Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Please Welcome our guest Noelle Buss Bethany House Fiction Publicist

Social Media: A List of To Do’s
By Noelle Buss
Bethany House Fiction Publicist
To Celebrate todays visit from Bethany House we are giving away the entire October Fiction Release list, hourly giveaways, you must leave a contact email to win.
AND today is the last chance to get your name in the drawing for our Grand Prize Birthday Giveaway

Now, here is Noelle Buss

1.      Do What You Love

Our favorite advice is to find which social media you love—Twitter, Facebook, blogging, Pinterest, or something else—and then focus on this and do it well. Trying to do a little of everything may sound like a good idea, but your level of engagement in each social-media tool, and your ability to effectively use each one will likely suffer. Also, sticking to what you love will help stave off burnout and help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

2.      Do Be Yourself

Readers love books and love talking about books, but the real reason they’re visiting your social-media pages is because they want to encounter the person behind their favorite stories. So don’t be afraid to talk about something other than your books through your social media. Post about the things that interest you, inspire you, and fun things you’ve encountered. The more dynamic you can be in revealing who you are, the more inclined people are going to be to follow and engage with you, which will give them more reasons to relate to you.

3.      Do Get Creative

Social media can be fun, but for authors and publishers it’s also a tool for expanding your reach by being able to influence readers directly. So be attentive to what skills and approaches are going to increase your followers. For instance, use photographs and images; they’re most likely to draw in fans and on Facebook show up in more newsfeeds. Also, think about what content you can provide that no one else can. Create like-gates or make special videos offering exclusive content or behind-the-scenes looks. People will keep returning to you if they know you’re going to offer them something special.

4.      Do Plan Ahead

Being spontaneous with your posting, tweeting, or sharing things can be great, yet if you get busy or overwhelmed with options, it ceases to be an effective system. Blogs, Facebook, and Twitter—via HootSuite or TweetDeck—all offer ways for you to upload content in advance and strategically spread things out. It can take the headache out of social media and make sure you’re maintaining a consistent presence.

5.      Do Be Generous

If you’re going to use social media, you have to be willing to inconvenience yourself a bit. When people tag you or post comments, respond to them in a timely and thoughtful manner. But don’t just be reactive—get out there and reach out to other people. The more you engage, the more you’ll be noticed and open up opportunities for yourself. And of course everyone loves a good giveaway!

Noelle Buss | Fiction Publicist
Bethany House Publishers
A Division of Baker Publishing Group

Leave a comment and tell me what you're doing about social media. Are you on Facebook? Twitter? Pinterest? Which ones am I forgetting? Which are your favorites?



  1. Welcome, Noelle!

    I used to love blogging when I co-blogged with a big group, but the last two years it hasn't been my top priority. I've been trying to get back into the swing of it.

    I love facebook for social. So far I use Pinterest to organize my own interests and not so much for connecting to other people.

  2. Hi Noelle! I always look forward to getting your emails about Bethany's review books. :-)

    I'm not a writer but I do love Pinterest, my friend Rachel told me about it months ago and I've quickly become addicted. It's SO easy to find things you love on that site and to post things from other sites that you love. I can definitely see why it's a great tool for authors. I myself follow a bunch of great authors on the site and always love seeing their pins on character inspirations, places that inspired the setting of their books, fashions etc.

    Twitter: @steelergirl83

    I'd love to see you all there! ;-)

  3. What a helpful post! Social media can be so intimidating. Now that I've gotten the hang of Twitter I would say it's my favorite. I love when editors and agents share advice. Only I'm too obsessed with the follower number. When it drops or doesn't climb I get a little sad ;)

  4. I love thinking of it in terms of what you said about readers loving to talk about books.

    Thanks for visiting today.

  5. Social media is pretty awesome! I'm living at my parents and they have a no Facebook or Twitter policy but I do love Pinterest! I have become rather addicted and can get lost in there! I also love Goodreads since it's all about books and is an awesome was to find people with similar book taste!

  6. Thanks for the tips, Noelle. I blog, and I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

    I haven't taken the Pinterest plunge since I can't figure out how the copyright issues work. I'm thinking if I post my own images or book covers, I'd be OK. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on this.

  7. This is so helpful. I love FB and my blog, but I have to work at Twitter. I haven't gotten into Pinterest, mostly because I feel as if I don't have time to spend on figuring out something new.

  8. Hey Noelle ~ great to see you here and terrific advice!

    As a reader and book reviewer who engages with writers every day via the internet, the authors who really stand out are those who connect with their readers and engage personally. That doesn't have to mean you spill your life story but you are doing more on social media than just seeing it as an opportunity to plug your book! As Noelle, says choosing one or two forms of media to focus on is key.

    Personally, I love twitter the most :) Simple and straight to the point!

  9. Hello, Noelle -
    I love Facebook and use it all the time. I'm also on Twitter and Pinterest, but it's a bit harder for me to engage there, so I use Facebook for most of my social interaction. I loved your list of tips! Thank you. :)

  10. Pinterest scares me. It's like window shopping. I could spend HOURS, DAYS in fact on there.

  11. Hey Noelle, so glad you're here in Seekerville! Thanks for the tips, good stuff!
    My fave uses of social media are blogging, facebook, and goodreads. There's so many good authors and I enjoy getting to know them in blog interviews and on facebook.
    You're such a blessing to Bethany House and to us bloggers :)

  12. Yes, only focus on social media you actually enjoy, please! I can tell which authors are on social media because they feel they have to be to get the word out on their books. It's annoying, frankly, because it's spam.

    I do facebook, goodreads and pinterest. I do them, because I enjoy them and get things out of them for myself. If you aren't doing social media because you enjoy it, you won't know what kind of people are annoying on it and what kind of presence actually makes you inclined to buy product.

    I can definitely say, those authors who show me their cute 2 year old, the crafts they did, the funny thought they had, the genuine ask for opinions, etc. are authors that make me feel like they actually want to be my friend, not hooking up with me on social media to bombard me with blog guest posts and reviews and giveaways. And who are almost always guaranteed to buy your book? Friends and family. So make friends! I'll buy my friends' books.

    Case in point, Mary Virginia Munoz, I have never met her except here in Seekerville comment land and facebook. She posts about her kids dancing with boxes on their heads, the paintings she's done on scrap wood, the cartoons she finds funny. She writes contemporary. I don't read or buy contemporary, and guess whose book I just bought last night on a midnight run to Walmart? Virginia's debut because she feels like my friend and I want to support friends.

    The authors that don't do anything like Virginia and spam me? I either endure them because I know them, or I hide them if I don't want to hurt their feelings by unfriending them.

    Can't stand twitter, therefore, I have nothing but a presence there because people would be able to tell that I don't like it, there's no way one can hide that fact from people who like to use that particular social media, so I never feel guilty when people push twitter, it won't work for me.

    Sorry for the longwindedness, people being on social media because they "have to" bugs me, and even if they try to play that it's legitimate, I can tell. I personally would rather not see regular content from those who just want a presence on social media avenues (which is a legit reason, I'm on twitter because that was the only way to contact someone who left me a blog comment once).

    "Now, Melissa, tell us how you really feel......"

  13. I am just getting started on social media. I have a Facebook account but have not been using it.


  14. Thank you for your helpful blog today, Noelle.

    I blog with a group of writers who write International Christian Fiction. It's an interesting blog to read and I enjoy being part of this group.

    I have twitter, facebook and pinterest accounts. I really like looking at other people's pinterest boards but have not really made use of it as I'm worried about the copyright issues.

  15. Now I'm paranoid Melissa isn't actually my friend.

  16. Does Melissa hide me? Next paranoid concern.

  17. Hi Noelle,
    Terrific post. I'm on Facebook,and since upgrading my phone, I am doing much better keeping in contact by posting timely photos which seem to spur discussions.


