Teri will be giving away a signed print copy of her new release Alaskan Hearts to one luck commenter today! So please let Teri know if you'd like to be entered. Now...here's Teri!
To Conference or Not To Conference?
By Teri Wilson
I’ve gone rogue.
I apologize.
It seems I said I would be blogging today on great openings, but since I’m here in Anaheim at RWA Nationals as I write this blog post, I just couldn’t resist blogging on the conference. So, I suppose this might be the last time you see me blogging here at Seekerville. They might kick me off the island, Survivor-style. Let’s hope not. In any case, I’ll give you the scoop on what it’s like to attend the nation’s biggest conference for romance writers. And if you’ve already been to RWA, stay here! In the comments section, you can let me know if I left out anything earth-shatteringly important. Because considering the level of exhaustion I’ve reached on this, the last day of RWA, who knows if I will even make sense?
So, let’s get going. Before I collapse from exhaustion (more on that later), I give you the Top Six Reasons to attend RWA:
1. The Workshops – Every day of the conference there are loads of workshops to choose from, offering help and guidance for all areas of your writing, falling under the categories of Career, Craft, Research or the Writer’s Life. There are also chats with some of the most beloved authors in our genre (Nora Roberts or Julia Quinn, anyone?). This year at RWA, there were 96 sessions to choose from. Literally. That’s no exaggeration. I dare you to come here and not learn something new.
2. The Motivation – Simply being among the best of the best of our writing peers for 3 or 4 days is like a shot in the arm. The Keynote Address is always designed to motivate and uplift the attendees, and simply hearing from the RWA President that romance is not only the best-selling fiction genre, but it also sells more than mystery, sci-fi and fantasy combined, was very empowering. The past few days have inspired me to go home and write like I’ve never written before. And who doesn’t need a little motivation every now and then? Writing is hard…and lonely. Attending a conference goes a long way in making you believe you can do it and you are not alone!
3. The Networking – this is true whether you are published or not. After I signed with Love Inspired, I met my editor for the very first time at a conference. Believe it or not, I know writers who’ve been published for years who’ve never met their editors. I cannot even imagine. If you are not yet published, there are scores of opportunities to meet editors from all the major publishing houses, as well as agents seeking new clients. Even if you don’t manage to get a coveted pitch appointment, many of the editors will gladly talk to you about your writing at the various Open Houses and Spotlights that the publishers host. As if the editors and agents weren’t enough of a draw, you will meet other authors just like you! Many, many lifetime friendships have started at writing conferences. These are your people! They get you!
4. The Secrets – Every publisher in attendance hosts a Spotlight session, where they share their plans for the upcoming year and let attendees know what they are acquiring. The editors take questions and are anxious to share information. In addition, some specific lines even have Open Houses, where you can learn more about what their editors are specifically looking for. Published authors usually have closed meetings with their publishing houses where new lines are announced or exciting plans for the future are shared for the first time.
5. The Books – I cannot emphasize the sheer volume of books you will take home. And guess what? They’re FREE. My conference tote bag came with 10 books inside, and that was just the start. All the major publishers host book signings and again, the books are free. Tomorrow I will go home with signed books from Nora Roberts, Julia Quinn, Amanda Quick…and the list goes on and on.
And on…
And on. I had to ship them home. And I still have 10 more books in my suitcase that I got this afternoon after I mailed my box.
6. It’s Fun! As with the mountain of books you’ll take home, I can’t possibly emphasize the amount of fun you’ll have! There are parties, parties and more parties.
Did I mention the parties?
Last night I learned a dance called “going shopping”. Grab, grab, push, push…bananas, cereal, push your cart, push your cart. Hmmm. Perhaps this doesn’t really translate. Trust me. It rocked. Most of the publishers host parties for their authors, but there are plenty of opportunities for everyone to socialize, from chapter get-togethers to big public events like the Harlequin Online Community Pajama Party. (Like I needed an excuse to get those Minnie Mouse PJs in the hotel gift shop.)
Parties aside, the conference is always held in a fun location. This year it’s in Anaheim, California. Yes, I did somehow find time to go to Disneyland. I wore mouse ears and the whole deal.
