Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Seekerville Welcomes Margaret Daley!

Here’s the Scoop about the ACFW Conference from the ACFW President
By Margaret Daley

Debby here! What an honor to have award winning author Margaret Daley (far right in the photo) with us today! Known for her big heart and willingness to serve, Margaret is always quick to help those in need. Got a question? Ask Margaret. Have a task that has to be done? Find Margaret. Need advice? Well, you get the idea. Plus, Margaret is a fantastic writer whose 75 books have touched hearts around the world.

During her career as a special education teacher, Margaret penned a myriad of stories and was active in a number of professional writing organizations, including American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. After retirement, Margaret became even more involved. Last year, she held the office of volunteer coordinator for ACFW, and she is currently serving as our ACFW president.

Today, Margaret is giving us a sneak peek into this year’s ACFW Conference. Grab a cup of coffee, and be sure to leave a comment and your email address to be included in a drawing for Margaret’s upcoming release, FROM THIS DAY FORWARD. Now help me welcome Margaret Daley to Seekerville!

What is going to happen at the ACFW conference? Fantastic things from the Gala Event for the Awards Ceremony on Saturday to our Early Bird speaker, Dr. Stanley Williams who wrote The Moral Premise (Harnessing Virtue and Vice for Box Office Success). Who doesn’t want to write a box office success? And when we write we pit virtue against vice. That is what can drive your plot. Even if you can’t go to the conference or the Early Bird session, pick up Dr. Williams book to glean what he knows about a great topic for a writer.

What is different this year? One thing that comes to mind is there will not be a booksigning this year. At least a planned one. That doesn’t mean you can’t buy books and get your favorite authors to sign the books. I hope you do. Get your books early then stalk the authors, but don’t tell them I said so. Remember half of the proceeds goes to the ACFW Foundation to offer full scholarships next year to the conference. So not only are you getting a great read but helping someone too.

Also another different thing this year is there will be no tickets for the meals except the Gala Awards Dinner on Saturday night. Your name tag will be your entry into the sessions and meals so remember to wear it.

A couple of things from our Conference Director Robin Miller. This hotel has a quiet policy from 9 pm-9 am. The Hyatt in St. Louis is a great hotel right on the Mississippi River near the Arch--a nice location with views from your room that are breathtaking. I found the staff to be nice and helpful. Also Robin hopes if you are at the hotel on Wednesday that you register from 4:30-8:00 pm, so if you have an appointment problem there is a better chance you can get it corrected easily.

This year we will be giving a Lifetime Achievement Award again (and every year because there are so many great people in the industry). When you hear who it is, you will agree that this recipient deserved the recognition. But then the same will go for the Editor of the Year, the Agent of the Year, the Mentor of the Year and the Member’s Service Award. We have some wonderful, deserving people who are receiving these awards. Not to mention the authors who are receiving the Carol and Genesis Awards. What a Gala Event Saturday night will be with extra special touches the conference director has promised me to make the evening elegant.

There are some great opportunities for published authors with Thomas Umstattd’s appointments concerning social media and the writer as well as different media people being at the conference from Christian Retailing to Publisher Weekly to Romantic Times. There are some bookstores represented along with CBA and ECPA.

Then for all authors there are many editors and agents attending. They are offering appointments, but they are also available throughout the conference to answer questions. One of the things I love about this conference is the accessibility of the editors and agents for the attendees.

Then last but not least, we have Tracie Peterson coming to the conference as the keynote speaker. What a pleasure and inspiration to hear from Tracie who has been in the industry for years as an editor and author with 85 books. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to hear her.

Margaret Daley is an award winning author of 75 books with two out in September, From This Day Forward, Summerside Press, and Hidden in the Everglades, Love Inspired Suspense. Visit her at http://www.margaretdaley.com.


  1. Looks like it will be a grand time. Can't wait to hear those award winners. PAR-TEEE in Seekerville!

    Thank you for sharing with us today Margaret. :)

    First? Can it be? Or close to it. So - I'll turn on the coffee pot for Helen. Not a lot of snacks around but there's some fabulous fruit on the silver tray.

  2. Thanks, Margaret, for sharing all the information about this year's ACFW Conference!

    Won't be long and we'll be in St. Louis, staying at the lovely Hyatt Hotel and enjoying the beauty of the Mighty Mississippi!

