Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekend Edition Birthday Party Sunday #2

This is not your ordinary birthday party. We're celebrating the move to our new village and our fourth birthday. Did we mention that we give presents to our birthday guests here in Seekerville? We do, and here's the giveaway schedule:

Daily giveaways from a random drawing of all daily visitors.

Weekly giveaways from a random drawing of all weekly visitors.

And we're giving away a
Toshiba Netbook (loaded with Microsoft Office) at the end of the month from a random drawing of all our visitors. Mary Connealy has increased your odds by adding your name in the randomizer for the monthly drawing EVERY time you comment. Thank you, Mary!

We Have Winners!

Contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner and if needed, provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules here. All prizes are distributed within 6-8 weeks of winner announcements. And seriously with conference, vacation and all those moving vans helping Seekerville move...not to mention the construction dust..please be patient!

By the way, thank you to all you lovely Friends of Seekerville who send us the most heartfelt notes of appreciation. We are touched.

Barbour and Bethany House author Mary Connealy shared Monday with Change is Good--Scary but Good.
Winner of any available Mary Connealy (or Mary Nealy) release is Gatorade635.

Harlequin Romance author Donna Alward celebrated her launch on our launch, Tuesday.
How A Cowboy Stole Her Heart is now out! The THREE winner's choice winners (see the rules on the post) are: Anita Mae, Sara Hubbard and Susan Anne Mason.
Thank you, Donna for your generosity.

Abingdon Press author Joyce Magnin stopped in Seekerville on Wednesday with What The Heart Knows. Joyce really blessed us with these birthday presents:
Bright's Pond, Blame It On The Mistletoe, Griselda Takes Flight and her middle grade book, Carrying Mason. Winners are listed in order of the books they won: Aly Logan, Renee Ann Smith, Renee Steeler Girl and K.C. Frantzen.

Seeker and Love Inspired author Audra Harders shared
"Confused? Oh baby, you ain't seen nothing yet!" on Thursday. Winner of a surprise box of readables and edibles is Rose.

On Friday Harlequin Love Inspired Senior Editor
Melissa Endlich came to "town" today, with pictures! A Day in the Life of Love Inspired Senior Editor Melissa Endlich. Plus, remember, Melissa is the final judge in the Seekerville Love Inspired Read Me "Query Letter" Contest for Unpublished Authors that ends on MONDAY!! We've already got a nice showing of entries. So keep them coming!

Book winner: Packs of two, 13 Winners! Thank you Melissa!

Jamie Adams
Keli Gwyn
Melissa Jagears
Annie Rains
Christy LaShea
Bridgett Hensen
Jill Kemerer
Patty Wysong
Mindy Obenhaus
Lindi Peterson

And the winner of the absolutely gorgeous HP 4500 Printer is!!!!

Virginia Munoz

Love Inspired author Missy Tippens, shared Saturday on Friends are Forever and celebrated the downtown Seekerville at the grand opening of the
Yankee-Belle Cafe. Winner of a cute tote bag and a Starbucks gift certificate is Natalie Monk.

The Week One winner of a $50 Amazon Gift Card is Karen K!

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: A Peek at the Past: Curator Janet Dean’s Tour of the Seekerville Historical Museum. Janet will be giving away a four book set (print) of her titles: Courting Miss Adelaide, Courting the Doctor’s Daughter, The Substitute Bride and Wanted: A Family.

Tuesday: Got some “beachfront property” to sell? Then tune in Tuesday when "relocation consultant" Myra Johnson walks you through some important steps toward vacating your sandy ol' beach hut on Unpubbed Island and preparing for the big move into "published author" digs! Captain Jack is guarding Myra's giveaway right down there on the shore.

Wednesday: Wednesday we'll hear from Revell author Julie Lessman. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Memories of a Published Author. Julie will be doing a giveaway of a signed print copy of one of her books plus winner's choice of a top (new & print) CBA book from her library. PLUS she will name a bit character after the winner in her next book, Steven's story, A Trust Restored.

Thursday: Today join Love Inspired author Ruth Logan Herne as she literally shows you how she and Oprah embrace change in her post: Ruthy and Oprah: Women Brave Enough to Embrace Change Publicly! Only Oprah's More Famous! Ruthy will be sharing delightful giveaways to lucky commenters AND helping you develop that 'embrace change' attitude editors and readers love! Rumors of chocolate are not being denied by Ruthy spokespersons.

