Fall is a favorite season around Seekerville.
The perfect writing season.
The perfect writing season.
What's your favorite season?
We Have Winners
We're late. We're late, for a very important date! Contact us at seekers@seekerville.net if you won or we are late!
We're late. We're late, for a very important date! Contact us at seekers@seekerville.net if you won or we are late!
Love Inspired author Winnie Griggs joined us on Wednesday to talk about "Revelations and Secrets" in your book. The winner of a signed copy of Hand Picked Husband (or any book from Winnie's backlist) Chiara Keren Button.
Thursday we welcomed our guest, L.A. Sartor who shared her journey through the world of Indie Publishing. Indie
Publishing isn't for everyone, but the thrill of writing "My Story, My Way" has
been her adventure of a lifetime. The two winners of L.A.'s ebook, Dare To Believe are Zan Marie and Virginia Munoz.
Last Sunday we picked the Moral Premise question winner: Congratulations to Amber Schamel.
Next Week In Seekerville
Monday:Join us as Seeker Sandra Lee Smith talks about the importance of reviews for readers and for authors. Learn the ins and outs of the new business models in this new and changing digital world.
Tuesday:School is in session, and today
Grammar Queen expects everyone at their desks and eager to learn. The subject of her lecture is the dreaded pronoun, and where would authors--or anyone--be without these small but incredibly useful words? No doubt many of you are busily equipping yourselves or your youngsters with school supplies, so test your knowledge and join in the class discussion to be entered in a drawing for a $10 Target e-giftcard.
Wednesday:Going to the ACFW Conference? Today Seeker Pam Hillman gives us a"Sneak Peek" of a handful of the exciting items donated to the Silent Auction held annually at the conference. All proceeds from the Silent Auction go toward the scholarship fund.
Thursday: With the ACFW conference just days away, Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti will be talking about "Handy Dandy Travel Tips" on Thursday. She'll host a drawing for one of her books, winner's choice, so be sure to stop by and add your own travel tips to the mix.
Friday: We're delight that two-time Christy Award-winning author Cathy Gohlke is returning to Seekerville today. Cathy will explore "The Power of a Good Question" with a fascinating post and giveaway of her brand-new release Band of Sisters.
Monday:Join us as Seeker Sandra Lee Smith talks about the importance of reviews for readers and for authors. Learn the ins and outs of the new business models in this new and changing digital world.
Tuesday:School is in session, and today

Wednesday:Going to the ACFW Conference? Today Seeker Pam Hillman gives us a"Sneak Peek" of a handful of the exciting items donated to the Silent Auction held annually at the conference. All proceeds from the Silent Auction go toward the scholarship fund.
Thursday: With the ACFW conference just days away, Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti will be talking about "Handy Dandy Travel Tips" on Thursday. She'll host a drawing for one of her books, winner's choice, so be sure to stop by and add your own travel tips to the mix.
Friday: We're delight that two-time Christy Award-winning author Cathy Gohlke is returning to Seekerville today. Cathy will explore "The Power of a Good Question" with a fascinating post and giveaway of her brand-new release Band of Sisters.
Seeker Sightings
Julie Lessman: September 11-18. Win your choice of any of Julie's books including A Love Surrendered and her Christmas e-book A Light in the Window: An Irish Christmas Love Story at a blog interview/giveaway on Christian Bookshelf Reviews blog.
E-BOOK edition of A Love Surrendered is NOW AVAILABLE!!! Paperback still scheduled for release October 1st.
Congratulations to Mary Connealy, Over the Edge is #12 on the ECPA Christian Fiction Bestseller's List.
You can find Mary Connealy on Petticoats & Pistols Wednesday, September 13th.
Glynna Kaye's Look-Alike Lawman is available for preorder!
E-BOOK edition of A Love Surrendered is NOW AVAILABLE!!! Paperback still scheduled for release October 1st.
Congratulations to Mary Connealy, Over the Edge is #12 on the ECPA Christian Fiction Bestseller's List.
You can find Mary Connealy on Petticoats & Pistols Wednesday, September 13th.
Glynna Kaye's Look-Alike Lawman is available for preorder!
Congratulations to Emily Rodmell who has been promoted to Editor at Harlequin Love Inspired!