    I'm excited. :)

  3. KC, you beat to the blog!

    Chips and dip for the late night crowd.

    The breakfast bar opens at 5 AM.

    See you in the morning!

  4. Thanks for turning on the coffee pot, KC.

    I look forward to reading this book, Margaret.

    I'm excited about conference, and Mizzouri's a GREAT place to have it.


  5. Welcome,Margaret!!!

    Looks like a wonderful conference!!

  6. Hi Margaret:

    Can you tell us anything about “From This Day Forward”? Is it your first historical? I don’t think I’ve read a romance set in US 1812. This just seems so different from what you do.

    Are you concerned with the cover: it might look like bonnet fiction! Is it?

    Will a book come out of your trip to Italy? I hope so.


    P.S. Even though it's Labor Day Weekend, there will be a meeting on Saturday. : )


    I am saying this publicly because I've said it often enough privately, LOL!

    So nice to have you here, Chickie!!! :) And I'm so looking forward to bothering you/stalking you/annoying you in St. Louis.

    Because that's what I do best. :)

    Thanks for this update, and that new book looks wonderful. Sneak in a plug for it, tell us about it, Margaret.

    Pretty please. Oh, and look, Vince wants to know too.

    So spill it, Daley. What's up with the cute girl in the bonnet????

  8. Morning, Seekerville!

    Breakfast is served. Egg casserole, Virginia Ham, Hash Browns, Fresh Fruit, Biscuits and Gravy and, of course, grits! Enjoy

    Bagels and cream cheese for those who prefer something light.

    Margaret's written 75 books! Can you imagine? Oh my gosh!!!

  9. Helen,

    So glad you'll be at ACFW! I lived in Kirksville, Missouri, for three years. Lovely town. Great people.

    For those who don't know, Kirksville is on the western side of the state so I won't be able to take a side trip to my old stomping grounds.

    A bit of trivia: Kirksville is the home of Osteopathic Medicine.

  10. Hi Vince,

    Thanks for mentioning Margaret's newest book, FROM THIS DAY FORWARD. Isn't the cover gorgeous!

    Yes, Margaret, please share info about the story. We're all hoping we'll win a copy in today's drawing. Oh, wait, I can't win! :) But someone will. Don't forget to leave your email with your comment so we know you want to be in the drawing.

  11. And I thought I was excited about going before! I can't wait!

    Thanks for sharing with us today, Margaret.

    And I love that quiet policy in the hotel.

  12. Welcome, Margaret! Sure wish I could be in St. Louis in September! Sounds as if it will be another great ACFW! Does it look as if there will again be an increase in attendees since last year?

  13. Waving to Ruthy, who always arrives early!

    Ruthy, are you baking cookies today? Will you have enough for Seekerville, pretty please? Maybe a snack this afternoon?


  14. Welcome to Seekerville, Margaret! Thanks for sharing the insight on the conference. Time is really hauling -- conference will be here before you know it!

    Beautiful cover. I'm with Vince, Ruthy and everyone else. Can you share a tidbit of the story?

  15. And to think I'm missing it. *rats*

    Welcome to Seekerville, Margaret. From This Day Forward looks fantastic.

  16. Rose, looking forward to seeing you at ACFW!!!

    Remember to find the Seekers in the lobby/common area each evening. We'll probably be one of the biggest and noisiest groups there. :)

  17. Morning Margaret, Welcome to Seekerville, And Debby is correct when she says you are there for writers. You were one of the first Christian authors I met at my first ACFW. You were so helpful and have been over the years.

    A historical. Looks fun but personally I'm more intrigued with Hidden in the Everglades. Love that cover. Suspenseful.

    Debby, love the Southern breakfast. yum and the coffee KC

    Have fun today and thanks again for coming.

  18. Margaret, thanks for being with us today! I'm sorry I won't be able to attend the conference this year. It sounds like it'll be another fabulous one. I'll miss seeing all of you!

  19. I really hate that I won't be there this year. If there was any way I could come, I would be there--especially since The Healer's Apprentice is up for a Carol Award!

    Sad sigh.

    Have fun without me. I'm sure it will be a wonderful conference, as it always is. And think of me, however briefly! LOL!

