Friday, July 6, 2012

Please welcome guest *lizzie starr

Thanks for inviting me to spend some time with the wonderful folks here at Seekerville! I've noticed guests often share their picture so y'all know what they look like. Well, this is  my 'avatar' --how folks see me around the web. I'll be nice, though, and let you see me toward the end of the post. 
Business first. I've got two giveaways for you today. First a Kindle download of Birds Do It! (or any of my fantasy romance novels-adult content). And second, a handmade, summer fun stretchy bracelet.

Okay now...
Writing outside the box? Which box?

Just as readers often have a favorite genre they prefer to read, authors have their writing specialties. And I believe most will agree they at least started out writing what they most love to read.

I'm no different. I was a latecomer to romance--oh, my mom read them all the time. What drivel, I thought. Waste of time when I could be reading great books like Tolkien's Lord of the Rings or Anne McCaffrey's dragonriders of Pern. In fact, I read LOTR every semester while in college. Really! Every semester. The fantasy (and the music of Jesus Christ Superstar) kept me going in what at that time wasn't a good real world for me.

But anyway--old history. So continued my reading habits until I worked night shifts at a nursing home. When working the area where the residents needed less care, there was plenty of spare time. And that floor housed the library. In boredom, I picked up a futuristic romance. Who knew? I can't tell you now the name of the book or the author (it's been a few years), but I was hooked on the combination. And forced to admit maybe Mom had it right about romance all along.

Although I thought about writing for a long time and passed a number of English classes with stories instead of papers, I never got serious beyond a couple of short story submissions that quite embarrass me now. Not until I needed a way to work through divorce. Fantasy was, of course, my choice, but my soul needed romance.  My muse gave me both.

That's a rather long introduction to my topic. But you needed to know my comfort zone is fantasy. Granted in my series--The Double Keltic Triad--the human world is a contemporary, mid-sized midwestern city. I just have a multitude of other worlds connected to that reality. In a way, my fantasy is rather out of the box, too. Book stores are filled with dark fantasy, urban fantasy, steampunk fantasy. Those are all great, my books just don't fit there.

Even so, when I decided to really write outside the box, taking fantasy completely out of my contemporary setting (that same city), was kind of hard. When writing fantasy, I can pretty much make up what I want and need for a tale. Not so with a contemporary. If something goes wrong, I can't fall back on a gremlin causing mischief!

Why did I write a contemporary? I needed a change. I needed to climb out of my comfortable, faerie-silk lined box and visit one cushioned with plain ol' cotton. It's good to have a change of pace occasionally. Besides, my critique group at the time, although writing in different genres, each had a characters named Mollie, Logan and Rachelle. I challenged myself to use those names, too. Birds Do It! came to life. I'm thrilled it did.

With the wealth of genre blending today, it can be difficult to find a single box in which to write (or read).  So I guess I'll answer my title question with--No Box! Or maybe I'll just check all the boxes and see what happens. Right now I have futuristics and contemporaries in the work. Oh, and a western historical dragon-shifter tale. How's that for stacking up the boxes?

How about you? How often do you step out of your preferred reading or writing box? What do you find when you lift a new lid and look inside?

What I look like on a good day!

*lizzie made up games and stories to keep her company as a child. So, a witch lived in Grampa’s weather research station and was only held at bay by a certain weed. An ancient road grader became a boat carrying wild adventurers to islands filled with sheep that turned into lions and cannibals.

Now, the stories of her imagination have found their way to paper and pixels. Filled with fantasy and love, these tales take her readers far from the mundane world.

When *lizzie has to return to that mundane life, she’s the *Lunch Lady* at a parochial school. Happily, those who know *lizzie have become accustomed to her writer’s ways and just shake their heads when she goes off on some fantastical tangent, asks strange what if questions, or just has to find a piece of paper and a pen that actually writes. One of her greatest delights is to watch the joy of writing fill a friend, and she’ll do anything to help them achieve their dream.

Someday, when she grows up, *lizzie wants to be eccentric.

***This book contains adult content.
Birds Do It!
(Available at Amazon)

Macaws as lovebirds?

