Sunday, August 14, 2011

Weekend Edition

What's your POV of the world?
Glass half full...or half empty? Take the quiz!

We Have Winners

Contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner and if needed, provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville. All prizes are mailed within 6-8 weeks of winner announcements. But if we goof up, holler.

On Monday we welcomed Love Inspired Historical author Christine Johnson who shared on world-building for a small town. She generously offered to give away 3 autographed copies of her August 2011 LIH, The Matrimony Plan. Winners are Paula O, Jackie S and CatMom.

Barbour and Abingdon author Myra Johnson brought us "The Romance of the Horse," on Tuesday. Winners of her newest release, A Horseman's Heart, just out this month from Heartsong Presents are Pamela Thibodeaux and Susanna.

Wednesday Revell author Julie Lessman shared "EDIT" A Good Four-Letter Word." Winner of Julie's September release, A Heart Revealed is Natalie.

Thursday we featured Barbour and Bethany House author Mary Connealy with You May Not Know It, But You're Marketing. Winner of a signed copy of Out of Control is Virginia with no link in her name, AND winner of an AUDIO VERSION of Out of Contro
l is Jennifer Saake.

Saturday's The Best of Seekerville from the Archives and First Five Pages Critique featured Tina Radcliffe's Getting the Block Out Of Writer's Block. Winner of a first five pages critique is Susan Mason.

What do you think of The Happiness Project?

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Love Inspired author Missy Tippens is your hostess, talking about finding your niche (aka: We Can't All Grow Up to Be Funny Like Mary). There will be a giveaway! So don't miss it.

Tuesday: Love Inspired author Cheryl Wyatt will be your hostess today, and she is bringing guest blogger, Bethany House author Anne Mateer. Anne will be discussing her Genesis Contest experiences and how they ended up leading to publication or her debut novel, Wings of a Dream, releasing Sept 1. And she'll be generously giving away a copy of her upcoming release.

Wednesday: Janet Dean, Love Inspired Historical author, will be posting with Kill those Bugaboos. She'll be giving away Beginnings, Middles and Ends by Nancy Kress or a copy of Wanted: A Family, winner’s choice.

Thursday: Camy Tang, who writes for Love Inspired Suspense and Zondervan will be posting
about galley proofs. So come ready to learn!

Friday: Today is Book Blast Bonanza! Hourly Giveaways as Seekerville Welcomes The Bethany House Marketing Team! Brought to you by Bethany House author Mary Connealy, who'll be giving away these books from Bethany House: (winners announced in the Weekend Edition)

8 am Out of Control--Mary Connealy

9 am Siri Mitchell--Heart Most Worthy
10 am Karen Witemeyer--To Win Her Heart
11 am Beverly Lewis--The Thorn (The Rose Trilogy Book 1)
12 pm Tracie Peterson--Hope Rekindled
1 pm Stephanie Grace Whitson--A Most Unsuitable Match
2 pm Laura Frantz--The Colonel's Lady
3 pm Janette Oke & Davis Bunn--Tomorrow's Dream
4 pm Falls Like Lightning--Shawn Grady

5 pm Out of Control--Mary Connealy

Saturday: Sherri Berger is our very special guest. Sherri is the voice artist on Mary Connealy's audio release of Out of Control. Stop by to chat and for a chance to win an audio copy of Out of Control.

We will still be holding The First Five Pages critique drawing. Request to be in the drawing on any blog post this week in Seekerville. Or post on Facebook. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition. Only FIVE more critique opportunities left!

And if you see the glass half full then this story
about 60 Rejections on Kathryn Stockett's The Help,
will probably make you cry. (I did.)

Seeker Sightings

Mary Connealy sightings:

Barbara White Daille's blog on August 15th.

Erica Vetsch's blog on August 17th.

Petticoats & Pistols on August 17th.

Dawn Ford's blog on August 17th.

Missy Tippens will be interviewed on a local station on Wednesday the 17th. She'll be on Faith Community Radio, WIMO AM 1300. So if you're in the Bethlehem area (Bethlehem, Georgia, that is!), please tune in 9:00-9:30 a.m. for the Dottie Coffman Show. You can also visit the station website and click to listen live.

Bryce Harding, hero of August's "At Home in His Heart" will be interviewed on Craftie Ladies of Romance on Sunday, August 14.


Cara Lynn James will be blogging about Melinda Hollister, the heroine of Love by the Book on Margaret Daley's blog on Monday, August 15th. She'll also be giving away a copy of Love by the Book.