  18. Tina, you crack me up...

  19. *smiling at Tina's comments*
    forgot to leave my email :)

  20. @Melissa - I definitely see what you mean about Twitter. I use it mostly for discussing tv shows and book covers, just ask Rel LOL but I HATE that when I am on I'm constantly reading posts from authors that are strictly about promoting. Tweet posts about pets or food and I'm more likely to pay attention LOL


  21. As a reader I like blogs but I tend to just have a handful I now go to daily, I am on facebook and will check somethings out there. Twitter I tweet my blog and thats about it not really into it. I dont have an iphone to check in and forget when I am online. I do Love Goodreads. Some of the groups with authors are so good infact when I go to America next year a group of goodreads authors and reads are meeting up in Spokane.
    ausjenny at gmail dot com

  22. ps Tina I am with you pinterst scares me I haven't worked it out and not sure I want to. That and klout and a couple others I keep getting invites for.
    its amazing since mum passed away I have found I don't need to be online near as much and am more choosey where I spend time (seekerville will never be left out its a must visit)

  23. I enjoy Pinterest. Just pick pictures and make boards. Don't always have to find pithy comments like
    on my blog, which is hit and miss for me.

    I am finding that it gets overwhelming to try and do it all so I back off.

    Tina P.


  24. Aw Tina, my BFF (in yellow), guess whose last contemporary I bought? Rancher's Reunion on my Kindle. But I didn't buy it because you posted all your reviews on do you ever post on facebook? But I like you here, you're my kind of snarky--you should make snarky comments on FB.

  25. But see, Tina, you don't spam me on FB because you hardly use it, so I didn't hide you. :) Therefore the second you put something up, it showed up in my newsfeed.

    Sometimes I wonder if the "post regular, post often" advice is very, very wrong. Unless you want to post regular and post often, I'm not sure it does you any good. My 2 cents.

  26. :) HA!!! There you go. Snark works.


  27. Hi, Noelle, thanks for the great post and advice. It is good for me to hear time and again to do what I enjoy.
    "You owe it to the world to get on with what you're good at." It's one of my favorite quotes, if anyone knows who said it first, let me know.
    I agree with Melissa, I tend to ignore something I see too much of..

  28. I love the idea of focusing on what you like best and I think for me it would be Twitter. I love it and its not too time consuming. Pinterest - I don't really get it but to be fair I haven't looked too hard at it. Facebook - I've had accounts and deleted them, I found it too time consuming and addictive, and I don't miss it at all.
    Great post.
    superjmg at gmail dot com

  29. Guess I have to leave an email to win? The entire month of Bethany releases is too great a prize to mess up my chance at, Baker is my favorite publisher, if I see a new book I want to read, it's most likely Revell or Bethany. :)
    mjagears AT gmail DOT com

  30. "Case in point, Mary Virginia Munoz, I have never met her except here in Seekerville comment land and facebook."

    I read that about six times.... WAITAMINUTE. That's ME! She's talking about me!

    You're so funny. Where did we fnd each other? It must have been here. I feel like I've known you forever, in a creepy facebook sorta way ("I know what you had for dinner last Thursday and how many bananas you bought at walmart on your last trip.").

    (That last sentence had way too many punctuation issues.)

  31. This was anexcellent post for how to use social media without driving yourself nuts.

    As for social media... I LOVE FACEBOOK!!!

    I'm an addict. I admit it freely. And I was fine with Pinterest until I saw they had recipes.

    Then I wanted to PIN THE WORLD.

    I've never gotten into Twitter. It seems so one-sided. Even more than facebook, which is a lot of people thinking out loud. But in pictures. And your friends can hear you.

    Publicity has been a growing concern for me as I get closer and closer to my book signing. When I get anxious, I just foigure if I bring enough chocolate, it will all be OKAY.


  32. P.S. You bought the book, Melissa, but will you read it???

    That is the question. :) I'll read yours if you read mine!

  33. "Do what you love." So true.

    Facebook and Pinterest for me, though Pinterest interest goes in spurts.

    I have tried to tweet but it is so overwhelming.

    Peace and thanks for a great post, Julie

  34. Melissa, you have Mary Virginia Munoz totally figured out and the others too.

    Most likely if I recognize people from their profile pics here, I will friend them. But if they come out of nowhere, nope.

    Now if I could just figure out why I get some FB posts from folks and others just in my "writer" corral where I put everyone I have met here.

  35. I have met some great people here at Seekerville and am friends with many on facebook. Virigina I know I was going to have you on my blog and would still love too.

  36. Melissa, you'll love Virginia's book.

    I like Twitter and FB, but I don't have time to effectively use the others. I need to learn how use Goodreads.

    I'm definitely in for the prizes.


  37. Oh, Bethany House, thank you for this wonderful information!

    We talk about social media/networking all the time and it's good to see your take on it. I discovered that I have fun on facebook where I can interact with readers and laugh with them, but for me, Twitter is static.

    I would guess this is because I'm a full time worker and I can't spend a lot of time on Twitter, or allow it to interrupt my work day. Whereas Facebook allows me to jump in as I can and "play" with folks. I see Facebook as a big parish picnic in the park, and you can mingle at one table, or bop around to every booth there is, chatting and high-fiving folks.

    I love that.

    You West Coast People...

    DO YOU EVER SLEEP????? ;)

    What a hoot!

    I brought coffee... Great coffee, Caribou Breakfast blend, it's delicious. Robust, but not bitter. Smooth....

    and Caramel Macchiato creamer to go with it. Or fresh cream from the dairy store in my WIP... with the hunky State Trooper named Zach. ;)


    Hey, it's Halloween so I brought Halloween Sugar Cookies too, thick frosting and fall SPRINKLES!!!

    Ya gotta love sprinkles, right?

    Welcome, Noelle! Thank you for being with us today!

  38. Ah, Melissa said it even better in her long-winded way.... :)

    I'm with you and I was so glad Noelle pinned that today. If it's not "YOU" it's probably silly to pretend because folks know when you're not genuine.

    Genuine is good.

    And you bought Virginia's book? VIRGINIA HAS A BOOOOOOOK?????????


    I cannot wait to read my copy. It's my reward when I make my word count this week. Did you hear that, Ginny Lou Who??? You are my reward!!!

    Clearly I need a life. ;)

  39. Caribou breakfast blend is good. Drinking Starbuck's anniversary blend at the moment. Also good.

  40. Jon Acuff is one of my new favorite bloggers. He works for Dave Ramsey and he writes a personal blog and another called SCL -- Stuff Christians Like, which is Christian satire based on two of his published books. He uses a great balance of Twitter, FB, and Pinterest that compel me to read his work. He's a great example of building a platform and managing it well.

  41. Hi Seekers and Noelle! Lots of sound advice.

    What social media do I use? Well, I'm on facebook (personal page not author page) and I'm on twitter (diannawrites). I have guest blogged for a couple of friends some, but I decided not to create my own blog that I would have to upkeep on a daily basis.

    That's really about all I do because of my time constraints. I decided about 2 years ago that I didn't want to sacrifice what little writing time I have for social media. Perhaps the day will come in the future where I'm more involved.

    Would love to be included in the drawing. Seekers- y'all are wonderful at feeding my reading addiction.


  42. Good morning Noelle, I love Bethany House and the banters I get to on FB. I have a blog that I review books on and do the goodreads site with several of the groups there. I visit several blogs with seekerville at top of my list. so many wonderful authors and people to meet in the "Book world" I would be lost without books. I play games on fb like scrabble that I do most every day with a neice in Ky. what a great giveaway today-a laptop , goodness that is what I would call going out with a "Bang" the Birthday month almost gone.....
    Paula O(

  43. I use a lot of social media. I'm on facebook, twitter, pintrest, and goodreads. In fact I just recently helped my friend set up a special facebook group so that we don't have to go to her website for the things we need anymore. I'm on facebook all the time. And even when I post something on goodreads/twitter/pintrest, it shows up on facebook because I have it all linked to facebook.

    What I can say about social media is that it's given me a chance to connect with some of my favorite authors and to realize that they're real people too.

  44. I forgot to leave my email address.


  45. Grrrr.... I think this is one of my biggest struggles. I haven't really found a form of social media that I love yet. Probably because in the back of my mind, it feels more like an obligation than something "fun," which is how most normal people look at social media.