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[note from Missy: Here's a rogue photo I swiped from Facebook!] |
So, are you ready to sign up for next year?
If so, here are two important tips (just a couple…this could really be an entirely new blog post):
1. Plan your agenda in advance or you will be overwhelmed by all the choices. RWA is very good about sending you emails before the conference letting you know what will be going on. Don’t wait until you get to the conference site to look at the schedule. That being said, be flexible. You can always change your mind, or even decide to sit out for a session.
Which leads me to number 2…
2. Take care of yourself at the conference. Get a decent amount of rest or you will fade at the end.
Hydrate. Drink lots of water. Susan Mallery told me this just yesterday. (I must have been looking particularly shriveled when she was signing my book.)
And the most painful for me personally, being the shoe-lover that I am, wear flats. Seriously. Don’t try and show off your Jimmy Choos 24-7. We all know you have great shoes. Of course you do—you’re a romance writer. Save the stilettoes for evening, but opt for comfort during the day. You will walk more than you can imagine.
Don’t overdo it! Face it – you can’t do everything. Besides, you want to go home refreshed because you’ll be anxious to get started on that new manuscript. So, don’t try to do it all. That’s what next year is for!
Don't forget to leave a comment stating you'd like to be entered to win a print copy of Alaskan Hearts!
Teri Wilson grew up as an only child and could often be found
with her head in a book, lost in a world of heroes, heroines and exotic places.
As an adult, her love of books has led her to her dream career—writing. Now an
award-winning author of inspirational romance, Teri spends as much time as she
can seeing exotic places for herself, then coming home and writing about them,
of course. When she isn’t traveling or spending quality time with her laptop,
she enjoys baking cupcakes, going to movies, knitting and hanging out with her family,
friends and four dogs. Teri lives in San Antonio, Texas,
and loves to hear from readers. She can be contacted via her website at www.teriwilson.net.
Welcome, Teri! I hope you're recovered from traveling home. It usually takes me about two or three days to recuperate. :)
ReplyDeleteLoved the "rogue" column and all the helpful hints. My favorites were shipping the books home and wearing flats. Your enthusiasm is contagious and now now I'm counting the days to ACFW in September.
I'd love a chance to win a copy of your book.Count me in. Have a safe trip home.
For me, right now, the answer is "Not to conference." I know all the reasons to go, and someday, Lord willing, I'll get to. Anticipation builds every time I read a post like this.
ReplyDeleteI'm green with envy that you met Julia Quinn. I quit reading secular romance a few years ago, after some serious nudging from the Holy Spirit. But I still want to buy Julia Quinn's books when I see them on the shelf.
I would absolutely love to win your book. As an unpublished author, I find debut novels particularly encouraging.
andeemarie95 (@) gmail dot com
I thought this was a fun post until she started in about the books.
ReplyDeleteBOOKS!!!!! I can't imagine having to ship them home. Yeehaw!
And I don't own a single pair of heels. Isn't that odd? Anyway, I want to go to RWA some year. Maybe... 2014? Anybody?
Hi Teri, I would love to win your books, I remember you from when you on the goodreads forum. Love the info on the conference. I am not a writer but a reader but love hearing about the time you have together. Wow to the free books. Next year I am hoping to come to the states and meeting some authors and I really cant wait. Some of the people on the Goodreads Love inspired Historical group hope to meet in Spokane WA next year.
ReplyDeleteI can see staying hydrated would help. I have balance issues when I travel and recently while I have been sick and found drinking more really does help (although the amount I am meant to drink I struggle with).
Virginia I dont own high heals either. I just cant wear them.
One question I wanted answered on Nationals I actually posted on Twitter and was surprised that I got no responses. For guys at the awards, is it suit and tie or do you need a tux?
ReplyDeleteGreat motivating post but I'd still be scared to go to RWA. Way too big for me and I've never gone to a conference before. I think I'll start small and grow slowly.
ReplyDeleteLove your website, Teri, and your dogs!!!! A writer after my own heart -- a book just can't be complete without a dog in it, right? LOL. My dog agrees which is why we've already ordered Alaskan Hearts so no need to enter me in the draw.