An avian expert, Birdie Simons is called to help control a cantankerous hyacinth macaw during a young girl’s birthday party. Inexorably drawn to each other, she and single father Garr Logan share an afternoon of joy and bittersweet memories, for Garr’s wife died the same day as Birdie’s newborn child.

Something about Rachelle makes Birdie wonder if the golden-haired girl is her daughter, switched at birth. Then her child’s father returns, dogging her search for understanding and throwing her deeper into fear and confusion.

Ready to move on after his wife’s death, Garr wants the intriguing woman, but Birdie keeps the search, threats and hidden relationships to herself, driving a wedge between them.

Will discovering the truth from nine years ago bring them closer, or forever tear them apart?

A short excerpt:
(I chose this bit because the scene takes place in a cafe in my hometown--one of my favorite places to go when visiting. Unfortunately, after eight decades of serving railroad workers and folks from all over, the OK Cafe closed its doors last month.)

From the only booth available at the rear of the small restaurant, Birdie was able to take in the full impact of the décor. Train related signs covered the walls, glass lanterns and antiques filled shelves over the service area. But most amazing was the model train that periodically circled the room on tracks placed near the ceiling. Feeling almost sorry for the engine pulling a long string of cars, each advertising a different area business, Birdie chuckled.

“This place is wonderful. I can’t believe I didn’t even know it was here.”

Garr barely glanced up from his menu. “Food’s good, too.” He tossed the plastic covered pages to the table. “Don’t know why I bother to look, I know what I’m having.”

Birdie glanced at the Sunday dinner specials. “Um, I guess I do, too, unless I change my mind before the waitress gets here.” Nervous about being there with Garr and Rachelle, Birdie didn’t think she could eat very much—even though she had skipped breakfast. A salad and the stuffed baked potato would be about right. And it shouldn’t be too messy; she was good at dropping food all over herself.

Full of banter for Garr and Rachelle, the waitress arrived to take their orders. A knot formed in Birdie’s stomach but she ignored it. She refused to dignify the uncomfortable emotion by naming it.

She fiddled with a napkin from the black, metal dispenser while she waited for the waitress to leave. “So, you come here often?”

Startled eyes met hers. Garr chuckled. “Great line.”

Oh, no, that sounded like a pickup line from a bad movie. She glanced away quickly and stared out the clear windows lining the front of the restaurant.

Letting his fingers linger just a moment too long, Garr reached over the table and touched her hand. She was so cute when she got flustered—faint pink drew a soft line across her cheeks. He took a deep breath and leaned back in the booth, letting his arm rest around Rachelle’s shoulders. That should keep him grounded.

“This is one of our favorite places, isn’t it, squirt?”

Rachelle nodded, reached for her glass of soda and blew bubbles with the straw until Garr tapped her shoulder and she stopped. An innocent smile graced her young face.

Garr turned his attention back to Birdie. A strange look filled her eyes as she watched Rachelle. It was a look of recognition; as if she met someone she hadn’t seen in years. Confused, he studied her, and waited until her gray-blue eyes returned to him. He smiled to offer comfort for something he didn’t understand. Yet.

“Originally this restaurant operated right next to the railroad tracks, actually not too far from here. This location is much larger than the first OK Café.”

Smoothing the wrinkles in her forehead, Birdie’s eyebrows rose. “Larger?”

“Yep. There they catered to the railroad workers and the locals who dared to try the shabby place. My grandparents used to take me there. Now, well, you can see the results of a good reputation, excellent food...”

The waitress appeared with their meals. Birdie’s eyes widened at the size of the overstuffed potato set before her.

“And adequate portions.” Garr continued.

“Adequate?” Her voice squeaked. “Good thing nothing comes with this besides the salad. I can’t eat all this.”

“It’s good, you may be surprised.” Garr turned to his meal, cut a bite of roast from the pile on his plate, and placed it next to Birdie’s potato. “Try this. They have some of the best beef in town.”

Trying to swallow the dry lump in her throat, Birdie watched Garr and his daughter a few moments while they happily attacked their meals. She looked at the roast resting so innocently on her plate and glanced at Garr from under her lashes. He watched her.