Friday: Flying in from the Pacific Rim, we are simply deeelighted to welcome book doctor, free lance writer and editor Jason Black to Seekerville. His post is entitled, How To Plot Like a Four-Year-Old. Of course this party has more presents. Stop by for a chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card (for readers) and a writing resource book of choice from Jason's website (writers).

Saturday: Change of plans! Who says we aren't flexible, but we still have a Saturday giveaway!

This week's giveaway is a Celebrate the Family Surprise Birthday bag chock full of Sandra Leesmith and Glynna Kaye books and treats!

The total value is well over $90 and all commenters from October 8-14 will be in the random drawing. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.

Seeker Sightings

On Wednesday, Ruth Logan Herne will be on ROMCON talking about Mended Hearts, the book that has stirred some interesting conversations. Stop by and get your name tossed in a hat for an autographed copy!

Tina Radcliffe & Mary Connealy will
be signing at Steve's Sundry, Books & Magazines, Tulsa Oklahoma on
Saturday, October 22 from 1-3pm.

Don't miss it! We have a special friend stopping by and you are invited to join us afterward for a field trip to Mazzio's Pizza. Click on our ad to enlarge and print!

And the winner of a Seeker Loaded Kindle is...

Pam Hillman's Stealing Jake Kindle Giveaway just ended!

Details here.

Julie Lessman Sightings:

September 27 to October 11, 2011, join Julie at Joy Tamsin David's blog, Edgy Inspirational Romance, for a chance to win a signed copy of any of Julie's books including Julie's upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

October 4 to 11, 2011, join Julie at Relz Review blog for a second interview and a chance to win a signed copy of any of Julie's books including Julie's upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

October 11, join Julie at Book Reviews by Lady Katy blog for a Q & A session and a chance to win a signed copy of any of Julie's books including Julie's upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

Mary Connealy sightings:

Author Trove - Iowa Author Fair (Shh, she's not an Iowa author, but keep it quiet because, so far she's still in!) Many authors, including Lorna Seilstad. Wednesday, October 12, 2011 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, at the Community Hall across the street from the Council Bluffs Public Library, 400 Willow Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

October 15th, 2011 1-3 pm, Mary Connealy will be in Sioux Falls, South Dakota doing a signing with New York Times bestselling author Erica Vetsch (I love calling her that. Don't make me stop!) and the wonderful Rose Zediker at Crossroads Books and Music 3900 South Westport Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57106-6354, (605) 338-5951

Random News and Information

  • The Gotcha Contest ends October 30th. It's only 15 pages! The Inspirational final judge is Becky Monds of Thomas Nelson. More info here.

That's it for this week! Hope you're enjoying the party. Be sure to have a piece of cake and mingle! Don't forget to stop by the Yankee-Belle Cafe for more great recipes.


  1. Congrats to all the winners! Last week was so fun and this week is promising to be the is Seekerville though so I'm not surprised! Happy Birthday ladies!!

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Congrats to the winners!!!

    So Mazzios after the book signing... I seem to remember something about Mazzios in Oklahoma Reunion...

    We haven't had a Mazzio's here in about a decade... Don't think I ever ate there but DH loved it.

    And with that, it's bedtime ;).

  3. The Blogger editing gremlins are attacking tonight.

    IGNORE THE FONT ISSUES. I will prevail.

  4. Yep. Mazzions and a stop to Braums for a Cherry Lime aide are on my TO DO LIST.

    Along with the Philbrook Museum and Jenks and ORU and and and...

  5. Wow...great giveaways! Congrats to all of the winners! Tina...did you mention cherry limeade?! Mmmm...that's sounds really good. I might have to put that on my to do list this week. I'll have to settle for Sonic, though. Small town GA : ).

  6. I love Sonic diet Cherry Limeades as well. And if I could spell that would be even better.

  7. Congrats to the winners. Next week sounds like fun fun fun. i'm gonna party like it's 1999.

    Here's praying you learn to spell, Tina. Could be useful at your signing.

  8. WhooHooo! Lots of prizes. Congratulations to the winners.

    Seekerville has the bestest birthday bashes ever.


  9. That gotcha contest sounds interesting. May have to give it a whirl.

  10. Tina~

    Carol told me its my turn to ask you about visiting after the book signing. I see that she already mentioned it. I think there's still a Mazzio's in Branson, but I could be wrong. Melissa would know...

    Cherry limeade is wonderful. I like the cranberry too if it's mixed just right. But I can't take diet.