Any tips on how to stop feeling overwhelmed at the thought of attending a conference? Or ways to tame the legions of nervous tummy butterflies which would undoubtedly accompany me?
TERI -- Thanks for the conference tips And I LOVE that cover!!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you went rogue. I really enjoyed your post.
The sheer volumn at conferences can be overwhelming too. Sometimes you just need a quiet corner....
Whoo-hoo! Sounds fun, Teri!
ReplyDeleteEspecially the part about getting FREE books! :-)
I would be happy to go to a RWA and please do enter me in the giveaway!
Thank you for the post. A good day to you, Missy and all of Seekerville
Ava, I've also shipped books home before. In fact, one year Debby Giusti gave me the great idea to take a flat rate box that already had the postage on it! You keep it flat in the bottom of your suitcase. Then you can fold it up, fill it with books, tape it at the hotel business office, and send it on its way. I have remembered her brilliant idea! For about the price of two books, you get a whole box of books and don't have to worry about the weight of your luggage. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Teri! I would love to attend the RWA conference, and be surrounded by people who understand the voices in my head. :o)
ReplyDeleteAnd free books!! Woohoo! You're definitely speaking my language.
Andrea, we hope that someday we'll get to meet you at a conference! Like Kav said, sometimes it's nice to start small. Something close by that doesn't cost nearly as much.
ReplyDeleteMoonlight and Magnolias, Georgia Romance Writers conference, is only about $150. And the hotel room is always under $100 a night. We always have great workshops, draw agents and editors, and offer some sort of workshop on Sunday morning. It's a great value! Many local chapter conferences are.
Virginia, you need to make it 2013!!! It'll be in Atlanta then, near me! :)
ReplyDeleteJenny and Virginia, I own heels. Just never wear them! :)
ReplyDeleteJenny, I really look forward to your trip to the US!
Walt, a suit and tie would be perfect. I don't think I've ever seen a man in a tux. Of course, there aren't usually many men there. :) Can you imagine yourself surrounded by 2000 women??!
ReplyDeleteThe men are so outnumbered that the hotels usually commandeer most of the men's restrooms and convert them to women's with privacy screens that block off the urinals. :)
What great tips, Teri!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to my first conference - ACFW in September. I had already thought about the shoes, but not the water or the books.
(Free books! You can tell we're all bibliophiles the way that sparks our interest!)
And Missy, you and Debby have a great idea about the prepaid postage box. You can pick up the box at the post office for no charge and then pay the shipping when you actually send it - so if you end up not needing it, you're only out the 1/4" or so in the bottom of your suitcase.
And please put me in for the drawing!
Kav, small conferences are a great way to start. Though RWA National is huge and can be overwhelming at moments, it's still very doable. They provide hotel maps in your welcome packet. Other writers are always generous and friendly and will help point you the right direction. Like Teri said, planning can be helpful so you don't do too much and wear yourself out.
ReplyDeleteI think the most stressful part (for may, anyway) is the meeting with editors and agents. That's stressful at any size conference. LOL But it's one of the biggest perks of going. So reminding ourselves that the publishing professionals are just people too can help calm the nerves. :)
Glynna, that is a great cover, isn't it?!
ReplyDeleteRose, when I went to my first conference, I didn't know any better and never did find that quiet corner to rest. I got so overwhelmed at one point that I just went to my room to cry my eyes out! :) I felt better after that but also learned to pace myself.
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Ganise! Glad you stopped by!
ReplyDeleteKirsten, YES! It's always nice to be around people who are so like us. :)
ReplyDeleteJan, we don't usually get so many books at ACFW. So it's probably a good idea not to put the postage on the package beforehand.
ReplyDeleteI'll glad you'll be in Dallas!! I can't wait to see you!
Welcome to Seekerville, Terri!
ReplyDeleteI've attended lots of conferences, large and small. I like RWA (been to 3) although they can be overwhelming! I hope to go next year in Atlanta and see some Seekervillians.
