Friday, November 30, 2012

The Best of the Archives: Why I Love Debra Dixon's Goal, Motivation and Conflict

This post first appeared in Seekerville on October 21st, 2010.

We were thrilled to have Debra Dixon with us on Monday, but interestingly enough the visitors who were in Seekerville that day seemed to fall into two groups: they were either GMC guru's or those who never pondered the pages of Deb's fabulous classic:

So I decided to share with you a little bit about why I love GMC.

1. GMC is a foundational plotting book. The beautiful simplicity of it is you're able to plug not only your hero and heroine, but also every single character in your book, including the villain into the GMC chart and VOILA! you have your internal and external conflict and your log-line. Amazing.

2. GMC explains GMC in detail even I can understand. (parenthesis phrases are my interpretation)

It begins with WHO. Your character.

Goal = What (what they want)

Motivation = Why (why they want it)

Conflict = The Why Not (what stands in their way)

From The Rancher's Reunion (Love Inspired January 2011)

Who: Will Sullivan, Oklahoma rancher.

External GMC: Will Sullivan wants to save the ranch that is his heritage but Mother Nature and a scandal threaten to destroy everything he's worked for.

Internal GMC: Will doesn't plan to ever marry because he may have another Sullivan legacy, but his love for Annie Harris stands in his way.

Log-line: A rancher must save the ranch that was left to him, while he battles with the knowledge that he can't tell the woman he loves how he feels because he may be carrying another family legacy.

There it is. See how easy?

Okay well, GMC does a much better job than I have of showing Goal, Motivation and Conflict with a detailed chapter for each topic using a universal book/movie, The Wizard of Oz to demonstrate. The back of the book utilizes a few more movie classics to demonstrate, including Ladyhawke, The Client, Star Wars, Casablanca and The Fugitive.

That's the basics, but GMC is stuffed with information on topics such as:

  • Show Don't Tell
  • The Black Moment
  • Writing Scenes
  • Basic Writing Tips
  • Query Letters
  • Turning Points
and much more

As a newbie writer (I bought this book in 1996) I starred many things in the book as light bulb moments -seriously, until this book, well, WHO KNEW?

  • "The heroine's goal in a romance novel is not to fall and love and get married."
  • "If you can see it, touch it, taste it, hear it, or smell it..that's external."
  • "Learn to deliver back story through characterization and dialogue."
  • "Motivation drives your characters."

I reread GMC yearly if not more often and every single time I go back to the book I uncover more nuggets of writing and plotting wisdom such as:

  • "...the reader is supposed to identify and empathize with your character from the moment the character makes an entrance."
  • "Urgency always pushes the plot and the pace."
  • "The first chapter must establish what's at stake..."
  • "First chapters are like a first impressions-you only get one chance. So don't blow it."

I'm barely scratching the surface of this excellent resource.

Keep in mind that Monday's post walked hand in hand with the basics of the hero's journey, which is a whole post in itself. But you can find more information by picking up Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces, or Christopher Vogler's The Writer's Journey, or Chris Vogler and Michael Hauge's The Hero's Two Journeys.

Now if you're a GMC fan pull out your copy and share with us what pages of your copy of the book are worn and marked up.

And if you dare----share with Seekerville your Hero or Heroine's GMC. Internal and External.

If you're a clever reader, tell us the GMC of a character in a Seeker book you've read.

What's in it for you? Comment and you could win a copy of GMC or if you're a reader a surprise Seeker book. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.

If you don't win a copy, you can purchase your own at the Gryphon website, here

Using GMC on my current WIP on the dry erase wall in my office.



  1. The last seeker book I read was Debby Giusti's The Colonel's Daughter (which I really liked!) and the hero, Jamison's GMC was:
    G = Catch the killer and keep Michele safe.
    M = He loves her and wants to do his duty to others
    C = (External) The killer, haha & (Internal) His perceived failure in a previous case

    So many of my author friends and esteemed novelists cite this book often I feel like hiding under the desk because I haven't read it. Please put my name in the cat dish!

  2. LOL. And Ruthy is rubbing off on you!!

  3. You know, once I read GMC, and really got it, I started seeing it EVERYWHERE.

    Pixar movies.


    Even bad Tv shows. (Bad because they didn't show it clearly enough or the internal conflict didn't match up with the external and the goal.)


    I just had a breakthrough moment on my WIP plot.

    Golly, I love this place.