    I got my copy of Oklahoma Reunion. Expect to see (and sign) it in Tulsa.

    This is an amazing party, and I'm gonna work hard to stop by more often.

    Bedtime sounds good, but I have some blog work to do. I'm having my own birthday bash starting Monday. It's my first. Nothing so grand as Seekerville. But I am giving a few things away.

  11. Okay I just read my comment, and it looks like I think the book signing is in Branson. Have no fear, I know it's in Tulsa.

    I also think there's a Mazzio's in Branson.

    The two are in no way connected, just my stream-of-consciousness writing. Virginia Woolf would be proud.


  12. Ha ha, Pinson. :)

    Look forwarding to signing and eating my way through Tulsa.

  13. Congrats to all the winners.
    I of course finally gave up on trying to win the Seeker books I want right now and splurged at the store today =)

  14. I can not believe this...I beat Helen!!!!

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Seekerville are SO much fun!!!

  15. Congratulations to all the winners! The seekers are such an amazingly generous bunch.

    Great week ahead!

  16. Wow such a generous bunch... This is so much fun! Congratulations to all the winners (me me me 2!!!)

    You girls are outdoing yourselves. Seriously. And more to come?

    Well - it's time I hit the hay. Y'all have a great rest of the evening/morning celebrating. Catch ya on the flip flop.

    (did I mention that I won? and a MG book too! sooo excited!)

    toasting Seekerville!!! byeee!

  17. Yep, there's still a Mazzio's in Branson, not that I've gone there in like a decade, when I return to Branson, I go for the .....wait for it....thrift stores! Nothing says "I grew up in Branson" like I go to Btown for the thrift stores. But there are like 10 in a 1 mile radius in downtown Branson/Hollister when there aren't even 10 in my ENTIRE county!

    And now that I've answered Andrea's way off topic pondering, I say thanks for the giveaway I won! :)

  18. Ok, my heart just stopped! But then I remembered there are two Virginias around here.
    Which won the printer?
    Which has the cuter avatar?

    Wait! Don't answer that!! Hahaha!

    I HOPE it's me... but I still love Seekerville if it's not.

    Just polishing my query for the contest. Scarrrryyyyyyyy. Not the query. Just sending it out... Yikes.

  19. P.S. Melissa, I have no idea what town you all are talking about, but I love thrift stores! With six kids, I can't buy everything from catalogues. :) Well, I could but then we wouldn't eat. And that would be a bummer. Thrift stores are so fun when you get something new and perfect for just a few bucks. Makes my day!

  20. Looking forward to another great week to party. Sparkly confetti is flying!

  21. Huh, my post got LOST!!!

    Rose did beat me, but I posted later and went back to my writing. Now I see that the coffee didn't make it.


    The coffee pot is now set.


  22. I'm pouring a cup of your coffee, Helen. Smells wonderful!

    Congrats to the winners!

    Love this month with all the goodies we're giving away!!! Tell your friends to stop by so they can share in the fun!

    Mary and Tina in one place, at the same time and signing...oh my gosh! Won't that be a hoot! Someone send pictures, please.

  23. Branson has Thrift Shops?


    I see the beginning of a suspense story...shopper---hmmmm? Named Ruthy, perhaps?...travels to Branson...enjoys the sights...shops at the Thrift stores--all of them--loses her wallet that's found by the villain who tracks her down and demands a ransom from the Seekers...Captain Jack arrives in time to save Ruthy, who returns to the Village and is crowned Queen for the Day...

    Okay, okay, it's early and I've only had half a cup of coffee...

    To be continued...

  24. Congrats to all the winners. All of the posts this week were awesome...I actually won something. I'm so excited. What do I do now?

    P.S. I went to a mini one-day conference for my RWA chapter yesterday and passed on this site to anyone who would listen, because I LOVE you guys so much.

  25. Virginia, yes it's you, dahling!!!!


    And if you send me your snail mail addy, I will hook you up!

    Teeeeeena..... I'm so proud of you, going back home for this book signing.

    Is it true they're re-paving the streets in your honor, dear?

    And did they really rent a red carpet? Because you're SO WORTH IT!!!

    Eating your way through Branson.

    I LOVE THIS!!! ;)

    Now that's a weekend to remember.

    And then a month to behave before Thanksgiving.


    Hey, I went over to Wendy Lawton's blogs on proposals... Oh my stars, wonderful advice, guys and gals. Just plain, Wendy-wonderful!


    I got in the Nicholas Sparks blog about not finishing....

