Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekend Edition

Another Weekend Edition!
Thanks for spending a portion of your day with us!

We Have Winners

Contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner and if needed, provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville. All prizes are mailed within 6-8 weeks of winner announcements

Vrrrroommm!!! From Zero to Pubbed in 60 Days was our Monday post with Pam Hillman, author of Stealing Jake. Winner of a three book surprise is Stephanie Rae.

Tuesday Avalon author Sandra Leesmith shared "Friends: Our Characters Need Them Too." Winner of their choice of her Avalon release The Price of Victory, or a copy of her children's books, Percival the Naughty Prairie Dog or Hector Wants to Play is KAV.

Wednesday Glynna Kaye, shared "Juicy Words." Winners of Glynna's Love Inspired release, At Home in His Heart are Casey and Cindy W.

Thomas Nelson author Cara Lynn James, whose third Ladies of Summerhill book, Love By The Book, released in July, was our hostess on Friday, talking about "The End," her favorite part to write! Winner of Love By the Book is Jennifer.

On Friday Seekerville friend & double Genesis Finalist, Pepper Basham shared "When Life Happens...WRITE On Sticky Notes." Two winners of a sticky note pad and surprise Seeker book are Amanda and Angie.

Saturday we brought you The Best of the Archives, Ruth Logan Herne's Holy Hot Heroes Batman and the Five Pages Critique. Winner of Mended Hearts is Jackie Layton. Winner of one of our last five pages critiques is Cathy Shouse.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Join Ruth Logan Herne as she celebrates the release of Mended Hearts, her latest Men of Allegany County novel while she talks frankly about Wanted: Hot, Wholesome Women! Smokin’ Qualities Every Heroine Needs and Your Hero Longs For! Ruthy will be drawing names for two delightful gift baskets that include a signed copy of Mended Hearts and a surprise "Friend of Seekerville" book with the odd goodie or two.

Tuesday: Seeker Debby Giusti is bringing you: Here’s the Scoop about the ACFW Conference from the ACFW President Margaret Daley who will be our guest. Margaret is a Love Inspired, Love Inspired Suspense, Abingdon Press and Summerside Press author. She is one busy woman! Margaret will also be giving away a copy of From This Day Forward.

Wednesday: Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe brings you "Camping Outside the Promised Land" and an opportunity to win her October release, Oklahoma Reunion.

Thursday: Seeker Audra Harders hosts debut author Donnell Bell. Donnell will share research tips and tricks as she prepares for the debut of her Bell Bridge book, The Past Comes Hunting, release around September 15.

Friday: It's time for the September Contest Update. The prize vault is open! Stop by for a chance to win Mary Connealy's Out of Control!

We have a special day planned for Saturday! Writing tips from two-time RITA winner Irene Hannon and a drawing for the winner's choice of her Carol-Award nominated Love Inspired story, A Father for Zach, or her newest release, Deadly Pursuit.

We will still be holding The First Five Pages critique drawing. Request to be in the drawing on any blog post this week in Seekerville. Or post on Facebook. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition. Only THREE more critique opportunities left!

Seeker Sightings

Pam Hillman will be blogging August 30th with Brenda Anderson at Spire Reviews.

Check out the amazing Tyndale ad for the Digital First Authors here.

Julie Lessman Sightings:

August 20 to September 1, 2011, join Julie at Nora St. Laurent's blog, Finding Hope Through Fiction, for a chance to win a signed copy of any of her books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

August 25 to September 10, 2011, join Julie at Casey Herringshaw's blog, Writing for Christ, for a chance to win a signed copy of any of her books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

August 25 to September 3, 2011, join Julie at Lena Nelson Dooley's blog, A Christian Writer's World, for a chance to win a signed copy of any of her books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

August 25 to September 3, 2011, join Julie at Pat Iacuzzi's blog, American Historical Christian Fiction, for a chance to win a signed copy of any of her books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

Random News and Information
Please nominate your favorite librarian by September 12. When you do, come back and tell us in Seekerville by commenting on this special page we have set up and your name goes in the hat for a Seeker book package surprise. Three winners will be announced in the September 18th Weekend Edition. You don't need to reveal the name of who you nominated. Just tell us you did the deed. We in Seekerville LOVE LIBRARIANS!!

That's all for now.
Praying for those in the path of Hurricane Irene.


  1. A special weekend size pot of coffee is brewing. Have at it.

    Sounds like another great week.

  2. LOVIN' those captions Tina. Soooo funny.

    Say - I just nominated my librarian! Thank you so much for letting us know about that award. She arranged for my first book reading and signing. In general, she's an all around blessing to our community and I'm SO glad to know we can show the love back to her. :)

    BUT - I tried to post that on the new Seeker page and I couldn't get it to "take" any comments. So - check and see, ok? Thanks!

    Agreed Helen, looks like a great week coming up too. Ready for just a spot of java before hitting the hay tonite. Thanks!