Sounds wonderful Teri, I could hear your excitement in each line you wrote about the conference. :)
Jodie Wolfe
Great post, Teri and Missy. :) I'll be attending my first big conference ever (shout out to my roomie Jan Drexler!) when I go to ACFW in September. I'm looking forward to meeting poeple and learning lots about writing.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the tips about shoes, water, and boxes for mailing home books. :) It was fun to read your wisdom, Teri. Thank you!
I'm baaaacccckkk!!! Whew, Teri, I second all you say about the Anaheim RWA conferenc. It was so fun to have you sign your book and chat for a minute.
ReplyDeleteI arrived home at 1 AM and I'm running on adrenaline. The synergy at this conference always propels me into months of sheer writing bliss.
One of my big thrills was meeting Debby and Sandy and you gals are so sweet and encouraging - I can't tell you what it meant to have your familiar faces greeting me in meeting rooms, in the hall and at the Awards banquet. Thank you for your pep talks, advice and friendship. That said, I missed the rest of yuns! I hope to see everyone in Atlanta!
Walt - Suits for men, no tux -
I shipped home 58.5 pounds of books! That's up about ten pounds from last year, lol. Yay Fed Ex!
Later today I will post a photo of my Finally a Bride award on my Facebook page. Another major thrill - having my writing recognized at the conference. Thank you OKRWA!
And last but not least, I have requests. Four ed/agents asked for five full manuscripts and one asked for a partial.
And this is where I collapse to my knees with thanksgiving! So blessed, no matter the outcome on these requests. It's all in God's hands. But BOY does it feel good to have those 'orders' laying beside my Bible here on my desk. It feels like validation.
There was so much to learn at this conference, but here was my big take away - Keep writing, keep writing, KEEP WRITING!
Missy, I'm looking forward to next year. Hopefully, my wife will have no problem with me spending my time that way. (At least, I'll be staying at home. :-) )
ReplyDeletewow. i'm glad you went rogue as well. i like the insight and tips you've given. i'm not at the stage where going to a writer's conference would be advantageous, but i do love the idea of piles and piles of FREE books (be still my beating heart).
ReplyDeletelove the cover of your book, Teri and would love a chance at winning it to read.
and huge congrats to Lyndee. so glad you've received such wonderful validation.
FYI - last year at ACFW they had the flat rate boxes and you could pay for postage at the bookstore. *I* thought it worked really well. I feel for the poor postman who had to pick them all up on Monday. There had to have been HUNDREDS!! You might double check with Cara or Robin or ask the loop before going to the trouble of doing it yourself.
ReplyDeleteI need to be better with the water [though since I don't drink tea I drink a lot of it at meals].
Dunno if/when I'll make it to RWA but can't wait for ACFW in September!
Hi everyone,
ReplyDeleteBack from vacation - not in Anaheim :( though! But I did have a wonderful time at the beach. One of my highlights was visiting Boonsboro, Maryland - a detour on the way home from Washington (that's another story!)
I made my poor hubby scour the back streets of rural Maryland to find Nora Roberts' bookstore! And her famous inn. So exciting! My kids didn't even get out of the car - they could not fathom what was so special about this little corner of the world! We even tried to eat at Nora's son's new restaurant but there was a 40 minute wait at 8:00 pm in Boonsboro!!! Go figure! But I was thrilled nonetheless!
Anyhow... Thanks for the tips, Teri! And congrats to Lyndee!! How exciting to get that many requests!
I'd love to be in the drawing. Right now Alaska sounds welcome after the blistering heat we've been having!
sbmason at sympatico dot ca
Great post. I'd love to attend a conference one day. I don't see it happening this year but maybe next. I love when writers come back all fired up it's almost as good as being there.
ReplyDeletePlease put my name in the drawing, I'd love to read your book!
Teri! I read your post last night and almost couldn't get to sleep. Your excitement translated through your post.
ReplyDeleteRWA is soooo exciting~!~
Actually when I come home from RWA I find I am in conference brain buzz mode and stare at the screen with a silly grin on my face for days. Finally I am able to touch the ground and write again.
Congratulations on your success!!
Andrea Strong! Lovely new profile pix.
