Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Author Facebook Pages … What Every Author Needs To Know with Guest Blogger Sarah Ladd

No doubt you have probably heard that an author Facebook page is an important marketing tool. But do you know why?

Whether you love Facebook or hate it, there is no denying the effectiveness of a well-executed Facebook page. Not only can it help an author establish an online presence, but it provides an unequaled opportunity to network and interact with readers and other writers. Many authors think that they don’t need an author Facebook page until they are published. This is far from true! Let’s explore why.

What are industry professionals saying about author Facebook pages?

I asked literary agent Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency what she thought about author Facebook pages for unpublished authors. Here is her response:
When I am serious about signing an author, I first visit the author's website, and then I peruse Facebook. Interaction with friends and fans shows how the author will appear in public, which is important to publishers. An active Facebook page, coupled with a professional web site, is a way for authors to show they are serious about their work, and about being part of the publishing community.”
Katie Bond, Publicity Manager, Fiction, at Thomas Nelson, had to say:
“In book marketing, we speak a lot about meeting readers where they are. Right now, Facebook is a big part of that solution, with users congregating around thousands of products and causes. Facebook’s regulations for promotion have changed over the last few years and will likely change again, but maintaining a professional page is a must for authors now. These pages provide functionality that personal pages can’t, allowing you and your marketing team to gather and energize readers, and to monitor the success of various promotions to learn more for the long-term building of your brand. As an author, think of yourself as the host of the party: the ultimate goal is to graciously provide a place for people to get to know each other, all in your lovely home. Aim to give them special consideration with thanks for their following you, and they’ll loyally help to spread the word to more friends.”

Here is what it all comes down to: An author Facebook page is a marketing tool that you need!

More and more, authors are called upon to play an active role in promoting their books. Agents and publishers like to know that an author has already thought about this and is taking steps to support those future goals. Sure, you may have a website and business cards, but a Facebook page allows you to take your marketing one step further: it allows you to interact with readers on a personal level. Facebook is not just about promoting and selling your books … it is about building relationships and getting to know the people who will one day be your readers.

Below are some questions I have heard regarding author Facebook pages. Let’s take a look … 

What’s the difference between a profile (or timeline) and an page?

A personal profile page (or timeline) is just that … personal. This is where you can talk about your day, share pictures of your kids, connect with old college friends, etc. You are limited to 5,000 friends, and in order to add someone as a friend to your profile page, one of two things must happen:

1.    The other person sends you a friend request and you accept it, or

2.    You send the other person a friend request and they accept. 

The key takeaway here is that you, the profile owner, are giving the other person “permission” to see what you post on your wall. 

A Facebook page, on the other hand, is intended for professional use by businesses, celebrities, bands, and authors. Anyone with a Facebook account can “like” your page and follow your posts – and there is no limit to the number of people who can do so. Pages are much less private than profiles. You do NOT have to give another person permission in order for them to see the content on your page. Because of this, you want to be very intentional and judicious about the types of content you post here. 

The fact that a Facebook page is public and visible for the whole world to see may be daunting, but consider this:  since your author Facebook page is public, it will come up when someone searches for you on the internet. If an agent, editor, or publisher is trying to learn more about you and all you have is a private profile (timeline), they may not be able to find you. As an author, you want – need – to be visible.

How do I set up an author Facebook page? 

It’s easy, and it will take you all of five minutes to establish your page!  

1.    Go to and click the following link at the bottom of the page: Create a page for a celebrity, band or business.

2.    Next, click the lower left-hand box that says “Artist, Band or Public Figure”

3.    A drop down menu will appear. Select “Author”. Below that, you need to enter the name you want to appear on your page, agree to Facebook’s terms and conditions, and click the “get started” button.

4.    The next page asks if you have a Facebook account. If you have one, you will log in at this time. (NOTE: If you already have a Facebook account, both your profile and your new author Facebook page will share the same username and password. See below for more information on this). If you don’t have a Facebook account, you’ll be prompted to create one.

5.    Once logged in, you will have the option to upload a picture for your author page.

6.    The next step allows you to enter a little bit about yourself, such as a brief description and the link to your website. 

7.    And now, your page is created! Congratulations!

8.    Once you have at least 25 fans, you can create a username, which will give you a unique web address for your page (for example: To do this, go to and follow the instructions. But remember, 25 people must like your page first!

9.    Spend some time getting familiar with your new Facebook page. Check out the Help Center. Play with your settings. Practice uploading pictures and updating your cover photo. These functions are all very similar to the regular profile pages, but you will want to make sure you are familiar with everything before you start directing traffic to it.

10.    When you are ready, post your first post!  Be sure to post the link to your new page on your wall so your friends and family can “like” your new author page!

I have the same login information for both my profile (timeline) and my author Facebook page. How do I switch between the two accounts?

Once you log in to Facebook, you will see a dark blue bar across the top. On the right side, you will see an arrow pointing down. Click on that arrow, and your other account(s) will appear. NOTE:  It is important to give your profile page and your author page different names. Otherwise, it can get very confusing! For example, if the name on your profile page is Jane Doe, then you will want the name on your author page to be Author Jane Doe.
At the top of my author page, I see an Admin Panel. What is that?  

The Admin Panel is how you manage your Facebook page. There are a lot of goodies in this section that you will want to be familiar with!

1.    Across the top of the admin panel, you will see the following web buttons: Edit page, Manage, Build Audience, Help, and Hide. I recommend spending a few minutes exploring these links. 

2.    In the admin panel you will see a link that says “View Insights.” The information in this section is key to understanding how your fans are interacting with you!  In order to view this information you must have at least 30 fans. Here are some terms that will be helpful to know: 
a.    Reach: The # of people who see each post.
b.    Engaged Users:  The #of individuals who clicked on each post.
c.    Talking About This: The # of people who liked, commented, or shared each post.

I am not currently on Facebook and know nothing about it. I really want to start an author Facebook page, but I don’t know the Facebook basics. Where should I start?

Here is my advice: Get to know Facebook before using it as a professional networking site. Set up a personal profile account. All you need is an email address to get started. You can register here. Try it out for a while. “Like” other Author Facebook pages and watch how they are using this tool. See what works and what doesn’t. Then, when you are comfortable, you can take the steps outlined above.

I’ve heard that there are rules for hosting promotions and giveaways on a Facebook page. What are they?

It’s true … Facebook has strict guidelines about hosting giveaways and contests on your page. If you are considering hosting a contest, make sure you fully understand Facebook’s terms and conditions regarding promotions. These can be found here. Failure to comply with Facebook’s terms could result in your page being shut down. Yikes!