    Thanks for the post. It's nice to know your publishing house tries to work with author's strengths rather than make demands on them for social media.

    snowboundintheup (at) hotmail (.) com

  46. Hi Noelle! I am on Facebook and have been for awhile. Starting to get bored with it. Started with twitter recently and I think I like it better. So quick and easy.
    campbellamyd at gmail dot com

  47. Hi Noelle,I'm not an author but I love to read!I like keeping up to date on so many awesome authors on their blogs and facebook.I do love giveaways!

    Katie N.


  48. Hi Noelle,

    Welcome to Seekerville. Thanks for sharing today. Social media can be a huge time waster. I appreciate your suggestion to focus on what I love.

    I'm still a little confused how Pinterest helps. It's pretty and interesting, but how does it help? Maybe I should talk to Renee.

    Thanks again for your helpful information.

    Jackie L.

    Twitter: @Joyfuljel
    I am on Pinterest:Jackie Layton

  49. I'm so glad to see your number one item. Pick one social media and do it well.

    What a relief! It's hard to master every type of social media.

    I'll be printing out all of your advice.


  50. I mostly blog. I started the blog for the direct purpose of establishing an online presence and fell in love with it.

    I am also on twitter, pinterest and facebook but I'm not as intentional with them as I am with my blog.

    And I'm pretty easy to find, once you know my name :)

  51. All of that and I forgot to leave my email contact. :)

    natashametzler at

  52. Good morning, this was a great post. Thanks, Noelle! As has already been mentioned, the piece of advice that sticks with me most is to focus on the social media I enjoy.

    Right now I focus on facebook and Twitter. I'm afraid of Pinterest. I know it will suck me in and I'll use up all of my writing time (which isn't much) lost in all the fun pictures, recipes, fun projects and such.

    Question: How important is having a personal blog? I want to start one, but I'm still establishing the reasons why. I have so little time for writing and this has been the biggest deterrent. I'd love to hear thoughts. :)

    wetalk2biz(at)q(lower case Q)(dot)com

  53. Morning Noelle, Welcome to Seekerville and thank you for the wonderful advice.

    I really love this blog. I have met so many wonderful friends here.

    I had to laugh at Melissa's take on FB and Tina's response matched my own. Every once in awhile I get guilty and think I SHOULD get on it, but I don't know what to say so say something about my book. Can't imagine anyone would be interested in my mundane life LOL. So I'm with you Tina, I'm probably unfriended too. LOL

    Oh but she said she didn't unfriend you because you hardly ever post. Maybe there is hope for me too. smile Is there? Is there?

    Virginia how exciting to have your first book out on the shelves. wooo hooooooooo

  54. Hi, Noelle! I love your name. My daughter was a Christmas baby so her middle name is Noel. :-)

    I am on Facebook and Twitter, and I have to say, I love facebook but don't quite get the concept of Twitter yet. The problem with facebook is that I can waste a lot of time on there if I'm not paying attention, but it is a really great place to interact with people! I love that about it! I love my facebook groups. I have one for the local writers in my area, and I love that I can post things on there that will be helpful for them, and we can interact in between our monthly meetings. I love that my readers who friend me because they loved my books can get to know me and interact with me on there. I also love that I can keep up with friends and family, sending private messages and reading what they're up to on their walls. I have almost 2,000 friends now, but my author page only has about 470 likes. I don't post very often on my author page, and when I do, it's usually something about my books. I probably need to plan a better strategy for my author page. Do you have any advice for me?

  55. Social media scares me.

    Like Tina said about Pinterest, I'm afraid if I even LOOK at the site, I'll be hooked and reeled in and then spend my life soaking up all it's goodness, never again to see the light of the real world.

    Really, I can become derailed that fast.

    Spooky, huh?

  56. I'm a Twitter lover. I don't tweet too often though so I need to do better with that.

    Thank you so much for today's post. And I'd love to be entered in the drawing!

    annierains at gmail dot com

  57. For me, I've gotten into my blog. I feel like I can just have a "chat" with my readers. That is so me. I also like that I can share with them about other books through author interviews. And, I just love it when I get a comment.
    I also have LinkedIn and I write for

  58. Welcome, Noelle! Such great advice. And really, actually freeing! I always feel as if I have to do it all. And I KNOW I'm not doing it well. I'm spread too thin.

    Thanks so much for being with us!! And thanks for the book giveaways!

  59. Renee, you're right about Pinterest being addictive! :)

  60. Oops! Forgot the contact email -

  61. Hi, Rel! It's good to have your input on what works.

  62. Tina, I have to be really careful or Pinterest will suck me in.

    But I have to say I found a gorgeous hair color on there that I may be trying next month!! LOL Y'all just wait. I think I'm going to get some red low lights!!

    Yes. I'm serious! I'll send photos. :)


    This is a "Keeper" article for sure since social media is such a huge concern for people today, ESPECIALLY authors!!

    I have to admit that I breathed a lot easier after my agent sent out an article to her clients informing them that social media is overrated as a sales tool for books and that it doesn't really spike sales like people think. I have felt SO much pressure to get out there and post on a regular basis, which lines up with your point #1 -- do something you love. Hanging around on FB is not something I do out of passion, but obligation, which is not good. So your post today has given me a clearer picture of what I need to do, so THANK YOU!!

    And thanks for being our anchor for our birthday month here at Seekerville as well, Noelle -- SO great to have you here!


  64. LOL, Melissa! You made some great points!

  65. I'm with Naomi. Social media sounds more like an obligation than fun. Facebook keeps sending me messages saying it's been a while since I've been on, which increases the sense of obligation. I do enjoy other peoples' blogs, but have a tendency to spend too much time visiting. Guess I'll have to work on it...

    Thanks for an interesting month.

    Please enter me in the drawing.


  66. LOL, Tina!!! (over your paranoia). I'm doing the same thing. :)

  67. Susan C., thanks for the recommendation on social media done well!

  68. Good morning Seekerville!

    Noelle, what do you do if you don't enjoy social media? The only account I have is Facebook and rarely post. It's my personal Facebook, has nothing to do w/writing. The closest thing that had to do w/writing was I "liked" a friends comment about NaNo.

    I enjoy writing fiction, but putting things on the internet that people can misunderstand intimidates me. I have a dry/sarcastic sense of humor and too many people don't get it. I maybe fooling myself, but I believe I will post when I get published. Naive?

    Connie Queen

  69. And Melissa,

    I so agree w/you. Everytime you've gotten on a roll on Seekerville, I've agreed w/you, thank goodness.

    You're the kind of girl I want on my side in a debate.


  70. Repeat after me:

    Seekers are not Spammers.

    Seekers are not Spammers.

    Seekers are not Spammers.

    Even if they're hardly ever on Facebook ;).

    I have a blog that I mostly use to review books at the moment.

    I have a Twitter account that I only use to post links to my blogs [because I'm kind of with everyone else on it - I just don't quite get it... And can't keep up with it].

    I have Pinterest but only to pin research/character pic links.

    I have a personal and a "Books" Facebook page [one of these days, maybe I'll have actual books to put on there]. I love being on my personal page but don't do nearly as much as I should with my "Books" page.

    Candy Calvert and Janice Thompson are two people I think of who do a great job with their Facebook pages.

    I'd love to be in the drawing :).

    Tina - can I be your BFF too?

    carolmoncado at gmail dot com

  71. Love that, Carol--Seekers are not spammers. :)

    So good, so true. I so love this blog. :)

  72. I'm a Facebook junkie. I'm on there for so many reasons that have nothing to do with writing - but then, I realize a lot of my friends I met through online writing places like Seekerville. So I guess it's writing intruding into life.

    I used to blog more, but I just don't have time now...

    And Pinterest? I don't understand it, and I don't want to take the time to understand it. I'm afraid it would be a time-sucker.

    My children were appalled when I set up my Twitter account. I was told, flat out, that I MAY NOT follow them.

    Sigh. Rejected by my own children.

    So I stick to Facebook, and I'm so glad to hear we don't need to become experts in everything!

    And Tina's my friend, whether she wants to be or not. :)


  73. My first theory as an author is "Write"....

    The second one echoes the first. So does the third.