Bonus Package!

Seeker books added to this Kindle Giveaway:

A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman
Courting Miss Adelaide by Janet Dean
Sushi for One by Camy Tang
Love by the Book by Cara Lynn James
Rocky Mountain Hero by Audra Harders
One Imperfect Christmas by Myra Johnson

Julie Lessman Sightings:

August 14 to 20, 2011, Julie can be found on Margaret Daley's blog. Stop by for a chance to win a signed copy of any of her books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

August 20 to September 1, 2011, Join Julie at Nora St. Laurent's blog, Finding Hope Through Fiction, for a chance to win a signed copy of any of her books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

Check out this Philosophy of Romance review of Mended Hearts.

Random News and Information

  • Kara Cesare has joined Ballantine Bantam Dell as executive editor, effective September 21. Previously she was an executive editor at Gallery Books. (Publishers Lunch)

That's it! Have a great day!


  1. I took the quiz:
    Your glass is overflowing with optimism! You are a rare individual.

    Hmmm I guess I should take more quizzes late at night :)


  2. I'm a pretty happy person. My glass is half full. So says the quiz.

    But the coffee pot of FULL.

    Great links. Fun post.

    Thankee, thankee.


  3. Tina - I adore your humor. Super WE!

    Definitely full - didn't need to take the quiz! :)

    Congrats to winners. Looks like a wonderful week again. You ladies are PAWMAZING says May the K9 Spy! (I'm working Mary. Ha! And congrats again on Out of Control. So exciting!)

    Have a great Sunday. Learned a lot at the hospital w/ Mom last night. She's trying to sleep on her side tonite. That will be a simple solution to her sleep apnea if it works. Thx SO much for the prayers everyone!

  4. Hi, Jamie!!! I can tell from your smile your quiz is correct.

    Helen, the best thing in the world is a full pot of java. Thank you!!

    KC, excellent, excellent news!

  5. Cute quiz Tina! Neat pic too!

    Mary is going to be so tired at the end of the day next Friday! :)

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Enjoy your weekend everyone!

  6. Mary functions in Mach III on a regular basis. She writes novels during her bathroom breaks at work.

    I have long ago stopped attempting comprehend this phenom. She makes me look like a slacker.

  7. I am about to head to bed, but thought I'd visit Seekerville before I shut down my computer. (I figured maybe then I'd have pleasant dreams of a tropical island and Capt. Jack!?!). Anyway, I was thrilled to see I won an LIH book---THANK YOU sooo much!!! ~ Okay, I think I need a cup of Helen's coffee just to make it upstairs to bed, LOL....zzzzzz....Blessings, Patti Jo p.s. I plan to take the glass quiz when I'm more awake. :)

  8. Thanks for the shout out on my Inspy Historical Fiction Index, Tina!

    The quiz said I'm a half full person--I think the quiz is lying.

  9. Why view life
    as a dichotomy
    and reduce your
    options needlessly?

    Everything’s not
    the glass holds
    4 ounces
    with room for
    four more.

  10. LOL, Melissa!

    Vince, I like it.

    Night, Patti Jo..headed there myself.

  11. Wow, there were so many links on this post that I don't even know where to start!
    But I'm SO excited I won a signed book by Mary! (I mean, I hope that was me...) That would bring my Seekerville signed books to THREE! Since I have limited shelf space, that's a really big deal and I'm very honored to have them. :)
    Also, LOVE the Happiness Project. I read the book when it first came out and 1) she's hilarious and 2) I bought my own copy and one for my sister because I think it made me a BETTER person after I tried some of her projects. Honestly. A better friend, for sure.
    She's also great at marketing. You can contact her on fbook and ask for a signed bookplate, and she sends it personalized (to whomever) within a week or two.

  12. KC, so glad to hear about your mom! Lots of prayers from over here!

  13. Oh, Tina, I did win a five page critique a while ago and everything the Seeker said about it was true! I ended up scrapping the whole first chapter. :) Gotta love it when someone tells you the truth!

  14. Okay, so it is the same Virginia. You have a lovely face, nice to finally see it :)

  15. Jamie, me too. If nothing else it made me feel good about myself! ;)

    Love the coffee, Helen. THANK YOU!!!

    Teeena, Mary is actually two people. Which is why she's able to do what she does. It's a weird Midwestern phenomenon which only occurs during the twelfth moon of the seventh sun when Jupiter aligns with Mars....