    And I'm staying mum......

    Because we've all been there. But all I can picture is that poor woman....STILL DYING AFTER ALL THIS TIME, SHUT IN A HARD-DRIVE DRAWER!!!!!


    Cake this morning. It's 5 o'clock somewhere, right? Alan Jackson assured me this is so!


    Lemon creme cake with lemon filling and white mountain frosting. And I almost NEVER make white mountain frosting, it's the one frosting that's a pain in the butt...

    But for this cake????

    Nothing but the best!

  26. Wow congrats to winners! WooHoo! Seekerville, you are sure full of prizes this month. I'm celebrating right along with you with my birthday coming along in a few days. (Of course, I'm waaaay older than you).

  27. Congrats everyone!!!!!

    Seekerville sure does know how to throw a good party!!!!!

  28. Congrats to the winners (woohooo I won my favorite prize - books!) and thank you Seekerville for a great week. It's been so much fun. Can't wait to see what next week brings.

  29. Wow, every day gets better and better at Seekerville! The posts, prizes, fellowship....all are just so fantastic! Thanks to you!!

  30. Morning, ya'll! I'm home this morning with a couple sick boys, so I thought I'd pop in and wish you all a "Happy Lord's Day!" :D

    Congrats to all the winners!

    Question: You say you're moving to the village. Does that mean Seekerville blog is literally moving to a different blog?

  31. Oh, Mazzios!!!! I really miss Mazzios Pizza!!!! Eat a slice for me, girls, would you?

    I can't believe it's been a year since I first met you all. Yep! Your fourth birthday is my first anniversary with Seekerville. You gals hooked me, reeled me in and I've been here ever since. :D Thanks for all your great advice and encouragement over the last 12 months! And for the new friendships, too! Love you all!

  32. Debby, if you go to my blogspot And Odyssey in Prose, you'll see a video one of my blue monkey pals put together of the Ted Dekker conference. I also posted it this morning on my FB author page. :D Enjoy!

  33. What a great first birthday week...congratulations to all of the winners.

    Looking forward to week 2.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  34. Happy Thanksgiving, Canada.

    What is a traditional Thanksgiving like in Canada?

  35. Linette! What sweet words. Thank you.

  36. You guys are the best! Congratulations to all the winners in week 1, week 2 here we come.


  37. Andrea, looking forward to seeing you in Tulsa!!

    Carol too!! What fun.

  38. Karen know you won right???

  39. What an exciting week! I can hardly wait for all of the fun stuff to come and more give a ways!

  40. Yep! Every comment earns you an entry into the Toshiba drawing!!


  41. Thanks for my being a winner! How fun! I can't believe it, actually!

    Tina, what do I do next? I looked on here for any type of instructions but didn't see any. Did I miss something? Where do I send my info? I was a winner in the "2-pack" - can't remember, do I have to "choose" something or are books just sent to me??? Aren't I just full of questions this morning!

    Congrats to the other winners! Sorry that the gremlins are getting to the editing!!!!


  42. I love the plot-line Deb...

    Me and Captain Jack...

    And I get to be queen for a day. Oh, won't the Teeeeenster LOVE THAT!!!!

    How 'bout if I'm mayor and she remains queen, because seriously: Have you seen what happens when people mess with her tiara???



    Hey, the lemon cake... Are you loving it??? I'm refreshing the coffee (love you, Helen!!!) and the tea and bringing in cases of Diet Snapple. If I have to diet, so do the rest o' youse!

  43. Sorry Valri.

    Brain fart. I forgot instructions.

    Just added them.

  44. Branson Missouri, Virginia. Home of all the way off, way off Broadway shows.

    Home of my personal favorite ministry Moore Life.

  45. Congrats to all the winners!! This next week looks like a great line-up of blog posters too---looking forward to it. ~ And I keep forgetting to say that I LOVE the new Seekerville Village---so cute and inviting! Cannot wait to visit the Yankee-Belle Cafe (love that name). ~ Happy Sunday everyone, Patti Jo :)

  46. Hey, I see my name among the winners! How fun is that :) Thanks so much for the book and for linking to such great articles. BTW, I love the Yankee-Belle Cafe. Next week looks like another great one here at Seekerville. Blessings!

