Saturday, July 14, 2012

Weekend Edition

What music brings the sunshine back into your life when you're having a rough day?

Click on the suns below for some smiling options! Then share yours!

We Have Winners

 Prize rules are here and  winners should contact us through our Seekerville email address. We allow 6-8 for prizes to allow for forces beyond our control, such as babies, Mother Nature and DEADLINES!! And if we goof up, just email and let us know.

Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean  started our week with "The Book is Delivered. So What Now?" Winner of either a ten page critique of an inspirational romance or a $10 Amazon gift card, winner's choice is Julie Hilton Steele.

Tuesday brought "Author E-Newsletters for Dummies" (or, "Where's a book by that title when I need one???"). A relative newcomer to the world of author e-newsletters, Abingdon Press and Heartsong Presents author Myra Johnson explored available resources and invited Seekervillagers to share likes and dislikes, pros and cons. Winner of Myra's latest release, A Horseman's Gift, is Marianne.

We began our Wednesday with Revell author Julie Lessman the Queen of Quirk, where she talked about giving your characters fun and memorable quirks that will enhance your writing. Winner of their choice of any of Julie's books including her October release, A Love Surrendered, Marcy and Patrick's prequel, A Light in the Window or book 1 of her new "Heart of San Francisco" series Love at Any Cost is Clari Dees.

Friday:  B & H Books author Jamie Carie visits Seekerville today. Have you ever wondered how publishing house come up with their book covers? Jamie will be talking Book Covers and giving away books the first two books in the Forgotten Castles series. The winner of The Guardian Duke is Sherrinda and winner of The Forgiven Duke is Julia Reffner.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Join Love Inspired author Missy Tippens on your second annual beach writing retreat! Oh, and she'll also be sharing a new app she's discovered for keeping track of your projects. So bring your suntan lotion, laptop and beach umbrella and join us!

Tuesday: Have we got some fun going on today. Stop by to chat with Barbour debut author Keli Gwyn as she explores The "Seekerville Effect." Keli is also giving away not one but two copies of her book A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California.

Wednesday: Wave if you’re attending RWA Nationals this month in Anaheim. What about the ACFW Conference in Dallas? Did anyone go to RomCon, held recently in Denver? How about DragonCon or Sleuthfest or Killer Nashville? Stop by Wednesday to learn about the wide variety of conferences available to writers. Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti will be our conference guide. Leave a comment about your favorite conference to be entered in the drawing for one of Debby's books, winner's choice.

Thursday:Join award-winning author Jocelyn Green when she talks about How to make the most of writing time  with "Stop the Clock! 10 Tips for Time-Starved Writers!!" including a giveaway of her new book, Wedded to War.

Friday : Seekerville is delighted to welcome ACFW Carol Award Winner, Bethany House author, Nancy Mehl with her post, Reviewing the Reviewers. Be sure to stop by and comment for a chance to win Nancy’s latest release Inescapable.

Seeker Sightings

We'd love for you to share your sightings and news in the comments. 

TODAY July 14, 2012, 1-3 p.m. Myra Johnson, along with Amy Clipston, Dora Hiers, Jennifer Hudson Taylor, Lynette Eason, Jennifer Fromke, and Mary Urban, all from Carolina Christina Writers (ACFW chapter), will participate in a multi-author book signing as part of the Magnificent Hope Tour 2012. The event will be held at KMart, 545 Concord Parkway, Concord, NC. CCW will also be collecting donations to benefit Cabarrus Victims Assistance Network (CVAN).

Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 5-7p.m. Myra Johnson and Dora Hiers will speak on "Writing Inspirational Romance" and also sign their novels at the Beatties Ford Library, Charlotte, NC.

Saturday, July 21, 2-4 p.m. Repeat performance of above at Mountain Island Library, Charlotte, NC.

Exciting new things are happening at the Yankee-Belle Cafe! Jan Drexler and Virginia Munoz have joined Ruth Logan Herne, Missy Tippens and Mindy Obenhaus as Chefs- In-Residence. Stop by and welcome them! 

Random News & Information

Your E-Book Is Reading You (WSJ via Rachelle Gardner)

Subsidiary Rights by Natasha Kern (ACFW Blog) 

 It’s Official – Thomas Nelson is Now Owned by HarperCollins (Steve Laube Blog)

Secrets of a Bestseller, an interview with Robyn Carr (Author Marketing Experts, Inc.)

The 7th Annual Dixie Kane Memorial Contest deadline Has Been Extended to August 1st.

Write With Images (GalleyCat)

 Writing Craft: Action Vs Active Openings To Grab Attention (Pub Rants)

Not sure she got all the reasons, but an interesting article... Why Smart Women Read Romance Novels (Huff Post)

That's it, have a sunshiny weekend!