  20. Margaret,
    What a treat to have you here!! Can't wait to see you in St. Lou

    Only problem I see is the quiet time...er...I'll have to have a serious talk with my roommates about that one. They're all so chatty.(Carol's a particular trouble maker - shhh, don't let her know I told you)
    I'm the quiet one ;-)

    And I've been praticing stalking for three weeks now. The mailman is getting a little nervous. But I'll be ready! Ruth Logan Herne won't know what hit her!

  21. ooh - sorry!! may at maythek9spy dot com

    and Sandra, I just turned on the pot. Helen gets the credit for her famous "cawfee" - yummo!

    Our County Fair is this week - y'all come!

  22. Melanie,
    I will shout so loud when you win the Carol, you'll be able to hear it all the way down South.

    How's that?!?

  23. And Margaret,
    Lovely book cover! It's intriguing. I want to know about the story too :-)

  24. Welcome to Seekerville, Margaret!! Thank you for all you do to help writing organizations and writers! You've always been an inspiration for me.

    Love the cover of From This Day Forward! And the setting for the LIS. The everglades is perfect for a suspense. Was it difficult to research?

    I can't wait for ACFW! The conference is wonderful and I'm looking forward to hooking up with everyone and seeing St. Louis.


  25. Very good post! Thanks for sharing.

  26. What time do you all get up? I just opened my computer with my cup of tea by my side. My brain doesn't start functioning until I've had at least one cup of caffeine. I'm waving to all my friends here. You all are so welcoming and this is such a great place to come and have breakfast, especially the food being listed. I'm going to have to get up and go get something to eat after this post.

    Debby and Seekers, thanks for having me. I can't wait to see everyone who is coming to St. Louis. And if you can't come this year, I hope I see you in Dallas next year.

  27. MARGARET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so wonderful to have you here! I am so excited about the release of your single title!

    I am one who can attest to Margaret's heart for mentoring. If it weren't for you, Margaret, I seriously doubt I'd be published today. Thank you for ALL you do for authors behind the scenes.

    I don't know anyone else who pours into other writers as much as you.

    I feel so blessed to call you friend.

    Love you bunches!

    Everyone, if you haven't read Margaret's books...get the to an online bookstore and buy them today. Her stories have a way of staying with you.

    That is a great photo by the way. I love it. I hadn't seen it before today I don't think. What a pleasant surprise...two of my favorite people in the world. :-)

    Hugs all,

  28. KC, I love a good party and I'm sure there will be a good one after the Gala Event. There are so many terrific books and authors who are finalists this year.

    Helen, I was in Joplin last week. I love Missouri. Only a state away for me. We are neighbors!

    Tina, it's good to see you here.

    Rose, thank you for stopping by. I think the quiet policy is for the room floors.

    Glynna, we are right now about where we were last year but that is a fluid number. We still have three weeks to conference. EEK! That is going to zoom by and I have so much to do.

    Audra, I love the covers for both of my book.

    Patty, I'll miss seeing you at conference but it is great seeing you here.

    Sandra, I enjoyed writing Hidden in the Everglades. It is the third book in the Guardians, Inc series about female bodyguards.

    Melanie and Missy, I'm going to miss you in St. Louis.

    Pepper, you can take lessons from Ruth about stalking. She's got it down.

    Janet, I have always been fascinated with swamps. What can I say? I'm crazy. The research was fun.

    Essay writing, thanks for stopping by.

  29. Vince and Ruthie, thanks for asking about From This Day Forward. Years ago I started writing with a historical romance. I sold two in the ABA market and have always had a love of historical romances. This one has a suspense subplot--go figure, me writing a suspense subplot.

    Ruthie, you can stalk me anytime. I love seeing you.
    Can't wait until conference to give you a hug.

    Vince, I never thought of it as looking like bonnet fiction. It isn't. Below is a short blurb about From This Day Forward.

    Rachel Gordon is stranded in South Carolina, pregnant, a recent widow when her husband fell overboard on the voyage to America. Nathan Stuart, a physician who came home from serving in the American army during the War of 1812, disenchanted with his life and the Lord, rescues Rachel and saves her life. Feeling responsible for her, Nathan tries to discourage her from living at a rundown farm her husband bought to start a new future in America. He wants her to return to England.

    Rachel refuses to go back to England where her father disowned her for marrying against his wishes. The farm is all she has, and she is determined to make it on her own. But Nathan has other ideas and becomes her farmhand to discourage her from staying in America. Instead he ends up protecting her and being challenged by her. Can two wounded people heal each other?