    And then I try to make sure I sandwich Facebook in... and I have fun with the Seekerville blog, Yankee-Belle Cafe and my personal blog Ruthy's Place ...

    And I keep up my webpages.

    There's only so much you can expect from yourself and writing every day, putting my butt in a chair before work, well that's just huge to me.

    (Does that read that my butt is huge???? Because I may have just insulted myself!!!)

    So my fun times are Facebook and blogging and laughing.

    I love to laugh.

  74. Quick, my email addy before I forget it ...

    I interact on Facebook a lot - on my personal page, not so much my author page, and two group pages for writers.

    I'm registered but post infrequently on Twitter and Goodreads.

    My big obsession is my new website, Faith Songs. Click on my name if you'd like to check it out. (Self-promotion? Moi?)

    Care and feeding of a baby website leaves little time/energy for "real" writing. Hopefully it'll be out of diapers soon.

  75. I really need to follow Ruthy's theory today and write!

    Oh I forgot to leave my email:

    adamsfammys (at) yahoo (dot) com

    and here's how to find me at Twitter: @Roosgal It makes my day when my follower number goes up. Little things in life make me happy.

  76. I'm on the same page as a lot of you, I'm relieved that we're not supposed to juggle multiple social media sites. Whew!

    And I'm giggling at the snarky comments. I love the snarky people on Seekerville! You never come across as mean or grumpy like I do when I get snarky. (How do you do that? I want a sarcasm font so people know when I'm being snarky. :0)

    Ruthy, you make me laugh every time you post something. I love it when you drop into the FB world and play.

    It's been SO MUCH FUN on Seekervillet his month. I'm sorry to see October go, but excited to start on a new story idea as NaNoWriMo gets under way. Put me in for the drawing, pretty please, with sugar on top. cdeesbooks (at) gmail (dot) com

    OH! I almost forgot! In the words of Tony the Tiger, Mary Virginia's book is GRReat! I command every on on here to read it. Okay? Okay!

  77. I enjoy FB, although I'm not regular on it yet. Does HootSuite allow you to schedule FB posts?

    sallybradleywrites [at]gmail[dot]com

  78. This is wonderful advice! I think the most intelligent thing to do would be to go with Facebook, since that seems to be what the most people are plugged into.

    I have a Facebook page and twitter account. I don't really understand the whole # and @ thing on Twitter.
    I'd love to figure out how to use Pinterest. Everyone has made it sound interesting.


  79. another great posting...

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  80. Hi, Noelle...i know you from the reviews i do for Bethany Publishing House, and am wondering if Pinterest is somewhere i should be posting reviews? i know nothing about Pinterest, though i do have an account, i have not used it at all. i do facebook....for reviews on my end of it, and my blog. Seekerville has helped my reviews grow in maturity. Thanks and Happy Birthday, Seekerville

  81. Relax, Tina. I think Melissa is talking about me.
    It's just that I've got all this stuff auto loading and I can't figure out how to make it stop!!!!!
    So I go there for regular stuff, too and just to check on how people are doing, but there are all these 'news items' loading all the time.

  82. Here's something I completely do NOT understand.
    I post something on Facebook, then BAM it appears on Twitter.
    I post somethign on Twitter, then BAM it appears on Facebook.
    I post something on Blogger and BAM it's on Twitter, then onto Facebook, but I think........
    I post something on Blogger, it goes to FACEBOOK and then to Twitter. It goes both directions.

    I'm not positive (because I'm afraid to look closely) but I think that jumping back and forth, around and around and how black holes are formed in the universe.

    And if that happens and we're all sucked down into oblivion.....I'd like to just say, "I'm sorry."


  83. Virginia's book is at Walmart? Yay, it's going on my constantly growing Walmart list!

  84. I started a blog and also I do book reviews. But with Blogging you can be open and share your opinions about anything, and social media is a great way for authors to spread the word about their books, or book tours, etc.

  85. CLARI, I loved your comment: And I'm giggling at the snarky comments. I love the snarky people on Seekerville! You never come across as mean or grumpy like I do when I get snarky. (How do you do that? I want a sarcasm font so people know when I'm being snarky. :0)

    I feel when I'm snarky it sounds ugly. Sigh. I don't have Melissa's or Tina's or Ruthy's (who did I miss who does it well?) gift for it. :)

    SALLY--check me, but I think you can schedule FB comments with HootSuite.

  86. I've got such a great stack of books to giveaway today. All provided by Bethany House!

    AND today is the last day to get your name in the drawing for our Grand Prize

    So today of all days, LEAVE A COMMENT.

  87. I love that Clari is excited for November....

    My world has tipped slightly toward the right side of the universe, hearing that!


    Clari, I love jumping into new projects. Just love it. I make that my reward for finishing the WIP... or getting to a certain word count.... or updating web pages, then I give myself a 90 minute writing block as my reward.

    I am totally over-the-top stinkin' in love with what I do. And I want to share that LOVE!!!! :)

    There is a pesky almost November fly buzzing me. His destiny is to leave this Earth in OCTOBER....

    If he'd only had sense enough to crawl behind a molding and sleep until spring....


  88. @Mary Connealy-Your comment about the black holes cracked me up!

  89. What an interesting post. I'm not a writer, but I just started a cupcake business that I've created a facebook page for, so I'm sure some of these same principles will apply. My friends keep telling me I need to get a Pinterest account, but I'm afraid if I start on there I'll never get off. I'm a facebook junkie as it is!


  90. I'm excited about November, too.

    Love NaNo.

  91. Wow.
    Another list, but a good one!
    Thank you Noelle!!!
    Ues please
    may at maythek9spy dot com

  92. For social networking, I like FB but I don't Twitter.

    Excited about November, but not able to try NaNo. I do have small, daily word goals I'm planning to stick to. Even little bits add up!

  93. This was such an encouraging post! Thanks!!
    I like the 'being yourself' phrase because I'm horrible at being anybody else.
    Though I've tried.
    And the other person was highly offended. :-)

    I've not gotten into Goodreads very much, but I hear it's something I should do. I think that might push me over the edge, though. I already FB, Tweet, and Blog...whoa, that sounded really weird in the same sentence and gave me the strangest mental picture.

  94. Noelle - thanks for the great post. Social media just flat scares me and hearing I don't have to do EVERYTHING is good news! Now I just need to find my niche.

    Definitely enter me in today's drawing please.

  95. Should have been YES please... ack.

    For now, we're doing Facebook. We're perilously close to 1000 too! But can always use more in May's pack. ("") ("")

    I've found that people (and critters) tend to respond most especially to photos of May and what she's been doing. Since I write from her POV, the page is in her POV as well.

    Makes for some fun times.

    Speaking of time, it takes a LOT of time and I guess we'll see if there is a payoff. I've definitely sold books through FB interaction, but I'm not sure it's been enough to warrant the time invested.

    Final proofs go in today, sequel out around Thanksgiving. Guess I'll find out!

    We are using Constant Contact also. It's a bit pricey though. Looking for alternatives and need to figure out how to not lose the contacts if/when we switch. We only send out 4 or so a year, so $15/mo is pricey!

    Not sure what else might be worthwhile. Looking forward to reading the posts later today and seeing what others are doing.

    God bless and long live Seekerville... And pass the carrot cake and coffee!

    Happpy Birthdayyyyyy tooooo youuuuu!!!!

  96. Noelle, welcome to Seekerville and thanks for offering your thoughts on authors and social media! Like so many here, I find the whole thing overwhelming, even though I do have a presence on just about every major network.

    To echo Ruthy, writing the book has to be my #1 priority. So I do the best I can and also take advantage of the cross-posting system Mary described.

    Actually, iPhone and iPad apps do make keeping up with social networking a whole lot easier for me. I can check in while waiting in doctors' offices, while riding in the car with hubby driving, or during commercials while watching TV.

    I also try to remember that social media should be more about developing relationships and a whole lot less about selling books.