    I still hate her for it, but hey. That's just me. And it legally makes her a freak of nature. I'm just sayin'...

    Love this WE. AND I LOVED VINCE'S REVIEW OF MENDED HEARTS... God bless that man. Seriously.

    Virginia, I have scrapped so many first chapters that now I do it to myself. Really. Truly. It's just kind of how I'm wired, old training, whatever, so I write it, it makes me feel good and solid about the characters, and then I scrap it because it tells way too much.

    So then I drop them into the action as needed.

    Duh. I feel honored to be in your company, girlfriend.

  16. Okay, after you all half-full people, do I share mine?

    Here we go:

    Your happiness teeters between Half Full and Half Empty. Seldom is your glass overflowing with estatic emotions, but your glass is never empty either.

    Guess I have some work to do, although am struggling a bit right now. Sigh

    Have a happy day, everyone :) I am looking forward to receiving my Ruthy prize winnings from last week!

  17. Cathy, that's so funny that you popped in right now because I just sent you a message on fb that I can't find your address...

    hook me up, kiddo! Always a pleasure seeing you, and hey...

    I think your true cup overfloweth.


  18. Fun WE! I'm an eternal optimist even though some of the questions I answered weren't exactly in the half-full category. I guess it's all relative,eh?

    What an extensive interview with Harelquin Assistant Editor Elizabeth Mazer. Lots of good info there.

    And The Help's author's 60 rejections? That 59 editors/agents kicking themselves right now. Talk about the glass being half empty! LOL.

    Can't wait for all the fun coming up this week at Seekerville!

  19. WHAT A GREAT BLOG, TEENSTER -- You are SO creative, seriously!!

    Like Jamie, I'm a bloomin' optimist, which is no surprise when one of the questions is do you have passion???

    Always get a kick out of editors kicking themselves over a rejection gone awry like The Help. :) Of course I realize that sounds more like a comment from a glass-half-empty gal ... :)


  20. Julie, I think it's those editors whose glasses are half empty!

    I took the quiz and got the same result as Jamie - maybe it's something about writers? We have enough hope to keep on with this dream that most people would classify as hopeless!

    Great WE, and looking forward to next week!

    And KC - how did the night with your Mom go?

  21. Hey, Tina! I read that story about The Help getting 60 rejections! That is just crazy, because that is a great book. But I can believe it, because agents (and editors) are looking for books that are similar to other bestselling books. They are afraid they can't sell the books that are unique but great. But it just goes to show that Perseverance is the thing that counts most in this business! Along with a great story and great writing!

  22. And Prayer! And making writing a Priority! My 3 P's.

  23. Good morning....

    My quiz said:Your glass is overflowing with optimism! You are a rare individual.

    Don't know if my family would agree!

    I think I have my wardrobe picked out for the ACFW I'm working on my one sheets.

  24. Apparently I'm overflowing with optimism. I'm a rare individual (the rare part I already knew, just didn't know it was because of my optimism) :o)

    Another great WE, Tina!

    Congratulations to all the winners!


  25. So am I the only person who teared up when they read the Kathryn Stockett article?

    It was better than a Hallmark card. It was OUR life peeps.

  26. Aw, Tina, I got all crazy excited and jumped up and down and Beth looked at me like the call to the looney bin was growing more and more imminent.

    And today's Gospel was about persistence. The woman who REFUSED TO GIVE UP AND TOLD JESUS EVEN DOGS CAN EAT THE MASTER'S SCRAPS... And he healed her daughter because of her faith and persistence. And humbling herself.

    Such a perfect message to keep on, keepin' on.

  27. So nice to win Christine's book....THANKS!!

  28. Ruthy, I smiled when I heard that Gospel reading! Isn't it beautiful?? We can all identify with being only worthy of the scraps, but God surprises us with the honest-to-goodness meal.
    Tina, you're so sweet! And I read once that the first three chapters are usually supposed to go in the trash because the story starts with the action, which is usually chapter four! Funny!!

  29. Excellent WE Tina!! I can't wait to read all these articles you linked. But first, I have a post to finish for Monday...


  30. Hi guys! Busy weekend here. Great WE, Tina. Of course, my eyes glazed over and I was completely led astray by the link...

    How to Eat a Chocolate Book

    so the rest of it was kinda hazy.

    Sorry about that.

  31. What a great quiz!

    Awesome week coming up too. I am especially looking forward to Friday! :-)