  30. Cheryl, it's great seeing you here. As president of ACFW I don't have as much time to mentor writers as I wish I could. But I'm trying to help them in another way. There are so many wonderful writers in the Christian market and you are one of them.

  31. MARGARET!!! Hey, girl, soooooo great to see you here in Seekerville, and thank you for the conference tidbits -- cannot WAIT!!

    And I am one of the lucky gals who has had the opportunity to read "From This Day Forward," and I gotta tell you -- Margaret will take the historical market by storm because it is WONDERFUL!!

    VINCE ... is she "concerned" that the cover looks like bonnet fiction??? What, worried she might go to the CBD Bestseller list along with the rest of the Amish fiction??? Oh, horrors!! Heck, I'm just straining my brain trying to figure out how I can get a bonnet on my next cover ... :)


  32. Margaret,
    Thanks for the info and blurb for FROM THIS DAY FORWARD. Looks like a fantastic read...which, of course, it must be since you wrote it.

    HIDDEN IN THE EVERGLADES sounds intriguing, as well! Love your LIS stories!

    I'm part of the Margaret Daley fan club, too, Cheryl. After I got the call, Margaret was always ready to hold my hand and calm my fears. Plus, she answered every one of my questions, and I had a million questions!

    Thank you, Margaret. You've been my rock in troubled waters. Love you!

    We all love you! :)

  33. Rose said she loves the quiet policy at the hotel...

    Oh man, is this hotel ready for Seekers?

    For me???

    I think they heard I was coming and CHANGED THE POLICY.


  34. BTW, I couldn't get the photo caption to work for blogger when I loaded Margaret's post.

    The cute pic of the three pretty ladies shows (l to r)Danica--AKA Dream--who manages all digital social networking for Love Inspired Books and Seeker Cheryl Wyatt along with Margaret.

  35. Debs, yes, yes, resounding YES to cookies!

    Chocolate chip/M&M cookies.


    Will drop them off around noon-one-ish.

    Gotta do my hair and nails first, of course. Primping is my middle name.

  36. Pepper, you're the quiet one?


  37. Debby,
    Do you believe that? ;-)

    I think one of my ancestors probably invented the bullhorn.

  38. I can smell the cookies baking, Ruthy!

    I also smell your nail polish!

    I prefer cookies!

    Thanks for sharing. :)

  39. Last year was my first conference, and I learned so much, met wonderful people, and even landed an agent! I'm *really* excited to meet new friends and connect with old ones. Plus the workshops are amazing.

    Thanks for the conference info! I didn't know about the quiet hours. I'm guessing there will be a lot of, uhh, extremely animated whisperings...

  40. Margaret, I love the mini-synop of From This Day Forward.

    It's got a hint of inspirational "Into the Wilderness" about it. Can't wait to read it/buy it/devour it.

    And I'm grabbing more coffee, PUMPKIN SPICE this time, so excited that it's back in stores/Starbucks/creamers, etc... Yes, I'm lame, but soooo excited to have Margaret here.


  41. I'm excited about hearing Dr. Stanley Williams speak on Thursday in the Early Bird Session.

    We've been blessed to have him as a guest on Seekerville. Can't wait to soak in all the great info he'll provide at ACFW.

    One of the best things about the writing life is that it's filled with continuing education opportunities, which I love. For those of you who can't make ACFW, we'll share highlights and tips we've learned in future blog posts so stay tuned and keep coming back to Seekerville!

  42. Emily,

    Be sure to find the Seekers and join the evening chatter...we'll try to be quiet, but with Ruthy and Mary and Julie...well, you can understand how hard it will to obey the rules.

    Of course, Pepper will not utter a word! :)

    Margaret will have to monitor our group and tell us when we're making too much noise. :)

  43. Debby,
    You're so sweet!
    I knew you'd have faith in me. ;-)

  44. Margaret, Thanks for sharing information about this year's conference. It looks like it will be great one.

    Can't be there this year, but I hope everyone learns lots and has a wonderful time.


  45. Oh, Margaret!!! What a neat surprise to find you in Seekerville this morning! Still missing you and all my OK friends!

    Thanks for the insider info on the conference! It'll be nice not to have to keep up with those meal tickets.