Birdie picked up her mug. She needed to get a life. She’d been around birds too long. She glanced again at the offered bite. Feeding the female was a typical male mating behavior. Humans didn’t do the same thing... did they?

*lizzie blogs at 
Facebook Lizzie.Starr


  1. Man, I wish I had time to step outside of my reading comfort box, but I don't even have time to read in the comfort box right now!!!! I was at Walmart perusing an LI book because I was, wonder of wonders, shopping WITHOUT KIDS, but I don't read contemps and stopped myself thinking what am I thinking!!!!!!??? I have over 200 unread books in my "genre" sitting at home frowning over my shoulder or from my kindle, I don't need more! and yet when kindle books go on sale.......

  2. Welcome *lizzie starr!

    You made me hungry with that excerpt. Now I want breakfast food. :D

    Out of my comfort box would be horror. I don't even want to know if I have an aptitude for it. I would creep myself out and never sleep. :O

    Melissa... without kids? And you headed for the books. That makes me smile.

  3. just to highjack again for a second. the tests came back negative so no cancer and I should have no more problems. I know many are praying and I do appreciate it. The exhaustion has lifted to a degree and now its just extreme tiredness but its a differernt feeling. its like you go to the dentist an the anesetic wares off. its like that has happened leaving general tiredness. still a bit dizzy and hopefully the headache stays away. Of to an early night sleep. What a difference a week makes this time last week I was just out of recovery!

  4. Jenny - Yay for the great test results! Continued prayer for your healing and regained strength!

  5. Hi *lizzie!

    I loved your excerpt - what a great tribute to the diner.

    And I used to read LOTR every year in the fall, but I'm way behind. I can't imagine reading it every semester...

    I try to read outside my comfort zone often - it helps to give a different perspective on my genre and brings a different feel to my writing than others in the same genre (which are many - it seems everybody and their mums are writing Amish fiction these days!)

    So my reading pile often holds five or six books - everything from research materials to scifi/fantasy to contemporary to historical...and once in awhile, I'll even read Amish fiction :)

    But writing outside the comfort zone? Hmmm. I'll have to think about that one...


    First off, let me say that just by your name, I can tell you were BORN to be a writer!!!

    Secondly, I had to chuckle at you calling romance "drivel" and your following line: "Fantasy was, of course, my choice, but my soul needed romance."

    I felt EXACTLY the same way you did for 50 years -- that romance was "drivel" -- before I finally came over to the dark side. You see, I was a "career woman" who looked down on romance readers as sub-level, filling my brain instead with spiritual books, the Bible and classics. And then at the ripe, old age of 51, I was sitting in a beauty parlor reading a Newsweek cover article that talked about how Christian books, movies and music were on the rise and that it was a billion-dollar industry that wasn't being met. "Now is the time to finish your book," a thought came to my head, referring to the partial book I began at the age of 12 after reading Gone With the Wind. But THAT book was a romance, so I balked. "A romance, God? You want me to write a romance???" Yep, He did, apparently, because the desire was SO strong, I sat down that very month and started writing my debut novel, which was based on that novel I started at the age of 12. Suddenly I felt SET FREE to do what my heart always longed to do -- write romance, and I didn't give a rip what anybody thought after that. Uh ... except the editors, of course ...

    I am SO glad that you, too, found your heart of hearts in what you are called to write. Just from the clip above, I can see you are right on target!!


  7. Hi Lizzie, Welcome to Seekerville.

    I love that you had another world going on in your head during childhood. Me too. We used to travel a lot and I would sit in the backseat and make up whole stories about the population of each town we drove through.

    Hmmmm. I think I still do that. LOL

    Love the cover of your book. Have fun today.

  8. Glad you're getting such great test results Jenny. No cancer. Yeah.

  9. Melissa, what a hoot!

    I read out of genre often because I like how it makes my brain jump-start, but there's precious little time between day job and writing and all the daily life stuff.

    But I love when I do get a chance to read. My porches CALL TO ME... "Ruthy????? RUUUUUUUUTTTTTHHHHHYYYY?"