ReplyDeleteSusan!!! You got to go to Nora's Inn and Bookstore. I am so envious. Was her husband working at the bookstore??
ReplyDeleteWOW, LYNDEE!!Congratulations on the contest (Ruthy sold via that contest) and on the requests and the swag haul. WOOT@!!!!
ReplyDeleteLyndeeH- Ouh, you sound excited! You go, girl! :-)
ReplyDeleteSue- Glad to hear about your vacation!
We can hardly blame you for going rogue while attending RWA, Teri! Thanks for the fun recap plus tips for future conference-goers!
ReplyDeleteOh, the books, the books! Everywhere you turn there are giveaway books to bring home with you. You really do have to plan ahead for how you'll accommodate them all!
And definitely work out your planned agenda before you get there, or you really will be overwhelmed with choices! But be flexible, too, because you don't want to miss those special opportunities that have a way of cropping up.
Oh, I'm glad to see more folks have dropped by! I'll catch up on comments later this afternoon. Have to take my son to the dentist and then the eye doctor. Yes, it's that back-to-school time of year again!
ReplyDeleteI know Teri plans to stop by today. But she may be traveling at the moment. Or else she's still sleeping off the conference. :)
Woo hoo, Lyndee! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Lyndee! Excellent news.
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite RWA to date was 2001 in New Orleans. Just being in New Orleans was amazing and we had the GH/RITA awards at this gorgeous old theater.
Living in NYC, I'm guaranteed a chance to attend every few years when National makes its way here, but I love the chance to visit other cities. My first RWA was San Francisco. Looking forward to Atlanta next year and San Antonio the following year.
Thanks for sharing your excitement, Teri. Especially love the dance description.
ReplyDeleteI live 3 hours from Spokane, WA!!!!!!
Wouldn't it be fun to meet up???
I can't believe you'll be coming to the US and you'll be so close to me!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, that's A LOT of requests! I don't think I've had that many requests in my whole writing career!!
I hope you're doing something very fun for yourself! Congratulations!! A lot of hard work is paying off.
Hey, TERI, GREAT take on RWA and why we should go. I haven't been in seven years, but this blog has got me thinking why maybe I should, so thank you!!
ReplyDeleteWould LOVE to see a video of that dance ... ;)
Lyndee! How exciting to have all those requests. Congratulations, Lady. It will be fun to see where God takes you from here. :)
ReplyDeleteHi guys! So sorry I'm late. My second flight home from the conference was delayed yesterday, and this has been a slow morning.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting to see all the comments already! I'm just sitting down to go over all of them and will answer questions shortly.
In the meantime, I'm glad I'm not in too much trouble from going rogue. How can you punish someone in mouse ears anyway??
Blessings, Teri
Walt, I think you should wear a kilt to the awards ceremony. What? You're not Scottish? Does that matter?
ReplyDeleteActually, a suit would be fine.
Hope to see you there next year!
ReplyDeleteThank you for ordering Alaskan Hearts! I hope you enjoy it!
As far as tips for not feeling overwhelmed...what about attending with a friend? I roomed this year with a writer friend who moved away from my hometown (San Antonio) a while back. She lives in Colorado now and we keep in touch online. It was great spending time with her this week.
Also, are you a member of Faith Hope and Love, the inspirational chapter of RWA? They always have a meeting/worship service near the beginning of conference week. I love that we sing song and have a devotional. It really set the tone for the conference to share in God's peace with other writers who love the Lord.
I hope these are helpful tips!
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, I always thought Julia Quinn was blonde. She's not, FYI. I guess I've always imagined her to be blonde and wearing a Regency-style ballgown. LOL
It was fun meeting her, even though I still wonder if that brunette woman was an imposter.
ReplyDeleteI hope you decide to attend next year! I'm going to draw the line at posting a video of myself doing the going shopping dance. Although, I did demonstrate it for my husband last night in the kitchen. I'm all set now if I ever make it on Dancing with the Stars. :)
Thanks so much everyone for all the compliments on the Alaskan Hearts cover. I got a little teary-eyed when I saw it for the first time. It looks exactly as I always imagined it.
