Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Guest Allie Pleiter: The “Real People”

It happened again. I had set aside an afternoon to make serious progress on my manuscript when the phone rang. A “you must come NOW, this is a sort of emergency” kind of request--the kind of chip only a true friend can call in.

I hate that I hesitated. I’m not proud of how I calculated the lost opportunity of work--on a Sunday, no less (cut me some slack, I’ve got a book due June 1)--with the gained opportunity to help out a dear friend. I’m so bad at these kinds of decisions. Not that I make the wrong choice, but that I agonize over the choice. I like to think of myself as the kind of person who puts people ahead of tasks, but the truth of the matter is that I’m too much of a time-management freak to really do that. I dislike how I try to manage what ought to be a matter of the heart and Holy Spirit.
Part of it is born from the fact that I cannot procrastinate. My writing style is such that I cannot lock myself in a closet and barrel headlong toward an impending deadline. The most words I’m ever able to produce in a day is about 2,000. Not that I haven’t tried to become what I lovingly call “a big chunk writer,” but the essential truth is that my muse comes in small plates, not combo platters. So, I tell myself that missing a planned day of writing is sure to spell doom down the road.
That’s a lie. It has never, ever spelled doom. I’m smart enough to know better--or ought to be.
It’s the old saying, “there’s always time to do God’s will.” When will I ever learn that often, when I come back from much-needed time with a good friend, or being there when a friend ought to be there, the writing gushes out of me? It’s because I’ve filled the well. In over a dozen years of writing, I’ve only missed one deadline, ever, and that was for a crisis of such gargantuan proportions that most people were stunned I could write anything at all, much less make a delayed deadline.
I know how to deliver a manuscript. Why do I doubt I’ll recognize the line of “time to buckle down,” on days like yesterday when I know I will?
I went and helped my friend, had a grand time, and made my word count with ease today. I’ll make my deadline, too, because that’s the kind of writer I am. Why on earth do I continue to doubt myself on decisions like yesterday’s?
What about you? How and when do know when to do what I call “laying down the work in favor of the real people?”

If you’d like to be entered in a drawing for a copy of Allie’s Homefront Hero, please mention it in the comments section and leave your e-mail addy (remembering “at” and “dot”). Then watch our Weekend Edition for the winner!
Homefront Hero
Love Inspired Historical - May 2012
Dashing and valiantly wounded, Captain John Gallows could have stepped straight out of an army recruitment poster. Leanne Sample can't help being impressed—although the lovely Red Cross nurse tries to hide it. She knows better than to get attached to the daring captain who is only home to heal and help rally support for the war's final push. As soon as he's well enough, he'll rush back to Europe, back to war—and far away from South Carolina and Leanne. But when an epidemic strikes close to home, John comes to realize what it truly means to be a hero—Leanne's hero.
An avid knitter, coffee junkie, and devoted chocoholic, Allie Pleiter writes both fiction and non-fiction. The enthusiastic but slightly untidy mother of two, Allie spends her days writing books, buying yarn, and finding new ways to avoid housework. Allie hails from Connecticut, moved to the Midwest to attend Northwestern University, and currently lives outside Chicago, Illinois. The “dare from a friend” to begin writing has produced two parenting books, fourteen novels, and various national speaking engagements on faith, women’s issues, and writing. Visit her website at http://www.alliepleiter.com/ or her knitting blog at http://www.destiknitions.blogspot.com/



  1. "There is always time to do God's will." I read that very quote earlier today and needed this reminder so much. After a couple of weeks of writing-schedule-mayhem, this post really spoke to my heart. Thank you, Allie, for sharing.

  2. Hi Allie:

    Good question.

    I have a simple rule: if what someone wants you to do for them costs you more than the benefit they will receive from your efforts, then you don’t do it unless it is something you would like to do in its own right.

    In numerical terms it would be like someone asking you to forego making $100 by babysitting for them so they can earn $25. In this case they are taking advantage of you. In fact, if someone would ask you to do this for them, they don’t really care about you or your time. They are just taking advantage of your good nature.

    In fairness you should not be asked to make a greater sacrifice to help someone if that sacrifice is far bigger than the sacrifice they would be making if you did not help them.

    Don’t enable users.
    Don’t sanction takers.
    Help those who really should be helped and for whom you are the right person to help them.

    Of course you can help everyone every time and become the first person everyone asks for help. Who knows…this might get you a better mansion in heaven.


