Friday, August 31, 2012

September Contest Update

September isn't just back to school. It's the ushering in of a busy contests season. What are your contest plans?  And remember, the contest update is available on the Seekerville the Town website all month long!

Today we're giving away a fantastic ebook to download to your eReader or your computer.The Busy Writer's Kickstart Program by Marg McAllister. (I own a copy and it's terrific!)

And to one reader a copy of Mary Connealy's Over the Edge! Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.

ADDITIONALLY, because we are trying to get you folks to get out there and BE BRAVE. NO RISK. NO REWARD. If you enter a contest this month.-any contest mentioned in the Contest Update-send Seekerville (Seekers at Seekerville dot net) the email acknowledgement from the contest coordinator and you will be entered in a random drawing to win a $25 Amazon gift card.


Starts Today. Ends Sunday, September 30th. Open to published and unpublished writers and your grandmother. You can also include contests from the August Contest Update that end today. You simply have to adhere to the August 31 start for this contest and the contest must be one mentioned in the Seekerville Contest Update.

Unpublished  (and some Published) Author Contests

Hold Me! Thrill Me!  Deadline September 1. Electronic.  The first 20 pages of an unpublished manuscript featuring romantic elements. Cash prizes too!

Contemporary: Jhanteigh Kupihea, New American Library
Historical: Leah Hultenschmidt, Sourcebooks
Paranormal: Whitney Ross, Tor
Romantic Suspense: Leslie Wainger, Harlequin
Young Adult: Leis Pederson, Berkley

Hot Prospects.  Postmark and Electronic Deadline: September 1. Entry: 3-5-page synopsis and up to 25 pages of story (30 pages max). Entry or synopsis may be shorter, but neither may be longer than specified. Grand Prize Winner wins $250. Eligibility: Any uncontracted and unpublished work.

Editor - Lauren Plude, Grand Central Publishing
Agent - Michelle Grajkowski, 3 Seas Literary Agency

Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal
Editor – Holly Blanck, St. Martins Press
Agent – Agent Suzie Townsend, New Leaf Literary Agency

Romantic Suspense
Editor – Deb Werskman, Sourcebooks
Agent – Elaine English

Contemporary Long/Single Title
Editor – Katherine N. Pelz, The Berkley Publishing Group
Agent – Paige Wheeler, Folio Literary Management

Series Contemporary
Editor - Harlequin Johanna Raisanen, Associate Editor, Harlequin
Editor - Leanne Morgena, Senior Editor, Sweetheart Rose, The Wild Rose Press

Phoenix Rattler. Deadline September 1. Electronic. Entry:  10 pages plus 100-word synopsis; required synopsis does not count in page total; formatting guidelines and contest rules available on contest web pages. Completed manuscript not required to enter this contest.GRAND PRIZE:2013 ACFW Conference ‘paid’ registration. 

Karen Schurrer...Bethany House
Joyce Hart...Hartline Literary Agency
Sue Brower...Zondervan
Elizabeth Mazer...Harlequin
Amanda Luedeke...MacGregor Literary Agency
Amanda Bostic...Thomas Nelson
Sandra Bishop...MacGregor Literary
Tamela Hancock Murray...Steve Laube Agency
Terry Burns...Hartline Literary Agency
Nicola Martinez...Harbourlight/Penquin
Melissa Jeglinski...The Knight Agency
Nicole Rescuniti...The Seymour Agency
MarySue Seymour...The Seymour Agency
Michelle Grajkowski...Three Seas Literary Agency

The deadline the 2012 Golden Gateway contest is Sunday September 2 and they
are short on entries in all categories. The odds of moving on to the next round are excellent. This contest is open to published and unpublished authors alike, so be sure to check out the guidelines today! Entry consists of: One (1) copy of the beginning of your manuscript and 5-page maximum synopsis (55 pages total maximum). The synopsis will be judged.Printed or electronic entries.