Terrific post, Terri. And great tips. They'll be useful for me next year in Atlanta.
ReplyDeleteThis interview is gold, Teri! I was cracking up at the shopping dance. You’ve never done that one?! It’s been around forever! The lawnmower and sprinkler are classics too…if no one introduced those to you, remind me to demonstrate next time I see you (with any luck we’ll be in a superformal public place where it would be fabulously awkward :-P)
ReplyDeleteSecond favorite part: "Of course you have great shoes—you’re a romance writer." There's a reason we make such a good team :)
Your proud editor,
ReplyDeleteNo, sadly the store was closed. But I peeked in every window!
Julia and her sister Emily used to be located here in Colorado, so we were lucky enough to have her at chapter meetings. A lovely down to earth real gal. She gave up med school to write. Wow.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Teri! Super jealous of your photo with Nora Roberts and your box of books! I can't wait to hear all the stories from RWA!
ReplyDeleteI'm baking dog treats today and will set some aside as a bribe for a peak at the big box o' books! :)
Welcome back! :) Andrea
Why, thank you, Tina! My new pix are courtesy of my friend and yours, Melissa Jagears. Usually we take pix of the kids on our annual visit. This year, I talked her into photographing me so I would have some hi-res shots to use on my blog and whatnot.
ReplyDeleteShe did an amazing job, especially considering what she had to work with.
I actually knew that about Julia Quinn. That she's a brunette and that she went to medical school. I zipped through the contents of her website years ago. I desperately wanted to buy the mug that said, "I take tea with Violet at Number Five." Just thinking of it makes me want to go there and see if they still sell it.
Andrea Strong, now I want that mug.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the other Andrea :) - no bribes necessary (although my doggies would never turn down treats). My box of books isn't here yet. It was super heavy, so I sent it ground. But that book I promised you is in there!
ReplyDeleteThat is really cool. But Julia is normally blonde, right? Just kidding...I can't seem to let it go.
Waving to Teri! Had so much fun with you during the conference.
ReplyDeleteBTW Seekerville, Teri wore the cutest, pink ruffled dress to the HQ party on FRI night. IMHO, she was the belle of the ball! Plus, she's sweet as cotton candy. Really!
So glad you're visiting Seekerville today...but where did you get the energy to blog? I'm jet-lagged and brain dead. :)
The conference was lots of fun and packed with great workshops, as Teri mentioned. A special highlight was being with Anita Mae Draper, and Lyndee Henderson and Suzanne Dietz and Suzie Johnson. Waving to you, girls, as well. Are you as tired as I am?
Sandra Leesmith and I roomed together. What joy! We prayed for all of Seekerville each day. Hope you felt the love. :)
ReplyDeleteRight back at ya! You are an awesome editor. Our mutual love of shoes is only the tip of the iceberg.
Oh, and I'm holding you to that promise to demonstrate the lawn mower and the sprinkler dances for me. I have all these lovely folks at Seekerville as witnesses! You can't get out of it now.
I made it back home! No cavities and no glasses needed. Whew! Feel as if we dodged a bullet. :)
ReplyDeleteWill catch up now. I'm glad to see Teri made it!
Virginia you need to check out the goodreads group dry creek (Janet Tronstad's group) I will also be in seattle if thats closer.
ReplyDeletebut its a Sunday afternoon in May but think some may come Saturday. I fly out on the Monday but not sure what time yet for Seattle.
Congrats, Lyndee!!! On the ed/ag requests and on the FAB!! Do they still give a silver cake server for that one?
ReplyDeleteLove the new pic, Andrea!
ReplyDeleteOh, oh, oh...another highlight was seeing sweet Anne Barton! She signed advanced copies of her debut at Center Street's big giveaway!!! WHOOT!!! Anne is on a roll.
Sue, what fun to be in Nora's stomping grounds! :)
ReplyDeleteJanet Tronstad and I were talking about your trip to the USA and how much we love seeing you on the various blogs.
Hope you're feeling better.
Mary, 2001 in New Orleans was my very first RWA conference. I almost hyperventilated during the GH and Rita awards. It was so thrilling to watch in that beautiful theater!
