens. Neither a GH final, a win, getting your feet in nor enthusiasm about reading your work guarantee representation and/or a sale. But as they say, if you’re not in it, you can’t win it.

The GH is a great way, but not the only way, to get in the door. What new doors can you open? Can you reopen others, say, by querying an agent who’d rejected you with a new manuscript?

The keys are not being afraid to try and not giving up. You never know when your time will come.

Learn more at and
© Ruth Kaufman 2011

Janet “Bookends” Dean again. Leave a comment, perhaps answering Ruth’s challenges or relating experiences that either kept you going or ended in The Call for a chance to win Wanted: A Family and rub Ruth’s necklace.

While we’re chatting, grab a plate. I brought fresh fruit, bran muffins and hardboiled eggs for breakfast.


  1. Coffee's on, Seekerville!!!!

    Oh my stars: Ruth, one moment please.

    (Janet... hard-boiled eggs? Bran muffins? Ummm.... You're kidding, right? Really?)

    Ruth, congrats, huge, mega congrats on the GH win! I want to touch the medal when we meet. That's a wonderful, marvelous, super-duper accomplishment! So happy for you! Snoopy dancing in Upstate New York!

    I won't go into how much I love contests (we're only talking about the ones we FINAL in, right? Not the ones where we CRASH AND BURN, LEAVING FEW, IF ANY, SURVIVORS...)

    But even some of those crash and burns taught me lessons about writing, persistence, and pullin' up my big girl panties and movin' on.

    Ruth, you said it: "You gotta stay in it, to win it."

    Great name, btw.


    (chocolate is to your left, folks, hidden as far from the hard-boiled eggs as I could get it. It's from "See's" candies, my husband loves Warren Buffet)

  2. what's wrong with boiled eggs?! I like 'em, my dad likes 'em, my dogs like ' plus they travel to work good and chop up nice in salads - maybe I should grab a couple for tuna salad later!

    I'm sooo tired..can't sleep and have a training seminar today - sure hope it's a sit and snooze I mean listen one and not one of those stand up and be 'perky' things like the last one. The last one didn't even have free food :-(

    man time is slipping by me so fast. I thought it was dragging but birthdays keep coming up(I now know them thanks to facebook!)and I've missed 2 autobuy authors this year and could've slapped myself when I found out - luckily I found out in the same month they were still out(Love Inspired). We need to petition wally world to sell the larger print though or petition steeple to let them sell it. Just finished a good one - Brenda Minton's newest but darn it's hard to remember the past stories when they're so far apart. I remember the main characters but forget how they know the new couple - this one the heroine is the sister to the hero in the last book or the one before - last one I think. But I dont' remember his sister being mentioned in that book but she said in the back that readers wanted her story so I guess I must've read it..dont' remember hero's sister having a story either but guess she did or she won't 'cause she' married unless she gets divorced or her hubby gets killed off somehow..hmm wonder if I wrote and asked her 'bout that if she'd do it?! :-)

  3. Good morning, Ruthy. I'm providing a simple, healthy breakfast. Can't manage a Ruthy buffet every day and still zip the slacks. But one piece of See's chocolate can't hurt. Thanks for sharing!

    I've learned loads from contests, especially the ones where I crashed and burned. I see them as the dues we pay to final one day.


  4. Hi Anonymous, thanks for supporting my breakfast choice. I have plenty so take some home for the tuna salad.

    Sorry about your sleepless night. Hope you make it through the training seminar without falling out of your chair,

    Love that you're a Love Inspired Books fan with autobuy authors! Large print in all the lines would be wonderful. Can't hurt to write Brenda and ask. Authors love hearing from their fans!


  5. Mmmm, hard-boiled eggs and chocolate. What a way to start the week!

    Welcome back to Seekerville, Ruth! And what a great story you bring with you. Yep, persistence pays off. So proud of you reaching straight for the gold (sending a msc to the GH, untouched by other contests, LOL).

    Revel in the joy and attention of the moment. You deserve it.

    Janet, the bran muffins look divine. Did you make them?? I think I'll snatch the one with the biggest muffin-top...

    Gotta get back on Weight Watchers

  6. Janet, I DID sneak a bran muffin. They're a fave of mine.

    Of course then I toasted it, spread it with real butter and sprinkled it with sugar.

