Monday, May 28, 2012

Seekerville is Closed for the Memorial Day Holiday

Heavenly Father, we pray for the safety of our troops
 and remember those who died for our freedoms.


  1. Thank you.

    The words are so inadequate but all I have.

    So, to everyone who has given everything - or was willing to - to keep me and my family safe. And to the families left behind.


    What is the picture in the flag? I can make out fingers on a hand, but that's it...

  2. Praying today for those families who have lost a loved one and those who fear losing their loved one.

    May peace and comfort enfold them all.

    And when we see a person in uniform, let's remember to thank them for their service.

    Peace, Julie

  3. Good morning, Carol!

    Hands clasped in prayer, I think. That's what I see...

    Parade today... in our tiny, sleepy village, I have flags for the least un's to wave and red/white/blue beads for them to wear.

    I don't know if the lot o' youse read this at the Cafe, but two years ago I stood alongside a former soldier at our little parade. He was stern. Stoic. Forty-ish. Broad shouldered. Focused. He didn't look left or right, but when the military contingent marched by, the set of his shoulders marked both pain and devotion. Two tiny yellow ribbons told a story of their own, fastened to his USAF military cap, just behind his left ear.

    I had to tell his story. Whatever it was.

    Those ribbons and that soldier became the basis for Colonel Brett Stanton, United States Army, Retired, the hero of His Mistletoe Family coming out in December '12. Sometimes stories just bleed through the cracks in our armor.

    Whoever that soldier was... and whomever those ribbons were for... I pray for them.

    God bless our troops, and those who've served. Today we will mark the grave of Dave's uncle, Charlie Blodgett, a decorated veteran who passed away two weeks ago. A good man. A quiet hero.

    May he rest in peace with God's perpetual light shining on him, at home in the New Jerusalem.

  4. They're praying hands in the picture. ")

    3pm today is the moment to stop and remember.

  5. Very cool. I only saw one hand so couldn't figure it out either. Thanks for sharing, Tina.

  6. We were up in Dahlonega, GA, up in the mountains, yesterday. They always line the streets with flags, and each flag has cross under it with the name of a veteran and the war they served. It's such a moving sight. The flags line all the roads into town. Hard to believe there are so many from around there.

    I tried to take some photos, but they didn't turn out. I just did a search and found one shot here:

  7. A proper tribute!

    I read Ruthy's comment and have to share.

    Last year to support my cousin who was having a flag dedicated to her dad, I went to a Memorial Day Celebration is the community where I was raised.

    The speaker was a Vietnam Vet who told a story about coming home. I was so moved by that story that I used it in my book Rose of Sharon.

  8. Missy, thanks for sharing that picture. And Ruthy and Rose for your stories.

  9. Like Carol said, just saying "Thank you" to American servicemen who gave all, down to their last breath, feels so inadequate, but I offer it with heartfelt gratitude for their sacrifice.

    It's the reason we have the freedom we have today.

    May we never forget.

  10. Amen

    Thank you for giving all you gave

    Tina P

  11. Amen...

    Our wounded, and their families, and for those patriots who are enlisting too.

    God bless you all.
    We will never forget.

  12. Does closed mean I can't leave cookies?

    Say no.

    Leaving chocolate chip cookies for sweet folk.

    If you're a jerk, you can still have a cookie, but you need to be nice to TWO PEOPLE today.

    Just two.

    It's really not all that hard. I'm just sayin'...

  13. Hey, Rose, I love how that story inspired you to use it.

    We share fictionalized accounts of real things.

    Beth, 'Lijah and I just planted flowers on the Uncles' graves. They passed away, two brothers, back to back in the last few weeks. Rough time for the older generation. But this graveyard is so pretty.... Flags everywhere today.

    God bless us and keep us praying... praying.... praying...

  14. I was raised in a military family spending all of my first 21 years attached to a base somewhere at home or abroad.

    This Memorial Day has brought tears to my eyes more than once. Remembering our fallen soldiers and their families and praying for our men and women currently serving to protect our wonderful country, and their families.

    To quote someone very dear to me, "I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free." Lee Greenwood's song, God Bless the USA has touched the hearts of many and while it is 29 years old this year it still brings tears to the eyes of the patriots who hear it and sing it.

    Today, and every day, GOD BLESS THE USA and to those who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom, I thank you!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  15. Happy Memorial Day! What a solemn holiday in the midst of picnics and family celebrations.

    We went up to Mt. Rushmore yesterday afternoon - it's becoming a Memorial Day weekend tradition for our family.

    It's amazing. Hundreds of people, all varieties of languages - we heard Russian, Spanish, Japanese and German for sure, Americans all looking for their state's flag, veterans of every shape and size...

    and best of all, the look of awe on the faces of first time visitors as they walk toward the monument.

    Mt. Rushmore is in a class by itself.

  16. We went to lunch but then we drove through the National Cemetery here and talked with the kids about why... Love the flags and flowers. Gonna have to take them to Arlington one of these days...

  17. Missy, I couldn't get the link to work, but could picture what you described.

    Jan, THE Mt. Rushmore with the presidents carved in the rock? Tell us more.

    I've been to Arlington once years ago. Very moving experience.

    Prayers for all our service men and women and their families.


  18. Closed means that if I want to sit in my pjs and read the blog but not comment I can.

  19. Yes, Janet, THE Mt. Rushmore. Just a short jaunt down highway 16, through Keystone and up the hill.

    I LOVE living here :)

    And Tina, enjoy your jammies. You deserve a jammie day.

  20. Mt. Rushmore... Gotta go west with more than ONE DAY at my disposal some time!

    Missy, that trip to the mountains sounds beautiful. Soul-stirring. Book-worthy vision.

    And you guys know that "closed" only means that special folks should come on in through the back porch door, right?

    'salways open for the lot o' youse!
