Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weekend Edition

One more conference to go until our big October Birthday Party.
Lots to do before then, including writing, writing and more writing.

What's on your bulletin board or to do list?

We Have Winners

Contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner and if needed, provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville. All prizes are mailed within 6-8 weeks of winner announcements. But if we goof up, holler.

On Monday, Carol Award finalist, Ruth Logan Herne presented From Seed to Fruition: Building Characters From Inside Out.Winner of a Ruthy and Glynna story basket is Zack and Zoes Mom and winner of a Ruthy and Winnie story basket is Cathy Shouse.

Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe brought you, So Many Acronyms, So Little Time, on Tuesday, winner of Glynna Kaye's At Home in His Heart is Esther.

Harlequin Love Inspired Editorial Assistant, Rachel Burkot was our extra special guest Wednesday. I hope you didn't miss her visit!Winners from our day with Rachel are:

Glynna Kaye's At Home In His Heart, Print-winner is Daisy Tea.

Ruth Logan Herne- 2 three-book sets of Reunited Hearts, Small-Town Hearts and Mended Hearts,Kindle, Nook or Print-winners are Susan Anne Mason and Beth Vogt.

Cheryl Wyatt's Steadfast Soldier, Print-winner is Amber S.

Tina Radcliffe- 2 sets The Rancher's Reunion, and/or IOU for Oklahoma Reunion, Kindle or Print- winners are Laura Russell and Linnette.

Audra Harders' Rocky Mountain Hero- Kindle or Print-winner is Valri.

Debby Giusti- (2 prizes-one each)The Officer's Secret & Killer Headline, Kindle or Print-winners are Eileen and Carol Garvin.

Janet Dean's Historical-Wanted: A Family, Kindle or Print-winner is MaryAnn.

Missy Tippens' A Family For Faith, Kindle or Print-winner is Helen Gray.

Camy Tang's Winner's choice of Deadly Intent or Formula for Danger, Kindle-winner is Pat Trainum.

Thursday Seeker Audra Harders presented, Are You Listening? Winner of an e download of Rocky Mountain Hero or hard copy, is Traveling Stacey.

The August Contest Update
was Friday. Winner of Mary Connealy's Out of Control is Sheri Salatin.

Saturday's The Best of Seekerville from the Archives and First Five Pages Critique featured Glynna Kaye's Watering Camels. WinnerS of a first five pages critique are Laura Russell
and Pat Jeanne.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Love Inspired Historical author Christine Johnson will be our guest, talking about world-building for a small town. She's generously offered to give away 3 autographed copies of her August 2011 LIH, The Matrimony Plan.

Tuesday: Barbour and Abingdon author Myra Johnson will bring us "The Romance of Horses," a compendium of resources for when your story just wouldn't be the same without a horse. Myra will be giving away 2 copies of her newest release, A Horseman's Heart, just out this month from Heartsong Presents.

Wednesday: Come hang out with Revell author Julie Lessman. She's bringing us: "EDIT" A Good Four-Letter Word."

Thursday: Your hostess will be Barbour and Bethany House author Mary Connealy. She'll be giving away a copy of her most recent book, Out of Control!

Friday: We have guest Sandra Byrd. She'll share with us about Writing Historicals Without Getting Into a Jam. And there'll be a chance to win a copy of her newest book To Die For: A Novel of Anne Boleyn.

Seeker Sightings

A Horseman's Heart, Myra Johnson's August release from Heartsong Presents. Great cover!

Glynna Kaye can be found keeping cool at the Love Inspired Authors Blogspot! Don't miss her post.

Wednesday, Seeker Debby Giusti will be blogging on the Craftie Ladies of Suspense. Stop by to say hello and see what Debby has to say about "Stepping Out in Faith."

Barbara Vey's Beyond Her Book Blog featured The Officer's Secret in the WW Ladies Book Club Blurbs feature here.

Pam Hillman will be blogging with Carol Moncado on Wednesday August 10th at PenTalk Community.

Mended Hearts, Ruth Logan Herne's August release from Steeple Hill is now available for preorder.

Great review for Out of Control here at Words Seasoned with Salt!

Random News and Information

  • The gals over at Writer's Alley really had some fun with movies this week. Grab some popcorn and check it out!

  • When in doubt, head over to Grammar Girl. Your first defense against bad grammar.

Lastly, we want to congratulate a friend of Seekerville and her very funny alter ego!~Sherri Shackelford/Amanda Hugginkiss has sold to Love Inspired Historical for a 2012 debut!


  1. Congrats, Sherri! May it be the first of many!

  2. Congrats to all the winners, and especially Sherri!

    This coming week sounds great, but I'm really wondering about October. Hmmm, I wonder what's being planned?

    Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!

  3. Congratulations to Sherri!!! Awesome! :D

    And congratulations to all the winners! I appreciate the chance to read one of Cheryl's books! Yay! :)


  4. Woohooo!! Congratulations Sherri!

    Oh my, it's Sunday already? Where did the week go?

    I'm feeling rather sheepish-I jumped on that Nathan Bransford link. I guess we all want the silver bullet, eh?

    Looking forward to a great week of posts, ladies. Have a beautiful Sunday!

  5. Loves 2 Read Romance - LauraAugust 7, 2011 at 8:20 AM

    Congrats to all the winners! Congrats on your sale to LIH Sherri!! This upcoming week sounds like a lot of fun and like Jan I am wondering what is in store for October! Whatever the plan is I know it will be great!! Have a great day everyone.

  6. WAY TO GO SHERRI/AMANDA! Congratulations on your sale to LI.

    What's on my bulletin board? To get one sheets and pitches ready for the ACFW conference and to polish my chapters and synopsis.

