Sunday, September 4, 2011

Weekend Edition

Seekerville Love Inspired Read Me!
Contest for Unpublished Writers
Final Results

Congratulations to Jan Drexler.

Her manuscript Love Bears All Things
is our first place winner. Jan's proposal will be read by
Rachel Burkot,
Editorial Assistant, Love Inspired.

Finalists are:

*Sherrinda Ketchersid -The Lady's Masquerade
*Walt Mussell -The Samurai's Heart
*Peggy Rychwa -A Cowboy in the Moonlight
*Patty Wysong -Beyond the Rapids

*invited to submit

Thanks to Rachel Burkot for taking time
from her busy schedule to judge these entries.

We Have Winners

Monday Ruth Logan Herne celebrated the release of Mended Hearts, her latest Men of Allegany County novel as she talked frankly about Wanted: Hot, Wholesome Women! Smokin’ Qualities Every Heroine Needs and Your Hero Longs For! Winners of delightful gift baskets that include a signed copy of Mended Hearts and a surprise "Friend of Seekerville" book with the odd goodie or two are Naomi Rawlings and Vanessa Riley. If a winner prefers, Mended Hearts can be done as an e-book!

Tuesday we brought you, Here’s the Scoop about the ACFW Conference with ACFW President Margaret Daley . Winner of From This Day Forward is Joanne Sher.

Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe shared "Camping Outside the Promised Land"on Wednesday. Winner of her October release, Oklahoma Reunion is Gail Kittleson.

Seeker Audra Harders hosted debut author Donnell Bell with Research: My Crazy Need for Fact Checking.Winner of Donnell's debut Bell Bridge book, The Past Comes Hunting release is Liz Lipperman.

Friday was the September Contest Update. Winner of Mary Connealy's Out of Control is AJ Hawke and winner of Tina Radcliffe's Oklahoma Reunion is Helen in Australia.

Saturday two-time RITA winner Irene Hannon stopped by to share her writing tips. Winner of their choice of Irene's of her Carol-Award nominated Love Inspired story, A Father for Zach, or her newest release, Deadly Pursuit is Pat Jeanne.

Winner of The First Five Pages critique drawing is Kirsten Arnold.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Barbour and Bethany Publishing author Mary Connealy brings you "Lookin' For The Strike Zone" as she prepares you to pitch. Stay tuned for some very neat giveaway opps, including Out of Control in print or ebook.

Tuesday: Tyndale House author Gina Holmes is our special guest and she's sharing on PR Planning Before You Sell. Gina is also giving away a copy of her latest release, Dry as Rain (print format).

Wednesday: We're delight to welcome back Revell author Dan Walsh with his post, "Tapping Into the Creativity of God." We've got some Christmas spirit going as well, with a giveaway of Dan's upcoming release, Remembering Christmas (print format).

Thursday: Going to conference? Scared to death? Feeling nauseous just THINKING about meeting an editor? Visit us Thursday when Ruth Logan Herne will calm your nerves, settle your gut, and let you know you're not alone. To underscore that, several copies of Mended Hearts (print or ebook format) will be given away as well.

Friday: Seekerville welcomes Barbour and Love Inspired author Debra Ullrick! Deb will be chatting with us and giving away a copy of Log Cabin Christmas and Christmas Belles of Georgia (print format) to lucky visitors.

Seeker Sightings

Congratulations to Mary Connealy.
Out of Control appeared on the ECPA September 2011 fiction list.

Pam Hillman's blog tour next week:

Sept 6 Nora St. Laurent's blog.

Sept 6 & 7 Cindy Thomson's Favorite Pastimes Blog.

Sept 8 Penny Zeller's Blog

FREE DOWNLOAD of A Hope Undaunted, book 1 in the Winds of Change series and other great Christian books at,, Barnes& and Sony e-reader!! You do NOT need a Kindle, Nook or e-reader to download it — you can download e-books on ANYTHING, including PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones, Cloud Readers, Androids, Blackberrys and Windows Phone 7, you name it!