Final Round Judges:

Unpublished Golden Gateway

Long/Short Contemporary Series Romance – Rachel Burkot, Love Inspired
Single Title Romance – Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks
Mainstream Fiction with Romantic Elements – Katherine Pelz, Berkley Editorial
Historical Romance – Erika Tsang, Avon Books
Romantic Suspense – Latoya Smith, Grand Central Publishing
Paranormal/Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Time Travel Romance – Liz Pelletier, Entangled
Publishing LLC

Published Golden Gateway

Laura Barth, Harlequin Heartwarming
Tessa Woodward, HarperCollins/Avon
Michelle Grajkowski, 3 Seas Literary Agency

Melody of Love. Deadline September 5. Electronic. Author can be published, including in the category entered. Manuscript being entered cannot have been published and cannot be currently contracted to be published via any means at any time, including self or subsidy publishing. Entry: first 25 (or fewer) pages, no synopsis, emailed to contest coordinator as an attachment.  (Note: finalists may need to provide a short synopsis at the request of the final round judges.)

Contemporary – Libby Murphy, Entangled Publishing

Paranormal – Dana Hamilton, Harlequin Nocturne

Historical – Debra Dixon, BelleBooks

YA – Kristin Daly Rens, Balzer & Bray/Harper Collins

Gateway to the Best. Deadline September 7. All Electronic. Entries: up to the first 7000 words (approx 25-28 pages) of manuscript.

 Paranormal:  Latoya Smith, Grand Central Publishing
Single Title: Katherine Pelz, Berkeley Publishing Group
Historical:  Esi Sogah, HarperCollins
Contemporary Series:  Laura Barth, Harlequin
Romantic Suspense:  Patience Smith, Harlequin
Young Adult:  Stacey Barney, Penguin Putnam

Four Seasons Unpublished Romance Writing Contest. Extended to September 15. All electronic.  Entry" The first 25 pages of your manuscript.You may include an optional one-page, single-spaced synopsis. The synopsis will not be judged.

 Single Title Contemporary
Editor: Valerie Gray, MIRA
Agent: Scott Eagan, Greyhaus Literary Agency

Short/Long Contemporary
Editor: Charles Griemsman, Harlequin
Agent: TBA

Editor: Ali DeGray, Medallion Press
Agent: Pam Strickler, Pam Strickler Author Mgmt

Editor: Katherine Pelz, Berkley Publishing
Agent: Michelle Grajkowski, Three Seas Literary Agency

Young Adult
Editor: Leah Hultenschmidt, Fire, Casablanca
Agent: Sara Megibow Nelson Literary Agency

EVA Query Letter Contest. Deadline September 15. All Electronic. The finalist entries will be read and judged by Micki Nuding, Senior Editor at Pocket Books. Entries will consist of a one-page query letter, a synopsis (no more than 5 pages), and a writing sample of the first 5 pages of the manuscript (not to be used for judging purposes).  

Launching a Star. Deadline September 15. All Electronic. Each entry will consist of up to the first fifteen pages of an unpublished manuscript (not published in any form). Contestants may include a Prologue (if one exists) as long as the total submission does not exceed fifteen pages. 

 Single Title (including WF)  
Lauren Plude Grand Central,Rackel Ekstrom Irene Goodman Agency

General Paranormal  
Angela James Carina Press,Jessica Alvarez Bookends, LLC

Futuristic / Fantasy  
Liz Pelletier,Entangled Publishing,Laura Bradford Bradford Literary Agency

Emilia Pisani Simon & Schuster,Suzie Townsend Nancy Coffey Literary & Media 

Series Contemporary  
Laura Barth Harlequin Heartwarming, Roberta Brown The Brown Agency

Romantic Suspense  
LIzzie Poteet St. Martin's Press, Jill Lyons Marsal Lyon Literary Agency

Emily Rodmell Harlequin Steeple Hill, Nicole Resiniti The Seymour Agency

Young Adult  
Kristin Daly Rens Harper Collins, Helen BreitwieserCornerstone Literary Inc.

Finally A Bride. Deadline September 21. All Electronic. Each manuscript must have finaled, but not won in a previous RWA or RWA chapter-sponsored contest not contracted in novel length fiction for the past five years in the category they are entering are eligible to enter. (Manuscripts which placed in the Top Quarter of the Golden Heart are also eligible.) Enter the first thirty pages. Synopsis is required for final round.