  3. .
    All That You Can Be

    ends in zero.
    To make him count
    he needs a flaw
    a tortured soul
    most of all.
    A bad boy
    would be nice
    so risk your heart
    and roll the dice
    no risk, no gain
    get in the game
    the time has come
    to be yourself
    and a hero win.


  4. Fixed!!! Thank you, KC!!!

  5. Vince, you had Alphabet Soup for dinner didn't you? Well done.

    Thank you, Helen.

  6. Loving the coffee, Helen!

    I just got done with yesterday's comments. Dude's, sorry, had to drive back up from Baltimore to upstate. Couldn't visit. Hate that!!!

    But I love me some good heroes and heroines! ;)

    Vince, your poem reminds me of "Rodeo Stew", the post I did last year about mixin' up the right ingredients for a great hero.

    Well done, my friend! Great gift, there.

  7. Tina, you are so stinkin' cute! And I can't decide which quote I love the most, but Ruthy's and Mary's are soooo THEM!!! :)

    Happy Sunday!

  8. Erica, you know us well!

    Although The Teeenster's is totally her. You see her quiet domineering side.

    I've seen the Mediterranean side...


    I tread softly. Of course.

  9. Ha,ha. Funny Ruthy.

    I get to sleep tonight. Looks like all my East Coast family made it through Irene fine.

    Thank you, God.

  10. Hi Tina:

    Things are slow.
    Not even 10 by 11!

    I read your balloon as four separate statements.

    No guts.
    No glory.
    No risk.
    No reward.

    In my mind I saw these words on the four corners of a vanity Florida license plate with this big word centered in the middle:


    & Contrarians

    Never fired.
    Always bought gold
    with loto ticket budget.
    Looking back, I just love it!
    It may be funny but it’s true
    I now have more money
    than those lottery winners still do.


    For Those Who Can’t Wait:
    Beat the Release Date:

    Coming Midngiht 1 September at eHarlequin:

    Oklahoma Reunion
    by Tina Radcliffe
    Love Inspired

    The Captain's Mission
    by Debby Giusti
    Love Inspired Suspense

    Extra Good News!
    A Heart Revealed, (Winds of Change)
    by Julie Lessman
    (Kindle Edition - Sep 1, 2011)
    No Long Wait for the Kindle edition this time!


    Remember: The sooner you read them, the sooner you'll begin earning dividends on those HEAs!

  11. Vince!! Thanks for the countdown.

    There are quite a few folks without power today due to the storm/hurricane.

  12. Vince, you rock, dude.

    Yes, the power thing is dicey for lots of people over our way.

    Although I'm not sure when Connealy moved to the East Coast. Do you know, Tina???

    Recently, I presume?

  13. I heard Mary moved to escape Gophers.

  14. I snorted with laughter when I saw Mary's caption. Too funny!

    And thank you for the win! You surprised me right out of sneeze this morning when I saw it! :)

  15. What a fun WE! Love those captions. Congrats to the winners!

  16. I agree with Erica: "Tina, you are so stinkin' cute!""

    And, Vince??? You are SO stinkin' adorable!!

    Great WE, Teenster!!


  17. Great captions! I love "when in doubt kill a character" lol

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  18. Loved the quotes, but especially the one friends don't allow friends to peddle books alone. Thanks for giving me a laugh with the captions. Congrats to Cathy on winning the 5 page critique and all the winners last week. Just reworked my short story that was critiqued and sent it off on Friday. Great week to everyone.

  19. Pat!!! Way to go. I am sooo proud of you!!!

  20. Pat, that rocks. Soooo not kidding.

    And if Teenster's proud of you, well...

    That's sayin' something, my friend.

  21. Hi Ruth:

    I went back and re-read you “Rodeo Stew” post:

    And that does sound like me! Check the vocabulary:

    Nefarious, lotharios, serenity blanketed, bucolic existence,
    Decomposing, sensory overload, admonishments. poignant, vignettes, arrogant. antagonistic.

    A feast of tasty words.

    I even have a chapter in my WIP on Cooking and Writing to the Reading Experience where I point out every bite of your meal has to be rewarding. It’s not enough to have a memorable desert.

    Your cooking analogy is a total how-to-write-a-romance guide. That’s another great post to bring back. (Reading it was a guilty pleasure. Writing it must have been a sin -- venial, that is.)

    Imagine that: two Irish people from NY who like to use Yiddish terms. What’s not to like?


  22. Wow, all these great links! Can't wait to see the Laube video and the 'epiphany is nt a character arc' one! And I need to nominate a librarian, but which one??? Hmmmm. Who has made me brownies lately?

  23. I'm a day late thanks to Irene's winds but I wanted to stop by anyway and say 'hey' and thank you for my win! How exciting!!!!! And now I have to make a decision....ack!!!! Seekerville rocks!

  24. I'm way late. But I loved the "doctored" photos! :)

  25. These photos are hilarious! Love it.