PLEASE pass the word via Twitter, FB, blogs, family and friends, etc.

Julie Lessman Sightings:

August 25 to September 10, 2011, join Julie at Casey Herringshaw's blog, Writing for Christ, for a chance to win a signed copy of any of her books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

AUGUST 29 to ? Join Julie at OneDesertRose's Blog for a Q&A session where your comment will enter you in a random pool giveaway for participants from several blogs to win a signed copy of any of Julie's books including her latest release, A Heart Revealed.

September 5 to 11, 2011. Join Julie at Relz Review blog for a chance to win a signed copy of any of her books including her latest release, A Heart Revealed.

September 6 to 10, 2011. Join Julie at Renee Chaw’s blog, Black ‘n Gold Girl’s Book Spot for a never-before-posted scene from A Heart Revealed, for a chance to win a signed copy of any of Julie's books including her latest release, A Heart Revealed.

Join Debby Giusti posting at the Craftie Ladies of Romance Blogspot on 9/11. Don't miss the big prizes and giveaways all week.

Random News and Information

Please nominate your favorite librarian by September 12. When you do, come back and tell us in Seekerville by commenting on this special page we have set up and your name goes in the hat for a Seeker book package surprise. Three winners will be announced in the September 18th Weekend Edition. You don't need to reveal the name of who you nominated. Just tell us you did the deed. We in Seekerville LOVE LIBRARIANS!! And librarians hand sell your books so you should love them too.

That's it! Have a great week.


  1. A great week is to be followed by another great week!

    Congratulations to all winners!!


    OOPS, almost forgot the coffee. Okay, now it's all set.

  2. Helen, we'd be lost without you.

    You are one of the self-less people who keep this place running.

    And you don't even drink the stuff.


  3. Helen, Nice Save!!!!!

    Teeeeena, loved the Nathan Bransford blog about being genuine, being yourself... I think the minute we try to be two people, we're fated to mess up.

    So I could try to be nice, but PEOPLE WOULD DISCOVER THE TRUTH and then where would I be?????

    Saints be praised, it would be a rough day in Mudville were that to happen!

    Hey, donuts today. I know, uninspired, but they're Tim Hortons, and the maple frosted cream????

    Oh my stars, that NEEDS to be coupled up with a good hot cup of coffee. Or tea.

    Near 90 here today... sixty tomorrow. But my new wood stove has arrived, so I can embrace the fall! (Once it's installed of course!)

    Great WE, teenster! And Irene Hannon was adorable yesterday. Great gal.

  4. Congratulations to Jan and all the finalist! How cool that all were invited to submit! Very nice, indeed!

    Lovely WE...I love the links, and like Ruth, loved Nathan's post. I like "real". :)

  5. So very, VERY awesome that they all got invited to submit. SOOOOOOOO very awesome! (SPECIAL woowoo to my BFF Patty Wysong, of course!!)

    And I won, too. Not as good as a partial request - but WOO!!

    Next week looks fab! See ya then.


    Great WE, Teenster, as always.



  7. WOW JAN!!!!!!!! May the K9 Spy is backflipping - there she goes! Congratulations!

    And thanks to Seekerville and Rachel for the opportunity. Congrats to all the finalists. Way to go! and the winners!!!

    I was helping Joshua's Pet Treat Bakery at a big craft fair yesterday (too hot for May to be with us - it was 102!!!)... Sure was fun interacting with readers and selling books. Yippee!!!

    PS - Seeker sighting in our local Kroger - YES - there near Nora Roberts was our Ruthy!! :) Lovin' it!

  8. Congrats Jan and all the finalists!!! Best of luck to all of you.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.



    Woo-hooo! I'll see you Monday (hopefully!) and I WILL be here for Ruth's post. She just had to know I'm scared to death, didn't she?? :)

    Have a great Sunday!

  10. Congrats to the winners!

    I think it's great that Rachel Burkot requested to see submissions from ALL of the finalists.

    Looking forward to next week - have a a great Sunday, everyone.