Melissa Endlich -- Steeple Hill
Nicola Martinez - White Rose Publishing

Series Contemporary
Patience Smith -- Silhouette
Wanda Ottewell -- Harlequin

Romantic Suspense
Alex Logan -- Grand Central Publishing
Elizabeth Poteet - St. Martin's Press

Historical/ Regency
Aubrey Pool -- Sourcebooks
Carly Corcoran -- Harlequin Historical

Margo Lipschultz -- HQN
Alicia Condon -- Kensington

Single Title/Mainstream with Romantic Elements
Keyren Gerlach -- Harlequin
Melissa Singer -- TOR

Young Adult
Leah Wilson -- BenBella Books
Nicole Sohl -- St. Martin's Press

The Emily Contest opens on 9/1/12, and closes at midnight, September 30, 2012. All Electronic. No synopsis ~ maximum of 7,000 words. Open to published authors (not published in category for three years)

Final Round Judges:
Contemporary Single Title:
Agent ~ Stephany Evans, FinePrint Literary Management
Editor ~ Katherine Pelz, The Berkley Publishing Group

Contemporary Series:
Agent ~ Scott Eagan, Greyhaus Literary Agency 
Editor ~ Susan Litman, Harlequin Enterprises

Erotic Romance:
Agent ~ Roberta Brown, Brown Literary Agency
Editor ~ Chelsey Emmelhainz, Editorial Asst. Avon Harper Collins

Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal:
Agent ~ Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency
Editor ~ Jennifer Lawler, Crimson Romance /Adams Media

Agent ~ Jessica Alvarez, Bookends, LLC
Editor ~ Leah Hultenschmidt, Sourcebooks

Novel with Elements of Romance (including Women's Fiction):
Agent ~ Suzie Townsend, Nancy Coffee Literary & Media Rep
Editor ~ Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks

Romantic Suspense:
Agent ~ Karen Solem, Spencerhill Literary
Editor ~ Patience Bloom, Harlequin Enterprises

Young Adult:
Agent ~ Pam van Hylckama Vlieg, Larsen Pomoda Literary Agents
Editor ~ Aubrey Poole, Associate Editor, Sourcebooks

Best of the Best:
Overall contest winner receives a cash prize of $100
Judge ~ Karla Hodde, Katy Budget Books

First Kiss Contest. Deadline October 1. Electronic. First kiss scene, ten pages max, plus one page set-up.The final judge is Patience Smith, Senior Editor, Silhouette Romantic Suspense at Harlequin, will judge six finalists. Cash prizes including: FIRST PRIZE: $50.00 or FREE registration to the New England Chapter’s “LET YOUR IMAGINATION TAKE FLIGHT” Conference (2011 value: $209.00), to be held in April 2012. (Not including hotel, transportation or conference extras.)

The Suzannah. Deadline October 1. All Electronic. Contest. Capped at 120 entries. Entry should be a maximum of 7,200 words, including synopsis (there is no restriction on length of synopsis, so long as the entire entry does NOT exceed 7,200.Grand Prize Winner Will Receive Three hundred dollars in cash, donated by the Nelson Family in memory of romance author Suzannah Nelson Davis, and a trophy.

"The Suzannah is different from most other writers’ contests in that  published authors and unpublished writers all compete against one another in a single pool of entries without categories. Yep, you read that right. Published and unpublished writers all hashing it out together for a spot as one of the six finalists. The only criteria we require is that the manuscript fit within the romance genre and that it be unpublished and uncontracted."

All six finalists will have their entries evaluated by the full panel of agents and editors. Our 2012 panel of final round judges includes:

Erika Tsang, Executive Editor, Avon Romance/Harper Collins
Wanda Ottewell, Senior Editor, Harlequin Superromance
Leah Hultenschmidt, Senior Editor, Sourcebooks
Saritza Hernandez, Literary Agent, The Corvisiero Literary Agency
Alicia Condon, Editorial Director/Editor, Kensington/Brava
Michelle Grajkowski, Literary Agent, 3 Seas Literary Agency

Contemporary Romance 
Historical Romance
Inspirational Romance 
Novel with Strong Romantic Elements 
Paranormal Romance 
Romantic Suspense 
Young Adult Romance 

ACFW First Impressions is coming and we're so excited we want to share, even though it's too early to enter. The contest will begin October 15, 2012 at 9:00 AM central time. All contest entries and contest fees must be received by 5:00 PM central time on November 15, 2012. More info here.