What are some guidelines for posts on my author Facebook page? 

Rule #1:  Keep it professional.
In my humble opinion, this is the most essential rule for an author Facebook page. Remember, this can be one of the first impressions that a potential agent or publisher will see of you. Later, this will be the forum for readers to establish a relationship with you. The last thing you would want to do is offend someone or say something that may put your reputation in jeopardy.

Rule #2: Keep it consistent.
In order to establish a relationship with readers and other professionals, it is important to maintain a schedule. Whether you post once a week, three times a week, or every day, your fans will get a sense of what to expect from you. I suggest creating an editorial calendar. At the beginning of each month, sit down and jot down ideas for your posts. Perhaps you are blogging later this week and know that this is perfect for an upcoming post. Perhaps a fellow writer’s book is free on Kindle next week and you want to help her promote it. These are great ideas … not only will planning your posts ahead of time save you time in the long run, but it will help ensure that you get the messages out that are most relevant to your fans.

Rule #3:  Keep it intentional.
In a previous Seekerville post, I pointed out the importance of making sure that your marketing initiatives (such as Facebook) support your overall marketing goals, regardless of where you are in your publishing career. As your career develops and changes, your messages and your marketing plan should as well. If you are interested in learning more about this, feel free to check out my Seekerville post on marketing from back in January here.

Rule #4:  Keep it diverse.
Yes, your fans are following you because they want to know more about your writing. But they are also following because they want to know more about YOU!  Because of the very public nature of Facebook pages, I advise that you stay away from posting personal information, such as where you live, information about your family, when you are going to be out of town, and so forth. But do let your fans get to know you!  Share your interests …what websites do you like? What are you reading? What are some of your interests? Ask your fans questions to encourage interaction. Remember, Facebook is as much about developing relationships as it is about promoting your book, so ask questions. The stronger the connection a fan feels to you as an author, the more likely they will be to support your future projects.

Rule #5:  Keep it fun!
Writing is work. Marketing is work. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy yourself. Use your Facebook author page to get to know other writers and interact with readers. Network. Learn. Grow. You might make a few mistakes, and that’s all right. Facebook is like anything else … the more you practice, the better – and more proficient – you will become. And when you do sign that contract, you will wish that you already had your page up and running. So what are you waiting for? 

Now it’s your turn!

So, who’s going to be the first to get their author Facebook page up and running?  Will it be YOU?  Be sure to let us know if you do!

Already have an author Facebook page?  Share your experience and advice.

Not ready to start your author Facebook page? That’s okay … it is a big step, and it’s a commitment. But I am not letting you off the hook!! I have a few questions for you … be sure to share your answers in the comments section.

1.     Do you follow other author’s pages?  If so, which authors do you think hit the mark?
2.    What type of content do you like to see as an author?

Thanks for spending this time with me. Have questions about author Facebook pages? Let’s talk about it!

Sarah Ladd lives in Indiana where she shares her life with her amazing husband and sweet daughter. She has more than ten years of strategic marketing and brand management experience, including five years of marketing non-fiction books and three years of marketing the musical arts. Heiress of Winterwood, the first book in her Whispers on the Moors series, will release next spring. Visit her website or like her on Facebook!

Today Seekerville is giving away a $10.00 Amazon gift card to one commenter in honor of Sarah's visit. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.


  1. This post is fabulous and is going in the keeper file.

    I am not at that stage yet but I do notice when authors only put info on their FB pages once a month or seem to post stock questions rather than speaking from the heart.

    I am wondering how many authors rely on professional help before they submit. I hadn't even thought about publishers checking you out like potential employers do. Duh, that is what they are!

    Peace and thanks, Julie


    So delightful to have you with us again.

    How's life as a debut author treating you?

  3. Okay now for my hard question.

    What's the best and nicest and least insulting way to migrate from personal pages to an author page?

  4. Hello, Sarah!

    I dislike when you friend an author and like their page but get the same stuff (or double posts). So as much as I want to let my (future) readers "know me" I'm not going to double dose handfuls of them with the same info--it's annoying. So I'll have to purposely keep the funny tale about my kiddo on my personal page and the funny book story on the other.

    And I'm at a toss up on the "Interactive Questions" thing I see authors do. As Julie Steele said, if it's not from their heart it really feels like spam/clutter if they're forcing out questions every day just to "make conversation."

    The more pages I like (especially authors) the more I get inundated with "I wrote 2 chapters today" and it means nothing to me--because I as a reader am selfish and often inundated with information, so if your newsfeed doesn't help me, make me laugh or give me interesting information, I'll hide you sooner or later.

    And Sarah, your advice of "use facebook personally first before you use it professionally" is ABSOLUTELY what I tell everyone. Like fellow businessmen/women's pages and see what you like and what annoys the heck out of you, and do so accordingly.

    One page I think does it right is Pentatonix (Acappella Music group that I adore)
    --they do one post a day and it's either a link to some article about them, a picture or video of them, a personal update. They really have too many fans to interact personally with the comments, but these posts work, in my opinion to do just that. I'm not sure which group member keeps up the page, but they make it sound like they enjoy shouting out to their fans.

    I'm trying to come up with an author that does it right, but everyone of the ones I'm signed up for, I can come up with some negative. :( Let me think.

  5. Tina, I got my KANSAS MAP TODAY!!!!! Big smile--I know, for some reason that makes me crazy--but I really did need one.

    And I got my surprise. Thank you!

  6. Tina, here's my views on being asked to migrate.

    Post no more than once a day at different times about the migration so that you can hopefully get everyone to see. If all your posts are in the evening you could easily miss those that only check in the morning unless they purposely scroll through everything until they hit their last remembered read post.

    The posts should be something like "I've got an author page, please like it BECAUSE...... Give me a reason. If on your personal page you're telling me about your kids and your book stuff, why would I bother going over? What will I get there that I don't get as your friend?

    I've had two publishing professionals do the: "I need to change my personal page to family and in 4 weeks, I'll be deleting non-family and personal friends, so please like my page so I can keep interacting with you, my readers."

    And they posted that occasionally for about a month and I thought that worked. And then at the end of the month they deleted me as their personal friend--I had no hard feelings, their personal page is their personal page.

  7. Ok, I scrolled through my author likes page on facebook to see what ones jumped out at me as "They don't annoy me and I think they're doing something right because I recall seeing them in my feed and I still like them." :) These are my top two picks.