    *throws handfuls of chocolates and blows kisses*

  4. Sorry, that was random.

    But I was typing and stopepd tow rite something down... and drew a nice, tidy plot GMC structure where one had been lacking.


  5. What writer doesn't love talking about Goal, Motivation and conflict?

    I'm a firm believer that if a hero/heroine isn't a Christian at the beginning of the book their GMC should change after salvation.

    I don't have this particular book so please enter me.

  6. Interesting you should mention that, Virginia of the new photo. My husband now sees it everywhere too. I've ruined him.

  7. Good morning Ladies, I am going to try as a reader to do GMC
    Stardust by Carla Stewart

    G: Georgia is in sea of loss after hubby leaves her and then dies suddenly. she needs to find way to survive...

    M: she has children to raise and wants to show community that she can do it...
    C: many people of community doesnt think she should try to run the Stardust tourist cabins on her own, they try to talk her out of it..

    I have just started reading this book and love the character's determination to succeed...

    love to be in drawing for seekerville book

    Paula O(

  8. I have never read GMC either, but I've heard so much about I feel like I have...

    When I have a character who I'm stuggling to write, I stop and ask his goal. 9 times out 10, he either doesn't have one or it's not strong enough.

    Connie Queen

  9. I read a friend's copy of this book and love it.
    I looked online for it and it was over $100.00 at that time. So I took a few notes, but I would love to win a copy.

    Mac's GMC

    G=Take care of his family and friends.
    M=He has a heart for helping others and tries to care for them. He was cut off from his family in his late teens, and tries to make up for that by loving his family deeply.
    C=He needs to learn God is in control and as a man he can only do so much.

    Thanks for sharing to day as a reminder of some of the things I forgot.

    Please add my name to the drawing.


    Jackie L.

  10. This is great! I confess, I don't have this book, but it sounds like one I need to get. :)

    I'm rushing right now, but I'm hoping to stop by later and share my character's GMC.

    If you think of it, will you please pray for my friends, David and Janette? He went to the hospital Wednesday night because of some things going on in his brain. He's been in the ICU since then. Healing, wisdom, clarity and peace are what I've been praying for. Thank you. :)

  11. Pol!!! Excellent! You're learning alot hanging in Seekerville.

  12. Jackie, GMC is available direct from the publisher for $21. Gryphon Press. I'll go find the link.

  13. And it's $19.95 Put it on your Christmas wish list.

  14. Jeanne T
    will be praying for your friends

    Seeker peeps
    have heard GMC and read blog posts about GMC - have never read GMC and don't have the book. i know it's a must read/must have, i just haven't gotten it yet.

    would love to throw my name into the proverbial hat for the book. will utilize Tina's link if i'm not fortunate enough to win it.

    as always - great post and even better comments. i learn so much here.

  15. Okay back to GMC. Jackie give us a tangible person, place, or thing that is preventing him from achieving his goal. What's standing in his way?? That's conflict!

  16. Morning Tina, Thanks for the reminder to use or at least think about GMC. It is sooooo important.

    I'm laughing about all those of you who see it everywhere now. WRiting can ruin reading for you. LOL
    Or at least change the perception.

  17. Virginia, love your new photo. Isn't it fun to get a new look?

  18. Nancy did a nice job on The Colonel's Daughter. A killer is such a lovely conflict.

  19. Tina, Several have given us great examples of GMC in their reading.

    Great going.

  20. Good morning, Sandra, my soon-to-be neighbor!

  21. I've had GMC for some years now and far too often forget its on the bookcase and forget to consult it! However, one of my fav bits is the GMC of Casablanca, particularly after I did Robert McKee's workshop where he plays the movie and analyses EVERYTHING in it - so it was fascinating to read Debra Dixon's GMC of it as well.

  22. I started on my writing journey in earnest when Deb Dixon came to speak--many, many years ago--at a GRW meeting. I bought her book and had lots of light bulb moments, as you mentioned, Tina.

    I need to read her insightful book again...and again...and again. Deb D is a genius when it comes to understanding story.

  23. Joanne! I am so jealous you got to go to a live Robert McKee workshop.

    If anyone has an opp. to go to a Debra Dixon not hesitate. Bring lots of paper. She is fast and furious and doesn't record her sessions.

    Wow talk about GMC saturation!!

  24. Nancy, thanks for mentioning THE COLONEL'S DAUGHTER. :)

    Jeanne, praying for your friend and his wife!

  25. When I first came to Seekerville, this was one of the archives I read. I went straight to Gryphon books and bought a copy of GMC - read it straight through, rented the assigned videos from Netflix, and used up an entire pad of sticky notes marking places I wanted to re-read.

