Sunday, July 31, 2011

Weekend Edition

What would happen if you had a mash up with Art Deco, Jules Verne and ....God?

Christian Inspirational Steampunk?
Well why not?

Check out Just the Write Charisma.

Image from Clockwork Couture, where I buy all my
Steampunk clothing!

We Have Winners

Monday the ACFW Blog Tours rambled in with 15 Rockin' Reasons to Attend the ACFW Conference. The winner of a darling vintage corn husk doll, an item that features prominently in the Pam Hillman's Stealing Jake is Cara.

Tuesday Sandra Leesmith posted Are You Game? Winner of their choice of her new releases The Price of Victory or Percival the Naughty Prairie Dog or Hector Wants to Play is Andrea Strong.

Wednesday our guest was Barbour author Ronie Kendig . Winner of Wolfsbane, part of The Discarded Heroes series is Lourdes.

Thursday we got down to work with Thomas Nelson author Cara Lynn James with her post Should Your Novel Have a Prologue? Winner of her latest release Love By the Book
is Katy.

Debut novelist and ACFW Genesis winner Lacy Williams walked us through the editing process as she discussed Tension on Every Page on Friday. The winner of her Love Inspired Historical release, Marrying Miss Marshall is Salena.

Saturday's First Five Pages critique winner is Connie. And we did it again..picked a second winner...WHITNEY!!

Order your Steampunk Laptop at DataMancer.

Next Week In Seekerville

Carol Award finalist, Ruth Logan Herne is here with her post, From Seed to Fruition: Building Characters From Inside Out. Be sure to stop in when Ruthy chats about how to go that step beyond the norm and deepen your character’s persona. She’s giving away two comfort baskets with copies of Mended Hearts, her September Love Inspired release.

Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe brings you, So Many Acronyms, So Little Time, with a giveaway.

Wednesday: Harlequin Love Inspired Editorial Assistant, Rachel Burkot is our extra special guest. Stop by and get to know Rachel----oh, and did we mention we've got some surprises planned for today? But they won't last long, so don't say we didn't warn you. (Sort of!)

Thursday: Seeker Audra Harders is your hostess. Stop by and chat with this Love Inspired author.

Friday: The August Contest Update is here and the prize vault is OPEN!

The Ultimate Steampunk Movie. Check out the Trailer.

Seeker Sightings

July 28 to August 4, 2011, join Julie Lessman on the "Come Meet Ausjenny" blog for a chance to win a signed copy of any of Julie's books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed (Revell).

You can pick up your own copy of A Heart Revealed here.

Great review of At Home In His Heart at Best Reads blog.

Glynna Kaye's August 2011 Love Inspired release, At Home in His Heart is now available.

Mary Connealy will be on Casey Herringshaw's blog on Monday, August 1st. Stop by for a chance to win Out of Control.

AND Mary is doing a booksigning in the Rainbow Shop in Fargo ND, ON FRIDAY AUGUST 5th!! If anyone is in the area stop in. She'll be signing there from 1 - 3 (Rainbow Shop, a Parables Store, 4761 13th Avenue South, Fargo - (701) 356-0700)

Wouldn't you like to hear the first four minutes of Out of Control? Check it out here. Or you can hear, here. LOL!

Cara Lynn James will be a guest on Salena Stormo's blog on Saturday, August 6th. If there are ten comments Cara Lynn will give away a copy of Love by the Book, the third book in the Ladies of Summerhill series.

Love by the Book, the last in the Ladies of Summerhill series, released this week and is available here!

Here's Pam Hillman's blogging schedule for the week:

Tuesday with Christy LaShea Smith at

Tuesday with Lyn Cote at

Thursday with AusJenny at

Steampunk watch available on Etsy.

Random News:


A few Steampunk links for your creative minds:

That's it. Hope to see you in Seekerville this week! And you'll be very sad if you miss Wednesday.

Did I say, very sad?


  1. Christian Inspirational Steampunk? I'd be interested.

    BTW, I think you mean Art Nouveau, which is the flowing, flowery, organic art of the 1890s. Art Deco is the geometric, streamline, chrome, spaceship art of the 1930s.

  2. No, I totally mean, Art Deco. Sort of the Bat Man Gotham City stuff that Steampunk dreams are made of. :)

  3. Ok, I should NOT have clicked on that steampunk laptop link. Now I have to go win the lottery so I can buy one for myself and ALL my friends! Coolest ever!

  4. Another great weekend edition! I especially love the reader's retreats. I'd heard about the Library Hotel in NY but I think I like the idea of the Maine island hotel with the wraparound porch the best. And Portland sounds divine too.

    As to Steampunk --- bring it on! Why shouldn't Christian fiction dominate every genre?!

    And since no one has served up the vittles yet how about a nice selection of breakfast crepes? Lots of fruity topping, maple syrup and of course the requisite grated chocolate and a dollop of whipped cream. Maybe even some edible flower garnishes? As to coffee, I'm not a drinker so I won't even attempt a brew. It'll have to be Tim Hortons. For those of you who prefer tea -- about Hibscus?

  5. Christy, doesn't that sound like fun? And it looks like some big powerhouses might be showing interest.

    A little bit of fantasy isn't a bad thing, thinks this Ray Bradbury lover!

    Teeenster! Great WE, my friend, and thank you so much for doing it. You rock. Totally.