    Published - Katie Ganshert
    Unpublished - Seekervillian Jessica Keller (soon to be published, yeah!)

    So if I were to recommend "facebook author page role-models" that would be my 2 picks. (and I've never read/met either gal, and they don't write the genre I normally read)

    Now, maybe they'll annoy someone else :) but I think they're doing a great job overall.

  8. Great post - shared on my Facebook page!

    Thank you.

  9. Excellent advice. I haven't yet launched my author fb page,but your'e motivating me! Thanks!

  10. This post was extremely helpful. I've been wavering back and forth trying to decide if I needed a FB page and if so, how in the world do i set one up. Your post has motivated me to do it! Thanks!!

  11. i learned a lot about facebook...thanks sarah :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  12. Good morning Seekerville!! So excited to be here today! Julie, you are absolutely right. Being consistent - and finding the right frequency is key. The right number of posts can vary from author to author, and each person needs to decide what is right for them. Thanks for stopping by!!

  13. Tina!! Always so good to hear from you! Life as a debut author couldn't be better, thanks for asking! :)

    As for the most "non-offensive" way to migrate from a personal page to an author page, this can be tricky. You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. They key is to make it fun. Couple of things that I think would work:

    1. Have a countdown ... start a few days before, and post "teasers" ... for example: 5 days left; 4 days left; etc. Build hype around your new page so that your friends will be interested and will want to stop by your new page. Then, when you post the link to your author page, it will be more of a celebration!

    2. Invite your friends to the party! Let you friends know you value them and would like to share your journey with them. Tell them that all future posts related to your profession as an author will now live on your new page. It's all right to repeat your "invitation" post a couple of times over the course of a couple of weeks.

    If your goal is to return your profile page to purely a personal page where you can post things you do not necessarily want your professional colleagues to see, make sure you are respectful of how you "unfriend" someone who has been your friend for a while. I suggest sending them a private message. Tell them about your page and how you would for that to be the forum for your interactions with other authors, readers, etc. Send them the link with a personal note and let them know WHEN are are going to unfriend them and give them plenty of time to react.

    The Golden Rule applies here. Nobody likes to be unfriended, especially without a reason. Let them know you value their participation, you are just "shifting" the way you interact.

    Great question Tina!!

  14. Hi Karen K ... glad you are here! :)

  15. Carla and Edwina ... YOU CAN DO IT!! When you get your pages set up, be sure to send me the link! :)

  16. Iola ... THANKS! :) So glad you are here today!

  17. I follow authors' pages and one I really like is: She keeps her readers updated on what is going on with her writing and she'll ask questions about what she is writing to draw the readers into the process. Thanks for the great post!

  18. Thank you Melissa! Your comments are excellent.

    About finding the right mix of content for an author page ... you are right. This is where you really need to focus on the person who has liked you. Why are they are at your page? Are they a fan of your genre and want to learn more? GIve them bits of trivia and research. Are they other authors learning the craft? Give them helpful links and tips. Remember, no to people who like your page are the same, so mix up your content. No, every post will not be applicable to everyone who likes your page, and that is all right. They key is balance. Also, be sure to pay attention to your audience's engagement ... what kind of posts are they commenting on? You can learn a lot by this.

    Thanks for your comments Melissa!

  19. Sally, thanks for the tip on the great page! I am going to check it out. Have a GREAT day!!

  20. Interesting info and I think my friends daughter would benefit from it. I am a reader and I do like quite a few author pages. (some to just support the author) A few I interact with. I like the ones that ask readers for help like Cheryl Wyatt that often will have a comment for readers.

  21. Good. Opening, Sarah.

    Thanks for all you've shared today. I haven't done an author page yet because of the very public nature. My full time employer seriously frowns upon us having publicly available Facebook pages. I guess I'm going to have to find a way to deal with this.

  22. Hate auto correct. That was supposed to say Good morning.

  23. Must second Melissa on Jessica Keller's page. Just saw it the other day. I want to be like Jessica when I grow up.

    The conversation on personal versus professional page made me realize how many authors have the same or similar profile pictures. If they come through on my newsfeed, I tend to make a comment on the first one I come to, if they are double posts. So again, Melissa, you are right on target about splitting stories.

    Peace, Julie

  24. Sarah,

    This is a fabulous post, and very timely as I was just thinking about starting up an author page. I wondered if I should since I was unpublished, but this post answered that question.

    Thanks for all the great information!


  25. Sarah, you've offered some great advice for authors. Thank you.

    However there is on disadvantage. Your author page cannot interact with groups. This may not bother some but I belong to a lot of different groups, one being 1k1hr. Only a profile can join and post on a group forum.

    Because of this I "unpublished" my author page and created a separate profile for personal use.

    I do have intentions of using my page once I become a published writer.

  26. Great info, Sarah,

    I don't have a fan page but I'm going to print your instructions and create one!

    Thanks for this post.

  27. Good information, Sarah. I have used FB pages to help me find new authors. I love the blogs , too.

    Csdsksds (at)

  28. Good morning, Seekerville!

    Great post, Sarah, and so timely. I've been thinking of starting an author page and you gave me some great advice. As part of my job as a public relations manager, I'm in charge of my employer's Facebook page. Right now, we're exploring all the various ways to use it as a marketing tool, to get more "likes" and more interaction among our fans. How wonderful that you were talking about this today!

    Maybe I will set my personal author page up this summer, as I learn more tips and tools to use. Thanks for the advice!

  29. Hi, Sarah! I do have a Facebook author page. Mostly I have readers asking to be friends with me on my personal page, and I always accept them. The author page is much less friendly, somehow. But I think I have figured out a way to get the friends on my personal page to "Like" my author page. I am going to put up my new cover and new trailer--when Zondervan says I can--only on my author page, so that people will have to go there to see it. I just don't want to send out a request to all my friends to "Like" me. That seems tacky and intrusive to me. But then, a lot of what happens on facebook seems tacky and intrusive! Especially when I get added to a group without my permission and then I start getting a million email notifications immediately.

    But I do love facebook. It is a really great way to interact with readers! And friends and family too. Thanks for all your advice, Sarah, and I'm excited about your new Regency series! I wish you great success!!!

  30. I have both a personal profile and an author page [Carol Moncado Books - which shows you my confidence that someday I'll not only be published but multi-published :p]. I don't do a ton with the author page at the moment... I do have my blog posts go there automatically but not a ton else. I do try to keep my writing stuff [mostly] there.

    Personally, I like seeing how authors I know did on their manuscript that day - x words, y pages edited etc - as longa s that's not all they do.