ReplyDeleteRachel! So glad you stopped by! I really thought Teri was teasing about the dance! LOL So it's real?? How have I missed out on that? :)
ReplyDeleteAndrea, I love the photo, too! Melissa, you did an amazing job!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you won the FAB!!!! YAY!!!!
I won the FAB right before I sold...so...I'm making a prediction. Yes!!!
Sending hugs and congrats!!! Loved seeing you at the conference. BTW, you looked smashing at the Awards Ceremony. :)
Thanks Debby I had a long day Saturday where I went out and had to stay longer than I was really ready to. came home exhausted and its taken a few days to get over it. I know I have to be careful not to over do things but am definitely improving.
ReplyDeleteI am a new appreciation for anyone with chronic fatigue or fibro.
Welcome Teri! (I liked you right away--my maiden name is Wilson, LOL). Great conference advice, as I'm hoping to attend RWA one of these years. ~ Your book cover is beautiful--please enter my name. Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo
Teri, I love rogues!!! You rascal, you!
ReplyDeleteWhat great tips. I loved going to RWA in Orlando... so much fun!
Yowza, what a great time that was!!! Me and Nora, dancing queens!!! :)
Virginia and Andrea, maybe Atlanta next year? Or ACFW next year. I'm staying home this year, working.
Have I mentioned I love working?
And I love people, but I hate taking time off from my writing. Clearly, I am demented. But I don't care. I'm over the top in love with what I do and that's the truth.
Pbbbsssst! (Elizabeth Ann, Lily Tomlin)
Walt, there weren't a lot of guys in Orlando, but they were in suits. The ones I saw.
(Which was only like, a couple, Dave. Barely any. Really.)
Now cowboys in Dallas????
Well, pardner, that was another story, altogether!
Debby! How great to "see" you again so soon. It was fantastic getting to know you and so many other LI authors at the conference. I feel like a "real" LI author now. :)
ReplyDeleteCan you believe I had time to write this during the conference? I'd promised Missy I would, so that kept me going...until it was done and then I collapsed. LOL
Congratulations on your debut novel Teri! I would love to be entered to win a copy!
ReplyDeleteRWA sounds like so much fun and it was in my old hometown of Anaheim this year. I use to live about a mile away from Mickey's house (Disneyland). Now I live in Indiana. I would have loved going to RWA but the surroundings and my friends would have been calling to me and I would have had no sleep.
Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W.
Teri!!!!! Can I say "I knew you when?" Cuz...well... I knew you when ;)
ReplyDeleteThere MUST be dogs in that book, yes? ;)
GREAT tips, my friend. And, of course, PLEASE enter me for the drawing!
Virginia, I have three novels - that's why so many requests, lol.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the lovely comments, all. Now the hard part - mailing and waiting. This group is so supportive, I can't begin to thank all of you for your encouragement. Feeling humbled and honored to be among the Seekers.
I'll be gathering names for the book drawing tonight. So don't forget to let me know if you'd like to be entered! The winner of Alaskan Hearts will be announced in the Weekend Edition!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you had a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteJackie L.
ReplyDeleteYou know there are dogs in it. :)
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Blessings, Teri
As a reader, not a writer, i love to hear about conferences. i used to own a bookstore, and then worked in a warehouse (Living Books, Inc.) in Canada...but i never got to go to those. So i love to read about them. They sound awesome, as does your novel, Teri. Though i am a little late, i would still like to be entered in the draw. Thanks for the post and giveaway.
ReplyDeleteEnter me!
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this book!!!
God Bless!
Sarah Richmond
Hi Teri and Missy,
ReplyDeleteWEll I was playing catch up yesterday so missed this. Hope you peek this morning and see how much I enjoyed your post and all the reminders of the fun we had.
And the overload to the brain. LOL
Thanks for posting with us. It was so fun to see our friends at RWA.
Would love to win your book!Always enjoy trying new authors!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the opportunity to win your book.
ginger dot solomon at gmail dot com
Congratulations, Teri! Sounds like you had a great time at conference.
ReplyDeleteThe workshops, yes, but...THE BOOKS! Would definitely need to plan for shipping.