    Chores. Summer. Oy.

    Lizzie, welcome to Seekerville!

    Birds. I love birds. Why do birds scare some folks?

    They sense the Tyrannosaur within, maybe. ;)

    Hey, I brought food. Couldn't wait for Connealy to do it. Slacker.

    Breakfast pizza. Yum. Dig in, and I've got slushies coming later today. For those of us not on vacation, stop 'round and have a blue slushie... or a wild cherry. I think they're the best, the chemical aftertaste is softened by the zing of the artificial sweetener!

  10. Jenny, good on ya'! Keep it up, chickie. Rest. Relax. Get better. Yay for the no cancer results!!!!

    Hugs to you, dear girl. Big ones.

  11. Welcome to Seekerville, *Lizzie! I'm currently writing contemporary romance but I'm a very eclectic reader and could just as easily be writing historials, romantic mysteries, women's fiction and middle-grade kid books (some with a fantasy element). All my fledgling attempts are currently stuffed under the bed. :) So many genres I love and so little time!

    Your excerpt sounds quite intriguing! And I love how your mind worked growing up--I well remember some of my own stories that bloomed so vividly in my imagination!

    JENNY - So relieved to hear you're feeling a bit better and that the test results came back good. You're truly a God's miracle poster child!

  12. I just finished Birds Do It, and it's really great. I just love the unique macaw connection between these two characters.

  13. For a while I was really writing different genres within romance and I found it energizing.
    One year I wrote historical western romantic comedy, cozy mysteries and contemporary romance. I just loved it. I'd come back to the romantic comedy with cowboys and I could feel myself mentally shifting gears. Changing to the cowboy drawl and remembering I needed subplots and more points of view.
    I loved doing it.

    Fantasy, though. Wow, I wish I could do that. I just have never had my head go there.

  14. Although I do have one contemporary spy thriller, unpublished, that has a touch of sci-fi in it. Not really, but a crime surrounding a drug that I invented, somewhat futuristic in that sense.

  15. Hey *lizzie,
    I love the cover of the book. Good to see you on Seekerville.


  16. Ah and I so hope someday I get to turn my Gothic Romance loose on the world. It's so fun.
    I think I took the 300 year old vengeful mother overprotective ghost out there....not a match for Christian fiction. But I loved that ghost.

  17. Hello, Lizzie! Welcome to Seekerville! I write out of the box too, I guess, because everybody told me that I couldn't sell a Medieval Christian fairy-tale-retelling Young Adult Romance. But God can do anything!

    I also write Christian Historical Romance for adults, but right now I'm considering a complete change of genre. Since it's so different from my romances, I may have to use a pen name, but I'm good with that.

  18. Jenny, so glad you're okay! Hope you keep feeling better!

  19. Hi Lizzie,

    Great cover and I loved your excerpt!

    I must admit I'm pretty boring. I read contemporary and historical romance. The odd women's fiction but if it doesn't have romance - forget it! I lose interest real quick.

    I started writing contemporary romance and have branched out to historical as well. That's as adventurous as I get!

    Fantasy is hugely popular though - so good for you!

    JENNY! So glad you had good news and are continuing to recover!

    Have a great weekend!

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  20. Good news, Jenny! God is GOOD!

    *lizzie, there was a time when I read nothing but horror, westerns and true crime, and like your mom, mine read romance. Once I did discover romance, I was hooked for life.

    I have my copy of Birds Do It! and loved the story.

  21. Good Morning Seekerville!
    I, uh, overslept this morning--had some active dreams last night. But, I'm here now! Thanks for the wake up pizza and slushie, Ruthy.

    Melissa--my Kindle is stuffed with books, as are just about any shelves I can hijack. Still, there's always another great book I've got to have.

    Virginia--I read some horror, usually short stories though so they don't last long. I really like scientific or historical related thrillers.

    Jenny! So happy to hear the good news! Just keep resting and feeling better every day. A couple years ago I had a time with what I thought was heart issues. Turned out the exhaustion was because my hemoglobin was half what it's supposed to be. I'm good now, and you will be too!