    Oh, crepes. Kav. Dying for one. I think I'll join you after Mass... Strawberry or blueberry? Or cheese? Tim Hortons coffee is a-okay with me. Lovin' it. But I didn't get to the writers' retreat hotels link yet.

    Maine. I've never been to Maine. Seekers? Seekervillagers????

    ROAD TRIP!!!!

  6. Great WE! And I CAN'T believe it's already time for the contest update!!! Seems like it was just yesterday.

  7. Hmmm...I don't totally understand all the Steampunk stuff...but that laptop looks interesting.

    Still trying to regroup after Barbour's announcement of closing the Heartsong Presents line. :(

    But looks like a great line up next week in Seekerville, especially on Wednesday!

    Congratulations to all the winners.


  8. Hi everyone! I haven't kept up with all the responses but Pam's ebook Stealing Jake is free at the Sony ebookstore. I wasn't able to transfer the Nook ebook to my Sony but just noticed it's available through Sony's store...or I might be the only one here without a Nook or Kindle?! :-)

    I haven't read steampunk yet though Ihave a couple of steampunk books in my tbr. My coworker read them but I haven't gotten to them yet.

    I'm up for a trip to Maine! not going in winter though - read too many of Janet Chapman's books with the icy roads and logging trucks - though if I could guarantee being rescued by one of her highlander heroes I'd sure consider it...


  9. Oh, how exciting! (If I am the "Katy" mentioned a the person who won a copy of Love By the Book).

    Thanks, Cara! I look forward to reading it! :-D

  10. I know, Rose. So sorry. But Plan B is what we do best around here.

  11. Katy!! It's YOU!!

  12. Susanna, I got to meet Janet Chapman when she first sold. We were seated at an RWA luncheon together and she had her first sale ribbon on. Not only is she talented, but she's nice as well.

  13. Oh, yea me! One of the winners of 5 page critique. Thank you. Thank you.

    I must've missed the part of Heartsong presents closing. I so hate that. Most times, I'd rather read a good short book.

    I don't even know what steampunk is.

    bcountryqueen6 at msn dot com

  14. Well then I better try and be here Wednesday! I'm starting a new "job"

    (I put job in quote marks since it's not sure if I'll keep being a nurses' aid after this week, going to shadow a doc for a few days. ;-))

    ANYWAY, I'll try and be here with bells on. Fun week ahead!

  15. Tina -- I'd read about those "steampunk" laptops awhile back in TRUE WEST magazine. Fascinating!

    Rose -- We've been mourning the loss of Heartsong Presents, too. A lot of writers left homeless and readers who will be so disappointed. Will be praying you find a new publishing home soon!

  16. How exciting! Thanks for picking a second winner for the 5 page critique! It’s a service I know all the Seekerville followers appreciate!

    I had not heard either about Heartsong Presents closing. Does anyone know why? I wonder if the line was doing well, why they’d get rid of it.

    My interest is piqued about Wednesday!


  17. Congratulations to the winners! :)

  18. Ah, Wednesday.

    BE HERE.

    That's all I'm allowed to say because Tina's watching.

    So as I slide you fresh crepe toppings, read my lips:

    (be here to be entered)

    SHHHH. I have that sentence especially tinted to show up on ever computer except the TEEEENSTER's.

    Because I am sworn to secrecy. Of course.

  19. I keep wondering at the Heartsong move, too.

    Then wondering if they've got a "plan B" of their own coming out of Barbour.

    Time will tell. The good news is that Christian fiction is still rising, so opportunities abound. And we've got such a strong writing network around here, that we'll keep workin' the street corners. The angles. Diggin' up possibilities.

    Because that's what villagers do, right? They look after one another.

  20. hey all

    May and me, just taking a break from nursing care of my Mom, and saying howdies.

    Wow - love the steampunk "stuff" - love love love. :)

    I'll be tuning in Wednesday... Talk about a teaser... Gracious! Sounds like lotsa fun.

  21. Neat laptop!
    Congratulations to all the winners this week!
    Need to go now and catch up on all my Seekerville reading :)

  22. I don't understand the steampunk thing. But the clothes are kind of cool. If you're skinny. Which I'm not.

    Anyway, fun WE, Tina! I've missed everybody. It's been a busy summer!!! Tired.

  23. Christian Inspirational Steampunk does sound kinda cool, doesn't it?

  24. Hey! I've been offline all weekend. READING! What a treat. )

    Great WE, Teenster! Thanks for the links. I've already checked out a few.

  25. Congrats to Melanie (did you hear?) on the Maggie final!

    Great WE - and I do like Steampunk. Christian Steampunk sounds intriguing, but I'm not sure I'm up to writing it.

    I hadn't heard about Heartsong, either. I hope Barbour has other plans in the works...

    Off to bed soon. Monday morning comes early!

  26. As my aunt would say, "Demerits!" because I am once again late with my comment this week.

    Great WE, as always, Teenster, and I have never figured you for a Steam Punker, but one never knows, does one? However, after checking out the links, think I may be one too! :)


  27. Wow, didn't know you finaled in the Maggies, Melly! Congratulations.

    Jan, thanks for keeping me up to date.


  28. Thanks for mentioning my final in the Maggies. I finally got confirmation today that I am a finalist in the YA category. This is getting almost embarrassing! But in a good way. :-)