  1. Nice sunshiny music!

    My personal music favorites are gospel and marching or concert band music.

    Congratulations to the winners.

    The coffee pot's set for the weekend.

    What has gotten into Blogger? He just keeps eating me. This is war!!!!!


  2. Hi Tina:

    Here’s some sunny beach music that makes me happy:

    Beach Boys

    Why do smart women read romances?

    Because reading romances makes you smarter.


  3. Oh.My.Goodness! I get one of Julie's books!? Squee! Can't wait to get my hands on Love at Any Cost! It's been a good day all around. With only 20% chance of rain today, we got almost a full inch this afternoon! No watering the vegetable gardens today. :D

    I love music! Southern Gospel, classical, patriotic (John Philip Sousa), big band, 40s and 50s, musicals...I know all the words to all the songs in The Music Man. (Met someone last week who'd never heard of it. What? As a librarian, I'm offended.)

    Here are two pieces that always make me smile. I like to listen to these guys when I write.

    (In case you can't copy and paste the links, it's the Piano Guys on Youtube and their songs, Somewhere over the rainbow/Simple gifts and Me and my cello - Happy Together.)

    Congrats to all the winners and have a great weekend, ya'll.

  4. For some reason watching Pentatonix videos make me happy. Yeah, I have a pinterest board of music that makes me happy and it's almost all Pentatonix at the moment. :) I try to stay away from my music board though when it's time to work, because I can't write with noise and so I waste time, plus they're so interesting to watch sing.

    Or any 80s songs. There was a blog post on why the music you listened too as a teen makes you happy and that's why there's that fight in churches over contemporary vs. hymns here.

  5. You know, I can't think of any genre that really would only appeal to someone who's smart, fiction is primarily chosen for entertainment. A smart person may choose different non-fiction, stuff to make them smarter or something less smart people couldn't understand.

    And of course, posting about my music pinterest board required me to go there and I had to listen to one of them. I chose Pentatonix's Dog Days are Over. I could listen to that one over and over and over. I mean, what's not to love about acapella voices making horse hoof noises, train noises, Mitch's gorgeous high voice, Avi making didgeridoo noises, their arranging skills and how they get lost in their songs.

    I never got the girls who swooned over the Beatles or Elvis, but I get a little inkling of it with them. Such talented kiddos, none of them are over 21.

  6. Good morning!
    Congrats winners and authors (for your posts!) Last week was fun.
    Ouh, it's all music that makes you happy? Me too! Love listening to music. Some of my favourite are instrumentals. I look for them, come back and share them later on.

  7. Good morning by Mandisa is blasting on right now (I usually don't listen to it, but hey it's a pumped song, come to think of it.)

    And I've been listening to this ALL week long :

    Reading also makes me happy. As well as little kids, my family, sunshine (instead of cold), a good joke, good food and prayers.

  8. You got me at Josh Groban and I'm in a rut now! Spent half an hour watching music videos. LOL. And you introduced me to Natasha Bedingfield! Plus it was fun to click on all those sunshiney fellows and be serenaded. :-)

    Great weekend edition! I think Josh and I will spend some quality time cleaning house this morning before the heat gets too unbearable. Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. What makes my day when i'm feeling blue? Well, opening seekerville and finding out i won a book sure doesn't hurt! Thanks!

  10. Oh, I'm with Kav -- you had me at Josh Groban -- what a voice!!!

    But I have to admit, when my hubby and I are a little blue together, the only music that picks us up is Mama Mia, the movie. I'll bet we've watched it over 15 - 20 times even though we didn't like it the first time because we thought it was miscast. But it's like an earworm that grows in your brain, and now we are hooked. :)

    LOVE Vince's remark: "Why do smart women read romances? Because reading romances makes you smarter."

    You go, boy!!! :)



  11. Reading romance makes you smarter? Well, only if it's written by smart writers - - like the ones we have hanging around here!

    Congrats to all the winners!

    And happy music time! Here's my contribution - Cab Calloway is always a great cooking companion. I listen to this a lot when I'm in the kitchen:

    My dear husband and I are celebrating our 30th anniversary next week, so I have to share "our song".

    Today is my last day online until next weekend - I'm taking a vacation from the computer while hubby and I head into the mountains for a few days.


    I figure if he can leave his job behind, so can I :)

    See you all at the end of next week!

  12. Wow, ladies and gents. Thanks for all the musical inspiration. I am off to go check them out!!

    Jan, happy anniversary.

  13. Josh Groban--he's my favorite!

    As always, I love the WE articles. Where do you get them all, Tina?