    Hopefully I'll get to a couple of those today.

  7. wow congratulations to the winners!
    Have to work today :-( but good to have a job.
    I have some m&m's and fruit to add to breakfast.


  8. Tina -- Yet another creative, stuffed-with-valuable-info weekend post! You are amazing!!!


  9. You aren't a Lone Ranger, Debra. I did too. Mary found it.

  10. Congratulations, Sherri!!!

    Thanks for a wonderful WE, Tina! I just got back from the beach, so my to do list is laundry. But you'll notice I came here first, so at least I have my priorities straight. :)

    Lots of good stuff happening in Seekerville!

  11. Oh you published authors, you're life is such a beach. LOL.

    Welcome back to laundry land, Anne.

  12. Congrat, Sherri, and many more!!

    Looks like next week will be a good one on Seekerville.

    Thanks for all the great links.


  13. Should be "Congrats" got so excited I dropped the s.

  14. It's okay, Kirsten, I wrote you're instead of your on my comment to Anne. It's Sunday. Our fingers get a day of rest and so do our brains.

  15. Super WE, Tina! Thx and HUGE congrats to Sherri and all the winners!

    May the K9 Spy and I are Snoopy dancin' - she's quite good! :)

    Winston Church? It is Sunday, after all. Haaaaaaa!

    Ooooh - Sandra Byrd this week! Exciting! I just finished To Die For. Lapped it up.

    Keep pounding on me for the To Do List. I'm still nursing Mom full-time. Bloodwork tomorrow will let us know more. Thx for the prayers.

  16. Congratulations Sherri! I can't wait to read your book. Well I suppose I'll have to but I'm anxiously waiting. Very happy for you.


  17. Did I mess up HIS name as well. Dear me.

    Going to fix.

  18. Wow, what a lineup!

    Congrats to Sherri!!!!

    Thanks so much for mentioning the Alley! We've been having fun with our movie week. :)

    And LOVE Myra's new cover! Can't wait for the book. :)

  19. Audra, I'm so excited about reading your book! Thanks! This is just icing on the cake to the already great day I'm having! God is good. Congrats to the other winners and Sherri, too. Blessings~Stacey

  20. Rock on, Sherri! May this be the first of many.

    Had thunderstorms last night and lost my internet. Then had to take hubby to the ER. Blood pressure spiked. Got home at 5 a.m. Need some shuteye soon.

    Can't believe I have another book coming. You guys sure know how to take care of a gal. Thanks.


  21. Congrats, Sherri!! So exciting!

    Great WE, Teenster!

  22. Wow! Didn't expect to see my goofy face at Seekerville this morning. LOL

    Congratulations, Sherri. I hope your book is a wonderful beginning to a successful publishing career.

    And congrats to all the other winners.

    Thank you, Seekers, for all the great website tips. Not sure where to start... :D

    Anita Mae.

  23. YAY, Sherri!!! Congrats on your sale. Hope you enjoy working for Love Inspired as much as I do.

    BTW, reminder to all those seeking publication...Love Inspired Historicals is looking for MORE GOOD BOOKS TO PUBLISH. That next sale could be yours! Fingers crossed for everyone!

    Prayers continuing to head your way for Mama, KC!

    Helen, praying for hubby. Hope his blood pressure stays down, and he returns to good health.

    Love you all!

    Rainy day in Georgia, which means cooler temperatures. A nice change!

  24. WHOO-HOO, LOTS GOING ON, and I bet I have more stickies going than you do!!

    GREAT WE, Teenster!!

    SUPER CONGRATS to all the winners AND to Sherri!!


  25. Congrats Sherri!!! This is so awesome.

    Lots of great stuff to read in the links, but I wanted to give a shout-out to Sherri first.

    Wonder what Amanda has to say about this? lol

  26. Helen, hope hubby is ok!!

  27. KC, still praying for your momma.

  28. I heard Walt finaled in the Maggie..woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

  29. First, congratulations, Walt!

    Second, thank you so much! I was just enjoying my Sunday Seekerville, and imagine my surprise to see my name :)

    Amanda Huginkiss was shocked right out of her tiara :)

  30. Congratulations to Sherri, Walt and all the winners last week! I'm excited that I was picked for the five page critique. And congrats to Laura, too. Thanks for all the useful info shared here, Tina.

  31. SHERRI!!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

    WALT YAY!!!!



  32. Great Weekend Edition as always, Tina. You make us all look sooooooooooooooooo good.
    Tough job for you. :)

  33. Tina:

    Hubby seems to be fine now. No idea what caused the 235/110 bp.

    Got my internet back, but can't get my e-mail to open. Don't have a Kindle, so I need the print version of Missy's book.

  34. Will pass it on. I am having router issues myself. On the laptop with wireless right now.

  35. Oh my stars, tickled for Sherri! DEEELIGHTED, WOMAN!!!! ;)

    And my buddy Walt has been named a Maggie finalist.

    You rock, Dude.

    And I'm late.

    Busy Sunday, but GOOD BUSY.

    God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good.

  36. Hi, Casey! Haven't forgotten you! My shipment of author copies went to our old address, so Barbour had to reship. Hopefully the books will be here in a couple more days!

  37. Yay! I've been drooling over Glynna's book ever since I saw it on the Wal-Mart shelves.
    Congrats to all the other winners!

    Mary Connealy's new book looks great! I'll have to get up a little earlier and jump on here before we leave for the Faithwriters' conference on Thursday. :)

  38. Yay for Sherri! That's awesome! :)

    Hurray for me too, Can't wait for Out of Control! Thank you!!
