Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weekend Edition

Heat Wave!!

We're on the shores of Unpubbed Island again this
weekend just chillin'.
'Cause what's the point of having an island if you can't hang?

We Have Winners

Contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner and if needed, provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville. All prizes are mailed within 6-8 weeks of winner announcements. But if we goof up, holler.

Last Sunday we celebrated sales and finalists and winners in the Weekend Edition. Winner of Mary Connealy's upcoming Bethany House release, Out of Control (The Kincaid Brides Book 1) is Lisa Nelson, winner of a complete set of Ruth Logan Herne's Love Inspired, North Country Series (Winter's End, Waiting Out the Storm, and Made to Order Family) is Tonja.

Friend of Seekerville Andrea Chermark writing as Mia Ross joined us on Tuesday and shared The Road to Inspirationals and her first sale. Winners of the hot of the presses, Mended Hearts, the third book in Ruth Logan Herne's Men of Allegany County series are Emily and Jan Drexler.

Wednesday own military liaison Debby Giusti (Love Inspired Suspense) shared Takeaways from RWA 2011! Winner of The Officer's Secret, the first book in her Military Investigations series, and The Officer's Secret T-shirt, which features Debby's Prayer for Our Military is Cathy Shouse.

Friday guest blogger Jeannie Campell, The Character Therapist stopped by to share How To Handle Resistant Characters. Winner of a full character assessment is Joanne Sher.

Saturday's The First Five Pages critique winner--oops wait, we pulled two names out of the pot--our two winners are, Jamie and Christy. Rules for submitting to us are located on the link. Please note that the weekly critique drawing began October 1, 2010 and ends October 1st, 2011. ONLY NINE MORE CRITIQUE OPPORTUNITIES LEFT~

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: The ACFW Blog Tours rambles in with 15 Rockin' Reasons to Attend the ACFW Conference. Pam Hillman is your hostess and she's giving away a copy of Stealing Jake and a darling vintage corn husk doll, an item that features prominently in the novel.

Tuesday: Join Sandra Leesmith with: ARE YOU GAME? to jump through all the hoops, follow all the rules, accept the suggestions that come with writing a novel? Sandra loves playing games and compares that to the writing process. And of course all games have winners. She will be giving away winner’s choice of her new releases The Price of Victory or Percival the Naughty Prairie Dog or Hector Wants to Play .

Wednesday: Stop by Wednesday to chat with Pam Hillman and her guest Barbour author Ronie Kendig and a little bit of Wolfsbane.

Thursday: Today we get down to work with Thomas Nelson author Cara Lynn James as she talks about prologues and gives away a copy of her latest release Love By the Book.

Friday: Debut novelist and ACFW Genesis winner Lacy Williams walks you through the editing process as she discusses conflict on every page. She'll be giving away a copy of her Love Inspired Historical, Marrying Miss Marshall.

Seeker Sightings

Glynna Kaye's August 2011 Love Inspired release
, At Home in His Heart is now available.

Camy Tang's Weddings & Wasabi (Book 4 in the Sushi series) is now available.

And check out this great review on Philosophy of Romance.

Cara Lynn James will be interviewed at Legacy of a Writer blog on Tuesday, the 26th. Stop by to chat and you could win a copy of the just released Love by the Book.

Love by the Book
, the last in the Ladies of Summerhill series, released this week and is available here!

July 28 to August 4, 2011, join Julie Lessman on the "Come Meet Ausjenny" blog for a chance to win a signed copy of any of Julie's books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed (Revell).

And be sure to check out Julie's latest Journal Jots!!

Scroll to the bottom to see her new author photos.

Mary Connealy sightings:

This week you have a chance to win Out of Control leave a comment at Lena Nelson Dooley's Blog.

Mary is talking about the creative process on at Creativity for Happy Endings Blog on July 28th. Stop by!

AND Mary is doing a booksigning in the Rainbow Shop in Fargo ND, if anyone is in the area stop in. She'll be signing there from 1 - 3 (Rainbow Shop, a Parables Store, 4761 13th Avenue South, Fargo - (701) 356-0700)

Enter Pam's Stealing Jake Kindle Giveaway Contest. Click on the poster. Giveaway includes A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman, Courting Miss Adelaide by Janet Dean and Sushi for One by Camy Tang. Who knows what books might jump on the bandwagon between now and September 30th!