    I can sort of understand why there won't be a book signing event--there are so many published authors in ACFW now, which is SUPER, not to mention squeezing everything in to three days--but I kind of feel sorry for the debut novelists who (as I did) were really looking forward to their first time sitting behind the autograph tables.

    It'll still be SO FUN, though! Can't wait to see you again in a few short weeks!

  46. Just when I was getting used to the idea of not going to the conference this year...

    Margaret, you make it sound like THE place to be! I know all of you will have a wonderful time.

    Patty, Missy, Melanie and I (along with others, I'm sure) will be lounging on the island while everyone is in St. Louis - I think we'll have to have our own party with chocolate every night. Our mantra will be "next year in Dallas"!

    I've seen a promo for "From This Day Forward", and it went on my wishlist right away! I'd love to win a copy -


  47. We're in trouble if Pepper is like Ruthie. I don't know if the hotel "police" are ready for us. LOL. I can whisper loudly--that should work. It will be fun spending time with the Seekers, and when the hotel wants you to be quiet, I'll have to hide behind someone.

    Seriously I can understand the policy on the room floors at night when people are trying to catch a few hours of sleep. But look out the other times.

    Julie, I can't wait to give you a hug. Talk about a great writer. You are wonderful!!!

    Emily, I'm so glad you stopped by today. I hope to see you at the conference.

    Kirsten, I'm sorry you are going to miss this year. Hopefully next year.

    Myra, we miss you so much in Tulsa. I hope you come back to visit at least.

  48. Jan, can I join you all on the island? I can see me in my lounge chair with a book in hand and a gentle breeze blowing while the sound of the waves fill the air...Wait, I guess I have to go to the conference. I have to give a speech. I HAVE TO GIVE A SPEECH! Now I'm panicking. That island is looking better and better.

  49. what a wonderful posting...and tribute to margaret daley :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  50. Kirsten,
    I saw your Seekerville comment yesterday about Irene. Glad you're okay!

    Faced with such a hugh force of nature, isn't it wonderful to be able to pray and ask the Lord's protection!

    I pray all our extended Seekerville family is okay after the storm. Anyone in the path of rising water? Downed trees? Power outages...well, duh, guess you wouldn't be able to comment if you didn't have power.

    BTW, the LI office in NYC closed on noon Friday. Everyone's fine and back in the office today, which is an answered prayer, for sure.

  51. LoL, Jan. In the first version of my comment I actually had "Next year in Dallas"!! Too funny. Yes, Lord willing, next year I WILL be in Dallas. I'm thankful God knows what He's doing. =]

    And a party on the island with chocolate sounds like good medicine for us. With chocolate. Lotsa chocolate and ice cream and cookies and... hmmmm. Think I'll need to pack my yoga pants with those elastic waist bands... hi ho!

  52. Margaret, when you say QUIET, do you mean like in the lobby and bar area? where we plan to gather with Seekervillagers every night and talk and laugh and ... ahem ... be quiet????

    Now I'm nervous. Ruthy is sooooo noisy.

  53. Jan, thanks for leaving your email. You're in the drawing!

    A party on the Island sounds perfect for all those not attending ACFW! Will Captain Jack party with you?

  54. Pepper, if you violate the quiet time rule and you get dragged out of the hotel in handcuffs, I'm there for you darlin'. Me and bail money. Get me on speed dial quick.

  55. Margaret you have to give a speech? Wow, that is so wonderful of you to mention that, in the unlikely event I ever decide it's a good idea to run for ACFW President. You have just insured I will NOT be running against you or anyone EVER.

  56. Mary, I included you in the noisy group. :)

    Along with Ruthy, of course.

    And Julie.

    And Cara can get so rowdy. :)

    Ruthy's rooming with Cara and that spells trouble, for sure!

  57. You heard it first in Seekerville!!!

    Mary Connealy is running for ACFW President in the next election.

    But only if Margaret doesn't want a second term.

  58. I NEED to stop reading about ACFW. WISH I could go, but not this year. Praying next year works out. The book sounds WONDERFUL, Margaret!

  59. DEBBY SAID: "we'll try to be quiet, but with Ruthy and Mary and Julie...well, you can understand how hard it will to obey the rules"

    Uh, excuse me, Miss Giusti, but as I recall you are NO wallflower, young lady, so this is a wee bit like the pot calling the kettles black, I suspect, eh, Ruthy and Mare??