    That's okay, right? ;)

    I should be thanking you for keeping me on my virtual diet since the real one is kind of, sort of lost in summertime ice cream.


  7. Congratulations, Ruth!! Sounds like this is a "golden" opportunity you're wisely taking advantage of for your name to be known in the agent/publishing circles. Maybe this will be lead to your foot into the publishing world door!

    Contests, of course, have led a number of Seekers to publication--and to long-lasting friendships!

  8. Forget this virtual nonsense! I am leaving this comment and then going to eat an egg and toast (and drink milk with my vitamins). Just another Monday morning.

    Well ... not quite. Today is our 30th wedding anniversary, so I'd better leave room for lunch and/or supper out! No money (or vacation time) for a big trip, but we'll probably go for a drive (especially since I get my root canal tomorrow, over an hour away from home, with an endodontist, because my own dentist decided after an hour a week ago that he couldn't do it himself this time).

    As for a comment re "the call", I am a reader, not a writer (although I write poetry for friends/family and even sang my new lyrics acapella to a friend at our badminton banquet last May), but I DO commend everyone at Seekerville for doing so well. You are ALL truly inspirational and I love reading your stories!

  9. Morning Janet and Ruth,

    Welcome to Seekerville Ruth and for sharing your story. It really helps to hear these "winning" tales. Our business can get you down if you let it. But the stories we share of success keep us rolling.

    Congratulations on your win. That is so cool.

    Janet, thanks for bringing Ruth and for the muffins.

  10. Morning, Audra! I'm on deadline with my novella proposal so I purchased the muffins. The reason they have big tops. Mine never do.

    Would this breakfast fit WW guidelines?


  11. Hey, Ruthy! What's summer without ice cream? Thanks to our grandkids, we're frequenting YoYo's. A self-serve yogurt store with toppings galore. They weigh the results. So now I get to weigh it before and me after. LOL


  12. Ruth!!! So glad to have you in Seekerville again, and MEGA congrats on winning the 2011 Golden Heart!

    And you didn't prepare a speech??? Ack! I made that mistake the first year I finalled, but didn't win.

    Whew! Off the hook!

    The next time I did prepare a speech, even though I felt silly doing it.
    So glad you were able to wing it.

    Can you tell us a bit about At His Command?

    And Laney, welcome to Seekverville!

  13. Thanks everyone, for reading my post and for the congratulations. Finaling and winning in the GH has been better than I'd thought...even though I'd heard a lot from friends who finaled and won.

  14. Good morning Ruth (congrats on the GH!), Janet and everyone!

    Thanks for sharing your story, Ruth. Knowing that this road takes so much persistence and time is really a help to those of us who are newbies. My dear husband says he's waiting for me to sell my first book so that he can retire - I just laugh at him and keep writing.

    Since this yummy breakfast is virtual, I'll have two muffins. And See's Chocolate. Lots of it. You did bring a ton, right Ruthy?

    Don't put my name in for the drawing - I've already read and loved Wanted: a family!

  15. So true, Glynna! Myra is wearing one of those Golden Heart necklaces, as Tina, Julie and I so well remember. :-) The GH brought us together.


  16. Good morning, Rose. Ruth gets the congrats for winning the GH, but I get it for encouraging her to enter in the inspirational category.


  17. Happy Anniversary, Laney4!!

    Sorry about the root canal! Never had one but I hear they're not fun.

    Thanks for your lovely praise for Seeker books!! We're smiling.


  18. I agree, Sandra! Each story of persistance is encouraging to all, even to pubs who know rejection doesn't stop with The Call.


  19. Hi Pam,

    Thanks for all of your kind words. Sorry I didn't get to meet you in NY! And thanks for asking about AT HIS COMMAND.

    Here's the short blurb: In 1453 England, a knight and the widow he’s protecting until the king chooses her a new husband discover mutual affection despite differing in their faith and serving opposite factions. While traversing the fine line between duty to king and country and their own desires, they realize God has the answers. They’re at His command.


  20. Pam, I'm thrilled you're no longer eligible for the Golden Heart! And better yet, your debut eBook, Stealing Jake, is available now.


  21. Ruth, Love the blurb. Thanks for including that.

    Sounds interesting.