  97. A stack of books you say!
    Happy Birthday Seekerville!! (exclamations are all allowed it's a party—they look like balloons and streamers)

  98. Thanks for the tips. Great ones at that. I am on Facebook, Twitter, Pinerest, and I have a blog and website. I love your ideas and will put them into good use.

    I am a writer so I think all these things help.


  99. I was planning on doing NaNo but I maybe flying to Pittsburg to help w/the presidential campaign. (Won't mention which side as to offend no one.)I'm a little nervous as I've never been involved in anything like this. And I won't know anyone...

    My laptop is too large so I'm considering running to buy a netbook. I wish I had an AlphaSmart. I don't know who much time I will have to write.

    Connie Queen

  100. Make that "how" much time...

  101. KC, I love the pictures of May with her fans on her website! I'll have to check out her FB page. She's a true celebrity!

  102. I'm still struggling with making writing my priority and plan to use a pen name that would fit more with my genre so I thought I should probably do any social media under the pen name. I haven't started that yet. Any thoughts on if that is the way to go? I would probably focus on Facebook and Twitter.

    Enter me in the contests!


  103. @ Pepper: I highly recommend goodreads. It's easier for me to keep track of all the books I've read and the books I want to get. the bookclubs are awesome also because of the book discussions and other book reviewers help each other out. It is addicting, but it's such a good place for readers to learn about authors and see what books they're into. Just for you to consider :)

    Mary Connealy: love the black hole comment! LOL :)

  104. You say you love the black hole comment but the downward spiral has yet to begin. NOT FUNNY!

  105. Welcome Noelle (love your name, btw) ~ Great advice today--thanks! Although not published (yet) I do blog and am on Facebook. I'm also an avid reader who LOVES to spread the word about my favorite authors (including many Seekers). Thanks for taking time to share with us today. Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo

  106. p.s. Meant to add again....HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEEKERVILLE!!! And thank you ALL for all the great advice, help, encouragement, and terrific prizes. ~ Please enjoy the Halloween cupcakes I've baked, and my "usual" Georgia Peach Cobbler--warm with whipped cream. ;) Patti Jo

  107. Melissa, I'm so with you there. I've seen authors pimp their own works all over fb and twitter, it can get uncomfortable.

    Julie, I love that you agent says that. New writers are told to build their social media, yada, yada. That can take a lot of time, leaving little time for writing. And as Ruthy says, a writer needs to write.

    Carol, I'm with you. My blog is mostly for book reviews. Pinterest for research and gluten free recipes (love the organization of it all), facebook is for me, about me and my family. Twitter is my way of keeping up with other people. I don't tweet much, just go see what others are doing.

    christinainspirationals at gmail dot com

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SEEKERVILLE!!!! Y'ALL ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  108. I do facebook. That's it. Although I left a pretty nice "away" message for NaNoWriMo =) Enter October release list? Um, yes please!

  109. If I respond to every comment I want to respond to in a separate comment, my name goes in the hat more times for the laptop right???? But that'd be annoying, so, I'll group some.:)

    Mary Virginia Carmichael Munoz the wonder you had no idea I was talking about you for a bit, my friend of many names. And yes, I'll read it. Walt says I'll like it, so there's that and well, I'm not totally philanthropic, I read the sample pages on Amazon to make sure you could write well enough to make me happy. You passed muster, and therefore you hopped into my cart next to my 7 bananas.

  110. Myra echoed me!


    First things first.

    It SEEMS easy, doesn't it?

  111. Christina,
    So true. When I separated what I want to talk about and confined it to my FB author page, and then focused my blog, both things got better.

    I budget my social media time tightly to preserve time to write and to read. Reading is just as important to me as the writing. And when I'm engaging in my social media, I want to learn more about others than promote away.

    I never want to become that annoying TV on top of the gas pump or at the check-out line at Wal-Mart. Abuse of a captive audience annoys me. =)

  112. And Ruthy, I'm afraid to admit I'm not even on the West Coast, I live in the Midwest, I was up until 3am...mostly writing.

    Sandra, Your "mundane" life can be much more interesting than your book links. Find ways to make it fun. I had a bloody rooster trying to hide in my dishwasher a few days how many times does that happen to a person? that's the interesting tidbits of life that make FB fun. I do tend to lean toward funny people, so if you have any natural snark or humor, go for it. Otherwise let me see your passions. (Unless they're political and well, that's soooo difficult to do well online) I know Ruthy enjoys watching children during the workday. I'll admit I glance over them a lot but she doesn't overdo it and I know she's sharing because she actually enjoys it. That's what I want to see, what makes you happy, sharing your authentic self.

  113. Yes, Myra and Ruthy! First things first!

    It all boils down to writing a good story.

    I've heard that from too many people to count!

    Speaking of good stories, if you haven't read Virginia's book yet, get yourself to Walmart and pick up a copy! It's fabulous :)

  114. Ok Melissa, you have to explain the 'bloody rooster in the dishwasher...

    Don't leave us hanging.

  115. Welcome to Seekerville, Noelle. Thanks for the great tips for social media To Dos!

    I'm excited Bethany House is giving away their terrific books! Thanks!!


  116. As to Pinterest, yes, I think a few days to maybe a few weeks it is addictive, but it's not a permanent addiction like FB can become (my opinion anyway)because you start to see the same things over and over. Use it for yourself and sharing.

    Do I think this one is great for platform for writers.....not so sure about that at all. I'm going to say probably a big fat no. Sooooo, if you don't want to, I'd say don't even stress over it.

    However, Holly with the cupcakes, I'd so do pinterest IF you sell online. Food things are big there and if you linked to tips on how to decorate, best frostings, your pretty cupcake toppers, etc. I bet you'd get pinned a lot. And you know what, most people aren't going to do work much harder than pinning cupcake pictures, so if you make it very clear you sell them, maybe you'd get hits???? Anyway, if I was a food business I'd definitely go with Pinterest and if you are a crafter/artist or a clothing seller.

    But writers sell words, pinterest pushes pictures. I use it to share things and organize my bookmarks in a more visual way and keep my novel inspirations in one spot. You can check out my pinterest page to see what I do for myself to see if it makes you go "that makes sense" I think if it doesn't make sense just initially, you probably aren't the right person for that social media outlet.

  117. Donna, here's my FB post on the rooster:

    Did anyone else's day end like mine? I was a spectator to a fight to the death as I hung laundry on the clothesline, we had to snatch a bloody rooster trying to hide inside the house in my kitchen cabinets not once, but twice, and the chicken standing guard at the back door, not about to allow the rooster he'd determined to send to the Big Roost in the Sky back outside, suddenly found himself in my crockpot for chicken stew tomorrow. Good times on the farm.

  118. Um, Mary, you had to have set that whole system up somewhere, do you use some third party thing like Hootsuite or whatever else (I don't use any) Networked blogs? You'd have to undo it. I believe twitter allows you to do it from twitter, so maybe that's how. Go to your profile on Twitter and press edit profile in top right corner and scroll to the bottom to see if you connected twitter to FB and push disconnect IF you don't want your tweets showing up on FB that is The only way I know of connecting blogs to FB is Networkedblogs, but it's hard to find on FB, start typing in Networkedblogs in the FB search box and click on it and see if it takes you to something you recognize and click the manage tab if you actually have an account with it--it's actually very unfriendly to the user in my opinion so good luck with it.

  119. Have I mentioned that I would love to win the new laptop? Because I would. :-) Just in case you didn't know that and couldn't guess. But that's not why I'm here every day. Not at all.

    Hey, I'm ON Seekerville tomorrow!!! I'm a little nervous, because I'm actually pretending to teach people how to write. How presumptuous is that? I used the first paragraph of my post to explain that I really don't know how to write and to apologize if my post didn't make sense or was just not useful at all and showed that I don't know what I'm talking about. But then I took that paragraph out. Then today I saw someone posted a negative review on Amazon on The Healer's Apprentice. So if people see that, they will say, Why am I taking advice from HER? This review says her book is boring and predictable!

    So please come by tomorrow anyway. Humor me. Pretend you got something out of my post. Be nice. :-)

  120. And now I see how hard Melissa Jagears is trying to win the laptop!

    Ah, well. All's fair in love and war and laptop giveaways, I suppose.