    Jan--I believe you can find a nugget of knowledge, an idea, a possibility just about anywhere--and in any genre!

  22. Hi Lizzie,
    Fun cover on your book. Thanks for your post.

    Truthfully, my comfort zone is writing non-fiction - history. Right now I'm writing historical romance, so it's 'one foot in' and 'one foot out' of the history box.

    I can't exactly explain all the emotions this genre conjures up for me because it's not my comfort zone. It feels exciting and dangerous and there's an undercurrent of fear. However, I wouldn't be venturing into it if it wasn't a ton of fun, too!

    AusJen - Happy to hear of your news re the tests. Praying for your full recovery of health and confidence in what the docs are telling you.

  23. Julie--I have to admit starr is my writing persona. But I've always been *lizzie. Thank goodness we have those prodding voices isn't it? Congrats on finding your passion.

    Sandra--I think I got some of my love of storytelling from my gramma. We'd watch people and make believe. My great-grandfather was a writer and dreamer, too.

    Ruthy--I love dinosaurs. Maybe I'll have to write them into a time-travel or on another co-joined world.

    Glynna--one thing about having eclectic tastes is there can be too many 'ooh shinys' at times. I've been told my voice would be good for YA. Maybe someday...

    Mary--Thanks again for inviting me for a Seekerville visit! I'm so glad you enjoyed Birds. I love gothic romance. A long, long time ago I wrote what could only be called Dark Shadows fan fic. A dark house on a main character was a gypsy.

    Jewell! Good to see you here, too!

    Melanie--I love fairy tale remixes. And since I see a strong Christian theme in the classics, your book makes perfect sense to me.

    Susan--I know what you mean about woman's fic. I do so like that happy ever after ending.

    Cheryl--Don't you just love it when Mom was right? My mom and I shared books both ways--I got her hooked on fantasy, she helped lead me to romance. Thanks for lovin' Birds!

  24. Lyndee--I'd be frozen at the thought of writing non-fiction. I admire folks who can. Yep, I like my cover, too. It's my first cover with actual people on it!

  25. Welcome to Seekerville, *lizzie!!!

    I love trying things out of my genre.

    I typically try to read as many RITA finalists as possible which is how I fell in love with YA.

    Tera Lynn Childs opened the door.

    I haven't tried much fantasy but I really should because I am a huge Sherlock Holmes/HG Wells/Jim Butcher fan

  26. Hi, *lizzie, and welcome to Seekerville! Oh, boy, as a teen I used to watch Dark Shadows every day! Not that Barnabas was all that cute--he looked OLD, for crying out loud!--but he was such a tortured soul.

    I'm not sure the books I write could be considered "outside the box," but reviewers have said they aren't your average romance. I do try to create characters and situations with more depth than a simple "boy meets girl" scenario.

  27. I'm like Sue right now - though I have some legal thrillers etc too [Grisham, Baldacci, etc]. And Tom Clancy [though not any of his new 'written with' ones].

    Mostly I have historical and contemp romances. I've read *most* of the books on my shelves and buy more regularly. My Kindle, though, is chock full of books I'll likely never get to - because I get lots and lots of free ones and I put the ones I really want to read in a certain folder and try to get to a couple a month at least.

    For me though - I'm writing out of the box write now :p. Historical. Have always loved reading them but never wanted to write one /glares at Mellie/.

    Your new book sounds interesting! Birds!! Don't know that I've read many books with birds used like that...

  28. Tina--I love H.G. Wells. In fact, The Time Machine figures in one of my WIPs. Don't know if that book can ever see the light of day, but it's fun to work on occasionally.

    Myra--I was more of a fan of Quentin Collins. The werewolf. Did you go see the original movie? I even had the soundtrack...on vinyl!

    Carol--I keep trying to put my kindle books into folders, but kinda like email, they get away from me. :) I use bits and pieces of history in my fantasies--time travel and such. I do have some historicals in my head--with my own *sparkling twists.

  29. lizzie, thanks so much for being with us today! I'm so sorry to hear about the diner closing. So sad to lose something like that.

    Thanks for sharing an excerpt!