  22. Good morning, Ruth K! I'm chiming in with Pam. Tell us more about At His Command.


  23. I'm delighted you loved Wanted: A Family, Jan! Spread the word. :-) If you won, you could share the copy with your church library or with a friend or relative.


  24. Ruth, thanks for the blurb about At His Command. Love how you used the title to convey the faith journey! Medievals are fascinating but the research sounds daunting. Any tips on how to learn more about the period?


  25. This food isn't left over from easter is it? Cuz the expiration date isn't even in the rear view mirror anymore.

  26. This is a splendid post, Ruth. Welcome back.

    And once again Winston Churcill is correct.

    Never. Never. Never. Never give up.


    I'm sorry but getting to wear that pink ribbon and going to the reception was like being invited to the prom. Even if I was a middle aged woman.

    Nope it's not the be all and end all and in the scheme of things had little value as the book did not sell.

    But when you are working in a cave, getting validation is GLORIOUS!!

    Cheers to you. Lifting my coffee!

    BTW, loved your red glasses and your shimmery gown!

  27. Okay, and did you notice that the photo is unretouched and those three woman (who I got to meet and talk to at RWA) look fantabulous. Woooot!!!

  28. Congratulations Ruth. How exciting and encouraging. I've been considering entering some writing contests, but have been hesitant. Perhaps I'll give it a try.

    Jodie Wolfe

  29. *not an entry*

    Your post is so encouraging, thank you for sharing your story! Sometimes it's waiting for just the right moment, no? It would seem to be that way in this business. And thanks again! ;-)

  30. Janet,

    I've been researching 15th Century England for a long time...and have collected many books on the era. At first I'd do all the research in advance. Now, because I have a broad-based knowledge, I research specifics as I go.

    If they're eating or I need to say what' she's wearing, I'll continue with the scene and then go back to fill in the details.

  31. Mary, these eggs are fresh! Almost as fresh as you are. LOL


  32. My GH finalist books didn't sell either, Tina, but both of us have sold since. Pink is a gorgeous color! The GH ribbon is the same color as the first sale ribbon. :-)


  33. Tina, joy and camera distance works better than Oil of Olay! LOL


  34. Hi Jodie, we believe in the benefit of contests here in Seekerville. A great value for the price of the entry fee. Go for it!


  35. Casey, I agree that timing is everything. Sometimes we feel pushed to our limits of endurance but looking back I've seen the timing was perfect.

    You don't want to be entered for my book? Even to give away?


  36. Hi Ruth, that's how I researched the late 19th century. But I had the additional advantage of experiencing some of it on my grandparents' farm. Rural areas in the Midwest didn't have electricity or outdoor plumbing long after cities and small towns did.

    What drew you to the 15th century?


  37. Janet - you're right. I'd love to have an extra copy of your book to give away! Go ahead and enter me in the drawing.


  38. WHOO-HOO, Ruth, for winning the GH!!! That is HUGE, girl!!

    I think contests ROCK, especially the GH, mostly because of all the exposure you get and the fact that it is the pinnacle contest out there for unpubbed writers.

    I was blessed enough to final in the GH with fellow Seekers Janet Dean, Myra Johnson and Tina Radcliffe in 2005, and I determined I would “make hay while the sun shines” and sent out 25 queries to agents and 15 to publishers, each envelope bearing a little gold label that said "2005 Golden Heart Finalist," because let's face it, the Golden Heart is a golden opportunity to query. Or so I thought ... :)

    You can imagine my disappointment when I received 39 rejection letters and only ONE favorable response. And, unlike all the others, this favorable response came in the form of an e-mail from one of the biggest agents in the business, Natasha Kern. My heart was pounding as I read the e-mail, which went something like this: “Julie, do you have an agent yet? If not, please call me at this number immediately.” It was an Oregon phone number, and I remember thinking, “This has to be a hoax—everybody knows all agents live in New York!” (Uh, yeah, I was that green …) But since I had nothing to lose, I called, and boy, am I glad!! Thirty-nine agents/publishers had rejected me after seeing three chapters of the ms., but Natasha’s submission guidelines had only requested FIVE pages. The woman is THAT good at spotting something she likes in the first few pages. And as well all know -- it only takes one “yes," right???

    Ruth, I'm praying your "yes" is right around the corner ...