Don't miss the Love Inspired Harvest Festival, September 10-14 (eHarlequin)
The Results of Free Offering (E-Book Formatting Fairies)
Why Creativity Blocks Happen (and How to Overcome Them) by Iris Shoor (LifeHacker)
The Future of Ebook Publishing at RWA 2012 (Smashwords Blog)
Amazon Unveils $119 Kindle Paperwhite (GalleyCat) & if you haven't peeked at Kindle Fire HD, here it is.
Avon Books Taps Community for Site Relaunch (GalleyCat)
WOOT!! Congratulations to Friend of Seekeville Steena Holmes!Steena Holmes Holds Steady on the Self-Published Bestsellers List (GalleyCat)
Publishing's Drug Problem (HuffPost)
Don't forget...Seekerville has our own contest going! Deadline September 30th. Details in this month's September Contest Update. No names mentioned, but several Seekervillians have entered multiple contests already (and we're only 8 days in) and sent proof of their contest entry MULTIPLE times. Way to go!!! No guts, no glory!
That's it, have a wonderful weekend.
I'm still at one contest and that's likely where I'll stay ;).
ReplyDeleteCongrats to the winners!!!
Great WE as always! Busy day ahead including getting hair done before conference, a 'we got remarried' shindig for DH's aunt/uncle and then more synopsis writing...
Oh. And cookie making! Hoping our new neighbors will be home so we can take them some. We tried on Tuesday but no one answered the door... We ate those ;) but have to make more for the shindig anyway so planning to take them some :).
Prayer request... 70-80mph wind gusts here this afternoon blew my sister's gate open [6" stake apparently holding it closed] and she has been looking for her dogs for hours [DH joined her for the last two] and still hasn't found them. She lives in a weird area of 'wilderness' in a medium sized city - and there's some businesses etc that go for good chunks but you can't just drive onto. So there's lots of places they could be that she can't find them. DH is on his way home and DD10 is going over there in the morning [supposedly for movie watching but may end up be dog hunting instead].
Carol, I saw that on FB. Will be praying for sure!
ReplyDeleteTina, I found that article on the free books fascinating. =D
Congrats to all the winners! I have to keep my internet time to almost nothing this weekend to finish polishing one sheets and pitches and do the laundry I've been needing to do the past two weekends, haha.
Congrats to the winners!
ReplyDeleteTina, great WE. I hadn't planned to check in till the morning, but a blog post (for when I begin one) popped into my mind while I was trying to persuade my brain to shut down. So, here I am. :) I plan to come back and check some links sometime this weekend.
CAROL, I'll be praying. I'm so sorry. The crazy fall weather is here, yes?
Good Morning Seekerville, I am a winner this weekend and wish to say a big THANKS to Arlene James as I will get to read her book soon, congrats to all the winners...
ReplyDeleteHope all have a great weekend and will see ya next week.
Paula O(kyflo130@yahoo.com)
Good morrow, everyone!
Congrats winners AND
Mary Connealy,Julie Lessman, Emily, and Stema (I think?) Whoop, for you guys!!
Hopefully I'll be able to check out next week's activities. They sound good.
CAROL- Prayers sent up! We've also learnt in our prayer meeting yesterday about 2 families who are going through difficulties. We don't know them personally but apparently one has a daughter who has cancer and an amputed leg. And in the other family both of the parents are VERY sick. They have 2 young kids and the mom's been in hospital for 14 days.
Anyone want to join us in asking Heaven to open up for these folks?
Bless you Seekerville.
I prefer summer, btw. After fall... winter..:-(
ReplyDeleteAnd Ganise, adding your families too!!
ReplyDeletePraying that those dogs are found, Carol. Let us know when they are!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'll add the families Ganise mentioned to my prayers as well.
I'm still sitting on the fence about e-books. I'm such a paper hugger! And you've been peppering your WE with e-book links for ages now. It's such a new area and things are changing so rapidly that I'm not certain authors will always benefit from them.
Take juvenile lit. for instance. I work in a school board with about 47 elementary schools. Recently the District decided to experiment with e-book purchases. They bought limitless rights books. 177 of them. That means that each title isn't restricted to one user.
Each e-book cost 5x as much as a hard cover copy. That's supposed to cover the multi-user angle. But think about how many more books would have been sold if each school purchased a hard cover copy. That would net a sale of 47 books. Instead, they bought the equivalent of 5 which means the author just lost the royalties for 42 book sales. Am I missing something here? Because that doesn't look hopeful for writers in the future.
The winds are a bit frightening right now. My daughter is in a big craft show today. Not sure how that's going to go - big tents and big winds don't mix. I Pray no area gets tornadoes and that no one is hurt in the storms.
