Sunday, September 11, 2011

Weekend Edition

So many exciting things are happening in Seekerville.
We hope you'll stick around until
October to see them. In the meantime please wear your hard hat
and watch out for falling pencils.

We Have Winners

Contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner and if needed, provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville. All prizes are mailed within 6-8 weeks of winner announcements

Monday Barbour and Bethany Publishing author Mary Connealy brings you "Lookin' For The Strike Zone" as she prepares you to pitch. Winner of a $15 Amazon gift card is Bridgett Henson and winner of Out of Control in print or ebook is Jeanne T.

Tuesday Tyndale House author Gina Holmes was our special guest sharing on PR Planning Before You Sell. Winner of her latest release, Dry as Rain (print format) is Melissa Jagears.

Wednesday Seekerville was delight to welcome back Revell author Dan Walsh with his post, "Tapping Into the Creativity of God." We've got some Christmas spirit going as well, with a giveaway of Dan's upcoming release, Remembering Christmas (print format). The winner is Traveling Stacey.

Thursday Ruth Logan Herne calmed your nerves, settled your gut, and let you know you're not alone with Bridge Those Troubled Waters. Winners of Mended Hearts (print or ebook format) are Peggy Rychwa and Lee Ann.

Friday Seekerville welcomed Barbour and Love Inspired author Debra Ullrick! Winners of Log Cabin Christmas and Christmas Belles of Georgia (print format) are in order, Patricia W and Faye.

Saturday's First Five Pages critique winner is Helen G.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Harlequin Romance author Shirley Jump is our special guest. Her topic: Conflict: What It Is and Isn’t. She’s giving away a two-book prize of the first Princesses of Ucelli Harlequin Romances to one reader.

Tuesday: We welcome back Barbour author Erica Vetsch with An Orange Rhombus Talks Networking. Erica is giving away the anthology A Log Cabin Christmas, from Heartsong Presents Light to My Path and her first full length trade fiction release A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas.

Wednesday: Dina Sleiman, debut novelist of Dance of the Dandelion, speaks about "A Strategy for Beauty." This is Dina's first guest spot in Seekerville, and we are excited to have her with us. Don't miss it.

Thursday: Barbour author Mary Nealy visits to talk about her highly anticipated Barbour release Ten Plagues. Check out the trailer here.

Friday:Harvest House author Mary Ellis is our guest with Five Steps to a Simpler Writer's Life, and she is giving away a copy of her seventh Amish romance, part of the Wayne County Series, A Marriage for Meghan. Check out the trailer here.

Seeker Sightings

Ruth Logan Herne will be meeting up with award-winning Harlequin Super Romance author Holly Jacobs to hang out with and address the Western New York Romance Writers of America chapter in Buffalo, New York on Saturday, September 17th at noon in the Community Room of the Sisters of Charity Hospital. Ruthy is pretty sure everyone will have a good time because there are several coffee stops along the way, which means she'll be wired. Rumor has it a cache of chocolate is involved.

Myra Johnson is the featured author on the ACFW web site for next week, beginning 9/12.

Thank you to Philosophy of Romance for the generous review of Oklahoma Reunion!

Tina Radcliffe will be blogging on the ACFW blog on Friday, September 16th, (her birthday, IF she still had birthdays). Stop by and keep her company!

Join Pam Hillman on Sandy Ardoin's blog on September 15th.

FREE DOWNLOAD of A Hope Undaunted, book 1 in the Winds of Change series and other great Christian books at,, Barnes& and Sony e-reader!! You do NOT need a Kindle, Nook or e-reader to download it — you can download e-books on ANYTHING, including PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones, Cloud Readers, Androids, Blackberrys and Windows Phone 7, you name it!

PLEASE pass the word via Twitter, FB, blogs, family and friends, etc.

Julie Lessman Sightings:

AUGUST 29 to ? Join Julie at OneDesertRose's Blog for a Q&A session where your comment will enter you in a random pool giveaway for participants from several blogs to win a signed copy of any of Julie's books including her latest release, A Heart Revealed.

September 3 to October 1, 2011. Join Julie at The Owl Bookmark blog for a Q & A session and a chance to win a signed copy of any of my books including Julie's upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

September 5 to 11, 2011. VOTE ON YOUR FAVORITE O'CONNOR HERO at Relz Review blog for a chance to win a signed copy of any of Julie's books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed. NOTE: AFTER VOTING FOR YOUR FAV, BE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN TO LEAVE A COMMENT AS WELL.

September 12 to 17, 2011. Join Julie at Overcoming Through Time blog for a chance to win a copy of one of her books.