    Now I have my own GMC chart template that I use whenever I start plotting a new story. I use post-its to fill in the blanks so I can change as needed.

    Here's the main character's external GMC from my WIP:

    Goal: Hannah wants reconciliation in her alienated family, especially with her younger sister.

    Motivation: Their family has suffered enough grief since the death of her three younger siblings nine years ago.

    Conflict: Her sister doesn't want reconciliation - she wants to leave the family and their faith.

    I actually do layers of GMC's for my main characters - I keep going deeper until I find what their true motivation is.

    Above is Hannah's external GMC - what her best friend would describe as her GMC. Her deep, internal GMC is something even she would have trouble expressing.

    Here's Hannah's deep layer:

    Goal: Her parent's approval and support.

    Motivation: She believes she's to blame for her younger sibling's death.

    Conflict: The past is unchangeable. Hannah must face her feelings of guilt and ask for forgiveness before she can move on.

    And that takes me right into the moral premise -

    Don't put me in the drawing for the book - I haven't worn out my copy yet :)

  26. Ha!!! Yeah, Jan!!!! Perfect example.

  27. oh swell... now i want to watch LadyHawke again...

  28. Debra!! Glad to see you checking in, as I KNOW how swamped you are with NaNo and Sarge on your buns.

  29. Great reminders, Tina! Thanks for bringing this post up from the archives! I haven't pulled out my copy of GMC in quite a while, and this post is motivating me to give it another read-through.

    Paula, Carla Stewart's Stardust is a personal favorite (as is the author!).

  30. on pg 61 my notes say:

    don't give them a choice of good or bad. Make it a choice of the lesser of two evils.

    make the reader know what the character doesn't.

    on pg 69: characters do not recognize their own GMC because they are often lying to themselves.

    I don't know if these notes came from the workshop I took or just later on. IT's been too long.

  31. PS. Nov 30. I am thankful for my Mary Connealy chapstick.

  32. Another addition to the GMC mix is to use a GMC board. I bought one but I also use giant pieces of cardboard and a dry erase that is the size of an entire double closet that I tack up. Will have to post the picture of that.

  33. I love Debra Dixon's book! I start writing a story with a nugget of an idea but must figure out GMC for my characters before I can make headway. GMC and premise keep me on track. I have to be careful not to mix up external and internal GMC.


  34. I'd love to read/win this book! Sounds so helpful.

  35. Well, I definitely want to be in the drawing for the book. I looked on amazon and the cheapest copy they have (used) is listed at $158.82. Plus, I need it. ;)

    I don't understand what you meant about Will "carrying a family legacy." Perhaps I would need to be familiar with the book? Otherwise, great post. Helpful!

  36. Hi Tina:

    For me there are two great writing books:

    1. The Elements of Style
    2. GMC

    These books can be read over and over again and the reader will benefit each time.

    I admire GMC so much I’ve patterned my book RPP (rewards per page) on it. I use the same short chapters, same easy to understand and friendly conversational tone, and have the same basic length. I find it a great example of how to write nonfiction. Keep it short. Keep it simple. And have something to say.

    Once you’ve read GMC and you want a more fleshed out and expansive treatment of the same subject, I suggest you read “Plot and Structure” by James Scott Bell. He has four elements: L O C K.


    I like the “Knockout”. That’s writing a knockout ending to better sell your next book or books from your backlist, (I tend to write the KO ending first.)

    I think a new writer would benefit the most by reading GMC first and then reading Bell’s book to better appreciate what Bell has added to the system.

    As for a Seeker book, I found “His Mistletoe Family” to have the most unique approach to conflict I believe I’ve read in any romance. I’ll talk about that.

    The hero would like a second chance to be a good father and husband. He’s a retired Colonel and time is running out.

    The heroine wants a second chance to be part of a normal home family life. She wants a good husband and father for her two very young nephews who she just inherited.

    Both hero and heroine want the same things. Both are perfect for each other. He’s the key that fits her lock. They just met so all they need is time, a simple decent interval, and they couldn’t help but fall in love. Instead of saying “how could this hero and heroine ever overcome all their conflicts and fall in love”, the reader is asked “how could these two perfect for each other hero and heroine not fall in love”.

    The conflict is whether something will come along and spoil things. Will the other shoe drop? Since the characters are so sympathetic (within a paragraph of introduction you'll love the hero and heroine), you are on pins and needles for the whole book waiting for disaster to strike. And there are potential disasters.