  121. Everyone so fun reading your reactions and fun bantering around! I am glad to know that many of you have found this post helpful and a bit of a stress reliever. I definitely think if you find social media a pain, it is near impossible to hide that feeling from people.

    I whole heartedly agree with Melissa Jagears first response about wanting a friend rather than a sales person when she follows an author online. If you're not sure how to how to get past the sales pitch an be yourself, I'd recommend finding someone who does it well, studying them and copying what they do. Someone who I think has got it down really well on Facebook is Beverly Lewis. She was really hesitant at first, but has now taken to it like a duck to water.

    In response to Jeanne T's question about the importance of a blog.....I would say having an online presence is most important. I wouldn't say one form of social media is more important than any other. I just think you and your personality should be present and easily found. If blogging is the form of social media you enjoy the most, then I would say it is very important.

  122. I think I'm on just about everything! Lol I can't help it, my household is very much into techno :) but if I had to pick which I love best, it's facebook! I love getting to know everyone there! :)

    Eva Maria Hamilton at gmail dot com

    I can't believe it's already the 31st!
    Hope everyone enjoyed the birthday celebration this month!
    Happy Birthday, Seekerville!
    And Happy Halloween!

  123. I agree with Donna, if you pick one, I'd pick FB, you'll have a wider reach IF you use it because you like it.

    Which goes toward something KC said: "I've definitely sold books through FB interaction, but I'm not sure it's been enough to warrant the time invested."

    I think that doing social media with the idea of "I'll only do this if I sell enough books to make it worthwhile" will kill your authenticity and not be very effective, what little effectiveness you get out of it....

    You should be on social media to make friends and keep up with old ones.

    And CaraG, blogs are social media. Don't bother with the others if you like blogs and find yourself lost in them. Search out blogs and Blog communities of people who actually talk in comments that are likely to buy your kind of books and then comment whenever you can make a legitimate comment. Sure, do the "loved the post" if you need to encourage somebody, but anytime you can say something insightful or helpful or pointing people in the right direction than do so. Or follow a person's blog you actually enjoy even if they have a following of 10.

    I had one reader/reviewer blog author ask to read my book because of some comment I commiserated on her with for the book she'd been disappointed by and gave her some insight to why it might have happened...unfortunately I don't have a book yet, but I keep up with her reviews on her blog and goodreads and I'm pretty sure I've got one sale there. One at a time, that's what word of mouth is.

    Soooooo Connie Queen, I got on a roll there, hope you're still agreeing with me. :)

  124. I'm on FB, and am just learning the ins and outs of Twitter. Thanks for the great ideas Noelle.

    Jodie Wolfe

  125. Hi Noelle! I know you. I ate lunch with you. I have a photo of you with vampire eyes. :) Hehehe...

    And now...I want apple pie with caramel and ice cream.

    Seriously, though, awesome tips. I love your first point about doing what you love. I'm not on Pinterest because, honestly, I still think of it as a crafty/recipe-y thing and I'm sooo not crafty. I know you can use it for other purposes and I know quite a few authors who've really made it work for them. Still...I can't get over my craft fear! But I love FB and Twitter and blogging...and I love the relationship-building aspect. When I view social media through that lens, it feels less like an obligation and more like a good time. :)

  126. I am curious about Bethany's books.


  127. We get an entry for every comment?!

    I'd have been commenting LOTS more.

    I thought it was one per day.

    But I did send pics to Tina last night. Nothing like getting them in at the last minute ;).

  128. Melissa! That poor rooster, it ran to you for sanctuary and you ate it! ACK!

    LOL! I hated roosters growing up. We always had one or two that thought I was an easy target. When mom found out, they became the next night's supper too. :-) I liked the hens much better. I made pets out of them.

    And Ruthy, I am looking forward to November because of the new story idea, but also my brother will be home for the holiday break. Yay! I am not, however, looking forward to driving home in the dark every evening after the time change and dodging corn-fed deer. Those things are huge! I'm thinking about exchanging my car for an armored tank. Do they allow those on the interstate?

  129. I had child like faith that the 'bloody chicken' story was going to have a happy ending...
    like you bandaged him all up and now he's fine. : (

  130. In response to Naomi Rawlings question about what you do when you don't naturally enjoy any social media, well I'd say I can commiserate. Outside of my job I don't really engage in any social media, for various reasons. When I took on overseeing the Bethany House accounts, I was a bit hesitant. However, repeated use and experimentation, while not making me an enthusiast has caused me to really value social media. And I don't mean this in the sense of being valuable as a promotional tool. I have come to enjoy social media because of the fun people I am encountering, the ability to share helpful and fun information, and all the wonderful things I am learning from other people's posts.

    So I'd recommend pushing through the annoyance, because I really thing you'll see the worth on the other side, once you get comfortable with the various social media platforms and come to enjoy it.

  131. I'm w/ya, Melissa. All the way.


  132. In response to Jackie's question about Pinterest..... well we're trying to figure that one out too. It's so new still the best ways to effectively use it aren't clear. We're still in the experimentation stage. I'd say at this point having a presence there, if it is an platform you use often, is the key thing for right now. In the months ahead I think it's worth will become clearer.

  133. Facebook is my favorite, but I recently had to curb my time on there. It is addicting and takes so much of my writing time from me. I now limit my visits to 5-10 minutes, once or twice a day.

    I have a twitter account, but mainly use it to share other people's giveaways etc. I don't fully understand it.

    I like Pinterest-but it could be a major time guzzler so I haven't pinned in several months. haha

    I also blog on a multi-authored blog. It's so much fun, but it doesn't sap my time. :)

    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  134. Yes Noelle! I connect with an author because I want to know them like a friend would know them, but if all they post is their book links and blog posts and giveaways I don't feel like I know them at all. If I already liked your books and that's why I found you online, then you don't have to resell to me every day. If I connected with you for some other reason, it's because I wanted to get to know you, and if you make me feel like your friend, then I join the "friends buy books or tell others about them" zone.

    Yes, occasionally tell me the big news on your personal page, if I'm your friend, I want to hear the big news, but keep the constant book links on a dedicated author page (tell me occasionally on your personal page that there's different info on your writing page that I might be interested in).

    That's how I've been separating myself anyway, I try to post writing/book related banter on my author page, because people who liked that page are interested in my writing life--but not JUST links and Book advertisements, but fun looks into my writing life too,

    But people who are friends with me on my personal account want to get to know me.

    Anytime someone wants to kick me off my soapbox, feel free to yell at me. :) Actually, I have to go finish up the steampunk costume for the 2 year old and then we're all set for tonight!!!

  135. LOL @ Ruthy- I was up commenting after 1AM so it's not just the West Coasters who never sleep. :-P


  136. Oh NO NO NO, Clari, we ate the bully.

  137. @Jackie- I'm not an author like I said but as a reader I LOVE to see the Pinterest boards of authors who post about things that inspire them. I think seeing a pretty costume or seeing a picture of some Hollywood eyecandy that the author's hero looks like makes me want to go to the author's site and see what projects they're working on or even look up their older books.

  138. This is for everyone who's curious about Pinterest. It's super easy AND it's super addicting. I was very leery about it when my friend sent me an invitation to join but I quickly got the hang of it. The best thing is for me (again, not a writer LOL) instead of having a TON of bookmarks on my internet browser of things I like I can just pin them and have a picture as well as the link to the original site or post on hand when I log into Pinterest.

  139. LOL Melissa it looks like we have differing opinions on Pinterest BUT like you I also say do what you love, if you don't like it, don't do it or it becomes easy for others to see that you are doing it because you "have" to and not because you enjoy it.


  140. Melissa Tagg. I am upset with you reminding me of that apple pie deliciousness when I have no ability to acquire it.

    The vampire eyes photo has now gone public... uhoh.

  141. Melissa said: Oh NO NO NO, Clari, we ate the bully.

    I am very relieved to hear this. Now all is right with the world. :)

  142. LOL! Donna, I expected a happy ending too. Should have known better. *g* I've been wanting to raise chickens, but after Melissa's story I'm thinking I'll pass.