  39. Congratulations on the GH win Ruth! Hope your dream of publishing comes true!

    Eva Maria Hamilton at gmail dot com

  40. Julie: What a story!! Thank you for sharing it.

    Janet: After I was in a production of Richard III in college, I wondered if Shakespeare was right about RII and started looking into it. I was reading historicals by then, and realized that there weren't as many books about that time. So I decided to write some!

  41. Thank you, Jan! I feel better. :-)


  42. Congratulations, Ruth!

    I had to read that part about Pam Hillman twice. I thought it said SeekerVILLAIN. LOL!

    I think writers go through phases of when certain types of messages bring encouragement. Your message finds open ears right now.

  43. Julie, I still get goosebumps when I hear your story! And now your wonderful books are in print with more on the way!

    I have such fond memories of hooking up with you, Tina and Myra! I still have that adorable angel statue on my desk holding the golden heart. I woudn't trade it, not even for a Rita. Did I say that? LOL If only trading worked.


  44. Congratulations on your GH win, Ruth! Even being one of the finalists is an amazing experience, isn't it?

    Truly, the best part for me was connecting with Julie, Janet, and Tina--which also led to becoming one of the Seekers. I wouldn't trade this fantastic group of gals for anything!

  45. Thanks for pulling for Ruth, Eva!

  46. Ruth, fun to hear how you got interested in the period.

    Share some of your acting and commercial endeavors. You have so many nifty voices too. Do you need an agent for this side of the creative you?


  47. Hi Patricia! I'm glad you're encouraged by Ruth's experience! There's so many forces that can bring us down.


  48. Aw, Myra, I agree! We called ourselves the Golden Girls. Wasn't there a TV show by that name?


  49. Ruth, I was a finalist in a contest (unpublished) with my second finished manuscript. It seemed like bits of encouragement like that kept me going. There was always just enough to make me believe that what I was writing wasn't truly AWFUL, just maybe not quite there yet.

  50. It's funny how you brush up against people in this business.
    I met Julie when she was her usual exuberant self in a session at my first ACFW contest. I didnt' know her at all, but much later, maybe almost a year, I clicked that my seekerville Julie was that ... ahem ... passionate chick in that session.
    And of course, Ruthy busting me on the Barclay award. Out of such fires friendships are forged.

  51. I'm enjoying everyone's comments!

    Janet,you are a good interviewer.

    My day job is being an on camera and voiceover talent. Right now I'm doing a lot of long, technical e-learning courses and some medical narration. For anyone interested, more info is at

    Yes, I have agentS for that, I'm what's called multi-listed.

  52. Ruth, so good seeing you at RWA this year. Janet introduced us early on...and I believe we met at last year's conference, as well.

    You have such an engaging smile and sparkling eyes that are hard to forget...and who would want to forget you? Congrats on your Golden Heart win! We're all thrilled for you and know that publication is right around the corner.

    How fun to be the center of attention, especially from agents and editors. The award opens doors so be sure to let us know when you get THE CALL!

  53. Medical narration?

    Does that mean you're the voice on technical tapes for medical students? Or TV reality shows featuring medical procedures? Or Dr. Oz? Or....?

  54. Thanks again to everyone for all of the congratulations and kind words of support.

    Debby: The medical narration I'm doing now is geared toward doctors.

    MY RWA chapter meeting is tonight (we actually have 2 a month) I'll reply to any additional comments later tonight!

  55. Mary, I love that what I was writing wasn't truly awful comment. Let's see how many books have you sold? I've lost count!


  56. Mary, gotta agree. Julie's as passionate in person as she is in her prose, exactly why we love her.

    Seekers have gone up against each other in contests, unpubbed and pubbed. Not one of us has unsheathed her claws. Probably because we've been declawed like housecats. LOL


  57. Ruth, congratulations of your sale to St. Martins!!! I loved your acceptance speech at RWA. You experience really showed.

    I was a GH finalist in 2009. I didn't win, but I did receive a contract from Thomas Nelson because of the contest. I'm all for contests!

  58. Ruth, you lead an interesting life! Multi-listed sounds big. Three Faces of Ruth: Voiceover, Actress, Writer. Wow, you're amazing!


  59. So Ruth, Debby's invited you back for The Call story. Hoping soon!


  60. Ruth, have fun at your RWA meeting! I'm guessing they'll celebrate your win tonight! I'm surprised you have two meetings a month. Attendance must be great.