ReplyDeleteHope the dogs are found ASAP Carol!
A great week in Seekerville. Congratulations to all the winners!
I LOVE FALL! and it started the day after Labor Day, right?
Great WE Tina.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the great articles. I don't know if I've told you before, but you find the most interesting stuff. Relevant also.
Carol, Let us know if you found the dogs. Praying you do.
ReplyDeleteDo they have micro chips? Those are terrific. Check the pound and animal rescue groups. i"m sure you already have.
VIRGINIA Congrats on getting your author copies. How exciting is that?
ReplyDelete(I know, I'm late commenting as this info was in yesterdays comments)
But better late than not SHOUTING OUT A WOOO HOOOO
I absolutely LOVE autumn, although it's so very short here in the high country of Arizona (trees are already starting to change color now and snow could fly within 5-6 weeks!). I find my best writing months, however, are April thru August as I can have the window open by my desk and there's more daylight. I'm SO "solar powered," and the cold, dark winter months are a challenge.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for a fabulous W.E., Tina! I'll be back later to dig into it. It's just after 6 a.m. here in the West, so I have to get to my WIP now!
Praying the dogs will be found and that the winds will settle down.
ReplyDeletePraying for those families, Ganise. So many hurting people.
I can’t believe I missed Thursdays post. I incorporated a publishing company on August 14. My first ebook Whatever He Wants will be available on Kindle and Nook November 1 2012. Empowered Publications, Inc. has a developmental editor, a copy editor and a graphic artist on a work-for-hire retainer. Hopefully our website will be up and running sometimes next week.
ReplyDeleteMy reasons for going this route are many. The most important being: contest, agent and editor feedback ask that I remove all denominational references from my fiction. I view my writing as a ministry and consider my novels to be complex parables designed to entertain and enlighten. While they are not preachy, I could never remove the Pentecostal aspect to them.
Also, I believe that a character’s denomination affects their goals, motivations, traits, quirks, work ethics, etc.
By forming my own company, not only can I publish my books, but the work of others. We will be open to submissions ONLY in the Pentecostal genre. Fiction and Nonfiction.
Prayers appreciated for this endeavor.
ReplyDeleteAnd HOLY COW, STEENA -- you go, girl!!!
SUPER CONGRATS to all the winners and great WE, Teenster!!
Good news!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, half good news.
Someone found my sister's border collie mix and posted her on Craigslist!!! That's great!!
The downside? The terrier mix isn't mentioned and whoever placed the ad didn't say anything about WHERE she was found [and didn't answer the phone when I called].
So that's a relief, but they ALWAYS stick together when they get out. So either they got separated or the terrier was hiding or something when this person found the border collie.
A look at the time on the Craigslist post shows us they got out before the storm. The only thing we can think of is that the lawn guy cut the wire with his weedeater and didn't tell sis. She said there's several places held together with electrical tape that she didn't do and she's not pleased.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your prayers, everyone.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you all.
Great news about Steena's book!!
ReplyDeleteCarol, so sorry to hear about the missing dogs! Will pray they find the other one. And that you can get hold of the Craigslist person.
ReplyDeleteGanise, I'll join you in prayer.
ReplyDeleteBridgett, congrats on your new endeavor!
ReplyDeleteOh, dogs... They're such wanderlusts!!!
ReplyDeleteStorms, drought, infestations. These are the things we write about, right????
Now we get to experience them first-hand. Oh, that God!!!!
Cookies here too. Grandchildren. Spent four hours re-writing an old favorite....
And will work more tonight and tomorrow....
And the yellow jackets have thinned, but are still an interesting presence in my house.
Annoying, pesky critters. Chocolate cookies should help.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would like to offer prayer to all who need it, especially to those families. How hard that must be.
ReplyDeleteFall is my favorite time of year, and I agree, Debra, it started after Labor Day when all of the fall stuff arrived in stores. It may have come slightly sooner for Ruthy, whose primo apple cider doughnut contact opened back in August. Fall is the best!
Tina, please let me know-- we can enter the Seekerville contest more than once? I do have more contest confirmations that I can forward to you if that is the case...my confusion may be singular, but if you could just clarify overall? Thanks!
Yes. You can enter more than once. They have to be contests mentioned in the September Update.
