Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day!

In the United States Labor Day is a federal holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It recognizes and pays tribute to the contributions and accomplishments of American workers. We often celebrate the day with parties, picnics, and parades. Labor Day often marks the end of summer, and in some areas, the beginning of the school year.

Seekerville is closed today. We hope all of you enjoy the holiday with your family and friends! Or, enjoy the day by reading a good book and/or writing a good one.


  1. I get to comment first when we're closed, hallelujah!

    Hey, if anyone sneaks in the back door, we've got coffee... and folks are still chattin' down below on the Weekend Edition...

    So mosey on down ONE POST and see what the chat of the day is...

    We've got carrot cake and chocolate topped peanut butter bars. Not exactly dessert... but not bad, either, right??? ;)

  2. Happy Labor Day, Seekerville. Hope y'all are writing up a storm so I have more good reads in my future. :-)

  3. Thanks for the great food and coffee, Ruthy!

    Hi, Kav! I think I'll write for a while before my day really begins.

  4. Happy Labor Day to all the SEEKERS, well you have a day of rest but I just bet there will be some of you(MOst probably) will have your nimble fingers typing away with a story for us readers to enjoy. I see Cara is working already.
    Ruth has some great tasty snacks and coffee so I am going to mosy over there and grab some from breakfast as I have been working on reviews and I am hungry....
    Enjoy Everyone.....
    Paula O(

  5. Good morning, Seekerville! Yes, as some of you guessed, this is an extra-long morning of writing! Celebrated the holiday with family on Sunday with grilled honey-teriyaki chicken, oven-roasted seasoned red potatoes, celery casserole and a delicious tomato dish. Oh, and fresh strawberries for dessert! Then as later treat, Blue Bunny "Red Velvet Cake" icecream cones! :)

    Have a GREAT day all!

  6. Happy Labor Day, everyone!

    Glynna K. I'm reading At Home in His Heart now and I'm enjoying it!

    Sounds fantastique, Ruthy!

    Everyone else hope you enjoy today!


  7. I hope everyone has a great day! I have my oldest home for a visit. And the other two are in Tennessee whitewater rafting today! They'll be home this evening. :)

  8. Speaking of carrot cake! Trisha Yearwood made that on Live with Kelly this morning. It looked amazing!

  9. I'm writing. Writing. Writing. Rawhide.

    I see pizza delivery in my future.

  10. Ganise -- So glad you're enjoying "At Home In His Heart" on this holiday weekend! I love writing those Canyon Springs stories. :)

  11. Happy Labor Day to all! I made the kids go play with daddy, while I hide out in a closed room! Ah, it feels so good to breath in peace and quiet. :)

  12. Happy Labor Day, all. I'm rewriting, finally. It's complicated...too complicated to explain what's going on here, but lifting it up to the Lord...

    Got the Rawhide, Tina. You crack me up...

  13. I labored all Labor Day weekend! I edited about 2/3 of a client's manuscript and did research and worked on my book proposal. Enjoyed every minute!
