Julie here, and it is my privilege and pleasure to welcome back one of my favorite authors and friends, Cathy Gohlke for another challenging and thought-provoking post that could very well change how you write ... and how you live. Without further ado, I give you my good friend, Cathy.
I was ten years old when my mother
tucked Charles Sheldon’s bestselling novel into my Easter basket, along with
Barbie clothes, jellybeans and a chocolate bunny. The jellybeans and chocolate bunny disappeared by
sundown. The Barbie clothes faded,
as did my passion for them. But,
after my Bible, I’ve read that novel more times than any other book. Like my Bible, that novel
changed my life. And it was all
because of the question that formed the novel’s premise.

the novel, the Rev. Henry Maxwell’s faith walk is challenged by an
impoverished, dying man. Regretful
and repentant, Rev. Maxwell determines to ask himself before each future
action, What
would Jesus do—what would He really do?—and act upon the answer—no
matter the consequences. He
challenges his congregation to join him in this quest, for one year.
accepting the challenge find that their lives are turned inside out and upside
down as they alternately suffer and celebrate the consequences of their
actions. Some lose the love and
support of family and friends in the process. Some gain friends and purposes they’d never imagined. They begin to look at life and their
own gifts from new perspectives.
Ultimately, each one is transformed as they follow in Christ’s steps,
living intentionally, and sacrificially as they understand He lived.
powerful, mind-bending, mind-stretching question shaped a novel and transformed
its characters in their most vulnerable places. And the power of that one question has changed the lives of
countless readers.
of that is to say that I’m star struck with the power of questions—as long as
they are
powerful, as long as they’re questions that open and stretch our minds.
if we, as Christian writers, posed that question in our work? What if, before each project, we asked,
would Jesus do—what would He write—right here, right now? What has He prepared and gifted me to
write? How would He portray this
scene, this chapter, this conflict?
What is the point He’d want to make? How would He make it live and breathe?
told stories to convey deep truths.
He crafted tales and parables of farmers and fishermen, housewives,
employers, knotty family relationships—all characters with relationships and
occupations just like the real people He addressed. He showed characters using the same props His hearers used
each day—lamps, oil, banquets, weddings, mustard seeds, yeast, dough. He showed them frightened or confused,
in conflict with themselves and others—losing a coin, losing a pearl, their
wheat fields riddled with tares, their children ungrateful. And he showed them in
resolution—finding a coin, bundling wheat and burning tares after harvest,
wayward children stumbling home while overjoyed parents go out to meet them.
each of those stories is a question:
*What does a father do when his
ungrateful child takes his inheritance and runs?
*Do we really need to remain
diligent? Can’t we just wing it
and ask for help later if we’re not prepared? Isn’t it the duty of good people to help me?
*What’s faith? What good is it? How much do I need? Does it remain the same, or if I
exercise it, will it grow?
*Isn’t it enough to be
tolerant? Do I have to be
holy? What’s the difference and
what difference does it make?
Oh—the power of a well phrased
question! It can set us off and
Think about the stories you’ve read
or the stories you’ve written.
What questions do they pose?
I’d venture to say that the deepest questions posed are things the author
has asked or struggled with at some time in some form. At least that’s true for me.

In I Have Seen Him in
the Watchfires, Robert is frustrated that he can’t join the Union
Army before turning eighteen. He’s frustrated that he can’t control his
family—his mother deserted him to return to her childhood home in the south;
his father is off drawing maps for the Union Army; the cousin he loves is
caught behind enemy lines.
Ultimately, Robert asks, Can I surrender control? Is surrender to God defeat, or is it
victory? I don’t know the answers
to my life; I need God. What’s the
right thing to do? Those
questions embody the question, What would Jesus do in this
In Promise Me This,
Michael struggles to carry out the promise he made to Owen while aboard Titanic,
to help Owen’s family in New Jersey and bring his sister, Annie to
America. Years, finances, hard
feelings and war all stand in his way and convolute his journey, but Michael
can’t let go of the promise he made to the man who blessed him with life, a
home, a family, a purpose—a future.
He asks, repeatedly, as he traverses the rocky terrain of his life,
“What would Owen do in this situation?”
In Promise Me This,
Owen is a portrait of Christ. Once
again, the main character essentially asks, What would Jesus do?
My newest novel, Band
of Sisters, was born of a desire to end modern-day slavery and most
of all to ask, what can I do to help in a need so desperate? Despite all my research, I
couldn’t answer that—not until I opened Charles Sheldon’s novel, In
His Steps, and read again the all-important question: What would Jesus do?
What would Jesus do about human
trafficking? What did He do while
here on earth that would give me clues?
As I contemplated those questions
and Jesus’ actions and the principles by which He lived, I wrote my characters’
responses. New possibilities for
the fight against modern-day slavery opened in my mind—ways to help in the real
world that I’d never considered.
Those led to connections with individuals and organizations—one spring
boarding to another—most of which I’d never heard or known.
You can see some of those on the resource page http://authorcathygohlke.com/resources/ on my website—a hotline for help;
organizations offering help and hope for healing to victims; others who
prosecute predators; art and media forms, including novels and nonfiction
books, that raise awareness of modern-day slavery. The list continues to grow, showing we can all do something,
no matter our circumstances.