    P.S. I’d love a chance to win a copy of your book. It sure looks like a WWI story.

  3. Allie, thanks for your honesty. I also struggle with putting people over my plans.

  4. Oh, I SO GET THIS. I admit to lots of eye-rolling.

    that's it. I'm a bad friend and mother. When my daughter calls and says 'what are you doing today'? I know that means she's coming. The selfish part of me flares up for a second "But what about my writing time?". Then my heart says "But the grandchildren are coming!"

    And you know, you are right, Allie... the time always comes back to us when we first give it away to help others. If I skip Wednesday night service to write, I never get anything down on paper that I like. So I've learned.

  5. Folks, get Allie's book if you don't win it. It is full of great romance, a hero to die for, wounded warriors, a lovely in spirit and person heroine, The Great Influenza and guys knitting. What more could you ask for?

    Allie, your comment about "drinking from the well" is very true. And a great reminder for those of us who could pull away from the keyboard when necessary. Ignoring relationships, responsibilities, and even our health does not help our writing gift to flourish but to stagnate.

    And thanks for your comment about being a 2000 word a day person. I don't know why I thought I had to put out 10K a day but every time I hear someone writes in small bits, it soothes my soul.

    Peace and blessings, Julie

  6. Dont enter me I have this book on order.
    This happens even when you are not a writer.
    I dont get alot of visitors or calls but will sometimes be asked to do something and my first thought will be what I had planned to do. or the time that I will lose. Half the time I probably wouldn't got it done anyway. I am a bit of a procrastinator. In fact I could be the president of the club but I may take to long to get the meeting going.

  7. All interesting thoughts. It's heartening to know we al struggle with this--and in so many different ways. Vince, that's a practical formula that might cut through some emotional tangles. It's a challenging balance to maintain. Someone once said that Jesus was continually interrupted on the world's most urgent mission, and I think the quote has merit, don't you?

  8. I don't mind helping out, but if I have a deadline looming, I hesitate. If a friend really needs help of some kind, I'll stop and help. If it's just something fun to do, I'll keep writing. It all depends on the need.

    Allie, where are you originally from in Connecticut? I'm from Hamden.

  9. Hi Allie. Oh my, It seems every time I try to work on my WIP, a particular friend will call me for help. "Please, no one else can help."

    Urgh...how do you say no to that? I think she has radar for when I'm doing something.

    I will always help her out. Thus far, I haven't turned her down, BUT I don't have any deadlines I'm up against.

    I am a HUGE procrastinator, so I don't know how that will play out when there are deadlines.

    Would love to win your book.

  10. Good morning, Allie. Nice to know we all struggle with this. I try to put God and family ahead of my writing. And friends who need me, but when I'm getting close to a deadline, I let people know. And I'm rarely interrupted.

    Your book looks wonderful. Peaceful Julie's endorsement is reason enough to buy it.


  11. Jenny, your punch line made me laugh!!

    I am a bit of a procrastinator. In fact I could be the president of the club but I may take to long to get the meeting going.


  12. Welcome, Allie! When I was once being run ragged over a long period of time by demands of friends, another friend who was in full-time ministry reminded me: "A need doesn't always constitute a call." That's why it's so important to be "in tune" with our Maker on a regular basis so we can hear that "still, small voice" that speaks clearly and helps us discern whether or not something is "a call" on our time.

  13. I tend to agree, Vince. Though there's times that doesn't quite always hold true - to use your example - a struggling single mom who needs to work and can only afford $25 or something [random off the top of my head - would depend on what type of commitment you had to the people paying you 100... etc].

    I tend to have a hard time with this as well. Mostly, I'm sorry to say, with my kids. One thing they are going to have to learn this summer though, is that Mom is WORKING even though she's at home. Right now I try to get my time in while they're gone, but I don't always. When they're home all day, we're going to have to still have some sort of schedule for fun/play time and Mom to work.

    In other ways, I tend to drop stuff and help others and put my own stuff off until later - but I can pull those 10-13K days when I need to [my biggest day ever was over 13K iirc].

    Of course, I'm also not on anything but a personal deadline...

    And now I'm off to give finals - but taking my laptop to write b/c I'm all caught up on grades etc ;).

  14. Really enjoyed this. Thanks for posting.

    It's difficult to discern what His perfect will looks like some days. A single friend kept a paper taped to her telephone (still in the dark ages of land lines only). When a guy called and asked her for a date that she didn't want to go out with, she would read the paper. "No. Thank you. I'd rather not."