AND!!!  Seekerville's Fifth Birthday Party is coming October 1-31. Get those manuscripts polished. We have a contest coming up...shh, it's a surprise.

Random Contests & Just For Fun

HARPER TEEN- DEFY THE DARK, Short Story Contest. Deadline TOMORROW.   The grand-prize winner will receive a $500 cash prize awarded by HarperCollins and five copies of Defy the Dark. Entry should be between 2,000 and 4,000 words.

2012 Family Circle Fiction Contest. Contest begins March 1, 2012, and ends September 7, 2012. Entries must be postmarked on or before September 7, 2012, and received by September 14,2012.Submit an original (written by entrant), fiction short story of no more than 2,500 words. Entries must be unpublished and may not have won any prize or award. Cash prizes.
REMEMBER the Harlequin SYTYCW Online Conference and Contest is coming up September 7-21. The final date for the contest is October 13th. Press Release here.

The Fifth Annual, Real Simple, Life Lessons Essay Contest.

If you could change one decision that you made in the past, what would it be? No, you can't go back in time, but here's the next best thing. Think of a decision that you regret—anything from a ridiculous choice of prom date to a serious lapse in judgment—and tell us what the mistake taught you about yourself. 

Enter Real Simple’s Fifth Annual Life Lessons Essay Contest and you could:
  • Have your essay published in Real Simple
  • Win round-trip tickets for two to New York City, hotel accommodations for two nights, tickets to a Broadway play, and a lunch with Real Simple editors
  • Receive a prize of $3,000

To enter, send your typed, double-spaced submission (1,500 words maximum, preferably in a Microsoft Word document) to Contest begins at 12:01 a.m. EST on May 12, 2012, and runs through 11:50 p.m. EST on September 13, 2012. All submitted essays must be nonfiction. Open to legal residents of the United States age 19 or older at time of entry. Void where prohibited by law. (Entries will not be returned.) Click here to see complete contest rules.

That's it for this month. Now go forth and contest!


  1. Yay! Great update as always!

    Think I'm going to enter Rattler after all. Hadn't planned to but Angie Dicken is convincing me ;).

    Which means I need to cut chapter 1 down to 10 pages. Working on that tonight and tomorrow.

    And the RNC is over which means I can focus on writing more [I teach Am Govt after all so I have to at least half watch both - will be 'at' the DNC next week :p].


  2. YOU ARE WELCOME. Tell Angie hi.

  3. OMGOSH, I'm such a contest hussy. I want enter EVERYTHING.

    And I'm glad they're giving $100 cash to the Emily's overall winner this year. I won that last year with a YA and was supposed to get a critique from (someone who will remain nameless)... Nada, zilch, silence.
    Money is always good.

  4. Tina, Tina, Tina

    Oh, it just breaks my little heart to see all those September first deadlines. : (

    Do all you contestistas have contest entries of various lengths, with a choice of multiple synopses, just standing by waiting for a passing contest?

    What chance does an average guy have?

    Oy vey!
    Three contests
    in just one day!
    But that’s okay
    What were the chances
    of winning anyway?

    But I really should
    send in something
    because as they say:
    you can’t win
    with nothing.


    P.S. I know I can enter a contest in October but by then my enthusiasm might be over.

  5. Carol! It's probably going to be your historical romance in Rattler, isn't it? Isn't it??? It's bad enough I had to go head to head with you and Melissa in Duel on the Delta, hehe :-p

    Virgina, you needed a spew alert. contest hussy. I'm still laughing. But I'm the same way, hehe.

    Vince, I don't know about the others but Rattler was in the August contest update. And I don't have them standing by waiting for a contest but I do know way ahead which ones I want to enter (thanks to Seekerville!) but this is my second year of contesting so I know which ones are best fits for me already.

    And I am SOOOO excited about the Fifth Birthday contest even though I don't really know what it is yet, just that it's a Seekerville contest so it's going to be really good. =D

  6. wow lots of contests.
    a little brain dead right now and very tired.
    good luck to all entering.