    And thanks for your kind words, Margaret -- I'll be looking for that hug, sweetie, and more than one, I suspect!


  60. Julie, I'm a very quiet person! Really!

  61. Plus, Jules, you caught my typo and re-Seekervilled it.

    (Re-Seekerville? Like re-Tweeting!)

  62. Patty, the island is sounding better and better.

    Mary, I almost didn't run for president because of the fact I had to give a speech--so much out of my comfort zone. But I'm depending on the Lord to get me through this BIG TIME.

    Karen, it's good to see you here.

    Joanne, I hope to see you next year at conference. Praying for that, too.

    I don't think the quiet policy is for the lobby--at least I hope not or I may have to bail out the lot of you.

  63. Pepper, thank you for the vote of confidence. :-)

  64. Mary,
    Did you write "I'm there for you, honey"
    "I'm there WITH you, honey"


  65. Margaret, the Seekers and extended Seeker family will be praying while you're speaking. You'll be wonderful!

  66. To all those who can't attend the conference...I was in your shoes year after year after year. I had three children who needed me and no extra money to spend on a long weekend away from the family.

    Kids grew up. Eventually, I sold, and the money I now earn from my writing covers my conference expenses.

    I wouldn't trade the time with my children for a million conferences or a hundred book deals. God knows what He's doing, and His timing is perfect.

  67. Oh yeah, Margaret. This island is gonna be one rockin spot. I can just see it now: me, Jan, Missy, Melanie, all the others not going... we'll all be rockin in the breeze, in hammocks, nibbling chocolate, dozing in the sunshine, while the rest of you get hauled off in handcuffs.

    I'm only two hours away, so call me if ALL of you need bailing out...

  68. Patty, while we're rockin' away on the island, we'll have to get Jack to wait on us. Do you think he's any good at raspberry lemonade?

  69. Margaret, God will support and protect you through your speech.

    But I try to never take on a job that will need a true direct miracle for me to survive it. Not that I don't need those things sometime by accident, but to PLAN it???

  70. Debby is the quietest, most polite, most ladylike person I've ever met.

    (p.s. please play along, Debby can be scary, we don't want her upset)

  71. I actually have a track record in leadership positions that is pretty impressive.

    When they elect me president of something, the organization folds.

    I can never decide if it's something I personally do to destroy the organization...or does the organization only stoop so low as to elect me when they are near death anyway.

    I believe my name was on the ballot box like this:

    Vote for one
    1. Mary Connealy
    2. Scrape the bottom of the barrel
    3. Disband

  72. I'm counting down the days to the conference. I had such a great time last year and know I will again this year. I'm looking forward to seeing some Seekers and Seekerville regulars.

  73. Ah, Mary, you know me so well! :)

    A bad track record, eh? Just an excuse to not run.

  74. Hi Keli!

    Glad you'll be at ACFW. Are you doing the Early Bird session?

  75. Jan, if Captain Jack makes the lemonade, sniff first. You never know what he'll add to the mix.

  76. Patty, you're only two hours away from St. Louis? Which direction?

    Are you sure you can't stop in to say hello? You could bring Esther!
    And cookies.

    By the way, what happened to Ruthy? She must be having a spa day and forgot all about us. Didn't she mention chocolate chip cookies?

  77. =] I'm a few towns from Cheryl and I HAVE thought of buzzing over to say hi and meet you guys. Gotta see what life is doing then...

  78. I'm so jealous!!! As a new member of ACFW, I hope I can go some year soon...

  79. Mary, every company my husband has gone to work for in the last 13 years (four of them) has declared bankruptcy. His friends tease him that if they see him coming through the parking lot, they'll go find other jobs immediately!

    He still doesn't think it's him, so maybe you're not the jinx, either. :D

  80. So sorry I'm not going to the conference this year! Hope everyone who does has fun!!!

    Margaret, I love the cover To Hidden In The Everglades! It looks very spooky!

    Thanks for the post Debby!

  81. Keli, I'm glad you're coming to the conference. Hopefully I'll see you.

    Virginia, next year will be the year you can come. ACFW has a lot to offer writers of all levels.

    Mary, LOL.

    Debby, I'll need the prayers.