    Gotta love it.

    It's determining when to invoke the paper that's the key!

    Best to be prayed up! :)

    Would enjoy winning your book if I do! Thank you!

    may at maythek9spy dot com

  15. I love the reminder that "There's always time to do God's will." So important to remember.

    I have a friend that talks about how real life trumps writing life. And she's right. When the kids need something, my first calling is to be their mother. I make myself recall that when my story is calling to me, but so is my family. Or friends.

    I'm learning to set aside daily time to write, usually early, so I am more available to the "real people" in my life. At the same time, I've let friends know that I'm pushing right now to finish my wip, so they know I won't be available for some things. I guess I've drawn some boundaries in sand--thy can be crossed, but with care. :)

    I don't know if that makes sense or not. I appreciated your post. As I read I thought about the fact that God is the Giver of stories, and He knows when they need to be finished. He's always faithful to enable us to complete what He's called us to do.

    I'd love to be entered in the drawing for your book. :) It sounds wonderful.

  16. What a wonderful reminder, Allie!

    Makes me think of my writing motto:
    God's call. God's timing. My perseverance.

    Maybe I should put 'patience' in that motto, but I'm kind of afraid to do that ;-)

  17. Hi Allie and welcome to Seekerville. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us.

    Many are noticing that we all struggle with this and I think it has a lot to do with people's perception of our work. And its also how we project that image. I mean how many of your friends would call you at your job if you were working in an office? at the hospital? teaching a class at school? Carol said it, "Mom is WORKING even though she is at home."

    It is important to treat your writing like a job.

    Then again, God may use you because you are flexible. So the bottom line is what Glynna said, "That's why it's so important to be "in tune" with our Maker on a regular basis so we can hear that "still, small voice" that speaks clearly and helps us discern whether or not something is "a call" on our time."

    Okay, I know this, but do I LISTEN????

    Glad you responded to your friend Allie.

    And Jenny from Australia. I laughed so hard about your calling a meeting of the procrastinator club.

  18. I would love the chance to win your book. However, as someone who has written a humorous (in my opinion anyway) book on marriage that has yet to find a home, I would love even more to hear about your two parenting books and how those came about.

  19. I'm not a combo platter writer, either. My writing comes in small doses fit in between the day job, family and other responsibilities. I try to get at least 2 hours or writing time during the evenings, but family always comes first. I use my calendar a lot and learned to say no, which is tough for this people pleaser. Great post, Allie.

  20. I'm like you, Allie, I have to make steady progress each day. I can't just sit down and do a marathon to make up for lost time. I'm envious of writers who have that gift. I have to look at the contracted book deadline and figure back to how much I need to accomplish EACH day and stick with it as much as I possibly can.

  21. Oh, man, Allie ... go ahead, take potshots at me, why don't you???!!! :)

    WOW, talk about a bulls-eye, girl -- you nailed it for me this morning and, in fact, I JUST wrestled with this yesterday when I was bemoaning the fact I had to go to a Bible Class at church with my family last night JUST as the muse FINALLY hit after a day of struggling to get back "in the zone." Holidays and weekends tend to suck the muse out of me because so much pulls at my time, so when I finally do hit the zone, I'm like a heat-seeking missile. And heaven help the poor slob who gets in my way!!

    And you said: "YOU SAID: "but the essential truth is that my muse comes in small plates, not combo platters. So, I tell myself that missing a planned day of writing is sure to spell doom down the road."

    THIS is my biggest problem, so thanks for reminding me of the truth and ... uh ... for the much-needed boot in the posterior -- truer words were never spoken to writers. :)


  22. Allie,

    Thanks for reminding us to take time to listen for God's voice and make sure we are following His will for our lives.

    I appreciate you taking time to stop by and share with us today.

    Vince, you always give me a different way to look at things.

    I hope you all have a great day as we juggle the demands of life and try to find time to write for God's glory.


    Please enter me in contest. joyfuljel((at))gmaildotcom

  23. Wow, we certainly have a spectrum of opinions and tactics! I love these kinds of discussions. Yes, I do think there are times to say "no," or at least "not now." I've been known to say, "I've got to finish up work for the day...can this wait an hour?" The answer to that question usually tells me a lot. It's a difficult balance made worse by the misconception that our we're not "working" when we're writing, I agree.