    Candy Calvert does a great job, I think. I've made 3 friends [off the top of my head] through interacting with her other readers. Jess is another great example - love that girl! - I want to be her when I grow up too!

  31. Welcome Sarah to Seekerville. Would you like to come to my house? sigh I so need this article and am going to copy it.

    I have a facebook page and two author pages, but I have no clue how to use them. I keep saying I'm going to learn but it is so intimidating to me. So I don't post because I have no clue what I'm doing. LOL

    My nieces insist I learn as they use this and want to communicate. So now after your post, I'll at least know how to get to the author pages.

    woo hoo. Thank you and thank you again.

    Melissa, I'm going to take your advice too and look at those author pages.

  32. If I made one Melissa Jagears happy today, well, my work is done.


  33. Stephanie has a point. I like the personal pages for the versatility they provide.

    I don't post personal information EVER so why not keep my personal page as my author page? What would the disadvantage be?

    I don't even let anyone see who is my family and who is not.

    Hmmmm. Any thoughts, anyone?

  34. And Bridgett has a good point too re the same issue -which is more fun and interactive, personal page or author page.

  35. Now here's a confession for you.

    I manually post Seekerville blog posts to our fan page. I like to do it that way as I can make comments and post extra pictures that makes it more personal than a feed.

  36. Sarah, what an amazing post. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom! I loved your post in January, and I learned just as much from this one!

    I admit, I've not been spending as much time on facebook as I probably should. But now I have a reason to get on there--to study other author's pages to really figure out what I like/don't like.

    I'll have to approach the author page carefully because of my DH's line of work. I'm not quite ready to go there yet. :)

    You've given much to think about, Sarah!

  37. Tina, good for you. We appreciate the extra work!

    Peace and thanks, Julie

  38. Mary and Jeanne bring up a good point ... for some people, Facebook may not be the ideal forum to share information, for example, if you have an employer that frowns on having such a public presence.

    One option for those concerned about the public nature of a Facebook page might consider forming a group. You can control the privacy of a group, and only allow certain people to join, control who posts, etc. More information on groups and how they differ from a Facebook page can be found here:

  39. Julie - you are right!! Tina is awesome. :) Thanks for all you do, Tina!

  40. Great Rose!! You can do it! :)

  41. SARAH!!! One of my FAVORITE people and NOT just because she has pretty hair!!

    Thanks SO much for all the FB tips and info -- printing this sucker off for dead sure!!!

    I "LIKED" you on FB, girl, which is so odd because I thought I already had!!


  42. Ausjenny ... we keep hearing good things about Cheryl Wyatt's page ... we'll have to check that out! :)

  43. Hi Stephanie ... as a public relations manager, this is right up your alley! Do you have any other tips to share that you have learned as a result of your experience?

  44. Wonderful post! I started a facebook page the end of March, but I'm wondering if I goofed a bit. I created it as a book page for my series instead of as an author page. Here's the link: Sendek: The Magic Wakes.

    Do you know if I can change that or if I should?

  45. JULIE!! hugs right back at ya!! Thanks for liking my page!!

    And, BTW, Julie's Facebook page is pretty awesome. If you haven't liked it, be sure to check it out!!

  46. Charity -- you did not goof!! There are times when it makes sense to have a page dedicated to a book or series instead of an author.

    I think author Jamie Carie does a great job of this. She has a page dedicated to her Forgotten Castles series and does a brilliant job with it.

    There will come a time, however, when you have other books coming out, and if you have several books out at once, it might be difficult to keep several pages updated and relevant. A solution for you might be to keep your book page updated, and consider one author FB page for your future releases. Best of luck!!

  47. Tina asked the question: "I don't post personal information EVER so why not keep my personal page as my author page? What would the disadvantage be?"

    Well, one ADVANTAGE of maintaining both a personal profile and an author page is this:

    A personal profile lets you interact with other pages as YOU. It allows you to like and engage with other pages without tying it back directly to your page. This just keeps your PERSONAL interactions more private. :)

  48. Welcome to Seekerville, Sarah! Love having a fellow Hoosier here. Can't wait to read Heiress of Winterwood!!

    I used your step by step instructions and now have an Author Page and invited friends. I know I need to spend time there, making a visit worthwhile. To find the time isn't the only issue for me. I'm not comfortable with the technical stuff so avoid it. Instead of taking it on as a challenge. Your post has encouraged me to get onboard.


  49. Sandra, YOU CAN DO THIS. At first, it can seem a bit intimidating, but once you get used to it, it is not bad at all. Start by just liking other pages and watching what they do. Get a feel for what type of info they post. Another thing I would suggest is to just spend a little time in Facebook's help section. It is very easy to understand, and they give great basic information. It is here:

    Then, when you are ready, DIVE RIGHT IN!! Sure, it may take a while to get comfortable, but the more you use Facebook, the easier it becomes. :)

  50. Sigh, I've managed to avoid the whole Facebook issue so far and you're not my favourite person right now because you've made some convincing points...and make it sound easy.

    I'm not a fan of Facebook. Never had an account and still don't feel a hankering for one. Yes, I know, I belong in the dark ages with quill pens. But it seems like such a huge time waster -- especially if what professionals are linking to their Facebook page are what's on their blog or webpage. First. It seems like overkill to me. When do authors have time to write?

    I have a hard enough time keeping current with my favourite blogs -- I just can't imagine adding another virtual dimension to my life.

    Oh -- and I'm boycotting them on behalf of my sheltie because they don't let dogs have their own page. What's up with that?! Simba's home all day and has time to cruise the internet. Facebook wouldn't be a stressor for him!

  51. I have my own page with about 3500 'friends'. Then someone created a Mary Connealy Makes me Laugh' group which I don't understand and can't use...exactly. I can post stuff on it like on anyone's page but I can't, for example, change the picture.
    Recently I created a fan page named, (ingeniously) maryconnealyfanpage after a big deal on the ACFW loop about 'liking' each other's fan page only to find I didn't have one.
    I'm also on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Goodreads.......heaven only knows what else.....and I feel like I'm failing at all of it.

    I think my head might be going to explode.

    Stand back.

  52. Mary has 3,500 friends. I am going into my cave, thumb firmly planted in mouth, to cry.

  53. Sarah, could you come back soon to explain Pinterest to us?


    And did you ever wonder if all this social media is a giant plot and someone somewhere is laughing because we all fell for it?