Before I knew it things were
happening not only in my story, but in the lives of others who’ve read Band
of Sisters, and other books by other authors written to raise
awareness of human trafficking and to enlist warriors of every kind—including
pen warriors—in the fight for abolition.
One reviewer (Christian Fiction
Addiction) wrote, “Band of Sisters is a powerfully moving story, one that proved to be even more
than I expected. I picked up the book expecting to be entertained - and I was.
I picked up the book expecting to encounter a well-written read - and I did.
But I did not pick up the book expecting my faith to be so challenged, to feel
so moved to ask myself what Jesus would do, how I should respond in the face of
social injustices, in the face of need. This book is not simply a poignant
story, but a call to band together as Christians to confront the evil in this
world, one person at a time.”
Little steps—but what a
journey! I cried for joy when I
read that review. The reader
got—she really got it! And it began
with a question posed by an author over one hundred years ago.
Try it—with your story. Ask, what would Jesus
do? What would He have me
write? What story has He prepared
me (through experience, environment, passionate interest) to tell? How would He tell this story? How would He respond to the fundamental
question of the story?
The answers will knock your socks off.
And then leave it all with
Him. See where He takes it. Be amazed.
Leave a comment for a chance to win Cathy's latest release, Band of Sisters. Be sure to leave your e-mail address in a spam-free manner such as susieseeker(at)seekerville(dot)com.
Cathy Gohlke is
the two-time Christy Award-winning author of the critically acclaimed novels Promise Me This, William Henry is a Fine Name and I Have Seen Him in the Watchfires, which also won the Carol Award
and was listed by Library Journal as
one of the Best Books of 2008.
Band of Sisters released September, 2012 from Tyndale House
When not
traipsing the hills and dales of historic sites, Cathy, her husband, and their
English Springer Spaniel,
Reilly, make their home on
the banks of the Laurel Run in Elkton, Maryland. Visit her website at
Cathy - Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteChelsea Boland
That's too deep for 1140 at night ;).
ReplyDeleteI think I picked up Promise Me This when it was free in April but I haven't read it yet. It looks sooo interesting though!!!
So does this one. Would love to be in the drawing!
carolmoncado at gmail dot com
Years ago when I was writing my second romance I was sitting in church waiting for the worship service to begin and a voice said "Write it Christian." So I did. I wasn't even thinking about the story. I never submitted that mss because it was full of beginners' mistakes. It's the only inspirational mss I've written, though I've since written several sweet romances.
ReplyDeleteI just downloaded In His Steps from Project Gutenberg (free). Maybe it will speak to me, too.
christy at christy olesen dot com
Wow, what an amazing post! You wrote "Oh—the power of a well phrased question! It can set us off and running." Well your writing today has impacted me and set me off and running! I love the way you have used the question "What Would Jesus Do?" in your novels.
ReplyDeleteI've decided to read "In His Steps" for myself and the good news is that the Kindle version is free at http://tinyurl.com/9tus73f
Please enter me in the book draw.
ruthdell (at) mweb (dot) co (dot) za
My agent told me I should read this book, so I ought to put myself in the drawing, no? :)
ReplyDeletethanks for the kindle link to In His Steps, haven't read it.
Cathy, what a brilliant and moving testimony of letting Christ work through your writing. Brava!
ReplyDeleteThank you for being our guest in Seekerville today! And Melissa, yes, you should read these....
Heartfelt books. Gohlke. You rock.
Coffee's on and I brought the Keurig, peeps!!!! Any flavor you want.
And there's a bevy of creamers to the side. Informal Friday, so wear your jeans and t-shirts. Grab a muffin. I've got pumpkin spice... with cream cheese frosting just because.... apple cinnamon.... bran and corn muffins. Fresh butter.
Oh. Yum.
I would love to be entered in the drawing for Band of Sisters. I read Promise Me This in February as part of Tyndale's blog tour and I loved it. One of these days I'll get around to reading the other books.
ReplyDeleteMy email is
Those apple cinnamon muffins look wonderful. Especially so early on a Friday morning where if I didn't have to go to work, I'd still be sleeping.
Oh, what a sluggard I am!!! Ruthy's here before me with coffee and muffins -- THANKS, you earlybird, you!!
ReplyDeleteOf course, Ruthy's husband hasn't made her bike over 80 miles this week, I don't think, so that should account for SOME sleeping late, right??? Gosh, at this rate, I can eat ALL the muffins and still be okay ... ;)
A HUGE SEEKER WELCOME to my dear friend Cathy Gohlke, one of the few writers I automatically pick up and read because she is just THAT good!!
Beautiful post, Cath, as always, from the perspective of a truly beautiful mind and faith.
So glad you stopped by today.
ReplyDeleteYou gave us lots to think about. Thanks.
Jackie L.
RUTH ANN, you sweetheart, you -- THANK YOU for including that Kindle link for a free download of In His Steps!!
ReplyDeleteCHRISTY ... your "Write it Christian" directive in church gave me goosebumps, girl!! I had a similar experience, only not as spiritual -- it was in a beauty salon in 2001 when I was reading a Newsweek cover article that Christian books, music and movies were on the threshold of exploding (that was right before Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ). Anyway, I heard the words, "Now is the time to finish your book," which I took to mean the book that I started writing at the age of 12 after reading Gone With the Wind. I started the next month and within five years, that book debuted as A Passion Most Pure. Sure can't discount those spiritual whisperings, can you???