  24. Hello, Allie! Thank you for your honest post. God will 'water those who water.' In a sense that He is the Author of redeeming time. I'm glad you went to help your friend. There is a fine line in balancing all that is required or needed in a day, isn't there?

    I agree with what Pepper said.

    When I was home schooling my children and preparing them for upcoming tests that they must take, there were 'interruptions' like these. The Lord showed me that when I go help that I'm demonstrating His love not just to others, but to my children. Now they are older and I hope they learned through those times when I did help and the other times I (*sigh)...didn't.

    Thanks for sharing about being a 2,000wc writer. I'm still new at this and not under contract and I hear others' counts and I keep looking at mine--and waaaa...!

    Then I pray and get my seat in my chair....

  25. Hi Allie,

    This obviously a hot topic!

    During my years of homeschooling, I dealt with this a lot. After all, I'm home, "doing nothing", aren't I? Can't I find a babysitter for the kids and do "x"?

    I learned to prioritize my commitments and split my day up into commitment chunks.

    During school hours, that came first. I had an answering machine for calls, scheduled appointments around our school schedule, and we buckled down and worked.

    Once school was done for the day, then other things could happen.

    Of course, true emergencies came up sometimes, and then we adjusted. But for the most part we stuck to the schedule.

    I try to treat my writing time the same way. During my scheduled writing time, it gets priority - unless there's an emergency.

    Of course, then there are days when my dear husband is on vacation.... I did get some writing done this morning while he was still in bed :)

  26. Boy are you hitting nerves today, Allie! I always thought it was my personality - I don't do well with spur of the moment changes and I don't like surprises. When I have plans for the day and something comes up to interrupt them, I cringe.

    Even on Sunday, for Mother's Day, I had plans all day long. I looked at my laptop longingly and knew there was no point in even turning it on! Turns out, of course, we had a lovely time and it was worth missing out on the writing for one day.

    But I'm pretty sure a friend in need would have got my attention without a lot of grumbling. At least I hope so!

    Would love to be entered in the draw.

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  27. The no word. It isn't just for breakfast anymore.

    Jesus' ministry was three years. Only three years on this earth.

    Look at all he accomplished.

    I am thinking he must have said no on occasion.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  28. Allie,

    Btw, love your heroine's name! It's my daughter's name, same spelling and everything!

  29. LOL Tina! I'm sure he did - betting he had an easier time than the rest of us figuring out which things to say no to though ;).

  30. Yeah, I listened to a sermon on that recently, Carol.

    It's all about knowing what you should be doing and what you shouldn't be doing at any particular moment.

    Because no matter how noble, if you aren't supposed to be doing it, you're off course.

  31. And really, isn't the place where we want to be right there? On the right course? In the center of God's will?

    And not where we think the center of His will should be...

  32. Welcome Allie! Thank you for this meaningful post today, and I love the quote "There is always time to do God's will"--Powerful! (and TRUE!)~ Since I'm such a "people person" I always end up putting other tasks aside and trying to help my relative, friend, etc., even though I still fret about getting behind on whatever I was working on. ~ Wanted to say that awhile back I read (and LOVED!) your book YUKON WEDDING, so please add me to your drawing. Blessings, Patti Jo

  33. Allie, great discussion today. My problem is that I love hands-on ministry. Being with people, praying for their needs, all of that energizes me and makes me feel that I'm making a difference.

    Writing is solitary and means I hole up in my office and struggle to find the right words or the best way to show how my characters change and grow. That's work, and the pats on the back are few and far between and never immediate. Yet, writing is what God has called me to do, and He's in control. My job is to balance both the hands-on ministry and the writing.

    Two weeks ago, I was down to the wire on a deadline when a dear friend's mama was hospitalized. My friend's hubby has Alzheimer’s so she has a lot to carry, and I tried to relieve some of her burden throughout the week. I met the deadline, and the decision to help was an easy one in that particular case. Most times, as Glynna mentioned, I go to the Father first and ask His will before jumping into a new outreach or ministry.

  34. I've had people ask me how I balance my writing and the rest of my life.

    I've had to admit I don't. I've very definitely unbalanced. There is paperwork to that affect on file with the county attorney.

  35. Which is an improvement over the restraining order.

  36. Hi Allie:

    You wrote:

    “Someone once said that Jesus was continually interrupted on the world's most urgent mission, and I think the quote has merit, don't you?”

    Actually, I don’t think you could ‘interrupt’ Jesus off his mission.