Random News

That's it for today. Have a great week!~


  1. Looks like everyone's chillin' - sippin' umbrella drinks and sniffin' the roses.

    Stay cool!

    Good WE Tina!

  2. Congratulations to all the winners! I'll try again for the critique next week. : )


  3. Everyone must have slept in today on the island, if I'm second to comment!

    Lets try to beat the heat, I'll start making the iced mochas and carmel frapps.

    Congratulations to all the winners. It looks like another great line up for next week.

  4. Whoops, Sharon beat me so I'm in third commenting place!

    Have a great day everyone.

  5. ooh, iced mochas? Never had one. That sounds yummy.

    Hey there Kc, Sharon, Rose. May the K9 Spy!! Good Morning!

    Sharon consider yourself entered for next week's drawing!!

  6. Great weekend edition, Tina!

    I'm grabbing an iced mocha (thanks Rose!) and a hammock.

  7. Morning, Anne. We have to grab the shady spots before the rest of Seekerville wakes up.

  8. So does anyone know Fargo? It's a cool town. They have EVERYTHING there. I think it's because it's the only good sized city for hundreds of miles but they've got every possible imaginable store...well, that might be an exaggeration...but a lot of stores go in there because Fargo draws shoppers from such a huge area.
    I'm making a pitch for Fargo. Give it a chance. :P:
    btw :P: is LOL if your fingers have slipped to the right.

  9. Hi Tina:

    “We have to grab the shady spots before the rest of Seekerville wakes up.”

    Things never change even in the virtual world. You also have to be early before they run out of towels.

    Great links as usual. I did find that “How to Craft Compelling Characters” was at this URL

    I also disagree with the “Self-promotion sucks but you have to do it” sentiment.

    I see all good self-promotion as sharing. If you believe in your product, why wouldn’t you want to share it with like-minded readers?

    Your book is going to bring enjoyment into those readers' lives, right?

    I see self-promotion as an opportunity to make other people happy.

    If you think self-promotion sucks but 'you have to do it' anyway, you’ll never be any good at it.

    I had such a good time reading “Weddings and Wasabi” it was like a mini-vacation! I want to thank Camy for promoting it! (I even want to promote it myself.)

    I mean if you have something really good, get excited, show your enthusiasm, and let other people in on the enjoyment!

    Enthusiasm is contagious!

    Doesn’t the Good Book say something about not hiding your light under a basket?

    How good would a preacher be if he said, “Evangelism sucks but I have to do it anyway”?

    Not only does the devil want you to be a pantser, he wants you to think self-promotion sucks. : )


  10. Thanks for another WE, Tina. And for the links, too. Congratulations to the winners from last week. Stay cool everyone and have a blessed Sunday.

  11. Not only does the devil want you to be a pantser, he wants you to think self-promotion sucks. : )


    You are killing me, Vince.

  12. Yeah, I fixed the url and printed out the Compelling Characters article. Excellent.

    1. Goal
    2. Secret
    3. Contradiction
    4 Vulnerability

  13. Vince, I added your review of Weddings & Wasabi to the Weekend Edition. Nice review!!

  14. REST and JOY ... were the subjects in the sermon today, so that includes "chillin'," Teenster, so thanks for the confirmation. Off to chill ...


  15. Congrats to the winners!

    I am so ready for a beach vacay...still thinking of Missy's beach retreat.

    No time to get away, but I can dream, can't I?

    Thanks, Tina, for great seaside pics and lots of good info!

  16. Vince,

    Love your logic about self-promotion. Another workshop topic you need to consider.


  17. Sooo excited to get the character assessment! SOO. Will be dropping the lovely Tina an email. I JUST won something else from Jeannie a couple weeks ago. She must be JUST what I need! :)

  18. Hmmmm...shady hammock, ice cold raspberry lemonade (a whole pitcher - help yourselves), hangin' with the Seekers...a wonderful Sunday afternoon!

    I'll check out the links tomorrow. This is blissful shut-eye time!