  30. Jenny, I'm so happy about your good news! what a relief.

  31. I'm with Tina R. I like to read Rita and Carol finalists. I used to read YA but really fell in love with it a few years ago when I picked up all the Rita finalists.

  32. Making it a point to read RITA finalists is like taking an expensive college course in How to Write 201 FOR PENNIES.

    For nothing if you borrow them from the public library. Really, pushing yourself to see what sets others apart is a huge lesson in streamlining, story curve/arc and plotting.

    I might not read "how-to" books, but I'm totally on board with studying success stories. Have youse noticed that not too many "how to" authors write great books? If they had the secret, wouldn't they all be on the bestsellers' list?

    Just thinking out loud. ;)

  33. I just love peeking into boxes! Great analogy for exploring our story presents (or presence, LOL!)

    Your post made me think back to childhood when I LOVED listening to the song Puff, The Magic Dragon. OMG, talk about lyrics that opened up a child's imagination. I wanted to go on those adventures with my very own dragon. I cried many times over the ending -- even though I knew it was coming and I knew it would be the same each time.

    No need to analyze me, I know I'm weird.

    Unfortunately, I devour the words of fantasy stories in books, not so much create them myself. My stories are grounded in the normal while the love blossoms around fantasy : )

    Thanks for joining us in Seekerville, Lizzie. You snagged my imagination and made me smile.

    And hungry.

  34. Jenny- I'm so glad to hear your good news! I hope you are back to normal soon.

    Lizzie- Thanks for sharing today. My problem (one of my problems) is I have all these different stories that are all different genres. I guess I just need to write and see which one comes out the best.

    Ruthy said: Have youse noticed that not too many "how to" authors write great books?

    I am a "how to write book" junkie, but I do wonder why those authors haven't saturated the Best Sellers Lists. :/

  35. Wonderful news, Jenny! Prayers have been answered and more of them are on the way.

    Are you sleeping yet? I'm sure sleep will come a bit more easily after this news.


  36. JULIE! You thought romance was DRIVEL?


    OMG, you are the modern day Saul on the road to Damascus...sort of.

    Pfffft. Talk about Divine intervention.

    Wow. Never saw that one coming.

  37. *lizzie, I spent last night having crazy dreams, too. Maybe it's the world melting that's causing it.
    HOT outside!

    And different dreams, STORY dreams. There was a serial killer.


  38. When I say 'different' dreams I mean my USUAL dream is like....searching for my plane ticket or my driver's license. You know annoying 'I'm late' 'I'm lost' 'I'm stupid' dreams. Those are my usual

  39. Mary, I have dreams like those, too. I'm usually going back to high school and trying to find my way around the corridors. Or I can't find a parking space and I'm going to be late for class.

  40. *lizzie, what a wonderful excerpt. I enjoyed the way you worded the last lines tying together his action and her knowledge. Lots of fun.

    If I had the talent to write anything I wished, I would write suspense with a strong sense of place -- like Tony Hillerman or Craig Johnson. I dabbled with one suspense story, had lots of fun with it, and then knew for sure I am meant to write other things :-)

    Nancy C

  41. I had a recurring dream two weeks ago, four times in one night.

    I incorporated it into the proposal I'm working on, hunted up a maternity nurse and a social worker and realized if God sends you a dream relentlessly, ya' gotta follow up on it.

    I'm not sure if it will sell, but the whole idea jelled a complete story in my head, a story that brought two people together who should probably stay forever apart...

    But I ignored the dream a few weeks previous where the guy caught me alone in the empty upper level of a parking garage... and no one came to help.

    I'm such a dweeb scaredy pants. I can't watch scary stuff or real life drama/crime because I can't let it go.


    Now fantasy? I can wrap my brain around fantasy and netherworlds and fun romance like that any time. As long as it has a point. To me fantasy works when it's got an old fashioned fairy tale moral. I love a strong moral premise in a story. It's like a 13 course concrete block foundation... You know the big bad wolf can't blow your house down.