  54. Off to LIKE Sarah's FB page and pretend I know what I'm doing.

  55. I needed this, Sarah! I'm in the early stages of setting up my author page for a fall book release. So much to do... so little time :) However this looks like it could be FUN! I love the idea of interacting with other readers on a FB page.

    Thank you! And best wishes with your upcoming book!

  56. Mary - if someone else created the "Mary Connealy makes me laugh" page - they have admin rights [can change pics etc] and would have to add you as an admin for you to be able to do the same.

    If I can't be Jess when I grow up, I want to be Mary. Or maybe Candy Calvert. Cuz then I could cook all sorts of yummy stuff.

    And maybe once I actually have a book [or 7] out, there'll be more interaction on my page... that's the part I haven't really figured out...

  57. Great post, Sarah! I really enjoy my page but definitely use my profile more at this point. It's nice to use both.

  58. Thank you for the valuable info, Sarah! Creating an author page has been on my "to-do" list, and I feel like I'm more prepared to do it after reading this.

    I follow a lot of authors on FB, both their personal profiles and their author pages. It definitely makes you feel like you "know" the author better and you become more invested in their books. (Love the ones that have contests to help name characters, ask for help picking pic for hero/heroine, etc. :-)

    Can't wait until I get a cover pic for my book and/or my professional headshots back. Then I'll have pics to use for my author FB page! Gettin' excitin' around here.

  59. This is actually a very good practical exercise.

    Everyone should go like Sarah on Facebook.

    Link is at the bottom of the post.

  60. Janet!!!!!!!!

    We need a link my friend!!!

    It can take FB a while to catch up and have you in the search thingie [especially if you have a fairly common name...]

  61. I'm with Mary! My head just might explode! LOL.

    I am so not a techie and this all makes me feel like I'm treading underwater. For example, against all my best judgment, my daughter created me a Twitter account - linked (don't know how to link ANYTHING) and posted and got me going. A few days later, I noticed her getting Tweets? on her phone and I said, "I don't get any tweets. I haven't got one message since you signed me up." And she rolled her eyes and said, "Mother, you have to log into Twitter to see anything."
    "Oh," I said, feeling very foolish. I still don't get twitter. I log in and look at all these number signs and @ signs and shrug. Don't get it. Sigh.

    But enough ramblings. Thank you Sarah for pointing out that writers need Author pages BEFORE they are published. I have been ignoring everything about author pages, now I'll have to look into it. Will keep this post for sure!

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

    P.S. Carol, your author page is very nice!!

  62. Now lets talk privacy issues for the paranoid among us.

    How can I keep big brother from accessing my info?

    What happens when I like a product and they want access to my address book. SCARY STUFF. This is only on personal pages right?

  63. I am not anonymous. Big brother did that.

    That was me. Tina

  64. Carol, silly you..7 books. Mary had 24 books out her first year.

    Those are tough stats to beat.

  65. JANET!! I am joining Carol in her request for you to share your link with us! We will help you get to your 25 followers so you can claim your username / unique URL. HOORAY!!!!

  66. Susan ... you are right ... there are a number of "techie" ways for an author to engage with their audience, and the number of options can be overwhelming. All of these social media outlets are tools you can use to strengthen your marketing platform, but just because the are there doesn't mean you have to use them.

    Especially if you are new to social media, I advice picking one and learning everything you can about it. Start small. Become a student. Master one before you move on to another. If you try to learn it all at once, you will become overwhelmed and discouraged, and that does not help things one bit!

    My advice...pick one. Figure it out. Get comfortable with it. Then, when you have it down, perhaps consider adding another, but know it is all right not too. It is much better to have one efficient social media presence that is done well that to have two or three that are lackluster.

    Good luck!

  67. Clari ... a new cover and new headshots??? Girl, you need an author page!! :)

  68. Mary C brings up a good point about groups. Sometimes, one of your fans will create a group about you and how much they love your books. The good thing about this is that people are talking about you and how much they love you. :) The bummer side is that since you don't own the group, you can't control it. Think of it like a book club.

    My advice for when someone else creates a group about you? JOIN IT!! These are your engaged fans at their finest ... find out what they are saying, what the like, etc. You will be able to promote your upcoming projects and monitor what is being said about your work in the marketplace. :)

  69. Jessica -- thanks for coming by! Yes, there is definitely a place in an author's life for both a private profile and an author page. :)

  70. Kathy ... congrats on your fall book release! The good news is that you have time to get your page up and running before the release. You are right ... let this be FUN. Think of your author Facebook page as a place where you can connect with people who love the same stuff you do ... writing and reading. :)

  71. Thanks Sue :D.

    I know she did, Tina. And 42 the year after that right?


    If I could be half the overachiever Mary is...

    Well, does anyone have time to be half the overachiever Mary is?


    [I just got to be the second like on Lyndee's page :D!!!]

  72. Ha ha! Tina said "And did you ever wonder if all this social media is a giant plot and someone somewhere is laughing because we all fell for it?"

    I remember in the early days of FB my marketing colleagues and I thought that FB was a fad that would not last. That was years ago. Guess what? Ummmm....we were wrong. :)

  73. Did you created a page today? If you did, share the link!! Let's show support for those taking the Facebook Author page plunge today! :)

  74. OK, so I DID it! Whoohoo! So, why do I have this feeling that I know just enough to be dangerous? UGH...LOL

    Thanks again, Sarah!

    And everyone on Seekerville, I'll like you if you like me. ;) Thanks for everyone's kind support as I hurl myself on the wheel toward publication!

    Am I allowed to post my new page so you can like it?

  75. I have the problem that lyndeehenderson was taken, so i made the address lyndeehendersonauthor, and it took it, but there are other weird things after the name, haha..

    Here's the link anyway (since Sarah said we could):

  76. I think that group was created by a publicist a few years back when Barbour was outsourcing their publicity efforts. When they started doing it in house I and their publicist tried to track down which outside publicist had done it but they'd changed several times and we could never nail it down.
    I do belong to it.
    And I can change the picture but only to Facebooks choices. Not upload anything.
    Plus I have all this stuff that auto-loads, seekerville post links and all my (very minimal) tweets and my blogs from my personal blog. But that doesn't load on my group or my fan page. I have to do it manually....and I don't get it done very faithfully. Where as the usual facebook page with all the friends, is constantly updated with Seekerville post and personal blog post links. So it remains the active one.
    I'm boring myself, I can only imagine how you all feel.

  77. I went right over and made an author page before I even finished reading the post :)

    Next challenge...getting people over to it to like it. That's a little scary.