  61. I agree, Cara. Ruth's experience and talent showed in her acceptance speech. She used her "fast" voice for a minute or so. Amazing! Wonder if that would come in handy with a traffic ticket? NOT


  62. Hi, Ruth! Congrats! How exciting for you!

    One year at my local writer's conference, I won several things. It was so exciting and just the shot in the arm I needed. Though I'm still unpublished (in the fiction world - I do have devos and articles published since then), it kept me going at a time when I was dragging and discouraged.

    I've also been discouraged recently because our finances and moving around just haven't allowed for me to attend a conference in almost two years and I knew I wouldn't be able to go to ACFW this year. But, God provided a scholarship to another conference next month. I can't wait to see what God has in store. :D

    (Please count me in the drawing.)

  63. Looks like y'all have been having fun today! I had to work! lol

    Ruth, thanks for explaining what a voiceover does. Is it as glamorous as it sounds?

  64. Amazing how many areas of expertise there are that we don't hear about on a regular basis! Voiceover for medical narration...who knew?

    Good for you, Ruth. I'm seeing a book. Suspense. But then, I don't know enough to determine what happens. LOL

    The heroine's voice causes the villain to go after her. Why? Not sure at this point. Maybe i need to stick to Military Investigations!

    BTW, the final series of The Closer is on tonight. One of my fav programs.

    Two chapter meetings a month? Amazing! Now that's a dedicated chapter.

    So good having you on Seekerville. Thanks, Ruth, for being with us.

  65. Janet, YES, the Golden Girls was a TV show and I remember calling dibbs on being Blanche ... :) And you still have that angel??? Would you believe I just packed mine away two days ago when I finally cleaned my office!!

    Thanks, Mare, for calling me "a passionate chick" ... that sounds SO young!!

    And, Myra, I TOTALLY agree -- the best part of the GH for me was meeting you, Janet and Tina ... uh, and getting Natasha as an agent!! :)


  66. I'm late, but I wanted to say congratulations, Ruth!

    I have three manuscripts in revision process and I have to say it's overwhelming. Some chapters I think wow, who wrote this and others that have me hiding.

    christinainspirationals [at] gmail dot com

  67. I loved this post!! So encouraging and informative, and love the 'gotta stay in it, to win it'.

  68. Hi Linnette, hope you have a blast at the conference and learn plenty too! Report back and tell us how God blessed you.


  69. Hi Pam, I'm fascinated with voiceovers too.

    A day job, a book release and you got here twice today. You rock!


  70. Love how your mind works, Debby! Always seeing the potential for murder and mayhem. One of the reasons you're terrific at writing suspense.


  71. Hi Jules, you packed away your angel?? Mine is sticking with me. She reminds me of you and a very special time with the Golden Girls.


  72. Hi Christina, I can relate! Hard to understand how brillance and rubbish can come out of the same mind. LOL Congratulations on completing those manuscripts!


  73. I loved gotta stay in it to win it too, Virginia. Great advice that sticks.


  74. Pam: Is VO glamorous? Sitting at home recording and editing: not so much. Recording at a studio, they edit: easier and more fun. Print and on camera work is more glamorous, with hair/makeup and usually lots of food. Depending on the job, though, there can also be when they give you the script on set and a crew of 15+ people and clients expects you to produce, even when they change the copy on the fly.

    Janet: My RWA chapter usually has 20+ at a meeting.

    Everyone: thank you again for having me visit, being so welcoming and for all of the support.

  75. LOL, Janet, I already own TWO copies. ;-) I think I would be a glutten to ask for another one. ;-)

  76. Yay, Ruth! So happy for you! I remember talking to you on the phone--the pep talk you gave me for going out and promoting my new book! You are a gracious, wonderful lady so I hope you sell your book! Way to go! And sorry I'm a day late! I was in Atlanta at the Christy Awards! I didn't win but I had a lot of fun!
    (BTW, I'm not as shy and insecure as I was, but I still have a long way to go!)

  77. Just yesterday I emailed 4 children's book publishing companies with my resume & 2 writing samples, saying I'd pub'd 9 chn's non-fiction titles and would like to write for them. Two have responded, saying I could get on their writers databases. No promises, but as has been said, 'You can't win it if you're not in it.' This is a goal I've wanted to do for 2 years. It all takes courage!