ReplyDeleteWow, Bridgett, that's like launching a ship!!! Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteI failed to say spring and fall are my favorites. I'd be totally happy if it stayed 80 degrees year round. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so thrilled about Emily Rodmell's promotion to EDITOR!!! She's wonderful and has such a great grasp of story. I hope she buys lots of books in the year ahead--all from Seekervillagers!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to the winners!
Adding my prayers to the list of intentions.
Mary!!! So happy for your #12!!!
Congrats, Steena. And Virginia received her author copies! It's all good.
I love spring but my allergies go wild. Summer is fun if I can be at the beach. Fall always seems bittersweet. Perhaps it's the falling leaves. Best writing season for me is winter, after the Christmas holiday.
Congrats on the author copies, Virginia! Pretty amazing, isn't it? Be sure to take a photo of them in the opened box--and have someone take a picture of you with them!
ReplyDeleteCarol, the idea that the lawn guy accidentally cut the wire is a story twist...
ReplyDeleteImagine a teen doing that in a book. And trying to cover his tracks.
Virginia, you've got copies????
Happy dancing for you!
And Ganise, I just saw your request and yes, they're on our prayer list asap. I'm so glad you asked for them!
I will stop whining about my cold because it's just a measly cold and there are people with real problems.
Loving the cooler temps. Fall is my favorite season. Always has been. I think it's because summer is my least favorite... So fall is a welcome respite! SUHWEEEET! :)
I love the peace of winter. I don't mind driving in the snow, I love wood fires, but I miss flowers by the end of February. But where Missy wants it 80 all year....
I'd be happy at 70... or 65. I'm a sweater weather girl!
ReplyDeleteI won LA's book!!!!!!!!
I'm so stoked!!!!!!
Sis got her dog! One of them anyway...
ReplyDeleteTurns out some guy found it, took it to his home about 30 miles away, posted on Craigslist. She then ran away and headed along I-44 about 30 miles east of Springfield [headed toward home] and another lady picked her up off the side of the interstate and took her to her town [about 20 miles south of I44] and checked Craigslist.
She found the guy who said he'd found her in Springfield but has since taken the ad down [he didn't have her anymore after all...] so not sure where in Springfield he found her. Still no word on her other dog :(.
Sis checked animal control and will be checking the local shelters and stuff. My Panera day tomorrow is likely canceled so hubs can go over and help her reinforce her fence [well, chicken mesh around the bottom so they can't dig out and fix the gate so it shuts better]. /sigh/ I know it's more important her dogs can't get out again but was really looking forward to a work day.
Praying someone has Buck and is just waiting for Monday while thinking animal control etc is closed on the weekend...
Praying for BUCK! Thank you for the update. And praying for your time to be redeemed. xxxx
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update, Carol. I've been worrying about those dogs all day and kept checking back for more news. Something about a lost pet that just pulls at my heart strings! Will keep on praying for Buck!
ReplyDeleteLate poster today!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Mary!!! Woot!! And the winners!
Prayers going up for the families Gansie mentioned.
Huge dog lover here. I hope everyone is safe and sound, back at home soon.
Carol, I hope find Buck. what a saga, that dog was about one more 'runaway saved by helpful people' from turning into Lassie Come Home II
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the nice congratulations notes! YAY!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Mary!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd all other winners too.
We continue to be so thankful for Seekerville!
Thank you Arlene. I'm excited to win your book and am looking forward to reading it. YAY!
And... I've been remiss. Was a winner a week or two ago of the deadline prize. Since I'm bordering on the line of being dead with all the stuff going on, including getting book 2 out, I didn't acknowledge this here.
May sends her best greetings too!
And... fall is my fave season for anything so writing included!!!
Hope that covers it. Time for church!
Doggie bones for May and all Seekerville pets!
ReplyDeleteDeep breaths and praying hard.
ReplyDeleteWe may have a lead on Sis's other dog. Reposted his pic on FB and an acquaintance of mine said they'd seen a similar looking dog the last two nights on their walks but wouldn't come to her and her 3 kids. Hoping with a name he will. Hubs and DD8 are headed that way too though we only have a vague area of where they live - about 2-3 miles from sis's house.
Haven't told sis as she has work she HAS to get done tonight and if it's him she's there no problem but if it's not then...
Just got the address and more specifics... Dunno how many people will actually see this before we know something but it helps knowing you'll whisper a little prayer when you do...
ReplyDeleteWe didn't find him but are almost certain it was him. He's fairly standoffish with strangers but hoping maybe someone lured him in with a treat. Sis is going to put up posters tomorrow afternoon in the area.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your support Seeker friends!