  78. Hi Sarah! Thanks for all the great Facebook info.

    I stumbled onto Facebook several years ago to see what my children were talking about...and found that I could interact with family and friends I never see anymore. It was great!

    Until the last year or so I kept my Facebook fairly private - I only became friends with people I know personally. But then this writing gig started and I knew I needed to become more public.

    To make the transition (before I started my author page), I started accepting friend requests from people I don't know. At the same time, I changed the types of status updates I made to my personal page to make them more public-friendly. I'm still careful about what I post, but I also try to share what's going on in our family, etc. If I want to make more personal comments to one or more people, I can always send them a private message.

    A couple months ago (during the ACFW like-fest) I launched the author page I had been planning - and yes, that pre-planning helps. I try to keep my author page posts book related and my personal page posts, well, personal.

    Twitter is a whole 'nother ball of wax, and Pinterest? Getting on there is going to be an afternoon project someday soon.

    And then a website. That's a huge project that I can't put off any longer.

    Funny thing about Twitter, though. My daughter follows her favorite celebrities and some of them will interact with her personally. It thrills her to no end to have Adam Baldwin give her advice on how to respond to a professor, or to get gift ideas for her brother from Bruce Campbell :). They really know how to interact with their fans.

  79. You asked - here's my link:


    Forgot...whoopsie :)

  81. Facebookies unite.

    All the nice people I can like.

    Thank you!@!!

  82. Thanks for the advice Sarah!!


  83. I've been reading this and think it might be the final push I need to migrate my blog to my author page on Facebook and get a "legit" website before the real estate agent with my name in Florida buys it first.
    I'm in the same boat as Carol. Being prepublished doesn't make for much reach except among my writing buddies and the crit partners for now.
    Honestly, I do like my facebook author page, for the shameless eye-candy alone, LOL.
    The Seekers were right. Your brand finds you. =)

  84. Super info here, Sarah! Thanks for sharing your insights into the whole Facebook thing.

    I added an author page awhile back. When I first launched it, I posted about it a few times on my personal wall asking people to pop over and visit.

    Also, after hearing a very interesting workshop on this subject at RWA a couple of years ago, I started responding to "stranger" friend requests with an apology about needing to keep my personal page private and directing them to my author page. I also offer to visit their professional page if they have one. People usually have been very gracious and understanding about it.

  85. Hooo Whee, Nancy! You do have some serious eye candy on your banner. I'm likin' it. In more ways than one. ;-)

  86. This is great information and I thank you for the push:)

  87. Thanks, Clari.
    Not to sound pretentious, but their stories live up to their pictures. Jonathan is already proving it, and his friends will in time, hehe.
    The plan is to keep writing what I love until an agent loves it too. =)

  88. Myra ... that is excellent insight! Great tip. :)

  89. Nancy said: "Being prepublished doesn't make for much reach except among my writing buddies and the crit partners for now."

    a while back, I heard a rumor that agents and editors thought it was a negative thing if you only had other authors liking your page. I am not an editor, and I am not an agent, but I am a marketer, and from my perspective, this is simply not true. Why? Because at the heart of every writer is a reader. And not just any reader, but a voracious reader. :) So before you are published, spend time cultivating these relationships. One day, you will be published, and you will want these cheerleaders on your side. :)

  90. Jan ... thanks for sharing your experience with Facebook!!! :)

  91. Sarah, thank you for this great post! You inspired me to go update my author page. :) And I asked them a question! :)

    I'm looking forward to readers sharing what they like to see on an author page. I feel like I'm so boring!

  92. Jennifer said: "Next challenge...getting people over to it to like it (Author Facebook page). That's a little scary."

    It's true ... it is very easy to set up a Facebook page ... it can be more of a challenge to get them to like it .. and come back. This is when dynamite content comes into play.

    If a fan is able to connect with you and engage with you personally, they will be more likely to become a loyal follower of your page. Additionally, if you give them something that they deem valuable, they will start to see you as a viable resource. See how this works? Play around with this and see what kind of posts result in engagement from YOUR audience. Every audience will be different...find what works for you.

  93. Jennifer said: "Next challenge...getting people over to it to like it (Author Facebook page). That's a little scary."

    It's true ... it is very easy to set up a Facebook page ... it can be more of a challenge to get them to like it .. and come back. This is when dynamite content comes into play.

    If a fan is able to connect with you and engage with you personally, they will be more likely to become a loyal follower of your page. Additionally, if you give them something that they deem valuable, they will start to see you as a viable resource. See how this works? Play around with this and see what kind of posts result in engagement from YOUR audience. Every audience will be different...find what works for you.

  94. Mary C, you are not boring us at all. In fact, this is a very real problem that I imagine more than one author faces. All you can do it start with what you know and put together a little plan. You can't always control what is out there, but you can control what you generate personally. Good luck!!

  95. Mary C ... you CAN do it! :)

  96. Mary C, upon thinking about it further ... have you tried to send a message to the group asking for the admin to contact you? If the information regarding the identity of the group's admin isn't public to the group, perhaps you could find it out by posing the question. Then, you could tell her you are interested in working together to make the group strong, and maybe she will even give you admin rights. Just a thought ....

  97. Missy ... great! I am going to find your page. :)

  98. Tina, I have a personal profile page that I started way before I thought of doing what we used to call fan pages. I treat it pretty much as a professional page. I don't friend my kids and I don't mention stuff that I wouldn't want public.

    Then I have my reader page that I started about a year or so ago. I only update with info on my book stuff there. And talk things writing related. I don't update that nearly enough, I'm sure!

    Then I also have a personal profile page with my husband's name included so people that know him can find us as well. That's where I talk family stuff and post photos of my kids. I only friend people I know well on that page. And I keep the info open to only friends (not friends of friends).

  99. 42???????
    wow. :)

  100. Yay, Janet! I liked you already. :)

  101. Tina asked about privacy and "big brother" accessing her info.

    Yes, pages are very public. Be very aware of what you post on your author page, because it is open to the world. Don't share anything private, like your address, phone number, or even email address.

    Also, my advice would be to change your password every so often. This can make it more difficult for hackers to access your account.

    Last but not least, if you receive a message that looks suspicious, just leave it alone. If a link looks odd, just stay away from it. Better safe than sorry!

  102. I went and did this.

    I cannot believe I took the plunge, and I owe Sarah Ladd big time.... :)

    Because I LOVE Facebook, but I hadn't done an author page because it seems so stinkin' Me-oriented.

    And I hate that.


    Thank you, pretty Sarah!