  14. Great WE, Tina! ~ LOVE "upbeat" music (especially oldies, LOL). When I was in my Walmart a few days ago, an oldie came on (Paul Simon/Chevy Chase "You Can Call Me Al") and I noticed other shoppers (especially middle-aged) seemed to be wearing pleasant facial expressions! (and I'll admit, I was ready to dance--I don't know why but I've always LOVED that song!). ~ CONGRATS to all the winners, and I'm looking forward to the posts next week! ~ Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo
    p.s. Enjoy some Peach Muffins--straight from the oven! :)

  15. Good morning, Seekerville! My favorite cheer-me-up-unstress-me-out music is Enya's Watermark album.

    Marianne!!! Be sure to send your mailing info to the Seekerville email address! Congrats!

    Oh, and anyone in the Concord, NC, area this afternoon between 1 and 3, please drop by the KMart to say hi and visit with SEVEN authors of inspirational romance! We're also collecting items to benefit a local women's shelter.

  16. Love the music, Tina! Especially Josh Groban! That boy can sing!!!

    WOW!!! Myra's got a busy schedule!!! Good for you, Myra!

    Sending congrats to all the winners.

    Another beautiful day in Georgia! Enjoying sunshine after the rain.

  17. Happy Anniversary, Jan! Enjoy your vacay with hubby!!!

    Myra, wish I lived closer so I could visit you at K-Mart today. Happy signing!

  18. Good morning SUNSHINE!
    (not here so nice to have it in Seekerville!)

    My play list just grew for sure.
    Quick stop by - should get round 2 of edits back from my editor, have another editor going to look at soon as that comes back then... my work is about done for awhile.

    Congrats to all the winners!

  19. KC!

    Heads Up!

    God morgen!

    A dog named Simba entered Ruth’s writing exercise. There is still time for May to contribute. (We need to give Ruth more work for this weekend.) No kidding. Warning: Simba’s good.

    Go here and use ‘find’ for Simba.

    Writing Entry

    BTW: I’ll be thinking of titles while I’m at the health zone today.


  20. FYI

    You have until midnight Sunday, 15 July, to take advantage of the Golden Pen early bird special discount.

    This contest lets you have a 15 page synopsis!!! A plotter's paradise! That's 15 pages, Tina!


  21. Congrats to all the winners!!!!

    Check out WHAT IS IN MY HOUSE and I can't read!!!!


    No I'm not frustrated ;). I could probably sneak some of it in, but I'm supposed to be writing and then would get frustrated when it walked out the front door with my sister later tonight.

    More arghing.

    Great week coming up [as always]! And now I really should get to work after being gone all morning/early afternoon...

  22. Congratulations to the winners and Happy anniversary Jan!

    If you review for booksneeze remember only four more days till Cara's A Path Toward Love is up for grabs! You'll have to act fast to get one just please don't take the one I have my eye on :)

  23. Ganise, I love Good Morning by Mandisa! It's one of my faves to dance with the little kids!

    And I'm putting allusions to it in next spring's book... It's the heroine's favorite song to jump start her day.

    Great minds think alike!!!

  24. Jan's going to the mountains, no computer, no jobs....

    I'd have to kill Dave.

    Dagnabbit, we are obviously not Mr. and Mrs. Romance up here!

    Have fun, Jan!

  25. OOOh, Carol has a copy of a Mary Connealy book. Better put your alarm on.

  26. Smarter?

    Well, I read a paper ocne that said happier people were 'smarter' because their brains were more efficient. They could recall more facts when they needed them because the endorphins were helping the recall process.

    So, yes, romances make you happier and being happier makes you appear smart... ??

  27. A sure pick-me-up is any mix of songs from the 60s and 70s, but you've also mentioned some of my favorites...Enya, Josh Groban get a lot of play as do my Andrea Bocelli CDs.

    Julie, nothing is a pick me up like the Mamma Mia movie but I haven't bought the CD because of one particular actor who is not a singer (although he tries)

    you know... I've been so busy with other stuff in life that I haven't been writing or reading blogs. I miss you all so much.

  28. DEBRA!!!! I MISSED U TOOO!!!

  29. Great WE Teenster

    My favorite pic me up music is SILENCE

    I crave silence and quiet and just hearing the sounds of nature on a walk. That's the best pick me up. And inspiration for writing too btw

    Vince, Simba is the name of my motorhome. smile happy thoughts

  30. One of the sunshine music videos is Josh Groban. I've listened to it ten times now, great images, too. It's gonna be burned into my brain when I try and sleep tonight


  31. Be sure to get Over the Edge! It lives up to all the hype!

  32. One of my favorite songs of all time, very powerful.
    If I Stand

  33. I'm BAAACCCKK!! Just got back from the beach yesterday. I missed you all!

  34. If I'm having a rough day, I usually put on 104.7 The Fish--an Atlanta Christian music radio station.