  7. Good morning!
    I have a bit of time this morning. Cheers for the authors participating in the contest(s).

    God bless you all, today


  8. Morning!

    So far I've limited myself to contests with Christian categories. I think I'm ready to venture out.

    Realistically, what are the chances of winning or doing well if we write Christian romances? Or Christian romantic suspense? Do judges care?

    Thanks so much!

    I appreciate that you don't get tired of showing us all the contests out there.

    Jackie L.

  9. Oh, wow! Lots of contests to enter. I can't wait. Thanks for all the information.

    And I'm polishing my manuscripts for the October birthday month. :)

    Happy Friday, everyone!

  10. You can whine.
    Or you can contest.


  11. A good story, is a good story, is a good story, Jackie. But don't enter a non inspy category want to get the attention of the final round judge.

  12. So many contests, so little time! Also so interesting rules, like mixing published/unpublished authors.

    I entered the Family Circle contest after I saw the post on Seekerville.

    Good Luck to everyone that enters.

  13. Well, Tina. I am out for September. I think I am going to start putting these contest dates on my calendar to remind me to get things in place for next year. So I guess I need to go back through the archives and see what will be coming up.

    Someone you might know suggested we unplug and write. But I am taking it a step further and totally unplugging, mainly because I will be hiking in Switzerland most of September. But I am taking my pens and legal pads!

    Of course, I just realized I will be at Moonlight and Magnolias during the anniversary celebration. Maybe we can have our own little "real" party to go along with the virtual one!

    Last post for a while. See you at the end of September!

    Peace, Julie

  14. Oh, gosh, I ALWAYS get a twitch in my eye on Contest Update days, and it's like I've had an extra cup of coffee 'cause my adrenalin starts to flow. I stayed away from contests for this last year, but I could see myself getting the itch again, ESPECIALLY for the electronic contests!!

    Oh, nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! :(

    Happy weekend, all!!


  15. Contests are always fun. However, I've now just been reminded that I have two contest judge thank you notes to send out. (I did have more than that last week, but a few have been sent.)

    I apologize for having been away from Seekerville all week.

    For those of you who do watch conventions, CSPAN is the best. You don't have to listen to people tell you what you're supposed to think. Nor do you have to deal with the fact that other cable channels omit speakers.

  16. I guess I need to buck up and grow a backbone, eh? I'll study this in depth this weekend when I'm home. Thanks for pulling together all the contests each month. I wouldn't begin to know where to look for them all. And didn't think about you having them easy access at your website too.

  17. I always appreciate Seekerville postings about all the contests going on. Thank you so much!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  18. Thanks Tina. Love all the contest updates. Best wishes to all who enter.

    NANCY that is exactly how the Seekers first met. Bumping heads in contests like you're doing now with Melissa and Carol. LOL

    WElcome back Walt. Thanks for the heads up.

  19. I did not wake up this morning thinking about entering any contests. EEEEE! I think I'm going to enter the Rattler. My entry is pretty close to ready, any tips on the 100 WORD synopsis?!

    I can't believe I'm going to be spontaneous and do this. :)

    Coming back later to read more comments. :)

  20. Yeah. 100 word synopsis = not started.

    What category Jeanne?

  21. CAROL--Women's Fiction.

  22. Hi Tina:

    You said:

    “You can whine.
    Or you can contest.”

    Actually, I think
    I can do both
    and still be
    at my best.

    But planning ahead
    just isn’t the answer
    because when
    it comes to contests
    I’m really a pantser!

  23. Why do I feel like I'm so far behind? Oh, I know - September contest deadlines are here and I don't have anything ready to enter!

    Maybe later in the month...

    Can't wait for October! Last year was stellar :)


  25. Poetry for a Friday, Vince!!

    Payday and three day weekend.

    Roses are red.
    Contest critiques are too.
    I love the feedback.
    Don't you?

  26. Great stuff, Tina! THANK YOU!!!

    Fingers crossed for all Seekervillagers.

    I had to go back to yesterday's blog and catch up on the tail end of Nancy Kimball's comments. Ditto the great stuff!