  11. Congratulations to all the winners, especially those in the Read Me! contest! Jan, Sherrinda, Walt, Peggy and Patty that is awesome!

    Looking forward to another great line up in Seekerville next week.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  12. Congratulations to all the winners, especially those in the Read Me! contest! Jan, Sherrinda, Walt, Peggy and Patty that is awesome!

    Looking forward to another great line up in Seekerville next week.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  13. So, back from church and how cool, wonderful and marvelous is it that Rachel Burkot REQUESTED ALL OF THE FINALISTS???????

    I've just been thanking God for all the good, awesome, reach-a-hand-out people we've got around us.

    Why do we ever let the occasional sour one weigh heavy????

    We get silly sometimes.

    Hey, apple dumplings. Had time to whip up a quick batch, try 'em. Oh my stars, so stinkin' good!

  14. Congrats to Jan and all the finalists who were invited to submit after the Love Inspired Read Me! Contest!!! That is so great. And how wonderful is Seekerville for hosting the contest???

    Thanks for the links and the great WE, Tina! The 3-day weekend means a little more time to enjoy all the posts . . . and write. :)

  15. That new Kindle feature that lets you ask authors questions... How COOL is that? :D Loving technology more every minute...

  16. And congratulations to the winner of the 'Read Me' contest! Picked by Seekerville authors, you know we're going to see that one on the shelves. Can't wait!

  17. Sorry, too many posts, but I was reading the comments (should always do that first) and saw that all were invited to submit. Okay, now I'm really excited to see those books!
    Especially Walt's!

  18. Congrats winners and thank you Seekerville for posting about my party this week. Hope to see guys there. ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  19. There is no such thing as too many comments, Virginia.

    And I presume you heard Ruthy's hint this week about preparing your msc pages for another opportunity coming in October??

  20. RUTHY'S HINT????


    All that yammering about "Finish the Book", get it done, stay focused, WRITE, WRITE, WRITE... because you never know when opportunities pop up around you...


    And you need to prepare ye the way for possible publication.

    What hint????

  21. YAY to the winners!!!

    Okay - now I'm calm(er)
    Wonderful news, wonderful opportunity.
    Rachel - you are awesome!!

  22. CONGRATS!!!! to Jan.

    And thank you to Rachel for judging. I hope you love love love her story. I'm sure you will because the Seekers are so wise. ;)

    Looking forward to the great lineup even though this is my back to school week. Actually, I'm really looking forward to that too.

  23. Wise?


  24. Hi Seekervillagers. I have been awol today because I started reading Ruthy's latest....Mended Hearts.

    It absolutely grabbed me from word ONE, Ruthy darlin'.

    And you all KNOW I'd be sassy to here if there was any opportunity, but honestly, I'm itchy sitting here typing because I need to get back to reading.

  25. I've got Mended Hearts on the top of my TBR pile! Got some other pending projects out of the way this afternoon so I can curl up with it this evening. Can hardly wait!

  26. Ruthy,
    As you know, I finished Mended Hearts last night.
    Beautiful story.
    And your Alleghany men just keep getting better and better.
    Whew- can't wait for the next one!

  27. Huge congrats, Jan! So cool! And congrats to the finalists. =] Thank you for setting up and hosting the contest.

    I was thrilled to see Julie's book free on Kindle!

    Looking forward to this week's posts.

  28. P.S. (again) You know, our cable got snapped by a truck earlier this week so we were without internet... and I've realized that the only blog I read every day is Seekerville. Oh, how I missed thee!

  29. We are addicted to our friends of Seekerville as well.

    At least it's a symbiotic relationship.

  30. Another great WE, Tina!!

    Interesting article about branding (or not branding). About being ourselves. Similar to my last post. :)

    Congrats to Mary on being on the list!!! Woo hoo!! Look at all those names around her on that list! :)

  31. And congrats to Jan!!! And to all of you who get to submit to Rachel!!

  32. Mary, I have Mended Hearts sitting beside me on the couch! My fingers are itchy as well.

  33. WHEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Congrats to the winners!