  103. Edwina... I love being in your company, chickie!!!

    Melissa, you made so many good points. Facebook can be aggravating, posters can be the same...

    My pet peeve is folks that bombard me with stuff they've grabbed that they're sure are impressive inspiration... But I'd rather have a simple "them post" about themselves to give me a sense of their heart and not all the pages they've grabbed.... I like the realness of people on facebook.

    Except for the real stalkers in hiding. Now those are DIFFERENT!!! ;)

  104. Sarah, you've hit my panic button.

    I have a personal FB page, and I created a web page. But I've balked at anything further. I can't think of enough things to post to keep any of these social media outlets interesting.

    I mean, who wants to know what I had for lunch? Or how many words I wrote--or didn't write--today?

    I copied your how-to information, but I have to ponder something to death before I actually take the leap into something new like this.

    I feel something close to envy for those of you who have jumped onto this. Wish you would share your courage with me--and then your ongoing creativity.


  105. Ruthy, dear, we need a link...

    Helen - it depends on the person. I love hearing what Candy Calvert has for lunch/dinner/whathaveyou because she always has such yummy stuff it makes me wish I lived closer. But that's part of her 'thing' you know? And I also love seeing word counts go up :D.

  106. Thanks Sally and Jenny for mentioning my page. What an honor! I love my readers so much and Facebook is an amazing way to be able to interact in real time.

    Great comments all and Sarah, great post!

    I have hit my friend limit on my personal Facebook profile and wish like crazy I'd started out with an author page because people just really do not like to switch over. It's tough, but Robin Lee Hatcher has convinced me that there is a way to merge to two pages.

    I urge all authors, pubbed or pre-pubbed to start out with/have a page and not a profile due to the follow limit.

    Miss you all! Don't get here often enough.

    Much love,

  107. Ruthy, I liked you. I liked you. And Janet too.

    How many author pages and pre-author pages will be created thanks to this post?

    Question: If you are pre-pubbed when is a good time to get a page up and running? What content should be there?

    Peace and thanks, Julie

  108. Great post, Sarah--thank you! Since I'm unpubbed at the moment, I didn't think I needed an author page yet (I have a personal FB page with over 2,000 friends and LOVE connecting with folks--even found a long-lost cousin recently!). So I appreciate all the information you've given us today--another one for my Keeper files. Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo :)

  109. RUTH! You did it! And I love your approach of trying to make your page not so "me-oriented", but focusing on the fan instead.

  110. I went to Facebook to Like you, Ruthy but I don't think I found the right place.

  111. I think a few of my favorite author [pages are James Artimus Owen (actually, an artist), Shannon Hale, Saraha Prineas, Prscilla Gillman. The usually have bits of WIPs, questions for readers,sneak peeks, and links they found very interesting. I also love Theodora Goss, who's the author of 'The Thorn and The Blossom' because she's also very artistic and posts her recent photos that inspire her writing!

  112. I'm going off to like everybody!! Like, like, like!

    I'm going to wear out my likey button...

  113. I found A LOT of people, but I couldn't find Ruthy either...

  114. Ruthy must be hiding. I can't find her either. :-(

  115. This was a great post. Very informative and helpful.
    You've given me a lot to think about.
    Thanks so much!
    Jackie L.

  116. Here is the official Ruth Logan Herne Facebook page.

    At least I hope it is ;).

    But she doesn't have 25 likes and already has her own personalized page address so maybe they changed that?

  117. Actually - the local ACFW page I run has it's own address and we only have like 8 but when I started my page you had to have 25, so that must have changed at some point in the last year or so.

    I do agree with something else Sarah said though - DRIVES ME NUTS - don't name your page JUST your name [sorry, Ruthy :/] but add 'author' or 'books' or 'fan page' or something to it to distinguish between it and your profile page. Or at the VERY least have a different pic for each of them. But a different name is better, IMVHO [hence "Carol Moncado BOOKS" even though I don't actually have any books yet...]

    Er, right. I'm supposed to be being productive rather than fiddling around on Seekerville and Facebook ;).

  118. Thanks, Sarah, for all the great info. I started with a personal page. Silly me! Should have set up the author site. Will do so now that you've provided such a detailed how-to!

  119. Great information in this post and solid arguments for having a facebook author page, something I haven't really thought to pursue right now. I have a fan page for my jewelry and I've learned just a bit of how to market that a bit, mainly in consistency.

    Two of my favorite fan pages are run by Deeanne Gist and Julie Lessman. Both are right there with their fans. I know if I leave a comment on either one's wall, they will respond in some day. Great way of interacting and I love it! Makes the reader feel special. :-))

    Thanks for the information!

  120. Hi, Sarah, I have a question! I
    went to your facebook author page and liked it.

    When I clicked on the 'about' it didn't have any info about your books/ projects. Is there a spot I'm missing? Maybe under pictures?

    Or is it for links to blogs and such?

    Thanks for helping, I'm practically facebook illiterate!

  121. I appreciate the great information Sarah, I'll be printing this out for sure!

  122. Patti Jo, and all, I don't think it's ever too early to start a Facebook page if you're a pre-pubbed author. This was before Facebook took off, but my blog readers became some of my core, most devoted book readers once I sold. People who connect with you and your "voice" on your blog, Facebook updates, etc., are likely going to connect with your story "voice" too.

    I don't know of a single publisher or agent who doesn't check out a prospective author's online presence, which equates to platform.

    I hope all of you continue to post all your pages once you get them up so we can "Like" and "Share" them.

    I LOVE Tosca Lee's Facebook page. She's so glamorous and was Miss Nebraska in the Miss USA (I think it was) pageant...and she posts these everyday photos of herself without makeup on in her writer-cam updates along with an occasional caption. It is hilarious.

    She's also a master at polls and that was her career for many years.

    Check it out if you haven't already:


  123. Oh my gosh, Mary are the farthest thing from boring!

    Try funny-as-all-getout.


  124. Sarah,

    I get butterflies just thinking about things like facebook pages and websites.

    Sometimes I could sit there all day counting 1,2,3 jump...1,2,3 jump, but will never move. I need to pushed out of the tree.


  125. Sarah, I am not a to read and your new book sounds great! I don't do FB. Enjoyed your post!

  126. Jackie S -- thanks! The first book of the series will come out next spring!

  127. I just got home from work so this is my frist time getting online today. I'm flushing over here seeing you guys mention me in the comments. Thanks so much. I have NO CLUE what I'm doing on my facebook author page.