  47. Congratulations to all the winners!!!

    Eva Maria Hamilton at gmail dot com

  48. Congratulations to all of the winners! There are so many great books for me to discover, I cant wait!

  49. Woo-hoo! My kids are doing a happy dance. Our printer is almost unusable, but we still let it have a place of honor near the computer. It likes to PRETEND it can do the job. :)
    Now I have to check out the Nocholas Sparks site for the dying character...
    I checked the site for the call for unfinished Great American Novel... but I just can't imagine how they would put that in a show! Maybe hook you up with Seekerville for mentoring?? (Now that would be cool...

  50. Congrats to all you winners!!

    Happy blogiversary to Andrea! And happy birthday to Patsy!

  51. Congratulations to all winners. Happy Thanksgiving Day to all the Canadians. And Happy Birthday to Seekers. Looking forward to next week's festivities. A beautiful day here for our autumn festival. Pat

  52. Thanks for spreading the word about Seekerville, Annie!!!

    Happy Almost Birthday, Patsy! Ruthy brought cake. Have a big piece and enjoy!

  53. Linnette! You're celebrating your first Seekerville birthday as we celebrate our 4th. So glad you found us!

    Thanks for the info about the Ted Dekker video. I'll check it out.

  54. The cake is yummy, Mayor Ruthy!

    You're right. Tina keeps the tiara. The Grammar Queen wears one too. Maybe everyone should have a tiara in Seekerville...

    Something to consider, for sure!

  55. What a great Sunday post, and congrats to all the winners!

    I'm so glad Virginia gets to put her old printer out to pasture...

    I looks like another great week coming up in Seekerville!

  56. Like!

    Y'all are so sweet. I think I've said that before, but I'm continually boggled over your giveaways--and that on top of the great advice you provide. Thanks, and congrats again on the move to Seekerville Village!

  57. Congrats, winners! Here's to another wonderful birthday-bash week!


  58. Congrats to this week's winners. I'll have to add the Yankee-Belle Cafe to my Google Reader subscriptions. I think I make a pretty good chocolate chip cookie too, Ruthy, but I had no idea that Ghiardelli, my favorite dark chocolate maker, makes chocolate chips too. Gotta find them.

  59. Tina - I'll bring cookies. Especially if it'll make you like me more.

    We may be bringing Cindy Herron too. She wasn't sure yet.

    This is also my 1 year Seeker Anniversary. What did ya'll do without me? ;)

    Or more likely, what did I do without ya'll?

    You've introduced me to some AMAZING authors. Given me some way cool prizes. Helped me find my long lost, Appalaaaaachaaaan [note the a's there] spicy twin. More incredible authors. Encouragement. Helped me find my voice [in a comment Missy left either on my blog or here after I linked to my blog one day]. So many amazing things.

    All because Mary posted on the loop about how to gift books on a Kindle.

    Thanks Mary.


    As long as I don't have to decide which one of ya'll I like best...

  60. virginia, while you're at it, I just read a great article by Nicolas Sparks about his Favorite Mistake. Lot of writers who struggle with finishing a book might want to read this one.

  61. Congrats on winning the printer, Virginia. Know how it is to have a printer that is more decoration than useful. Replaced ours earlier this year.

  62. Patricia, we posted that in the Random News section of today's Weekend Edition.


  63. Carol!!! Cookies? Who could resist Mazzios Pizza, Braums Ice Cream and Goldie's Patio Grill. I am going to eat my way across Oklahoma.

    And no worries, I will never, ever tell Mary that I am your favorite.


  64. Hey, Birthday Girls! Wow, that was a boatload of prizes you guys gave away, and a whole lot more to come! You guys are amazing.

  65. Wow! Congrats to the winners. That's a whole passel and a half!

    And yay me! Thank you Seekers and Donna Alward. On this Thanksgiving weekend I'm thanking God for bringing the Seekers together and giving them a vision they've never strayed from.

    Can't wait for the coming week. Zucchini cookie anyone?

    Anita Mae

  66. Just found your site. It looks awesome and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. I'm polishing my query to send off tonight. Thanks for the opportunity!

  67. What fun! I knew there was another reason bfor me to like fall,besides the great fall weather, it's Seekerville's Birthday Bash!! Loving it!

  68. Happy Thanksgiving! Boy, it feels strange saying that in October. :)

  69. A submission in the mail?

    YAY, Melissa K. Norris!!!

    You go, girl!

    We're cheering you on!!!

    Be sure to let us know what happens.

    I heard someone else is ready to submit...Larissa, are you online today?