    I think all the interruptions were great teaching moments. In fact, some of the interruptions are my favorite parts of the Bible. The centurion who wanted a relative cured of sickness and told Jesus that it was not necessary to come to his house. He believed Jesus could cure her from where he was. Then there was the woman who touched the cloak of Jesus and Jesus said that the cloak had no magic in it and that it was her faith that had cured her.

    Since I teach Ethics I’d like to mention the “Betty Crocker” theory of ethics.

    If it feels good after you do it, then it was good but if it feels bad, then it was bad.

    Hemingway loved this method of ethics because it let him try everything once. It’s not a good general ethics but for individual actions, now and then, I think it has merit.

    If someone asks you to do something and you feel good that you did it afterwards, then I think it was the right thing to do. But, if you feel bad afterwards and you feel exploited, then it was wrong.

    I even think that with this theory you can often imagine ahead of time how you will feel afterwards. If you know you are going to feel bad and resentful and you still do it, I just wonder: are you really do that person a favor?

    Talking about Hemingway: I just love the cover of “Homefront Hero”. It looks like it could be the cover of ”A Farewell to Arms” by Ernest Hemingway. That could be Ernest and Agnes von Kurowsky on the cover!

    But then, the story blurb sounds a little like F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald’s real life story. Have you read “Zelda” or “A Farewell to Arms”?

    BTW: I can’t wait to read this book. I just, this moment, downloaded it for my Kindle. I’m reading “The Great Gatsby” right now and I’m in the mood for this time period.

    Someone once said that, “If you don’t respect your own time, then no one else will.”

    I think not respecting their writing time is one of the biggest problems writers face.


  37. Most days for me it's the plug away method, but there are days when my brain and fingers and time and the planets align and I get a bunch of words in.

    Life factors into that frequently. And sometimes I've had to say no. To friends and family, but more often to myself.

    No you can't stay in bed till noon. No, you don't need to watch that movie or show. No, you can't go out to play...

  38. All these comments have me wondering if it comes down to choice. Are we making a calm, clear choice to lay aside the fiction for the real people, knowing which priority that represents? Or are we being backed into demands that don't reflect what we think is important in the world? Do we trust God enough to listen to the impulse that tells us to be with that person, knowing He will order our tasks and make a way? There's no single answer. Only continual adjustments.

  39. By way of clarification: this was a dear friend asking for a task that took about two hours and my book isn't due for another two weeks. Had it been a full day request with a book due in a matter of days, I think my answer would have been different.

  40. Vince wrote:

    "I think not respecting their writing time is one of the biggest problems writers face."

    Good point, Vince!

  41. I felt this way on Saturday. Wanting, needing to write on a few projects. Also wanting, needing to spend downtime with my family. Family won, though I thought about how to get both done. Then I stressed a bit on Sunday, but the culprit had become procrastination hidden beneath family time. I finally buckled down, got the writing done, spent a great amount of time with family and had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.

    We know our capacity. We just don't always trust it. I think your indecision, Allie, is in part due to having a generous heart. If you didn't, you would have said "no" in a heartbeat. I'm betting there may be times, like May 31st, when, depending on the circumstances, you choose fiction over real people. Or maybe not, and you ask for an extension or burn the midnight oil. Every moment of every day represents a choice. We can only pray we make the best choice possible in each moment. Once made, that choice moment is gone and we must move on to the next.

  42. Allie~ You said, "I can't procrastinate."

    I so wish I had that problem. Procrastinating is all I manage to get done most days. Like today, I've got a pile of laundry that needs folded and three bathrooms that need cleaned, but here I am at 12:30 in the afternoon surfing the Internet. Ugh!

    I would absolutely love to win this book. I haven't read a book of yours that I didn't thoroughly enjoy.

    Now off to the laundry and bathrooms. Really.

    andeemarie95 at gmail dot com

  43. I had never heard that quote before--"There's always time to do God's Will." that's one to remember. I have to work on thinking of others more...God's still working on me! Anyway, I'm definitely interested in the book. Enter me please:) clp1777(at)aol(dot)com

  44. If I didn't take time for real people I might not have any story people to write about.

  45. Competing commitments always pose a dilemma. Our hearts pull towards loving on a friend in need, while our heads remind us of practical things like looming deadlines. I think you made the right choice.

    I agree with Vince, however, that we have to be perceptive and prayerful to determine if a need is genuine and if we are the person meant to meet it. There are always people who don't see writing as real work so won't hesitate to interrupt with a time-consuming favour. If they're taking advantage of our good-heartedness, enabling them isn't doing them a kindness.