  143. Kind of sad that I was so busy moving and settling in I missed a lot of the birthday party. I read the posts but missed reading most of the comments and commenting myself. But Happy Birthday Seekerville! You are an important part of my life and I am glad you are here!

    One of these days when I get my blog heading the direction I want it to go I will put it's address on here and hope I can bless you the way you have all blessed me.


  144. Hmmmm, maybe I should rethink this writing thing if I can't write clearly.

    Christina and anyone else, there is an HEA, the bully has been consumed and the scaredy rooster is king of the roost now. :)

  145. Melissa! Oh, I'm so glad the bully is the one that landed in hot water! :-) Is the poor mistreated fella healing okay?

  146. Being lunch is happily ever after for a chicken. It's their dream come true.

    Remember that.

    Eat or eat not, there is no fry.

  147. Oh yes, Roosty is as right as rain. He's missing his fancy tail feathers, but he's doesn't look the worse for wear. What man wouldn't heal quickly with 13 ladies to attend to all by himself now? :)

  148. I'm on Pinterest but I don't have the hang of it yet...and by YET I mean, after a YEAR.

    And Twitter...don't you think twitter works because of cell phones connected to it?

    So people can pause for 144 characters and tell us their pithy observations on life? Me? I have to sit down at my computer and while I'm sitting at my computer I'm not doing anything, so there is little to tell.

    But what mostly I think about twitter is how often you hear of someone saying some bone headed thing privately then finding out they said it publicly, and being driven from elective office over it....or something like that.

  149. Hello Noelle:

    I really need your help!

    I was 'forced' to open a Facebook account at an instructor’s seminar a few years ago. I don’t understand it. I never did anything with it.

    I just went to what might be my Facebook page, I can't be sure if it was my page or not!, and as far as I can tell it is just chaos.

    I tried to delete the page several times over the years but there was no mention anywhere, even in 'help', on how to get off Facebook. Now on Twitter they have a single place to click to kill the account. Which I did with my Twitter account that I was also 'forced' to open.

    Well, many people have asked to be my friend and if I knew them I always say yes. But I don’t know what this means and I don’t know how many friends I have. If the requests didn't come by email, I would never know about them.

    Could you or anyone look at my Facebook page and tell me if it is a disaster? Also, is there a simple “How to Understand Facebook” book, tutorial, or YouTube video out there?

    Would the best thing be to find out how to delete the page and delete it? I did not need the page for my Real Estate business but I should have a writing book out in the near future and having friends and a Facebook page might be advantageous at that time.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    My Name is Vince Mooney. Is that enough to find my page?



    P.S. -- OFF TOPIC – I will be guest blogging on “My Story My Way” all day Friday on creating book cover art that will attract the best prospects for your books. Full details are posted on my website: Philosophy of Romance. (This comment was posted with the prior permission of Seekerville.)

  150. Melissa said: "Hmmmmm...maybe I should rethink this writing thing if I can't write clearly."

    That's why I love this quote: "The beautiful part about writing is that you don't have to get it right the first time, unlike, say, a brain surgeon. " ~ Robert Cormier

    Mary, I like your take on a chicken's HEA. Yummy!

  151. put me in for any and all drawings here @Seekerville. i've got about three blog sites i visit daily. this is numero uno to visit because of the wealth of information, wisdom and humor that exists.

    i share a facebook account with my husband and he only signed up so he could keep tabs on his teenage daughter's activities (she lives three states away from him). i really don't understand social media and not sure if i really want to - it appears to be a time consuming thing and i've enough problems with discipline and writing already. *sigh*

    i'm still so 20th century... :(

    i'm still laughing at Mary's black hole apology.

    nm8r67 at hotmail dot com

    thanks Seekerville peeps for the absolutely marvelous, information packed birthday celebration this month. i'm not just saying this for a better shot at the grand prize, (because i'm not that lucky in life - i'm just glad i scored a couple of books this month *heh*).

    Seekerville is an uber blessing to me, that's my story and i'm sticking to it.

  152. I found your page, Vince. It shows a photo of you standing behind a podium and you have 95 friends.....there used to be a place on facebook that was easy to access to cancel your account, but now I can't find it at all.
    I googled it and found this page, does this help you?
    You can deactivate your account instead of deleting it so you don't lose all the info, but you have to sign in to get this done.
    Hope this helps, blessings!

  153. LOL Mary maybe I got the hang of it so quickly because I was on it 24/7 after I joined?

  154. If you say so, Melissa. :) I don't like bullies much I just never considered eating them.

    Did bully have a name? My mother-in-law names her cows and then informs us who we're eating. "Oh, that's Betsy's rump."

  155. My daughter named all the chickens, the bully's name was "Conn"

  156. Vince, I just visited your Facebook profile. We are already friends--imagine that! And you have 94 other friends!

    If I still lived in your city, I'd come over and help you with your page. I had to do that for my hubby, who is TERRIFIED of Facebook! It's not that hard, really. The main thing is to go to your account tab and make sure you have all the privacy settings the way you want them.

    You can do this, Vince. I have faith in you!

  157. Renee (Steeler Girl) in a related situation, it took me 15 years to learn to make gravy.

  158. Also, I have had tremendous luck with COWS on my blog. Not sure why. But it takes a lot of effort to go out and take the cow pictures, then load them onto my computer and think of something witty to say.

    Hint: The 'witty' is more important than the cow.

    So far, I just can't sustain the 'witty cow' meme. Plus I'm afraid someone will give me 'witty cow' as a nickname.

  159. Mary said: I'm afraid someone will give me 'witty cow' as a nickname.

    Did you get a sinking feeling as soon as you pushed the 'Publish Your Comment' button? Cause you know Ruthy will be all over that.

  160. Mary, *G* One day I was taking mil home. Now you have to remember, I AM NOT a farm girl, never was. We're driving along and she points over to a field dotted with cattle and says, all those are summer cows. Really? I thought about it for a moment. I'd heard of dairy cows and Highland cows but not summer cows? So I ask her how she can tell. Well you see, she says, some are brown, some are black and some are white. *eye roll*

    Melissa, Conn sounds fitting.

  161. Donna said, "I had child like faith that the 'bloody chicken' story was going to have a happy ending...
    like you bandaged him all up and now he's fine. : ("


    This rooster thread is making my day!

    And Mary Connealy... That Yoda quote was... uncalled for... too awful.. and I hate myself for laughing.

    WE've had to dispatch roosters before when the chicks have turned into adults and we got some boys in the group.

    raising chickens is great for kids because you can slide in some of that 'bird and bees' talk in there. We all know how much parents love that stuff. NOT.

    My son picked a chick and named it 'Mr. Rooster'. Anyway, he was not a 'he'. When the time came for them to be laying, my son ran into the house, and yelled (with his lisp), 'MITHTER ROOTHTER ITH A GIRL!' He had an egg to prove it.

    That was about 6 years ago and we still laugh about it.

    Melissa, let us know how your rooster cooks up. Do you make the original 'coq au vin'? Or do you have your own recipe?

    (I'm just trying to make a longer comment than you... Darn, this is hard.)

  162. NOELLE--thanks for your suggestion about blogging. I guess I may need to take the leap and get one started. I think I'll wait until I finish revisions on my ms, and then dive into the deep end of social media.

    MELISSA--you are a knowledgeable woman of many talents. You know your social media, state your facts and opinions articulately, kill and pluck chickens, defend hapless roosters AND you make steampunk costumes? Wow. Soooo far beyond this city girl!

  163. MARY CONNEALY--Eat or eat not, there is no fry. LOVE. THAT!! :) I laughed out loud. :)

  164. ELAINE CLAMPITT--From what I've read, there are a few different thoughts on pen names. Rachelle Gardner has addressed it a few times on her blog. You might pop over there and read her thoughts. :)

  165. Mary, I always thought of you as the witty cowboy writer :) Love the yoda impression!

  166. We had chickens once. The kids named them Steve, Blue and Bob. They were hens and their lives were short.

  167. Bahahaha! Mary, I STILL don't know how to make gravy and I've been cooking since I was about 8 or 9 and I'm close to 30 now...pitiful, I know. :-P

  168. ha ha, Virginia, I find not writing novels in comment sections hard, the reason twitter is NOT for me. When I have something to say, well, I say a lot of it. And get off on random rooster topics.