    Of course, it's all great in Seekerville!

  27. Julie H.S.,

    We will celebrate at M&M! Count on it. Remember dancing shoes for SAT night's award ceremony! 'Kay?

  28. A gal I know from work may be going to M&M :D.

    Tina - the problem is I don't have ANY synopsis. Not even one I could chop and dice down to 100 words :p.

  29. Looks like some great contests.. I'm not sure if I'll enter any or not. I have a ms. under consideration from the speed pitch in late June, and don't have anything new written yet. We'll see what happens.

    Jodie Wolfe

  30. HIKING IN SWITZERLAND??????? you poor darling. I will eat some Toberlone in your honor.

    someone suggested unplugging...himm..I just have been delirious.

  31. Walt, have you been up to something good while you were away from us??

  32. I did final in Lone Star. In that contest, you get to modify your entry before it goes to final judges. I sent my modified entry on Wednesday.

  33. WOW! That's some contest line-up you found, Tina!

    With all the Seekervillagers going up "against" each other in the contests, I'm reminded of all the times The Seekers took turns bumping each other out of the finals circle or the top slot win. Fun times! There was just something very energizing about putting that entry in the mail (or emailing it nowadays), sending it off to its destiny.

    Congrats on the final in the Lone Star Walt! I like the contests where you can get feedback and polish up your manuscript before you go to the final round. That's how the Golden Pen is, too.

  34. Super fantastic, Tina.

    Way to go Walt!
    And all who are entering.

    Loving the poetry today, Vince & Tina. HA!

    May has been incognito (out on a mission, shhhh), and I've been burning a candle at both ends, and then some. We have a show tomorrow and Sunday, if anyone is around Fairfield Glade, TN. Come see us! May will be there "in dog" - smile!

    Looking forward to getting back to a routine (?) and my daily Seekerville fix!

    Have some unpubbed author friends who are heading to the ACFW for the first time - told 'em to find you ladies: Ruth and Becky. Hopefully they will!

    okay all - we'll talk to you later. Just letting you know gravity is still in effect. I've not dropped off the face of the earth.

  35. Great update as always, Tina! Interesting how many more contests are now open to both published and unpublished authors.

  36. I've just about convinced myself to enter the Launching a Star contest because of the historical judge.

    A word of advice (like anyone asked for it). For the longest time, I never paid attention to who the final judges were. I was entering contests for the critiques. Then one of my manuscripts finaled twice in the same year (thud!) and I had two requests for a full. The problem was that neither of the publishing houses had 'gentle' romances, and I wasn't willing to add more 'heat.' :-) So even if you don't think you have any chance to final, even if you're totally into it for the critiques and comments, pay attention to those judges' names :-)

    As an aside: don't enter me for "Over the Edge." It's next in line on my e-bookshelf. I'm waiting for a block of time because I have learned it is very, very had to put down Mary's books before I've finished reading them.

    Nancy C

  37. hi everyone! I think I'm gonna host a contest - rules will be certain authors with a book release due soon to send me the manuscript and I'll choose the best out of the bunch. that way I dont' have to wait on stuff to go to print :-) oh well sounded good to me...
    I feel anxiety just hearing about due dates- reminds me of school :-(


  38. Thanks, Tina! I always appreciate that you notate which ones also allowed pubbed authors to enter.

    Isn't the Suzannah a cool concept? Just throw everyone in together and let the cream rise to the top. I like that idea. :)

  39. Jackie, I finaled in the short contemporary category once or twice with an inspy entry. I believe we've had a couple of people win them. So I figure it can't hurt to try!

  40. Vince, you're so funny! Love the poem.

    You have a whole 24 hours. Go for it! :)

  41. Nancy C, that's a good point. I always only entered when the judge was someone I could potentially sell to.

  42. Tina and Missy,

    Thanks for your advice!

    Have a great weekend.

    Jackie L.

  43. It always amazes me how MANY contests are available (even for unpubbed!). Thanks for this update, Tina--you are appreciated! Hugs, Patti Jo (taking a pound cake out of the oven--warm and yummy---Have some!) ;)

  44. JACKIE -- you said "So far I've limited myself to contests with Christian categories. I think I'm ready to venture out.Realistically, what are the chances of winning or doing well if we write Christian romances? Or Christian romantic suspense? Do judges care?"