  46. Patricia, you wrote "We know our capacity. We just don't always trust it." How true! God knows our capacity, too, often better than we do.

  47. I have to remind myself of this sometimes, too. To be present in "real life." We only get one chance to love those God has given us!

    Thanks for your post today!

  48. But I should also add that this is our job! So we have to get our work done just as if we were working away from home.

  49. Allie, your words could not be more timely.

    I had been having a wonderful writing day and had taken a break to check in at Seekerville. I had just -- and I mean just -- finished reading your post when the phone rang. A dearly loved one had a change in plans, was nearby, and wanted to know if I could meet for a quick lunch. Because of what I'd just read, I said "yes." Sometimes the 'real people' needs aren't crisis but simply to share, ya know? :-)

    And guess what ... during the lunch chat I found out something about an old tradition that will work beautifully into my WIP.

    One good thing about living where I do -- referred to by others as 'out' -- is they think twice before calling for me to come 'in' and help :-D

    Ausjenny -- your remark about being president of the procrastination club made me laugh out loud. Thanks!

    Tina -- what insight about if you aren't supposed to be doing it, you're off course. That helps me understand the feeling of dissatisfaction and wastefulness that comes on at times like that.

    Mary Cline -- your observation if we don't make time for real people we might not have any story people to write about ties right back into my experience at lunch today. How cool is that?

    The wisdom and humor here is majorly restorative.

    Nancy C
    Who is sometimes so unbalanced she feels like a teetering top

  50. Hi Allie:

    I was reading the start of “Homefront Hero” and I saw a list of books at the front that you also wrote and a light went on.

    I was in Wal-mart about three years ago and I saw your book, “Bluegrass Courtship”, and I almost bough it but I decided instead to think it over. On my way home I decided I had to have your book so I went back to buy it. When I got home to read the book I was shocked to learn it was not about a Bluegrass Music Band. It’s still somewhere in my TBR pile!!!

    Has anyone else at a book signing ever thought it was about Bluegrass Music? : )


  51. It's not often someone "needs" my help. My 3 sisters, me, and my mom like going out to eat way too often. And I always think, "I shouldn't, but..."

    I need to take my personal deadlines more serious.


  52. Oh, this is always a conundrum... How to stand firm about your writing time....

    And how to make time for friends.

    I plead the day job.

    It works.

    Books don't write themselves. And I love writing. I just love it, love it, love it...

    But I love me some grandbabies! :)

    But sometimes I just have to draw in the latch-key...

    And they understand.


    Well, dagnabbit.

  53. Oh, Vince, you made some great points...

    First I live for Betty Crocker AND Jesus....


    Second, the line about respecting our own time. Huge. Crucial. Clutch.

    I have found that this writing gig really separates the men from the boys. So to speak.

    Some folks truly long for my continued success and realize that work time is work time.

    Others don't because their needs tend to come first...

    Very interesting psyche profile... and stuff that can go into a book, right? ;)

    Everything becomes research and therefore tax deductible!

    Laughing in upstate....

  54. Vince - no one has thought the book was about music yet, or at least they haven't written me to say so. I would suspect the folks in marketing who wrote the back cover copy tried to be careful about the misconception, however. Now that I think about it, Kentucky Courtship would have made a nice title, don't you think?
    Ruth- you remind me of a story I always tell. When my kids were little, I remember my husband looking them in the eye after I gave one particularly colorful description of some book characers at dinner and saying, "Remember, kids, mommy's friends aren't real." Ha!

  55. Janet, Sandra and Nancy C. I am glad I was able to give you a laugh.
    I admit I have procrastinated most of the morning. (my excuse is its cold outside I think we had our first frost for the year.)

  56. I would love to win Allie's book about the Hometown Hero. Sounds good. Was a great interview.
    Maxie ( mac262@me.com )

  57. Seems I have more distractions then ever these days. My problem it really throws me for a loop and I have to sit down, take a deep breath and try to figure out where I was before the 'whatever' happened.

    I would love to be entered for Allie's book. I sounds wonderful!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  58. Would love to win "Homefront Hero" my e-mail is sheliarha64@yahoo.com

  59. This is just what I needed today as a similar thing happened to me this afternoon. Thank you!

    biblioprincess15 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  60. Real people can be the best sometimes & others...

    I would love to read HOMEFRONT HERO thank you.