    Right now I am running a contest to get to 200 likes (hint hint, nudge nudge). When the page hits 200 I'm throwing a party that involves drawings for cookies, free books, and gift cards. Lucky liker 201 gets a prize too.

    Other than that, I'm friends with lots of authors online so I see (as a reader) what I like and don't like and then go from there when I'm posting to my author page. Our dear Ruthy is a wonderful example - from her page I feel like I know her and now want to read every book she writes.

    I also think focusing on readers and not yourself is key (hense the drawings, and they happen often on my page). Some of the most interaction I get on my page is when I ask my "likers" how I can pray for them that day and when I put things on the wall with the intention of encouraging THEM, not promoting me.

    Um, Carol, I can cook yummy things too, you just wait until July!

  128. P.S. And whey I put the prayer request thing up, I make sure to follow up with them later and see how they're doing. It lets people know I actually care and I think that's meaningful. I see writing as a ministry, so I believe in approaching social media that way too.

    And anything that makes people smile. Jenny B. Jones' page is a wonderful example of a page I visit every day because I can't wait to see what crazy status she comes up with next. My husband makes me read her status' to him.

  129. Connie Queen - I understand -- it can be a little scary! If you are not quite confident, try writing out a sample plan. Give some thought to how often you think you will be able to post. Write out some sample posts. One thing you could do is start a post and ask your very close friends to like it so you can practice, and not starting promoting it heavily until you are comfortable. If you need to ease in to it, that's all right! (But it helps to have a plan!) :) YOU CAN DO IT!!

  130. Jessica! I "like" Jessica's page and she does do a GREAT job with her author Facebook page. An excellent example!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Jessica!!

  131. Helen, it is perfectly acceptable to take time and consider if this is an initiative you truly want to take on. It is a commitment ... a "promise" of sorts to your fans that you will be there for them on a fairly regular basis. Give it some thought ... follow a few other authors ... see if it is something you think you can take on and do what is right for YOU. Blessings!!

  132. Virginia ... you busted me! You are right ... there should be more "robust" information about me in the about section, I need to flush it out on my page a little more. *blush* But yes, that section is customizable. :)

  133. Jaime and Debbie ... you will have to be sure to let us know how it goes!!!!

  134. Casey - thanks for stopping by! And I agree with you ... I also like Deeanne's and Julie's pages ... they both do a great job. :)

  135. Sarah, you have just brought all our lurkers out of the woodwork today. WAY TO GO!!!

  136. Valuable information, Sarah! Thanks for coming to Seekerville today.

  137. I don't know about you guys, but I have a lot of Facebook author pages to look up and like!! This is great!

  138. Thanks Cara - this has been so much fun!!!!

  139. Missy, you're not boring at all. I love visiting your sites because your gifts of hospitality and prayer come through. You have a way of making people feel cared about and you always seem genuine in your online presence.


  140. Wonderful post. I printed it off for future use. Thanks for the information Sarah.

    Jodie Wolfe

  141. Jessica sent me goodies when I had my nose surgery. They were yummy. You should like her page just to have a chance to win them ;).

  142. I know this is late and most likely hardly any of you will see this, but I just thought of this an hour ago

    Tina, and others leery about making a page, you could allow subscribers to your personal page. If you go to account settings (upper right arrow dropdown box), find subscribers on the left side and then click allow subscribers.

    What that does is instead of "add friend" a potential fan could push the subscribe button. Then they could see all your public posts. This of course means you'd have to remember to change whether you want your status or shared link to be family/friends only or to the public and change it each time accordingly--which I think is work and often gets overlooked--but it is an option if you didn't want to maintain a page.


    Just in case you want to like me :)

  144. Late for the party. I have a facebook profile and an author page, but just about the time I figure out how it all works, fb revamps the whole thing.

    Like Cheryl, I wish I could have had the friends on the author page, but I didn't know what I was doing enough in the beginning to do it the correct way...or maybe there wasn't a correct way then.

    Oh, my aching head!

  145. Melissa!!! And I doubted you were a genius.

    Thank you.

  146. Yay, I did it. Personalized the Username.

    One small step for AuthorKind.

  147. That was an enjoyable read and definitely one to mark (not that I don't say that about all Seekerville posts :-) ).

    Sarah, I hope you come back to answer more questions. If agents are looking at author facebook pages before they consider them, would that mean you need to have an author page before you have published books (or books with contracts)?

  148. Thanks, Sarah. Even though I've had my page set up for a while, I did learn a few new tips. I'm at

  149. This is a fantastic post. I will have to print it & go over it. This is so timely.
    Thank you,

  150. We're late to the party but want to add one thing...

    Wish we would have made a separate email for our author page...

    Just sayin'...

    Anyway - for anypawdy who wants to check ours out -

    Love to have you join May's pack!

    ("") ("") That's 2 paws up! :)

  151. Oh, grrr.... I was at choir last night and didn't realize I was among the unfound...

    Connealy, really? Was that DIFFICULT????

    And you like me even when I'm not on facebook, so I know you like me, like... every day like me.

    You know.

    What a fantabulous post, Sarah, and your quick play-by-play style made people DO IT!!!!

    Honey, that's an art in and of itself! Yay, you!!!!!

  152. Definitely a keeper! Sending this out to all my writer friends.

  153. What an awesome post, Sarah! I started drafting an author page last year but never launched it. I just wasn't ready for the commitment. But your post has me thinking it may be time to revisit. Thank you! :)

  154. Thanks for all the great information, Sarah! :-)


  155. Great post. I have been working off and on at migrating from my personal profile to my author page. You have given me some good ideas.

    Goodreads has an app that shows the books you read and/or review on Facebook. It linked automatically to my Timeline. I would rather have it on my author page since sharing about books is a public thing. Can anyone tell me how to get it to link to Author LeAnne Hardy instead of LeAnne Hardy?

  156. I think Sarah's advice is great!!

  157. Facebook just confuses me. Not even setting up, but general use.


  158. Walt said: "If agents are looking at author facebook pages before they consider them, would that mean you need to have an author page before you have published books (or books with contracts)?"

    You are exactly right!!!

  159. Thanks again for having me over at Seekerville. I had a blast!

  160. Thanks, Sarah.

    As an unpublished new author, I'm still feeling my way through. My head is full of questions as well as uncertainties. Your insight into a Facebook author page is wonderful. I have a regular facebook profile that I'm always on, but had no idea about the existance or benefit of an author page. With your helpful instructions I will work on developing mine.

    Thanks again!
    Carol N.

  161. Great post. You explained it very succinctly. Good job.