  19. Congrats to all the winners!! ~ LOVE all those wonderful beach photos....ahhh, that water looks so nice and COOL! ;)
    Blessings from Georgia,
    Patti Jo :)

  20. Congratulations to all the winners. Love the photos - makes me feel cooler just looking at them. :)

    Jodie Wolfe

  21. Tina, thanks again for all the articles! I read them all.

  22. Hi Tina:

    Thanks for the link. I think “Weddings and Wasabi” will sell a lot of the Sushi Series books. Did you notice I had a little tutorial section on wasabi? (I needed that – it’s not exactly fudge).

    I liked Corbett’s article on character. He wrote:

    “This is because desire intrinsically creates conflict, the primordial goo in which character is formed”.

    I think things are a lot deeper than this. Conflict makes manifest the character that was already there. Does conflict make a person brave or cowardly? I think not. I think all conflict does is reveal the individual’s inner being that was there all the time.

    I point this out because there is something deeper than a character’s behavior. We talk about deep POV, (Camy has covered this very well), perhaps this insight will help someone develop ‘deep characterization’ – that is going beyond conflict.

    Could this get us to the spiritual core of a character’s being? Think deep. (On second thought, maybe not.:)


  23. Hi Debby:

    Missy’s videos did the trick!

    My wife is going to phone in our reservation for Missy’s condo complex tomorrow. But it is mostly sold out! So we have our fingers crossed. ( BTW: we’d love to see you there!)

    I’d like to do a ‘self-promotion’ workshop. I’ve done many over the years for real estate agents and brokers. It always comes down to understanding Pareto’s Law. That is: 20% of your self-promotional efforts will produce 80% of the results.

    The problem is that authors just don’t know where that productive 20% lies. Authors can spend a lot of their time doing things that produce very little results.

    What I need to do is finish the “Rewards” book and test some self-promotional techniques.

    Test. Test. Test. That is the heart of all direct response marketing.


  24. Just got home from a weekend in Springfield. Hooked up with the group trying to form a ACFW chapter.

    Met Andrea, Cynthia, and CarolM (who, incidentally, teaches at the same school as my daughter). Had a great time.


  25. Thanks so much for your weekend wrap-ups. I always find them so informative.

  26. I LOVE iced mochas. Deeeeelish.

    And had lawyer boy and finance boy home this weekend. So nice to see them! Hang out with them!

    Teeeeeena, I love this WE... and those links are simply mahhhvelous, as usual.

    How DO YOU DO IT, dahlink?????

    (get it??? "dahlink"????)

    Vince, I'm with you on self-promo... if politicians can do it, so can we!

    Gotta believe in yourself and those God-given gifts. But maybe it's because I just love to talk...


  27. It's time for another Vince post. SPOT ON, as per usual!!!

    Thanks so much for letting us enjoy your thoughts.

    OOOPS - May the K9 Spy just trotted by with her ball. Time to go play... See ya!

  28. Wow, Helen, you social butterfly you!!!

    Are they as cute in person as online? Did Carol bring Panera bread with her?

  29. Hi Larissa! Good to see you.

  30. May is taking KC for a walk now.

  31. Carol had already eaten before the rest of us got there.

    I had a salad and wrapped up the bread to take home. Forgot it!

    They're a cute bunch.


  32. Vince, have fun at the Gulf Coast. I tried to get Panama City and everything was filled for this least every place we knew and trusted.

    Enjoy your time at the beach.

    I'm excited about your workshops, Vince!

    Good for you!

    I'll be there. Front row.

  33. Vince, thanks so much for your review of my book! I was so happy you liked it, especially since you're a regular here at Seekerville. You really made my day today!

  34. Hi Camy:

    I really enjoyed this opportunity to sample your ‘wasabi’ side! It’s so different yet so universal. I would think Zondervan might co-op on that $4,000 because “Weddings and Wasabi” is going to attract at lot more buyers into the Sushi novels. (Manufacturers do this in the furniture business all the time.)

    As a marketing guy, I’d like to see a prequel novella with a man on the cover – perhaps a motorcycle bad-boy. I even see a title: Wasabi Days!


  35. Hi Debby:

    We got the condo booked! My wife says ‘thanks’ to Seekerville. As I do.


  36. Vince, I love it. Asian Fonzi.

    Monday Tuesday,Happy Days.

    Thursday Friday, Wasabi Days!