    And I made Chicken stew, hodgepodge of making it up recipe. He was good, as the daughter declared, but I think the stew needed more salt and maybe a bay leaf.

    Ha, "we're eating Betsy's rump" there's farm table dinner conversation for you.

    Jeanne, I'm sorely tempted to take a picture of myself tonight in steampunk gear, holding a chicken and posting it on social media with a lecture on "why chickens are important characters in Science Fiction" just to put all those together. :)

  169. I have a blog, but that's it. I'm afraid I spend too much time with that as it is!

    I know I need to add Twitter, so they say, and probably a Facebook fan page, but it really is time consuming. Is blogging not enough?

  170. Hi Noelle,

    Thanks for the tips. I waste a LOT of time reading everyone's comments on Facebook. Mostly it's a way to stay connected with friends and fellow writers. I comment on lots of people's posts, but rarely initiate any myself. I never seem to have anything too interesting to report. LOL.

    Cannot stand Twitter. So much useless talk. Maybe I've got too many people on there.

    Love Pinterest, but I know I don't use its full potential. Same with Goodreads.

    I find I have to limit myself because social media can eat up hours of time.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I so enjoyed this month. Thanks for all the wonderful prizes.

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  171. Oh, Renee, you gotta learn how to make gravy. Dh's family has a Christmas tradition of making chocolate gravy and biscuits. I prefer sausage, biscuits and gravy but the chocolate gravy is really good, too.

  172. Alright, MELISSA, I'll be scouring your FB page tomorrow in search of that picture! :) You don't by chance have one of those rubber chickens you could smear red paint on, do you? :)

  173. It took me a while to warm up to Twitter but now I enjoy it. There are some very witty people on there. You can read publishing tips posted by editors and agents. I also don't waste as much time on there as I do when I'm on facebook.

  174. I go to bed and miss all the fun. (I at least got sleep but still feel like I haven't slept in months! well I guess I haven't slept well in 10 weeks but thats beside the point!)

    I think twitter really need the phone to work better as I mentioned I dont have a phone that is connected to the internet nor do I want one at this point.

    I like the black hole idea. I have been watching stargate sg1 again and they seem to have blackholes in it.

    I noticed Mary has a Sci Fi thread in some of the comments.

    guess I should go for a walk but cant be bothered (not a good start to the morning I think the mack truck got me in my sleep).

  175. @ Mary Connealy "Plus I'm afraid someone will give me 'witty cow' as a nickname." I laughed out loud - you are hilarious! :)

    I enjoy visiting authors blogs - it's fun and interesting to read posts that reveal what inspires their writing.

    jswaks at gmail dot com

  176. Hi Myra and Kara:

    Everyone has such nice pictures at the top of their FB page. Also there are a great many things on my FB page that I did not put there. People talking to other people. Strange. I’m going to have to figure this thing out before I deactivate it. I just left comments on a few Seeker FB pages and it took a long time just to do that. Do writers really have time for FB?

    Myra: I voted for Seekerville on the WD 101 like your site asked.

    Back to work. Thanks for your help.


  177. Wait? there's chocolate gravy? Please tell me that it's really made of chooooocooooolate!!!

  178. FB, Twitter, Pinterest - I do 'em all. How about Goodreads? That one too. The one I spend the most time on is Pinterest - it's very addictive. Wish I spent more time on my blog but I'm not very inspired there.

  179. Pinterest looks interesting but I'm afraid to add anymore social networking else I'll never find time to write.

  180. Christina,
    My family has always made "chocolate over biscuits", but techincally we make syrup, not gravy. Made w/water, not milk. Nothing like chocolate over hot buttered biscuits.

  181. Connie, I believe the gravy made by dh's family is actually chocolate pudding with the consistency of gravy. I'll have to ask mil for the recipe.

  182. I'm only on Facebook. I check it about 3 times a day(maybe more). I like keeping in touch with far-off friends and family!

    This has been such a great month of celebration!!


  183. Vince, when you first log onto Facebook, what you see is a timeline of what your friends have been up to. Click on their names to go directly to their profile pages. Click on your name in the upper right menu bar to go to your own page.

    Practice, Vince. Consider it play. Ten minutes a day and you'll have it down! That's what I keep telling my hubby, anyway!

    Maybe what Seekerville needs is someone to give a general tutorial on the basics of several of these social networking sites, complete with screen shots.

    And no, I am not volunteering.

  184. I'm on facebook and Book Review Sisters uses twitter for broadcasting our posts. I have a pinterest account, but I've been scared off pinterest because I'm afraid of breaching a copyright and getting into trouble! Though I think the whole thing is a brilliant and useful idea.

    I use facebook the most as it's the easiest way to connect and stay in contact with others. It's particularly great since it narrows the distance between us Aussies and the rest of the world.

  185. I completely agree with #1 - find the one that works best for you and work it. It seems like there are new social networking sites popping up all over. For me, many are a distraction to my valuable and very limited writing time.

  186. See guys this is why I love Pinterest...5 seconds and I found this.

    I'm definitely going to have to give chocolate gravy a try!

  187. I got not one but TWO books from Bethany in the mail today!!! Anne Mateer's At Every Turn and Elizabeth Camden's Against the Tide. Reviews will be coming soon ;).

  188. I just enjoy blogging......don't do FB or anything! Seekerville is one of my favorites!
    Jackie S.


  189. Love your name, is my daughter's name, also!
    Jackie S.


  190. Oh, I'm late today. Let's see, about the only social media I'm involved in is Facebook. I do have a Twitter account but never have the time to Tweet.

    I would love to be entered for the grand prize (my sick).

    Thank you for the wonderful birthday month Seekers! It has not only been fun but as always, I have learned a lot. Thank you so much for doing what you do and sharing it with all of us.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  191. I guess I should say my favorite form of social media is blogging. I'm hooked. :)

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  192. Noelle, hey! Thanks for stopping by!

    Melissa, we've eaten a few snotty roosters.

    And one wicked bull.

    Clari, I think the armored tank is doable. It all depends on the decals you put on it. Give it a yellow and pink ribbon... No one will stop you because you're that nice!!!


    Melissa, I hear you. And I only share the kids on facebook so their parents are fooled into thinking I actually watch them. :)

    We have such a good time together, that it's fun to grab the phone (I love my smart phone) and toss up a silly kid pic. And I love that my parents let me exploit their children for my own personal gain.

    Author pages...

    I've decided they're too flat. I like the normal friend page. Because I'm striving to be normal. It is a LONG BATTLE.

  193. Mary, I loved your comment about the black hole... I sometimes wonder how something I post ends up somewhere I know I didn't go...but then I'm aging daily so maybe I forgot. Yeah, that's it, I forgot.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  194. I enjoy the contact with some of my favorite authors on Facebook and their blogs. Author websites are great for finding out what other books they may have written so I can add them to my "want to read" list.

  195. Ruthy when you find out what normal is can you let me know?

  196. That chocolate gravy looks amazing! I just repinned it myself.

    Pintrest. I only allow myself once a week to play on it. It's way too addicting for me. Though I have found some awesome ideas.

    If anyone from Seekerville wants to find me on FB,Twitter, Pintrest, I'm listed as Dawn Janis (FB), DawnJanis (twitter) and baseballblondie on Pintrest.

    I've also got a Mary Kay Facebook page called Dawn Janis Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant.


  197. Love Facebook and social media. I just don't have a lot of time to spend on it. My blog probably feels abandoned. :(

    Enter me for the books. I loved reading everyones comments. You guys crack me up.

  198. I am on Twitter, which I like because you can find out bits of information, etc.

    I am not a fan of Facebook, even though I have an account. I just don't see the point. I am not very social, I think.

    I am contemplating starting a blog--I think that is the direction I will go in. I agree with Jamie. Pintrest looks interesting, but I am afraid it will take too much time away from writing!