Join Debby Giusti posting at the Craftie Ladies of Romance Blogspot today. In honor of 9/11. She's giving away two copies of The Officer's Secret the first book in her Military Investigations series.

If you are in the area, join Mary Connealy for a booksigning with Stephanie Grace Whitson at Barnes & Noble 5150 O Street, Lincoln, NE from 2 - 3 on September 18th.

Hero Interview from At Home in His Heart by Glynna Kaye is now on eHarlequin!

Random News and Information

That's it! Have an excellent week.


  1. Coffee pot's ready for Sunday morning.

    Looks like I need to get a file ready to send. Thanks.


  2. Helen!!! You're da man.

    I mean WO man.

  3. Coffee.



    Blessings on all. Peace. Prayer. Hope. Remembrance.

    I grabbed the Steve Laube video, Teeeeena, and loved it! So worth a second peek. This is why "Ruthy" and "Critique Group" are not a match made in heaven, LOL!

  4. I thought that post about 'don't submit anything this week' was because all the editors and agents will be in MO and inundated already...

    Happy Patriot Days my flag-waving, God-loving Seeker friends!

  5. Remembering 9/11 today! We can never forget the brave men and women--fire fighters, police officers, EMTs, military, medical personnel, ordinary folks--who did the right thing and reached out to respond and help. They're all heroes in my book!

  6. Thx Tina. Dashing to a craft fair so May can meet her fans! Looking forward to savoring Vince's review.

    Debby beautiful tribute to our bravest. Thank you for writing it. Thanks to ALL who served and are serving and their families. God bless America.

  7. Fabulous WE, Tina.
    Congrats winners!!
    Anyone brought breakfast, because I just finished cooking some German apple pancakes, country ham, and eggs.
    Any takers?
    Prayers for those who are still grieving the losses of 10 years ago - and for the lives that were eternally changed by that day.

  8. Tina, I love Steve's video! Thanks for adding it.

    Thanks for the coffee, Helen, and Pepper, the breakfast sounds delicious!

  9. Congrats to all the winners today!!

    And I echo Debby's beautiful remembrance of 9/11. May we never forget their sacrifices.


  10. Yes, Debby, today is a day of remembrance of 9/11. My church had a special time set aside for that.

  11. I would love to be considered for the 5 page critique. I can use all the help I can get.

    Thanks for all you do!
    Amber S.
    Larkspur, CO

  12. Thanks,Tina, for the WE. Congrats to all the winners here. Loved Steve Laube's video. We had a special time set aside at church to acknowledge the heroes and those suffering after the 9/11 attack. Thank you, Debby, for your words. Another informative week ahead here at Seekerville.

  13. Happy Sunday, everyone! Congrats to all the winners - and it looks like another great week coming up.

    Just watched the video on Steve Laube's site.


    If this wasn't a parody, I'd definitely think of changing what I do in the wee hours of the morning...

  14. I love Deb's post over at Craftie Ladies... So wonderful. So well said.

    Saw a great motorcycle tribute today, a motorcade of about 1,000 motorcycles. The ladder trucks formed an arch over the road and hung a huge flag over the middle of the road... Beautiful. And the motorcycles came through town two by two... Waving to all of us as we held babies... waved flags.... cheered.

    They were going from Memorial to Memorial to pay tribute to the fallen.

    Really amazing for something that cost nothing but time. God bless them.

  15. Nice job, Tina!

    I went to Steve Laube's video and was too unmotivated to watch it. However, I saw Ruthy had commented at
    2 a.m.?

    Is my computer clock off or did you watch it in the middle of the night, Ruthy?

    I started the day watching TV with the people in NYC reading the names of those who lost their lives 9-11 10 years ago. Sobering.

    Thanks for a lighter view of the day, Tina. Can only cry so many tears. :(


  16. Great weekend edition! Loved the editor/author interview video. LOL. Hope it's really not like that!

    And amen to Debby's beautiful tribute on the crafty ladies. Hard to believe that ten years has passed. I've been watching some moving footage and interviews on TV and am so grateful and in awe of the all the first responders who continue to place their lives on the line to preserve ours.

  17. Good evening, Seekerville! Busy day here. Church, dinner out, rest, church again, then potato soup for the practically grown kidlets.

    And all weekend, I've been listening to the reports and news of the 9/11 10 year memorial.

    It's been a very sobering, tear-filled weekend.

  18. We saw a group of cycles here in MS, probably 20-30 of them gathering in a parking lot.

    We didn't ask, but I figured they were preparing for some kind of memorial ride.

  19. Congrats to all the other winners and I'm so happy to get Dan's book! What a blessing during a somewhat rough week! God bless~Stacey