  42. I'm very comfortable in my box but I do venture out from time to time. A few months ago I volunteered to read several books for a contest. They needed someone to read historical romances, I love historical romances. When I think historical It think of the old west and regencies. One of the nine books they sent did not fit. It was set in the 1920's. Other than the cover nothing about the book appealed to me.

    I kept putting it off but eventually had to read it and it was one of the best books I've ever read... I mean EVER.

  43. Ruthy said:

    Birds. I love birds. Why do birds scare some folks?

    I suspect it has something to do with Alfred Hitchcock and Daphne DuMaurier (Did you know she wrote The Birds? I didn't.)

    Thanks for stopping by today, *lizzie. Great excerpt.

    I love reading out of genre. The problem is, once I read it, I want to write it, and then it's no longer out of genre. ;)

  44. Oh Jenny, I left you a message at the Yankee Belle, but your news deserves celebrating here too! Yay for no cancer and keep resting!

  45. I read all kinds of books--historical, historical romance, women's fiction, mystery, suspense, contemporary, thrillers, non-fiction.

    But so far I've stuck to writing historical romance. I think I'd like to break out of the box!

  46. Jenny, I'm so glad to hear you don't have cancer!!! What a terrible scare.

    And Lizzie, I forgot to welcome you to Seekerville--so welcome!

  47. Missy--I'm going to miss the OK Cafe. It was one of my grampa's favorite places to go. They all knew Warren. :)

    Ruthy--one of my favorite reasons for judging published contests is discovering new authors. There's always room for more.

    Audra--Hmm, my younger time dragons were H.R. Pufnstuff and Pete's Dragon. But I sure do love me some dragons--especially on Anne McCaffrey's Pern.

    Donna--There are times I want to write more than one genre--so I do. If I get stuck in one tale, sometimes working on a different story helps the process along for both books.

    Mary--I'm blaming EVERYTHING on the heat--including those dreams.

    Nancy--Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt. There are many types of books I like reading, but know I'd do a poor job at writing them. Maybe that's keeping us honest and creative.

    Ruthy--My fantasies have pretty well defined good vs evil characters. I'll admit, I do love a good bad guy. :) I love giving them their due.

    Jamie--sometimes we just have to tak those reading chances, don't we?

    Mary--'no longer out of genre'. Love it! Maybe that's my problem. LOL

  48. Cara! Get out of that box! If you don't feel comfortable with a book length tale in a different genre, try a short story or a novella. Those are a great way to get your feet wet.

  49. Thanks everyone sleeping much better. still tired and dizzy (and headache which i know is from the blood loss) (what a gal will do for attention). I even feel I can read now I am on the mend. but my new theme song is One day at a time Sweet Jesus.
    I know prayer has helped and I know God is in control.

    I am now looking for a free or cheap devotional to put on the kindle. the one I found was too short and not what I want.

  50. *lizzie you're a hoot.

    Hey, I've got Godiva salted caramel squares.

    And I'm sharing.

    Oh. My. Stars. Get them out of my house. Please.

    My mother-in-law always said when babies stretch, they grow. I think the same holds true for writers. And teachers. Too much comfort can lead to same old, same old. Occasional breaks out of the mold have to be good for us.

    Yankees play Boston tonight. Without Youkilis.... That had to be a tough move for a guy who was a Red Sox Cornerstone for so long.

    Oh. Wait. We DIDN'T switch the topic to baseball and Jeter?????

    My bad. ;)

  51. mmm, Godiva. I've got my hand out.

    I'm off to my Friday Nite Critique group and won't be home until late. I'll check for comments and such then or tomorrow morning.

    Thanks to everyone for stopping by. I'm really enjoying my day with Seekerville!

  52. *lizzie, say 'hi' to the Friday Night Ladies!!

    And I definitely like reading/writing outside my genre - it keeps things fresh :)

  53. Very interesting thank you.


  54. I like variety in my reading! I might read a romance this week and a mystery the next week and a western the next week! Just to spice things up I might even throw in a best seller autobiography!

  55. Sherri--of course I did. We missed you.

    Marybelle--thanks for stopping by!

    Shelia--You've got a well rounded reading life. Isn't it fun!!!