    It’s like being a Yankee fan and the Yanks are in the seventh game of the World Series and they score eight runs in the first inning. This is not a tie game that could go either way. This is a Yankee win and their game to lose…if they blow it. If you love the Yankees, this kind of game can be the most nerve wracking. Every hit by the other side could spell disaster…could mean the floodgates are about to open.

    This is very different kind of conflict. You love the characters. You know they will fall in love and be perfect together but you also know something could happen and they could lose it all. And thus lose their only chance at a second chance when they actually had it in the bag. (That would be so sad.)

    To see a very different way to create conflict, I strongly suggest writers read “His Mistletoe Family” by Ruth Logan Herne. You will want to learn if the hero and heorine hold on and win or if they blow it and break the reader’s heart. : ) This is another example of Ruth doing things the hard way. I think Ruth could do Frank Sinatra one better with an autobiography titled, “I Did It The Hard Way”.


    P.S. Marketers know that the fear of loss is a far greater motivator than the desire for gain. That’s why Reader’s Digest went from “a chance to win a million dollars” to “You may have already won a million dollars.” Far more people sent in their cards in fear that they may have been the winner than did those who were simply being given a chance to win.

  37. Rich stuff today...

    Jan, your comments need to appear as a Seekerville blog. Really good.

    Now share your premise, please?

    And Vince, you're always a treasure. I've got Ruthy's book on my TBR pile. Maybe she'll move to the top of the stack. :)

    Thanks for mentioning PLOT AND STRUCTURE. It's in my TBR pile too.

    Okay, go ahead. Call me a very slow reader. :)

  38. Tina
    yep. Seeker peeps.

    i'd say Seeker ladies, but then that would exclude our venerable Vince and Walt

    so, peeps it is. it feels right somehow.

  39. I have two copies on His Mistletoe Family on my desk I am mailing out today to lucky winners from Seekerville.

  40. I couldn't tell the family legacy, Lisa. Plot spoiler. He has a chance to inherit a genetic disorder.

  41. Deb Dixon's GMC is available here for $19.95.

  42. wow. I like the dry erase method. I tend to over chart. I just like to organize and make notes way too much.

    With all those charts and notes and pages of GMC and moral premise and personality profiles, I have discovered the best thing for me is to Write out in big letters the emotional state and goal of the characters at that point. I tend to just be swimming in plot without that reminder to get back into their heads.

  43. Nancy....

    I haven't read it either....

    Nor will I....

    I can SNEAK YOUR NAME out of the cat dish if you want me too, honey!!!

    No offense, Deb Dixon!!!! Because she's a great gal!!!

    (Think I covered myself????)

  44. Jeanne, I saw that on Facebook! Praying, dear one!!!

  45. Yes Sarge.

    Today the revisions begin. Chapter One of NaNo. Ugly bones. Must make pretty.

    Here's the good news/ bad news:

    I got a job. My full time stay at home writer job that doesn't pay??? will now become my part time writer with a full time job life again, at least for four months.

    Production level will drop, but hey, I can afford to EAT and put gas in my truck. Wow!

  46. Deb Marvin... I love Ladyhawke....

    I love the fantasy elements of a well-woven fairyland story.

  47. Ah, dry erase boards. I love 'em.

    Back in the old days - before our two older children moved in with us - I had an office/homeschool room/college daughter's bedroom that had two 2'x4' dry erase boards on the walls above the bookcases. I used one for chapter outlines and the other for GMC's.

    Those were the days.

    BUT, I'd rather have the family together in one city. At least until they find spouses and start scattering....

    And Debby G, thanks for your comments on my comments. The moral premise for that story is "Alienation leads to despair, but reconciliation leads to hope." The proposal is in my agent's hands. ;)

  48. I've heard of this book. This post convinced me I need to get it. Thank you for the information about where to buy it!

  49. Thanks for the repeat post, Tina. Like other seekers I can't separate the writer from the reader/viewer. Last night I watched the film Two Against Time. The goal and conflict were there from the start in this heart wrenching story. Clear motivation was missing. Only a small clue was given. Wanting to know why kept me involved with the story. Not until the very end was the mystery surround the reason for the mother's actions revealed. I loved the film.

    Have heard so many good things about GMC. Please put me in for the drawing for Debra Dixon's book.