  82. Eva, I think swampy are spooky. That's what makes them great for a suspense.

  83. I'm so excited to attend my very first ACFW! Thanks for the great tips.

  84. Oh my stars, I cannot wait to gather at the river (lounge) with all o' youse in St. Louis! Hugs... chatter... more hugs... diet soda WITH lemon because I'm that wild...


    And we'll be quiet on the room floors. Pshaw, of course. Who on earth is going to St. Louis to SLEEP????

    You're kidding, right?

    Hey, cookies are here. I brought dozens, so cozy up and enjoy.

    Ghirardelli chocolate.

    Suh-Weet! ;)

  85. As a new member of ACFW in January, I was terribly excited that conference was scheduled in St. Louis because I live in southern Missouri. Conference will never be closer to me than it is this year (unless by some strange quirk they chose Springfield, but it really isn't a big enough city for that).

    Imagine my chagrin when as the date drew closer and closer I began to realize, I can't go.

    At any rate, Margaret's post is very informative about what I'm missing. I'll be waiting for all kinds of stories from my friends who get to go.

    And I absolutely want to enter for the book.

    andeemarie95 at gmail dot com

  86. I can't believe it's just 3 weeks away!


    I'm getting so excited...

    ...and now I realize how much I have to DO before I leave.


  87. Here, here on Deb's conference remarks.

    The times I couldn't go anywhere, (and there were a lot) I worked hard, then worked harder.

    I prepared proposals, queries, contest entries, etc. If my extra job wasn't enough to cover conferences, I made it enough to do whatever else I could to further my career.

    Well, BEGIN my career, but you guys know what I mean.

    Use the time others are frittering away to get your proposals on desks.

    This is a smart way to do business.

    End of lecture. For now.

  88. Umm...

    You might want to pray for Cara.

    I'm just sayin'.

  89. Thanks for the info, Margaret! I'm so looking forward to this conference - my first one! I will be attending the Early Bird Session - it sounds great.

    I think I'll look like I did in Disneyland - wide-eyed and clutching my area map. Where do I go next? Help!

    I've already had dreams about trying to check-in/register and it didn't go well! Little anxiety creeping in I think.

    Hopefully the quiet policy doesn't include the lounge area, because I'm doubting that will be quiet, with all those Seekers there.

    Can't wait to meet everyone!

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  90. Sherri, I hope to see you at the conference.

    Andrea, next year is in Dallas. That isn't that far. Hope you can come next year.

    Pam, it is going to go so quickly.

  91. Sue, if you are having a problem, just ask me. I'll help.

  92. I would love to be entered for your book, Margaret! I've really enjoyed your books that I have read: Christmas Bodyguard; Protecting Her Own; Cowboy Protector; and Don't Look Back!

  93. Loves 2 Read Romance - LauraAugust 30, 2011 at 9:12 PM

    Hi Margaret! Thanks for all the info about the conference. I love the sound of "From This Day Forward" and I am also looking forward to "Hidden in the Everglades". Both covers are great too!


  94. I'm Dreamin' of Dallas in '12 (and praying).

    CarolM and I have already discussed driving down together.

  95. Thanks for the post, Margaret. The conference sounds like a lot of fun!

    Your book cover is lovely. It's going on my TBR list.

  96. Waving to Sherri! An ACFW first timer!!! That means you get extra hugs. Susan Anne, too! And don't fret about a thing. Everyone is so, so nice and willing to help. Plus, Margaret will be close at hand to lend a hand.

    No more bad dreams allowed, Susan!

  97. Patty, we'd love to see you!

    Virginia, start planning for next year in Dallas, which Andrea is doing.

  98. Margaret,

    Thanks for being with us today in Seekerville and for all the insider info about the upcoming ACFW conference.

    We're so glad you're our president!

    Looking forward to seeing you in St. Louis! And we promise to be quiet--at least on the room floors! :)

  99. Patty, yes! Come visit us at the very least.


  100. Jackie, so good to see you here. If you don't win this book, check the blog tour I'm doing starting 9-1. There are more opportunities to win From This Day Forward.

    Laura, I love both covers too.

    Andrea, yay about Dallas.

    Natalie, I hope you enjoy the book.

  101. Thank you for the peek into this year's ACFW conference.It sounds so exciting! I pray you all have a blessed time! Wish I could attend but it's not possible this year. Hopefully next year in Dallas.

    I would love to be entered to win Margaret's book, From This Day Forward. I LOVE her work!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