  70. Anita Mae!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Such fun seeing you at ACFW!!! Whoo-hoo!!!!

  71. Good luck to those entering the query contest. I can feel the excitement and I don't even have anything to submit.

    Wish me luck, I'm attempting chicken pot pie from scratch. Might not sound like much but for a girl who's one claim to fame is cookies it's big :)

  72. Carol, honey, we couldn't like you more than we already do!

    Although your cookies are yummy delicious! :)

  73. Congrats to the winners!!!

  74. congrats to all winners. Birthdays are fun.

    Happy Thanksgiving to the Canadians here.

    Did I mention I dont like daylight savings! I still wake early by night times Im so tired but still dont get to sleep til later.

  75. Jamie, chicken pot pie is very ambitious. I am in awe.

    Melissa K. You are entering the contest. Woot!

  76. I just finished "Out of Control." One of those I-got-to-bed-at-3AM-again books. But it was worth it! :)

  77. Winners- enjoy all of your goodies!

    Seekerville- congrats to getting your party started with a bang!! I've enjoyed visiting.

    Missy- loved the pictures and the sentiment.

  78. Debby you are too sweet :D.

    <3 you lady!

  79. Oh, what a fun group! I have Xavier... can't type...

  80. I won (thank you Seekers!), the Steelers won--it's been a great weekend!

    XOXO~ Renee

  81. Dianna, so good seeing you back in Seekerville! Missed you.

    I know, I know, you were busy with work...but we need you in Seekerville!

    Enjoyed being with you at M&M! Such a great conference. Everyone plan to come to Atlanta next Sept! The Moonlight and Magnolias Conference is fantastic...and the price is kept down so everyone can go!

  82. Melissa K., welcome to the village of misfit toys!!!



    Wrong village, LOL! :)

    Send it in, sweet thing, we love openin' our doors to the lot o' youse!

  83. Wow! I commented last night, but somehow it never showed up. Are there blogger comment gremlins too? :)

    Congratulations to all the winners. How wonderful! Sooo looking forward to all the posts this week. So many great things to learn. You Seeker ladies rock!


    And congrats to all the other winners as well!!!!

    THANK YOU SEEKERVILLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  85. The move has definitely been fun. I've got to make more shops to the bakery. The big question is does it serve coffee.

    Congrats to all of the winners!!!

  86. Loves 2 Read Romance - LauraOctober 9, 2011 at 9:29 PM

    This week has been so great and next week looks just as good. Congrats to all the winners!

  87. Happy Thanksgiving, Canadian friends!

    Did someone mention pot pie? Love, love, love chicken pot pie when the crust is golden and flaky, it has chunks of chicken and the sauce is creamy delicious.

  88. Good grief! Looks like I missed most of the party! I just love all you ladies. It was such a treat to meet Mary at the ACFW conference and to connect with Julie again. Can't wait to read her post. Love to you all. Mags

  89. Hmmm...was checking in to see if Mary had surfaced after our wild weekend. Must still be sleeping.

    Congrats to all the winners. :)

  90. Wow, another busy day in Seekerville! I've been out and about. Church and a bridal shower for a co-worker's daughter.

    Congrats to all the winners, and especially to Virginia M. That HP printer is a great prize! I just got a new printer/fax thingie. Just gotta figure out how to get it going...

  91. Erica, we know she arrived home safely. And, for our Mary, that is indeed a miracle!

  92. Congrats everyone!

    Sounds like another great week coming up.

  93. Wow, so many giveaways! Congrats to the lucky winners. =) The preview for this week's Seekerville posts sounds great!

  94. sorry I'm late to the draw!
    Congrats to all the winners! What a GREAT weekend.

  95. Debby, this is my second Seekerville birthday. The first anniversary of being with you all. I met the gang at last years birthday bash. :D

  96. Congrats to the winners! Hope I'm one of them!

  97. Congrats to all the winners!

    Seekerville is such a fun, busy place.

    Tina, you don't need to know how to spell. Nowadays you don't even have to know people who do. That's what spell check is for.

  98. Happy Birthday and congrats to the winners!

  99. Let's make today 100 comments. ;-) I missed a couple posts with the Women of Faith conference I went to this weekend, but even though I love Seekerville it was worth it to spend the time with my mom. Congrats to the winners!! :D

    Looking forward to the coming week!

  100. This is a great idea! I will definitely try to stop back often! :-) Congrats!!

  101. Love that you are giving your GUEST birthday gifts!


  102. Woo-hoo!!! Happy dancing!! Thank you so much for these generous contests, links, and fabulous guest authors!!