    I thought I remembered inspirational writers who finaled in categories other than inspirational with the RWA's RITA (for published authors) so I checked the RWA website.

    Cheryl St. John was a finalist with a LI Historical in the 2011 Romance Novella category. Karen Witemeyer was a finalist for Best First Book (RITA). The year before, Carla Capshaw had a LI Historical as a RITA finalist in the Best First Book category.

    I judge 4 contests each year and have never seen anything that scores 'down' in historical or contemporary if there's an inspirational element. The main consideration (if you're not just going for feedback from non-inspirational category judges) is whether or not that final judge's publishing house or a division of their publishing house sells to 'your' market or the agent handles both inspirational and mainstream writers.

    I hope this sounds like encouragement to 'venture out' ... that's the spirit in which I'm writing it :-)

    Nancy C

    Nancy C

  45. Nancy C!!! Thank you for researching that. WOWZA you rock.

  46. Patti Jo, I can smell your pound cake and we're miles apart. YUM!

    Walt, congrats on the Lone Star! You are a Seekerville star, for sure.

    Carol, tell your friend to be sure to introduce herself at the M&M. Will she bring cookies? :)

    KC, we'll watch for Becky and Ruth. Tell them we're really nice and love making new friends. We'll be hanging out in the hotel common area in the evening, more than likely. Tell them to look for a group of women who laugh alot! :)

    May "in dog!" Too cute, KC!

  47. Love it Susanna. And I can be bribed if someone would clean my office. hahaha

  48. WOOT TO WALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. WOWZA? Love it, Tina!

    My new word for the day. WOWZA! All caps followed by an exlamation point. Plus, it's fun to say aloud.

  50. Debby - I've already told her she has to ;). And if she does go, then I'll do my best to send cookies with her :D.

  51. I think I already said congrats to Walt, but congrats again anyway!!!

    Seems like the Rattler are all agent judges (why doesn't it say so on the actual site?) so no competition from me. :)

  52. Thank you again,Tina, for the Sept. update. Congratulations to Walt. I entered the Phoenix Rattler from the Aug. contest list. Love that contest and the feedback. Thank you, Tina. Love to have the resource for writers if picked. Wonderful weekend to all.

  53. You are very welcome, Pat.

  54. Are you agented Melissa J? I didn't know that. Details???

  55. 100 word synop done!!!!!!

    May tweak it a bit as I have 2 words leftover ;), but I have one!!!


  56. Well, you're amazing Carol.

  57. Hehe - took the 100 word pitch to LI and tweaked it ;). MUCH easier than starting from scratch! The pitch took like 2 weeks :D.

  58. Smart cookie and amazing.

  59. Rose, I just noticed you entered the Family Circle contest. Wow, you are inspiring.

  60. OOH, Jodie, I just saw your post too. Congratulations!!!

  61. I know, it's late. I got my 100 word synop done, much more quickly than expected. Took a few elements from my 3 pager and from my pitch and combined, sliced and diced. Reading through my entry one more time and then filling everything out for the Rattler.

    It's all your fault, Tina. You inspired me before I had my second cup of coffee. :)

  62. I've been blamed for much, much worse.


  63. MISSY, I thought that was very cool, too!

    I'm not really competitive, but I think it would be totally fun to throw a bunch of authors in the pot and see what the judges think. The only thing isI can't decide whether I'd want to enter, or judge!

    Wouldn't it be funny if you could recognize the entries?? I think there are people I could pick out of a stack, just by their voice.

    Totally fun!

  64. TINA........I'm pretty certain you told me that I had to take a picture when I signed my agent contract? I signed with Natasha Kern a little over a month ago.

  65. I could sure use a kickstart in my writing or a swift kick in the you-know-what. I'd prefer the kickstart in my writing and would love to win that book.



  67. Of course, somebody on Seekerville told me to do so and so I obeyed.

  68. Would love to win any of the contest

  69. Well, what are you waiting for??? Send me the picture, MJ.