  50. Ah, Ruth our nilhilist!

  51. WOOT! Congrats on the job Debra! I'll cut you a wee bit of slack.

  52. Welcome to Seekerville, Sherida. Tell us about what your're working on.

  53. Praying, Jeanne! So sorry to ehar that.

    Debra!!!!! Yay for jobs!!! Yay for eating!!!

    I would say yay for gas but that sounds gross. And nobody can really afford gas anyway.

    So glad you found a job! We've been there. Awful.

  54. Two Against Time. I'll have to check it out. Anyone see the new Spider Man ? Great and easy to spot internsl and external GMC and urgency.

  55. I think I bought the book (or read it a second time) because of this post when it originally appeared. It remains a valuable resource.

  56. Just wanted to second the Yay for Mary Connealy chapstick, somehow I lost the other one in my purse...gone!! How could I be gone from home on a several hour car ride and make it there since my lips had informed me I needed some, because once they do, they don't stop whining!!

    And there she was, like an angel in my front pocket.

    Totally random, but hey.

  57. There you go. If Pat W says it. It is truth.

  58. sorry earlier when I said good morning Ladies-excluding the Gentlemen....
    I had a senior moment guys...

    Paula O

  59. Mary Connealy chapstick is the new manna. I concur.

  60. you're liking the chapstick, then? I've had misgivings.

  61. GMC has been on my to buy list for awhile now. I've checked it out at the library a few times. Please enter me.

  62. I gave away all the plain, unscented ones at ACFW, as per ACFW rules. But I have a few at home that are flavored.

    I'll start sticking them in when I do a book giveaway. Because (shock) I have no need for 50 tubes of chapstick.

  63. the chapstick is great but I've noticed a considerable increase in the number of people dying in my books.

    My last weekday of being a leach on the government. (thanking Gina Welborn for that one). I'm sure the unemployment numbers will go down as of December and you can thank me for it.

  64. Seriously Mary. I give away your chapstick with my books. Or to be politically correct, lip balm.

    People love me for your lip balm.

    I think we should give some away today in addition to GMC.

    One GMC and one Mary Connealy famous lip balm. Two winners.

  65. Delivery before Christmas not necessarily guaranteed.

  66. Debra, way to go. Put it on your bumper sticker.

    Hi. I'm Debra, a reformed leech.

  67. Sooooooo my lip balm makes Debra Marvin shoot people (fictionally, right?)

    Strange and unexpected development. Maybe I should use more if it myself?

  68. My handbooks like yours are Dixon's, GMC and Chris Vogler's, The Writer's Journey. I would love to win a copy for my son who is an aspiring author.

  69. I think I must be the only writer who doesn't own a copy, LOL! I've heard nothing but awesome comments about this book, so I will definitely look for it in my Books-a-million. Thanks for sharing, Tina! Since I haven't brought any desserts lately, please enjoy (my usual, LOL) Georgia Peach Cobbler, warm from the oven. I sprinkled a little extra cinnamon today--YUM! Hugs, Patti Jo

  70. So fun to read here today. I haven't had time to sit down and try to GMC my book. :) How fun to read some of your GMC's. I'm guessing my book budget will be used every month as these fabulous books come out. :)

    I spent the morning at the hospital with my friend. Janette said David is in a lot of pain and having a hard day. Thank you so much for your prayer for my friends.

    DEBRA--congrats on the job! I'm sure that's a relief. :)

  71. Hi Tina:

    I really don’t know what a peep is.

    Is it a lurker?
    Is it someone whose writing voice is very soft?
    Is it someone who only writes the shortest of comments?
    Is it a person?

    BTW: I like the term “Seeker Peepers” for lurkers.


    P.S. I’m only one of the above. Perhaps ‘peep’ is something else altogether.

  72. Vince.

    Pay attention.

    Peeps are people. They are like our hood. Our gang. Our bro's. Our friends.


  73. Welcome to Seekerville, Elizabeth. How old is your son?

  74. If peeps are people should people who come to Seekerville to experience an inspirational high be called Seeker peakers?

  75. Our Walmart is sold out of His Mistletoe Family. They had it a week ago and I went back yesterday to buy, no more left.

    I think a lot of people love Christmas stories. I bought one and then my critique partner bought me another.

    Connie Queen

  76. Laughing with Vince!

    Thanks, Jan, for sharing your MP! Very nice! I'm waiting to read the story in print! :)

    YAY, DEB!!!! Employment rocks! Paychecks are such a good thing to receive! Thanking God for the right connection.

  77. Or peaker seekers????

  78. or is that peeker seekers???

  79. You sound so enthusiastic that it is catchy! Please enter me in the draw.

  80. Here I am to experience my inspirational high.

    I have known about GMC since I started reading Seekerville and I have read some of the archives but missed this one. I understand it so much better now and the chart further clarifies.

    My husband was reading over my shoulder, He really wants me to be president of General Motors. I wouldn't have to do it for very long and we'd be able to retire.

  81. Dagnabbit.

    I had to look up nihilist.

    But I'm only that way (well, MOSTLY) about writing books.

    And sandbox rules.

    And matching socks.

    Clearly Seuss was ahead of his time in the stocking/socks category, right?

    And now they're all the rage.


    Or I might just be the naughty THING ONE from The Cat in the Hat.


  82. Patti Jo is now my admitted BFF...

    Good on ya', Patti Jo!!!!

    I feel better....

    And I brought chocolate cookies WITH sprinkles on the white frosting, now how can you hate a cookie-bearing nihilist?????

    I assure you, it cannot be done.

  83. Oh I LOVE I've been a friend of Seekerville long enough to know all these books ya'll are talking about.

    Tina, yeah, that one was ROUGH! =)

    Debby, you're welcome! I liked that book a lot. It's my first one of yours to have read and now I'm kicking myself for not getting you to sign it in Dallas where I bought it. And you should read His Mistletoe Family soon. Seriously. I loved that book and Vince is dead on with his assessment.

    VINCE - I agree! And I love you had to ask what a peep is. =)

    Ruthy, *hugs* No! Please don't sneak my name out. I need to read this. So I can feel all "authorly" =)

  84. Connie Queen, I love hearing that!!!!



    It's a combination of the sale price (which I LOVE because people are grabbing a Ruthy-book even though they don't know me!!!! Wait, happy dance has gone to a JIG!!!! ) :)

    and those two stinkin' cute kids on the cover... tuggin' his little brother up the snowy hill, the trusty dog Derringer by their side... and little Todd is clutching "Panther" a stuffed black cat inspired by my son Seth's "Panther" when he was three and four years old... Panther went everywhere.

    And he's still here! The real "Panther is actually being snuggled by Seth's son Logan in the book trailer.... and his mean Grammy didn't pay the kid a red cent to pose, LOL!

    I'm glad it's sold out, and tickled pink that you told me!!!!

  85. I LIVE by GMC! My blog mentioned them several times--and I always come back to Deb's chart

  86. Mary Cline! Your husband wants you to be president of General Motors? I cracked up at that. Why, I'm not sure. I mean I imagine you'd do an impressive job. Could I come work for you??

  87. Tina, GMC is one of my favorite books on craft. Deb Dixon explains everything so clearly. Thanks for the refresher.

  88. My poor copy of GMC bears yellow highlights, penciled notes, badly drawn stars, lopsided asterisks, red underline, sticky notes -- I even put index tabs on certain subjects so I can find what I want without leafing through the book.

    External GMC for the hero (a marshal) in a historical romance novella I'm working on:
    Goal -- Get the newcomer out of town
    Motivation -- She's nothing but bad luck for the town
    Conflict -- She's inherited almost all of the town's real estate.

    So far he hasn't succumbed to shooting her ... but the story isn't finished yet :-)

    Nancy C

  89. Rah,Nancy C!!! and Cara.

    Two more GMC cult followers.

  90. GMC of my MC Brooklyn
    Goal- to become a magazine editor
    motivation- to be on her own and independently supporting herself while doing something she loves
    Conflict- her boss is stealing her ideas and passing them off as her own

  91. I'm late. But I'm glad I got by for a fantastic review of GMC! Thanks for sharing this nugget of gold from the archives, Tina!

  92. ooooooooooooh, Tonya. I love this GMC!!!!

  93. TONYA! That's a GMC I can get behind!

    It's got hints of "Working Girl" with a literary twist.


    (Okay, Nancy, I left your name in the cat dish... I respect the need to feel "authorly"...

    tiny sigh emitted here for effect...


  94. I loved this book! It was recommended to me by another writer. It answered so many questions that I had.

    Also, I do have such a clear summary written for one of the future books. I'm not ready to write this book yet (a great idea for a movie).First, I need to practice my craft and finish two other projects.
    I will reread this book again since I got a bit lost with the current project I'm currently working on.

    I got my own copy, but I would love to win another one!

    Anna Labno

  95. Anna, welcome to Seekerville.

  96. Ruthy and her cat dish. My cats would slap her for touching their dish.
